How to fill out the act of acceptance and transfer of work books. Certificate of acceptance and transfer of work books: sample, form and procedure for filling out

The work book contains information about the employee, the work he performs, transfers to another permanent job and about dismissal, as well as the grounds for termination of the employment contract and information about awards for success in work (part 4 of article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, clause 4 of the Rules, approved by Government Resolution No. 225 of April 16, 2003).

When starting a job, the employee must hand over the work book to his employer (Part 1 of Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And the employer will be responsible for its safety in the future. Of course, if employment contract is concluded for the first time, the work book is created by the employer himself. Also, the work book is not presented if the employee gets a part-time job.

In what cases is a transfer and acceptance certificate drawn up? work records and in what form, we will tell you in our consultation. An approximate form of the act of acceptance and transfer of work books (form) can be downloaded from the link given at the end of our material.

Reception and transmission of work books

Initially, the acceptance and transfer of work books occurs when an employee is employed. And if desired, the act of transferring the book from the employee to the employer can be drawn up already at this stage. However, the law does not require this and in practice such an act is usually not drawn up.

After transferring the work book to the employer, he is responsible for organizing the work of maintaining, storing, recording and issuing work books and inserts in them. The employer appoints the person directly responsible for the employee’s work books by order (instruction) (clause 45 of the Rules, approved by Government Decree No. 225 of April 16, 2003). We described how to draw up such an order in a separate article.

The transfer of workers' work books to this responsible person can be carried out according to an acceptance certificate drawn up in any form. An act will also be required in the case when, due to a change in the person responsible for work books, they are transferred from one employee to another.

The act, usually prepared on the organization’s letterhead, indicates the persons between whom the work books are transferred (their full names, positions), and provides a list of the transferred work books (indicating their owners and numbers, notes are added if necessary). The act must indicate the date of transfer, and the act itself must be certified by the signatures of the person who handed over the work books and the employee who accepted them.

For the act of acceptance and transfer of work books, we will provide a sample of how to fill it out. An approximate form of the act of acceptance and transfer of work books (sample) can be downloaded from the link below.

Is it necessary to draw up an act of acceptance and transfer of the work book to the employee? Let us remind you that in order to record work books, the employer must keep a book recording the movement of work books and inserts in them (clause 40 of the Rules, approved by Government Resolution No. 225 of April 16, 2003). The form of such a book is approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated October 10, 2003 No. 69. And when an employee is dismissed, this book indicates the date of issue of the work book, and also affixes the employee’s signature. This will confirm that the work book was issued to the employee. There is no additional need to draw up an act of acceptance and transfer of the work book.

If the employee did not pick up the book personally, but wrote it, the act is also not needed. Confirmation of the transfer of the work book to the employee will be a postal receipt with a list of the contents.

There is only one case when an employee who is not resigning is given the original work book. If an employee needs it for mandatory social insurance(security) (for example, for the purpose of a pension) (Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, the work book is issued to the employee on the basis of his. And then you will need to draw up an act of acceptance and transfer of the book from the employer to the employee according to the sample given above. And when returning the work book, draw up a reverse act.

It is the employer's responsibility to correctly fill out work books and store them. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out checks from time to time to ensure that all conditions are properly met. It is also recommended to do this when changing official, whose responsibility is to work with these documents. If this happens, then an act of transfer of work records is drawn up. The sample that you will find at the link at the end of this article will help you prepare it correctly. In addition, this act may be needed in some other situations, so it is worth understanding all the intricacies of its execution.

Reasons for compilation

Purpose of this document to capture movement large quantity books. If necessary, the employer will be able to use it in the future to confirm this fact. Therefore, drawing up an act of acceptance and transfer of work books according to the model we offer will not be superfluous: everything must be done correctly and without errors.

Such a need may arise in the following situations:

  • when changing an employee whose responsibility includes working with books;
  • during the reorganization of the company, if there is a separation new structure or takeover of an enterprise;
  • when transferring a certain part of the books to individual departments.

There are other possible reasons. The act of acceptance and transfer of work books is necessary in any case, except for issuing the book directly to its owner.

Compilation and filling

At the end of this article, you can download a sample act of acceptance and transfer of work records in order to draw it up correctly. In any case, this should be done by more than one person: a commission is appointed, which can consist of 3 or more persons. To do this, prepare an appropriate order, which is issued by the organization.


The commission cannot include the employee who hands over the forms and the one who will accept them.

The members of the convened commission must select a chairman who will lead the process.

The act is signed by the members of the commission. This document must also be approved by the head of the organization.

If the books are transferred to another company, then any of the managers can approve the act for performing this action.

If necessary, we offer to download a sample act of transfer of work records and use it to fill out. The fact is that there is no officially approved version for this document, so many organizations use ready-made samples or develop their own options, if necessary.

The act must contain the following points:

  • the full name of the organization (you can use the company’s official letterhead to draw up the document);
  • date of compilation;
  • approval stamp and seal (if any);
  • indicate full composition the commission and the immediate reason for which the books are transferred;
  • information about the books is entered into the table, as well as their number;
  • signatures.

Despite the fact that there is no established form and you can use a sample act of checking work records or develop your own version, there are some general requirements to this document:

  • it can be in writing, on a computer or by hand;
  • there should be no corrections in it, blots are unacceptable (the handwritten version must be easy to read);
  • signatures must be put personally by the owners;
  • If the document has several pages, then they are numbered in order and stitched together.

All this matters when checking work records. After all, if the documentation is prepared incorrectly, it will not have legal force.

From our website you can download a free sample of the act of acceptance and transfer of work records using the direct link below.

Sample and rules for drawing up an act of acceptance and transfer of work books

In accordance with labor legislation, the work book contains information about labor activity and employee experience. While the employment contract is valid, they must be with the employer. He has no right to delegate this responsibility to an outsider due to the direct indication of this in normative legal acts, namely in clause 45 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules). More detailed information about recording work records is given in the article “Sample of filling out a log of work records - download.”

Since work books are valuable documents, the person who is authorized to work with them is appointed by the appropriate order or order of the authorized body. As a rule, such a person is a personnel employee. In cases where the person in charge changes, for example, quits, he is obliged to transfer the work books entrusted to him to the newly appointed employee. In this case, this must be done strictly according to the acceptance certificate.

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not contain a developed sample act of acceptance and transfer of work books, therefore such a document is drawn up by the employer in free form. But despite the arbitrary form, the act of transferring work books must include the following information:

  • details of the employing organization, such as name, address and others;
  • date and place of drawing up the act;
  • positions and names of persons signing the document;
  • information about work books that are subject to transfer (as a rule, it is more convenient to display it in table form).

How to properly draw up a deed: download a sample

The act of acceptance and transfer of work books is drawn up in printed form, usually in a single copy.

At the top of the sheet you must indicate the name of the organization and the title of the document with serial number. The line below indicates the date and place of drawing up the act. This is the so-called document header.

The most important part of the act is the list of transferred books. They can be listed in a list, but most often a table is drawn up, which includes the following columns:

  1. Full name of the owners of work records.
  2. Series and number of work books.
  3. Notes, where, for example, the number of inserts for the work book may be indicated.

Must be specified total quantity transferred work books.

Also, in the act of transferring work books, it is necessary to reflect the actual number of blank forms available to the employer, since work record forms, in accordance with clause 41 of the Rules, are also subject to accounting in the organization.

The final part of the document is the signatures of the persons who transfer and accept work books. You also need to indicate their positions and last names.

You can download a sample act of transfer of work records from the link: Sample act of acceptance and transfer of work books and inserts for them.

When drawing up an act of transfer of work books, it is necessary to comply with all formal requirements, such as indicating the date, place, positions and names of the employees signing the act. It is very important to check that the actual number of documents being transferred corresponds to the data specified in the act, since the new employee will be responsible for the absence of a work book after signing the document.

Work books are the most important type of documentation for workers. It is from them that employers will be able to find out about the experience of applicants, and it is from them that the length of service is calculated when calculating pensions. The employer is initially responsible for storing these documents. He also selects a personnel employee who will have to take on the corresponding functions. If this employee leaves or is transferred to another organization, then he will have to transfer his responsibilities. Before this procedure, the presence of all books is checked and it is assessed how conscientiously the employee did his work.

How to draw up an act of transfer of work books and inserts in them?

When checking and transferring responsibilities, a special document is drawn up, with the help of which all work books and inserts in them are recorded. These official papers contain information about each employee's documentation. The following information is entered:

  • Owner's full name;
  • Insert number and series;
  • If there are any comments, they should be canceled;
  • The total number of documents (including unclaimed ones, which are the property of previously dismissed employees).

The form of this type of documentation is free. When filling out, you must ensure the presence of two witnesses.

Do I need an act of transfer of work books and inserts in them?

Responsibilities are assigned to the employee by issuing an appropriate order, which will act as confirmation of the fact that another person will be responsible for recording and processing work books. After the order has become valid, the personnel officer is fully responsible for recording and maintaining these forms.

When transferring responsibilities, the two parties check the number of documents. If the person accepting the rights signs the act, then he thereby becomes responsible for the forms and inserts of all employees. The specific procedure is established in a special Government Decree. Most enterprises use officially approved instructions and rules.

Act of transfer of work records upon dismissal of a personnel officer - sample

  • Serial number;
  • Owner's full name;
  • Series with the number of forms or inserts;
  • Notes

The persons accepting and transferring responsibilities are indicated, as well as total number received documents and the total number of inserts. Signatures are required. A separate act of handing over the work book to the employee is drawn up. It is necessary for the employer to receive confirmation from the dismissed employee that the document was issued on the day of dismissal. Once signed, the risk of claims from the dismissed employee is minimal.

Acceptance certificate - transfer of personal files and work records during company reorganization - sample

The new employer must receive all documentation from the company that has ceased to operate. This operation is carried out in accordance with the act of transfer of all documentation. The preparation of the paper must be accompanied by the entry necessary information in the table that relate professional activities workers and their work certificates. This document is drawn up based on the results of the documentation check. Even unclaimed forms should be included in the total.

The act of transferring work books to another organization

If this operation is carried out between two companies, then it is necessary to indicate the names of these organizations, as well as the full names of directors and details of the charters on the basis of which the enterprises operate. Next, the fact of transfer of the work book is recorded. Information about the position and personal information of the employees whose documentation is transferred is entered. You should also refer to the employer’s order to transfer to another organization.

The act of transferring the work book to the Pension Fund

Providing documentation to the Pension Fund may be required when a person wishes to resign and receive a pension. However, in the general case, this is done through an employee who picks up a work certificate and then himself provides it to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. If, however, circumstances arise in which it is necessary to transfer this document to the Pension Fund, then the corresponding act must be drawn up. All reliable data and details from your work ID should be entered into it.

Order on the transfer of work books according to the act

If a personnel employee is dismissed, then by issuing an order, another employee is assigned the responsibility for recording and storing the employees’ work IDs. The defining documents in this procedure are the order and the act. In the order presented, the manager notes the fact that he is transferring to another employee full list documentation with its details.

When drawing up an order, you must follow the standard rules for its execution. It is necessary to take into account that it is mandatory to enter all information that relates to this situation. This especially applies to the personal data of all persons involved in the process. Please note that a subordinate who receives new responsibilities must confirm his familiarization with a signature.

When implementing any actions that relate to the work process at the enterprise, an important condition will be to follow legislative norms. Registration of all transactions according to the law will help to avoid further mistakes and problematic situations.