Why is the Libra woman cold? Bad Libra Character Traits

Friendly and smiling, artistic and charismatic, looking for harmony in everything and dreaming of a conflict-free space. It would seem, what shortcomings can Libra have? But, nevertheless, they exist. And today we will tell you about them.

"Beyond Good and Evil"

Libra can be friendly and smiling even with notorious scoundrels, just so as not to “rock the boat” and not make enemies. They persistently pretend that the history of this or that person does not concern them, that they understand and accept any actions. Tolerance, of course, is not the worst quality, but when they justify even bestial behavior because they are afraid to intervene and correct something, although they have the opportunity to put the presumptuous individual in his place, this is already beyond good and evil.

Representatives of this sign often practice the “both yours and ours” tactics. When communicating with people who are at enmity with each other, they “sing along” with both in order to remain clean and good for everyone. They support both conflicting sides, fearing that they will be made extreme, which is why they regularly find themselves in an awkward position, since their double-dealing does not remain a secret for long.

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Extremely impractical

Libras are monstrously impractical; they do not know how to save and provide themselves with a solid material base, that buffer that in unfavorable circumstances can save them from hunger and cold. Representatives of this sign easily lend their last money, without thinking about what they will eat themselves and what they will feed their children. And they constantly hope for help from relatives and friends, naively believing that they will help them out on that very “rainy day”, the likelihood of which they themselves prefer not to think about.

Libras should absolutely not be allowed to go to sales, because they buy everything indiscriminately, without even thinking about the need for certain items, sweeping what they like into the basket and being guided only by the momentary “I want”, and not by common sense and quantity financial resources. And they are also those comrades who can spend their entire salary on some rare beautiful thing, a unique book, an interesting trip, and then “suck their paw” until the next cash receipts.

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Rare laziness

If you can avoid doing something, Libra will definitely take advantage of it. At work, they constantly take smoke breaks and snacks, quietly play solitaire, sit on social networks, and watch movies. They do not take on additional obligations, so as not to strain themselves once again, and those duties that are assigned to them by their position are performed to the minimum, only so that they are not particularly found fault with.

Representatives of this sign try to find someone who will work for them, on whom they can throw off the bulk of their worries and troubles, while they themselves spend time on outright idleness or on what interests them. It is difficult for them to mobilize themselves for any active actions that require unpleasant efforts for them, they sway for a long time, their work day begins with a three-liter mug of coffee, and they drink it not at home, but upon arrival at the workplace.

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Clean spitting

Libras hate those activities that involve negative emotions or contact with dirt. They are able to give up advantageous offer, if to implement it you need to do something that causes disgust in them. Representatives of this sign consider themselves people of fine mental organization; they are disgusted by encountering other people’s pain, unsanitary conditions, unpleasant odors, in general, they are afraid of getting dirty and avoid unnecessary worries.

True, in fairness it is worth noting that the above applies only to work and does not apply to caring for sick relatives. For their sake, Libras are capable of much, they hide their disgust and selflessly do everything that is required of them, forgetting both about themselves and their rejection of the atmosphere filled with negativity.

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Libra - they are Libra...

Libra always doubts everything, it is always difficult for them to make decisions, they are constantly shaken by different sides, and while they are weighing all the pros and cons, the situation either becomes critical and no longer leaves them any choice, or is successfully resolved without their participation. Representatives of this sign are chronically unable to quickly see the pros and cons of certain circumstances, decide what they want and what will be best for them, and therefore often make mistakes and miss favorable opportunities.

Moreover, even having made a decision, Libra continues to doubt its correctness, reflect, try to “change horses in midstream,” rush around and try to win back the situation, especially if someone “many wise” from their environment disapproves of their choice.

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Strong in someone else's mind

Libras are extremely susceptible to the influence of others, they are an ideal target for fraud, because they are easy to control, convincing them of anything is not difficult at all. They want to be good for everyone so much that they are not able to defend themselves and defend their point of view, send to a known address those who impose something on them, resist pressure and authority.

You can often hear how representatives of this sign speak in whole phrases, the authorship of which belongs to someone else, how they voice someone else’s opinion, passing it off as their own, how, just because today someone has strongly opposed some beliefs, they refute the postulates , which just yesterday they were personally promoting with foam at the mouth.

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I want to be the highlight of the program

Libras love to be the center of attention; they often deliberately create an informational occasion just so that others do not forget about them. At the same time, representatives of this sign do not disdain gossip and shocking statements that turn out to be “dummies”. They constantly promote themselves, post them on social networks their entire daily routine, be it the dinner they ate, their next purchase, or the acquisition process itself. It is extremely important for Libras to receive positive assessments of their existence; they collect “likes”, this raises their self-esteem, which in reality is very low. They also need a positive response to their actions so that they do not lose the feeling that they are at the very center of life and in the thick of things, that they are people of the first magnitude, that everyone around them is constantly thinking about them.

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Libra is a scale, two scales, an inanimate object, a symbol of duality and balance. This is balance in motion, harmony in process. This is the relationship of forces, the balance of the physical and spiritual, objective and subjective. It is a combination of hardness and softness.

For Libra, a line is impossible without a sheet of paper on which it is drawn. They understand that there is no convexity of one without the concavity of another, an object without a background, a world without an observer. Libra implements the principle of supreme justice in the world - incomprehensible, difficult to explain by simple human logic.

Their path is the path to peace. Their life is impossible without fulfilling social roles, partnerships, and communication. Libra always keeps up with the times. Libra perceives the world primarily with the mind, dealing with the factual side of what is happening, measuring and assessing the complex relationships between phenomena.

Libra is a measure of everything that happens around. This is a sense of rhythm, nuances, shades, halftones, sensitivity to vibrations and subtle vibrations. Their body - an accurate instrument for determining any imbalances - immediately responds to an unfavorable external situation with internal imbalance, a drop in mood and a deterioration in well-being.

Any little thing can throw them off balance, causing Libra to act actively or disappear from sight. Therefore, Libra has a very sensitive body. They love themselves and their body, they are ready to pamper, pamper and cherish themselves. Protecting themselves from possible accidents, Libra often takes a distant position and keeps their distance or enters into battle with a violator of the existing harmony.

On the scales

Libras do not like excess and strive for balance between the parts of one whole. They have a developed desire for justice and objectivity. They are distinguished by prudence, diplomacy, prudence, and balance. Libra is a good mental abilities, but emotional coldness, quick thinking, but logic. They are rational, their strength is in their sense of proportion

On the one side. Libras are poetic, subtle and strive for beauty, refined, elegant, and delicate. Libra is a sincere, vulnerable, fragile person. Therefore, they are kind, unforgiving, and tactful. Libras do not like rudeness, quarrels, and keep a good face when bad game and are accustomed to giving in.

On the other side. Libra is independence, individualism, determination, activity, composure and calmness in disputes. They can go to extremes in the name of justice.

Measure seven times

Libra usually makes half-hearted decisions in order to be able to replay or correct a possible mistake. They do not like to cut from the shoulder and give an answer right away. It is difficult for them to say a categorical “yes” or “no”.

Any dispute, hostility and war - even if they are won - do not bring much joy. The internal balance will still be disrupted. Thus. Libras can't beat anyone outright. They know well that truth is not born in disputes, and any victory is pyrrhic.

Libras are accustomed to smoothing out contradictions and taking into account other people's opinions. They can look at the situation from the outside, enter into the position of another person, understand and explain his motives and actions. And this is the case when the detached mind gains objectivity.

The concepts of truth and untruth, evil and good for Libra are not strictly defined. They can see the hidden higher meaning in the bad, and in the good - negative consequences. And they understand that any coin has two sides.

So that the sheep are fed and the wolves are safe

Tolerance and intelligence lead to the fact that Libra is ready to justify even the most unsightly actions, they want to reconcile the irreconcilable and, as a result, they are prone to conciliation.

Libras feel good when there is peace and beauty around them. Or when everything is around, but it doesn’t affect them. They are not emotionally involved in what is happening and by and large indifferent to others. There is a good reason for this. This manifests their instinct of self-preservation.

Violation of internal balance for Libra is Bad mood and well-being, loss of strength and desire to live. A hard life can destroy Libra. Or it can make them heroes who go against everything and are not afraid of anything.

If everything is good from their point of view, Libra is open; if everything is bad, Libra protects itself from problems, negative emotions and facts. They try not to pay attention to blatant things, so as not to damage their internal balance.

Such connivance makes Libra insensitive to the concerns of others, and makes them truly unhappy. Libra is increasingly mired in unresolved problems, to which they so stubbornly turned a blind eye.

Peace and freedom

The uncertainty and indecisiveness of Libra is best left to the conscience of astrologers. Libras are indecisive not because they are weak. Weakness and low self-esteem?

Libras do not suffer from such shortcomings. They objectively evaluate themselves and others, and themselves are usually higher than others.

Libras are indecisive because they choose the most acceptable option, and do not suffer from their own powerlessness. This is a problem of choice, not a problem of cowardice. Libra after all male sign zodiac It doesn’t hurt to remember this when describing this character.

Libra is not an outside observer and recorder of situations. They are proactive and purposeful in their sense of harmony, and can forcefully restore order, making it the way they understand it.

Libras know how to negotiate, but behind the outer softness lies a strong character. And here again I would like to note: Libras are soft not because they are weak-willed, but because they need harmony and balance for a full existence. And any imbalance immediately affects their body. Libra begins to complain about life and health.

No less interesting feature Libra is also the fact that Libra men can show purely feminine softness and delicacy. And Libra women demonstrate masculine will and determination.

If Libra has decided something, it is useless to argue with them. Their softness disappears like morning mist. Libra rejects an option that is unacceptable to them boldly and decisively. Libras, being nervous and worried themselves, are capable of committing harsh actions towards others. In this case, two circumstances come into force.

First. Libras do this out of a sense of justice.

Second. Out of necessity, out of a sense of self-preservation.

Libra represents the extra-human, faceless force of the highest harmony, the highest justice. But there is nothing personal or malicious in their cruelty. The harmony of the world is neither soft nor hard. The world treats a person neither lovingly nor hostilely, but rather indifferently. The harmony of the world is what it is. And Libra is clearly aware of this.

A pleasant person in every way

Libras are sociable and social people. They love holidays, outfits, decorations, gossip, conversations, small talk. Usually they are elegant, well-mannered, and friendly. Their integral feature is the desire to please. Libras need to be treated well. They are looking for recognition and love. After all, love and friendship are the most harmonious types of relationships

Libras need to be loved, sympathized with, helped, shown signs of attention, accepted for who they are. They need a person they can rely on, who would understand them as a kindred spirit. Libras have a hard time tolerating other people's antipathy; they worry mentally and even physically because of other people's rudeness and inattention. They are afraid of being rejected and do not want to infringe on others

Libra needs to remain in the center of attention, within the process, this is the only way they can maintain the harmony of the situation and get what they need. positive emotions Libras are prudent and can take advantage of those they like. Libras know their worth; to tell the truth, they are big snobs. Arrogance is also characteristic of them, and this is determined by the fact that Libra sees how everything is connected to each other, they see the situation in its development, and the rest, in their opinion, are in ignorance and ignorance

Your own feelings Libra has little, and they will not worship anyone out of principle. Feelings are poorly expressed, what is passion. Libra just doesn't understand or knows from erotic films Libra's emotions are controlled by a cold mind, because hot feelings immediately throw the psyche out of balance, and this harms Libra

They love with their heads, aesthetically. Everything should be beautiful, noble, in accordance with etiquette and polite treatment They need to do expensive gifts, show signs of attention And then Libra will believe that they are loved or pretend that they are loved, because they do not want to disappoint their partner. This property can lead to mistakes in their personal life. Libra often confuses friendship with love, partners with friends, public with personal, strangers with their own, right with left.

Libras do not strive for possessions, allowing people to be themselves. But this applies to the material world. In the world of ideas, Libras can be unprincipled, selfish and competitive. Here Libra needs success, recognition, here they can fight tooth and nail. And whoever is not with them is against them.

Why are scales like this?

Libra perceives the world in a peculiarly aesthetic, cold, detached way. They care not so much about form and content as about the quality of relationships components If we're talking about about people, then first their education, upbringing, manners, appearance. And only then personal qualities. At the same time, Libra is guided not by its own scale of values, but public opinion, generally accepted views. Libras usually do not have their own firm opinion about a problem.

They are characterized by vanity and a certain indifference to others associated with it. But Libra is designed this way and cannot go against their nature. If they are not indifferent, they will destroy their inner world, depriving yourself of peace. Any indifference immediately tips the scales in one direction. Harmony and internal order disappear. Namely, Libra stands up for them in everyday life and communication.

Thus, their coldness is unconscious, natural and justified by the magical essence. Libras have no malicious intent; on the contrary, they want goodness and peace, since only under such conditions can they live.

Libras themselves perceive an unfavorable psychological atmosphere very painfully. They suffer from poor living conditions and hard work.

Libras do not know how to empathize, but they are able to understand the reasons for what another person is experiencing and take into account his claims about them in order to do everything necessary for the triumph of justice. Weakly expressed feelings do not give them depth. Libra, whatever you say, is quite superficial.

The path to peace and measure

Libras can flutter through life like butterflies, causing other people's irritation. If life does not require difficult decisions from them, then Libra is pleasant, beautiful and an adornment to any society.

They do not like to burden themselves with unnecessary worries and responsibilities, leaving this right to others, because any excess is against their nature. Libras are formalists, this scares them away. At work, they can be irresponsible and lazy. They do not always have a developed sense of duty.

Libras know how to maintain not only the harmony of the world and soul, but also the harmony of the body. They have a keen sense of bodily needs, know a lot about diet, health activities, gourmet eating, exercise, entertainment and relaxation. They are talented therapists, massage therapists, homeopaths and naturopaths.

Libras are also excellent lawyers, teachers, diplomats, and secretaries. Sociologists, art historians and critics All types of art are subject to them: theater, cinema, especially poetry. As well as light music and fashion. Libra politicians are weak. Hard work is contraindicated for Libra; it can simply kill them. Libras instinctively know this and observe moderation in this matter.

Libra fashion

Libras do not like flashy colors and extraordinary outfits. Their style is one of elegance and good taste. Their colors are dark blue, green, sea ​​wave and pastels. They can wear opal, lapis lazuli and many other decorations of the above color range.

At the same time, Libra is often greedy for fashionable innovations. They know how to show the product face to face - you can’t take that away from them. A Libra woman can choose something from a man’s wardrobe, for example a trouser suit, and a man will add some decorative element to his clothes. Let's say jewelry.

Libra should be lucky on Friday. It is believed that they lucky stones- aquamarine, tourmaline and zircon.

Was the hero of your night dreams born under the sign of Libra? Witty, caustic, insightful, rationalistic, idealistic and pragmatic at the same time - women have no chance to resist. But perhaps behind his ridicule or extravagant behavior he hides a deep feeling for you.

Looking for the perfect lady

Cavaliers under the protection of this zodiac sign, have a refined taste. This applies to clothes, hobbies, interior design, relationships with women.

Brutal showdowns of cave times are not for them. They value grace and harmony in relationships.

Without finding this for a long time, they can remove restrictions and indulge in excesses: in alcohol, food, sex. That's why Libra needs a reasonable, decisive lady, unquarrelsome and sophisticated.

Most Libra gentlemen suffer from idealism and perfectionism. They are waiting Great Love The Ideal Lady - exactly like that, with capital letters. There are special, purely “Weights” chips.

For example, these men are very clean: dishes not washed on time can cause a tragedy worse than Othello. And a keen sense of beauty sometimes takes such forms that Libra’s mood is spoiled for a week because of the provocative color of the curtains.

All these shades of mood his lover must guess. And they will analyze her actions, express their conclusions, hesitating to act. Are you still ready to hunt this exotic “beast”? Let's try to find out more about his habits, find out how to make a Libra man fall in love with you.

School of carnal love

Let's start with the most interesting: with behavior in bed a man in love under the sign of Libra. Their mating games contradictory, just like themselves.

This sign is constantly in doubt, hence the indecision: the pressure of a predator is not about him.But if we managed to overcome doubts, this one of the most tender, hot lovers.

Male abilities can even shock a girl who does not have the habit of making love several times a day. We need to be honest about this. One of the characteristics of a man under the sign of Libra is that he is an attentive partner., values ​​frankness very much, he good teacher in carnal love. With him, a woman will get the maximum from the real thing.

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First day in an exotic country

Horoscopes say that Libra is crazy about languid beauties with mermaid hair and a gentle disposition. But at the same time life path They are suited to energetic Aries, eccentric Gemini and extravagant Aquarius.

How can this be? Very simple. Libra enjoys the fickle charm of Pisces, the cold beauty of Capricorn, the strict style of Virgo, or the secretive sophistication of Cancer. But Capricorns and Virgos are too tough, even critical, while Pisces and Cancers are too detached and very touchy.

At the same time they like to be surprised, because deep down in their souls they are sure that they know everything, have foreseen everything. A woman who can treat every day as if it were her first. exotic country, will easily attract the attention of such a guy. If she can save you from eternal doubts and torment, these gentlemen will think about marriage.

Qualities that repel/attract a connoisseur of harmony

Repel Attract
Sloppiness. Even if you adore ripped jeans or punk sweaters, you should always smell fresh, a neat manicure and pedicure are a must - Libra notices every little detailStylish. You can be extravagant, unusual, the main thing is that the image is in harmony with your inner world. A guy of this sign will especially be pleased if your image matches the one he has chosen.
Power struggle. Even sophisticated representatives of this sign are well aware of their masculinity. He will be the main one in the relationship, even if only formallyFriendship and equality. A simple mistress or housekeeper will not suit such a man. But it won’t fit under your heel either
Narrow outlook and criticism. Libra’s opinion should be listened to, especially since it is usually thoughtful and balanced. Moreover, you cannot criticize your lover’s hobbies. Vice versa, best way“harpoon” Libra - find out his hobby and ask him to teach him, for example, fishing or astronomy. These men are always not averse to playing the teacher-student game. And they simply melt from the praise of their belovedHigh intellectual level. Like everyone else air signs, they don't mind chatting about everything under the sun. They are often ready to replace actions with pleasant conversation. Hence, another important female quality that such men idolize, although they are not recognized, is the speed of decision-making. But not in a commanding voice, tapping the table with a rolling pin

Three external signs of lovers

Let's figure it out according to what external signs You can identify a Libra man in love, how to understand that he is in love with you.

  • He changed his clothing style.

All Libras are rare aesthetes; they believe that external image– one of important ways tell the world about hidden emotions.

If your friend used to prefer one style, and then began to appear in a completely different image, this is a sure sign of the seriousness of his feelings.

Sometimes Libra radically changes their appearance, tuning in to the lady they like. A gothic, sophisticated young man turns into a classic nerd in a couple of days? His heart is clearly in the wrong place because of some intellectual. Dramatic change in smell eau de toilette– also a sure sign of “Vesov’s” interest.

  • He tries to control the movements of his fingers.

If usually calm person begins to tap his fingers on the table, straighten his clothes or straighten his hair, and then he comes to his senses and abruptly stops doing this, which means that he is not indifferent to the interlocutor. And Libra, who is brighter in external manifestations, when the object of passion appears, restrains the usual active gestures.

  • He constantly tries to look in the mirror.

It catches its reflection in shop windows, in car windows, even in puddles. It's all due to the idealism of the sign. If this man decided that he was lucky to find his lady, then he should be perfect next to him. What if there is a stain on your trousers or a loose tie?

Actions that reveal hidden feelings

Let's try to find out how Libra men in love behave.

  • He makes scenes of jealousy.

Although emotional, they hate conflict or intense drama. Is it clear that such a man is jealous? He is no longer able to hide the passion of his soul.

This happens when a man is not confident enough in his preferences.

When a man finds it difficult to understand how he feels, get ready: he may become sarcastic or rude, testing the strength of the object of his sympathy. If you can handle the blow without stooping to mockery or cruel coldness, you will soon be thinking about a wedding dress.

  • He invites you on a date to his home.

His home is a quiet haven where he tries to prevent the wind of passions and changes. Preferring to meet on neutral territory, such a man will bring home only his true beloved.

  • He decided to introduce him to his parents and is ready to meet yours.

Family is incredibly important for this sign: if it comes down to parties with relatives, it means that the relationship has reached a high level.

Unpleasant moments in relationships

  • He is in no hurry to conquer his beloved.

Don’t expect the Libra man to confess his love anytime soon, no matter how much you might like it. First you need to take a closer look, analyze, and draw conclusions.

  • Emotionally unstable.

Either he is crazy about you, then he suddenly cools off. He is very offended if you did not wait for his decision - even to the point of binge drinking.

If your admirer is convinced that the feeling is correct, then he will never leave you, will smooth out conflicts, seek compromises, and tolerate extravagant antics. This sign is the initiator of separation in rare cases. Even after a breakup, you can maintain friendship and do business.

  • He will always have his eye on beautiful ladies.

Even when Libra's heart is already occupied, bed is not always there. He is able to change his beloved, but not with the soul and not even in search of sexual pleasure. Those born under this sign may be attracted to another woman for the sake of beauty. Sometimes aesthetic urges lead far.

The partner will have to learn to restrain her emotions and forgive her “art critic.” Drive away annoying beauties, of whom there are always many hovering around the gallant Libra. This needs to be done cunningly, without stooping to the level of a market trader. It is worth gently pointing out the shortcomings of the next candidate (even if these are advantages).

What justifies this behavior? This guy himself is not jealous, he is even ready to forgive infidelity, especially if he repents thoroughly.

  • He is unlikely to propose marriage immediately after meeting.

What justifies this behavior? You knew he was indecisive. But he goes along well with the opinions of others. Why not gently hint at the benefits of going to the altar?

  • He will not shower his beloved with gold, diamonds or sable fur coats.

Not out of greed, but because he despises trading in feelings.

What justifies this behavior? Special compliments, unusual gifts, unforgettable dates are guaranteed. If you trust such a guy important event, he will think through everything meticulously. And in originality it will surpass even the extravagant Aquarius.

Those born under the auspices of Libra are far from the easiest choice for family life. Behind his charming humor he hides shyness and vulnerability. But life with this man will never seem boring and monotonous: It will be full of emotional ups and downs.

The only inanimate symbol in the zodiac, Libra is the second sign air element, writes Para Los Curiosos.

A distinctive feature of representatives of this sign is the desire for harmony in everything. Sensitive to beauty, born diplomats, possessing fortitude and an unbending will to win in any rivalry, Libras often act as judges, as well as lawyers at all levels.

Consistency, reliability and creative power are the best qualities of this sign!

1. They get along well with others.

Libras are easy to please people because they can make anyone feel interesting and important. They are excellent listeners.

Libras are very aware of your feelings and emotions. And they are able to perfectly predict the consequences of their own and others’ actions.

This is because they are very observant and have exceptionally good perceptual skills. They strive to get closer to people they like and seek long-term friendships.

At the same time, they cannot stand superficial people and will exclude you from their social circle immediately if they notice your falsity and hypocrisy.

2. They are very kind.

Libras don't promise to solve any of your problems, but when the need arises, they make every effort to help you. If you need emotional support, turn to Libra. They will dispel your worries and doubts!

Nothing disturbs the inner world of Libra more than the negativity around them. All people around you should have positive energy and avoid conflicts. If this does not happen, Libra becomes disappointed in people and stops communicating with them.

3. They are born diplomats.

Nobody copes with awkward situations better than Libra. They are famous diplomats and easily explain any oddities. At the same time, they are stylish and elegant.

Libras enjoy being surrounded by other people. Just laughing, discussing all sorts of absurdities or complex issues for hours - that's what makes them happy. Libras are creative souls who crave dialogue.

4. They are inquisitive.

Libra is an air element, so they always strive for self-development. The power of intellect is of paramount importance to them.

They always retain the ability to think rationally. In any situation, they look for and find ways to optimize work and everyday processes. It is their natural curiosity that allows them not to get stuck in one place and always move forward.

5. They are selfless.

Libras are very receptive and actually take an interest in what is going on in their friends' lives. Even if they have conflicts, they quickly smooth them out due to their charisma and kindness.

To help their neighbor, Libra does not need additional reasons. They are always happy to lend a helping hand without demanding anything in return. But if you try to use them, they will cut you out of their life.

6. They know how to be friends.

People are drawn to Libras when they have problems because they are able to look at the situation from the outside. Libras try to understand all points of view before drawing conclusions.

Naturally, this attracts people, which is why Libra always has many loyal, reliable friends. And although Libra will never become friends with a scoundrel, for the sake of friends they are ready to come to an agreement even with the devil.

7. They have excellent taste.

Libra is influenced by Venus, which for a long time identified with the goddess of love and beauty. Libras appreciate beauty in everything: in friends and loved ones, in art, writing and music...

Therefore, they pay more attention to interiors and design than others. They are proud of their taste and have every right to it! However, they do not hide the fact that they love everything beautiful and of high quality.

8. They are perfectionists.

Libras are always looking for the best, most perfect, most harmonious way to live life. In their ideal world, everything is balanced and fair. There are no conflicts in this world.

Of course, there is no ideal world. And this is the main disappointment in the life of Libra. Therefore, they constantly strive to achieve personal excellence.

9. They are fair.

Libras are ideal bosses. They know how to manage the energy of other people and do not use their skill for selfish purposes.

Fairness is very important to Libras, so they never demand more from others than they can give.

Libras approach work with genuine interest and value healthy relationships in the team. So they themselves do everything to maintain harmony and relaxed concentration in him.

10. They are true romantics.

Libras love deeply and with all their hearts. If you are lucky and someone born under this sign loves you, you can be sure that you are in good hands!

Libras want their partners to know and feel that they are cared for. They are capable of small pleasant surprises and grand gestures. If you have had or continue to have an affair with a Libra, know that no matter what happens, you will remember it all your life!

11. They know how to enjoy life.

Libras are usually very cultured people. They value their social environment and nature. They are usually well-read, well-informed and stylishly dressed.

They can equally appreciate a colorful sunset and a deep educational conversation. It is this ability to find pleasure in everything that allows them to remain relaxed and calm in life.

12. They work conscientiously.

Although Libras are often considered lazy, it really comes down to their career choice. If the chosen path suits Libra, then they will achieve any heights in their field!

And Libra always achieves success in social life, because they never stop on the ladder of their achievements. They hate mediocrity and always demand more - both from themselves and from others.

13. They love adventure.

Libras cannot sit in one place for a long time and do not tolerate monotony. For them, life must be interspersed with interesting events, adventures, travel, etc.

Having found a person of similar temperament, they can become truly happy. So if you love adventure, hold on to Libra with both hands! You won't regret it!

14. They are very attractive.

Libras often have a magnetic appearance, although, of course, not all of them can be called handsome and beauties. Their beauty lies in their naturalness.

For this reason, they do not need to work hard to make their appearance noticeable. They don't intentionally seek recognition, but they get it anyway. The Libra personality attracts almost everyone - without exception!

15. They are not selfish.

Libras are devoted partners and lovers who put your needs before their own. But they are not inclined to believe in love at first sight.

They are cautious in relationships, and you can hardly count on quick sex with them. They are looking for a truly lasting connection. But having found it, they will surround you with such care that others can only dream of.

Libras are often considered the most attractive people from the point of view of the opposite sex. Astrologers have their own explanation for this, as well as their other character traits.

Many people have great respect for those born under the influence of the Libra sign and even give some reasons for this. Traditionally, they are credited with such qualities as diplomacy and harmonious balance of character, as well as purely external attractiveness. What makes representatives of the Zodiac Sign Libra exactly what they are? Let's figure out what drives and controls them from an astrological point of view.

Astrology of the Zodiac Sign Libra

Everyone who was born from September 24 to November 23 can safely consider themselves to be representatives of this Zodiac Sign. Each person has for his strengths and weaknesses corresponds to the position of the planets in his horoscope, which is what you need to know when doing astrology. Therefore, the main features of each of us are endowed by our patron planet according to the Zodiac Sign. Here's what this layout looks like for Libra:

Patron planet: Venus
Planet in exaltation: Saturn

Planet in exile: Mars
Planet in decline: Sun
Element: Air

The planet Venus has the strongest influence on those born during this period, therefore all the qualities that astrologers endowed it with are most developed in Libra. Venus is the only planet named after a Roman goddess rather than a god, and it traditionally carries feminine. Venus was revered as the goddess of love and beauty. Actually, this is the answer to the question of why most representatives of the Libra sign turn out to be very attractive to the opposite sex. You can always check this: just look in.

The planet Saturn, which is active among those born under the Sign of Libra, endows them with teaching talents, since it influences people’s diligence and sense of responsibility. It is not for nothing that it is called the “teacher planet.” But, on the other hand, the qualities for which Mars and the Sun are responsible turn out to be poorly developed, which can sometimes interfere with life. Mars allows you to be active and have a strong will, and the Sun allows you to express leadership qualities and generally express yourself.

As representatives of the air triad of the Horoscope, Libra exhibits the following typical qualities:

However, like every Zodiac Sign, representatives of the Libra Sign have distinct features that are unique to them.

Libra sign: 10 unusual facts

The patron saint of Libra, Venus, makes representatives of this Zodiac Sign very sensual. Perhaps this is precisely the main complexity of their character: one of the cups is filled with the necessary knowledge and logically reasoned judgments, but there is also a second one, completely devoted to emotions. Depending on which of them outweighs, you will recognize this side of the representative of the Libra Sign.

As is already clear, the balance of Venus’s wards turns out to be extremely unstable. If something suddenly goes wrong and for some reason it is really difficult for those born under the constellation Libra, believe me: it will not be sweet for anyone. They will piss off everyone they consider guilty, and maybe they will take revenge. In fact, most problems appear out of nowhere. Sometimes Libra simply needs help to speak out, calm down, and they will sort everything out themselves.

Libras are diplomats and connoisseurs of all things beautiful. It is this quality that makes them come to their senses. They enjoy politeness, try to be courteous themselves, and naturally respond positively to the same behavior from others. They often react very sharply to rudeness and carelessness towards them. Therefore, they themselves try to smooth out conflicts and try to resolve issues so that everyone is happy with the end result.

Anyone born under the Sign of Libra can be accused of being real aesthetes. They use their developed sense of beauty to select their own style, which is usually very appropriate and perfectly suits them. Sometimes they decorate their workplace with the same diligence.

Thanks to their receptiveness, Libras are often fascinated by subtle matters. Art for them is both a source of emotions and a way to obtain important life information. And with its help they can relax.

For Libra, information is as necessary as air. They are often considered gossips, which is not always true. But what is clear is that it is vital for them to acquire new knowledge. This also applies to their sphere professional activities, and what happens to the people with whom they interact closely.

Emotions are something very close to representatives of this Zodiac Sign. But you need to understand that emotions and feelings are something very different. In the first case, we are talking about something superficial, something that can quickly pass. Due to their emotionality, Libra can be very amorous and flighty. But this same quality can be used to regulate mood.

Laziness largely characterizes Libra. We can say that they often wait until the last minute, as if “swinging,” and only then get to work. They often show obvious apathy.

Disputes are rightfully considered the native element of the Zodiac Sign Libra. The fact is that they, like no one else, are able to see all the pros and cons. They can prove any point of view, even one that they themselves do not adhere to.

The ability to think, oddly enough, sometimes baffles them. Seeing both advantages and disadvantages, Libra cannot always understand which is more significant and hesitates to accept final decision. Sometimes it is difficult for them to make a decision because Libra knows how they sometimes lack luck. So you can protect yourself and give confidence in your actions with the help of a talisman stone for good luck.

The combination of these qualities shows the typical representatives of the Libra Sign. Remember that astrology is serious and don't forget to press the buttons and