Myths and truth about the abolition of work records. For simplified workers, work books have been canceled

I look into the blue lakes,

I pick daisies in the fields...

I call you Russia,

I call you the only one.

Ask, ask me again -

There is no sweeter land.

My Russian name is here

Once upon a time they named it.

I look into the blue lakes,

I pick daisies in the fields...

I call you Russia,

I call you the only one.

I don't know greater happiness

Rather than live by one destiny,

To be sad with you, my land,

And celebrate with you.

(song “I look into the blue lakes”)

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced at a government meeting that Russia is beginning a reform to abolish work records, in the form in which we are all accustomed. As of January 1, 2020, employers will begin to transfer data on labor activity employees to the Pension Fund online, respectively, themselves work books will become electronic.

Dmitry Medvedev reminded the meeting participants that in most developed countries, work books that are so familiar to Russians are not used. All information has long been recorded electronically, contained in global information databases and when a person applies to any department, for example the Pension Fund, the inspector will receive information about the entire work activity of the applicant in a matter of seconds.

“When applying for government services, you will not need to provide information about your work activity or length of service - all this will be recorded in the database,” Medvedev called the advantages of the innovation.


Everyone knows that we have more than 40 percent of financial and entrepreneurial activity in the shadows to survive the current “skinning” tax system and insane loan rates. Most of the salaries are in envelopes in order to have income for the life of your family during the collapse of the economy, the destruction of public medicine and education, the liquidation social protection and so on.

More than 80 percent of our population does not live, but survives by hook or by crook. The country has been in recession since 2013. The time has come for a collapse and no World Cup, propping up Putin’s ratings, will save power. I don’t know of any cases in history where football created the conditions for an economic breakthrough.

As everyone knows, employers deliberately underestimate official salaries in order to avoid taxation due to the very high costs of doing business in Russia (expensive energy, bribes from official and unofficial authorities, hopeless bureaucratic red tape, high interest rates on loans, and so on).

The salary of employees is also influenced by the nest that most businessmen who have a business in Russia but live outside the country have built.

In short, everyone understands what information about employees online employers will transfer to the Pension Fund??? Along the way, they may completely forget about someone.

Business in the country, like all activities, is so corrupt that it will be cheaper for an entrepreneur to pay a bribe to inspectors if they find inconsistencies in reporting.

When the time comes to apply for pensions, many people will not find information about their work activities in the Pension Fund.

The Pension Fund employees themselves will clean up the database after the next thefts. There is complete impunity for theft in the country.

In Russia, a concentration camp is being built through the digitization of people’s lives:

— Your salary, pension on a bank card;

— Information about your work activity in electronic form in the Pension Fund;

— You can make an appointment with a doctor only through the electronic system;

— Information about your health will be stored electronically in a special database (already being created);

— Information about the date and place of your birth and parents will be in electronic form in a special database (already being created);

Driver license, insurance;

All this is under the control of the banking system and is available for review not only within the country.

Tomorrow, someone, for example, in the USA, will need your child’s kidney, medically suitable. You will naturally be indignant. And you will be immediately disconnected from all electronic services. All information about you will be erased. You are not on earth. You weren't born at all.

You don't have a paper document to prove your existence.

The military was outraged. They will be disabled and erased informationally.

All pensions were cancelled. Someone was indignant. Disabled and erased.

How simple it is.

Therefore, when I hear nonsense like “how convenient it is with cards,” I am surprised that people do not calculate their lives further than a quarter of a step.

On last week my neighbor went to the housing and communal services department for a certificate of her father’s residence at such and such an address. Father's to this address lives 50 years. The database on the computer did not contain information about the father's residence. He never lived at this address. But payments for housing and communal services came monthly in his name. The housing and communal services department threw up its hands. It took a carload of nerves from a neighbor and two hours of time to find, in a roundabout way, with the support of an urgently called programmer necessary information. This makes me think...

I understand that the moloch of propaganda works 24 hours a day. Interestingly, the propagandists themselves understand that they will be thrown into the trash at any moment as waste material, turned off and erased.

Putin, Medvedev, Siluanov, Oreshkin, Nabiullina, Kudrin and so on are all servants. I have no questions for them.

I have a question for fathers and mothers, who for the most part are concerned about the future of their children.

Mothers and Fathers, do you understand where the current government is leading you and your descendants? Why did you give birth and raise your children?

Russia is facing major historical changes in the near future. Before you take one side or the other, think, friends, take a few steps forward, better for the rest of your life and that of your descendants.

Hello everyone!


Your beauty has not been aged

Neither years nor trouble.

Ivanami and Maryami

You were always proud.

Not all falcons returned, -

Who is alive and who is killed...

But their glory is high

It belongs to you.

Your beauty has not been aged

Neither years nor trouble.

Ivanami and Maryami

You were always proud.

I don't know greater happiness

Rather than live by one destiny,

To be sad with you, my land,

And celebrate with you.

I don't know greater happiness

Rather than live by one destiny,

To be sad with you, my land,

And celebrate with you.

*Extremist and terrorist organizations, prohibited in Russian Federation: “Jehovah’s Witnesses”, National Bolshevik Party, “Right Sector”, “Ukrainian Insurgent Army” (UPA), “ Islamic State"(IS, ISIS, Daesh), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham", "Jabhat al-Nusra", "Al-Qaeda", "UNA-UNSO", "Taliban", "Majlis of the Crimean Tatar people", "Misanthropic Division", "Brotherhood" by Korchinsky, "Trident named after. Stepan Bandera", "Organization Ukrainian nationalists"(OUN)

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IN lately The news about the possible abolition of work records from 2019 is being actively discussed. What is the situation today, is this possible, what are the reasons for such an innovation and who is its initiator.

Modern rules

Labor records in Russia have a long history. They were first introduced back in 1918 by decision of the Soviet government. All citizens over 16 years of age were required to have such a document. Then it actually replaced an identity card. The only exceptions were rural residents who did not receive full documents until 1976 (with a number of exceptions). Without work records, people were not given cards for food and essential goods.

Currently, according to current legislation, all working citizens of the Russian Federation must have work books. They include information about the place of work, position, length of service, education and specific activities of each employee. In particular, official reprimands, incentives, thanks and reasons for dismissal must be written down. Without this document, it is difficult to apply for a pension and receive social benefits. When moving from one job to another, the employer, as a rule, requires the applicant to present a work record book in advance. It is considered as the main and most reliable source of information about the employee.

In 2004, the Russian government introduced a new type of work book into circulation instead of the old Soviet one. It is believed that they are better protected from counterfeiting due to the special firmware of the document. There are quite strict rules for registering work records. In particular, they must be filled out only by hand using a writing instrument with blue or black ink and certified in round, so-called. "official" seals of the organization. Documents must be stored in a special safe at the employer. If this document is lost or damaged, then in order to restore it, the citizen must contact all organizations where he previously worked. If these institutions no longer exist, the corresponding periods of time are excluded from the professional experience.

Employees of the HR and accounting departments who are involved in filling out these documents often make certain mistakes in them. There are numerous cases where employees of the Russian Pension Fund refused to take into account the length of service of citizens on the basis of the lack of entries in the work book. In addition, there are numerous faults with its design (fuzzy printing, blots, unacceptable abbreviations, corrections made with ink of the “wrong” color, etc.). In such cases, the employee’s length of service is not taken into account partially or completely, which leads to litigation.

When will work books be cancelled?

The discussion about the abolition of work books in their traditional form has been going on since the 1990s. Their correct design and storage require significant costs. Outside Russia, similar documents are almost never used. IN developed countries pensions are usually calculated on the basis of cash (insurance) contributions that a citizen pays to public or private pension funds.

In 2001, the Russian Pension Fund began receiving information about all working citizens directly from employers. This information includes details of contributions made on behalf of each employee, as well as relevant information about length of service and position. Now all this information is transmitted electronically. In this regard, the Russian government has prepared a bill on the abolition of paper work books and the transition to electronic (virtual) documents from the beginning of 2019.

An alternative version, which is also being discussed in the government, involves the transition to an electronic document from the beginning of 2020. This will allow you to avoid many of the above-mentioned problems with paper documents, and in the future will significantly reduce bureaucratic costs. It is possible that virtual work books will be added to the personal profiles of citizens on the official Internet portal of government services

On the other hand, a significant part of the Russian population began their working career before 2001. Thus, traditional documents (including Soviet-style ones) remain the only source of information about employment, length of service and work characteristics for this category of citizens. Representatives of the relevant Ministry of Social Protection of the Russian Federation say that the rapid transfer of all necessary information in electronic format is hardly possible. This will also require huge costs on the part of employers and public authorities.

The majority of the country's population is still wary of the introduction electronic documents. Numerous errors are found in existing databases. Therefore, the complete abolition of work records in 2019 most likely will not happen. It can be assumed that new electronic and old paper documents will co-exist in the near future.

Recent proposals to abolish work books have caused much controversy and concern. How to now take into account length of service, display career highs and much, much more. We asked labor law specialist Elena Gerasimova to dispel the most common fears and doubts.

Hello, Elena.


Perhaps next year work books will be abolished, but for now this is an initiative. Let's first talk about what this is connected with and what are the main pros and cons?

In fact, not even next year, but after a longer period of time. That is, it is assumed that there will be some kind of transitional period when work books will not necessarily be kept, and in the future, somewhere in 12-15 years, the final abolition of work books will occur, approximately by 2025. And in the interim period, books will be kept at the request of the employee. At the moment there are many technical issues, for example, in which the work book interferes, or at least it is very inconvenient to conduct labor relations with it. For example, sometimes there is a situation that an employer, knowing that a work book is required, threatens the employee, manipulates the employee, demanding something from him, threatens that, and I will make a bad entry in your work book about dismissal under the article, like this we are called, that is, dismissal for cause. With the disappearance of the work book, for example, this opportunity will disappear.

What will happen instead of a work book?

According to the Ministry of Health, for several years work has been carried out to develop a unified electronic system that would allow combining data together: both the Pension Fund and the Fund social insurance, and data, as far as I understand, from the State Tax Inspectorate, which contains information about the size wages. And this integration into a single database will allow us to solve those issues for which a work book was needed.

Let's assume this is the situation. The employer, as often happens, has sunk into oblivion, and the person who worked for him cannot prove this fact. What should he do?

If the question of how to prove the employment relationship arises after the cancellation of the work book, in fact nothing will change for the person, because in the same way the obligation remains and will remain forever and, I hope, in the Labor Code, the obligation to conclude an employment contract with the employee in two copies, one of which must be given to the employee, and draw up other documents about the work: an order for hiring, all orders that record changes in the employee’s status, an order for dismissal.

Without work records, how will they pay for sick leave, calculate pensions, calculate all kinds of bonuses, and so on?

If pensions seem to be possible at the moment even under the current system, electronic system, with the current system of personalized pension accounting to calculate the size of pensions, the situation with benefits today is more complicated. For now, these benefits are paid by the employer. Now, if a transition is made to this unified electronic system, into which information will flow from all state funds that keep records and receive reports from employers, if this information is accumulated in one place, then the Social Insurance Fund will be able to move to calculate these benefits yourself.

The work book also contains information about awards and titles, for example “Veteran of Labor”. What will happen to this information?

You will just have to confirm this with primary documents, as they say, yes. That is, if this is, say, some kind of bonus or announcement of gratitude, then an order on the announcement of gratitude at the place of work, on the assignment of various titles, also with appropriate documents. Another thing is that you will have to spend your whole life collecting these orders quite carefully, employment contracts, orders about everything. About everything, about everything, it seems like quite a difficult task. AND main recommendation- always keep your work book even after they are cancelled, they will become optional for some quite long time in the most unforeseen situations, it seems to me that the work book may still come in handy.

The beginning of the year surprises Russians with an endless series of socio-economic and political news. The attitude of citizens to what is happening cannot be called unambiguous; certain news items cause outright negativity, and some cause bewilderment. There was an obvious misunderstanding latest news on the abolition of work books in 2017 in Russia, the shortcomings of this reformist project are noted not only by ordinary people, but also by lawyers involved in the field of labor relations.

Who and why decided to abolish labor

Back in April last year, the Cabinet of Ministers submitted a draft amendment to the labor law. But with a note that it will only affect small individual business enterprises. Such a company should have no more than 15 employees. Filling out and maintaining work books for such enterprises is not necessary. So, abolition of work books in 2017, order, in particular, provides in this part not only for the abolition of labor, but also for the need to create micro-enterprises local acts regulating these aspects of labor relations with hired workers. And the document that, in fact, will replace it will be the established standard form of an employment contract or agreement. Thus, The bill will fit perfectly into the framework of the new pension system, when responsibility for the employee’s working years and the formation of his pension account will be assigned almost entirely to the employer, excluding only the side of the matter when the citizen does not work at all.

Has this question and technical side affairs. Namely, we're talking about on the creation and formation of a unified electronic or digital database, where all information about the employee’s working periods and contributions to extra-budgetary funds will flow. Thus, while in theory, the essence of this labor innovation looks like.

Consequences of the law: positive and negative aspects

To fully understand the complexities and possible consequences this innovation in the field labor relations,The following points are noted:

  • Necessityimprovement of information bases and personal information protection systems;
  • Opportunity archiving data electronically will significantly reduce the costs of creating documentary paper archives;
  • The process of document preparation itself will also be abolished, which will reduce the staff of the HR department.

As for the relationship with the new pension legislation, according to its provisions, for the calculation of pension payments, length of service does not matter, and only the periods of insurance payments are important.

Essentially abolition of work books in 2017 pursues purely good goals in relation to the employees themselves, and this reform should protect micro-enterprises from violations of the law regarding labor relations.

Despite the visible positive aspects of the bill, the issue of creating electronic databases remains relevant, and the agency that will manage the databases has not yet been decided. The ability of employers to access them has also not yet been thought through, as well as information security systems. As for reducing the costs of maintaining documentary archives, the costs of creating new system storing and generating data will also require considerable funds.

Review of authoritative opinions

The fact that the labor contract is the only document that allows the employee to prove the fact of his labor activity is what causes such conflicting opinions regarding its abolition.

Lawyers of well-known companies interpret the news from the point of view of the statement that the work book is losing its significance for the state, thus the document loses its confirmatory value. In other words, if the records in the labor record are not confirmed by personal accounts indicating the fact of transfer of funds to the funds in the same period, then the record indicating the fact of work will not be valid.

Thus, from the point of view of jurisprudence, the work book has lost its meaning. Its significance remains only in the minds of ordinary people, which causes fear of unprovable experience in the future.

A work book is a document in which records are made about the employee’s work experience. A little less than 100 years ago, the work book was approved in the USSR as a document confirming the presence length of service a person and giving grounds for assigning a pension from the state.

In 2002, the need to have a work book to receive a pension was abolished, which gave some employers grounds to register employees for work under an employment contract without making entries in the work book. Over the course of several recent years The government of the Russian Federation is actively considering the need to abolish paper work books as an outdated way of storing information about an employee.

Law on work books

The need for the employer to store and maintain employee work books is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 225. The Resolution describes the procedure for storing, maintaining, making entries and changes in work books, as well as the procedure for issuing a document to an employee after dismissal.

Each employer, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, must store the work books of all employees in a special safe, to which unauthorized persons have no access, and regularly, as necessary, make new entries in the book about changes in the employee’s position, issuance of thanks, reprimands, etc. For failure to comply with the procedure established by Resolution No. 225, penalties are provided.

The new bills are designed to eliminate the need for the employer to store and maintain employee work records.

Reform on the abolition of work records

Historical background

Work books were first introduced in 1918 by the Labor Code of the RSFSR, in which Art. 80 stated that every worker is required to have a work book, while this article had an appendix regulating the procedure for maintaining work books. Then, by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR dated October 5, 1918, “On work books for non-workers,” instead of identity cards or passports, work books were introduced for certain categories of citizens considered non-workers. IN this document The form of the work book was also provided.

Work books will be abolished in 2017 for enterprises with fewer than 15 employees. If the changes allow employers to spend less resources on maintaining and storing documents and at the same time do not make it difficult to record the insurance length of employees, work books will be completely abolished in the next few years.

The abolition of work books is possible thanks to the creation of all-Russian electronic databases, where information about all officially employed employees will be entered. Online accounts will be created on one official website for all employers and thus they will be able to track and make changes. Using their own personal information and access password, employees will also be able to view all the information available to them, so the abolition of work books in 2017 will actually lead to the emergence of a more convenient electronic form of work documents.

Today, there is no need to store work books to confirm the presence of work experience. When determining the amount of an employee’s pension, only his insurance experience is taken into account, which is confirmed by information on accruals to the insurance fund and tax office. An employed person must have his own insurance account, to which the employer monthly transfers funds provided by law, which affect the size of the employee’s future pension.

In connection with economic transformations in our country, the question of abolishing work books as a relic of the Soviet past was raised repeatedly: during the reform Labor Code RF in 2006, then in 2012, but these initiatives were not legally enshrined. Discussions on this issue continue to this day.

Positive aspects of the reform

Work books are not used today in most progressive countries of the world. Using a single electronic database – international standard, which has stood the test of time in many countries. In addition, many employers will be able to reduce the costs of storing documents, because employee work books must be stored in safes or in warehouses that can be used for other purposes.

With the cessation of the need for constant demonstration and verification of work records, document flow will be simplified. Now employers will be able to limit themselves to monthly transfers to the tax office and reports, which will save working time.

Watch the video about the cancellation of work records

Negative aspects of the reform

Historical background

By Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated December 20, 1938 N 1320, from January 15, 1939, work books of a single standard were introduced throughout the territory Soviet Union. In order to improve the procedure for maintaining labor books, in 1973, by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated 09/06/1973 N 656 was approved new form work books, which existed until the end of 2003. From January 1, 2004, the Government of the Russian Federation Decree No. 225 of April 16, 2003 “On work books” approved new forms of work books and inserts in it for all categories of workers, which are still in effect today .

The information specified in the work book is not taken into account when calculating the pension, but the document is still required during the employment process. Due to the fact that the work book contains information about all thanks and reprimands to the employee, the reasons for previous dismissals, the future employer could learn a lot necessary information about the employee from the designated document. Now the employer will learn all the necessary information about the employee from the resume and recommendations.

After the cancellation of work records, the employee will be able to hide information about reprimands and the reason for dismissal from the previous place of work at his own discretion, but a prudent employer will be able to make inquiries on his own if necessary. In addition, unscrupulous employers will no longer be able to threaten employees with dismissal under article and negative entries in the work book.

Despite the active discussion of the issue, it is still not clear whether work books will be abolished in the Russian Federation. The law on the abolition of work books for enterprises with up to 15 employees has not yet entered into force, and a complete abandonment of the document is planned only in a few years. After the complete abolition of work books, their documentary alternative will be employment contracts, which are issued upon hiring.

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