Employee internship. On what grounds is a probationary period established?

Start labor activity For each specialist who has an education in a certain profile, it requires a number of skills that arise as a result of gaining experience. The period of obtaining such experience is called an internship, carried out according to the regulations of certain programs limited in duration. The legislation establishes mandatory payment for internship time.

The most significant purpose of an internship is to train a potential employee. Moreover, such training is carried out directly during the performance of production tasks. Thanks to this process, workers are retrained, their qualifications or professional skills are improved. During the internship, it is possible to obtain a specialization that is necessary for persons who have completed their studies at specialized educational institutions. Completion of the internship is characterized by the issuance of a certificate, the sample of which is established by legislative acts.

Why is pre-training important?

The fact of completing education at an educational institution, as a rule, indicates that the future employee has only theoretical knowledge, which does not allow him to effectively carry out the volume of work duties assigned to him, as well as carry out production and technological operations. An internship is a time when a worker's preliminary training is carried out by an experienced employee appointed by his supervisor. Thanks to the internship, the student, over a short period of time, masters the most essential techniques that allow him to put into practice his theoretical knowledge required to perform labor functions.

A person's internship begins with him undergoing instruction, which concerns labor protection and measures necessary for safe work. Information about this type of event is recorded in the appropriate journal.

An internship is... Should an internship be paid?

The fact of familiarization is confirmed by the employee’s signature. The documentation is completed by an engineer who is on the company’s staff and deals with safety precautions on the basis of an order from the manager, which is issued for a certain period of time.

What legislative acts determine the procedure for internships?

The relationship between the manager and the employee undergoing an internship is regulated by a number of regulations, including:

  • Art. 212 TK;
  • Resolution adopted by the Ministry of Education No. 1-29, 01/13/03;
  • Order of Rostechnadzor No. 37 dated January 29, 2007;
  • GOST 12.0.004-90 clause 7.2.4;
  • Letter RD-200-RSFSR-12-0071-86-12.

Newly hired employees who are graduates of educational institutions that are part of the vocational education system undergo an internship, which, in essence, is the final stage of the entire learning process. During such an internship, a specialist who does not have the necessary experience acquires the required professional skills. During the internship, theoretical knowledge is supported by professional experience.

The need for an internship in production

On the part of the employer there is an interest in achieving maximum level productivity of each individual employee. This result can only be achieved with high professional training. The internship, which is carried out for an inexperienced employee, gives the employee the opportunity to master the profession from its technological and production point of view.

An internship, which relates to one of the types of work activity, is limited in time periods. Its duration directly depends on how complex the profession is and what abilities the student has. In practice, an internship takes from 2 days to 2 weeks of work.

An internship is required for the following specialists:

  1. Operators of industrial and technological equipment.
  2. Drivers who work on route routes vehicles ah, including trams and trolleybuses.
  3. Workers performing work with increased danger for them and those around them.

After the employee completes the internship, a report is prepared regarding him, which contains information regarding professional suitability. Based on this conclusion, the employee is admitted. Thus, the latter is endowed with the opportunity to independently carry out work activities and official duties.

Actions during recruitment

Until a permanent employment contract is concluded with an employee, there is a period of time that is recognized as a probationary period.

This period of time allows us to establish the professional suitability of the employee. During the internship, the employee is actually trained, which is required for the latter to gain experience in relation to the job duties assigned to him.

Provisions of Art. 59 of the Labor Code allow the employer to enter into a temporary agreement with the employee, which will be valid for a specified period. As practice shows, employees who have completed an internship are hired on the basis of a permanent contract. The entire period during which the employee is in training refers to that for which legislative norms on remuneration and social guarantees apply. Actions of the employer that contain signs of illegality can be appealed by an employee on an internship in the general manner through a specialized inspection.

Actions taken in case of employee transfer

In the course of the activities of an economic entity, a need may arise to fill a vacant position with another employee. These cases are characterized by a transfer that is carried out on the basis of an order from the manager. Responsibilities related to training a new employee are assigned to his immediate management. Such a manager carries out actions to conduct instructions, about which the employee signs with his own hand.

At the end of the internship, the skills acquired by the employee are tested. Such a test makes it possible to determine the level of professional suitability, which enables the employee to begin performing functions personally. The essence of the test can be presented in the form of a test containing a survey regarding theory, as well as a demonstration of practical skills acquired by the employee. The positive result demonstrated by the employee allows the employer to issue him a certificate of completion of the test.

Time frame

Current legislation defines the internship period as a period that is sufficient for the employee to master practical skills. Labor Code norms limit this period to 15 days. The minimum period is 2 work shifts. During this time, the trainee must perform work functions under the guidance of his immediate supervisor, who will help him acquire the required skills. In fact, work time is learning time.

The most significant differences

The beginning of any work activity, both for the employee and for the employer, is the time that is necessary for mutual assessment of existing conditions by each other. By establishing a probationary period, the legislator allows the employer to terminate the contract. The period of testing can be no more than six months. Until its expiration, the employer must either continue the work on a permanent basis or refuse it.

The internship has more short terms, which are limited to 15 working days. This period, according to the legislator, is sufficient for the employee to obtain sufficient skills. In its meaning, an internship can be considered a short probationary period.

Internship application procedure

Documentation on the reception or training of employees refers to administrative acts. Among these are orders for its implementation, training programs, as well as provisions for internships. The result of the internship is an order, on the basis of which the employee is admitted to subsequent independent execution labor functions.

Making an order

An internship conducted within an enterprise must be formalized by an order prepared by the personnel department or manager. For of this document It is necessary to have the full name of the company, the title of the document, the date and the name of the locality.

The descriptive part must contain a link to a regulatory document that defines the essential purpose and objectives of the internship, as well as the person responsible for the internship. In addition, the order determines the duration of the internship and the position that will be offered to the candidate in the future.


Internships in companies are carried out in accordance with the regulations adopted by the enterprise and contain:

  • generalized requirements for organizing the process;
  • procedure for conducting an internship;
  • duties assigned to officials and trained personnel;
  • organizing tests and obtaining permission to work independently.

As a separate clause of the regulation, the specifics characteristic of the training of certain specialists are established. The regulation sets out the requirements regarding the internship program.


The implementation of organizational work related to the internship process is carried out by a manager who is appointed in the order. Such a leader carries out all activities related to the preparation of the program. Its functions include the process of approving the prepared program.

The main points of the program include:

  • goals set before the internship;
  • general requirements for an intern;
  • normative and technical documentation, which is subject to study;
  • instructions containing the functional responsibilities of employees;
  • activities related to the study of the workplace, production and technological processes;
  • the process of mastering skills that are necessary for the actual performance of labor functions;
  • the procedure for testing the knowledge and skills that have been acquired, as well as the procedure for passing the admission test.

These clauses establish minimum terms that are determined by hours, shifts or specific dates that are established as a result of specific circumstances.

Completion of the internship

From the moment the activities defined by the internship program are completed, the supervisor carries out the procedure for accepting credit. This test allows you to test your knowledge. The inspection can be carried out personally or collectively. The board may include specialists engaged in production cycles, as well as an instructor who was appointed by the supervisor as a mentor.

As a result of the test, a decision is made on whether the candidate is professionally suitable. Decision made is subject to reflection in the order, which allows the candidate to begin personally performing labor functions.

The prepared order, after it is signed, must be handed over to the candidate, who is a future employee, for review. Along with the order, the candidate is issued a certificate and certificate, signed and sealed by the manager.

Consequences of an internship

The fact of successful completion of an internship for a potential employee means the beginning of performing work functions personally. From this period, the employee assumes the full range of responsibilities that are assigned to him by legal orders of the manager.

All actions of management, which, in the opinion of the employee, are unlawful, can be appealed by employees in the general manner, through the labor dispute commission.

On internship and training of a newly hired employee


“On internship and training of a newly hired employee”

In accordance with Art. 213, 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, art. 18, 14 Federal Law“On the basics of labor protection in the Russian Federation”, GOST 12.0.004-90 “Organizations of safety training. General provisions", Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1/29 of January 13, 2003 “On the procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of the organization"


1. During the period from ____ to ____ from (specialty, profession. Full name of the employee), how can a newly hired employee conduct an internship and training in installed programs followed by testing of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills by the relevant commission of the organization.

2. Appoint the person responsible for the employee’s training and internship (position, full name of the employee’s immediate supervisor)

3. If the results of the inspection are positive (position, full name of the employee’s supervisor), prepare a draft order for the employee’s permission to work.

4. When conducting an internship, be guided by the regulations on the internship (appendix to the order)


Tf. 22-33-44

Appendix to order No. 04

REGULATIONS on the procedure for bringing an internship to OJSC ________

2. The internship must be completed by:
- all newly hired and transferred to another job (position, workplace) workers of blue-collar professions and specialists engaged in work for which additional (increased) labor safety requirements are imposed;
— graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, vocational schools, workers who graduated from educational (training and production) centers.

3. Heads of production departments, in agreement with a labor protection specialist, may exempt from internship an employee who has worked in his specialty for at least three years and is transferred from one production division to another, if the nature of his work and the type of equipment on which he worked previously does not change. In this case, the entry “Without internship” is made in the Logbook for registering occupational safety instructions at the workplace and the order number (instruction) on the corresponding exemption is noted.

4. During the internship, the employee must perform work under the supervision (supervision) of an experienced employee (hereinafter referred to as the internship supervisor).

5. The internship of blue-collar workers can be supervised by foremen, foremen, instructors and other qualified workers with experience practical work of the applied profession for at least three years, and internship of specialists - specialists of higher qualifications and having practical work experience of at least three years or managers of production departments. No more than two people can be assigned to one internship supervisor.

6. The supervisors of the internship for workers in blue-collar professions are determined by the head of the production unit, and the supervisors of the internship of specialists are determined by the head of the division of OJSC “_”. The appointment of an internship supervisor is formalized by an appropriate order (instruction). The internship supervisor and the employee must be familiarized with the order (instruction) against signature.

7. The duration of the internship is determined from 2 to 14 shifts (working days), the specific number of shifts is established by the head of the production unit depending on the nature of the work and qualifications of the employee, unless other terms are established by the relevant rules approved by state supervision and control bodies.

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8. The internship is carried out according to the approved Initial Instruction Programs at the workplace after the initial instruction at the workplace.

9. The internship supervisor must make an appropriate entry in the on-the-job training logbook.

10. Responsibility for the quality of the organization and conduct of the internship lies directly with the heads of the structural units where the intern works.

11. If the instructions (orders) of the trainee are violated, the number of internship shifts may be increased. The fact of a violation must be recorded in a report addressed to the immediate head of the unit and to the labor protection service.

12. The quality of the internship with the employee is checked before the expiration of a month from the moment the employee is hired by oral questioning or testing and checking the practical skills of the work performed in accordance with the existing qualifications.

Brief description of order 04

The order in a certain sense complements order No. 03. Their special difference is that in order No. 03 all employees (subject to training and inspection) are trained and tested en masse once a year, and in the same order a specific employee is determined.

There is one feature that you should pay special attention to. Thus, in column 11 of the on-the-job training logbook, it is necessary to determine the number (from 2 to 14) of work shifts for the internship, but even maximum quantity shift does not actually give the right to allow the employee to independent work, since he has not undergone occupational safety training and appropriate testing. Therefore, it is recommended that the order specify 30 days for internship, training and subsequent testing of knowledge and acquired skills, which is quite enough even for an employee with a low level of general education and an insufficient primary level of practical skills.

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Internship at the workplace - the Labor Code of the Russian Federation sets its duration in its standards. Internship - important point when applying for a job, especially if it is associated with specific working conditions and increased professional risks. The article discusses the need, duration and registration of an employee’s internship.

Internship should not be confused with:

With apprenticeship;
with a probationary period;
with student internship.

The order for an internship always follows the order for employment, and the internship time is counted towards work experience. Working hours The intern is reflected in the time sheets and work schedules of the unit and is paid without fail in the amount established by the employment contract.

Internship is a form of fulfilling legal requirements for occupational health and safety. Therefore, the more difficult the working conditions, the higher the responsibility for its results, the greater the need for an internship.

Internship is required in professions related to:

Serving people using vehicles;
using sophisticated technology and complex production processes when there is an increased risk for both the employee and others;
with work with dangerous objects and substances;
with serving people in additionally regulated areas: public catering, education, medicine, etc.

In order for an employee’s internship to be completed correctly, the organization must have a set of internal documents:

1. Regulations on internship. Describes and approves the general procedure for assigning, completing and checking the results of an internship, and also determines how many days the internship lasts at the workplace.
2. Internship program. Details the necessary activities, the procedure and timing for their implementation and the responsible persons in relation to the employee.
3. Order on internship. Published for a specific employee sent for an internship.
4. Order on admission to independent work. Published based on the positive results of the internship, after testing the knowledge and skills acquired during the internship.

Regulations on internship. It should include, among other things:

General provisions (introductory part);
requirements for professional knowledge and skill of workers;
goals and procedure for the internship;
procedure for admission to work after completing an internship;
features of internship for certain categories of workers (if necessary);
goals and procedure for carrying out control activities;
responsible persons and criteria for their responsibility;
verification and registration of internship results;
equipment requirements for the internship (if necessary).


The “Eat Without Problems” cafe is opening an additional takeaway outlet. The cafe management decided to hire 4 cooks to work in shifts. The responsibilities of the senior chef shift at the point will be temporarily assigned to 2 long-serving cooks. It was decided to bring products for the operation of the point from the main cafe. Due to the peculiarities of working at the outlet (trade without a hall and without waiters, takeaway, in disposable packaging), it was decided to change the internship procedure for new chefs.

For correct design Based on their decisions, the cafe management develops and approves the Regulations on internships for employees of a remote location.

It includes:

1. New chefs are required to undergo training in two stages:
mainly cafe, under the guidance of an instructor;
at the point, under the leadership of the shift supervisor.
2. Goals of employee internship in a cafe:
the chef must ensure the professional level of new employees;
they are introduced to the technical and technological maps of dishes accepted in the cafe;
they are explained the features of working on the equipment used in the cafe;
they must master proprietary cooking technologies, skills in operating equipment, and become familiar with labor protection and safety rules, including special standards for catering establishments.
3. Goals of the internship at the point.

The shift supervisor must ensure that new employees:

Copes with the work schedule and pace;
comply with cooking technology and rules for working with equipment;
strive for high quality work, polite and friendly attitude towards customers.

The shift supervisor must train workers:

Proper packaging ready meals takeaway;

Communicating with customers on receiving and issuing orders;

Rules for the reception, storage, inventory of food supplies, the procedure and rules for placing an order to the main cafe for the delivery of the necessary products and packaging.

4. Admission to independent work is permitted after the recommendation of the shift supervisor at the point and verification of the results of the internship by the chef.

5. The chef is responsible for allowing new employees to work independently. On the last day of the internship, in agreement with the shift supervisor, the chef comes to the point and checks the completion of all tasks listed in these Regulations.

Duration of internship at the workplace according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

6. The results of the internship are documented internal act check, which is compiled by the responsible person (chef). Positive results are the basis for an order for admission to independent work.

7. The duration of the internship is:

5 working shifts - in the main cafe;

5 work shifts - at a remote location.

8. Payment for trainee shifts is made in the amount of:

50% of the rate per shift for an internship in a cafe;

70% of the rate per shift – at the point.

9. Clauses regarding the established duration of the internship at the workplace, as well as the procedure for its payment, are included in the employment contract.

Now let's move on to consider the question of how long an on-the-job internship lasts.

The duration of an on-the-job internship depends on the specifics of the enterprise’s activities and the specific employee.

The standard period is from 2 to 14 working days (shifts) in accordance with clause 7.2.4 of GOST 12.0.004-90 “System of occupational safety standards. Organization of occupational safety training,” but there may be more. Here is the same dependence as when determining whether an internship is mandatory: the more complex, qualified and responsible the independent work, the longer the internship period ( good example– medical internship, at least 1 year).

For jobs with special working conditions, the duration of the internship (and the examination after its completion) may be regulated by external legislation and industry regulations. For example, the duration and procedure for the internship of drivers of passenger vehicles are regulated by Regulation RD-200-RSFSR-12-0071-86-12 of the Ministry of Automobile Transport of the RSFSR.

In other cases, the duration of the internship is determined by the employer.

The period of internship at the workplace of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is established only for fixed-term contracts - no more than 2 weeks (Article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Example (continued):

The cafe management has found a new chef and is now hiring him with an internship.

The program can be formatted as separate document, may be an appendix to the order. Must contain details and dates of the activities listed in the Internship Regulations in relation to a specific employee.

Completing an internship, including for the purpose of ensuring occupational safety and health, does not cancel the mandatory introductory safety training on the first working day.

Internship – opportunity (or necessity):

For the employee - to obtain the necessary knowledge and skills for independent work;

For the employer - to make sure that the employee is able to work in his place in compliance with the requirements of all external and internal regulations.

The obligation and duration of the internship are determined by the specifics of the specific job.

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The internship is carried out after the employee has completed initial training and lasts from 2 to 14 shifts.

Internship at the workplace: necessary documents, rules of conduct

The specific duration of the internship is determined based on the employee’s qualifications and the nature of the work.

The basic requirements and procedure for conducting an internship in an organization are determined in a local regulatory act, namely in the Regulations on Internship.

For example, it indicates the internship program, with which employees internships are carried out (by description or closed list). You can also make a list of professions and positions that are required to undergo an internship as an appendix or a separate document.

The internship can take place according to the initial instruction program or according to programs developed for each profession, based on regulatory documents, job description and other instructions.

In order to send someone for an internship in an organization, an order is issued in any form. It indicates who should undergo the internship, the duration of the internship, and the person responsible for the internship (internship supervisor). In one order, you can specify several persons who must undergo an internship.

Work during the internship is carried out only under the guidance of an experienced employee (internship supervisor) and is recorded in a journal.

After completing the internship, the employee must pass an exam. Only those who have completed an internship and successfully passed the test of theoretical knowledge and practical skills can be allowed to work independently. Admission to independent work is issued by order.

If an employee fails to pass the exam, the employer has the right to suspend him from work without pay until he successfully passes the knowledge test.

In total, in order to conduct an internship at the workplace in an organization, the following documents are drawn up:

— Regulations on internship.

— Internship programs by profession.

— Order on internship.

— Order on admission to independent work.

— Order of removal from work.

The management of the unit, in agreement with the safety engineer and the trade union committee (if any), may exempt employees with at least 3 years of experience in their specialty from undergoing an internship, as well as when transferring from one unit to another, if the nature of the work and equipment does not change.

2. Organization from

2.1. Introductory briefing, content, procedure.

Introductory briefing on labor protection is carried out upon admission to permanent or temporary work by the labor protection service of the enterprise. All new entrants to the enterprise, as well as business travelers, students arriving for internships, graduate students, and interns are required to undergo this instruction.

The purpose of this training is to introduce general rules and labor protection requirements at the enterprise.

The introductory briefing is carried out by a labor protection engineer or a specialist from the organization who is assigned these responsibilities.

Introductory training is carried out according to a program (instruction) approved by the head of the organization, containing the following questions:

general information about the organization and characteristic features production;

— rules of conduct for employees on the territory of the organization;

— the main provisions of contracts: labor and collective;

— internal labor regulations of the organization, liability for violation of these rules;

— organization of work on labor protection management;

— control and supervision of compliance with labor protection requirements in the organization;

— the main dangerous and harmful production factors characteristic of of this production;

— PPE, the procedure and standards for issuing them and terms of wearing them;

— procedure for investigation and registration of accidents and occupational diseases;

— action of workers in case of an accident at work, provision of first aid to victims;

fire safety, actions of personnel in the event of a fire and other issues.

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1. Director.

2. Occupational safety specialist.

3. Employees performing work under the terms of an employment contract concluded for a period of up to two months.

4. Employees performing part-time work.

5. Workers not involved in the operation, maintenance, testing, adjustment and repair of equipment, the use of electrified or other tools, the storage and use of raw materials.

6. Workers not associated with work in dangerous and harmful working conditions.

5. Within what period is an employee who has not passed the test of knowledge of labor protection requirements during training required to undergo a re-test?

1. No later than three months.

2. N e later than one month.

3. At the discretion of the manager.

6. Who conducts the investigation of accidents involving students or students of educational institutions undergoing practical training in an organization under the guidance and control of a representative educational institution?

1. Conducted by a commission formed and headed by this employer, with the mandatory participation of representatives of the educational institution.


7. At what expense do employees undergo educational preliminary and periodic medical examinations?

1. At the expense of the employer.

2. At your own expense.

3. Preliminary - at your own expense, periodic - at the expense of the employer.

Practical work No. 15

When does the employment contract come into force?

1. From the date of its signing.

2. From the day the employee is actually admitted to work.

3. From the date specified in the employment contract.

4. In all the above cases.

What is the duration of leave without pay for working disabled people?

1. Up to 14 calendar days.

2. Up to 35 calendar days.

3. Up to 60 calendar days.

Who is exempt from on-the-job training?

1. An employee who has worked in his specialty for at least 3 years.

2. An employee moving from one unit to another, if the nature of his work and the type of equipment on which he previously worked did not change.

3. An employee who has worked in his specialty for at least 3 years or an employee who moves from one unit to another, if the nature of his work and the type of equipment on which he worked previously does not change.

4. An employee changing the qualification level required to perform a given job.

4. What is the time frame for special training on labor protection and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements when entering work for workers in blue-collar professions?

1. During the first month.

2. During the quarter.

3. During the probationary period.

5. Who conducts the investigation of accidents involving students or students of educational institutions undergoing productive practice in an organization under the direction and control of the employer?

1. Conducted by a commission formed and headed by the head of the educational institution, with the mandatory participation of representatives of the organization.

2. Conducted by a commission formed and headed by this employer, with the mandatory participation of representatives of the educational institution.

3. Conducted by a commission formed by the employer and headed by a representative of the educational institution.

What is the time frame for investigating occupational diseases?

1. Within 10 days from the date of receipt of notification of the final diagnosis of an occupational disease.

2.Within a month from the date of receipt of the occupational disease.

3. Within 10 days from the date of receipt of the order to create a commission to investigate the occupational disease.

What is the frequency of medical examinations?

How to hire an intern?

Once a year.

2. At the discretion of the employer.

3. Depending on the degree of harmfulness and danger, the employer determines the frequency, but at least once every two years.

4. Once every two years.


Practical work No. 16

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The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain a detailed definition of the concept of “internship”. The only mention of this states that the employer, when hiring, independently establishes probation new employee. Its duration is usually calculated at 3 months. All nuances regarding the internship must be specified in.

Hiring an intern

The employment of an intern is carried out in an official manner: he writes for a specific position, on the basis of which an order for his employment is issued, and an employment agreement is concluded. Next, the HR department enters work book record of employment as a trainee.

A job application is written using the standard form:

  • Name of the enterprise.
  • Position and full name leader.
  • Your full name, residential address.
  • Request for acceptance into a position as a trainee or apprentice.
  • Personal signature and date of writing the application.

The employment contract is drawn up in accordance with the text of the application: if the applicant wishes to train for any position, then the contract is called an apprenticeship contract. It differs from the internship in that the student is assigned a mentor, whose duty is to teach him the profession, accompany the practice and take the exam at the end of the term. When concluding a student agreement, an entry about this is not made in the work book.

If the applicant for a position has a special education and relevant work experience, then it is enough for him to demonstrate his skills in practice, so a standard employment contract is concluded with him with a mention of the internship period.

Regardless of the status of the trainee, it must be formalized in order to avoid complaints from the labor inspectorate.

How is an internship completed?

The internship procedure must be formalized accordingly. The minimum set of documents includes:

  1. Internship Regulations– a local act of the enterprise, it defines general questions conducting a probationary period.
  2. Internship program– a document that describes the procedure for completing the procedure:

– test period;

– skills that the employee must demonstrate within the allotted period.

  1. Employment contract between employee and employer.
  2. Order for internship including the following points:

– basis for internship;

– list of probationers;

– mentors from among permanent employees.

The order is signed by the head of the company. Employees who begin an internship and mentors must sign the order, confirming that they are familiar with it.

At the end of the deadline, an order is issued again with the results of the tests passed with a mention of admission to permanent work or due to the fact that the results of the work do not meet the employer’s requirements.

Duration of internship

The duration of the internship has changed since March 1, 2017. Before that, its duration did not exceed 2 weeks, excluding weekends. Today, the duration of the internship is determined by the management of the enterprise.

If the employee has the appropriate education and experience in a similar position, then the retraining time does not exceed 19 days. In the absence of these criteria, a longer period may be assigned: from 1 to 6 months.

If internship is necessary for appointment to leadership position The employee is assigned a probationary period of 2 weeks to 1 month.

What is the difference between an internship and a probationary period?

Despite certain similarities in concepts, it is necessary to distinguish between an internship and a probationary period.

– this is the period during which an applicant for a position undergoes tests to determine his professional suitability.

Internship is a broader concept. Its goal is to gain specific professional skills and abilities or training in new technologies. This procedure appointed by the company's management based on the application of the applicant. During the internship, a specific plan for its completion is drawn up. This is usually practiced in large enterprises.

Is the internship paid and how much?

According to the law, any work must be paid, regardless of whether the citizen is a permanent employee or on probation. The Labor Code does not have a separate article devoted to internship issues, but there is a mention of it in Art. 59, therefore employers are guided by it as a provision that should be relied upon when hiring an intern.

The internship is paid to the employee in accordance with the law, but payment is made in a smaller amount than to the main employee. The employee’s salary must be known upon employment.

Interns need to know that they should be paid for their work. For non-payment of salaries to employees, administrative penalties may be applied to the manager - a fine in the amount of 1,000-50,000 rubles.

Differences between an intern and a main employee

The status of the main employee and the trainee, and even more so the trainee-apprentice, differ in several respects:

  1. Employment. When applying for a job, the trainee writes a statement indicating the need for an internship or training in a profession. If he does not mention this, then the employer himself assigns a probationary period to the newly hired employee at his own discretion.
  2. Wages. The remuneration for the work performed by the trainee may be lower than that of the main employee. If an employer is interested in a specialist hired for a vacancy, he can appoint wages on the same level as permanent employees (see also -).
  3. Order for the institution. The text of the order indicates that the employee is undergoing a probationary period for a certain period. If during this time the employer decides that the specialist meets the requirements and accepts him for permanent job, then a new order is issued to admit him to permanent place work.
  4. Work book. Everything is done on the basis local act, therefore, the first record contains information about admission as an intern, and the second - about permanent employment or dismissal.
  5. Employment contract. A standard employment agreement is concluded with the intern, as with permanent employees, but it must contain clauses on the completion of the internship, indicating its duration, the wages due for this period and a reference to the article of the Labor Code, on the basis of which this clause was included in the contract.

According to the law, an internship must be considered by the employer as a full-time work activity.

In what cases can you do without an internship, and in what cases is it required?

The employer is legally obligated to use internships when employing a new employee. It is necessary for several reasons:

  • check his professional skills in the specialty for which he is applying;
  • training in safe working methods, conducting all types of briefings in the workplace;
  • monitoring the assimilation of instructions - this is especially necessary in enterprises with hazardous working conditions;
  • OT knowledge test.

All enterprises where internship is required are under the jurisdiction of Rostechnadzor. These include all production companies associated with severe, dangerous and harmful factors.

Requirements for conducting an internship are also mandatory for workers in other fields, if this is established in separate regulations. If there are no conditions at the enterprise that threaten the life or health of employees, then a probationary period is appointed by the employer at his discretion. In this case, one goal is pursued - to check the suitability of the applicant’s professional skills to perform job responsibilities.

Legislative framework

Certain legal norms that are related to internships are contained in articles of law.

Thus, it turns out that the main point of completing an internship is that it is carried out for citizens entering work for the first time. Main goals: mastering the necessary professional skills or confirming existing ones.

For all employees who are hired for the first time, a probationary period and training are provided. Over a certain period, the new employee will have to acquire the skills necessary for successful work activities. During the entire internship period, the employee is monitored by managers who can decide to accept him for a permanent position or to dismiss him due to non-compliance with the assigned tasks.

The official text of the contract establishes the period during which the internship and instruction takes place. Most often this is a period from 2 weeks to 1 month. Sometimes the period can last several months. Federal Law 197 contains the main provisions regulating the passage of the trial period. The following standards apply:

  • a clause on the duration of the internship and its rules must be provided for in the employment contract;
  • if the document does not contain the corresponding section, the employee is immediately hired for a permanent job;
  • Even during the probationary period for new employees, the employer is obliged to comply with the provisions of current labor legislation.

For certain reasons, an internship is beneficial not only to the employer, but also to the employee himself. It allows you to get an idea of ​​how well an employee can cope with the responsibilities assigned to him. And during the trial period, the employee himself can understand whether the proposed conditions, team, etc. are suitable for him.

On what grounds is a probationary period established?

In most cases, the employer decides on the duration of the internship and its necessity independently. However, in some circumstances he does not have the right to assign a probationary period to a future employee. This happens if certain categories of residents apply for the position:

  • persons who have passed the competition to fill a vacant position;
  • women raising children under one and a half years old, or pregnant women;
  • a minor under 18 is applying for employment;
  • a citizen who has received higher or secondary education vocational education in institutions that have confirmed state accreditation. In addition, the employer will not be able to refuse an applicant who is applying for a job for the first time after receiving an education diploma. There is one exception - if after completion of training it has passed more than a year, a probationary period may be assigned;
  • specialists who have been transferred to a new position from another branch of the company do not undergo internships, in accordance with the current agreement between management;
  • employees whose employment contract is valid for no longer than 2 months.

As for other cases, the decision on the need and duration of the probationary period is made directly by the employer. We suggest downloading the internship law from the link below to familiarize yourself with the main provisions of the document.

How is the internship paid?

An important question for potential employees is how payment is made during the probationary period. According to current legislative norms, every person applying for a new position has the right to fair and timely payment for his work. This also applies to cases where a probationary period is first assigned.

The provisions of the law regulate that any work must be paid depending on the position held, the qualifications of the employee, and how difficult the work process is. Such legislative standards should be interpreted as the employer’s obligation to pay for the activities of a person undergoing an internship.

Another thing is that in some cases the employer has the right to set a lower salary during the probationary period. However, the final amount cannot be lower than the minimum wage established by federal officials.

How long can the internship last?

The total period of probation and training is determined by the employer. The Labor Code today does not regulate the duration of internships. In each specific case, the duration of the period is determined individually and is prescribed when concluding an employment contract.

Article No. 70 of the bill sets the maximum permissible time limits for completing the probationary period. For management representatives, it cannot last longer than six months. This includes specialists occupying the following positions:

For other categories of citizens, the duration of the internship cannot exceed 3 months, with the exception of situations in which the employment contract lasts only a few months. In such cases, the trial period lasts no longer than 2 weeks. A long-term (3 years) internship is also provided for persons who intend to become notaries.

A probationary period is required for those planning to become a driver. To drive a freight vehicle, you must confirm your qualifications within 1 month; for drivers of passenger buses, you must work 50 hours (32 of them on the route they will be driving).

During the probationary period, absence from work is not taken into account, even if it is associated with temporary incapacity.

How to register an employee undergoing a probationary period

After management decides whether or not a probationary period is needed for a new employee, the internship must be registered. To do this in accordance with the provisions of current legislation, the following steps must be followed:

  • the head of the organization signs the regulations on the creation of the internship. It contains information about the terms, the powers vested in employees during the probationary period, how their activities are paid, etc.;
  • the applicant is interviewed;
  • if the parties reach an agreement, an employment contract is drawn up;
  • the new employee is working on a probationary period;
  • after completion of the specified period, the manager makes a decision on the candidate’s suitability for the position held. Next, the employee is either fired in accordance with the internship regulations or hired legally.

Even during the probationary period, a person must be registered in accordance with all the rules. To do this, they provide the HR department with an application for employment, a work record book, a diploma of education, and a photocopy of the passport. The employer has the right to issue fixed-term contract, or indefinite, but indicating the duration of the internship period.

The provisions of the Labor Code allow employers to hire new employees on a probationary period. This gives them the opportunity to verify the employee's qualifications before he is placed on the main contract. The law determines that the duration of the internship, depending on the circumstances, cannot last longer than six months. In this case, the employer is obliged to pay for it.

An internship is required in some cases when applying for a job. Today this procedure is becoming more common, let’s talk about it in more detail. Labor legislation describes the process in detail and stipulates the timing of its implementation.

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What is it

An internship is a work activity and gaining practical skills for further work.

Students of universities and vocational schools are faced with this procedure when undergoing an internship, however, this is not paid and differs from a work internship. It should also not be confused with probation and training.

During the process, the employee works under the guidance of an experienced mentor for a certain period of time, which allows him to acquire additional knowledge for further independent work.

Main functions:

  • obtaining professional skills;
  • the ratio of theoretical and practical knowledge;
  • advanced training.

The concept of internship at the workplace is described in Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Additionally, Article 225 indicates that absolutely all employees, including the manager himself, must undergo labor safety training.

When needed

With its help, the employer will be able to:

  • evaluate the employee’s knowledge;
  • shorten the period of adaptation of newcomers to a new workplace;
  • Reduce the number of accidents at work to an absolute minimum.

It is necessary in cases where the profession is related to:

  • transportation of passengers;
  • when working with complex equipment, on machines, and so on;
  • if the work is related to hazardous substances and in industries with increased danger;
  • in the field of medicine, education, public catering.

An internship will also be required for those who for a long time was absent from the workplace (for example, after parental leave or long-term illness).

The head of the organization must remember that ignoring an internship in cases where it is mandatory entails a fine in accordance with Article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Its size is for official will range from 15 to 30 thousand rubles, and for the organization itself - up to 130 thousand rubles.

An employee can be exempted from the need for an internship based on the decision of the manager with the consent of the occupational safety director. His experience in an identical position at the time of employment must be at least 3 years.

The Labor Code describes internships as advanced training in labor protection.

You cannot get a job without passing it in the following type of organization:

  • oil refineries;
  • chemical;
  • for the production of fertilizers;
  • restaurants and cafes;
  • woodworking;
  • hospitals and so on.

Even if an employee is transferred from one position to another, an internship is required. Its passage is that the person does not perform duties, and that his work should not be paid. For the entire period, the citizen will have to receive a salary.

A separate issue is internship abroad. It is carried out by agreement between companies in order to improve the employee’s qualifications to the required level. It can be either paid or free. The employee himself can approve the process.

How is it carried out?

Let's talk about the procedure and timing of on-the-job internships in 2019.

These issues are regulated according to:

  • Resolution of the Ministries of Labor and Education No. 1/29 dated January 13, 2003;
  • new GOST 12.0.004-2015.

The first question concerns the person who will conduct the employee training.

In this case, there are only two options:

  • if the internship is carried out for a worker, a labor safety instructor, work manager or the most experienced employee is appointed responsible for his training;
  • if it is carried out for specialists and managers, you will need to contact higher management for preparation.

According to GOST, the internship procedure itself is described in general terms.

In particular, it states:

  • the learning process is carried out according to a previously drawn up program that pursues certain goals;
  • the trainee must familiarize himself with job description, internal standards, regulations, local regulations on safety precautions, labor protection and other documents;
  • The duration of training is indicated in the program.

In drawing up the program, the law allows you to independently determine the level of knowledge of employees. Each internship must result in a qualifying exam. It is handed over to a specially created commission.

The result of the exam is one of the following:

  • satisfactory, which literally means: the employee is ready to work independently, his internship has come to an end;
  • unsatisfactory, after which the employee cannot be allowed to work, he has not mastered the material.

In the second case, the person must undergo training again within one month. It is important to know that you cannot retake the exam endlessly. In case of repeated failure, management raises the question of the employee’s inadequacy for the position held. This happens in most cases.

How to apply

In order for registration to proceed quickly, the company must have the following documents:

  • a provision that describes the procedure for its implementation, goals and deadlines (approved and endorsed personally by the head of the organization);
  • the internship program describes the entire process down to the smallest detail.

First of all, the HR department employee concludes an employment contract with the employee. It must indicate the need to undergo an internship at the workplace. Then an order is issued for each individual employee.

After the exam is passed by the commission, another order is issued - about admission to independent work. In some cases, you can do without it, because the qualification commission will record in writing successful completion exam.

The internship involves employment, and during this period the employee receives a salary. At the request of the management, the amount may be less than the basic salary, but not lower than the minimum wage established for 2019 (MOW), as of January 1 it amounted to 9,489 rubles.


Nowadays, the concept of duration of on-the-job training has changed somewhat. From 03/01/2017 the period from 3 to 14 days specified in Labor Code, has been replaced by one that will be established by the immediate supervisor of the person undergoing the test.

The following internship durations are considered:

  • for managers - from 14 days to one month, depending on qualifications;
  • all other persons having great experience work in identical production, qualifications and relevant skills - from 3 to 19 working days;
  • if there are no qualifications, the employee is hired for the first time, then the period is increased to six months (minimum - 1 month).

The internship process should not be ignored. They will motivate each employee to approach work more carefully and responsibly, and will teach safety precautions.

Internship, practice, internship Dictionary of Russian synonyms. internship noun, number of synonyms: 4 business internship (1) ... Dictionary of synonyms

INTERNSHIP, internships, many others. no, female (neol.). Passing a probationary period at some job. Dictionary Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

INTERNSHIP, I’m robbing, I’m robbing and INTERNSHING, I’m roaming, I’m ruining; nesov. Complete an internship (in 2 digits). Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

internship- and, f. stage m. Completion of a probationary period for which no. work. Ush. 1940. And our Americans are now going to deny internships to graduates of the screenwriting department. LG 4. 10. 1989. Lex. Ush. 1940: internship... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

Internship- (Training Probationary period) practical development directly in the workplace of skills to perform a job or group of jobs acquired during vocational trainingEconomic-mathematical dictionary

INTERNSHIP- passing a probationary period of work (after completing a special educational institution) before joining the staff of an organization or industrial practice to master what skill. specialty, for advanced training. S. passes to… … Russian encyclopedia of labor protection

1) production activity to gain work experience or improve qualifications in a specialty; widely used in Sov. higher school, where S. exists: university graduates with the aim of deepening their specialization directly on... ... Dictionary of business terms

INTERNSHIP- undergoing practical training for a certain period of time to master any specialty... Big Polytechnic Encyclopedia

internship- 3.33 internship: Practical development directly at the workplace of skills to perform a job or group of jobs acquired during professional training. Source: STO 173302 ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

INTERNSHIP- completion by graduate prof. uch. establishments of production, job responsibilities at a specific workplace and limited liability. Carried out with the aim of adapting to the specific conditions of the prof. activities. C. one of the traditional forms... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia


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