What to do to write correctly. How to learn to write correctly in a short time, and why it is important to write without errors

Hello. When working with a computer, we constantly create and delete many files and folders. But what if the folder is not deleted? In this article I will show you how to delete a folder that cannot be deleted

There are several reasons why we cannot delete a file or folder. I will list the main reasons and ways to solve them.

Folder in use

You will not be able to delete a folder if it is being used by any program. Try closing all programs. If this does not help, then restart your computer.

The folder is protected from deletion

This usually applies to system folders and files. I do not advise you to try to delete such a folder, as this may adversely affect the operation of the system or cause its complete failure.

Folder with a program or game

If you need to delete earlier installed application no need to try to delete its folder. Use this simple guide:

How to delete a protected folder

Think again about whether you really need to delete this folder. After all, protection against deletion was not imposed by chance.

If you are sure that this procedure is necessary, you must use a third-party application.

That's all. Now you can delete this folder.

Deleting a file from operating system Windows - everything seems simple and easy. But under certain circumstances, this task can turn into a certain problem for the user. After all, if the file is used by other applications and processes, if the OS accesses it, if it is blocked by a virus, the standard cleaning procedure no longer has any effect on it. And in this case, you need to use other computer software mechanisms, as well as special applications that delete objects that are not deleted.

Manually deleting files from your computer

Situation No. 1: the audio file is not deleted

Pay attention to the OS message (i.e. why the file is not deleted). Most likely it is played or opened in a media player. If this is the case, remove the track from the playlist and close the application. And then drag it to the Trash.

Situation No. 2: it is impossible to remove the video, disk image or installer

The reason for the refusal may be hidden in the program with which you downloaded these files from the Internet. For example, the uTorrent torrent client constantly accesses downloaded files and folders with the aim of distributing them to other network participants. Check if the file is there. If you find one, disable it or close uTorrent completely. And then start deleting.

Situation #3: the file is locked by a process

Even if the application is closed, the process that accesses it or is part of its software may still be active. In this case, it will block uninstallation or direct removal. To force it to stop, follow these steps:

  1. Press "CTRL" + "SHIFT" + "ESC" simultaneously.
  2. Click on the "Processes" tab.
  3. Right-click on the process associated with the file that is not being deleted.
  4. From the context menu, select "End Process" to forcefully deactivate it.
  5. Close the Manager window.

Removing non-deletable files using software

A tiny utility (a little more than 1 MB). After installation it is integrated into context menu systems. Does not contain additional settings. Automatically removes software locks from a selected object, be it a folder or a file. Also supports "move" and "rename" functions.

  1. Launch the utility (its icon will appear in the tray).
  2. Right-click on the file you want to delete.
  3. Select Unlocker from the menu list.

Note. Sometimes, when using the utility, a system restart is required (for example, during the process of deleting dynamic libraries.dll).

A free tool for neutralizing “problem” files. Able to remove locks from several elements simultaneously. Performs cleaning correctly: maintains system stability and useful data. It is equipped with a clear interface and does not contain complex settings.

  1. In the utility window, click the “Add” button.
  2. In the additional “Browse files...” window, select a folder or file. Click OK.
  3. Under the top block of the working window, on the button, click the down arrow. Select "Unblock and Delete" from the drop-down menu.
  4. Confirm the action: click “Ok” at the “Continue?” prompt.

A fast cleaner for stubborn files. Displays items that prevent deletion. It can not only stop, but also remove the blocking process. All neutralized objects are placed in the “Basket”.

  1. In the program interface, click the “three dots” button. Select:
    • “Browse for a file” - to delete a file;
    • “… a folder” - for a folder.
  2. 2. In the “Open” window, select the object that you want to remove from the directory.
  3. 3. Click the “Open” button.
  4. 4. To clear, click “Delete It!” (button in the bottom panel).

Powerful utility. Distributed free of charge. Knows how to remove system files and elements of third-party applications. Determines the reason for the blocking and neutralizes it when the messages “Access denied”, “... protected” from writing”, “... used by another program”, etc. appear. Unloads modules, descriptors and other “software obstacles” from memory.

  1. Click the "..." button on the application bar.
  2. Left-click once on the file or folder that you want to remove from the OS.
  3. Click the “Open” button.
  4. Click "Execute" to activate cleaning.

What to do with system files?

Some files and OS folders cannot be deleted either using standard tools or special programs. They are protected from erasure by special functions. And others, on the contrary, are temporary.

To correctly remove Windows items, do the following:

First of all, determine the status of the file: can the system work without it or not. This can be done on special services (for example, filecheck.ru).

Temporary files (or “digital junk”) can be safely deleted using third-party utilities (for example, folders and libraries from the Temp folder). But it’s better not to touch the “vital” elements. In case of urgent need, it is better to replace them with similar ones using the recovery function, installing special patches, or manually copying them to a directory.

Let your computer always be clean and tidy! And the question “why is the folder not deleted?” will lose relevance for you.

One of the most important indicators Success in school is considered to be the ability to write dictations correctly. But it happens that a child finds it difficult to cope with this seemingly simple task. Are there ways to help learn how to write dictations? How to improve literacy, teach how to write without errors, and not discourage the desire to learn? Let's consider these and other questions further.

What is the essence of dictation?

From 2nd grade, students write dictations regularly

Dictation is a type of written work that involves checking spelling and punctuation knowledge of the literary form of the language. Dictations in the native language are an integral part of schooling from grades 2 to 11. However, the requirements for writing this type of writing test work united:

  • the child must reproduce in a notebook the text read by the teacher (sentence by sentence);
  • The student hears each sentence three times (for familiarization and understanding of certain rules, for writing and for checking);
  • when writing, the student applies the learned spelling rules, checks punctuation marks in accordance with the teacher’s intonation;
  • After finishing the dictation, students independently re-read what they wrote and make corrections if necessary.

Thus, dictation is a form of work that tests the literacy of schoolchildren.

At what age should you pay attention to literacy?

To improve a child’s literacy level, he should be tutored individually.

This is interesting. According to a nationwide study of literacy levels in the country, 70% of schoolchildren make more than 4 mistakes when writing dictations.

How happy parents are when the baby begins to babble the first words, and then his speech becomes more and more understandable and meaningful. Then mothers and fathers begin to teach the baby to write. And do it without errors. However, this is a serious miscalculation of parents - the time must come for learning to write correctly. Scientists have found that the formation of literacy levels is almost completely completed by the 4th grade. That is, you need to work with your child to improve the level of spelling most intensively from 2nd to 4th grade. Next, there is an increase in knowledge about the language, which falls on the already established information soil formed at the initial level.

Please note that if it is impossible for a child to learn to spell, dysgraphia should be excluded - a violation of the principle of writing in the normal development of intelligence. This disease is usually accompanied by speech disorders and some mental disorders.

How to teach a child to write correctly and without mistakes

Reading - best way improve literacy levels

So that your child does not have to blush for poor grades in dictation, you will have to make an effort and find an approach to teaching the student. There are several common methods.

  1. Write dictations regularly. This is a rather boring activity, but 2 dictations weekly will give results in a couple of months. You just need to analyze mistakes together with your student, focusing on correct spelling those words that previously caused difficulties - this way the baby will remember their spelling even better. By the way, in this technique, hints are only encouraged. Also, difficult words should be repeated 2-3 times and written down.
  2. As for the exercises, they should be selected according to the rule of the language that causes difficulty for the child. For example, if these are unstressed vowels at the root, then exercises can be on substituting or filling in missing letters, selecting test words. It is very important to correctly point out the error. You shouldn't highlight it with red paste. It is much more effective to write out a misspelled word surrounded by correctly spelled words. Ask the child to rewrite the entire list several times and identify the mistake. This way, the student will not only carefully think about the rules of writing, but will also remember the graphic image of the words.
  3. Read aloud systematically. Reading is great for developing literacy. After all, it uses all types of memory. This truth has been proven by more than one generation of students. It is advisable, of course, to select texts that are interesting to the child. But it is still worth considering the fact that the purest literary language is presented in the works of Tolstoy, Turgenev, Chekhov and Bunin. You just need to read them correctly: breaking the words into syllables. It will also be effective to teach the baby “role-playing” reading: the baby should read the text as we write, and then as we speak (older children can be asked to explain the rules for writing certain words).
  4. Turn learning into a game. Children like to play - this indisputable fact. And best of all, they remember the knowledge that they acquired during the game. Prepare cards with the words in which the child makes mistakes and hang them over the desk. By visually stumbling upon them, the baby will remember the spelling. Periodically play “cards” with him: you should prepare a stack difficult words, from which the child draws a card and explains the spelling. You can periodically do “Reverse Hour”: invite your student to be a teacher for a few minutes, explaining a rule or dictating a dictation on this language norm.
  5. Offer mutual verification. Dictate short texts to each other. Deliberately make a few mistakes, exchange dictations and check what you have written. If the child cannot find your mistakes, give a hint: indicate the number of incorrectly spelled words or missing punctuation marks. With the help of such a game, the student develops attention and memory in relation to words, phrases and punctuation rules.
  6. Motivate. Few schoolchildren have a clear idea of ​​why they need competent writing skills. The task of teachers and parents is to convey to the consciousness of the younger generation that their literacy is the basis of the life of a literary language, as well as a very remarkable sign of a person’s maturation. For clarity, you can take your child to your work (or to your friends) so that he understands the importance of correctly and competently drawing up legal papers and contracts.

Video: Example of dictation to prepare your child for work in the classroom

Literacy in writing any business papers or ordinary texts is an indicator of a person’s education. Nowadays people type more than they write, so they rarely think about literacy. You just need to use a spelling program and the computer will immediately underline the incorrectly written word and you can correct the mistake with one key.

This is why many people have unpleasant situations. When they get a job and fill out long forms by hand, which employers have started to resort to very often, a person suddenly realizes that he is unsure of the correct spelling of a word. The employer will consider one mistake an annoying oversight, and 3-6 grammatical or stylistic errors may be the deciding factor for their application to end up in the unhired folder.

Literacy level is important not only for getting a job. A misspelled note you leave for a neighbor or co-worker may show you to be inappropriate. the best side. If he knows you well, he will not say anything, but will draw certain conclusions for himself. And this is even more annoying if you have a diploma, or even two, of higher education.

“You meet people by their clothes” - that’s just a saying. In modern business life, much more is expected from a person than just literacy; it must be impeccable.

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If you see that you are not writing competently enough, there is no need to dismiss this problem, since it is simply solved.

To learn to write accurately, you need consistency in your actions. Start with the easiest thing - from spelling. Also worth read more. You just need to approach this responsibly. Firstly, just read good literature , which can help you “kill two birds with one stone” - to feel the diversity and beauty of metaphors and see how words should be written. That's why best choice there will be works of classics for you. For example, Pushkin, Tyutchev, Kuprin, Prishvin. You can choose works that are easy to read and understand.

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Remember that reading on the road - in a car, train, subway - especially if you like tabloid reading or the yellow press, will not give you any benefit. Stylistic and grammatical errors are very common in this literature, and only in some cases can it be an example of beautiful and literate speech.

Read worthwhile literature for 30 to 40 minutes a day, or better yet, 1-2 hours daily. But this is not enough. The information that memory received from reading needs to be be sure to secure it. A letter will help you with this. Leave letters and notes to loved ones and friends more often. Tell them about your problem and ask them to read everything you write carefully and then point out any mistakes you made.

If you take the matter seriously, then after 2-3 months of writing and reading exercises, your literacy will increase. This is a skill that needs to be constantly reinforced until it becomes automatic. To make the process faster and easier, you can always keep a spelling dictionary at hand.

But what TeachEto described above is not the only way to learn to write correctly. The second option is to study the rules of punctuation and spelling. If you decide to choose this option, then it is best to involve a teacher or a person who has perfect knowledge of this knowledge.

Practice has shown that those adults who wrote, read a lot in childhood and seriously studied the Russian language and literature at school do not have problems with style and grammar. That's why It is better to instill competent writing skills from school age.

Unfortunately, modern youth are not always successful in this matter. This means that the moment for learning was missed, and now we have to correct it.

You can start with the same thing as adults - write and read more. Before buying a book for your child, check it for errors. Buy only high-quality books, with bright and beautiful drawings that will interest the child and encourage him to start reading this book.

Try as often as possible train your child in spelling. Let him rewrite the texts, and you will gradually complicate them. Do dictations. Include more words that are difficult for your child to spell. If it is difficult for him to write them correctly, let him write them a couple of times on a separate sheet. Also conduct dictations from individual words, in which for three or four familiar words there will be two unfamiliar ones.

Search the World Wide Web literacy tests, which will help the child not only find out his level, but also improve it gradually.

Try to tell your children more often that people who can write correctly and speak beautifully have a much higher chance of getting good education and a more prestigious job than their illiterate peers.

It is necessary to start the long but enjoyable process of self-improvement from the basics. The basics are like this basic knowledge and skills that create a solid foundation for further personal development. Without them, all a person's efforts may be in vain. One of the foundations of a successful personality is the ability to write correctly. How to learn to write without mistakes? This question is asked sooner or later by every person who is trying to change their life for the better.

The ability to write correctly is a must in life.

Today, most people express their thoughts in print rather than in writing. Take a look at your correspondence in social networks. You will see such common mistakes as starting a sentence with a small letter, missing punctuation, incorrect use of particles “not/nor”, ​​etc. And in everyday life many people simply do not notice this or consider it the norm.

Constantly ignoring the rules of the Russian language leads to the fact that right moment the person puts himself in an awkward position.

Where can the ability to write correctly come in handy?

  • Hiring.

Some employers offer to send your resume to email. In such a situation, no special problems arise. You write a resume, copy it into a special spell-checking program, correct errors and send a beautiful text to your potential boss.

But in lately Employers are increasingly asking candidates to fill out a questionnaire by hand during an interview. There is no computer assistant, the first difficulties arise. Why hire such an uneducated employee who cannot even write correctly in Russian?

  • Personal acquaintance.

Perhaps you have ever tried to make acquaintances on social networks. Finding a soul mate is much more difficult than finding a friend or an ordinary interlocutor. A potential partner will evaluate you according to the criteria at his disposal.

On social networks, he is able to evaluate only two things: photographs and text of correspondence. You may find yourself interesting conversationalist. But if you write with numerous errors, your interlocutor may feel a chill and go in search of a more educated partner.

  • Mastering special professions.

Sometimes the ability to write correctly is necessary requirement. So, if you want to become a copywriter, journalist, writer, teacher or public relations specialist, then ignorance of the rules of the Russian language can play a cruel joke on you.

The process of increasing your own literacy level can be divided into two stages: theoretical and practical. You should start with theory, but you shouldn’t stay too long on it.

Theoretical stage

Remember school lessons when you were just starting to learn how to write sentences correctly in Russian. Take your school books, notes, test prep books and review the basic rules. Start with simple rules on spelling, and only then move on to punctuation and style. We must admit that this is not the most interesting activity.

There is a more pleasant way to learn to write more competently. Constantly read books that really interest you. The classics of Russian literature are best suited for this purpose, since such books have a rich vocabulary, as well as many phrases, introductory words, dialogues. You should read slowly and in a calm environment so that the right words have time to be imprinted in your subconscious.

Reading articles on the Internet is unlikely to help you learn to write correctly.

After all, the main content creators on the Internet are copywriters, many of whom work in a constant hurry. There are also authors who cannot boast of the ability to write correctly. Reading light literature is also not suitable for you (for example, romance novels), since the sentence structure in these books is as simple as possible.

Constant and persistent practice

The practical stage helps you learn to write correctly faster than studying theory. Even at school, a maximum of 20 minutes of one lesson were devoted to the rules of the Russian language, and the rest of the time the students performed various exercises.

Below is a list of useful practical methods.

  • 1. Do exercises from Russian language textbooks.

Buy books that contain the correct answers with detailed explanations at the end.

  • 2. Write articles, stories, poems and check them in special services.

Perhaps you prefer to use a keyboard instead of a ballpoint pen. In this case, write texts of at least 5,000 characters every day. Then search on the Internet good service spell checkers (for example, orfogrammka.ru) and analyze your text.

Have a rule book handy! Any special service does not always recognize errors or points out places where they actually do not exist. Therefore, you should analyze the text, and not automatically correct any error. Service is your assistant, not a standard of literacy.

  • 3. Re-read the written text at least twice.

Some mistakes people make are due to inattention. Try going through each word and sentence slowly. The text can also be read from the end to avoid the effect of the eyes sliding.

  • 4. Always keep a spelling dictionary handy.

If, while creating a text, you begin to doubt the spelling of a particular word, do not be lazy to look in the dictionary. When you find it the right word, say it out loud syllable by syllable at least three times to better remember it.

  • 5. Try to make notes yourself.

Read the desired topic in the textbook and do the exercises. And then imagine yourself as a teacher. How can you present material so that students remember it better? Come up with your own curriculum. These could be the rules with examples presented in short form, or visual tables. This activity may seem useless to you. But in fact, you will learn and remember all the material perfectly.

Thus, learning to write correctly and competently is not at all difficult! It's not so much yours that's important here. intellectual abilities how much patience and moral readiness to practice regularly. If you follow several of the teaching methods suggested above, then within three months you will begin to write without errors.