New work book: duplicate or full-fledged document? How to create a work book for the first time.

In another case, the girl goes out to new job without stopping maternity leave, and starts another one work book in order to receive benefits in the future. These situations can end disastrously, since the employee may be forced to return the excess funds through the court or accused of fraud. Thus, to avoid problems in the future, it is advisable to carry out work activities using a work book in a single copy. What to do with deductions if you have two employees? An employee, when joining an organization, must inform the employer about the availability of a work book in two copies. At the legislative level, an employee cannot be denied employment. However, the employer will wonder why length of service is not taken into account in one work report, even if there is a second part-time job.

How to get a work book

Prepared and stored this document in the HR department of the employer company. Any organization is required to maintain books for all employees who work under an employment contract for more than five days.

The work book contains information about the employee: Work book
  • Full name according to passport data
  • age information
  • information about education is recorded on the basis of a diploma or certificate
  • full and abbreviated name of the enterprises with which the employee has an employment contract
  • position/specialty of the employee, assignment of rank
  • data from the order or other document on the basis of which the employee was hired by the organization

When a worker is dismissed, the HR department enters into the work book information about the reason and the date from which the employee does not work in the organization.

What to do with your work book if you were fired under an article

The article answers the question: if you were fired under an article, is it possible to get a new work book, and reveals other nuances of the legislation. Is it possible to start new book if you were fired under Article 81 of the Labor Code contains thirteen grounds on which you can be fired.
A bad entry in the work book negates the possibility of finding good job. A person decides what to do and how to find a job.

It seems that the problem can be solved by “losing” the form. Indeed, if you lose your book, the new employer issues the form.

The rule was determined by Article 65 of the Labor Code. At the new place of duty, a person submits an application for the issuance of a form. Indicates in the application the reasons why he is asking for a new work record.

Is it possible to get a new work book?


How to get a work book for the first time? Citizens often ask where to get a work book? This can be done upon first employment. The employer is obliged to issue this document to the employee in his actual absence.

As a rule, he approaches the employer with a statement. Sample application download The application indicates the reason for the absence of the document (did not work previously).

Not everyone knows at what age you can get a work record book. It is issued from the moment a citizen begins to officially work.

As a rule, people over 16 years of age are hired. But, according to Article 63 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, children under this age can get a job.
However, for this you need to obtain permission from the teenager’s parents and guardianship authorities.

New work book: duplicate or full-fledged document?

After registering a citizen as an insured person, periods of work and (or) other activities are confirmed by documents on making the relevant mandatory payments, issued in the prescribed manner by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the basis of individual (personalized) accounting information (clause 34 of the Calculation Rules). Thus, the information contained in the Extract from the individual personal account of the insured person (form N SZI-5 approved by Resolution No. 192p) is of primary importance for establishing the length of service after registration of a citizen as an insured person (the date of registration with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will be indicated in the extract) and may form the basis for the design of a duplicate.

If an employee has lost his work book

How will we draw up a work book? Before the amendments were made to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, we were all guided by the rules for drawing up work books established in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225 “On work books”. Fragment of the document Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003

No. 225 "

About work books" (as amended on February 6, 2004) Clause 8 The registration of a work book for an employee hired for the first time is carried out by the employer in the presence of the employee no later than a week from the date of hire. Clause 31 A person who has lost his work book must immediately notify the employer at his last place of work.

The employer issues a duplicate work book to the employee no later than 15 days from the date the employee submits the application.

What to do in this situation? Should I get a new one or get a duplicate? What information should be included in the duplicate? In this case, what documents confirm your work experience? Work book established sample is the main document about labor activity and the employee’s work experience (Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Its form, the procedure for maintaining and storing, as well as the procedure for producing forms of work books and providing them to employers are established by the following regulatory legal acts: - The Labor Code; — Instructions for filling out work books, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 N 69 (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions); — Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 N 225 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules).

What if an employee asks for a new work record?

If the person being hired does not have a work book, you can do the following: 1) create a new work book; 2) issue a duplicate. Getting a new work book Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides that if a person applying for a job does not have a work book due to its loss, damage or other reason, the employer is obliged, upon a written application of this person (indicating the reason for the lack of a work book) issue a new one.


As can be seen from the content of the above norm, in this case the law places the obligation to issue a work book for the employee on the new employer. At the same time, the registration of a new work book does not depend on the reason for its absence.

The main thing is that the employee writes an application asking for a new one, indicating the reason for the absence of the previous one (loss, theft, damage, etc.).
With the introduction of personalized accounting in pension insurance, the meaning of the book as an accounting storage device was lost length of service. Individual records for each employee in the pension fund include all information about the length of service of the future pensioner. In addition, after the pension reform, the amount of the pension is also affected by contributions to an individual PF account. Therefore, people with several work books need to keep in mind that they can only attach one “profitable” book to their pension application. Benefits and length of service Holders of work books in duplicate are often concerned with the question of how the insurance period is calculated and benefits are calculated.

The article answers the question: if you were fired under an article, is it possible to get a new work book, and reveals other nuances of the legislation.

Is it possible to get a new book if you were fired under an article?

Article 81 of the Labor Code contains thirteen grounds for dismissal. A bad entry in the work book negates the opportunity to find a good job. A person decides what to do and how to find a job. It seems that the problem can be solved by “losing” the form. Indeed, if you lose your book, the new employer issues the form. The rule was determined by Article 65 of the Labor Code. At the new place of duty, a person submits an application for the issuance of a form. Indicates in the application the reasons why he is asking for a new work record.

5 main reasons for obtaining the document:

  • dismissal under article;
  • loss of document;
  • hiding information about extra work;
  • desire to clear your biography;
  • damage or wear to the document.

The new employer will create a new form, but does not have the right to fill out columns about previous places of service. To restore records of experience, you need to contact your previous manager. A duplicate is issued at the old place of service, and information about work activity is filled in.

Important! If you were fired under an article, the question of whether it is possible to get a new work book is resolved positively. But the new book does not include information about the length of service. Information about where the person got a job is immediately written down.

There is another way to solve the problem if you were fired under an article.

Alternative way to solve the problem

The second option is suitable for those who are ready to defend their interests through the court. After all, you will have to go to court to appeal the dismissal. There is no fee charged for labor disputes from citizens. A person needs to competently file a claim and present evidence that they are being fired illegally. Then argue your position. The court will cancel the recording if it considers the evidence to be sufficiently serious.

But participation in trial may also have a negative impact on future employment.

Consequences of issuing a new document

First of all, a book is required for a pension fund. A pension specialist will review each entry. Then he will calculate the length of service to assign a pension. But data on length of service can also be gleaned from personalized accounting information. The statement reflects what contributions were paid for the employee. If the companies paid their contributions regularly, then the information is taken into account for assigning a pension.

Read also Making an entry in the work book about hiring

If desired new manager can also find out information where the person previously worked. As they say, you can’t hide an sew in a bag. Therefore, problems with employment may arise when there are blemishes in the biography.

The law does not directly prohibit having multiple forms. But sometimes documents are used to obtain additional benefits and allowances.

Example. Before going on maternity leave, Nina Ivantseva worked as a secretary and got a job as a translator. I asked my employer to keep a book. As a result, both companies paid maternity benefits. Such actions are fraud and fall under Article 159.2 of the Criminal Code. The girl risks receiving a fine of up to one hundred and twenty thousand rubles or losing her freedom. Payments received will have to be returned.

Problems can be avoided if you create one document about work. Attempts to use the book to receive additional payments may end in failure.

How are tax deductions presented?

The deduction is given only for one place of duty. For part-time workers, the deduction is given at the main place of work. The second employer needs to be informed that the other company has already submitted the deduction. It makes no sense to try to get a deduction in two organizations. Tax inspectors can hold violators accountable under Article 122 of the Tax Code. A fine of twenty percent of the tax amount is collected.

You need to tell the director whether the work is primary or secondary. After all, a company will face problems if it pays taxes incorrectly.

A similar rule applies to other social benefits. Pay study holidays, child care time, should only be one employer.

For part-time workers, documents are filled out at their main place of duty. Information about additional work is written on the basis of certificates. Therefore, a person cannot have two forms at once. If the document is lost, you need to apply for a duplicate.


  1. If you were fired under an article, you can hide the unpleasant fact of your biography and get a new book.
  2. Documents are issued at the place of employment. Information about previous activities is not written.
  3. Information about the length of service is included in the duplicate. To enter information, you need to collect certificates.
  4. You can challenge a negative record, but getting involved in litigation can also hinder your future employment.
  5. Dangerous to use additional documents to receive payments and benefits. The recipient of payments risks being accused of fraud.
  6. A book is not the only option to prove your experience. To assign pensions, personalized accounting information is accepted.

Murnina Irina Vladimirovna

Unfortunately, many HR managers consider the work of their colleagues, HR inspectors, routine and boring. On the one hand, this is understandable - they determine personnel policy enterprises, and this is extremely high level responsibility and a completely different scale of tasks. On the other hand, in personnel work, no matter how large it is, there are no trifles. Failure to formalize, under-register or incorrectly formalize personnel procedures leads to serious legal consequences and no less serious material costs.

Ideally, the personnel management service should be in constant contact with employees, providing methodological and consulting assistance, and moral support. And for this it is necessary to at least imagine the scale of the disaster. IN real life The problems that employer and employee create for each other due to both parties' ignorance of the current legislation are innumerable.

The key is to start!
The possibility of canceling work books has been discussed for quite some time. During the discussion, this idea gained both opponents and ardent supporters.

Of course, the amount of paperwork will decrease, and workers will stop looking for negligent employers who have disappeared “to nowhere” along with their work books, and will begin to closely search for suitable job and employment problems. But...

"Ahead of the locomotive..."
While the problem is being discussed, some experts are already taking action.

“We are both in favor,” a personnel officer of one of the organizations proudly told me. “And the books have already been canceled at our enterprise.” “What about the grounds?” - I asked. “What are the reasons? - the “specialist” was surprised. “Well, the wishes of the workers, is that okay?”

It doesn’t fit and won’t pass the test! Such actions are regulated by law. Let's wait Federal Law with new amendments to the Labor Code, Government Resolutions, and the Ministry of Health and Social Development, then we will cancel it. We remind you that when applying for a foreign passport, they still require an extract from the work book, certified at the place of work in the manner prescribed by law. So, freeing yourself and the employee from some problems, you should not create a lot of others.

So, today work books exist and are mandatorily maintained by the employer for employees hired on the basis of employment contract at the main place of work. And they are not carried out against part-time workers and employees hired by civil contracts. An individual employer who is not an individual entrepreneur and hires an employee to provide personal services, for example, a nanny for a child, a maid in country house etc., he also does not keep work records, but this does not mean at all that the employee loses his seniority. It’s just confirmed not by a work book, but by other documents.

The main aspects of working with work books are regulated by the Labor Code Russian Federation(Art. 65, 66, 84.1). The procedure for drawing up a work book, its maintenance, registration and delivery to the employee upon dismissal is set out in detail in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 225 of April 16, 2003 “On work books” (Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers ) and Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated No. 69 10.10.2003 “On approval of the Instructions for filling out work books.” The resolutions, of course, are applied taking into account the Amendments to the Labor Code (effective from October 6, 2006).

But there are quite frequent cases when an employee declares that there is no work book. The reasons for absence vary, but this...

No reason to refuse a job
The work book is specified in Article 65 of the Labor Code as a document presented by the employee to the employer when applying for a job and concluding an employment contract. It also stipulates cases when an employee does not present a work book, and the employer cannot demand it: “... when an employment contract is concluded for the first time or an employee starts working on a part-time basis.” In practice, part-time workers are often asked to bring a certificate from their main place of work or a copy of their work record book.

Some of the “old school” personnel officers, who have the absolute support of their management, take a categorical, but not entirely legal position: “He is 50 years old, does not have a book and cannot clearly explain where it is. How do I know what kind of specialist he is, where he worked? Maybe even an alcoholic or a truant. You'll be tormented with him later. We refuse under a plausible pretext.” Please note special attention: these actions violated the law before October 6, and after the introduction of Amendments to the Labor Code, they violated it especially often.

If an employee refuses to present a work book due to its loss, damage or for any other reason, this is not grounds for refusal to hire. And it never appeared. Until October 6, 2006 (the date of entry into force of amendments to the Labor Code), the employee was sent to his last place of work with a request for a duplicate. Now the last part of the already mentioned 65th Article Labor Code obliges the employer who hires such an employee, “upon a written application from this person (indicating the reason for the absence of a work book), to issue a new work book.” It is a new work book, according to the same scheme in which it is created for employees who, for the first time in their work history, enter work on the basis of labor relations at the main place of work.

It is important not to confuse a new work book with a duplicate. The employee has not worked for this employer for a single day, and there is not only no basis for issuing a duplicate, but also a sufficient amount of information: information about length of service and previous places of work.

So, the employee gets a new work book, and the first and very serious problem: The staff is small, the chief accountant, who has enough of his own work, combines the work of a personnel officer with his direct responsibilities. A situation arises: “We need a blank work book form. Let the worker go and buy it.” And the worker buys.

When I say at a seminar that work book forms are strict reporting forms and have never been sold to individuals, are not being sold and will not be sold, this causes a storm of genuine emotions: “It’s not true! They are sold on every corner and in every newsstand. Our employees buy and bring it themselves.”

How to get a headache
It is useless to discuss what and where workers who do not know the legislative and regulatory framework buy. But for personnel officers who optimize their time and labor costs in this way, we note that it is a clear violation of the law to send an employee to get a work book form. He cannot buy it and, most importantly, he should not buy it.

Paragraph 44 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers (Resolution of the Government of Russia No. 225 of April 16, 2003) states: “The employer is obliged to constantly have in stock the required number of work book forms and inserts in it.” Next, you should pay attention to the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 117n dated December 22, 2003, which states that the forms of the work book and the insert in the work book are produced only by the Goznak Association of the Ministry of Finance of Russia. And in the same place: “The forms of the work book and the insert in it have the appropriate degree of protection.” It is impossible to determine “by eye” whether the degree of protection of a form purchased by an employee somewhere unknown meets the requirements of Goznak. Carrying out an examination of each such form by the personnel service with the involvement of criminologists is from the realm of fantasy.

Goznak, as a manufacturer, sets requirements for distributors. In turn, in practice the distributor ( legal entity or individual entrepreneur) has the right to demand and requires a letter of authorization from the representative of the employer purchasing the forms. It is drawn up on the organization’s letterhead indicating its details: legal address, INN, OGRN and OKPO codes (this information can be obtained from the accounting department). Then the usual details of the power of attorney are indicated: last name, first name, patronymic individual, who is entrusted with the acquisition of forms, his passport data, sample signature and, of course, how many and what forms (work book and/or insert) are required. The signatures of the manager and chief accountant, as well as the seal of the organization are required.

After completing the purchase, a representative of the distribution organization, as a rule, issues an invoice or other sales document, which indicates not only what was purchased and for what amount, but also the series and numbers of all purchased forms. There are organizations that omit part of this procedure, for example, they do not require a letter of authority, but they issue invoices indicating the series and the number of the forms. Let me note that if the procedure for selling strict reporting forms is simplified to the simplest “money-goods” exchange, it makes sense to think before making a purchase.

However, the problems are not limited to purchasing forms. And the questions that arise among specialists do not end, because there is still something to begin

From scratch
A new work book is issued to employees starting work for the first time “... in the presence of the employee no later than a week from the date of hiring” (clause 8 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, preparing work book forms and providing them to employers).

Please note that HR specialists who have many years of experience, in this case also draw up a work book only upon the employee’s application, which indicates that the person is entering work on the basis of labor relations and at the main place of work for the first time. Also, in practice, quite often a work book is drawn up in the absence of the employee, “in order to concentrate as much as possible, not make a mistake and then not write off a damaged form. Otherwise it costs money.” Novice personnel officers omit this important point, but in vain. And although employees rarely focus on this point (the main thing for them is that they have a book), HR services should adhere to the legal norm.

The point is that when filling out title page Problems may arise that the employee will help resolve. A textbook example: the names “Maria - Marya”, “Natalia - Natalya”, “Maryana - Marianna”. A separate philological study can be written about patronymics and surnames.

During the filling process, you may find that your full name. in the passport does not completely coincide with the same data in the education document, and here document research cannot be avoided. The question arises, what is written in other documents and shouldn’t the employee go to the passport office, clarify everything and find out which document will have to be changed?

High printing price
IN lately quite often in work books from the 70s there is a lack of a seal on the title. Restoring it if you come to your senses several years later and after changing several employers is not just difficult, but practically impossible for many reasons.

The employer can be located in a place remote from the new place of residence and new work, rename and destroy old seals, and generally “self-liquidate” along with documents confirming the employee’s work experience.

And when applying for a pension, the pension fund inspector may require documents to confirm the entire length of service entered in the work book. If violated legislative norm- the work book is declared invalid - the “walk through the torment” begins: either a visit to all the employers who have accumulated during their working life (very hectic for some workers), or a voyage through the courts. The question of which is better remains at the discretion of the user.

So hang up your memos, write them in your diaries, tie knots in your handkerchiefs, dear HR specialists. Do everything possible and impossible not to forget that seal on the title on the left. Your forgetfulness will result in wasted nerves, time, and the health of your employees, and years later they will remember you with a feeling of special “gratitude.”

Did you have any experience?
Another problem when preparing the “first” work book is what should be the first entry in the “Work Information” section. Previously, without indicating the date and number, in the third column of the section they wrote: “Before admission (name of the organization - the first employer) did not have (had) no work experience.” To make this entry, the employee was sent to the passport office at his place of residence, and the passport officer gave him the appropriate certificate. Today, passport offices in large cities do not issue such certificates. In our opinion, we should agree with experts who believe that making such an entry is inappropriate, since there is no documented basis for it.

Further, the work book will be filled out for years until the employee retires for a well-deserved rest or until the legislative cancellation of this document. The employee will move with her from one employer to another and one day will come to the Pension Fund office. And each time this document, in its own language, will “tell” not only about the professional level of its owner, but also about those who prepared, maintained and stored it during these years. So try to leave a good memory of yourself!


Thanks to Irina Murnina - she structuredly outlined all the inspectors’ special mistakes on this topic. I agree that it should be abolished, but not in a situation of a growing economy and an unformed labor market. Abroad, all employee histories are tracked and easily verified - the salaries were mostly white, again, recruitment agencies keep the histories and movements of 95% of workers, actively participating in this - if anything the new employer can check - through them, or in a timely and mandatory manner issued letters of recommendation. In fact, personnel officers there are not doomed to make gross mistakes when hiring unknown personnel.
We don’t have such traditions, they are just emerging, the ZPs have hardly begun to whitewash themselves, that is. The chance that the pension fund can verify the words of the new staff about income levels and all places of work has increased. From what generation will there be 100% transparency is the question.
And so far, in 80% of cases in the Russian Federation, the very possibility of demanding a labor document reduces risks - since not many companies have SB, i.e. There is nowhere and no one to check. In my opinion, it is reasonable to abolish books on the transparent labor market - this is the time. And secondly - again, labor for 30% of industries in the Russian Federation - an incentive to get into the state by proving yourself, the determinant of which is the labor record.
And there is no point in complaining that it is tedious and the hassle takes up time - neatly maintaining a book is the function of a personnel inspector, just as opening each account is the function of an accountant. And each specified position for the company carries the meaning of reducing business risks. For what the business itself is ready to pay for their work - you see, it’s logical.

Currently, there is a positive trend in the development of financial and legal literacy of employees. Citizens carefully study the legislation in an effort to protect their rights. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to have a second one is being asked more and more often. The legislation of the Russian Federation does not contain a specific answer to this question, which leads to a certain amount of ambiguity and trying to figure out how to proceed correctly.

The work book is official document, in which information about employment and is entered. This document is drawn up and stored in the HR department of the employing enterprise. Any organization is required to maintain books for all employees who work under an employment contract for more than five days.

The work book contains information about the employee:

  • Full name according to passport data
  • age information
  • information about education is recorded on the basis of a diploma or certificate
  • full and abbreviated name of the enterprises with which the employee has an employment contract
  • position/specialty of the employee, assignment of rank
  • data or other document on the basis of which the employee was hired by the organization

When a worker is dismissed, the HR department enters into the work book information about the reason and the date from which the employee does not work in the organization. In addition, the order according to which the employee was dismissed is indicated.

Records of acceptance and dismissal must be certified by the personal signatures of the employee and the personnel officer. On the day the employment contract ends, the citizen is required to provide a work book.

Is it legal to have several work books?

A work record is the most important evidence of an employee’s work experience. The reasons why a citizen re-issues a work book can be different:

  • loss of a work form and discovery of the original book only after the creation of a new one
  • hiding another place of work from the management of the enterprise
  • desire to conceal a fact from a previous place of work “under the article”
  • the employee wants to start his career with a “clean slate” and hide information about previous undesirable qualifications
  • physical damage to the first book

Each employee has the right to work in several enterprises. However, the work book must be kept by the main employer (in accordance with Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Activities in other organizations in this case are considered combination. If the employee wishes, information about the second job can be entered into the work book, based on an order for employment in another company.

Therefore, an employee should not have several work books. If you lose your book, you must notify the HR department and a duplicate will be issued.

However, there is no clear prohibition on owning several work books. An employee working in two organizations at once and keeping work books in duplicate does not bear direct responsibility before the law. But sometimes situations arise when working on two books is illegal. For example, a woman receives child care benefits under both books. In another case, the girl starts a new job without stopping maternity leave, and gets another work book in order to continue receiving benefits in the future. These situations can end disastrously, since the employee may be forced to return the excess funds through the court or accused of fraud.

Thus, to avoid problems in the future, it is advisable to carry out work activities using a work book in a single copy.

What to do with deductions if you have two employees?

An employee, when joining an organization, must inform the employer about the availability of a work book in two copies. At the legislative level, an employee cannot be denied employment. However, the employer will wonder why length of service is not taken into account in one work report, even if there is a second job. In this case, the employer will ask the employee to decide on the main place of work in order not to violate the implementation of the articles of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. After all, claim tax deductions An employee can only work at one place of work.

The worker is required to choose his main place of work and submit a statement to another organization that the deductions have already been received. You should not claim tax deductions at both jobs. If tax officials find out about this fact, the violator will pay a fine under Article 122 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The question is also important for the employer. Therefore, the boss must be aware of whether the employee works in the organization at his main place of work or combines this work with another. After all, if, during an annual audit, tax officials discover inconsistencies, the employer will also have to pay fines and penalties in accordance with Art. 123 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. For a hired worker, this situation is fraught with dismissal.

Thus, owners of two work books do not need to claim tax deductions for several places of work at once. This also applies to other guarantees from the main place of work. When an employee takes leave during a study session, only one employer needs to demand payment for it. In the second organization you need to apply for free leave.

Registration of a pension if you have two work books

Owners of work books in duplicate, when submitting documents to the Pension Fund, tried to submit both books with a package of documents in order to increase the total length of service. However, pension fund employees do not accept multiple work records. Only one copy can be provided to the Pension Fund.

In the near future, they plan to abolish the requirement for workers to have a work book. With the introduction of personalized accounting in pension insurance, the meaning of the book as a storage device for recording work experience was lost. Individual records for each employee in the pension fund include all information about the length of service of the future pensioner. In addition, after the pension reform, the amount of the pension is also affected by contributions to an individual PF account.

Therefore, people with several work books need to keep in mind that they can only attach one “profitable” book to their pension application.

Benefits and experience

Holders of work books in duplicate are often concerned with the question of how the insurance period is calculated and accrued. The insurance period consists of the following periods of work:

  • civil service
  • municipal service
  • under an employment contract
  • other activities during which the employee was insured

Benefits are paid in case of sick leave due to:

  • disease

Confirmation for calculating the length of service and the amount of benefits in accordance with the law is the work book. Therefore, to register and receive cash payments the employee must indicate only one main place of work. Benefits received in connection with pregnancy and the postpartum period, or illness, are accrued according to one of the work books. If an employee wants to receive these payments for two places of work, he can be accused of fraud.

When applying for sick leave for pregnancy, girls should definitely indicate their main place of employment. Get two sick days for different organizations impossible.

Thus, there is no prohibition in the legislation of the Russian Federation for an employee to have several work books. However, it is worth understanding that the presence of books in two copies contributes to the emergence of problems when applying to pension authorities.

A work book is an important document that confirms an employee’s work experience. It is issued to a citizen at his first place of work, and then is filled out by employers throughout his entire career. An exception is the execution of a civil contract between an employee and an employer, which does not provide for making an entry in the work book. Is it possible to get a second work book? This is of interest to many today due to the possibility of combining work activities in several organizations. However, there are several scenarios in which it becomes necessary to acquire a new document. It could be:

  • loss of work record;
  • desire to hide information about previous work from the new employer;
  • moving to a new place of residence when documents are left at the previous place of work.

In case of loss, the work book can be opened at a new place of work if the employee writes a statement about the loss of the first document. However, the HR specialist has no right to make any duplicate entries based on the employee’s words or any certificates. Government Decree No. 225 of April 16, 2003 defines the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, which are mandatory for employers, be it an individual entrepreneur or a large company.

In accordance with Article 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, registration of termination of an employment contract requires the fulfillment of certain conditions by the employer regarding the return of documents. On the last day of work, the employee must receive a full payment for all payments in connection with dismissal and return the work book with an entry last place work. If there is a refusal or failure of an employee to appear at the Human Resources Department, the specialist is obliged to send a notice of the need to appear for a work book. The law provides for sending a document by mail at the request of the employee, with his consent.

Main functions of a work book

Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation describes the functions of the work book of a Russian citizen. It is intended for:

  • reflection of the length of service that is required when calculating a pension;
  • providing information about the employee’s education and qualifications;
  • reflecting information about awards;
  • informing about the reasons for leaving previous jobs.

Today in the labor market the following situation is often encountered: an employee has several work books, which he is in no hurry to pick up from commercial organizations, having worked there for several months. A document with such a record is of no interest to the employee, because it will not significantly affect the size of the future pension. And often citizens do not think about retirement age due to the remoteness in time. However, to ensure old age, it is necessary to think in advance about all contributions to the Pension Fund. The work record book will serve as proof of your work experience throughout your life.

The law does not prohibit having a second work book, but it should be remembered that parallel work experience does not exist when calculating pensions or other payments. Therefore, for all calculations, only length of service is required, when deductions are made by the employer and all taxes are paid to the country’s budget on time.

A parallel work book with marks at other enterprises can be considered a document to reflect part-time work, although there is no need for such actions. All notes can be made in one document on the basis of Russian legislation.

The same benefits received at several places of work should not occur. Benefits must be received only on the basis of one document, a single database. Otherwise, the employee’s actions may be regarded as an attempt to enrich himself. by illegal means. Holding an employee accountable in such situations will lead to the application of penalties and penalties in accordance with Russian legislation.

In the state system pension insurance There is a personalized record containing all the information about a citizen’s work activity. However, a work book today is a mandatory document for assigning a pension. And the citizen must attach the most “profitable” work book to the application, even if there are several of them. Therefore, a careful and responsible attitude towards important document with labor records will help each person in the future to ensure a comfortable existence in old age.

Is there responsibility for purchasing a second work book?

A Russian citizen does not bear responsibility for having a second work book if it is not provided for by the internal documents of the enterprise. After all, in collective agreement or local position of the company, there may be benefits for those who are full-time employees (not part-time). In such situations, deceivers bear responsibility, which is stated in local documents, for the illegal acquisition of preferential funds.