Countries in Africa and their capitals. How many countries are there in Africa currently?

Over time, various regions of the African continent experienced the influence of certain colonialists, mastered their language and culture, or developed closed and autonomously. African countries and their capitals have completely different story. Some powers declared their statehood not so long ago, while others have been known as independent entities for hundreds and thousands of years. Historians and geographers tried to divide the Dark Continent into four large regions, in each of which the individual states are similar to each other in linguistic, ethnic and territorial characteristics.

North Africa

North of the equator, almost the entire African continent is spoken by various dialects of Arabic. The Arabs of the Middle Ages called these lands Maghreb, which meant “western lands.” Western because they were located west of Egypt, which the Arabs already considered theirs. The northern region is inhabited predominantly by Semitic and Hamitic peoples. Ethiopians, Arabs, Berbers and Chadian tribes inhabit the countries of Africa and their capitals in the northern part of this continent. There are also massive settlements of Nilotic tribes, which are settled in Sudan. In Ethiopia, many people practice Christianity and Judaism. But the bulk of the population in this part of Africa are Muslims.

Most of this region is occupied by the Sahara Desert. In this regard, land-processing industries agriculture developed successfully in the region only in coastal zone Nila. But in this region cattle breeding is well developed, and in lately foreign companies began mining. In particular, salt, iron ore, and rare earth metals are mined in the Sahara Desert, and states with access to the sea have large deposits of offshore oil, which North Africa is so rich in.

The countries and capitals of the northern part of the black continent were strongly influenced by British, Spanish and French colonialists. Apparently, that's why the most large countries This territory - Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Algeria - has clear, geographically defined borders.

Central Africa

From the parallel just north of the equator to the south, the population speaks Bantu languages. Therefore, it makes sense to allocate these 6,613 thousand square meters. km to a separate region. This includes African countries with capitals located in the central part of the African continent. The religious views of the peoples inhabiting central Africa are a mixture of the efforts of Christian missionaries with the beliefs of their ancestors. Central Africa includes countries such as Congo with its capital Kinshasa, Gabon (capital Libreville), Cameroon (capital Yaounde), Sao Tome and Principe (capital Sao Tome), Central African Republic (capital Bangui), Equatorial Guinea (capital Malabo ) and other countries.

East Africa

East of the Nile, all African countries and their capitals (with the exception of Egypt and Ethiopia) form the East African region. About two hundred nationalities live here. The main language of communication in this region is Swahili.

This territory is poor in mineral resources, the main source of exports being agricultural crops. A number of countries in this region: Kenya (capital Nairobi), Tanzania (capital Dodoma), Rwanda (capital Kigali), Burundi (capital Bujumbura), Uganda (capital Kampala). They formed their own customs union - the East African Community.

West Africa

The capitals of the countries located in this region of the Dark Continent bear a clear imprint of the recent colonial past. The main languages ​​of the people living here are English and French. West Africa covers territories tropical forests Guinea, as well as the plains of Sudan and the Sahel.

In West Africa there are the states of Guinea-Bissau (capital Bissau), Cape Verde (capital Praia), Mali (capital Bamako), Niger (capital Niamey), Senegal (capital Dakar) and others. Of all the West African countries, Senegal is best known to tourists because of the annual Paris-Dakar Rally.

South Africa

This region occupies the entire southern tip of the African continent. This territory is rich in coal, oil, and iron. It is also home to one of the world's diamond mining centers. African countries and their capitals located in this part of the continent: Namibia (Windhoek), Swaziland (Mbabane), Lesotho (Maseru), Botswana (Gaborone) and South Africa (Pretoria) are members of the Union of South Africa. Indigenous people This region is mainly composed of Bushmen and Hottentots, who have retained their culture and beliefs. In many places South Africa Magnificent rock paintings of wild animals, scenes of war, gathering and hunting have been preserved. Already in modern times, the descendants of the Dutch colonists formed their own ethnic group on these lands and began to be called Boers.

As you can see, linguistic and ethnic composition African peoples are extremely colorful and diverse. Most of the states of this continent have recently gained independence. Poverty, hunger, high mortality rates - indispensable components of life in the poorest African countries coexist with the richest cultural heritage And natural resources the continent itself. By developing their own economies and wisely using investments, African countries are gradually getting rid of colonial remnants and in the future, perhaps, will become prosperous and successful states.

Brief information

Even in the 21st century, Africa is an incomprehensible and mysterious continent for many travelers from Europe. North America and Asia. Indeed, even scientists who have lived for many years on the “Dark Continent” do not always understand the traditions, customs and cultural characteristics African peoples.

It should be concluded that Africa is as mysterious a continent for modern Western people as its name itself. Scientists still cannot say with certainty where the word “Africa” came from. Most historians believe that the ancient Romans called the northern part “Africa”. modern Africa, which was once part of the Roman Empire.

We all know about the famous ancient Egyptian pyramids. However, it turns out that there are even more pyramids in Sudan than in Egypt (and some of them are more beautiful than the Egyptian pyramids). On at the moment 220 pyramids have been discovered in Sudan.

Geography of Africa

Africa is washed from the east and south by the waters of the Indian Ocean, in the west by the Atlantic Ocean, in the northeast by the Red Sea, and in the north by Mediterranean Sea. The continent of Africa includes numerous islands. Total area Africa – 30.2 million sq. km, including the adjacent islands (this is 20.4% of the Earth’s territory). Africa is the second largest continent on Earth.

Africa is located on both sides of the equator and has hot climate, which ranges from tropical to subtropical. Northern Africa has many deserts (for example, the world's largest desert, the Sahara), and the central and southern regions of this continent are home to savannah plains and jungles. The most high temperature in Africa it was registered in 1922 in Libya - +58C.

Despite the fact that in the popular consciousness Africa is considered “a hot land where there is never it's raining", there are a lot of rivers and lakes on this continent.

The most long river in Africa - the Nile (6,671 km), flowing through Sudan, Uganda and Egypt. Moreover, among the largest African rivers includes Congo (4,320 km), Niger (4,160 km), Zambezi (2,660 km) and Ouabi-Shabelle (2,490 km).

As for African lakes, the largest of them are Victoria, Tanganyika, Nyasa, Chad and Rudolf.

There are several in Africa mountain systems- Aberdare Range, Atlas Mountains and Cape Mountains. The highest point of this continent is the extinct volcano Kilimanjaro (5,895 meters). Slightly lower altitudes are found at Mount Kenya (5,199 m) and Margarita Peak (5,109 m).

Population of Africa

Africa's population already exceeds 1 billion people. This is about 15% of the entire world population. According to official data, Africa's population increases by about 30 million people every year.

Almost the entire population of Africa belongs to the Negroid race, which is divided into smaller races. In addition, there are several more African races - Ethiopians, Capoid race and Pygmies. Representatives of the Caucasian race also live in northern Africa.

African countries

At the moment, there are 54 independent states in Africa, as well as 9 “territories” and 3 more unrecognized republics.

The largest African country is Algeria (its territory covers 2,381,740 sq. km), and the smallest are Seychelles(455 sq. km), Sao Tome and Principe (1,001 sq. km) and Gambia (11,300 sq. km).


Africa is divided into 5 geographical regions:

Northern Africa (Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Western Sahara, Morocco and Mauritania);
- East Africa(Kenya, Mozambique, Burundi, Madagascar, Rwanda, Somalia, Ethiopia, Uganda, Djibouti, Seychelles, Eritrea and Djibouti);
- West Africa (Nigeria, Mauritania, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Mali, Benin, Gambia, Cameroon and Liberia);
- Central Africa(Cameroon. Congo, Angola, Equatorial Guinea, Sao Tome and Principe, Chad, Gabon and Central African Republic);
- South Africa - Zimbabwe, Mauritius, Lesotho, Swaziland, Botswana, Madagascar and South Africa).

Cities began to appear on the African continent thanks to the ancient Romans. However, many African cities cannot boast long history. However, some of them are considered among the most densely populated in the world. Currently, the most populous cities in Africa are Lagos in Nigeria and Cairo in Egypt, each home to 8 million people.

Other largest cities Africa - Kinshasa (Congo), Alexandria (Egypt), Casablanca (Morocco), Abidjan (Ivory Coast) and Kano (Nigeria).

Until the mid-20th century, most African countries were European colonies, mainly French and British. These states began to gain independence only after the Second World War - in the 50-60s of the last century, when a powerful anti-colonial movement began. Previously, South Africa (since 1910), Ethiopia (since 1941) and Liberia (since 1941) had the status of free countries.

In 1960, 17 states gained independence, which is why it was declared the Year of Africa. During the process of decolonization of a number of African countries, their borders and names changed. Part of the territory of Africa, primarily the islands, still remains dependent. The status of Western Sahara has also not been determined.

African countries today

The largest African state by area today is Algeria (2,381,740 km²), and by population - Nigeria (167 million people).

Previously, the largest state in Africa was Sudan (2,505,810 km²). But after South Sudan seceded on July 9, 2011, its territory decreased to 1,861,484 km².
The smallest country is Seychelles (455.3 km²).

Previously, the largest state in Africa was Sudan (2,505,810 km²). But after South Sudan seceded on July 9, 2011, its territory decreased to 1,861,484 km².

Today, all 54 independent African states are members of the UN and the African Union. The latter was founded on July 11, 2000 and became the successor to the Organization of African Unity.

The Organization of African Unity (OAU) was created on May 25, 1963. The leaders of 30 of the 32 independent states at that time signed a corresponding charter with the aim of socio-economic and political cooperation.

The Organization of African Unity (OAU) was created on May 25, 1963. The leaders of 30 of the 32 independent states at that time signed a corresponding charter for the purpose of socio-economic and political cooperation.

Despite the newfound freedom and independence, predominantly the rich natural resources and a favorable climate, in most parts of Africa the standard of living is low, the population suffers from poverty, and often hunger, as well as various diseases and epidemics. In addition, in many of them, a turbulent situation remains, military conflicts and internecine wars are breaking out.

At the same time, in African countries it was recorded high tempo natural population growth. In a number of states it exceeds 30 people per 1000 inhabitants per year. As of 2013, the number of inhabitants of African countries reached 1 billion 033 million people.

The population is represented mainly by two races: Negroid and Caucasian (Arabs, Boers and Anglo-South Africans). The most common are English, French and Arabic languages, and also large number African dialects.

Currently, African countries maintain a colonial economic structure, in which consumer agriculture predominates, while industry and transport are poorly developed.

Africa is the second largest continent in the world, followed by Eurasia.

On the territory of the African continent there are 55 countries that are bordered by:

  1. Mediterranean Sea.
  2. Red Sea.
  3. Indian Ocean.
  4. Atlantic Ocean.

The area of ​​the African continent is 29.3 million square kilometers. If we take into account the islands near Africa, the area of ​​this continent increases to 30.3 million square kilometers.

The African continent occupies approximately 6% of the total area globe.

Most big country in Africa is Algeria. The area of ​​this state is 2,381,740 square kilometers.

Table. Largest states in Africa:

List of largest cities by population:

  1. Nigeria - 166,629,390 people. In 2017, it was the most populous country in Africa.
  2. Egypt - 82,530,000 people.
  3. Ethiopia - 82,101,999 people.
  4. Republic of the Congo. The population of this African country is 69,575,394 inhabitants.
  5. Republic of South Africa. There were 50,586,760 people living in South Africa in 2017.
  6. Tanzania. This African country has a population of 47,656,370 people.
  7. Kenya. This African country has a population of 42,749,420 people.
  8. Algeria. In this country tropical Africa Home to 36,485,830 people.
  9. Uganda - 35,620,980 people.
  10. Morocco - 32,668,000 people.

African Development and Economy

If you take the corresponding maps of Africa, the countries differ not only in their diversity weather conditions, but also an abundance of land resources and minerals.

The African continent ranks 1st in the world in reserves of the following breeds:

  • manganese;
  • chromite;
  • gold;
  • platinoid;
  • cobalt;
  • phosphorite

The industry of African countries is very well developed. This is especially true in the mining industry. Thus, last year, 96% of the total volume of diamonds was mined on the African continent. The resources of African countries make it possible to extract large quantities of gold and cobalt ores. On average, about 76% of gold and 68% of cobalt ores of the total world volume are mined on the continent.

Chromites are mined in an amount of 67% of total number, and the share of manganese ore production is 57% of the total volume.

Africa contains and produces 35% of the world's total uranium ore and 24% of copper. The African continent exports 31% of the world's total phosphate rocks and 11% of oil and gas.

Despite the small volumes of oil and gas supplies, 6 African countries are members of OPEC, international organization oil exporting states.

If we take the most developing countries in Africa in the field of mining, these will be:

South Africa is rapidly developing and rich in the mining industry. This country has deposits of all types of resources, except oil, gas and bauxite. According to statistics, it is in South Africa that about 40% of the continent’s total exports are produced.

South Africa is recognized not only on the African continent. This republic ranks first in the world in gold mining and second in diamond mining.

The manufacturing industry is in its infancy, but it is most developed in South Africa.

The agricultural sector ranks second in the African economy. The agricultural sector is represented by tropical and subtropical agriculture. The main part of the products is exported. Thus, the African continent exports 60% of the total volume of cocoa beans. Africa also exports peanuts in the amount of 27% of the world's total, coffee - 22% and olives - 16% of the total.

Peanut cultivation is concentrated in Senegal, greatest number coffee is grown in Ethiopia, and the Republic of Ghana is popular for large volumes of growing and harvesting cocoa beans.

Livestock farming in the countries of the African continent is very poorly developed due to water shortages and the spread of a disease dangerous to livestock, spread by tsetse flies.

Features of the African continent

Features of African countries:

The richest states of the African continent

The development of a country is determined by two criteria:

  1. Availability of minerals.
  2. Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

The richest countries in Africa:

  1. These islands are part of Africa, although indirectly they are located 1,600 kilometers from the coast of the continent. Seychelles is a very popular destination among tourists, so the country's main income is tourism.

The GDP per capita level is 24,837 USD.

GDP - 18,387 USD.

  1. Botswana is located in the southern part of the mainland. Despite the fact that more than 70% of the country's area is occupied by the Kalahari Desert, Botswana is distinguished by large deposits of many mineral resources.

The bulk of GDP comes from the export of diamonds. GDP level - 15,450 USD.

  1. Gabon. This country known in Africa for the extraction of oil, gas, manganese and uranium.

GDP is equal to 14,860 USD.

  1. Tourism is very well developed on this island. But this is not the country's only income. GDP is provided by the production of sugar and textiles.

The GDP level is 13,214 USD.

  1. SOUTH AFRICA. This republic is the only African state recognized as developed. The remaining countries of this continent are classified as developing. South Africa has established itself as an exporter of food, equipment and cars. South Africa also exports to large quantities oil, gas, diamonds, platinum, gold and chemicals.

South Africa is the only one on the continent that is not a third world country.

GDP - 10,505 USD.

  1. - one of the few countries that managed to enter the world market and take a leading position in the agricultural sector there. In addition to agricultural products, Tunisia exports oil. Half of GDP is generated by the tourism industry.

GDP level - 9488 USD.

  1. is a country in North Africa, best known as a global exporter of oil and gas.

The GDP indicator is 7103 USD.

  1. . This state is known for its development of copper, gold, lead and tin.

GDP level - 6945 USD.

It's funny to say, but many people travel to Africa without knowing it. So, a work colleague returned from Egypt. All happy, tanned. They started asking her: “How is Africa doing there?” In response, they saw eyes wide open in surprise, full of misunderstanding what Africa had to do with it. “It’s far away, there aren’t really any countries there.” We spent the entire lunch break enlightening her, what countries are there in Africa and how many there are.

How many countries are there in Africa

Countries in Africa a lot - after all, second largest continent. Fits on it 54 states.

The most interesting countries in terms of tourism due to their safety are those located in the north of the mainland, for example:

  • Egypt.

The reasons are quite predictable - this is also relative proximity to Europe, and decently developed infrastructure. After all, everyone likes to lie on the beaches, but not everyone can withstand long flights.

Attractions in Africa

What attracts tourists here?

Firstly, warm climate And beach holiday for relatively low prices. Let's be honest, going to Egypt is usually much cheaper than going to our Crimea - and this includes the flight.

Secondly – an abundance of different attractions and interesting places. I would like to talk about them.

The most remarkable of them is Serengeti. This - Africa as it is. Living, untouched natural world, full of amazing animals.

One of the most amazing miracles happens here - great migration. Huge herds, breaking through predators on the way To better life, to places where they can feed themselves– it’s truly fascinating. Even if you haven’t looked at the photos from here, you probably familiar with these landscapes and their inhabitants based on the cartoon "The Lion King".

Another place familiar to us from cartoons - island . Him too is part of Africa. The most famous of the local inhabitants are charmers-lemurs. Except Madagascar in wildlife they live practically nowhere.

The most famous man-made landmarks are the Egyptian pyramids. This - business card Egypt, the place that crowds of tourists visit every day. It's hard to even imagine how this majestic beauty could be built without modern technology.

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There was a friend in my yard who was absolutely convinced that Africa- this is a country. I had to go to the library, take a book and show him that he was mistaken. But I myself didn’t suspect then that There will be so many countries in Africa!

How many countries are there in Africa

There are currently 54 countries in Africa. They all differ, and quite significantly.

African fauna

Africa is home to one of the most amazing animals on the planet - the naked mole rat. He's not too cute, but is unique in many ways.

  • Does not feel pain from cuts and burns.
  • Lives longer than other rodents.
  • Compared to them, it makes more different sounds.
  • Most of his muscles are in the jaw area.

You could also see this amazing animal in the cartoon “Kim Possible.”

Hippos live only in Africa. The name of this animal, by the way, comes from the phrase “river horse.” Well, yes, just like two peas in a pod.

Don't think that these chubby babies are cute - exactly they kill the most people in Africa. So if you find yourself there and to you a hippopotamus will run towards you, better to run away from him in the opposite direction.

Lives in southern Africa animal with a funny name jumper. In my opinion, he is very similar to long-nosed mouse.

Flora of Africa

There's a lot here carnivorous plants. The climate is quite harsh, you have to survive somehow.

One of them is sundew. She's covered small sweet drops. Fly will sit on this one sticks - and remember their name. RosyankaA gradually digest prey, simultaneously luring new victims. Having one like this in an apartment would be great. insect repellent!

Here they grow and "plant-stones" which are called Lithops. They are compared to stones because of the similarity in color.

There are also plants that are more familiar to us. For example, bananas. Often in children's books they are depicted growing on palm trees, but it's actually grass. But it somehow looks like a palm tree. You can't trust anyone!

It turns out that Africans and I have a lot in common (unexpected, right?!):

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My first acquaintance with Africa happened while reading a novel by Jules Verne "Five weeks to hot air balloon» . I remember how many interesting things I learned while reading about the adventures of travelers. In our modern world, despite the many produced geographical discoveries, Africa is still considered a continent fraught with many secrets.

Why is it called that?

The name itself "Africa" first mentioned in 2nd century BC, however, then this was not a designation of the continent as such. Roman legions captured the territory of modern Tunisia, building a colony there. The colony received a name "Africa", presumably borrowing the name from the tribe Afarikov.

How many countries are there in Africa

IN post-colonial era, the continent was considered as two regions: "Black Africa"- undeveloped region, and "Arab Africa"- a place of concentration of industry and population with Islamic roots. Modern classification highlights 5 regions:

  • Central;
  • Southern;
  • Oriental;
  • Northern;
  • West.

Located on the continent 54 independent countries , A total number , taking into account unrecognized and dependent territories , is 62 . Of these There are 10 island states, 16 inland countries, and 37 coastal countries. Most of these countries for a long time represented colonies of European states, and gained independence only in middle of the last century.

Diversity of Africa

Besides rich flora and fauna, Africa- this is landscape diversity: deserts, impenetrable forests, savannah and picturesque mountains. This continent is considered "the cradle of humanity", and the modern population mainly consists of biracial: Caucasian in the northern regions and in the territory, and Negroid, spreading across regions sub-Saharan. Population of the continent amounts to 1.22 billion people, and this figure is increasing every year.

Secrets of the continent

Africa- continent full of secrets. Lush vegetation hides the remains of once great cities, and one of amazing riddles is a tribe Agove - furry humanoid creatures. Unfortunately, there is no documented evidence of this phenomenon :(

Many animals, to preserve the population, are concentrated in national parks impressive in size - some in size exceed European countries.

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How long have people lived in Africa?

Our ape-like ancestors appeared in Africa about 7 million years ago. The Cradle of Humankind is a cave near Johannesburg in South Africa. The African population is heterogeneous in composition: North Africans live north of the Sahara Desert, those who live south of the desert are called sub-Saharan peoples. Now people from all over the world live here.

How many countries are there in Africa

There are 54 states on this continent. The largest of them is Sudan, the smallest is the Seychelles in the east. The most interesting and largest in size is the island of Madagascar, with an area of ​​587 thousand square kilometers. There is also a lot here deep rivers And large lakes. The most famous rivers:

  • Congo;
  • Zambezi.

Huge lakes:

  • Victoria;
  • Albert;
  • Malawi et al.

Number of poor people in Africa

Despite the number of countries in Africa, it is unfortunately the poorest continent in the world. More than half the population depends on agriculture, and they are getting less and less profit from their products. The situation was made worse by the fact that there was practically no rain in the Sahara in the 80s.

What plants and animals can you see during a safari in Africa?

It is home to hundreds of species of plants and animals. Cypresses, pines, oaks, orange and olive trees grow along the coasts. Lions, rhinoceroses, zebras, elephants, crocodiles and many more species live here. Now African savanna is a network national parks is home to many species of wild animals. In fact, in Africa there are a lot interesting cultures and traditions. It’s like a separate world that is not subject to civilizational innovations and technologies. Over 700 million people live in Africa and yet, despite the diversity of peoples, Africans do not try to let modern conveniences into their paradise. They are friendly with nature and honor their gods.

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Africa has always aroused my interest since my first geography lessons. Someday, I hope, I will be able to travel across this continent, but for now I will tell you how many countries are there in Africa and about the tribes that inhabit it.

African states

On the second largest and most populous continent there are 62 states, 54 of which are independent. In general, all states and territories are divided into:

  • 10 island;
  • 16 inland;
  • 36 with access to the sea.

Tribes of Africa

Africa - indeed diverse continent. Around the islands of civilization - cities, in various corners lives over 10 million people. They do not recognize the values ​​of the civilized world, and their entire life is limited to what nature gives them. Unprepossessing huts, simple clothing and a lack of variety in food completely suit these people; moreover, they absolutely are not going to change anything in their life.

Official data suggests that on the continent there are over 4 thousand tribes and nationalities. However, in reality exact number it is impossible to name - they are extremely mixed with each other or, on the contrary, - exceptionally remote. The population of most tribes is only a few thousand, who live in several villages, and therefore there is such variety of dialects and adverbs that sometimes it is impossible to understand which tribe a settlement belongs to.

At the same time rituals and customs so varied that it is difficult to trace any connection. However, there is still something in common: a characteristic feature of each culture is orientation to the past and ancestor worship. This is what, according to continental researchers, is main reason reluctance to change the usual way of life.


This tribe is one of the most famous lives in Kenya, and its number is no more than 150 thousand. Characteristic feature tribe - personification of oneself with the favorites of the gods. It is believed that the reason lies in mythology, where Mount Kilimanjaro, the steps to the gods, occupies a central place.


Distinctive tribal trait - “plate” in the lower lip. But why are they doing this?

One of the versions that is considered the most likely is that it is attempt to escape slavery. A long time ago, in order to prevent a girl from being sold into slavery, her parents tried to disfigure her as much as possible. For example, made scars, filed down some of the teeth, shaved their hair, stretched their ears and lips. So gradually it has become a custom, which has absolutely nothing to do with religion or spirits.

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Living in Europe, many people think that everything African countries are the same, and if there is a difference between them, then they wear uh feminine character. I have been lucky enough to visit all parts of Africa, and I can safely say that, despite the same skin color of the indigenous people, variety and color this continent is on one of first places. True, there is also some disunity when people in West Africa told me that they do not consider East African countries “theirs.”

African countries by region

Recognized countries of the black continent are conventionally classified as five separate regions:

  • North Africa, into which are combined 6 countries north of the Sahara Desert with a predominantly Arab population;
  • South Africa, unifying 10 countries south of the Kunene River, flowing into the Atlantic Ocean, and from the Zambezi River, flowing into the Indian Ocean;
  • East Africa with 14 countries, which a number of scientists believe ancestors of humanity, including adjacent islands in Indian Ocean;
  • West Africa naturally limited to the east Cameroon mountains, which includes 15 countries, including adjacent islands in Atlantic Ocean;
  • Central Africa with 9 countries located in the equatorial and subequatorial zone, which is adjacent to the Gulf of Guinea and the Atlantic Ocean.

African countries in Europe and Asia

From a geographical point of view, And separate territories France, Italy, Portugal and Spain located on the African continental plateau, and many of them are significantly closer to Africa than to Europe proper. However, according to existing agreements and arrangements, they considered European. Likewise, the island of Socotra on the African Plateau is part of Yemen and is considered part of Asia. In the case of Egypt, the country is considered African, although the Sinai Peninsula is part of Asia.

The diversity of the African continent fully affects national cuisine. I remember with nostalgia the Nigerian “egusi soup”, the Kenyan “nyama choma”, the South African “boboti” and North African dishes with an Arabic accent, which are extremely difficult to taste again in our latitudes.

Three months ago, while wearing favorite dress, I realized that I had gained weight again. I think there is no need to describe my mood that day - everything is clear. For a woman, every hundred grams (added to weight) is similar nuclear disaster. But, I was in no hurry to leave everything as it was and decided to sign up for twerking. This is a new direction in dancing, thanks to active movements you can quickly lose unnecessary pounds. I found the cheapest studio and came for the first trial lesson. There was no limit to surprise: the teacher turned out to be a smiling man who arrived from Africa. Spiritual simplicity and interesting stories the stories he told during lessons interested me so much that I tried to learn as much as possible information about another continent.

It's unclear how many countries there are in Africa

A question from the geography category can cause disagreement even among experienced teachers geography. How can an inquisitive schoolchild cope with this? It’s good that we’re not in an exam; we can think, analyze and even make mistakes freely. Having counted everything independent states, which are located within the African continent, we can state the fact that there are 54 countries. We emphasize that these are only independent countries (which have territory, sovereignty, and their own governing bodies). But, if you delve deeper into the question, calculate unrecognized states and territories - it will be 62.

The problem is that in North Africa some territories belong to others countries (e.g. Spain, Portugal, France, UK). This:

  • Mayotte;
  • Melilla;
  • Madeira.

Terrifying facts of Greater Africa

Have you heard this combination? like the "dark continent". This is what Africa is called. The unofficial name stuck not only because of skin color. The reason was primitive culture people who populate the continent, rampant poverty and hungry children. But few people know that a civilization began to emerge in Africa, a unique culture and traditions that operate even in 21st century.

The second largest continent remains mysterious. It is not known with certainty how many countries there are, but the customs seem simply terrible! All that remains is to come to Africa to take a step get closer to a strange culture.

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