Why do you dream about a hamster in a dream? Why does a woman dream about hamsters?

Dreams can sometimes be quite disturbing; some people wake up in a cold sweat and cannot clearly explain what frightened them so much in the dream. There are also benevolent dreams, in which close people and animals appear to a person. Why do you dream about a hamster? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream about a hamster - basic interpretation

Hamster– a friendly pet, which is characterized by its thriftiness and endurance. If you dream about a hamster, hard work and the opportunity to earn good money await you. If there are several hamsters in a dream, you will share your honors and joys with someone else.

If a hamster runs in circles in its sleep– you should not return to everything old and outdated; you, like a hamster, will walk in circles around the problem and will not be able to find a solution to it. What should you consider after such a dream? You should take a close look at what the hamster runs around in your sleep:

If a hamster runs around in a dream, you are too proud of your merits and do not pay attention to the merits of others;

If the hamster runs in circles in the cage, you are limiting yourself in rest and leisure, it’s time to give freedom to your desires;

If a hamster runs in circles around you, someone wants to trick you;

If he runs around other people, you will outwit your enemies.

If a hamster eats something diligently in a dream, prosperity awaits you, but you should not expect that you will be able to enjoy a happy life for a long time. Soon it will stop making you happy, and you will want to change something dramatically. You will be satiated with events and relationships and will begin to look for silence and comfort. On the one hand, this is logical, because after a period of active changes in life, a person always needs a break, but on the other hand, it is better to always keep oneself in good shape and avoid despondency and apathy.

Hamster who hides from you in your sleep- symbolizes missed opportunities that you will try to regain. How diligently you try to find a hamster in a dream, so diligently you will begin to regain everything you have lost. Remember the dream, how did your idea end?

If in the process of searching for a pet you are injured and you bleed, the losses in life will be significant precisely because you will not be able to give up in time an unprofitable business, from a relationship that is bothering you. If in a dream you broke something in the process of catching a hamster or broke something, your goal in reality will bring you more losses than prosperity. You should be more careful when choosing priorities.

A hamster trying to dig a hole for itself in your dream - promises you financial losses in reality, you can not only lose an item, but valuables can be stolen from you. If the animal looks sick and lifeless, you should fear for its health, it will deteriorate significantly. The reason for this will be stressful situations and other troubles.

Why do you dream about a hamster according to Aesop’s dream book?

Why do you dream about a hamster? Aesop's dream book says that such a dream may indicate an active search for opportunities to resolve the most difficult problems quickly. What kind of problems await you will be indicated by the signs and symbols of the dream. If you dream of a huge number of hamsters, a trip to the bank awaits you soon. You will give the money to bank employees, or they will give it to you - the full interpretation of the dream will tell you about this.

If a hamster bites you in a dream– you should beware of losses in financial sector. They are inevitable, but losses can be minimized if you are thoroughly prepared for possible losses. What is needed for this? Just a desire to take responsibility for your own financial matters. You should not leave it to chance or to the dishonesty of colleagues and competitors. You yourself missed the right moment to save your savings.

Now you need to maximize your efforts to achieve your goal - this is the advice the dream book gives if a hamster in a dream is trying to climb onto some object. Such a dream means that you will face an objective obstacle that you will have to overcome diligently and for quite a long time. Depending on whether the hamster can climb an object in a dream, it will become clear whether you will be able to achieve your own goal, or whether you will simply get nowhere.

If you buy a pet at the market, in reality you will meet a person who will have a fairly high income. You will try to learn from him how to make money, but it will be in vain. If a hamster appears in your dream and somehow miraculously ends up in your house, you will soon move quite far away. Whether the move will be favorable or not - a full interpretation of the dream will tell you.

If you see a hamster eating in a dream, additional income awaits you, which you did not expect. During this period, you should be attentive to the people who appear in your life. Perhaps one of them will play main role in making you a significant profit. It is also important to remember if you have ever hand fed your hamster. If this is so, you will start doing something completely new and unexpected for yourself. It will bring you sufficient profit.

If a hamster talks to you in a dream, remember what you had a dialogue with him about. This is very important, since in most cases, hints received in a dream are very important in reality. Most likely, you will have to reveal a secret.

Why do you dream about a hamster according to Freud’s dream book?

Why do you dream about a hamster? Freud's dream book says that he personifies home comfort and the intensity of relationships with emotions. To an unmarried girl to see a well-fed and good-natured hamster - to a new boyfriend who can satisfy all her whims. If a girl dreams of a skinny and exhausted hamster, such a dream says that it is time for the girl to take care of her health, it is time for her to fill herself and her relationship with sexual energy.

If a man dreams of a skinny and sick hamster, such a dream casts doubt on his male strength. After such a dream, health problems are possible; they will be protracted. If a man dreams of a hamster sleeping on his bed, his relationship with girls will be more friendly than romantic.

If a married woman dreams of a hamster thrashing around in a cage, such a dream means that her man will rush between home and work, but nothing good will come of it either at work or at home. The thing is that he simply lacks endurance and a plan of action. He tries to be good for everyone and thereby ruins everything. If a woman sees many small hamsters in her dream, her dreams of childbearing will remain dreams. If a pregnant woman has such a dream, she should take care of herself and spend more time at home, because unforeseen situations are possible.

If a married woman dreams of a broken cage without a hamster, another will interfere in her relationship with her husband, and he will try to leave his family for the sake of a fleeting hobby. The dream book advises you to take a closer look at the details of the dream and understand where the mistake was made in your relationship with a man.

Why do you dream about a hamster according to other dream books?

IN spring dream book It is said that you dream of a hamster when you have a lack of finances. But you shouldn’t count on outside support in this matter. Those people from whom you ask for help will refuse you.

In the dream book of Yu. Longo it is said that a hamster in a dream personifies the craving for hoarding. But whether a person accumulates valuable things, or whether he accumulates negativity and grievances - the full interpretation of the dream will tell about this. If you dream plump hamster who puts everything in a hole - you are too obsessed with hoarding and do not allow yourself anything. As a result, you will simply lose the taste of life and stop enjoying its little things.

The dream book says that if you crushed a hamster in a dream– in reality you will lose your last hope that your financial situation will change. Most likely, you will live in constant losses. You shouldn’t panic right away; it’s better to remember from what sources income could have come to you, but you didn’t use it. If you still cannot remember the nuances of the dream and do not change the situation in reality, do not be sad, your troubles are temporary and everything will soon improve.

Whatever the dream, you should not take it literally. It is better to carefully interpret it and prepare for future changes in fate, whatever they may be. The main thing is to accept the clues of dreams with gratitude and understanding, then they will help you out again and again.

Anyone who has only once held a dream interpreter in their hands knows perfectly well that everything in our dreams has a hidden meaning and secret meaning, and not a single object, phenomenon, action or creature appears to us in dreams just like that, without a reason.

This also applies to animals - after all, they are frequent visitors to our nightly dreams. Predatory and frightening, cute and fluffy, exotic and rare - animals appear in dreams without invitations, and only a wise dream book can explain what they want to say.

It may seem that large animals are especially significant and important symbols in dreams, and small animals are insignificant and do not carry makes a lot of sense. But this is a misconception, and even an ordinary hamster can sometimes indicate something extremely important from a dream, foreshadowing big events and changes.

It will be interesting to know why hamsters are dreamed of - after all, these funny rodents are distinguished by their thriftiness, fussiness, and often symbolize prosperity. But the dream book can show many meanings of dreams with hamsters - therefore it is extremely important to take into account all the details to interpret the dream.

There are few of them in this case, and “hamster” dreams are as follows:

  • You just saw a hamster from the outside in a dream.
  • I dreamed of a big, fat rodent.
  • They saw him running in a wheel in his dreams.
  • He was sitting in a cage.
  • Many hamsters in dreams.
  • The hamster is eating in your dream.
  • You got a rodent.
  • Catch him in your sleep.
  • We bought a pet.
  • They found him at home.
  • They killed the little animal in their dreams.
  • Feed him.

The dream book will tell you what this small fluffy rodent symbolizes and what to expect in reality. The main thing is not to confuse the details and remember the dream in detail.

See a little animal

Let's consider such “hamster” dreams in which the animal only appeared to the side - and you did not touch it and did not try to interact with it in any way. What does this mean?

1. The dream book claims that a hamster seen in a dream foretells the dreamer happiness and peace, successful housekeeping, prosperity in the home and stability. You will have no worries, you will feel confident in the future and calmly manage your life.

2. A big, fat, well-fed hamster in a dream is a symbol of the fact that you are a hoarder. You know how to save, that’s great, but you shouldn’t accumulate unnecessary things in the house. Learn to give up unnecessary things, share, and start helping those in need.

3. If you see a hamster in a cage, the dream book indicates that you are engaged in work that brings income, but does not bring you happiness and fulfillment. You are probably tired of this work, you feel dependent, it weighs on you. Perhaps it’s worth considering other possibilities, taking a risk and doing what you dream about?

4. A hamster running on a wheel in your dreams indicates to the dreamer that work will bring prosperity, but you should not “drive” yourself. It's time to relax! Otherwise there will simply be no strength left.

5. A lot of hamsters in a dream is a sign of quick communication with certain entrepreneurs, traders, business meetings and conversations. They can bring benefits - be careful, don’t miss your chance to get rich!

6. If you saw a hamster eating something in your dream, the dream book interprets this as a very successful dream that portends you good wealth, and without any effort on your part. Money will come from somewhere without your merit - it’s that simple! All you have to do is give orders.

Your pet

If this is exactly what happened in your dream, and the rodent was your pet, or you caught it, fed it, bought it at a pet store - such dreams are effective and mean a lot of interesting things.

1. If in a dream you got yourself a hamster, this may indicate that you are, to some extent, tight-fisted, and even greedy - think about whether this is about you? If so, then you should work on yourself in order to become less attached to property and learn to give.

2. Catching a hamster in a dream means expenses, and they can be very pleasant if you can keep everything under control. Don't be wasteful, so as not to regret the heap of purchased junk later. Plan your expenses in advance.

3. If you bought a hamster in a dream, you will meet a certain person who has achieved a lot, is rich and successful. It won't necessarily be romance novel, maybe it's a colleague, a new friend, anyone. It will be useful to learn from him how to conduct business, his life position - his experience will help you become more successful.

4. Finding a rodent in a house in a dream is a symbol of an imminent move, a new household.

5. If you killed a hamster in a dream, then in reality you are close to giving up material wealth in the direction of spiritual wealth, self-development and selfless help to people.

6. Feeding a hamster in a dream is good, it promises you honest and pleasant work that will bring not only satisfaction, but also success and prosperity for you.

Such a small animal, but how significant symbol- whatever he promises from dreams. Take into account the advice of dream books, and you can achieve everything yourself by doing the right thing!

Dream Interpretation Hamster, why do you dream about seeing a Hamster in a dream?

Autumn dream book Why do you dream about a Hamster according to the dream book:

Hamster - Take care of your pockets - the thief will be nearby.

Summer dream book Why do you dream about a Hamster according to the dream book:

Hamster - Seeing a hamster is a sign of illness of internal organs.

Dream Interpretation of the Writer Aesop Dream Interpretation: Hamster what does it mean

Hamster - If in a dream you see a lot of hamsters, then this dream foretells you communication with bank employees or employees of a warehouse, store, or wholesale warehouse. Buying a hamster at the market means you will meet a person who has quite a large income, but he will not tell you the secret of easy money, although you will become quite good acquaintances. If in a dream you find a hamster in your house, although no one brought it, it means that soon you will move to live in another house, and your home will be taken over by stranger. In a dream, watching a hamster eat is a favorable dream, foreshadowing prosperity and profit, although you will not be credited for this. If a hamster runs away from you in a dream and you cannot catch it, then this is a harbinger of unplanned expenses, you will have to fork out money, and the culprits will be your relatives, possibly children.

Spring dream book Why do you dream about a Hamster according to the dream book:

Hamster - The main character trait of the person you approach with a request for money is greed, and it is this that will not allow him to help you.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing a Hamster in a Dream

What does a Hamster dream about in a dream - Achieve well-being

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Hamster in a dream

Hamster (animal, mole) - You will achieve well-being.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yu. Longo Dream Interpretation: Hamster

Dream Interpretation Hamster - Acquisitiveness and hoarding are disgusting qualities, especially in an exaggerated form, but, as sad as it is to admit, these are the qualities that are inherent in you, and this significantly complicates your life. This is confirmed by a dream in which you saw a hamster - it is a symbolic reflection of such character traits. Seeing a hamster stuffing its cheek pouches means your thriftiness borders on mania. You are used to stocking up on literally everything, “just in case.” Your apartment resembles a warehouse, but this does not make you sad, on the contrary, it makes you happy. Many of the products that you buy in bags are only suitable for finding peace in a landfill, but this does not bother you at all, since you believe that everything will come in handy in difficult times. Well, perhaps you are right in some ways, but your thriftiness has taken such forms that Plyushkin is no match for you. Feel sorry for yourself and the wasted years of your life - stop, pacify your commercialism and learn to enjoy life. Seeing a hamster in a cage - you yourself realize your own shortcoming - stinginess, you are trying to change, and you are already succeeding, although with difficulty. But you can’t catch a fish out of a pond without difficulty, much less get rid of such a vile vice. If the hamster ran away from you, and you are trying to put the rodent back in place, it means that in real life your feelings are out of control and you are afraid that they will begin to guide you, as a result of which you will make many irreparable mistakes. If in a dream you managed to catch an animal, then pretty soon you will regain control of the situation and be able to establish control over your feelings, especially those that prevent you from enjoying life. Well, if this business was not crowned with success in a dream, then in reality your attempts will not be crowned with success.

Dream Interpretation White Hamster

Why do you dream about a white Hamster in a dream according to the dream book?

Why do you dream white hamster? The dream indicates that you are on the eve of serious transformations. An authoritative person will appear in your life, under whose influence dramatic changes will occur in your worldview.

You have to reconsider your life views and rearrange your priorities. You may find that your previous behavior no longer suits you, and you will have to learn new strategies.

Why do you dream about hamsters? (no pets at home)


1111 .....

Oh, what an awesome dream....you will get some kind of inheritance soon....your grandmother might leave something (just kidding). But this is for inheritance. I saw the hamster myself. The old lady next door figured it out - I laughed. And a year later, bam, and in the kings. I didn’t expect it from where—but it came.

Nadya Kirilheva

The hamster is a thrifty animal that stores food in its cheeks, therefore in Aesopian language it means a zealous owner, a person prone to hoarding, thrifty, and sometimes stingy.
If in a dream you see a lot of hamsters, then this dream foretells you communication with bank employees or employees of a warehouse, store, or wholesale warehouse.

If in a dream you find a hamster in your house, although no one brought it, it means that you will soon move to live in another house, and a stranger will take your place.
In a dream, watching a hamster eat is a favorable dream, foreshadowing prosperity and profit, although you will not be credited for this.
If a hamster runs away from you in a dream and you cannot catch it, then this is a harbinger of unplanned expenses, you will have to fork out money, and the culprits will be your relatives, possibly children.


If you dreamed of a hamster, then this, on the one hand, may indicate your craving for money-grubbing and hoarding, on the other, characterize you as a thrifty, thrifty person. In general, a hamster in a dream represents the achievement of well-being.

Seeing a hamster eating in a dream, watching it - good sign, which says that you will achieve prosperity with ease, although there will be no merit in this.

If you dreamed of a hamster that appeared in your house by itself, no one brought it there, it means that you will soon move, and a stranger will live in your house.

If you dreamed of a hamster that you buy at the market, then you will soon make a fairly close acquaintance with a wealthy person, but he will never reveal the secret of his quick enrichment to you, despite all your efforts.

Seeing a hamster running away from you in a dream means the imminent appearance of quite large unplanned expenses, and the expenses will arise due to the fault of unscrupulous friends. If there are many hamsters in your dream, then soon you will find yourself in a bank, warehouse, wholesale warehouse, or store, where you will have to communicate for a long time with the staff of the above-mentioned establishments.


Seeing a hamster or a groundhog means fortunately, successful housekeeping. A dream in which you get a hamster warns: you will be overcome by attacks of greed; catching a hamster means you will suffer because of unscrupulous friends. If the hamster ran away from you, and you are trying to put the rodent back in place, it means that in real life your feelings are out of control and you are afraid that they will begin to guide you, as a result of which you will make many irreparable mistakes. If in a dream you managed to catch an animal, then pretty soon you will regain control of the situation and be able to establish control over your feelings, especially those that prevent you from enjoying life. Well, if this business was not crowned with success in a dream, then in reality your attempts will not be crowned with success.

I dreamed about hamsters. Why do you dream about all sorts of rodents?



You don't have to be a sage or a guru to dial in search engine interpretation of dreams, click the mouse, copy and answer your question. You could do it yourself. But if I were you, I wouldn’t believe dream books; in all dream books, 90% of the information is false. It is better to consider this image from the point of view of analyzing your inner reality.
If you dreamed of hamsters and it was funny, then, most likely, the subconscious in this way expresses your emphasized feminine negativity associated with the desire to capture, subjugate yourself, hidden under the guise of attractiveness, the desire to possess or laugh at a particular person.

Galina Safarova

For pregnancy. Be careful.


I know that mice get pregnant, but hamsters... although they are also rodents...


And I know that mice and rats are bad, they lead to illness. But if they were nice and didn’t bite, then that’s good, just some minor things.

Personal Account Removed

"catch a hamster in a dream - you will certainly achieve well-being"



dreamer dreamer

hop hop))) In general, it’s like that some small things are being snatched from you) But if you sat down and caught it, then you would have found something small)

Personal Account Removed

domestic troubles and insincerity of friends. Business affairs will become discouraging. Seeing that you have killed a mouse means that you will defeat your ill-wishers. Allowing her to escape is a harbinger of a struggle with a dubious result. A young woman seeing a mouse in a dream is a warning about her secret enemies. The deception that they are planning is also possible. If she sees a mouse on her dress, this is a sign of an upcoming scandal in which she will play a major role.

Seeing rats in a dream means that you will be deceived by your neighbors. Quarrels with your companions are also possible. Catching a rat in a dream means that you will despise human baseness and will defeat your enemies with dignity. Killing a rat in a dream is a sign of victory in any business and in any situation.

Why do you dream about a dead hamster?



This is for money. This means there will be a bonus for being late.

DJ Nastya

Changes for the worse, someone is interfering in your affairs.


Why do you dream about hamsters?
If you dreamed that you found hamsters in the house, it means that money will soon come to your house.

Keeping hamsters in the house in a dream is a sign of joy.

If you breed hamsters in a dream, it means you are on the right path to achieving your goal.

To dream that you were given hamsters is a sign of profit.

If you dreamed that you were buying hamsters, it means that a brilliant idea will soon come to your mind.

Selling or killing hamsters in a dream means big losses.

If you dreamed that you lost your hamster, then you will have to face some difficulties.

See in dead person's sleep a hamster is a bad sign. This could mean that all your plans could fall apart overnight.

Catching a hamster in a dream means the emergence of new competitors.

If you were bitten by a hamster in a dream, it means that in reality you may be deceived. Such a dream also signifies the cancellation of some transaction.

If in a dream you saw a lot of hamsters, then in reality you may be confused when choosing the right decision some kind of problem.

If you dreamed that you were releasing hamsters, it means that you are a generous person and share everything you have.

Catch a hamster

Dream Interpretation Catch a hamster dreamed of why you dream about catching a hamster? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Catch a hamster in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Hamster

The hamster is a thrifty animal that stores food in its cheeks, therefore in Aesopian language it means a zealous owner, a person prone to hoarding, thrifty, and sometimes stingy.

If in a dream you see a lot of hamsters, then this dream foretells you communication with bank employees or employees of a warehouse, store, or wholesale warehouse.

Buying a hamster at the market - you will meet a person who has quite a large income, but he will not tell you the secret of easy money, although you will become quite good acquaintances.

If in a dream you find a hamster in your house, although no one brought it, it means that you will soon move to live in another house, and a stranger will take your place.

In a dream, watching a hamster eat is a favorable dream, foreshadowing prosperity and profit, although you will not be credited for this.

If a hamster runs away from you in a dream, and you cannot catch it, then this is a harbinger of unplanned expenses, you will have to fork out money, and the culprits will be your relatives, possibly children.

Dream Interpretation - Hamster

Acquisitiveness and hoarding are disgusting qualities, especially in an exaggerated form, but, as sad as it is to admit, these are the qualities that are inherent in you, and this significantly complicates your life.

This is confirmed by a dream in which you dreamed of a hamster, seeing a hamster stuffing its cheek pouches: your thriftiness borders on mania.

You are used to stocking up on literally everything, “just in case.”

Your apartment resembles a warehouse, but this does not make you sad, on the contrary, it makes you happy.

Many of the products that you buy in bags are only suitable for finding peace in a landfill, but this does not bother you at all, since you believe that everything will come in handy in difficult times.

Well, perhaps you are right in some ways, but your thriftiness has taken such forms that the plushkin is no match for you.

Feel sorry for yourself and waste years of your life seeing a hamster in a cage: you yourself realize your own shortcoming if the hamster ran away from you, and you are trying to put the rodent in its place: it means that in real life your feelings are out of control and you are afraid that they will start guide you, as a result of which you will make many irreparable mistakes.

If you managed to catch the animal: pretty soon you will regain control of the situation and be able to establish control over your feelings, especially those that prevent you from enjoying life.

Well, if this business was not crowned with success in a dream, then in reality your attempts will not be crowned with success.

Dream Interpretation - Hamster

Hamster - achieve well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Hamster

Seeing a hamster is a sign of illness of internal organs.

Dream Interpretation - Hamster

Slow but sure enrichment awaits you.

Dream Interpretation - Hamster

See also Wild animals.

Slow but sure enrichment awaits you.

Imagine a hamster patiently carrying grains and seeds into its hole.

Dream Interpretation - Hamster

A small hamster in a home cage or a hamster in a field means changes in your affairs for the better.

Change is facilitated by someone's intervention or just some kind of accident.

Dream Interpretation - Hamster, marmot

Seeing a hamster or a groundhog is a sign of happiness, successful housekeeping / a symbol of your limitations.

Dream Interpretation - Catch

A dream in which you caught a hare with your bare hands foretells that you will become a winner in some competition. Catching one of your pets means that you will defend your point of view in a family dispute.

If in a dream you catch a poultry after much effort, it means you will ensure your well-being, and if you fail, expect failures in real life. To catch feathered game in a snare - in reality you will find yourself more cunning than your enemies, songbirds - you will easily achieve love, honor and respect.

If in a dream you tried and did not catch waterfowl while hunting, it means that in reality you will waste your time on useless things or idle conversations.

Catching a huge fish in a dream means someone in the family is ill. If you catch a lot of small fish, you will be engaged in a hopeless and non-income-generating business. If you don’t catch anything while fishing, this means trouble at work.

Seeing caught frogs means that you are not paying enough attention to your own health, which can lead to serious consequences. Catching a large rat in a trap foreshadows deception on the part of neighbors who are hostile to you.

A dream in which you have caught your sworn enemy in a trap promises success in any business. If you were caught in a dream by throwing a lasso or a net, waste your money by buying gifts for all your relatives. A dream where they tried to catch you, but did not catch up with you, means that in reality you will avoid prosecution and punishment, completely proving your innocence. Catching a louse is a sign of a disease to which you will attach too much importance.

Dream Interpretation - Hamster (animal, mole)

You will achieve prosperity



I dreamed that in the summer on the beach some people (spouses, a man and a woman) were drowning their pet hamster; they specially came to the river to get rid of it. They put him in a jar and threw him further into the water! I was simply terrified and furious, I screamed at them, swam after him several times and saved him, but these people took him away from me and tried to drown him again. Somewhat insane! In the end, the hamster was left to me, and these two were taken to the police.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

A dream in which there was a hamster most likely urges you to avoid unnecessary fuss. in business, show more prudence.


I dreamed that I had in my hand two very tiny hamsters, born not so long ago. I put them in a cage. And in the cage next to the little hamsters there were also adult hamsters and they were swimming in a small plate of water, and the little hamsters also wanted to swim and I put out very tiny plates of water for them so that they would not drown, but also bathe. What could this mean???

Julia Dream Interpretation:

A dream in which you saw such events most likely indicates that you should start taking care of your savings.


I dreamed that a bunch of hamsters were put in pairs in small bags, like cosmetic bags, so that only their heads were sticking out. I transplanted them one by one into cages, carefully poured sawdust into them, set up houses... and these hamsters also talked to me.;)))


I dreamed that on the bed on which I was sleeping, several pairs of hamsters suddenly appeared next to the pillow. I only managed to catch two, I hold them in my palms clenched into a fist and they seem to have gone crazy, they bite and scratch my hands almost until they bleed, I hold them tighter and don’t let go. Then I covered them with a kind of glass transparent box and accidentally crushed two of the hind legs of one of the hamsters. I hold this hamster in my hand and cover the wounds with green paint, he again squeaks and scratches and bites, probably because of the pain. . I walked around for half a day and couldn’t understand what this nonsense was about. I went to your website and read the meaning of the dream “IF YOU SEE A LOT OF HAMSTERS IN YOUR DREAM.” In short, I was shocked after lunch when the door rang, I opened it, and there was a guy holding out his hand with a piece of paper in his hand. He says that you have a debt (about 2000 UAH), come tomorrow for the address. Maybe you know and can tell me what to expect from such a crazy dream. Previously, I didn’t really believe in these interpretations, but today it changed me.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

A dream in which there was such a hamster most likely indicates that you should be more economical.


Today I had a dream about my Djungarian hamster, who died on August 20th. She died a natural death, but somehow suddenly. It’s just that the hamster, even in old age, was quite active and I didn’t expect to die by this time, I thought that it would live longer. She died at 2 years and 2 months.

I dreamed of her in the same position in which I saw her when she died. She moved her paws and moved herself. I can’t remember anything else, apparently at that moment I woke up.

I suspect that the dream was based on memories. I was sad again yesterday when I turned my attention to the food again. In the place where the cage stood all the time, if there is any sound, it still seems that the hamster went out to do its business... I will also note that I am a lonely girl, I have practically no friends, I have almost no one to communicate with, but my relatives - terrible people who only benefit from my troubles; Since the end of last year, I have been constantly plagued by some setbacks: especially in terms of finances, and I can’t even get a loan. It's like some kind of curse is hanging over me. The black streak lasts too long. And from this I began to go crazy, to the point of thinking - why am I even living, when all I have to do is run around and borrow money and there is no end to it. And the hamster, one might say, calmed me down: you sit with her and it’s somehow easier.
This is the first time I have had such a dream. I had hamsters before, but then there were fewer problems and I didn’t react so painfully to the death of previous hamsters (I just loved this one very much). Maybe I dreamed about everything because of what had accumulated?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream most likely suggests that at this stage you can strive to accumulate information that is important to you or other important means and values.


I dreamed that somewhere at home I approached a cage and saw hamsters - a large one and several small ones, almost newborns, and I said - but our hamster turned out to be a girl. in fact, I don’t have any hamsters


Today I dreamed of many dead hamsters, each put in a separate cage, some of them with mice, also dead... there were 15 cages... I took out a box and began to take everyone out of the cage, put them in this one box... the sight was terrifying, I was very unpleasant, I clearly remember this box with hamsters, I wanted to bury them in this box. I remember one hamster, frozen with an expression as if he was screaming... calling for help or resisting, didn’t want to die.. In my dream I had remorse that these were my hamsters, but I forgot about them.. or rather, I didn’t find time for them.. put it off until later


I dreamed of a dead hamster. my hamster is dead in the cage. and another one of mine, the second one, I also saw him in a dream, he was just running


I dreamed that I was keeping a hamster in the car wash in the house, telling people around me, wait now, the hamster will poop, he is pooping at that moment. In reality we don’t have a hamster in our house.
What does it mean))


I dreamed that I unexpectedly returned home, sat down on the sofa, turned on the light and saw that many hamsters were running around on the floor. I was afraid to pick them up (and this is strange, since my hamster died 2 weeks ago, but I calmly picked him up), then my mother called and said that she had recently seen a large hamster at our house (it was probably their mother). I put down the phone and thought that if there is a mother, then there must be a father. I returned to the room and saw another big hamster (I thought it was dad). (though I didn’t understand: I dreamed of Djungarian hamsters (a type of hamster), they are small, but in my dream I also dreamed of 2 hamsters of this species, but they were big - and hamsters of this type should be small). At first I wanted to somehow calm down the hamster dad and hit him with a pillow, but it didn’t help, then I wanted to throw him off the balcony (from the 2nd floor). To do this, I made sure that he caught his paws on the pillow. He got caught and tried to bite me - I wanted to throw the pillow, but for some reason my nails got caught on the pillow and I barely removed my finger. then I woke up.


I dreamed that I put my hamster in an aquarium and began to pour boiling water into this aquarium. Having poured a full aquarium of boiling water, I wanted to see how the hamster’s eyes turned into white spots that popped out (like those of a whole baked fish). But then I felt sorry for the hamster, and I poured out the water and hugged the poor animal to me.
And I wanted to drown him in boiling water because he tried to eat some rare breed of mouse (which I, together with the Hamster, drowned later))))


I dreamed of my hamster in his cage (who lives with me)… but out of nowhere another hamster appeared there - a stranger... no one put him there or brought him there... and here I am carrying them in a cage along the main street of the city. And after a while, when I looked into the cage, there was a large guinea pig....it’s also unclear where it came from...And I go, I carry them all in a small cage, I think that it wouldn’t hurt to take another cage somewhere, a bigger one, and transplant the pig there...after all, they are cramped there...and it would be better if the hamsters were kept separately, and the pig was kept separately...


I dreamed that I caught 2 hamsters. I put these hamsters in a jar. Then I caught many more hamsters. The rest of the hamsters had their paws tied to one another with a rope.


The beginning of the dream was a little unusual: three rodents were in the water and wanted to get something at the bottom. But they didn’t have enough air, and they ended up in a box and were about to die. I noticed this and took only one of them from there, because there were no others. She put him in a cage. He was all wet and asleep. When I woke up, I felt how much he wanted affection and was very kind: he didn’t bite and was obedient. When I passed by, he always stuck his head out of the cage so that I could pet him.


I dreamed that I was reading some kind of magazine and a hamster crawled out of it. At first I got scared and threw him off the table, and then I picked him up and put him in a cage with another hamster. then the hamsters began to multiply and there were a lot of them. and they looked unusual, small with very big eyes. why such a dream?


Today I dreamed that I was holding a hamster in my arms, and I saw that he had many wounds on his body, and it made him feel bad. I took the brilliant green and carefully smeared these wounds on him. Then she put him on a chair and he started running, he was scared. I felt very sorry for him. When I woke up, I was crying.


But I dreamed that my hamster ran away and turned into some kind of terrible scum, like a squirrel, he became very scary. My cat came (by the way, she died 5-6 years ago) and began to protect me from the hamster, they fought... the cat suffered a little. This is such nonsense...



Hello! I dreamed that a small hamster crawled out of a hole, and then I went to look where it came out from. There was a hole, and near the hole there were 2 more small hamsters. In the hole itself there was a large rat’s head, or mom or dad didn’t see the hamster!


Hello! I dreamed that a small hamster crawled out of a hole and ran up to me! I took it in my hands and then went to see where it came out from. There was a hole, and near the hole there were 2 more small hamsters. In the hole itself there was a large head of a rat or Mom or Dad didn't look at the hamster!


I dreamed that my hamster lived in a cage on the street and every day I fed him and played with him. But when I came to him again, I discovered that the cage had been blown away by a strong wind, it was winter, or perhaps early spring, the cage was open, and the hamster was barely alive and frozen. I took him (still alive) in my arms and a little time later he died.


Hello! I had such a dream. A drunk neighbor knocks on the door, holding a small box in his hands. He asks to pick it up and, in a drunken state, falls and falls asleep. I open the box. It is filled with water. In the middle of the box there is a pole with a small platform on top. A small, small white hamster sits on the platform. Step to the side and you will fall into the water. Then I tripped and he fell into the water. I panicked and started getting him out of there. I got it, I was afraid that he was dead. But he woke up. I was very glad that he was alive and became attached to him.


I dreamed of a hamster, which I kind of forgot about - cleaning the cage (by the way, very cramped!), feeding, watering, but now I’m starting to catch up. The hamster is alert, fed, crawling all over me, tickling my hair) Over the past few nights, this is already the second dream with a hamster, although I don’t intersect with them anywhere in my life now - I haven’t gone to any friends’ houses or to the shops with animals...


My dream: I dreamed that I was standing at the market and petting hamsters, but I wasn’t going to buy them and they didn’t find one. I came home and found it in my pocket, I took out the little one, I pet it and when it bit, I woke up. I WILL SAY IMMEDIATELY THERE ARE NO FINANCIAL PROBLEMS AS SUCH.


I dreamed of a store, my colleague and I, there were a lot of sleeping hamsters on the shelf, I looked at them and saw that some had more hamsters, I counted that there were five, I fed them, in one of the jars I see two or three small lizards, I give them a small piece of apple, I pick up one lizard and show it to a colleague, the lizard runs away and ends up on the floor, the colleague crushes it and throws it out, it comes to life and runs away


I dreamed today terrible dream. A few years ago I had pet hamster named Sam. Last night I dreamed of him dead in his cage. That I forgot to buy food and food, and this is the result. It was big and black. I can’t say that I cried in my sleep, or rather I don’t remember, but there was a feeling of anxiety. And then some other animals appeared from somewhere, like lemurs and some dwarf squirrels, or hamsters - I don’t remember. What exactly does it mean this dream, I still don’t understand. IN lately I can’t dream, but then I had this kind of nonsense. What does this mean??????????


Hello! I dreamed of a white hamster, which I was holding in my hands (he was alive), and right in my hands he began to die, I felt his heart beating faster and he was suffocating and... the hamster died, I was very upset... and even before After the hamster died, holding him in my palms, I tried to enter the room with him, but I did something wrong, which made him choke (I don’t remember the last one well). Thank you!


I dreamed about how I bought a hamster. When I got home, I boiled water in a saucepan to cook something. I took the hamster in my hands, went to the kitchen and accidentally dropped it into this pan. I was very scared, I started to pull him out, and when I pulled him out, he was already dead, boiled alive. Horror:(((((


I dreamed that I was riding on a bus with my beloved cat. It's black and white. And some old lady was riding with me on the bus. She had a hamster or a tame mouse. And my cat kept trying to eat this hamster. And when this granny sees that my cat has stolen the hamster again, let’s start crying. And throughout the entire dream I pulled out this hamster from the cat.


I had a dream where I was in the corridor of a building, two guinea pigs were running around, I took one in my hands, they behaved calmly. Then I was about to move on, but I felt that someone had grabbed my heel with their teeth. It turned out to be a dzhungarik. It really hurt. I took it off with my hand, threw it on the floor and began to beat it vigorously with some kind of rag. He hit it a few times, but never scored. The dream ended with me looking at him and him looking at me.


hello, I dreamed that I was throwing out dead rats and then my hamster gave birth to hamsters and they were drowning in their own cage and one got out and crawled into the room, I want to take it but I'm afraid


I dreamed of a hamster, it seems like it’s mine, but it’s at my friend’s house, I want to pick it up, some strange feeling of concern for it (the hamster)


Hello. I am a 10th grade student. Superstitious.
Please interpret my dream, I have 2 hamsters living at home, and at night from Saturday to Sunday I have a dream. Dream: I live in a private house, there is a chicken coop, and these 2 hamsters. I looked, there were no hamsters in the cage, I ran out into the yard and there the angry hens were pecking at him, I ran up... I didn’t have time, they pecked him to death... and the second one bled... there was a sea of ​​blood... Why is this?


In my dream, I found multiplied, cute rodents in my house. Either guinea pigs or hamsters. And also a tiny monkey. For some reason I put them in the toilet, and then (!) I accidentally flushed them. At the same time, no remorse visited me. There was rather a feeling of relief


I went into the apartment and unexpectedly saw a winter garden, there were parrots in cages, one medium-sized parrot without a cage and a hamster sitting in a cage eating something, our two red cats were lying nearby and watching everything and the animals, I was very I was surprised by all this in a dream, and my sister told me that I bought it all for the house, then when she moves, she will take it with her.


In the house I was bitten by a hamster with two large teeth like a cobra, then two cats were bitten by it, I clearly saw bites on cats, but the hamster was not caught. And most importantly, he laughed at us... There was no blood... Why would that be?


Hello, I had a dream that I found a box that came from nowhere, there was a live hamster and a mouse, when I picked them up and then put them back in the box, the hamster ate the mouse (gray), then later I wanted to take the hamster, he bit me several times and ran away and hid behind the furniture, wow)


I was sitting in my room and looking at TV, when suddenly a cage appeared in the room, there was a big gray hamster, and under it there was a small brown one and then I woke up.
Maybe this is due to the fact that I had 5 hamsters in a row as a child?


It was as if I was sitting on the floor at home and petting either a guinea pig or a hamster! I turned to the left, and there were 2 newly born babies, either hamsters or guinea pigs! Why is this dream? I'm really hooked! Now this is very interesting!


I dreamed of two hamsters, they wanted to gnaw their house and run away. I wanted to move them to another house, one hamster bit and I couldn’t stop him. He fell and died.


I had a hamster that lived in the freezer and did not die.
What do you think this is for? 6_6

and in the same dream I dreamed of my ex-love
he was with his girlfriend, who greeted me very happily
he looked with a sad look, and it was as if he wanted to tell me something: s


My hamster died in November 2013! Now I see him in a dream, and he comes to life, and everything is as it was before. In the dream, I realize that he died and was resurrected! And so it has been for a long time, and I have other dreams, but this is what worries me this!


I dreamed about my hamster. I was on the bus with him, he was calm, but for some reason everyone on the bus appeared and said “girl, get the animal off the bus” and I didn’t listen


I dreamed about colorful hamsters. In my boyfriend's house, in the house there was his ex-wife with a child. Before that I was walking with a blond guy


Hello! Today I had a dream, today some man bought 2 hamsters and a lynx, 2 hamsters were constantly on my bed. The lynx was on a chain, very beautiful, then I looked for it, but then I woke up

nastya smirnova:

I don’t know, my hamster died.. Knopa, I have a Rocky parrot at home, every morning I put food in his bowl, this makes Knopa run to the door... I look, but Knopa isn’t there, I was scared, she started blowing into the cage *button, button, where are you?* I see a paw sticking out in the napkins.. then I realized I screamed at my mother...
And I fell back! I was lucky that there was a chair there, I started screaming hysterically... cruelly,
Mom called her brother, my brother took the bag and put the hamster in the box, after 2 hours we went to keep him, behind the house...
Almost every day I dreamed of this hamster, I was very worried about her!
she lived with me for a year and 11 days. HELP, I want to know why she died, she had water, food, house, wheel.. various goodies, EVERYTHING WAS...


Hello. I dreamed of my godfather’s house and I clean his house instead of my mother. (She works there as a cleaner) and I catch all sorts of small animals - rats, hamsters, guinea pigs, etc. and try to put them in their houses, but they run away. And as far as I remember, I was most worried about the cat who would eat them. And thus, while catching these rodents, I did not have time to remove anything, and time flew quickly and, in short, complete turmoil. And so the whole dream


I saved and made a house for three mice, black, white, and red. But they look more like hamsters, but in the dream I thought they were mice.


In a dream I was given a lot of hamsters. They were very bright colors: yellow, green, red, gray (but a nice bright color). They were small. Then, for some reason, among them I saw three rats. They were light gray and affectionate. I held them in my hands and wanted to give them to someone, but I don’t remember whether I gave them or not. I wasn't scared. I was busy with these hamsters and rats, and then bright birds appeared. I was preoccupied with finding a cage for them and thought that everyone needed their own. That the birds need to be separated from the rats. Then I saw the bird’s feathers, realized that a rat had eaten it and woke up.


I dreamed about very cute hamsters. They crawl out of a round hole. Suddenly a big hamster crawls out with a drop of blood, and I thought that the little ones were born and the big ones ate them.


in the dream, I practically didn’t let go of the hamster, he also talked, but only I understood him. we played with him very often. this is the whole meaning of the dream


Friends (a guy and a girl) came to my house and brought with them a white-brown hamster, when I saw him, I was happy and bent over to him, he was eating, stuffing seeds into his mouth and his necks were full, but as soon as I extended my hand to I stroked his cheeks, then he pounced on me, grabbed my palm and wanted to bite me, I threw him off, but this was repeated several times.


Hello, I dreamed of 2 ferrets, how they were running in my arms, and I was holding them in my hands so that they wouldn’t run away, and then I gave them to one friend and put them in her bag? What does this mean?


I'm lying in bed, next to my neck lies big hamster and bleeds, but there are no wounds on it. And then I see another small Djungarian hamster in a cage, and he runs very fast. I remember how I put sawdust in his cage


He was in my pocket, so big, fluffy and beautiful, but despite this, I tried to get rid of him, so I threw him to the kitten, there was little kitten. I was in the gymnasium, my place former job, I- teacher


I dreamed that I was holding a white Djungarian hamster in my hands, he was trying to get out, and I was squeezing him with the thought that I could kill him. There were some people around me. There is grass underfoot. I feel morally terrible after this dream :(


We were indoors and I felt that someone was constantly scratching under the table. then I saw a rat or hamster running away. she was very fat, white with reddish spots. I was very scared and afraid to look for her.


I’m a flock in the agarood and someone started to kill me in the high grass. I also got scared and ran, and then everything seemed to be normal.


I dreamed that a dark-colored hamster was climbing around the flat of my neck and my cousin gave me to hold. Mamchur777@yandex.


I dreamed of a lot of hamsters, they all had different colors, I bathe them in the bathtub in a basin, several hamsters fell under the bathtub, the rest I put in my pocket,




I was in an unfamiliar room, a white hamster was eating scattered grains on the table, I reached out my hand to stroke it, he grabbed my hand, I tried to tear him off with my other hand, he bit my other hand, then I grabbed him with my bitten hand, aching in pain and I began to squeeze his throat so that he would loosen his grip, when he opened his jaw, I threw him back on the table, it seems he was still alive, I don’t remember exactly


Today I dreamed something incredible.
I dreamed that first someone was pinching me, then in the dream he chased away the dog, chased away the kittens that were biting, and, in the end, some unusual cat attacked me.
She scratched and bit, but I hit her and drove her away. And then I woke up. What could all this mean?


Hello Tatyana! My name is Galina. In my dream I saw a hamster and I don’t remember how I brought it home, but I know for sure that I brought it. She picked it up from the cage and put it there again. The hamster would be a little reddish in color with a slightly dark stripe on the back, a little fluffy. I was afraid that he would bite me, but he did not bite, but ran across my hands. Thanks in advance!


Hello! I had a dream that my mother and I were in my garden and were hiding under the trees from a man who was flying above us on a plane, then we ran into a shed and saw there a small iron box next to which, located in sequence from left to right, there was a dead gray mouse tied to it. , a white hamster with brown spots sits next to him, and a gray guinea pig sits behind him. When I woke up, my whole body was trembling, I was calmed by the call of my mother, who called a few minutes later.


I dreamed of a house. There was a staircase to the underground, but I didn’t go there. A hamster came out from there. He was invisible, but there was a white star above him. When he became visible he ran after me. He had white eyes and they swollen, a black mouth and paws. He was scary. Although there was a bed nearby and for some reason I couldn’t climb onto it.


I bought a hamster, and there were a lot of them, they run around under my clothes, I catch them, but there are no fewer of them. I either catch them, then throw them into the water, etc.


I wake up, look into the cage and there are newborn hamsters. I told my mother (my mother loves hamsters), but she didn’t have any reaction. I got dressed, picked up the cage and ran to the pet store. There I heard from my grandfather that they were still small and only in a month she can accept them from me. I bought food for the hamsters and went home.


I dreamed of hamsters in a cage, I wanted to take one hamster out of the cage and he kept wanting to bite me and I took him by the collar, he never bit me, it didn’t work, then I dreamed of his little hamsters.


I dreamed about school and my whole class. There was some kind of lesson, and I was late for it. Our class teacher handed out the animals as gifts. There were hamsters, small rats, and another unknown animal. I got a hamster.


I dreamed of two hamsters, who for some reason were in my briefcase with a bunch of different things. They got along great. I then took them in my hands, then again hid them in my briefcase. The dream was from Friday to Saturday)


The day before yesterday I had a dream that I looked in the mirror at my front teeth and suddenly realized that they were not growing from the gums (as all teeth are supposed to), but on the gums, that is, as if my teeth were smeared with glue and glued. I started touching the tooth and noticed that it was holding extremely precariously and if I loosened it even an ounce, it would simply fall off and there would be a hole in front of me. But as soon as I thought about it, the tooth really couldn’t stand it and just fell off, I took it into his hands. It was clean and white. I looked at my hole in the mirror and again at the fallen tooth.. Only in my hands it now looked more like a piece of someone’s fossil, 5 cm in length and 3 cm in width.


Hello! I was very interested in my dream, in which I was walking down the street and saw a box of hamsters. There were about fifteen of them, if not more. I saw that I picked them up, but they didn’t run away. Now I want to find out what my dream means.


I dreamed that it was as if three children were lying on the sofa and hamsters were biting them, two hamsters were gray, one was brown, I had them before, I recognized them, we took them to the store


I dreamed of nature (colorful) birds, a clear waterfall and holes with white hamsters. Then there was a hostel in which a woman was on the bed and under the blanket breastfeeding her baby, but I kind of knew that she lost him and found him again, and the room was full of insects and small mice .


I washed the blood (not fresh) from my feet with a wet cloth, I turned my foot so that I could see the sole right leg and a chipmunk (that’s what I thought of the rodent in the dream), which bit me and ran into the fireplace. Blood did not flow from the wound, but I saw blood inside the wound (as this happens with a scratch). Then some older man took out a piece of marble from the fireplace chimney and said, showing the marble: this is how it should be, this is how they come here. I didn’t even think about catching the chipmunk. Afterwards I washed the blood from my feet. Then I saw my close friends and their sick grandmother (I don’t remember the dream clearly, but the grandmother is actually sick).


I dreamed of a lot of hamsters, and for some reason they were very fluffy... I saw a lot of embryos and births... I collected them so that they wouldn’t scatter. They were born and quickly became beautiful... But they were born not from a hamster, but in a container like would grow and they had to be selected as they grew, so that they would not eat the unborn.


Hello! I live in the city. And suddenly I dreamed that I went to visit my parents in the village for the weekend. Winter, cold. I go out into the corridor, and out of nowhere, hamsters. Some run, hide, while others try to attack me. I’m surprised, I think, why are there so many of them? There was only one, my sister’s (in fact, we haven’t kept hamsters for a long time). I went into the pantry, this big, plump red hamster attacked me and started biting my hands and squealing as loud as he could! I must have stepped on the carpet under which he made a home for himself and the cubs. I got scared and hurried to run out into the street. There were hamsters different breeds, and Syrian, and Dzungarian, and there were too many of them.
Why did I have this dream? Thank you))


I dreamed that at my house my hamster crawled out of the house during the day, he was hanging by the cage and was very worried, I took him, he ran around the bed and began to run so fast that it was impossible for me not to catch him, then I caught him, he looked at me with poor, tired eyes and, it seemed to me, was barely breathing. All this took place at my home with my own hamster; before going to bed, I cleaned his cage in the evening, not in a very good mood because they told me to clean it up many times. I had a dream from Thursday to Friday, on the night of the 1st, approximately from 6-7
Please help me interpret the dream correctly, I had such a feeling in the dream that I was pushing him so hard and thereby almost decided to


first I dreamed about a big one brown bear whom I tied up and put to sleep with an injection, then clean sea ​​water in which I swam, and then the house seemed to be mine, but it seemed not mine, and there were cheerful, cheeky hamsters and always chewing something


I dreamed from Wednesday to Thursday that I was in a store with friends, we were buying alcohol and food there, and suddenly I found in my hands two hamsters, red and white. The red one was large, the white one was quite small. I played with both of them and stroked them, but then I let the red one go and left the white one in my hands. Meanwhile, my comrades bought what they needed. Something like this...


Hello! I dreamed that the teacher gave a box, and there was a rabbit and a hamster in it... Then I see myself walking in some city with this box (no one was in the city). Then I look into the box and the hamster lies dead and he’s not breathing, I take the hamster in my arms and he opens his eyes, and then dies... Then I run around the city with a dead hamster and a living rabbit.. Then I woke up...


Hello, today I dreamed of a lot of hamsters, which I put in one cage in different compartments in it. What is this for? And also there is some kind of unusual banknote in the wallet.


My friend and I were in a hurry to get somewhere by metro, the place was strange, but a hamster fell out of the train that had left, flew 3 meters and fell on the floor, he was dying. I burst into tears because I love animals. but the hamster died, what could this mean?


Well, I get out of bed and see a ghost hamster, then I scream and then she comes up to me and caresses me and he walked into my arms and I said that I love you and I need you and I cried and told heaven to give her back to me ,then little by little the hamster began to disappear, then I started screaming and didn’t want her to disappear, but she disappeared, and then my mother woke me up and my pillow was all wet, I cried in my sleep.


Someone ran over a baby hamster and it ate it. There was blood. I also dreamed of dolphins in the pool. The girl (my friend in the dream) did not know how to swim and jumped towards him. We thought she had drowned. But it turned out that no. That she swam with dolphins.


In the kitchen, under the radiator, I dropped some food, I leaned over, and there was a hamster, black and red in color, I went to show it to my mother and she smiled.


I dreamed that I was holding a hamster in my fist, I was afraid that it would run away and I was afraid of hurting it. I open my palm and he is tiny and has transparent wings. takes off a little but doesn't fly away


I bought myself 8 Djungarian hamsters, put each one in small boxes, then walked through an old house to the second floor (I saw the house for the first time), when I was going up the stairs a cat jumped over my hand, and one of the hamsters immediately jumped out straight into the cat’s mouth, and She chewed it, I ran with these hamsters faster with tears. then I woke up! :)
The dream was from Saturday to Sunday.


I dreamed of a bald hamster and fleas next to him. there were several hamsters. on the steps of the stairs I climbed


The hamster we have actually grew up big, like a chinchilla, became strong, broke out of the cage, became active. Not very aggressive, but I was a little afraid of him, so I decided to let him go free.


I was standing talking to a guy, I saw a bird fly into my pocket, I pulled it out and released it, and then reached into my pocket again and pulled the hamster out of there


Hello! Today I dreamed of a stream with very clear water, it flowed down the ledges, a lot of living hamsters fell from these ledges in the water, I even remember the color of all of them was red and white. The colors in the dream were very rich, like in HD quality


Hello, I dreamed of a hamster with whom we were running away from being chased, then I shot him and he did not die but became better, before that he seemed to be infected with something! After his resurrection, they stopped following him! This is a short description.


Hello Tatyana! in my sister’s house under the table I see a white fluffy hamster. I am amazed and scared at the same time. Can you tell me why I dream about this?


I dreamed of 2 hamsters that were quite cute, one was fluffy, I couldn’t take my eyes off him, and the other was smaller and less fluffy, I took them with me all the time for fear of losing them, although occasionally I let them outside and they walked, but then I caught them and everything was fine, I saw a black cat who was trying to catch one thing, but I managed to save it, but why was the fluffy one with me all the time and the other one more often in the wild, and for some reason my mother told me to let one go. During the whole dream I saw a lot of grapes. And at the end of the dream I)))) I let them walk around the closet and they climbed into a small screen and fell asleep there, and hugged each other like little people... it was strange.


There were 3 hamsters sitting in a cage. Two boys and one girl. The female gave birth to offspring and one of the males ate all the born hamsters.


I dreamed that I saw a hamster that was running away from me, scared, a small white one, I knew that it was a hamster but it looked like a mouse.


I dreamed of both big ones and very small ones, there were a lot of them, some strangers were trying to get rid of them and I felt sorry for them, I even hid some


My child and I were walking on the beach by the sea and saw a turtle trampled into the sand. I picked her up and she turned out to be alive. I decided to keep it for myself. I remember the dream only in fits and starts. It’s unknown where the hamster also came from, and I couldn’t decide which of them (the turtle and the hamster) to keep. Afterwards we walk near the school and in the flower beds there are many boxes of sweets and waffles, just like in supermarkets. and before I started weighing them, I tried each one. all this time I have a hamster and a turtle


Good evening, I dreamed that I was either on a tram or a train, and in my hands I had some kind of animal that looked like a black hamster, but for some reason I woke up with the conviction that it was a mole. Moreover, I was with my six-month-old daughter, only I saw her from the side on someone else’s lap because all the time I was catching this animal that tried to run away and bite, but for some reason I didn’t want to let it go.


I caught the hamster in my hands and he bit me until I bled, it was very painful, I put him in a cage, he started eating the corpses of hamsters, I took him out of the cage and threw him out the window from the second floor


Good afternoon! for some reason, for the first time in all the time I saw hamsters and I tried to catch them and remove them from the house\.and the house was empty (IT SEEMED NOT TO BE LIVED\) And I felt a little frightened


Hello! I saw in a dream a hamster that was covered in fleas. Color light beige. Fleas kept jumping out of his fur. I held him at arm's length and offered to give him back along with the cage, saying that he needed to be disinfected and there was no problem. One girl wanted to take him. And I thought, why am I so dishonest offering a hamster in such a state - just full of fleas to people. I don't remember that I gave it away.


kind of like a mouse in a box. I touched it and she ran away! and I started catching when I saw that it was a hamster! Why do you dream of a herring without a head but with a lot of caviar?


I dreamed of a lot of hamsters and ferrets. Ferrets were like warm living bedding for big fat black hamsters. I took them in my arms - they seemed obedient and soft, kind and asked to be held in my arms. I had a large long cage for everyone.


I took care of a hamster. He brought me joy. She took him out of the cage, played with him, held him in her hands for a long time. She even dressed him in some clothes. I loved him very much. But he wasn't mine. He lived in my parents' house.


I dreamed that I was walking through a fair, and some woman was selling hamsters in a jar, stuffed to capacity, and I chose a red hamster for myself, buying for him a wheel and a mirror, with 3 black rhinestones hanging on it. What is this for?


I dreamed about the terrible dampness of the house, everything was falling apart, some kind of hose was on the floor, I started to turn it off, then some people came and asked to leave our apartment, and everything was falling down there, and I tried to turn off the water. Then they left, I saw a hamster, and there were a lot of fleas running all over him, I took him in my arms and he was getting darker and darker from fleas. I put him in a box, then I look in and he’s sitting bald in the slurry and I let him out and a little black mouse runs out of the box and he barely gets out.


Good evening! This morning I dreamed of a light-colored hamster. I was at work and fed him! and there were a lot of people around, why is this? and go to the next room with a door


I have a hamster living at home and because of this, in a dream they give me or give me a cage. Somehow I find a white rat at home. I put her either in a cage or in a jar, and after all this I find a hamster on the shelf at eye level. For some reason I decided that it was given to me along with the cage, but it shouldn’t have been there. Then I woke up, but in the dream I wanted to leave him.


I very often have the same dream, the action takes place in the same room: I walk into the room and see on the table, there is a cage, and in it there is a hamster, and I immediately feel surprised, not from where he took it, but the way he’s still alive... I didn’t feed him or give him anything to drink, but he’s alive. Why such dreams?


Hello. I dreamed that there were a lot of hamsters in a cage and I fed them cheese and ate the cheese myself. But then the hamsters died and my mother told me that there was poison in the cheese, but I didn’t feel bad. Please explain) Thank you)


I found several newborn hamsters and decided to save them, but I lost them, then I found one dead


I dreamed that a person I don’t know eats my hamster like a chicken leg and licks it, tearing off the skin and chewing the hamster’s legs... I take my hamster and he actually has no hind legs, but there is no bright blood... And he sits so calm without his hind legs... .and I was sweating and terrified

I actually have a hamster, my family pet has been living with me for six months....


Our seven had a hamster that died a couple of years ago. I dreamed that I was sitting in the kitchen with my family, and he suddenly appears, and our cat (who lives with us now) tries to eat him, while we are trying to drive him away.


hello, I dreamed of a hamster on the windowsill and he had a lot of fleas, I took him and brought him into the bath, and there were mice


Good afternoon. I dreamed of hamsters, a lot of them, pink ones, and new small ones and a lot of them were born catastrophically quickly, then they started scratching my legs and I woke up in horror, like in pain


Walking along the winter streets of an unknown city, I saw a tri-colored hamster sitting in the snow near a puddle, its lower part was green-sea wave in color, and its upper part was divided into yellow and red. I wanted to take him into the warmth, but I realized that he was happy where I found him.. and then he dived into a puddle and stretched out there in length and I realized that he was magical...)))


Good evening! I dreamed that there were a lot of peach-colored mice and hamsters running around me. And then I raise my hands and with each swing, even more of them run out from my palms like a stream. But they were all warm in color and the dream was pleasant.


My dead mother and I stopped at a gas station and she bought a white key and then we bought a white hamster and I gave it to the girl I like


I don’t remember the dream completely, I see someone I don’t see, who points to the little animal and says that it’s a hamster, it really was a hamster, only a large one, and I say, oh, what a cute hamster it really is, and I wake up


Hello. I dreamed that I dropped a hamster and his skull split, there was blood, some guts and for some reason he was running, and I put him in a box, someone else was next to me, and we took him to the trash heap, I was very afraid of him , and I saw someone come up and open this box and scream, it probably sounds stupid, but I myself am impressed.


I dream - I wake up and see 6 little dwarfs in a cage, two were pink color, one white, one slightly darker and two more gray. Then I woke up.


I dreamed of a beige hamster. who tried to bury himself in the sofa cushions. and I tried to throw him out of there. but it didn't work. then he touched my back and I suddenly woke up and there were people in the dream, but I don’t remember their faces


I dreamed that I walked into a room, and there was a grasshopper hanging on the curtain, a black and fluffy, beautiful cat quickly ran and ate the blacksmith, and the hamster ran in the other direction


5 dzhungarika in different cells I bought them in a dream not long ago, but the time has come to change with someone, but after a certain time they send me an empty box, but then it turns out to be some kind of experiments, like tests on experimental rats


A dream about a white hamster, a friend, spoke to me and it was a man in the guise of a hamster. He understood and felt me ​​very well. As the dearest and closest creature. And then it started to disappear, and I felt sad


There was a wind, and I noticed that something was alive, the wind blew away strongly and hit the wall, when I ran up, first I saw various rubbish, then there I found a hamster, he was alive, I took him and walked with him, showed him to different people, he ran all over me!


And I had such a dream: I was walking in the yard and I saw how my cat Masya [she died a year ago] was gnawing on my hamster Foma and I was trying to take him away. I took the hamster away, but I threw Masya, whom I loved so much, from the 5th floor


I dreamed of a small gray hamster in an elongated bowl. Even in the dream I thought that I needed to buy a cage, like for parrots, with all the bells and whistles, so that he could spin around and play. I took him in my arms and he bit me lightly, but it didn’t hurt!


I dreamed that I was in a camp. We sorted out my things and a Dzhungarik hamster crawled out of my bag. He crawled along the ceiling and played with him.


I don’t remember the whole dream, but one vivid passage is this: I leave the house (at the dacha) and see right by the porch (almost in the center) newborn hamsters are lying, naked, blind, all scattered in front of the porch and their mother is running around. I am perplexed and my first thoughts are: “How is it possible, she has never given birth before, much less so “openly”, not in a hole. (And it was as if the holes were always there and it was the norm for the hamster and the hamster to live there). I began to examine them and noticed among the hamsters two dead ones and one crushed (as I assumed, by my sister who came into the house and did not notice them). Life continued to flow as usual, but after a couple of days I noticed that the rest of the hamsters had also died... :((


I come home. I go into my room. There are dead mice scattered all over the room, and where my parrots should have been standing there is a hamster (drawn). I'm getting closer to him. He runs towards me at lightning speed and disappears. My grandmother comes into the room and tells me to bring a mop. I brought her a mop and she began to crush the mice that were running around the room. I go to bed and say - How will I sleep if these mice climb onto the bed?

Daria Domenti:

I dreamed about my hamster's cage. But not all of it, just its bottom. It was empty and there was nothing except the hamster’s house where he sleeps. It turns out that the bottom of the cage is empty and there is a house on the left side!


I recently got a real hamster, and from yesterday to today I had a dream that he died, his dead gutted body was brought to me by a friend, I immediately burst into tears, I don’t remember anything else


At first I was scared by the rustling noises in the room. She called for help. We caught a small mouse. And then the hamster appeared. A hamster with blue fur was running away from his dad. The hamster was large, not ordinary. He was caught and the dream ended.


I dreamed that a small dog, like a pug (not mine), was trying to eat a hamster (also not mine). I felt very sorry for him. The dog catches it, starts gnawing it, once bit it until it bled, and I take the hamster and try to prevent the dog from gnawing it. As a result, the dog beat the hamster, but he remained alive. Then the owners of both animals came, I told them everything, but they didn’t believe it, they said that the dog and the hamster were friends.


I dreamed of a lot of hamsters, some were big and some were small... a couple were skinny and the rest of the series were big ones running around in the yard and the small ones were sitting in a cage


I dreamed that I wanted to give my hamster (and in reality I have one) to an animal store.... I came to the store, I give it away along with the cage and I want to exchange it for another animal (I don’t remember which one).... I put the cage on the table, I open it for the seller to look at, and the hamster looks at me as if pleadingly, so that even I thought that he had the eyes of a man and changed his mind about giving him away.

Kislaya Natalya Mikhailovna:

I dreamed that I was picking up a felting hamster or an animal similar to it, I wanted to protect it and take it to myself. This animal was with me for a while and then disappeared


a hamster appeared from somewhere, I picked him up, he was very big, I put him on my stomach, and started scratching his stomach, he was very soft and fluffy, warm, and he liked it.


I dreamed about my hamster, who died a year and a half ago. Here I am holding him in my hands and for some reason I know that he will soon die, I began to cry hysterically, but besides this I had a cage in which sat two guinea pigs and another hamster, similar to mine, only bigger. What could this dream mean?


I had a dream where a duck gave birth to hamsters. They were connected to each other by their paws. There were 6 of them. I covered them with a blanket, after some time, I looked under it, they were dead. I took them and went into the bath to eat. They they were slimy. But I liked the last one and wanted more. What could that mean?


Hello. I remember that there was an aquarium with hamsters, and on top with beautiful fish. and I stand and look at the living creatures :)


This dream is like a continuation of a dream that I had a day ago, or so it just seems to me. In general, my friend and I were either in some kind of jungle, or in some kind of forest... And there was a river flowing there. There were black and brown hamsters in it, and my friend and I each took an animal from there and left the place a secret. Later it turned out that after a few days our hamsters disappeared and all the hamsters in the river too, and we went to look for them. Due to certain circumstances, we learned that one girl had stolen them all. My friend and I got very angry and spoke badly about her to each other. Her dad was passing by on a bicycle, heard everything and shouted at us. Then we came home to the hamster thief and I began to scold and humiliate her... I don’t remember further details, but in the end we freed the hamsters, and among them I found my own - named Josie!


Hello! My name is Vera. I dreamed about my guinea pig (DARK). How I approached him to clean his house. And I see that he is sitting in a puddle of his blood. But he is still alive, his eyes look at me and kabuto ask for help, I don’t know what to do and I’m lost, but I touch him, he’s cold. And then a sudden thought came, I had to take him to the hospital and woke up (I immediately went to him) And I also remembered that there was a cut in his stomach where there was blood


the aquarium is full of water and the little hamster seemed to crawl out of it, and I pushed it back into the water and covered it with a glass lid, leaving a small gap for it to breathe. Before this, I dreamed of an aquarium with a fish, but in our family all these animals live


I dreamed of three hamsters running away from rats. One of them died for some reason. The hamsters were gray and the rats were orange.


Hello. I dreamed of a friend performing some kind of ritual with candles on me, wax was dripping on me, I felt it. It was hot from it. Then a small, beautiful hamster gnawed at my hair, but I didn’t see how it fell out... and I was holding a snake she was in her right hand, but she was unusual, thin and small, without eyes or mouth, and she moved. Thank you


I was with my house, I have 3 hamsters, 2 hamsters live in the same cage and one Syrian is in an aquarium, so I dreamed that I had a lot of hamsters and a lot of Syrians were running around the house and my cats were catching them and there was one Syrian without an eye


Hello Tatyana! The fact is that my mother and I live separately. In the dream we lived together. But together with us in the same house lived an elephant, which we rode around the house, a snake (cobra), which behaved like a cat, it was stroked, it licked our hand. She also lived with us large dog and a hamster.


I dreamed that I wanted to clean the cage and feed the hamster, looking into the cage it turned out to be open and I didn’t find the hamster there, but looking closer I saw a dead hamster lying on its back, after that I took the cage with the hamster out to the balcony, I didn’t get the hamster because I was afraid.


I bought 10 hamsters.
and hid them under the blanket, where I was already lying motionless (perhaps sleeping).
I looked at it all from the outside


I dreamed that a tiny white and red hamster appeared in my car, which began to grow very quickly, then he began to “mark” like a cat, I caught him to take him to a neighbor and suggest if his children needed a hamster, the hamster began to squeak and I heard in his squeak - let me go


I remember very vaguely... but the dream caused very unpleasant feelings... I got a small hamster, white (in reality it is not there, there is a gray cat at home). This hamster in my dream constantly ended up somewhere due to my oversight, I saved him and in the end I couldn’t save him from one situation... i.e. the guests turned a glass of alcohol onto him (it seemed to be vodka, although I don’t drink vodka and generally have no problems with alcohol)... I washed this hamster under running water, tried to wash off this alcohol, but he died... What does this mean? Tell me, I will be very grateful...


I dreamed today that I had a rat living in a cage at my house (although in real life I don’t have a rat). And a hamster lives in a separate cage (I actually have a hamster). Well, I feed the hamster and forget to close the cage. rat somehow she got out of the cage and started biting the hamster, I saw it and out of fear I took the rat and put it in the cage. I looked at the hamster, he was all bitten and he was no longer breathing, I started crying, I was so angry at this rat, but at one time I began to be afraid of it... then the rat somehow got out of the cage again and began to rush at my kitten, I began to take this kitten... I don’t remember how, but for some reason the rat died


good afternoon) I dreamed that today I was in a new apartment (we haven’t moved to one yet) in the middle of the boxes there was a cage with a hamster that my dad didn’t mind. I asked to buy my food and feeder for the next day for the cage small boxes like this The name of the feeder is that of paper and different colors, and there are rodents painted on them in the middle.


I dreamed about a hamster white, I played with him. Then he ran under the car, but they helped me catch him. This all happened on the street. The dream was very real.


I dreamed that I was in a large and beautiful room that was very well furnished, but there was little furniture. Suddenly a small white hamster ran up to me; he was so beautiful and active that I decided to keep him. I walked around the room and when I returned to the sofa he was no longer there, I started looking for him and found him staying with me. A


I carried the hamster in a cage in the winter, bought him houses and toys, and was still in a hurry to get home and let him out of the cage. Which is what I did. Unusual color, brown with red stripes


my daughter was holding a basket, I don’t know where she found it, and in it were three fluffy puppies and a box with small hamsters. One of the black hamsters bit me


Hello. A couple of days ago I had a dream in which I saw a hamster, my hamster. He died for me 1-2 years ago. In the dream, I took out his cage (which we gave away) and saw that he was still alive, but I hadn’t noticed him for almost a year. I decided to feed him, but forgot everything. And he was already so old, but he still continued to live, without dying of hunger, etc.


Two hamsters are small, I take one by the scruff of the neck and lift it up, he starts biting me (grabbing onto index finger) the thought at the same time that he is still too small to open his mouth at me. Something like this.


I dreamed of a cheerful hamster that I was catching. Then I caught him, he wriggled around in my hand, tried to bite, but didn’t bite, so I let him go


I was on a bus...the whole cabin was covered in ice, and I had a white hamster in my hands. I rolled around with him all over the cabin (because of the ice) trying to sit down, but fell! and then suddenly I found myself in the toilet at home, supposedly the hamster wanted to relieve himself, so I took him there... I closed the toilet lid and put the hamster on it (the strange thing is that the hamster had a tail like a kitten), he somehow fell into the toilet in water and swam away (strange and funny). I immediately began to roar loudly trying to find him, but suddenly another white hamster appeared out of nowhere, I thought it was mine, I took him in my arms, examined him and realized that it was not mine. while I was crying, I looked into the toilet and then under the water I saw that my hamster had “returned” and, standing on his hind legs trying to get out, was looking at me... I quickly ran for gloves and took it out, began to wipe it from the water with a towel... but in the dream I saw three hamsters , I don’t remember under what circumstances I found the third one!


I dreamed of two hamsters, one in a cage, one nearby, both were cold, but when I began to stir them, they warmed up and came to life, and one hamster began to rush at me and run after me


I dreamed that I drowned my hamster in a mug and poured the water in revenge with him into a rakvena, but then they bought me a black rat in a cage and I cried a lot.


In a dream I saw a red fluffy rabbit next to me but did not touch it with my hands, I gave the cat that pricked me with a claw (I think in reality, because my cat sleeps with me) a lifeless piece of fur in a dream I thought that the hamster was also red in color, like cats toys, what can you say about it.


Hello. I dreamed that I bought a hamster in a cage, after a while my hamster spoke, he asked for help, when I wanted to get the hamster out of the cage, I saw another hamster that had been dead for a long time and had huge worms on it. Thank you


I wanted hamsters and stood in some line behind them and watched them at the same time, but as soon as my turn came they were already bought


there was a young guy whom I don’t know and, as I understand it, was walking his hamsters, then he said hello and called me by name, introduced himself and asked him to wait, and at that moment his hamsters rushed and started biting my leg


I had a dream in which a hamster cares very much about her baby, she either comes running to feed her, then climbs on top to warm her and constantly does not let her out of sight, and I am still surprised: what a good and caring mother


I dreamed of a lot of hamsters, small, red and white. Hamsters came out from under my sheet, and then I stroked the red hamster, he was so fluffy.


in the dream I was in a dark burgundy wedding dress, there was supposed to be a wedding, but not with the current boyfriend, but long forgotten... but the wedding never happened... there was only preparation


I held a fluffy hamster in my hands and stroked it, then I accidentally broke its leg, but then I stroked it


Hello, I dreamed that first the hamster turned into a cat, then I turned away and turned around, there were already 2 hamsters, I looked at the windowsill - there were already 5 of them, then I wanted to run out of the room to tell my mother how there was one big hamster with huge fangs near the door, and I woke up


I dreamed that I lifted the lid of my hamster’s cage and the cat “knocked” him. Although, I don’t have a cat at home.


I dreamed that my hamster became very scary, he scared me and wanted to kill me


Well, I came to some hut, and I was not alone, but with some boy.... in this hut there were two rooms, a kitchen and a living room, in the living room there was one bed, a bedside table, a chair and that’s it... on this bedside table there was an aquarium and cage, in a cage there was a hamster, and there was a dead turtle in the aquarium... for some reason this boy called me mom, but I didn’t consider him a son... then this boy lay down on the bed to sleep, and I went to the cage, poured food for the hamster, and looked at what was wrong with the turtle, the turtle looked as if it had dried up; its eyes were black and its mouth was open; it was stuffed into its pansor….


I dreamed of my pet who died not so long ago. Last night I dreamed of Marusya and she was bleeding heavily from her back paw, and when she moved around the apartment there were bloody paws and I was scared of this dream. Why is this?


I dreamed of a dark gray rat, long and thin, it crawled out from under the chef, I threw a cat on it and then I saw a large and fat white hamster with 2 brown spots crawling out from under the chef. The rat disappears.


I dreamed of a small hamster, I loved him very much, I went everywhere with him and he talked to me. Then I went somewhere to run errands, and he stayed at home. When I arrived, there was no water in his cage, and he was very thirsty, I began to pour water and apparently poured a lot, the hamster began to choke, after which I took this bowl in which there was water and the hamster, and began to pour the water into the sink , took out the hamster, but he was dead. I started crying very hard, I was very sorry. I woke up upset and lost a friend.


I dreamed of 5 yellow small parrots, I held them in my hands in a paper bag, and then I put them in a cage, while one parrot flew away, a large red cat chased after it, which caught it, and I freed it from its paws and put it in a cage. Then these parrots turned into fat red hamsters, which I also bathed.....
At the same time, in a dream I am going to move somewhere, packing things and bags….
Tell me, please, what could this mean?
Thank you I'm waiting for your answer!


I was sitting at the table by the computer and after about 5 minutes my mother came into my room and gave me 2 Syrian hamsters 1 boy and 1 girl with a cage, a drinking bowl, a bowl of food and a house, that’s all


I dreamed of a hamster on a flower leaf and smelling it. And the flower stood on the windowsill. I took him and carried him into the hall to show my family. And he tried to jump out playfully. And I laid it on the sofa covered with sheets. Here. Tell me what does this mean?


Before I woke up I had a dream, I remember only a fragment. There is a cage at my house, there are many many hamsters in it. The cage is open at the top and 2 hamsters, small and large, are climbing around the door inside the cage. The cage has two floors, on the second floor there are good hamsters and on the bottom floor there are evil ones. The little hamster fell to the first floor, and either jumped out or fell out of the cage. and the evil hamster grabbed him by the paw and the little one was clearly in pain, so I took him from the big hamster..


I dreamed that I was catching two hamsters. I put one in a cage and wanted to put the other in a chest of drawers, but I woke up.


The hamster tried to get into the sleeves of my clothes, I pulled him away, and he constantly ran towards me and tried to get back into my clothes.


I dreamed that my Djungarians had babies. And a lot of them. I want to know what this means.


Good afternoon
Hamsters (white and black) appeared in the house, while I turned away, the cat ate one and I could not get it out of her mouth


My cat (in life she is very timid, she absolutely cannot get angry) hissed and tried to catch a red hamster (I lived with me two years ago), but when I caught the hamster because she didn’t eat him, she became bald in my hands.


My husband and I are lying in bed.. a mouse runs out... and I understand that it is not entirely simple.... it is not shy, it plays with us... and then we found in the attic..., I don’t even know what to call it...., something big, alive... , what gave birth to these hamsters and I helped the hamsters be born.. And this “something” said that it had specially chosen us


I dreamed about my hamster giving birth
There were 4 pink ones that were kind of translucent
And about 7 of them, like bacteria (black, small), then they all ran away


I’m playing with a huge hamster (a rodent very similar to a hamster), and he starts to bite me hard, but it doesn’t hurt me, and then I look, and I’m bitten until I bleed and blood is gushing out of my finger, I squeeze it to stop the bleeding, and I quickly and easily stop it, the wounds heal quickly.


Today I dreamed that in a room at home (the interior was not my house), but in the dream it was considered mine or my parents’, a large hamster attacked me and bit me on the finger. In the dream, I knew for sure that I had to kill him and many other hamsters, and all the time I couldn’t do it... And so I take him by the neck, right on the bed and start strangling him, and then I completely tear off his head, there is a little blood and I throw it under the wall in the room, then I look at the body and throw it there, then I calmly go into the yard, now my parents’, and I hear that my father is calling me, I come to him, and he holds the torn torso of this hamster and makes it clear that, like pregnant, that he had some kind of eggs in him, and that if I had not killed him, he would have given birth to 15 more rodent pests and praised me.

[email protected]:

Hello, earlier I dreamed of a hamster in my arms and I accidentally broke his nail... today I dreamed that my child let him out into the street and there black cats surrounded him, I ran to save him but they bit me... and the hamster disappeared.

The hamster, which in nature is a small rodent, is a symbol of thriftiness. But on the other hand, it is associated with some limitations. That is why, interpretations of the appearance of this animal in night dreams in different dream books differ significantly. This means that you can decipher the dream only after analyzing the current situation in real life.

Due to the difficulty of interpreting dreams with hamsters, you should try to remember all the details of the dream plot. We need to pay attention to appearance the animal and what it does. In this case, information from the dream book will be able to tell you what the hamster is dreaming about and how to react correctly in reality in order to minimize possible negative consequences.

Hamster - dream book

A hamster seen in a dream foretells the dreamer a calm and happy period of life. It will be associated with prosperity in the home and stable financial situation. At this time, your soul will be calm and no worries will bother you.

Various dream plots can be interpreted as follows:

    A big and fat hamster emphasizes the fact that you are a hoarder. Of course, living economically is the right thing to do, but it’s hardly worth turning your own home into a warehouse for things. You need to force yourself to give up unnecessary things and help other people. A hamster in a cage indicates that in reality you will have to do work that will help you significantly strengthen your material well-being. But this will not bring you pleasure, since it will not allow you to fully realize yourself. After weighing all the pros and cons, you need to decide whether you can take a risk and do something that you have long dreamed of. A hamster running in a wheel indicates that, of course, you get a good income from your work, but you should not forget about rest .

Why do you dream about a lot of hamsters?

A common question is, why do you dream about a lot of rodents? If you dream about a lot of hamsters, then this portends waking communication with entrepreneurs and business people. Negotiations can result in profitable deals, so it is very important not to miss this chance. It’s very good if you dream that a hamster is chewing something, then this portends that you will be able to get rich with almost no effort.

Hamster - pet

If you see a hamster as your pet, then this emphasizes the fact that you are a very tight-fisted person. In this case, it should be remembered that greed is bad trait character. You need to work on yourself in order to learn to share with other people and help them if necessary. But if the appearance of a hamster in the house came as a surprise to you in your night dreams, then you will soon be moving.

Interpretation of sleep by rodent color

When deciphering a dream, you should, if possible, remember the color of the dreamed hamster:
    If you dreamed of a white hamster, then this indicates that in reality you will fall under the influence of another person. It is difficult to say how good or bad this is. But after such a dream, you will definitely reconsider your views on life. When you saw a red animal in a dream, you should expect deception from people from your inner circle. It may very well be that there is a selfish person next to you.

Interpretation of sleep for a woman

If a woman dreams of a hamster, then this portends that men in real life will show her unambiguous signs of attention. The dream warns that it is very important to monitor your own behavior so as not to provoke the emergence of difficult situations.

I dreamed about a toy hamster

If you dreamed of a toy hamster, then in reality you will not deservedly be accused of greed. And you will need to spend a lot of time and effort to dissuade people whose opinions you value very much.

Talking rodent

A talking rodent in a dream is also not a very good sign. He warns that you are about to communicate or meet with a petty, selfish person. And it may very well be that for some time it will have an influence on life. Sometimes a hamster in a dream symbolizes a selfish and greedy person who is in your environment. In this case, the dream is unlikely; a hamster seen in night dreams will foreshadow any important changes in life events. Therefore, before deciphering a dream using information from dream books, listen to your own intuition. But under no circumstances should you give in to panic; you should remember that if you show patience and perseverance, things will definitely improve.

I dreamed about it funny hamster? In a dream, this animal has serious symbolism. It can reflect the dreamer's limited views and at the same time indicate a relatively comfortable existence. Dream books and examples of interpretations will help you understand exactly what the hamster is dreaming about.

Interpretation according to Aesop's dream book

Interpretation of sleep, the dream book advises starting with general characteristics this rodent. The hamster is an unusual animal that prefers to store food directly behind its cheeks. Therefore, this dream image reflects a person prone to total savings and constant hoarding.

Seeing a lot of hamsters in a dream means that you will have to communicate with people who are to one degree or another connected with warehouse work. Did you dream that you bought a hamster? You will soon meet a rich man and try to find out from him the secret of success. Alas, despite a fairly close relationship, this will remain a big secret for you.

In your dreams, did you find a hamster in the house? The dream book prophesies a quick move, but in your former house A complete stranger will move in. But seeing a hamster eat is good. This plot guarantees profit without much effort on your part.

Why do you dream of a running away hamster that you can’t catch? This is an eloquent omen of unplanned expenses. Moreover, most likely they will be associated with children or relatives.

Interpretation of the image according to the white magician's dream book

Why do you dream about a hamster? In a dream, it symbolizes such qualities as stinginess and unnecessary hoarding. They are the ones who create a lot of difficulties in life in the first place.

Seeing a hamster stuffing its cheeks with different foods means that personal thrifting has turned into a real mania. The dream book recommends pacifying excessive commercialism and learning to enjoy the most ordinary things.

Did you dream about a hamster in a cage? You are fully aware of your own shortcomings and try to get rid of them, although not without difficulty. In a dream, a running away hamster symbolizes personal feelings and emotions that threaten to get out of control.

Why do you dream if you managed to catch a quirky rodent? Don’t worry, soon you will control not only yourself, but also the current situation. If you fail to catch a hamster in a dream, then in reality the situation will not improve.

I dreamed about a hamster - decoding of other dream books

Modern combined dream book considers the hamster a sign of future prosperity and relative wealth. Eastern women's dream book I’m sure: a hamster in a dream warns of attacks of greed. Catching him means problems that imaginary friends will bring.

Newest dream book of G. Ivanov Are you sure you dreamed about a hamster? Don't rush, the main thing now is patience. Complete dream book New era I am sure that a hamster is a dream reflection of the desire for thriftiness and hoarding.

In turn dream book of birthday people gives several interpretations of this image. Did you dream about a hamster? The coming illness will be associated with internal organs. A hamster in a dream warns of thieves and thefts in public places. In addition, you will try to borrow from a rich person, but he will refuse you.

Why do you dream about a white, red, dead hamster?

A white rodent in a dream symbolizes household chores, a red one symbolizes everything related to money. If you dreamed of a dead hamster, then finally numerous but useless troubles will disappear from your life. However, this obviously won't be to your liking.

What does a hamster in a cage in your hands mean?

Why do you dream about a funny hamster sitting in a cage? There have been changes in life better side. Moreover, they will happen due to an unusual accident or the intervention of an outsider. In addition, a hamster in a cage symbolizes extremely limited freedom or social circle.

Have you ever held a hamster in your hand? You know for sure that there is a careless and rather superficial character next to you, but for some reason you prefer to keep him literally “to yourself.”

I dreamed that a hamster bites and runs away

Why do you dream about a running away hamster? Very soon you will finally be able to step away (at least for a while) from your usual routine and have a good rest. Did you dream that a hamster bit you? The spouse or children will cause great grief. Did a harmless-looking hamster bite your finger? The one you trusted completely will let you down. If in a dream you had to run and catch a hamster, then a dubious hobby will ultimately lead to you losing all your savings.

Hamster in a dream - even more examples

Why do you dream about a hamster? To interpret a dream, you will need any, even the most seemingly insignificant nuances.

  • see - a comfortable life
  • hold in hands - acquaintance
  • catching - problems due to one’s own stupidity
  • buy - the need to choose
  • sell - depends on circumstances
  • to receive as a gift is a surprise that will change fate
  • kill - destroy happiness with your own hands
  • red - money
  • white - good luck
  • black – danger
  • aggressive – disease
  • calm - minor joy
  • dead - poverty
  • a lot of hamsters - expenses, shortages at work

In a dream, did you miraculously become a hamster? You will soon become rich, having received a huge inheritance. And this will seriously spoil your previously kind and sympathetic character.

Rodents in life are distinguished by their ability to store food for a rainy day, so this image in dreams often speaks of hoarding, the dreamer’s ability to save money for the future. This symbol is necessarily closely related to money. How to properly manage real finances depends on the details of the dream.

If hamsters, mice appear in dreams day after day, you need to think about your future and present. Worrying too much about tomorrow, denying yourself all the pleasures of today, is harmful. This is negative for personal growth and relationships with others.

Why does a woman dream about hamsters?

These small animals promise the dreamer in reality a choice of men who are preparing to propose marriage. But you need to be more restrained and direct so as not to mislead any of the potential husbands. The future with the chosen one is promised to be comfortable.

An animal given to girls in a dream also promises wealth to girls. Sometimes such a dream warns: you will meet an influential person ahead, but you will have to make a little effort to get this person to help.

Why do you dream about a lot of hamsters?

A large number of these rodents report: in reality it is possible fun party or important event, where there will be countless guests. Another option is that you will have to make a choice, but the dreamer may make the wrong decision.

One or more hamsters bites - to ill-wishers, someone is weaving a network around the dreamer in order to achieve material wealth, career growth or simple gain. Sometimes this dream means the embodiment of one’s own greed, which is also not good.

Why do you dream of a hamster in your hands?

Holding a rodent in the hands indicates a person’s foresight and organizational skills, because not everyone can catch a resourceful animal.

  • A caught hamster is a symbol of maintaining power, defending one’s positions, and making a profit.
  • Also, a dream sometimes prepares the dreamer for a gift in reality, and someone will present it spontaneously. Big wins are possible.
  • If in a dream an animal died or the dreamer took its life, it is time to wait for changes in business or in other material areas, but they will bring losses.
  • The dreamer is trying to correct his shortcomings; sometimes the advice of more experienced people will not be superfluous.

The animal itself, which moves peacefully without destroying everything around it, means an opportunity to earn money, but it is important that it be used for noble purposes. Otherwise, rodents personify the torment of conscience, which literally “gnaws” from the inside.

Why do you dream about a hamster in a cage?

A hamster imprisoned in a cage or an aquarium, a jar, indicates that in the dreamer, in reality, everything is thought out and distributed. But is a person too stingy? Will people close to him turn away from him because of greed?

  • A rodent chewing something is sitting in a cage - the dreamer can live for a long time on the income from investments. Breeding hamsters in a dream have a similar meaning.
  • If you see a rodent in a cage, quick changes in life are possible, they are programmed by fate, but the end result will please the dreamer. Patience and frugality will help to cope with the situation, but there is no need to refuse help to those in need.
  • A dead animal in a cage does not bode well for changes. It is better not to implement your plans into reality - the dream promises only losses.

Animals escaping from a cage or from the dreamer’s care signal possible losses or failure of a financial transaction.

Much in dreams is dictated by the attitude towards the animal. So, a peaceful mood regarding the hamster is a sign positive development matters relating to the material side of life. If they try to offend rodents in every possible way, you will actually have to be thrifty.

Why do you dream about a white hamster?

The color of a small animal speaks volumes. The white animal will tell you about an imminent meeting with an extraordinary person who will open his eyes to what is happening or radically change the dreamer’s life with his worldview.

  • Also, white color sometimes warns of an authoritative, tough person who will try to persuade him to accept his point of view. You need to be more careful.

If you dreamed that a person turns into a white animal, then in reality wealth awaits him, which will fall out of the blue. And the fleeing white rodent will tell you that you need to be thrifty.

  • A black or gray hamster is the embodiment of temporary minor troubles. If an animal bites, beware of evil greedy people.
  • The red rodent will definitely bring with it unforeseen expenses that can leave the whole family without a penny. Sometimes an animal of this color hints at a future romantic relationship, not devoid of passion and exciting adventures.

The red animal is also a good sign for talented individuals who are waiting for their finest hour. You must not miss the opportunity, this chance will dramatically change your life.