Methods of human resource management in an organization.

Human resource management Human resources (HR) are a set of various qualities of people that determine their ability to work to produce material and spiritual goods, and are a general indicator of the development of social production. Human resource management is the human aspect of business management and the relationships workers have with their companies.

Management methods CONTROL METHOD is a method of influence, a way of using controls. MANAGEMENT METHODS represent methods and techniques for the purposeful influence of the control system on the managed system in order to establish the most effective procedure for using labor, material, monetary and other resources to achieve the assigned tasks.

Administrative management methods These are ways of implementing management influences on the managed system, based on power and discipline. System of legislative acts System of normative and methodological documents Operational management system INCLUDES

Forms of administrative influence Organizational influence – ensures the interaction of all elements of the management system and is aimed at continuous improvement organizational structure and management structures Regulatory influence - regulation and elimination of interferences and deviations arising during production Organizational regulation - influence that instructs the performer to act in a certain way. Organizational regulation (production standards, optimal sizes of teams and farms, standard deadlines, standard costs, etc.) Order Order Resolution Planning meeting, meeting Oral instructions

Economic management methods This is a set of ways to influence the economic interests of a management object, based on the material and economic interest of performers and managers for the consequences of actions taken and decisions made.

The main characteristics of economic management methods They are the basis of the motivation system They create conditions for the management object to fulfill it economic interests Encourage the controlled object to act in the direction desired by the management body without much of its intervention. Provide the opportunity for the controlled object to choose means and methods in performing assigned tasks. Gradual and long-term influence on the controlled object.

Socio-psychological methods of management These are ways of implementing management influences, based on the use of laws of psychology and sociology. In terms of scale and methods of influence Sociological methods - aimed at a group of people and their interactions in the process of joint activities Psychological methods - aimed at the personality of a specific person

Sociological management methods make it possible to establish the purpose and place of employees in the team, to identify leaders and provide their support, to connect the motivation of people with the final results of production, to ensure effective communications, to ensure the resolution of conflicts in the team.

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Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education

"Petersburg State Transport University"


Department of Management and Marketing


on the topic: Methods of human resource management using the example of Phoenix LLC

Completed by student

faculty of ESU

MNB-208 group

Kudinova S.A.


Krikun V.P.

St. Petersburg, 2013


Chapter 1. Methods of managing human resources of an organization

Chapter 2. Study of human resource management methods using the example of Phoenix LLC.



Managers have always been aware that motivational aspects are becoming increasingly important in modern management. Personnel motivation is the main means of ensuring optimal use of resources and mobilizing existing human resources. The main goal of the motivation process is to obtain the maximum return from the use of available labor resources, which makes it possible to increase the overall effectiveness and profitability of the enterprise.

A feature of personnel management during the transition to a market is the increasing role of the employee’s personality. Accordingly, the ratio of motives and needs on which the motivation system can rely changes. To motivate employees, companies today use both financial and non-financial reward methods.

The relevance of the problem under consideration is due to the fact that the transition to a socially oriented market presupposes the need to create an adequate mechanism for motivating work. Without this, it is impossible to consider in practice the objective prerequisites for increasing production efficiency - the basis for the growth of real incomes and living standards of the population. economic management psychological personnel

The problem of personnel motivation is quite widely considered today in scientific and journalistic literature. However, attempts to adapt classical theories of motivation to modern times are largely unsystematized, which complicates the practical use of technologies and methods of motivation. The complexity of the practical organization of the personnel motivation system is also determined by the poor knowledge of the characteristics of the motivation of workers employed in certain sectors of the economy and types of production.

The purpose of this work is to study theoretical foundations methods of human resource management and consider their application using the example of the Phoenix LLC company, as well as give practical recommendations for improving human resource management methods in the Phoenix LLC company.

This course work consists of an introduction, a main part, a conclusion, a list of resources used, and an appendix.

Chapter 1. Methods of managing human resources of an organization

1.1 Economic methods of personnel management

Economic management methods are a set of methods of influence by creating economic conditions that encourage enterprise employees to act in the right direction and achieve solutions to the tasks assigned to them.

1. Planned economic management is the main law of the functioning of any enterprise (organization) that has clearly developed goals and a strategy for achieving them. An economic development plan is the main form of ensuring a balance between market demand for a product, the necessary resources and the production of goods and services. The government order is transformed into the enterprise’s order portfolio, taking into account supply and demand. To achieve the set goals, it is necessary to clearly define the efficiency criterion and the final results of production in the form of a set of indicators established in the economic development plan. Thus, the role of planned economic management is to link the above categories and mobilize the workforce to achieve the final result.

2. Economic accounting is a method of economic management based on the comparison of an enterprise’s costs for production with the results of economic activities (sales volume, revenue), full reimbursement of production costs from income received, ensuring the profitability of production, economical use of resources and the material interest of workers in the result of labor.

It allows you to combine the interests of the enterprise with the interests of departments and individual employees. Economic accounting is based on independence, when enterprises (organizations) are legal entities and act on the market as free commodity producers of products, works and services.

3. Remuneration. Wages (employee remuneration) - remuneration for work depending on the qualifications of the employee, complexity, quantity, quality and conditions of the work performed, as well as compensation payments (additional payments and allowances of a compensatory nature, including for work in conditions deviating from normal, work in special climatic conditions and in areas exposed to radioactive contamination, and other compensation payments) and incentive payments (additional payments and incentive allowances, bonuses and other incentive payments).

Remuneration systems, including tariff rates, salaries (official salaries), additional payments and allowances of a compensatory nature, including for work in conditions deviating from normal conditions, systems of additional payments and incentive allowances and bonus systems are established collective agreements, agreements, local regulations in accordance with labor legislation and other regulations legal acts containing labor law norms.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation directly regulates the procedure for applying only tariff systems of remuneration (Article 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This article establishes the following definitions:

· tariff systems of remuneration - remuneration systems based on the tariff system of differentiation of wages of workers various categories;

· the tariff system of differentiation of wages for workers of different categories includes: tariff rates, salaries ( official salaries), tariff schedule and tariff coefficients;

· tariff schedule- a set of tariff categories of work (professions, positions), determined depending on the complexity of the work and requirements for the qualifications of workers using tariff coefficients;

· tariff category - a value reflecting the complexity of work and the level of qualifications of the employee;

· qualification category - a value reflecting the level of professional training of an employee;

· tariffication of work - assignment of types of labor to tariff categories or qualification categories depending on the complexity of the work.

The complexity of the work performed is determined on the basis of their tariff.

Tariff systems wages are established by collective agreements, agreements, local regulations in accordance with labor legislation and other regulations containing labor law norms. Tariff systems of remuneration are established taking into account a single tariff qualification directory jobs and professions of workers, a unified qualification reference book for positions of managers, specialists and employees, as well as taking into account state guarantees for wages.

System of remuneration and incentives for labor, including increased pay for work at night, weekends and non-working hours holidays, overtime work and in other cases, is established by the employer taking into account the opinion of the elected trade union body of this organization. In any case, the specified surcharges cannot be lower than those established by the relevant articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Thus, labor legislation provides organizations operating in various fields entrepreneurial activity, the right to independently choose and establish forms and systems of remuneration for their employees.

Currently, the types of forms and systems of remuneration are not defined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The current version of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not mention the non-tariff wage system. Previously, there was a system of forms and systems of remuneration, which was used quite effectively, taking into account the industry and other specifics of the activities of business entities. Since Art. 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation specifically stipulates that an organization can use any forms and systems of remuneration, with the exception of those prohibited by law, and pre-existing forms and systems are not prohibited from use; in our opinion, it is advisable to provide practical recommendations on the use of individual forms and systems of remuneration, which have proven themselves quite well in past years (including in the period before market relations).

4. The tax system constitutes an important economic mechanism for replenishing the state treasury by collecting money from businesses and citizens. It is set by the state, exists outside the enterprise, has a direct impact on the staff, but always leaves room for maneuver for the manager, even in the conditions of the fiscal taxation system.

1.2 Administrative methods of personnel management

Administrative-legal methods are ways of implementing management influences on personnel based on power relations, discipline and a system of administrative-legal penalties. There are five main methods of administrative and legal influence: organizational and administrative influence, disciplinary liability and penalties, financial liability and penalties, administrative liability and penalties.

Organizational impact is aimed at organizing the production and management process and includes:

1. Organizational regulation. Organizational regulation determines what a management employee should do and is represented by regulations on structural divisions that establish the tasks, functions, rights, duties and responsibilities of the divisions and services of the organization and their managers. Based on the regulations, the staffing schedule of this unit is drawn up and its daily activities are organized. The application of the provisions allows you to evaluate the results of the activities of a structural unit and make decisions on moral and material incentives for its employees.

2. Organizational regulation. Organizational standardization in organizations involves large number standards, including:

· quality and technical standards ( technical specifications, organization standards, etc.);

· operational and repair standards (of a planned and preventive nature);

· labor standards (grades, rates, bonus scales);

· financial and credit (amount of own working capital, repayment of bank loans);

· standards of profitability and relationships with the budget (deductions to the budget);

· material supply and transport standards;

· organizational and management standards (internal labor regulations, procedures for registration of hiring, dismissal, transfer, business trips).

3. Organizational and methodological instructions.

Organizational and methodological instruction is carried out in the form of various instructions and guidelines in force in the organization. In the acts of organizational and methodological instruction, recommendations are given for the use of certain modern management tools, and the valuable experience possessed by management staff is taken into account.

Acts of organizational and methodological instruction include:

· job descriptions, establishing rights and functional responsibilities management personnel;

· methodological instructions that determine the order, methods and forms of work for solving a separate technical and economic problem;

· work instructions that define the sequence of actions that make up the management process.

Acts of organizational regulation, standardization and organizational and methodological instruction are normative. They are published by the head of the organization, and in cases provided for by current legislation - jointly or in agreement with the relevant public organizations and are mandatory for departments, services, officials and the employees to whom they are addressed.

The administrative influence is expressed in the form of an order, instruction or instruction, which are legal acts of a non-normative nature. They are issued to ensure compliance, implementation and application of current legislation and other regulations, as well as to give legal force to management decisions. Orders are issued by the line manager of the organization. Orders and instructions are issued by the head of a production unit, division, service of the organization, or head of a functional unit.

1.3 Social and psychological methods of personnel management

Social-psychological methods are ways of implementing managerial influences on personnel, based on the use of the laws of sociology and psychology. These methods are aimed at both groups of employees and individuals. According to the scale and methods of influence, they can be divided into: sociological, aimed at groups of employees in the process of their production interaction, and psychological, purposefully affecting the inner world specifically.

1. Sociological methods. They play an important role in personnel management, make it possible to establish the purpose and place of employees in the team, identify leaders and provide their support, link the motivation of people with the final results of production, ensure effective communications and conflict resolution. Sociological methods constitute scientific tools in working with personnel; they provide the necessary data for the selection, assessment, placement and training of personnel and allow you to make informed personnel decisions.

2.Psychological methods. Psychological methods play an important role in working with personnel, since they are aimed at a specific personality of a worker or employee and, as a rule, are strictly personalized and individual. Their main feature is their appeal to inner world a person, his personality, intelligence, image and behavior in order to direct the internal potential of a person to solve specific problems of the organization.

The use of one or another method of personnel management depends on the established norms and values ​​of the workforce, as well as on the goals and philosophy of the business being carried out and causes different reactions among individuals. In this regard, the following types of employee labor behavior in the organization are distinguished:

· first type - a person fully accepts and shares the norms and principles of behavior in the organization;

· the second type - a person does not accept the values ​​of the organization, but tries to fully follow the norms and forms adopted in the organization;

· third type - a person accepts the values ​​of the organization, but does not accept the norms of behavior existing in it.

The labor behavior of an organization’s employee is influenced by a variety of regulators: orders, regulations, provisions, regulations, traditions, customs, state laws, social rules of behavior, family traditions.

Thus, we can conclude:

Economic methods are indirect impact to the control object (personnel). Their essence is that the performers are given goals, limitations and a general line of behavior. The timeliness and quality of completing tasks is encouraged by material rewards due to the resulting savings or additional profit. The amount of rewards should directly depend on the results achieved.

These methods have their drawbacks. For example, they are ineffective for people of intellectual professions in cases where it takes too long a period to obtain results, in cases of performing strategic activities.

Administrative methods are the management and regulation of personnel activities on the basis of orders, instructions, and specific tasks to performers. At the same time, the latter are given minimal independence in the process of performing the assigned work. These methods may be accompanied by rewards and sanctions for successful or unsuccessful performance.

The fundamental feature of these methods is subjectivity. They reward performance rather than initiative. Their effectiveness largely depends on the leaders and almost does not depend on the performers.

Socio-psychological methods involve encouraging employees to perform effectively through psychological, moral and social influence. They are aimed at creating a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team and developing favorable relationships between staff members. On the other hand, they are necessary to unlock the personal potential of each employee. The main goal of this group of methods is the self-realization of all members of the enterprise team.

Each of these methods may be optimal in specific situations. Therefore, they are used to varying degrees, in accordance with the developing situation. Moreover, it should be emphasized that in personnel management special attention it is necessary to pay attention to socio-psychological methods of management. This is determined by the fact that the convergence of formal and informal management structures is largely mediated by this method.

To summarize, it must be said that each of these methods will be more effective if used in conjunction with two more methods.

Chapter 2. Study of human resource management methods using the example of Phoenix LLC

2.1 General characteristics of Phoenix LLC

PHOENIX LLC is a successfully developing company in the market for sales and procurement of construction projects and organizations in St. Petersburg, North-West and other regions of Russia since 2009.

The main activities are:

· Wholesale, small wholesale and retail trade in sanitary products.

· Supply of construction sites with materials.

Professional team, minimum prices, constant availability of a wide range of products, speed and quality of service.

This company offers the latest generation of plumbing fixtures, both economy class and expensive luxury plumbing fixtures, wholesale and retail. Let's consider the economic performance of the company, namely the dynamics of the main economic indicators over the past three years.

Working capital is an integral part of the assets of any enterprise. Their absolute value and share in the asset structure affect the operating efficiency and financial stability of the company. Therefore, to analyze the financial activities of an enterprise, it is necessary to consider the structure of the balance sheet.

The trend of gradual profit growth and cost reduction. If in 2012 the profit amounted to 1.5 million rubles, then in 2013 the profit increased by 700,000 thousand rubles. These changes were driven by faster, ongoing price increases and better customer service.

This company is relatively new on the market, and therefore this company has not reached the maturity of its existence, so the company is gradually increasing its staff.

The company's personnel composition is increasing, the company's turnover is growing and the company requires new labor resources. The management considered it necessary to hire new employees such as: head of the sales department, manager of the sales department, head of the delivery department and forwarder.

Conclusion: the company is gaining momentum every year due to increasing prices and sales volumes. Phoenix LLC is attracting new labor resources to expand the company. On at the moment The company employs 17 people. An increase in the number of personnel directly involved in sales can lead to an increase in the interest of employees in the affairs of the enterprise and in the results achieved. The company is at the development stage, the company's goal is to expand its sales not only in the European part of Russia, but also abroad.

2.2 Analysis of human resource management methods at Phoenix LLC

The main objective of the personnel selection system at Phoenix LLC, which includes the search, selection, assessment and adaptation of new employees, is to hire highly qualified personnel. Along with high qualifications, the company's employees have great development potential, since the company's personnel policy is focused primarily on “growth from within” - through the personnel reserve. In this regard, the company is introducing advanced technologies for personnel assessment and development. This will allow the company to more effectively train and develop the company's personnel.

The efforts of managers are aimed at the constant development of the creative and professional potential of the employee and ensure that an interested attitude to work is the daily norm. This is necessary to ensure that each employee feels involved in the company’s activities, sharing its values, contributing to the achievement of common goals.

Leadership style can be defined as a combination of authoritarian and liberal styles. This allows you to take full advantage of these styles. The presence of an authoritarian style is indicated by such signs as: for a leader, the main thing is production results; control is strict and constant; Relations with subordinates are official, distance is maintained. This ensures strict order, quality of work, and productivity. Sign liberal style is that the manager sets the task, provides the conditions for its implementation, subordinates are given complete freedom in making decisions and choosing ways to complete tasks, they independently control the quality of the work. As a result, high responsibility and independence of subordinates is ensured, initiative and employee interest are increased.

The main qualities that contribute to the career growth of employees: professionalism, competence, creativity, creative approach and reasonable initiative. Any employee who possesses these qualities has the opportunity to go through all levels of the career ladder up to management positions.

Management tries to provide employees with not only good conditions for work, but also strive to provide employees with leisure, as well as teach them new sales techniques.

Phoenix LLC uses a time-based system for remuneration, and its time-based bonus version is used. By agreement of the parties, for workers, specialists and employees according to employment contracts(contracts) established the appropriate remuneration systems, tariff rates and salaries, bonuses and other incentive payments. The basic wage rate depends on the position of the employee in the hierarchical structure of the enterprise.

The wage fund consists of all material payments for work to employees, the main of which are payments of a constant and variable nature. The permanent part of the salary of the organization's employees consists of:

Payment fund based on tariff rates (salaries).

Additional payment fund.

The average salary in St. Petersburg is 36,375 thousand rubles. Thus, the company's employees receive the average salary in the city.

In general, the cash payment system of Phoenix LLC is designed to provide the majority of employees with the desired level of income, subject to a conscientious attitude to work and fulfillment of their duties.

The prerequisites for the successful functioning of the bonus system at Phoenix LLC can be considered:

The correct choice of a system of indicators based on the specific tasks facing the organization;

Differentiation of indicators depending on the role and nature of the units, level of positions;

Orientation of bonus indicators to the contribution to the final results, efficiency and quality of work, taking into account company-wide achievements;

Specificity and clarity of criteria for assessing achievements.

As for the size of the bonus given to the employee, the size of the total profit received by the enterprise is influenced, this bonus is paid once a year and is called the 13th salary, it is the monthly salary of the employee. Bonuses based on performance and bonuses for achieving individual results are used only when remunerating sales managers; their salary directly depends on how well they fulfill the sales plan.

Other methods of motivation at Phoenix LLC include indirect economic motivation - motivation free time. Its forms are: shortened working hours, increased vacations, sliding or flexible work schedules, and provision of time off.

In order to study the financial motivation system of Phoenix LLC and identify problems in its management system, a survey of the enterprise’s personnel was conducted. A total of 25 people of various specialties were interviewed. The average age of respondents is 30 years. Men and women took part in the survey.

As the survey showed, the majority of respondents are not completely satisfied with the existing personnel bonus system at the enterprise and how it works. When asked whether bonuses are often paid at the enterprise, 30% of respondents answered that there are bonuses at the enterprise, but they are paid quite rarely, most often at the end of the year and their size is quite small.

When asked about the level of wages, the answer was that all non-categories of workers in this enterprise are satisfied with the existing level of wages

Thus, the study showed that the enterprise personnel as a whole unsatisfactorily evaluate the bonus system as part of the motivation system at the enterprise and note the need for its revision and improvement.

After analyzing the company from the inside, several conclusions can be drawn:

1) the company is trying to improve its personnel management methods;

2) there are several problems in this company, such as not all employees are happy with their salary, and little attention is paid to the administrative and legal method;

3) the organization operates successfully in the market, thanks to the cooperation of its staff, stimulating it economic methods(mostly).

2.3 Practical recommendations for improving human resource management methods at Phoenix LLC

Having made a conclusion about the problems of this company, we can offer the following recommendations.

Improving the remuneration system:

1. The tariff and salary system is hopelessly outdated and does not meet the realities of today; it needs to be updated.

2. The focus of the incentive system must correspond to the tactics and management strategy of the enterprise, its divisions and personnel. Prioritization between various tasks should not be done by administrative methods, but have an objective economic nature.

3. Incentive payments should be closely linked to individual and collective results.

4. The amount of incentive payments must be significant and meaningful for the employee.

5. The growth of wages relative to the growth of labor productivity (sales performance) should be regulated in accordance with planning objectives.

The main tasks within the team:

1. Ensuring an increase in labor productivity, qualifications and professional skills of workers,

2. better use of working time, strengthening labor discipline, introducing advanced forms of labor organization;

Work on organizing the competition includes:

1. Dissemination of monthly production targets to the entire team of employees;

2. Dissemination of the best practices of the winners of the competition and the experience of its organization;

3. Organization of accounting and reporting of the competition and communication of its results to each employee of the team, moral and material encouragement for the winners.

The winners of the competition are selected based on a set of indicators. For production departments, for example, the following indicators are defined:

1) fulfillment of the plan for the sale of commercial products in a given range;

2) implementation of the plan at cost (cost estimate);

3) the level of educational work in the team (absence of violations of labor discipline, absenteeism, etc.).

Payment of bonuses to the winners is made quarterly in the amount: for first place - by 20%, to the head of the unit - by 40%, for second place - by 10%, to the manager - by 20%.

The most distinguished ones receive a valuable gift and are included on the honor board, which is updated once a year.

For general results work at the end of the year, subject to the fulfillment of the plan for the sale of products and profits, employees can be encouraged with additional remuneration. The amount of remuneration is determined depending on the employee’s work activity, the amount of average wages he received per year and the duration length of service at the company.

An important element of personnel management is working with youth. Young workers are more likely to think unconventionally, show initiative, and have greater efficiency. From among them future bosses and enterprise managers can grow up. At the same time, young people have a unique scale of values ​​and their own social guidelines, undeveloped, sometimes easily changeable views on life, little work and life experience. Therefore, in working with young employees, upon recommendation, the path of intensive support for positive personality traits was chosen, which contribute to increasing production efficiency.


A necessary and most important condition for the effective work of an employee, productive performance decisions taken and the planned work in the organization is its motivation - the process of encouraging each employee and all team members to actively work to satisfy their needs and achieve the goals of the organization.

In science, based on empirical research, several theories have been developed that describe factors influencing motivation and the content of the motivation process. So-called content theories focus on how different groups of needs influence human behavior. Widely recognized concepts of this group are Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, Herzberg's two-factor theory, and McClelland's theory of acquired needs. The process of motivation is revealed in theories that try to explain why people are willing to carry out certain actions, expending more or less effort. Expectancy theory, equity theory, and a comprehensive process theory of motivation, explaining how people should be influenced to encourage them to work effectively, give managers the key to building an effective system for motivating people.

Problems of motivating employees of an enterprise, being one of the key ones in the work of an enterprise, require the tireless attention of managers, heads of divisions, departments, and services. It is necessary to monitor the effectiveness of the forms and methods of motivation existing at the enterprise, correcting them taking into account modern requirements and approaches.

The head of an enterprise must be familiar with modern methods and forms of motivating employees, and have a good understanding of the theoretical and practical problems of this activity.

The primary motivational factor for enterprise employees is the level of wages.

As the analysis of the remuneration system of Phoenix LLC, carried out in this work, shows, at this enterprise the main form of direct economic motivation in Phoenix LLC is wages for performing the main work, the variable part of which is paid in the form of a bonus. The basis for bonuses at Phoenix LLC are mainly indicators of sales volume and services provided. Performance bonuses and bonuses for achieving individual results are used only when remunerating sales managers.

The bonus system based on the performance of the team (work group) is not used at the enterprise under study.

The survey results show that the employees of Phoenix LLC are not all satisfied with the salary; some consider it unfair wages, which does not correspond to their idea of ​​their salary, the lack of its connection with the results of their work. They believe that a new, well-developed remuneration system should alleviate their dissatisfaction.

The problems identified during the analysis of the payment system make it possible to conclude that the main management problem in the bonus system of Phoenix LLC is currently the need to create a flexible remuneration system, consisting of two components: a base rate and additional incentive payments depending on individual results and/or departmental/company performance.

This remuneration system implies the formation of a new bonus system and the development of new regulations on bonuses.

List of resources used

1. Apish F.N. Fundamentals of modern theories of motivation. - Maykop: Ajax LLC, 2011. - 150 p.

2. Verkhoglazenko, V. Personnel motivation system / V. Verkhoglazenko // Director’s consultant. - 2010. - No. 4. - pp. 23-34

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6. Gerchikov V.I. Motivation, incentives and remuneration of personnel. Tutorial. - State University- Higher School of Economics, 2006. - 110 p.

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10. Egorshin A.P. Personnel management. - M.: Unity, 2011. - 499 p.

11. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 was adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on December 21, 2001 (as amended on November 25, 2009) (as amended on January 1, 2013).

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18. Dubrovina I.V. Psychology of personnel management. - M.: Infra, 2008. - 331 p.

19. Gezman A. Ya. Psychology of emotional relations. - M.: Infra, 2007. - 379 p.

20. Ershov A.A. Personality and team. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010. - 231 p.

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Federal State educational

establishment of the Higher vocational training

Novosibirsk State Agrarian



discipline: Foreign management experience

topic: Methods of managing human resources of companies

Completed by: Kustysheva Galina Sergeevna

Specialty: State Medical University

Group: 60721

Code: 07820

Novosibirsk 2010


The importance of research methods for human resource management in companies

Human resource management methods

Study of the effectiveness of practical methods of human resource management in Russian companies




The concept of “human resources” was first used in American management in the early 1970s. They began to move from personnel management to human resource management. This was not a simple change of concepts, but was an expansion of the functions of personnel services. Approaching personnel as a resource means:

firstly, its personalization and individual approach to all employees within the limits of combining the interests of the company and the employee. In case of divergence of interests, the firm (company) puts into action stimulating and motivating levers of influence on the person so that he connects his activities with the interests of the organization;

secondly, such a transition recognizes the awareness of the problem of a shortage of qualified and highly qualified personnel, which leads to competition for knowledge, skills, and abilities in the labor market;

thirdly, the transition to human resource management means a departure from the idea of ​​personnel as “gifted capital”, the development of which does not require financial, labor, organizational, time or other costs on the part of the employer.

The concept of “human resources” recognizes the need for investment in the formation, use and development of human resources based on their economic feasibility, in order to attract a more professionally qualified employee, train him and maintain him in a high working condition, create conditions for the creative and professional development of each employee. This approach entails the need for a more complete use of the knowledge, skills, and abilities of workers. Hence, the emphasis of work with personnel changes, in particular, efforts are made to develop and identify the hidden capabilities of the employee.

In the concept of “personnel management,” these issues were not considered to such an extent, since they went beyond the scope of intra-company management, and personnel management did not go beyond the enterprise.

IN in practical terms The implementation of the human resources concept was marked by the following new aspects in personnel work:

implementation of demand forecasts for certain categories of personnel;

transition to active methods recruitment and selection of personnel;

significant expansion of the use of in-house personnel training;

use of annual formalized assessment of the performance and potential of employees, etc.

The role of human resource management has become defined by “assisting” line management in managing change, developing and effectively using employee competencies in accordance with the goals of the organization.

The main difference between the concept of human resources and the concept of personnel management is the recognition of the economic feasibility of capital investments associated with attracting the best quality labor force, its continuous training, maintaining it in working condition, and even creating conditions for the full identification of the capabilities and abilities inherent in the individual, with their subsequent development.

1. The importance of research methods for human resource management in companies

Large studies of human resource management practices in Russia are rare, and therefore the dissemination of information about them is widely in demand in the market. The author offers brief information about the Russian part of the study of the impact of HR methods on firm performance, which was conducted by the Stockholm School of Economics in four countries: Russia, the USA, China and Finland.

The research hypothesis included an assumption about the impact of such universal methods of personnel management, proven in the West, as high salaries, variable payments, vesting of employees with property rights, career advancement of employees, personnel training, performance evaluation and others. When conducting the study, the practice of using each of the listed methods was examined using the example of hundreds of companies, and their effectiveness was analyzed. The research tool was a questionnaire, the structure of which is presented in the article and the questions of which were asked to be answered by managers and a number of company employees.

It was important to collect the maximum amount of comprehensive information about management in each specific company, to identify trends characteristic of the Russian market, in a word, to conduct benchmarking in order to be able to provide this information to the companies’ personnel services.

The study showed that the most effective methods for influencing employee abilities, motivating them and improving performance in Russia are training and skill development, as well as performance and ability assessment.

To motivate employees, the following are used: career advancement of personnel within the company, remuneration, communications.

The practical significance of the study for Russian companies lies in the ability to use its results in two directions: when substantiating practical recommendations for the personnel services of the companies under study, as well as when conducting consulting projects in the field of human resource management in the future.

The Stockholm School of Economics, with financial support from the Swedish Research Council, conducted a study of the impact of the use of practical methods of human resource management in Russian companies on the results of their activities. The conducted research is part international project, held simultaneously in the USA, China, Finland and Russia.

Presented here Russian part research, which was based on an analysis of the work of 101 firms. The empirical study was carried out using a relatively new but dynamically developing multivariate method of structural analysis, which usually shows good results in conditions where the sample size is small and it is impossible to make a priori proposals about the distribution law of the available values.

Human resource management methods

The theory and practice of human resource management of successful foreign and Russian companies allows us to talk about the most important management methods from their arsenal. Let's consider these methods in detail.

Typically, high salaries attract more applicants, which allows the organization to be more selective, giving preference to those candidates who are to a greater extent prone to learning. In addition, if salaries are higher than what the market dictates, then employees may perceive the additional income as a gift from the company, which usually motivates them to achieve the highest performance results.

There is an opinion that an indispensable condition for achieving competitive success is low labor costs. However, in practice this is not the case at all, since for most companies labor costs represent only a small proportion of total costs. Moreover, even if they are high, they are often compensated by an increase in the level of overall productivity.

In most cases, managers tend to overestimate the motivating value of money, trying to solve most organizational problems with its help. Giving employees ownership rights has two main benefits. First, employees who become co-owners of the company neutralize the classic conflict between labor and capital to the extent that they themselves represent the interests of both capital and labor. Second, employee ownership puts company shares in the hands of company employees who are genuinely concerned about long term plans the company, its strategy, investment policy and are less inclined to support various financial maneuvers. If employees have contributed to improved firm performance, then they have the right to want to share in the material benefits of those results. Public recognition, long-term job security, and fair conflict resolution can motivate employees just as much as money.

Let's consider a borderline case: if all the profits from the efforts of the workforce go to top managers or business owners, then over time the injustice of the situation will become obvious and will begin to seriously demotivate employees. Many organizations use variable incentive payments, leaving some part of the salary variable - making it dependent on output, quality, innovation and cooperation. Such a broad assessment of results mitigates numerous negative consequences use of simplified financial incentive systems.

Of course, if we believe in the need for the absolute power of the market, in the fact that it is the market that must discipline capital, then vesting employees with property reduces the importance of the market mechanism, and therefore the efficiency of the market. However, current practice suggests that the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

The final effect of vesting employee ownership largely depends on how exactly this procedure will be applied in each specific company. Experience shows that empowering employees has a positive impact on firm performance.

Typically, company management is very careful in sharing information with the bulk of employees, explaining that the information may leak to competitors. But if we recognize that people must become the source competitive advantage, then they simply must receive the information necessary to do what is required of them. Thus, information sharing can also be an effective HR management tool.

Career advancement of employees within the company. This method is a valuable addition to many other management methods. Availability of opportunities career growth firmly binds employee and employer. Promotes decentralization of management and delegation of authority, as it develops an atmosphere of trust between hierarchical levels of the organization. In addition, employees who occupy management positions know the business very well from the inside: the technology and processes they manage.

The opportunity for career growth within an organization is an important incentive to perform well at work. And although such career advancement is associated with monetary incentives (usually entailing an increase in salary), it also has a non-monetary component - increased job status, confidence in one’s own relevance in the labor market and a sense of self-fulfillment.

The most important benefit of promotion is that it creates a sense of fairness and objectivity among employees of the organization.

An integral part of any modern system management is training employees and developing their skills. It is not surprising that in such conditions the effect of training is not so obvious, although after completing it, employees return to their workplaces not only with new skills, but also determined to achieve excellent work results. Any training gives positive results only when the employee has the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge at work. A common mistake most organizations make is that they constantly develop the skills of both managers and their subordinates, but do not change the structure of work, thus preventing people from doing something new.

Assessing performance and capabilities allows us to judge how successfully an organization achieves its goals. Secondly, most employees will try to demonstrate their best qualities when evaluating their performance, even if this does not immediately lead to concrete results. They are interested in developing their skills for the benefit of the organization when they know that the organization is truly interested in it.

The listed management practices are international. They are successfully used by companies all over the world, in contrast to methods that can only be applied in certain geographical conditions, i.e. methods related, for example, to American or Japanese management models.

However, this list is not exhaustive. Human resource management is complex social process, and considering it in the light individual components- the practices listed above are only a way to obtain, as a first approximation, some characteristics of the personnel management process. However, it can be assumed that the named basic methods are also present in effective human resource management systems in Russia.

Study of the effectiveness of practical methods of human resource management in Russian companies

After identifying the main methods of human resource management characteristic of companies in several countries of the world, it was necessary to test the effectiveness of using the main methods of human resource management in Russian conditions.

Based on the experience gained from previous studies, a questionnaire containing more than 100 questions was developed at the Stockholm School of Economics in St. Petersburg.

They can be divided into four blocks:

general information about the company - its age, number of employees, field of activity, number of employees in the human resource management department;

information about the company’s human resource management system (the presence of a strategy for career advancement of employees within the company, programs for developing employee skills, reward systems for different categories of employees in the company, etc.);

Not financial indicators company performance results (level of employee motivation, staff turnover, intermediate level competencies separate groups);

financial indicators of the company's performance.

Companies that were selected according to the criteria of age (lasting at least 3 years) and size (number of employees must exceed 15 people) were sent questionnaires in 2009. The final sample included 101 Russian firms. The response rate to the questionnaire was 28%, which is a good indicator for Russian conditions. The average duration of the firm's operation was 8 years.

The questionnaires were filled out by heads of human resource management departments or company managers if the company did not have a head of human resource management department.

In addition to the survey, individual companies conducted in-depth interviews with several managers and employees.

Empirical analysis of human resource management problems always involves two technical difficulties. Firstly, such a study must be sufficiently comprehensive, i.e., cover the entire field of human resource management. For example, the correlation coefficient between employee salaries and firm productivity is not very interesting, since it does not take into account other critical indicators that affect the salary-productivity relationship. Thus, during the study it is necessary not only to correctly select and accurately measure all factors that influence the company’s performance, but also to take into account the complex structure mutual relations between them.

Secondly, human resource management practices can hardly be directly measured using quantitative indicators. In practice, to identify even relative values ​​characterizing the intensity of such socially complex variables, weighted sums of some simpler characteristics are used. At the same time, the researcher faces the need to justify the correct choice of such scales. For example, such a difficult indicator to measure as social status employee, can be assessed as a weighted sum of several more quantitative values: level of total income, location of residence, level of education.

As the results of testing the research hypotheses showed, the use of human resource management methods has a positive effect on the level of motivation and abilities of company employees. In turn, the level of motivation and abilities of employees has a positive effect on the company's performance.

The study revealed a synergistic effect between motivation and employee abilities: the effect of their simultaneous impact exceeds the sum of the individual effects on the company's performance, which is really very important for practice - even a professional of the highest level will not demonstrate good results at work if he is not motivated to do it . On the other hand, even with high motivation, an employee will not be able to achieve high performance if he does not have Fig. A conceptual model of the impact of human resource management practices on firm performance and job-required competencies.

The results obtained are of scientific interest, since for the first time the influence of human resource management methods on the activities of firms has been empirically tested based on Russian data. The results of the study convincingly demonstrated the existence of a positive relationship between human resource management practices and the performance of Russian firms.

These results are largely consistent with findings from work conducted in other geographic contexts by leading researchers in the field. At the same time, they made it possible to identify specific features that manifest themselves specifically in Russian conditions.

For example, the high heterogeneity of the labor market in Russia compared to other countries increases the relevance of work on the selection procedure for employees when hiring. In addition, Russian employees usually have a high level of education, but not in the field in which they work, which makes training and development programs for specific skills most effective.

human resource company management

The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using the results for Russian companies when conducting consulting projects in the field of human resource management. Competitor benchmarking technology, aimed at finding the best practices (or, in a word, benchmarking), makes the results obtained necessary tool in a competitive environment.


Many foreign companies realize that one of the key tasks of successfully operating in Russia is finding suitable human resource management models. Leading companies use the most effective tools human resource management, adapting them to Russian conditions.

The majority of Russian employees value training and understand the benefits of using it as a motivation tool. There is no argument about the importance of a high competitive salary, but bonuses and non-cash rewards in compensation packages are equally important.

A competitive salary is important for employee retention. At the same time, an extremely important factor is the employee’s belief in his need for the company and confidence in the existence of the next level for promotion.

Russian employees are characterized by a long-term focus on development. In the short term, a strong desire for growth necessitates a flexible organizational structure for the company.

In general, the ability to unleash human potential is a decisive factor in the success of foreign companies in Russia.


1. Bagrinovsky K.A., Bendikov M.A., Isaeva M.K., Khrustalev E.Yu. Corporate culture in the modern Russian economy//Management in Russia and abroad. - 2004. No. 2. - p.59-64.

2. Belyatsky N.P. Personnel management. - Mn.: Interpressservice, Ecoperspective, 2003. - 352 p.

3. Vershigora E.E. Management: Textbook. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: INFRA-M, 2008.-283 p.

4. Glukhov V.V. Management. - St. Petersburg: Lan Publishing House, 2007. - 528 p.

Grebtsova V.E. Management. Series "Textbooks, teaching aids". - Rostov n/d.: Phoenix, 200 1. - 288 p.

Karpov A.V. Psychology of management: Textbook. - M.: Gardariki, 2007. - 584 p.

Management/Ed. prof. Maksimtsova M.M., Komarova M.A. - M.: UNITY-DANA, Unity, 2009. - 359 p.

Smolkin A.M. Management: basics of organization: Textbook. - M.: INFRA-M, 2008. - 248 p.

Organizational personnel management./Ed. A.Ya. Kibanova-M.: INFRA-M, 2007. - 296 p.

10. Personnel management./Ed. Ph.D. prof. O.I. Marchenko. - M.: Os-89, 2008. - 224 p.

11. Organization management./Ed. A.G. Porshneva, Z.P. Rumyantseva, N.A. Salomatina. - M.: INFRA-M, 2009. - 669 p.

12. Personnel management. / Ed. S.I. Samygina. - Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2001.-512 p.

13. Tsypkin Yu.A. Personnel management. - M.: Unity-Dana, 2001. - 446 p.

Federal State educational

institution of higher vocational training

Novosibirsk State Agrarian



discipline: Foreign management experience

topic: Methods of managing human resources of companies

Completed by: Kustysheva Galina Sergeevna

Specialty: State Medical University

Group: 60721

Novosibirsk 2010


The importance of research methods for human resource management in companies




The concept of “human resources” was first used in American management in the early 1970s. They began to move from personnel management to human resource management. This was not a simple change of concepts, but was an expansion of the functions of personnel services. Approaching personnel as a resource means:

firstly, its personalization and individual approach to all employees within the limits of combining the interests of the company and the employee. In case of divergence of interests, the firm (company) puts into action stimulating and motivating levers of influence on the person so that he connects his activities with the interests of the organization;

secondly, such a transition recognizes the awareness of the problem of a shortage of qualified and highly qualified personnel, which leads to competition for knowledge, skills, and abilities in the labor market;

thirdly, the transition to human resource management means a departure from the idea of ​​personnel as “gifted capital”, the development of which does not require financial, labor, organizational, time or other costs on the part of the employer.

The concept of “human resources” recognizes the need for investment in the formation, use and development of human resources based on their economic feasibility, in order to attract a more professionally qualified employee, train him and maintain him in a high working condition, create conditions for the creative and professional development of each employee. This approach entails the need for a more complete use of the knowledge, skills, and abilities of workers. Hence, the emphasis of work with personnel changes, in particular, efforts are made to develop and identify the hidden capabilities of the employee.

In the concept of “personnel management,” these issues were not considered to such an extent, since they went beyond the scope of intra-company management, and personnel management did not go beyond the enterprise.

In practical terms, the implementation of the human resources concept was marked by the following new aspects in personnel work:

implementation of demand forecasts for certain categories of personnel;

transition to active methods of recruitment and selection of personnel;

significant expansion of the use of in-house personnel training;

use of annual formalized assessment of the performance and potential of employees, etc.

The role of human resource management has become defined by “assisting” line management in managing change, developing and effectively using employee competencies in accordance with the goals of the organization.

The main difference between the concept of human resources and the concept of personnel management is the recognition of the economic feasibility of investments associated with attracting the best quality workforce, its continuous training, maintaining it in working condition, and even creating conditions for the full identification of the capabilities and abilities inherent in the individual, with their subsequent development.

1. The importance of research methods for human resource management in companies

Large studies of human resource management practices in Russia are rare, and therefore the dissemination of information about them is widely in demand in the market. The author offers brief information about the Russian part of the study of the impact of HR methods on firm performance, which was conducted by the Stockholm School of Economics in four countries: Russia, the USA, China and Finland.

The research hypothesis included an assumption about the impact of such universal methods of personnel management, proven in the West, as high salaries, variable payments, vesting of employees with property rights, career advancement of employees, personnel training, performance evaluation and others. When conducting the study, the practice of using each of the listed methods was examined using the example of hundreds of companies, and their effectiveness was analyzed. The research tool was a questionnaire, the structure of which is presented in the article and the questions of which were asked to be answered by managers and a number of company employees.

It was important to collect the maximum amount of comprehensive information about management in each specific company, to identify trends characteristic of the Russian market, in a word, to conduct benchmarking in order to be able to provide this information to the companies’ personnel services.

The study showed that the most effective methods for influencing employee abilities, motivating them and improving performance in Russia are training and skill development, as well as performance and ability assessment.

To motivate employees, the following are used: career advancement of personnel within the company, remuneration, communications.

The practical significance of the study for Russian companies lies in the ability to use its results in two directions: when substantiating practical recommendations for the personnel services of the companies under study, as well as when conducting consulting projects in the field of human resource management in the future.

The Stockholm School of Economics, with financial support from the Swedish Research Council, conducted a study of the impact of the use of practical methods of human resource management in Russian companies on the results of their activities. The research conducted is part of an international project conducted simultaneously in the USA, China, Finland and Russia.

Here is the Russian part of the study, which was based on an analysis of the work of 101 firms. The empirical study was carried out using a relatively new but dynamically developing multivariate method of structural analysis, which usually shows good results in conditions where the sample size is small and it is impossible to make a priori proposals about the distribution law of the available values.

Human resource management methods

The theory and practice of human resource management of successful foreign and Russian companies allows us to talk about the most important management methods from their arsenal. Let's consider these methods in detail.

High salaries usually attract more applicants, which allows the organization to be more selective, giving preference to those candidates who are more inclined to learn. In addition, if salaries are higher than what the market dictates, then employees may perceive the additional income as a gift from the company, which usually motivates them to achieve the highest performance results.

There is an opinion that an indispensable condition for achieving competitive success is low labor costs. However, in practice this is not the case at all, since for most companies labor costs represent only a small proportion of total costs. Moreover, even if they are high, they are often compensated by an increase in the level of overall productivity.

In most cases, managers tend to overestimate the motivating value of money, trying to solve most organizational problems with its help. Giving employees ownership rights has two main benefits. First, employees who become co-owners of the company neutralize the classic conflict between labor and capital to the extent that they themselves represent the interests of both capital and labor. Secondly, employee ownership transfers the company's shares into the hands of company employees who are genuinely concerned about the company's long-term plans, strategy, investment policy and are less willing to support various financial maneuvers. If employees have contributed to improved firm performance, then they have the right to want to share in the material benefits of those results. Public recognition, long-term job security, and fair conflict resolution can motivate employees just as much as money.

Let's consider a borderline case: if all the profits from the efforts of the workforce go to top managers or business owners, then over time the injustice of the situation will become obvious and will begin to seriously demotivate employees. Many organizations use variable incentive payments, leaving some part of the salary variable - making it dependent on output, quality, innovation and cooperation. Such a broad assessment of results mitigates the many negative consequences of using simplified incentive systems.

Of course, if we believe in the need for the absolute power of the market, in the fact that it is the market that must discipline capital, then vesting employees with property reduces the importance of the market mechanism, and therefore the efficiency of the market. However, current practice suggests that the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

The final effect of vesting employee ownership largely depends on how exactly this procedure will be applied in each specific company. Experience shows that empowering employees has a positive impact on firm performance.

Typically, company management is very careful in sharing information with the bulk of employees, explaining that the information may leak to competitors. But if we recognize that people must be the source of competitive advantage, then they simply must obtain the information necessary to do what is required of them. Thus, information sharing can also be an effective HR management tool.

Career advancement of employees within the company. This method is a valuable addition to many other management methods. The availability of career growth opportunities strongly binds the employee and the employer. Promotes decentralization of management and delegation of authority, as it develops an atmosphere of trust between hierarchical levels of the organization. In addition, employees who occupy management positions know the business very well from the inside: the technology and processes they manage.

The opportunity for career growth within an organization is an important incentive to perform well at work. And although such career advancement is associated with monetary incentives (usually entailing an increase in salary), it also has a non-monetary component - increased job status, confidence in one’s own relevance in the labor market and a sense of self-fulfillment.

The most important benefit of promotion is that it creates a sense of fairness and objectivity among employees of the organization.

An integral part of any modern management system is employee training and development of their skills. It is not surprising that in such conditions the effect of training is not so obvious, although after completing it, employees return to their workplaces not only with new skills, but also determined to achieve excellent work results. Any training gives positive results only when the employee has the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge at work. A common mistake most organizations make is that they constantly develop the skills of both managers and their subordinates, but do not change the structure of work, thus preventing people from doing something new.

Assessing performance and capabilities allows us to judge how successfully an organization achieves its goals. Secondly, most employees will try to demonstrate their best qualities when evaluating their performance, even if this does not immediately lead to concrete results. They are interested in developing their skills for the benefit of the organization when they know that the organization is truly interested in it.

The listed management practices are international. They are successfully used by companies all over the world, in contrast to methods that can only be applied in certain geographical conditions, i.e. methods related, for example, to American or Japanese management models.

However, this list is not exhaustive. Human resource management is a complex social process, and considering it in the light of individual components - the practices listed above - is only a way to obtain, as a first approximation, some characteristics of the personnel management process. However, it can be assumed that the named basic methods are also present in effective human resource management systems in Russia.

Study of the effectiveness of practical methods of human resource management in Russian companies

After identifying the main methods of human resource management characteristic of companies in several countries of the world, it was necessary to test the effectiveness of using the main methods of human resource management in Russian conditions.

Based on the experience gained from previous studies, a questionnaire containing more than 100 questions was developed at the Stockholm School of Economics in St. Petersburg.

They can be divided into four blocks:

general information about the company - its age, number of employees, field of activity, number of employees in the human resource management department;

information about the company’s human resource management system (the presence of a strategy for career advancement of employees within the company, programs for developing employee skills, reward systems for different categories of employees in the company, etc.);

non-financial indicators of the company's performance (level of employee motivation, staff turnover, average level of competence of individual groups);

financial indicators of the company's performance.

Companies that were selected according to the criteria of age (lasting at least 3 years) and size (number of employees must exceed 15 people) were sent questionnaires in 2009. The final sample included 101 Russian firms. The response rate to the questionnaire was 28%, which is a good indicator for Russian conditions. The average duration of the firm's operation was 8 years.

The questionnaires were filled out by heads of human resource management departments or company managers if the company did not have a head of human resource management department.

In addition to the survey, in-depth interviews were conducted with several managers and employees in individual companies.

The ultimate goal of the project was to empirically test the relationships presented in the figure.

Empirical analysis of human resource management problems always involves two technical difficulties. Firstly, such a study must be sufficiently comprehensive, i.e., cover the entire field of human resource management. For example, the correlation coefficient between employee salaries and firm productivity is not very interesting, since it does not take into account other critical indicators that affect the salary-productivity relationship. Thus, during the study it is necessary not only to correctly select and accurately measure all the factors that influence the company’s performance, but also to take into account the complex structure of mutual relations between them.

Secondly, human resource management practices can hardly be directly measured using quantitative indicators. In practice, to identify even relative values ​​characterizing the intensity of such socially complex variables, weighted sums of some simpler characteristics are used. At the same time, the researcher faces the need to justify the correct choice of such scales. For example, such a difficult indicator to measure as the social status of an employee can be assessed as a weighted sum of several more quantitative values: the level of total income, location of residence, level of education.

As the results of testing the research hypotheses showed, the use of human resource management methods has a positive effect on the level of motivation and abilities of company employees. In turn, the level of motivation and abilities of employees has a positive effect on the company's performance.

The study revealed a synergistic effect between motivation and employee abilities: the effect of their simultaneous impact exceeds the sum of the individual effects on the company's performance, which is really very important for practice - even a professional of the highest level will not demonstrate good results at work if he is not motivated to do it . On the other hand, even with high motivation, an employee will not be able to achieve high performance if he does not have Fig. A conceptual model of the impact of human resource management practices on firm performance and job-required competencies.

The results obtained are of scientific interest, since for the first time the influence of human resource management methods on the activities of firms has been empirically tested based on Russian data. The results of the study convincingly demonstrated the existence of a positive relationship between human resource management practices and the performance of Russian firms.

These results are largely consistent with findings from work conducted in other geographic contexts by leading researchers in the field. At the same time, they made it possible to identify specific features that manifest themselves specifically in Russian conditions.

For example, the high heterogeneity of the labor market in Russia compared to other countries increases the relevance of work on the selection procedure for employees when hiring. In addition, Russian employees usually have a high level of education, but not in the field in which they work, which makes training and development programs for specific skills most effective.

human resource company management

The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using the results for Russian companies when conducting consulting projects in the field of human resource management. The technology of comparative analysis of competitors, aimed at finding the best practices (or, in a word, benchmarking), makes the results a necessary tool in a competitive environment.


Many foreign companies realize that one of the key tasks of successfully operating in Russia is finding suitable human resource management models. Leading companies use the most effective human resource management tools, adapting them to Russian conditions.

The majority of Russian employees value training and understand the benefits of using it as a motivation tool. There is no argument about the importance of a high competitive salary, but bonuses and non-cash rewards in compensation packages are equally important.

A competitive salary is important for employee retention. At the same time, an extremely important factor is the employee’s belief in his need for the company and confidence in the existence of the next level for promotion.

Russian employees are characterized by a long-term focus on development. In the short term, a strong desire for growth necessitates a flexible organizational structure for the company.

In general, the ability to unleash human potential is a decisive factor in the success of foreign companies in Russia.


1.Bagrinovsky K.A., Bendikov M.A., Isaeva M.K., Khrustalev E.Yu. Corporate culture in the modern Russian economy//Management in Russia and abroad. - 2004. No. 2. - p.59-64.

2.Belyatsky N.P. Personnel management. - Mn.: Interpressservice, Ecoperspective, 2003. - 352 p.

3.Vershigora E.E. Management: Textbook. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: INFRA-M, 2008.-283 p.

4.Glukhov V.V. Management. - St. Petersburg: Lan Publishing House, 2007. - 528 p.

.Grebtsova V.E. Management. Series "Textbooks, teaching aids". - Rostov n/d.: Phoenix, 200 1. - 288 p.

.Karpov A.V. Psychology of management: Textbook. - M.: Gardariki, 2007. - 584 p.

.Management/Ed. prof. Maksimtsova M.M., Komarova M.A. - M.: UNITY-DANA, Unity, 2009. - 359 p.

.Smolkin A.M. Management: basics of organization: Textbook. - M.: INFRA-M, 2008. - 248 p.

.Organizational personnel management./Ed. A.Ya. Kibanova-M.: INFRA-M, 2007. - 296 p.

10.Personnel management/Ed. Ph.D. prof. O.I. Marchenko. - M.: Os-89, 2008. - 224 p.

11.Organization management./Ed. A.G. Porshneva, Z.P. Rumyantseva, N.A. Salomatina. - M.: INFRA-M, 2009. - 669 p.

12.Personnel management. / Ed. S.I. Samygina. - Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2001.-512 p.

13.Tsypkin Yu.A. Personnel management. - M.: Unity-Dana, 2001. - 446 p.


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Federal Agency for Railway Transport

State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education

Irkutsk State Transport University

Department of Quality Management

Human resource management: principles, functions and methods Coursework

By discipline: " Personnel management»

Option #1

Completed by: student

group UK-09-1

Portyana L.V.

Checked by: senior

teacher of the department

"Quality Management"



    Human Resource Management

    1. Human Resource Management Concept

      Principles of personnel management

      Personnel management methods

      HR functions

    Analysis of the use of enterprise labor resources

    1. Social structure of the enterprise's labor resources

      Personnel movement analysis


List of used literature


The relevance of the course work is that the modern concept of personnel management is based both on the principles and methods of administrative management, and on the theory of human relations, principles of motivation and comprehensive personal development. Personnel management is a strategic function and involves: developing a personnel strategy, recruiting personnel based on the philosophy of the enterprise, encouraging collective efforts aimed at developing the enterprise, incentives based on the quality of individual activity, minimizing labor disputes and creating a positive socio-psychological climate in the workplace.

The purpose of the course work is to study the principles, methods and functions of human resource management and analyze the use of the enterprise's labor resources. To achieve these goals, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1) Consider the essence of the principles, methods and functions of human resource management;

2) Analyze the structure and dynamics of personnel employment, social structure, as well as analyze the movement of personnel.

The object of the study is human resource management, the subject is the principles, methods and functions of management

1 Human resource management

1.1 Concept of human resource management

Personnel (from the Latin personalis - “personal”) is the personnel of organizations, including all hired workers, as well as working owners and co-owners.

It is necessary to present the following characteristics of personnel: the existence of an employment relationship with the employer, which must be legally (legally) formalized; possession of certain qualitative characteristics (profession, specialty, competence, qualifications, etc.); target orientation of personnel activities, i.e. ensuring the achievement of the organization’s goals.

Company personnel are less mobile than technology, knowledge, capital and raw materials, which can become available almost instantly. But unlike fixed and working capital, which wears out in the process of use, human capital, with age, within its life cycle, acquires experience, skills and becomes better.

Personnel management in an enterprise is defined as the process of influencing potential and actual employees using a set of special methods to quickly and effectively achieve the goals of the organization. In the new economic conditions, the process of personnel management in an organization should be preceded by the development of a personnel management concept, containing generalized ideas about the essence, goals, objectives, principles, methodology, structure of the personnel management system and personnel management technology. An enterprise's human resource management system is a set of interconnected elements that implement the process of managing the organization's personnel. The central link of the personnel management system is the personnel management service - a division of the organization specializing in the implementation of personnel management functions in the organization. Modern personnel management services differ significantly from traditional personnel departments in their functionality, methodology, principles, operating technology, etc. The human resources department characteristic of the Soviet era carried out mainly accounting or personnel work. Thus, in modern personnel management services, accounting activities are predominantly dominated by management activities: management of motivation, conflicts, stress, employee development, innovation, etc. The current stage of development of the science of personnel management is characterized by the inclusion of employee management in the overall strategy of the organization. The essence of the modern stage of personnel management is: the assignment of the human resource management function to the highest level of management of the organization; involvement of human resource management in determining the strategy and organizational structure of the company; participation of all managers at various levels in the implementation of a unified personnel policy; integration of the activities of personnel officers and managers, the constant participation of the former as advisers to managers in resolving issues related to personnel in all divisions and at all levels of the corporation; a systematic, comprehensive solution to human capital management issues based on a unified personnel concept of the enterprise.

The variety of approaches to personnel management logically follows from the historical and socio-economic prerequisites inherent in different countries. Today, in the development of the economy of most countries, the most significant problems are recognized in the field of work with personnel. In a market economy in our country special meaning acquire issues of practical application of modern forms of personnel management, allowing to increase the socio-economic efficiency of any organization.

In recent decades, personnel management has become a type of professional activity, and management personnel have become one of the most massive components of the workforce. The main factors of the organization's competitiveness were: the supply of qualified labor, the degree of its motivation, organizational structures and forms of work that determine the efficiency of using personnel.

In the twentieth century, there was a change in the three main concepts of personnel management, due to changes in the economic, social, and technical development of society.

At the beginning of the century, the concept of personnel management was developed, in which, instead of a person as an individual, his labor function is considered. In other words, the category “personnel” characterizes not the quality of a single individual, but the totality of workers united to achieve set organizational goals. Personnel services performed mainly accounting, control and administrative functions.

After the Second World War, scientific and technological progress, which caused the complication of the production process, necessitated the introduction of new mechanisms for motivating workers, improving their skills, regulating labor relations on the basis of partnership and cooperation, actively involving personnel in management, and participating in profits. It was from the 50-60s, when the technocratic approach to management was losing ground, that the concept of personnel management was replaced by the concept of personnel management. In the new concept, where the employee is no longer considered only as an individual, but also as a subject of labor relations, the role and place of personnel services in the organizational structure of enterprise management changes. The personnel management system already covers a wide range of management problems: planning personnel needs, selection and professional adaptation of new employees, development of compensation programs, corporate training of employees, etc. But for now, personnel management services, as a rule, perform a service role, being functional departments, and personnel are considered as costs that need to be optimized.

Since the 80s. With the development of socio-economic aspects in management, increasing intellectualization and computerization of business, accelerating innovative processes, the concept of human resource management is being formed, considering the knowledge, abilities, and skills of people as a key resource and intangible assets of the organization, ensuring their efficiency and competitiveness.

Table 1. - Evolution of the concept of human resource management in an organization

Human resource management is a strategic and holistic approach to managing an organization's most valuable assets, namely the people who contribute to achieving the firm's goals.

Intensification of management and improvement of the quality of personnel work are possible only as a result of the application of fundamentally new approaches to working with personnel, and in particular with employees engaged in managerial work. New approaches to working with people lie in its integrated nature, wider use of planning elements, and the use of individual forms of work. IN modern theory and the practice of personnel management are dominated by two main approaches to the content and organization of this work: American and Japanese. With the “American” or “market” approach, personnel management tools are focused mainly on the external labor market, the state of the economy, demand for a specific product, etc. The main principles are: employee compliance with the requirements of the workplace, functions, tasks, job responsibilities, working conditions, requirements for labor behavior (orientation to current tasks). Japanese management is based primarily on taking into account the human factor; its main principles are: focus on the quality of education and the personal potential of the employee (long-term focus).

The essence of human resource management is that people are considered as a company's competitive asset, which must be deployed, motivated, and developed along with other resources in order to achieve the strategic goals of the organization. Human resource management (personnel management) is associated with the dynamics of all aspects of the external environment of the organization and requires an integrated approach. Senior management should be directly involved in the resource management process.

Human resource management covers everything management decisions impact on the relationship between an organization and its employees, and means that HR practices are increasingly linked to business strategy. Therefore, human resource management is proactive in nature and has the ultimate goal of improving organizational performance and satisfying employee needs. Of all the characteristics of human resource management that distinguish it from traditional "people management", none is more fundamental than its integration with business strategy.

The basic principles of the human resource management concept are the following:

1) People are a decisive factor in the efficiency and competitiveness of an organization, the main source of added value;

2) Focus on a strategic approach to human resource management;

3) Recognition of the economic feasibility of investments in the formation and development of human resources;

4) Social partnership and democratization of governance;

5) Enrichment of work and improving the quality of working life;

6) Continuous training and development of human resources;

7) Professionalization of human resource management.

The most important trend in the development of management in recent decades has become the systems approach, which is considered as a modern way of management thinking that makes it possible to present a holistic and comprehensive management of an organization and its subsystems in a complex market environment.

The use of a systems approach makes it possible to reveal the internal structure of the human resource management system as an integral system consisting of three interdependent subsystems for managing the formation, use and development of human resources in the organization.

The main goal of the human resource management system is to ensure high-quality and rational formation, development and development of human resources to achieve economic efficiency and competitiveness of the organization.

Human resource management in modern organizations is carried out in the process of performing certain purposeful actions (management functions), which are interconnected and form the structure of the personnel service as an independent functional unit of the enterprise.