What former participants say about house 2. Food, “plastic surgery” and treatment - at the expense of the office

Over the thirteen years of existence of the scandalous television project, it would seem that everything is already known about the project “kitchen”. The public has long been aware of how much the participants of House 2 earn, in what conditions they live, and by what rules they live. The topic of behind the scenes of a long-running reality show is not new, however, it still arouses interest among viewers.

Former member decided to be generous with her revelations about life on the television set; apparently, her blogs about the hunt for oligarchs have ceased to be in demand. Elina Kamiren called the video “The whole truth about House 2 - exposing the project.” Elina Kamiren dedicated her video blog primarily to those who have a desire to go to House 2.

The whole truth about the House 2 project from Elina Kamiren video:

Elina spoke about the project in a negative way; she gave the following description of the reality: “House 2 is a reflection of the decomposition of society.” Kamiren told why the popularity gained on the show is imaginary and what difficulties almost all household members have to face after leaving real life. Elina revealed the details of building her relationship on House 2.

May 10, 2018 no comments

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That’s how many years this scandalous reality show “Dom-2” has existed, and the debate continues: are all these scandals and intrigues according to the script, or are the participants living on a whim.

It is clear that this secret is kept under seven seals.

But they are working on this project ordinary people, and no one has canceled the staff turnover, so no, no, but some information sometimes leaks out.

Former participants and former employees of the famous television production, which has lasted for many years, are happy to provide comments to various sources of information on topics of interest to television viewers.

For example, one of the participants, who recently left a reality show about an incomprehensible love, shared how their off-screen day goes.

In the morning, the line editor or duty producer gathers everyone. Gives clear directions on where, who and what is being filmed: the first team will film a quarrel, say, between Vasya and Petya for the same amount of time, and the second team of cameramen will film the passion, for example, between Kolya and Olya.

There is a certain mini-scenario, a certain scheme for conducting a “working” day. The same tasks are given to the participants themselves, so that the cameramen have something to shoot. Of course, no one has to teach the text, no. A situation is given, and then do what you want!

But not everywhere and not in all cases a forecast task is made. To make it as realistic as possible and close to natural, natural situations, “surprises” are prepared for the participants in the form of provocations and harsh statements. After all, this is precisely what intrigues the huge army of television viewers of this scandalous reality show.

Even when selecting the editor of “House-2”, with a trained eye they identify interesting participants in the future and immediately specify their roles. Suppose, a bitch, or a shirtless guy who will be shared by several girls, or a lover of crumpets, or a lover of freaks, or an “honest giver” and so on.

The rest of the mass is the so-called “meat” for departure. Naturally, not all of the applicants justify the trust of the authorities. Well, they fail to cope with the task and that’s it! These are the kind of frames that can be immediately calculated. Few people will believe that a little girl with a nasty voice and a frightened voice is such a predator and brawler!

Yes, the girl was an excellent student and quiet all her life. But she auditioned for the reality show “Dom-2” five times and only on the sixth, apparently having agreed to the role of a bitch, she got the chance to come to the television production.

And what? What is the result? Well, she provoked several participants several times, well, they told her heartily several times, and where did her supposedly “impudent” character go?

Yes, Daria swallows her tongue, all it takes is for a real bitch – Elena Khromina – to just appear on the horizon! So I haven’t quarreled with her even once. Daria is suppressed and instantly bows to strong personality. And that's a fact.

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There are plenty of such examples. Another one of the latest... Do you remember when you had just arrived in the Seychelles and began to confusingly explain your drawn diagram in a checkered notebook?

As he said, explaining the circles with the names of the participants: I will quarrel with this one tomorrow, and I will begin to ignore this one, I will look after this one, and the like. Why not a behavioral pattern? The guy, who had just joined the project, was very afraid of missing out on assignments and recommendations from the organizers and stupidly pictured to himself with whom, what and when he should do.

And let's remember, who at first wore slippers almost in her teeth to a real bitch by nature. And what happened to her then? Suddenly she acquired a tough character, from somewhere appeared not just courage, but arrogance and rudeness.

If you think that a clear distribution of roles occurs only in the female part of the television set, then you are deeply mistaken.

The same thing happens to men. From the latest examples -. Well, which one is Don Juan? He is still sincerely perplexed about his role.

How many times have viewers of the reality show heard his sincere, surprised words: “Sasha, what are you saying? (Or do you?) Lena, how can you?” And the like. Poor guy! It’s not he who rushes between the girls, but according to the script, two girls play real ping-pong!

Does he love any of them? Of course not! He almost cried several times and asked to go home to Moscow! But the contract was signed and the penalty is very large. He is not the wealthiest young man on the project. So I am forced to participate in funny scenes played by girls.

Consider staged fights, but not all of them are like that. For example, when I grabbed my hair extensions in the kitchen, it was from the heart. And then she shouted obscenities at another member of Yulia’s project – this is not censored speech.

But when Elena Khromina fought, or Again, Elena and Sheva, it was clearly a staged action. The participants don’t really say to each other: “Come on, start somehow!”

How do young people fight on the project? At first they swear at each other for a long time, being very far from each other. Then they make sure to take something off themselves, looking around to see if there are people who will stop them.

Only then, in the best case, they will hug and lie lightly together on the floor in the common kitchen, or even just bury their foreheads to foreheads and say something quietly, pushing their foreheads together like bulls.

So, to the question whether there is a script for the reality show “Dom-2” the answer is clear, of course there is. But there’s plenty of improvisation there too!

The reality show "Dom-2" exists on domestic television for 13 years already. During this time, only the lazy did not speak out about the project. Despite all the negativity and outright mockery, the show continues to air. And the participants make good money building love.

“From zero to 200 thousand rubles”

Serious passions are boiling on the television set, thunder is roaring and lightning is flashing. The characters who dream of building love actually not only think about lofty things, but also simply try to make money! It has long been no secret that participants live on everything ready and get paid for it wages. And these amounts clearly exceed the earnings of people who languish every day in stuffy offices from eight to eight.

According to rumors, the show's hosts receive about 2 million rubles a month. Former presenter, now happy mom Ksenia Sobchak admitted in an interview that in 2012 she earned three million for working on the project. What about ordinary “household members”?

“Work on a construction site” - now this phrase has lost its original meaning. You can earn from 30 to 200 thousand rubles on the project. Of course, per month. Moreover, taxes are also deducted from honestly earned money. So those same ardent parasites and slackers on the screens who incredibly irritate many are also respectable taxpayers.

A strict contract prohibits disclosing details, but journalists managed to find out some information. To start getting paid on the show, you need to go through probation: everything is serious, just like in life outside the perimeter. After 2-3 months, the first payments to your bank card will begin.

Olga Rapunzel, Andrey Chuev and the “TV grannies”

“Stars” who are most loved or hated by viewers receive about 150-200 thousand a month. This includes Olga Rapunzel and Andrei Chuev. Many far-sighted participants in the television production decide to include members of their family in this easy income. This is how those “TV grannies” appeared. By the way, these ladies are becoming popular on social networks, and there is no less intrigue around them than among the young ones! Thus, recently a large-scale clarification of the relationship between Tatyana Afrikantova and Irina Agibalova began on the Internet: not only provocative public accusations were used, but also TV broadcasts, although not yet from Andrei Malakhov.

Afrikantova even left the perimeter due to disagreements over her fee: “I yapped all day, but I was paid like old grandma. I took such a blow... Why did they pay me 80? I became hoarse there. Moreover, I know that the same Olga Vasilievna Gobozova was paid 130 thousand rubles.” As a result, having not received the amount corresponding to her requests, she found nothing other than to proudly leave the project.

Tatiana Kirilyuk

You can increase your own wages not only through scandals on the site, but also on your own. For example, ex-participant Tatyana Kirilyuk told Komsomolskaya Pravda how she succeeded: “I sat in the doldrums for a very long time and got a thirty. When my aunt found out about this, she lost her temper and called the management: “Tanya lives there sincerely, she only spends twenty on antidepressants after Bogdan, and you spend thirty on her?!”

Aliana and Alexander Gobozov

Stepan Menshchikov, one of the most popular show participants, opens up: “I haven’t been bound by a contract for a long time, so I can say: yes, the guys get money. Any work must be paid. The participant’s fee depends on who he is, what benefit he brings to the project, what authority he has, and status in the team. The amount of the fee is from zero to 200 thousand rubles. The approach to each participant is individual. You can start receiving money after a month of being on the project. The hero comes up and says: “Guys, I spent on you month of life, was a top participant, let’s conclude an employment contract...” When you start to demand, the attitude towards you changes, respect appears. But again, everything is individual. Some people go not for money, but for fame. They are ready to work for free. And if a person has not proven himself in any way on a project, then they will not pay him.”

The fees allow many participants to save up to start a business or simply purchase housing in the capital rather than in their hometown. If you manage to create a “strong” family in which hurricanes will constantly rage, then the efficiency will increase. So, Aliana and Alexander Gobozov received 500 thousand a month.

Food, plastic surgery and treatment - at the expense of the office

Pregnancy management

Daria and Sergei Pynzar, having decided to leave the show, already had a strong “safety cushion” in the form of real estate and clothing stores. At the same time, the couple managed to become parents of two children while being outside the perimeter! Of course, vitamins for pregnant women, childbirth and other very expensive events were paid for by the channel’s management.

Plastic surgery

On the project you can also take care of yourself by changing in better side. Numerous plastic surgeries "House-2" is a real encyclopedia of modern surgery! But all this does not cost the participants anything. Moreover, the project is a family, and if someone vitally needs help, it will be provided. So, Andrei Chuev’s legs gave out, and his treatment was paid for.

Taxi, phone, groceries

And in general, life outside the perimeter, both in Moscow and in the Seychelles, is particularly comfortable. Fresh products are purchased several times a week taking into account the wishes of household members, who can also travel by taxi for free and do not have to spend money on telephone calls. No payment utilities, air conditioners do not turn off during hot periods to save electricity... Paradise?

An additional source of income for TV show participants, like other modern public figures, is advertising on Instagram. This social network can be called a real gold mine. Depending on the number of subscribers, the cost of posts also varies. The texts themselves are presented in different sauces: sometimes it is difficult to guess that this is not good advice, but a paid recommendation.

Ksenia Borodina

The owner of the TV set apparently advertises everything that is offered to her. The presenter has 4 million subscribers, and the cost of a post is 150 thousand rubles. The presenter talks about smartphone cases, cosmetics, flowers, cookies, salons and much more.

Olga Buzova

Recently divorced Olga Buzova also did not go far from her colleague. On her Instagram, especially after breaking up with her husband, you can find advice for every taste and for the same amount. On the eve of the New Year, it became known that since the announcement of the breakup with her husband, Olga Buzova has earned... 16 million rubles from advertising! The TV presenter published photos of her new jackets and fur coats almost every day, and raffled off baby strollers and smartphones. In November, Olga placed 64 advertising posts costing about 250 thousand rubles each (prices increased noticeably after the scandalous divorce).

Victoria Bonya

Ex-participant of the “construction project” Victoria Bonya is also asking for an amount of 150 thousand. True, the number of her subscribers is still 3.5 million. Once, the common-law wife of Irish billionaire Alex Smurfit even advertised in a photo blog... a screwdriver!

Alena Vodonaeva

Alena Vodonaeva more often advertises cosmetics that she has tested herself, as she proudly reports. Vodonaeva’s income has long worried bloggers: many wondered where she got the funds for such luxurious life. The answer is simple: one and a half million subscribers and 100 thousand rubles per post.

Are you following the development of the reality show “Dom-2”? Share your impressions in the comments!

The management of the TV show, since it preaches debauchery on domestic television and shows the living embodiment of how low morals can fall, has never particularly suffered from moralism - starting with the producer who sleeps with the participants, one of whom even bothered to make his wife, and ending with the scriptwriters, who whisper to on-screen characters how they need to “build their love” correctly. But what turned out to be true today... No one expected such a slap in the face, such a blatant lie, such a disregardful attitude even from these guys. More precisely, some people still guessed. It seemed strange to many that, who knows how to find benefits everywhere, even where it would seem to not exist and cannot be, he suddenly decided to refuse to participate in the “Love of the Year” competition. In the same competition in which he and his wife were confidently in the lead and could easily take main prize in the form of a one-room apartment in Moscow, in a good, well-maintained area. Almost everyone was sure that it was Tata and Valera who needed living space more than the other participants, since they had recently had a daughter and now they were not just husband and wife, but also parents, for whom the housing issue had become more pressing than ever. But no - Blumenkrantz took it and refused. Moreover, he also left the project - and for a second, it was his only source of income until May 2017, when he got a job in one of the Moscow entertainment establishments. So what caused such a sharp change in priorities for one of the project's favorites? It turned out that there is a reason, and what a reason - after all, House 2 is most brazenly deceiving its own participants, promising them an apartment as a prize, which in fact is not even there!

Sponsor of the impromptu competition " Love of the Year“is one of the Moscow developers who, in fact, should have provided the winners with the coveted apartment in the form of a prize. But so far they have nothing to offer: there is no apartment as such - there are only bare walls, floors and... and a lot of free, completely free space, which can only be made so that it begins to at least partially resemble a living space if you have a rich imagination. Of course, sooner or later it will be completed and take its final form - but, knowing the domestic “hard workers”, this will happen, of course, late, while the winner of the competition will be determined soon enough. Therefore, there is nothing left to do but to state pure water deception of household members by their own leaders and organizers. But, of course, this will not be shown on air - there all the couples will continue to fight together for the title of best tandem 2017 and for the right to receive the treasured keys to the treasured apartment... which, alas, does not exist...

One of the many employees who recently worked on the reality show Dom2 is writing to you. I can’t identify myself because I fear for my life and safety.
I want to reveal the background hidden from the eyes and the audience and the root cause of many of the events that happen on the show. I know these facts from reliable sources. What I know causes laughter and disgust. It is especially unfortunate that the program is watched mainly by schoolchildren and teenagers. Many boys and girls consider the participants of DOM 2 to be an example to follow, and due to their age and development, they naively believe that one of the children will really be allowed to “build love” on the project. This may have been the original idea of ​​the show’s authors, until it became clear that using the project and its participants you can earn good money through advertising, SMS messages and the production of printed materials. etc. Moreover, using the participants themselves, if they were unprincipled and promiscuous in their relationships, and those of them who actually met love (these are newlyweds who left the project) were kicked out. They were not allowed to build their love on the project, because it was unprofitable, was considered uninteresting for the viewer and did not bring in any cash injections.
First I will say something that is clear to many. It has long been clear that the participants in this show play at love and often build their relationships according to the script, so many stopped watching the long-running program. Some old participants, dissatisfied with the manipulation and manipulation of ratings, which especially often happen in last year and because each of them has known for a long time who will get the house, they enter into evil, senseless conflicts. They want, but cannot tell anyone the truth about what is happening. After all, they are all losers from the provinces, unsecured people with aspirations for a better life, failed actors who do not have housing in Moscow, want to make their little career with the help of a show and are afraid of being thrown out of the project, so they put up with the moral and physical prostitution that reigns on the project and fraud. In order to survive on the project, everyone is forced to constantly lie, fake things on camera and adapt to the unequal conditions provided by the project administration, only occasionally making poisonous hints about certain real reasons for certain events. Even the events at the front, when they vote for elimination, are re-filmed at the request of the administration and presenter K. Sobchak. Each participant signed a contract according to which, in the event of disclosure of the real events occurring on the project, he will have to pay a gigantic fine.
But over the past six months, the situation on the project has become so tense that some participants, at least with hints, often reveal the true state of affairs. Deception occurs not just for commercial reasons or to add extra intrigue to the show. The fact is that some participants (there are two of them) are in intimate relationships with representatives of the project administration, which allows them to claim more high ratings popularity and winning houses in the future. It is also funny that the administration deliberately invited several boys and girls of non-traditional sexual orientation to the project, although most of them had already left the show. This was the case with the already scandalous Rustam Solntsev. Because of him, Sam Seleznev was almost kicked out of the project, who wanted to beat him because of Rustam’s attempts to humiliate Sam and his girlfriend and kick them out of the project. (just at this time, one of the main participants in the show, A. Vodonaeva, quarreled with Sam’s girlfriend Nastya Dashko).
Sam was hired for the project because of his exotic appearance, but since he grew up in... orphanage, naturally, no one paid for his participation in the show, as in lately happened to many project participants. The project director, general manager, presenters, Sobchak and Borodina received money for participation and so that the paid participants would not be kicked out of the show for a longer time, and would be shown “PR” on television more often.
I know for sure what did they pay for such participants, like Alena Vodonaeva, Victoria Bonya, Ada Karaeva. A particularly interesting case is Alena Vodonaeva, who managed to sleep with one married oligarch who promised her support, the director of the reality show DOM 2, the general producer of TNT Troitsky (she was even briefly seen with him in one closed Moscow establishment of a certain kind). In bed with some of the men listed above, Alena found out who would leave the show at the next vote, which she repeatedly informed the project participants about, thereby emphasizing her power and insight. The spectacular appearance and charms of Alena of the fifth rosmer, her rosema, did not ache with the ranger and the numerous parts on the show, with whom he was in intimate relationships: Minoshchikov, Pothapovich and Kvariral Afferist Aleksey, who returned from the show to the prison, which he had noted a long time To the best you HOUSE 2. Only Meladze, the producer of the ViaGra group, which she wanted to get into through the “front” and did a lot for this, remained indifferent to Vodonaeva. Alena used numerous trips to photo shoots not only for filming, but also for private meetings with sponsors who generously paid for her sex services.
The participant’s great sexual demand led to numerous health problems, especially gynecological ones. She had a miscarriage, an abortion, a tumor in the uterus. All these problems were naturally hidden by the show's leaders. Viewers were informed that Alena was being treated in the hospital for gastritis, etc. Stepan Menshchikov, who had recently made a couple with a sexually uninhibited girl, knew about many of her adventures, this was the reason for their breakup, despite the great desire of this pregnant individual, who calls himself the “Ekaterinburg redneck” to win the house. It’s no wonder that the guys on the project gave her the nickname “pussy”. Many times on television, Alena has repeatedly stated that she and her partner will win the house. And these are not empty words of a self-confident girl. The fact is that it was she, the director and the general. The producer of the project actually promised to win the house.
The only problem is that this win is at least minimally probable. First, Alena was found in a strip club by an almost thirty-year-old stripper with a textured appearance - Potapovich. The stripper had a bleak future ahead of him. Lack of housing in Moscow and he was convinced that their beautiful couple with the popular Alena would definitely win a house. He showed himself to be a hopeless partner and disappointed Alena. Then the favorite and favorite of the project producer entered the arena - a bisexual, fragile young man with a pretty face and a stupid pseudonym. May has long been the lover of the same bisexual producer M., who also promised him help in his future stellar career and winning at home. May and his lover decided long ago that in a pair with the Sun, who is often absent from the project, he would not win the house. When Vodonaeva was left without a partner, they were offered to rehabilitate themselves and revive the project by creating a competitive couple, the winning of which would look plausible, because The majority of the audience would supposedly vote for them in the final. In addition, May liked Alena; they had long been known as “friends”, having similar temperaments and outlooks on life. Andrey Chuev often called May “Eva” and offered to draw him into “positive energy.” After such jokes, A. Chuev’s viewer rating immediately and mysteriously fell. In addition, despite his enormous popularity, he took a modest place in the next competition for the title of “Superman at Home2”, was provoked by the administration into a conflict and thrown out of the project.
The only obstacle to winning the final of the pair Alena + May is the oldest popular pair of the project, Buzova + Tretyakov. However, a program to eliminate them has already begun. But since the couple is very popular with the viewer and is a cult, they are planned to be omitted and removed from the project before its very end. Tretyakov is constantly provoked by the presenters, constantly talking about the numerous opinions of television viewers that their couple is insincere. etc.
source funnysite.my1.ru