I dream that a killer is chasing me. Dream interpretation killer

What does it mean to see a murderer in a dream? This question is answered by different interpreters.

Modern dream book

When you happen to see a killer in a dream and he beats you, in real life you will cope well with various tests.

When the killer was bending over the victim in a dream, do not expect anything positive in reality. Such a dream foreshadows misfortunes and troubles that can wash over you in a torrent.

Simply seeing a killer in a dream can mean that in reality you have enemies who are secret and seek to cause you great harm.

When someone was pursuing a murderer, it means that you will treat someone with special respect.

Did you run from a killer in a dream? It is worth protecting yourself from rash actions.

If you saw someone being killed in a dream, you are tormented by remorse for some action.

If you yourself were a murderer, in reality you will benefit from the suffering of others, you will receive untold treasures and a long life, but you may also be overcome by considerable fears.

When you see a killer in a dream, it means that you may face losses or the deeds of your enemies.

If you had to and managed to escape from a killer in a dream, you will live a long life.

When a killer killed your loved ones or friends, this may portend serious health problems or an overworked condition.

Family dream book

If you saw an attempt on your life by a murderer, in reality you will encounter failure in the implementation of your plans and disappointment in many matters.

When you personally acted as a murderer, an event will soon occur that will quarrel between you and your friends or relatives.

Women's dream book

According to this dream interpreter, seeing a murderer means actually suffering losses or experiencing the machinations of unkind people.

If you saw how the killer struck you, a difficult test awaits you soon, to overcome which you will need to mobilize all the forces available within.

We saw a killer with blood running down his hands, bending over the victim - not very successful events await you.

Miller's Dream Book

In a dream, the killer is preparing to attack and hit you - expect troubles that only gathering together all your spiritual strength will help you overcome.

By an unfortunate coincidence, one dreams of a murderer bending over the person he killed.

Also, a dream with a killer can mark warnings, since enemies are not asleep and are trying to hurt you.

Maly Velesov dream book

To get rid of dangers, you dream of a murderer.

If you caught him in a dream, you will receive honor and respect in society.

Dream interpretation killer

Negative emotions experienced throughout the day, subconscious fears from childhood, the desire to avoid punishment for one’s own misdeeds - all these factors come together during sleep. Processing the information received, the brain generates scary stories with persecution and bloody murders.

As the dream book says, murder in dreams does not mean that in reality your life is in danger. Most likely, this is a sign warning of an impending black streak, various troubles, and deception.

From the point of view of Buddhist practices, murder, no matter how terrible it may seem, is often a sign of purification of karma, liberation from negative emotions.

Night vision symbolism

A maniac in a dream is ready to strike

Noticing that you are being watched in your dreams is an unfavorable symbol, hinting at possible minor troubles, conflicts at work, or family troubles.

The presence of a maniac near you, who is ready to deliver the decisive blow, will tell you that imminent events will greatly “undermine” your fighting spirit and fortitude.

A dream about a scary plot can not only serve as a warning about emotional unrest, it can hint at possible health problems. After waking up, try to remember where you struck; perhaps the place injured in your sleep is not functioning well and requires treatment.

Psychological characteristics of sleep

According to the interpreter of psychoanalyst Miller, the more distorted the face of the attacking person is, the more serious the dreamer’s fears will be.

What other meanings does the interpreter provide?

Obsessive dreams, where a person is constantly hiding from his pursuer, will tell about growing fears that haunt him and constant nervous tension.

Interpretation of a modern dream book

Crazy people, maniacs, and stalkers in dreams always foreshadow failures, the collapse of a business, and a loss of faith in the best. What does a maniac dream about according to the modern dream book?

If you dreamed of being hit from behind, then in reality one of your trusted people will turn out to be a traitor.

The plot, where awakening occurred at the moment when the attacker killed the dreamer, will tell about suspicions that have been haunting the soul of a sleeping person for a long time.

The death of a lover in a dream means mistrust

Hunting for you is a hint that the hour has come to mobilize all the energy, both physical and spiritual, necessary to combat the obstacles that have arisen.

Detailed meaning for women

The interpreter takes into account the psychological characteristics of women’s worldview and provides possible interpretations of dreams:

  • If a woman dreams of a maniac, then in reality an annoying admirer will appear.
  • When a familiar person pursues you in your dreams, this means that he craves your favor in relation to his person.
  • According to the scenario, the murder of a lover took place? Such a sign is a sign of distrust.

The passion burning in the heart has long faded away, and the other half evokes only a feeling of pity when in dreams a murderer attacks the companion of a beautiful lady.

Warning to men

A man who killed his beloved in a dream is simply a jealous person who doubts his wife’s fidelity.

A murdered dream hero speaks of the unrealizability of the plans. Such a plot is an indicator that all plans, ideas, and actions will not be crowned with success.

What will the chain of events tell?

In the process of explaining nightmares, not only emotions are important, but also all the images and characters. By collecting a complete picture, taking into account the murder weapon, possible motives, and the appearance of the bounty hunter, you will be able to get as close as possible to the true meaning of the dream.

Watching from the sidelines as a killer takes aim at other people means witnessing actions that violate the law, the unlawful actions of a colleague.

If you dreamed of a murderous maniac with whom the sleeper enters into a conspiracy, you should not get involved in adventures, agree to too favorable terms of the deal, or sign powers of attorney and other legal documents in a hurry.

The dreamer's actions

I dreamed about a creepy butcher

Actions unfolding according to the night vision scenario will help direct your thoughts in the right direction.

  • Running away from a killer is a positive symbol, foreshadowing a long life, a calm old age, the realization of your plans.
  • If a bloody butcher is sneaking up on your heels, but at the last moment the dreamer breaks away from his pursuer, then in reality you will be able to bypass all your rivals without resorting to deception, slander, or other dishonest methods.
  • To escape from the killer is to free yourself from a heavy burden that has been bothering you for several years.
  • Real willpower, strength of character, and desire for victory will be demonstrated by the person who fought back the attacker and killed the maniac.

The haunting person in dreams tells young people that it’s time to grow up, stop running away from responsibility, and start building a future on their own without parental care.

Weapons used

The executioner, who uses an ax, hints that the time will soon come to pay the bills.

What does a pistol or bladed weapon mean in the hands of a pursuer?

  • Why do you dream of a killer with a knife? Visions of this kind are characterized by constant thoughts about missed opportunities.
  • A loaded revolver in the hands of a killer hints that you need to choose your friends more carefully and not tell the first people you meet about your problems.
  • The dream of a murderer with an ax will tell you that the time has come to cut the knot of circumstances that tie your hands and feet.

When a maniac’s hands turn out to be bloody in a dream, keep in mind that all actions must be thought out; now is not the time to take risks.

Act as a killer

To be a killer in a dream, and not a victim, is a rather favorable sign, indicating a readiness to make fateful decisions.

Killing an enemy means getting rid of competitors, and catching a criminal red-handed means restoring justice and a damaged reputation.

If you managed to deceive the attacker, then in reality, having shown ingenuity, you will be able to reach maximum heights in your position, show your leadership qualities, and win the respect of the older generation.

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according to Tsvetkov's dream book

someone's help if the figure is unfamiliar.

I dreamed of a killer

according to Miller's dream book

If you see in a dream that a killer’s blow awaits you, then a difficult experience awaits you, requiring you to mobilize your spirit. Seeing a bloodied killer standing over someone foretells that bad luck awaits you. Seeing a killer in any case, in any situation, is a warning that losses or machinations of secret enemies await you.

Why does a criminal dream?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

(for a woman) - a dubious relationship; to be with him is to condemnation; hiding - danger of blowjob.

I dreamed about a criminal

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself in a dream in the company of a person who has committed a crime means that you will be alarmed by dishonest people who will try to use their friendship with you for their own selfish interests. To see a criminal escaping justice means that you will become the owner of secrets that belong to others, which will put you in danger. It is possible that people who fear you will try to harm you.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

If you dreamed that you killed someone, then the dream predicts that you will become a criminal.

The meaning of a dream about murder

according to Freud's dream book

If you killed someone in a dream, it means you need to get rid of a boring relationship. Time after time, you try to convince yourself that there is still something to fight for, but in fact, everything that was the core of the relationship is long gone, and you both think about your future as if there is no place for another in it. Witnessing a murder - cruelty takes up too much space in your fantasies. At the same time, you do not seem to take into account the fact that your rude caresses may not be pleasant to everyone. Be less selfish about sex.

I dreamed of a murder

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing murder in a dream foretells sorrows caused by the atrocities of others. It is possible that violent death will happen before your eyes. If you committed a murder in a dream, this means that you will be involved in shameful events that will put a stigma on your name. To dream that you yourself are killed means that your opponents are doing everything to ruin your life. Killing an armed villain or a wild animal who attacked you in a dream portends good luck in business and a quick rise up the career ladder. If you find out in a dream about a friend’s suicide, this portends long unrest on the eve of resolving an important issue.

Seeing murder in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Depending on who dies, why, and how, someone's death as a result of homicide can be classified differently. It also depends on what is the most likely interpretation to explain the death. The changing ethics of death in our society also has an impact on death in dreams. Recently, assisted suicide and euthanasia have begun to have an impact on visions of death in dreams. In dreams, It often plays the role of a mass murderer. The reason for this is anger and aggression, which are not customary to show in public and which penetrate into dreams of wish fulfillment. Recently, such a phenomenon as stress is widely defined as “death by suffocation.” Fortunately, It can convey to you in a dream the sensations of what part of your Self strives for in reality. If you killed a stranger, then this may mean that you are trying to attack the side of your own personality that gives you the most problems, destroys you, or which you are ashamed of. By killing a stranger, you are fulfilling your desire to banish this unwanted aspect from your life. This may be helpful. Perhaps in a dream you killed yourself; Of course, you can try to kill not all of yourself, but only part of your personality. A positive aspect of suicide in a dream is the desire to deal with pathological tendencies or eliminate some of the behavioral stereotypes of your personality that cause you concern. Since such tendencies or stereotypes are part of you as a person, the dream may try to eliminate them by projecting all the negative qualities onto the stranger you represent, whom you put to death. However, you should not try to kill part of yourself by trying to get rid of negative qualities. Everyone in their life has a shadow side, which they reliably hide from others. We often criticize those who in most cases resemble ourselves. These shadow moments in life must be accepted and constructively analyzed in order to prevent them from becoming pathological. Suicide in a dream is an object of serious thought. The act of suicide says a lot about your self-perception, about your assessment of yourself as a person. If such a dream is repeated and thoughts of suicide do not stop visiting your consciousness in real life, then this image of suicide can become something more than just a symbol. If this happens, be sure to talk about your life with someone close to whom you can completely trust.

A series of dreams... the same plot is repeated in different settings.
I live calmly, joyfully, doing various ordinary things, reading books, walking the streets. Then comes the feeling that “something has not been done.” I forgot about something, I SHOULD do something. The feeling becomes stronger and stronger until it crowds out all other thoughts.
Then the room is huge, large. Hall, cave. The person is alone, against the wall, or in the center of the hall.
I approach - every time the people are different (strangers and acquaintances). A feeling of getting closer to the goal, impatience, even hunger...
I start talking to a person, and at a certain moment I understand that time is running out, and I have not yet done what I should.
Then I plunge a dagger (long, made of dark metal) into the throat, above the collarbone... the man dissolves into thin air.
A feeling - of accomplishment, of liberation - that she brought not only to herself, but also to others.

Alexander Reply

The person you are killing is none other than you. In the aspect in which you do not accept yourself (psychological shadow). On a conscious level [I understand that time is running out, and I have not yet done what I should] it seems that the most harmonious thing is to get rid of the person, through conflict [the dagger] to oblivion [to kill], but the most correct thing would be to deal with him with sex.
The psychological state you are in is inflation [a feeling of accomplishment, liberation, which you brought not only to yourself, but also to others], since you consider only the conscious level to be real. It's surprising that you even came to our site. You deny the unconscious, individuation, and consider it stupidity. This is a mistake. Not everything can be mediated by a word or a conscious intellectual act (see functions).
Inflation is quite a noticeable obstacle to individuation; personal work with a psychoanalyst within the framework of a psychotherapeutic product is shown.

Alya Reply

I see a dream... I, rather poorly dressed, with unwashed hair, the skin on my face covered with a rash, am standing behind the counter of a store, selling vegetables. Suddenly a group of young, healthy men burst in with weapons in their hands, I understand that they have come to kill me. One of them , the eldest, explains that I won’t be able to get away with it. At this moment the thought comes to my mind that you can’t die looking like a homeless person, I ask you to fulfill my last request - change clothes and get yourself in order, which is the “main thing” agrees. And now I see myself in a red dress, with long, thick hair, a well-groomed face. I understand that I have conquered the heart of the killer once and for all. Naturally, one cannot raise one’s hand to kill such beauty, and my killer becomes my protector. And he is constantly with me, and I already have my own store and I’m just a happy woman! I am a young woman, 27 years old. I work in a jewelry store. I had a dream on Christmas Eve, January 18.

95 Reply

I dreamed that I and some other person were employees of some organization, such as the police, that was investigating murders. And at some point this man turns out to be a murderer himself, having committed many bloody crimes (in my dreams I see all sorts of hints about the horror of the murders he committed). And for some reason I turn out to be his accomplice. Moreover, I obviously didn’t kill anyone, but despite all this, I know for sure that I am his accomplice. At some point, the other members of our group will find out that he is the killer, and then they will find out about me. They are conducting some kind of interrogation and testing with me, supposedly in order to find out how I got involved in such a case. I am very tormented by the fact that I got into such a bind and I just can’t understand how. But during the interrogation, everything began to become clearer, and my soul began to lighten, because as I answered the questions, it became clear that I was not so guilty. But I didn’t see the end because the alarm clock woke me up. Such a dream.

AnaLitik Reply

Your night companion represents a superior super-ego that requires your complicity. The super-ego is a social opinion within us, or rather a whole body of knowledge. This knowledge becomes negative when it is structured as priority information in relation to the person's original project. When during interrogation

the soul began to brighten, then this is a sign of self-purification, a return to oneself. Humanity commits a lot of murders on Earth (wars, crime, etc.), but you can make a different choice from within yourself.


In a dream I heard 3 killers coming and knew that it was I who was ordered, I saw them through the window, but someone saved me, came to me and they did not touch me, since this person could be a witness and I don’t know who, I knew in a dream good for him. And I realized that they would continue to track me and woke up..... everything was so real


Me and two friends wandered around the basement, then I and one friend ran forward and saw how they dealt with the body and wanted to drag it away, there was one person, his face was not visible. They called a third friend, seeing that the killer was standing over the body, they ran away from him. We seemed to know where we were running, but we couldn’t get out


I dreamed that we were going on an excursion with my geography teacher, and suddenly he said, “You are now going to eat New Year’s decorations.” And he takes out the package. It contains tinsel, shiny balls, silver rain, etc. He takes one ball and breaks it, spreads it on bread (making a sandwich) and gives it to the boy. As I understood, his gaze was strange and to some extent intrusive. But suddenly, for some reason, the bus stops, and the whole class starts shouting loudly that this teacher is a murderer (including me). The boy became ill: he began to suffocate and die. The teacher kicked us off the bus and grabbed four different children's hands (including mine). I barely managed to get out, but the other children didn’t. He went out onto the road, and suddenly a huge coma drove by, the children died, but he survived (he was like a ghost, and stood in the middle, and all the children were on the sides). And suddenly he said how stupid you are! I wanted to kill you back at school, but I thought too early. Yes, I am a KILLER!, while not stopping children from being taken out onto the road. When I realized and woke up that I was next, I ran like crazy, without looking back, and only put out my hand to catch a minibus or taxi. And suddenly I suddenly wake up in a cold sweat. What could this mean?


I dreamed that I was hiding with unknown girls in some abandoned house from murderers. One or two were killed when they tried to escape from home. Throughout my sleep I guarded the window, constantly closing it with curtains and telling everyone to move away from the window. In the dream there were dogs from the killers who were also eager to get into the house. There were several killers and they had guns.

In our dreams, we are often faced with signs warning us of danger. One of them is the appearance of a killer in a dream. Such a creepy character is the personification of the tricks of enemies and envious people. The dream book can handle a more detailed interpretation of the vision. But for this it is important to remember all the details and the smallest details. All the nuances of the dream need to be collected into a single plot and seek help from professionals.

Psychological analysis of the query “why do you dream about a murderer?” interprets the plot as an approaching threat in real life. In reality, an unpleasant event awaits a person, which he will witness. The internal message of such a dream is hidden anxieties and worries.

Miller's dream book predicts a difficult moral test for the sleeper if in a dream he sees a killer preparing to deliver a fatal blow. After such a dream, you need to gather your courage and prepare to give a categorical rebuff to circumstances and ill-wishers.

The killer, bending over the body, is a precursor to a series of troubles, the final result will be the collapse of plans. It is very important for a woman to figure out what she needs.

The embodiment of that same maniac with a weapon from a waking dream is an unknown admirer who, at any cost, seeks the lady’s favor. For a representative of the stronger sex, such a dream is a warning about the failure of all plans and the collapse of hopes.

The dream book considers the attitude of the killer towards the victim to be an important detail. If the criminal is personified by someone who is sleeping, and the victim is represented by an acquaintance from real life, then an internal analysis of the dream indicates an accumulation of negative emotions. In reality, the sleeper incorrectly interprets the behavior of the “killed” person.