Shukshin's biography is briefly the most important. A short but detailed biography of Vasily Makarovich

Vasily Shukshin is a Russian writer who lived in the twentieth century. He was a man difficult fate. Shukshin was born in 1929 in the small village of Srostki (Altai Territory). It was a difficult time. As a child, the future writer lost his father. He was repressed. My stepfather died in the war. Shukshin studied at an automobile technical school, worked as a mechanic in different cities Soviet Union. Served in the army. This is how his first post-war years passed.

The path to vocation

The future writer completed his secondary education only in the early 50s. He never finished automobile technical school. Shukshin received his certificate in his native village. In Srostki, Vasily Makarovich worked as a teacher and was even a school director.

How did it happen that after several years spent in his native village, Shukshin went to Moscow to enroll in VGIK? What thoughts tormented him during these years? Shukshin would later describe the feelings that stirred his soul in his famous village stories. With the proceeds from the sale of the cow, the future actor and director left for the capital. He followed his heart.

First creative achievements

Feeling a gift for writing, Shukshin applies to the screenwriting department, but enters the directing department. His teacher was the famous author of the films “Nine Days of One Year” and “Ordinary Fascism.” It was this venerable director who advised young Shukshin to publish his stories. Literary success did not come immediately. Only in the early 60s were some works published.

The first directorial work went unnoticed, but Vasily Makarovich quickly gained recognition as an actor. Shukshin's work began with an episode in the film "Quiet Don". Two years later, the actor starred in his first leading role. He was invited by an outstanding director (the film “Two Fyodors”). Shukshin's acting career was going well. Directors often approached him with job offers. Approximately twice a year, films featuring the actor were released in the Soviet Union.

Cinema and literature

Shukshin's directorial work officially begins in the 60s. Vasily Makarovich gets a job at the Gorky film studio. Shukshin is considered a promising writer. Vasily Makarovich made his first film based on his own stories. The film “There Lives a Guy Like This” received good reviews public and critics. This cheerful comedy was awarded prizes at festivals in Leningrad and Venice.

The next ten years, Shukshin's work as a director was not particularly productive. His film about the uprising of Stepan Razin was rejected State Committee in cinematography. However, this time did not pass without a trace. Vasily Makarovich made two films and published a collection of stories “Village People”. In addition, during these ten years he married twice and became the father of three daughters.

Personal life

Shukshin's first marriage was unsuccessful. His wife, Maria Shumskaya, was a fellow villager of the writer. They registered their marriage in Srostki, but returned from the registry office separately, and since then they have lived separately, he in the capital, she in the village.

The writer's personal life was difficult. In Moscow he became addicted to alcohol. Because of this addiction, the writer’s second marriage to Victoria Sofronova broke up. In this family, Shukshin’s first child was born - a girl. In his third marriage to actress Lydia Fedoseeva, Vasily Makarovich had two daughters - Maria and Olga.

The main characters are people from the village

Shukshin's literary work is connected with the Soviet village and its inhabitants. The heroes of his stories surprised readers and critics with their strangeness. The characters in Vasily Makarovich’s books cannot be called unambiguously positive or negative. They are capable of both good and bad. Shukshin's heroes are impetuous and impulsive. They often take illogical actions. These people are independent and deeply unhappy. They commit rash acts with dire consequences because their souls have been trampled by treason, betrayal and injustice.

Shukshin's life and work are interconnected. The writer comes from a village. He knew the prototypes of his heroes firsthand. Often the characters in Shukshin's stories cannot understand what is happening to them. Why are they unhappy? And they themselves cannot explain and justify their actions. It's all about the human soul. She knows, This intuitive understanding is in conflict with the reality of the unfortunate fate of the village idiot, drunkard or ex-convict.

Temple as a symbol

Shukshin's stories often mention the church. She acts as a sublime symbol of purity and morality. And, as a rule, it is subject to destruction. In the work “The Master,” the village drunkard Semka the carpenter tries to save the local church. But all his attempts fail. And in the essay “A Strong Man,” the hero destroys a temple in order to get bricks for the construction of a barn. The life and work of Shukshin tell about moral decline.

Attention to everyday life

Critics often reproached Vasily Makarovich's stories for being fictional. This means that, in their opinion, Shukshin paid too much attention to peasant everyday life. It would seem that there is every reason for such accusations. The writer depicts in detail the unsightly life of his heroes, but this technique is artistically justified. Village people are not used to thinking about their fate in philosophical terms. They simply live, work, eat and sleep, and go about their daily routine. And only a restless soul makes itself felt from time to time. Shukshin’s characters often themselves do not understand the causes of suffering, and therefore react to them sharply and violently.

Different essays - one issue

The diversity of folk characters in Shukshin’s work is clearly manifested in the story “And in the morning they woke up.” This is one of the writer's most famous works. In the work the author talks about morning awakening people who found themselves in the sobering-up station. Everyone remembers yesterday and tells their story to those gathered. Among them are people from all walks of life: a plumber, a tractor driver, a former prisoner and even a professor.

The central place in Shukshin’s work is occupied by the novel “I Came to Give You Freedom.” This work is dedicated historical event- peasant uprising led by Stepan Razin. The hero of the novel is somewhat reminiscent of the eccentrics from the writer’s village stories. Stepan Razin is the same strong, independent, restless person with a keen sense of justice.


And whose work is studied in many schools and universities, he wrote mainly in the short story genre. Most of his writings demonstrate similar problematics. The writer does not idealize his heroes. As a rule, his stories are far from examples of sublimity of character and purity of thoughts. The author rarely explains the actions of the characters. Each of Shukshin's stories contains a life situation, standard or unique.

Vasily Shukshin's creativity is very diverse. However, all of his characters are somewhat similar. Their common feature- unrealization. This manifests itself in different ways. In the story “Cut,” the village man Gleb Kapustin loves to humiliate his fellow villagers who have achieved success. He is a smart and erudite person. However, it does not find useful application his qualities while working at a rural sawmill. Hence the dissatisfaction. Gleb doesn't drink and doesn't smoke. He finds an original way out for his wounded pride by humiliating people who are more fortunate in life than him.

The life and work of Vasily Shukshin reflect the thoughts of his heroes. Kolya Paratov (the story “The wife saw off her husband to Paris”) is humiliated by his husband Valentin. She constantly reproaches him that, having no profession, he earns little. Kolya intuitively senses a way out and strives to return to the village. After all, the city has different values; not everything is measured by money. But the child holds on. Kolya starts drinking and threatens his wife with violence. Finding himself at a dead end in life, he commits suicide.

Central cinematic work

Vasily Shukshin, whose biography and work attracts the attention of all art lovers, has gone down in the history of Russian literature. He didn't make very many films. His directorial works are directly related to literary creativity. The central cinematic work is “Kalina Krasnaya”.

This film tells the story of Yegor Prokudin. A repeat offender, he was recently released from prison. Egor goes to the village to visit Lyuba. He met her in absentia, through prison correspondence. It turned out that in the village Yegor found not only love, friendship and a job he liked. For the first time in his life, he understood what it meant to live correctly, according to God’s laws. But the past does not let Yegor go. His accomplices find him. Prokudin refuses to return to old life. For this they kill him.

In many of Shukshin’s works there is a motif of the village as salvation. It is in her that Yegor Prokudin finds happiness. Kolya Paratov rushes to the village from the story “The wife saw off her husband to Paris.” In villages people are closer to nature. Modern things have not yet touched their souls. But the village is just a symbol of lost happiness. Villagers are tormented by the same internal problems, as the townspeople. The great Russian writer Vasily Makarovich Shukshin told us about this.

Famous Russian writer, a man with capital letters, and just an ordinary Russian man, whom many residents of our country loved and love to this day. All this can be said about Vasily Makarovich Shukshin. He was born and raised in a small village in the interior Altai Territory, but despite this he was able to reach heights. In itself it is calm, quiet and even home person, which to its very own last days More than anything in the world he loved his homeland. It was there that he could rest his soul and body; it was to this place that most of his stories and works, as simple and understandable as he himself, are dedicated. It should be noted that in addition to writing various stories, he was very fond of making films, films about his native Altai. All these films are simple, understandable and loved by everyone who is familiar with the work of this person.

As for his biography, his entire life was literally replete with various events and stories. At this time, his three daughters grew up, one of whom became famous and no less beloved Russian actress and TV presenter.
This man’s life ended too early; he was only forty-five years old when he met his death. However, the memory of him exists to this day. Every year, the world-famous “Shukshinsky” readings are held in his native village in Altai. Films are made based on his works, a lot of literature is written about him, even small children respect and remember him.

Vasily Makarovich always tried to live honestly, never pursued fame and vanity, but they themselves overtook him, no matter where he was.

If we talk about his personal life, then in his short life he managed to be married three times. Each of his chosen ones was chosen solely by his heart; he could not do otherwise, since he did his whole life only as he felt.

Biography of Shukshin in more detail

Vasily Makarovich Shukshin is a legendary Soviet writer, poignant director and playwright. He was born in the small village of Srostki, in the Altai Territory, on July 25, 1929.

Vasily finishes seven classes in 1943 and goes to Biysk to study at an automobile technical school. His studies did not work out and after a little more than two years, Shukshin dropped out of school and returned to his village to work. He left her in 1946. In the period from 1947 to 1949 he worked as a mechanic in Kaluga, then in Vladimir.

Since 1952, having served in the ranks navy, became the director of an evening school in his village. Shukshin began his multifaceted creative path in 1954 in the workshop of M. Romm, when he entered VGIK to study directing. During his student days he was friends with the legendary Tarkovsky and Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky. Then I tried my hand at cinema. Starred in " Quiet Don" and in "Two Fedoras". After graduating from VGIK, he already made films. He was also a screenwriter.

The popular magazine “Smena” published Shukshin’s starting work in 1958. Five years later, the master’s debut collection, “Rural Residents,” was published. Later, several more books were published at regular intervals. Enough for yours short life Vasily Makarovich, in addition to creating truly cult films, managed to write more than 120 stories.

His beloved film “There Lives a Guy Like This,” the script of which was written based on Shukshin’s stories, was awarded the highest award at the Venice Film Festival in 1964.

Not all of Vasily Makarovich’s plans and ideas are destined to come true. In 1965, officials from the State Committee for Cinematography “killed” the maestro’s script about the uprising of Stepan Razin, as well as the script “Boiling Point”.

The heartbreaking painting “Kalina Krasnaya” was created by Vasily Makarovich based on a story he wrote in 1973. In Shukshin's films, we often watch ordinary people from the village, who, by the will of fate, find themselves in urban conditions.

While working in the film industry, Shukshin devoted a lot of time (especially at night) to his main purpose - literature. The theme of Shukshin’s stories is defined as “village prose,” but there are still differences. He pays great attention to the psychological aspects of the behavior of his heroes.

Personal life

In the summer of 1955, Shukshin married his fellow villager, Maria Shumskaya. They managed to quarrel after leaving the registry office and, as a result, their marriage was fleeting. True, for some reason Maria did not want an official divorce from Shukshin, and in order to become free, he had to lose his documents.

In 1963, Vasily married his daughter famous writer Anatoly Safonov - Victoria. In this marriage, a daughter, Katerina, is born.

In 1964, Lydia Alexandrova became Shukshin’s wife. This was also a short-lived union, which fell apart due to Shukshin’s infidelity and alcoholism.

In the same year, he met Liliya Fedoseeva on the set and for several years rushed between the two women. In the end, he stays with Lydia. They give birth to two girls - Masha and Olya. Maria, in the future, followed in the footsteps of her parents and became a sought-after actress.

In 1974, the famous Bondarchuk offered him a role in the film “They Fought for the Motherland.” Along the way, new collections are published. During these busy years, the artist was exhausted by attacks of stomach ulcers - an echo of the wild life of his youth. Even after finally parting with alcohol, he did not feel better. While working on the film “They Fought for the Motherland,” Vasily Makarovich Shukshin suddenly dies. This happened on October 3, 1974. More than forty years have passed since this great Russian master is no longer with us, but his work, his films and stories do not lose their relevance to this day.

Creativity by date

Interesting facts and dates from life

Shukshin, Vasily Makarovich - writer, director, film actor (July 25, 1929, Srostki village, Biysk district, Altai Territory - October 2, 1974 Kletskaya village, Volgograd region). His father was arrested and shot (1933) during collectivization, and before receiving a passport, young Vasily even had to go by his mother’s last name - Popov.

After finishing the seven-year school in his native village, Shukshin spent two years, during wars, studied at the Biysk Automotive College, but did not graduate. From the age of 16, Vasily worked on a collective farm in his homeland, then in Central Russia(Kaluga, Vladimir, etc.) in production (as a mechanic). From 1949 to 1952 he served in the Baltic and Black Sea fleets, from where he was transferred to the reserve due to a stomach ulcer. In 1953-54, having passed the matriculation exams as an external student, he was a Russian language teacher and director of an evening school in his village.

Vasily Shukshin. Biography and personal life

In 1954, Shukshin entered the directing department of VGIK in Moscow (his mother, in order to provide him with money for the trip to the capital, sold a cow). He graduated from this faculty in 1960. Already in 1956, as a student, Shukshin played in many films.

In 1958, his first story was published in the magazine “Smena” (No. 15), then a collection of stories Villagers(1963). Film There lives such a guy, directed by him from his own script of the same name (1964) was a great international success (the Golden Lion of St. Mark prize at XVI International Venice Film Festival).

Until the very end of his life, cut short early by a heart attack, Shukshin combined all three professions: film actor, director and writer. His prose (usually short stories), highly praised by critics from the very beginning, often caused controversy regarding its suitability Soviet ideology. The Kremlin rulers, not without difficulty, tolerated deeply Russian creativity Vasily Shukshin, which had little connection with communist “internationalism”. Putting obstacles to him in secret, they preferred to show him off, to divert attention: in 1967, Shukshin (together with others) was awarded the State Prize of the RSFSR named after. Vasiliev brothers, in 1971 – USSR State Prize (1971). In 1976, Shukshin, already posthumously, was awarded the Lenin Prize for achievements in cinematography.

In his numerous, sparklingly written stories, Shukshin depicts unusual situations everyday life, in which elements of the comic coexist with the tragic. The artist's attention is drawn to several eccentric ordinary people; These are for the most part fidgets, whom the writer shows at the moment of their arrival somewhere or setting off on a journey, as well as people knocked out of the usual rut of life.

Shukshin often based his story, exciting, tense, lively and imaginative, on the life problems of a person who finds himself in unusual conditions or environment; usually this is a move from a village to a city or a release from prison to freedom, as for example in a film script Viburnum red(1973). A novel about Stepan Razin - I came to give you freedom(1971), for the film adaptation of which Shukshin fought for a long time and in vain with cultural officials, is a colorful canvas of the life of the Russian people; The topic of tragedy, which results in an attempt to counteract state power, is relevant here.

Stove benches. Feature film, filmed by V. Shukshin

Shukshin's sympathies are usually on the side of the impulsive, unbalanced, and not those who always act soberly and thoughtfully; He also draws with sympathy the images of believers. Shukshina writes concisely, his dialogues are very lively. Due to their abundance, the story is more reminiscent of a short play than a purely narrative work (similar to Dostoevsky). The meaning of an event in Shukshin’s story usually goes far beyond the specific situation.

See the material Shukshin's Stories - summary. On our website you can also read individual articles from summary his stories: Alyosha Beskonvoyny, Besfalny, Shameless, In profile and in front, Vanka Teplyashin, Wolves, I choose a village to live in,

A brief message about the personal life and work of Vasily Shukshin for children in grades 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Shukshin, briefly speaking, was born in 1929 in the Biysk region in the Altai Territory, the village of Strostki. Mother and father were born, raised and lived in the same place where the boy was born. They were said to be the Shukshen family, individual peasants, or, as they say, a family with average income. During collectivization, parents were forced to join the collective farm.

Vasily’s father, Makar Leonidovich, worked on a collective farm as a machine operator, was respected among his fellow villagers, but this did not matter at all, since Makar Vasilyevich was arrested and repressed in 1933. The family was left without a head of family, the only breadwinner. Shukshin’s mother at that time was barely 22 years old, and had two young children in her arms. She often thought about poisoning herself and her children, it was so difficult and unbearable. But Maria pulled herself together and decided that she needed to live, even if it was because of the children, but it was necessary. In this regard, she gets married again. Stepfather turned out to be the kindest person. He loved Vasily’s mother very much. Get married on that difficult time on a widow with two tails, only a sincere lover could.

Later, in his works dedicated to his stepfather, he calls him his second father. But Mary’s fate brought another test. The husband went to the front and did not return, and soon the woman was widowed again. So little Shukshin became the head of the family, the sole breadwinner. Eyewitnesses also about Shukshin, a short biography, briefly told us how the boy in childhood demanded that his peers call him only Vasily and no Vasek, etc. After studying for seven years, Shukshin left to study at a technical school, but so that his family would not die of hunger, Vasily left his studies and went to earn money, getting a job as a worker in a trust.

In 1949, Shukshin was drafted into the ranks of the troops. According to the distribution, Vasily ended up in Sevastopol, on Black Sea Fleet. Only he was unable to complete his term of service; he was discharged for health reasons. Upon his return from the army, Shukshin went to Moscow to conquer the capital. But first he conquered VGIG, becoming its student.

Shukshin, to put it briefly, tried to compose while still a student, when he studied at VGIK and was a faculty director. The debut of his work fell in 1961, when the magazine “October” published the works “Truth”, “Bright Soul” and others. And a couple of years after publication in the magazine, these same works were included in the collection “Rural Residents”. Stories “Cool Driver” “Grinka Malyugin”, which were later transformed into plots for the cinema “There Lives a Guy Like This.” Shukshin, a short biography, and at the same time so rich with an open position of opposition to innovation, which entailed opening a topic Soviet power in Siberia in the novel "The Lyubavins".

General recognition for Shukshin came after the release of “Red Kalina,” a book and film that Shukshin wrote and himself played the main character. In general, Shukshin, in short, is a master of directing, an incomparable actor, prose writer, playwright, who both wrote and played leading roles in films of his own scripts of different directions and genres. As evidenced by his stories "Countrymen", "Conversations under a Clear Moon" and "Characters". A 02.10. In 1974, Vasily Makarovich died unexpectedly for everyone, just as the filming of the production “They Fought for the Motherland” was underway on the Danube motor ship. Shukshin's lifeless body, found close friend Burkov.
The poet, director and playwright were buried at the Moscow Novodevichy Cemetery.

Our country is rich in talented artists, actors, directors, and most importantly, we can be proud of our writers, poets, screenwriters and playwrights who created their wonderful works. Among the many talents we can highlight Soviet writer Shukshin Vasily Makarovich, whose short biography we will present to your attention. After all, as you know, without a biography, even a short one, it is difficult to understand a person, and at the same time his works.

Shukshin: childhood and youth

Studying a short and life path V.M. Shukshina, we are transported to 1929. It was in this year that the boy Vasily was born into a peasant family in the Altai region. At the age of four he loses his father. During collectivization, he was shot, and it turned out that all the care for the house and children fell on his mother. As you know, at first Vasya had his mother’s surname - Popov, which he later changed to Shukshin. Vasily studied in the seven-year school, after which he entered the technical school in Biysk, studying the profession of a mechanic. But Vasily Shukshin does not finish college. The guy is forced to go to work on a collective farm.

Work and creativity

In 1946, Shukshin left the rural areas for Kaluga and got a job at a factory. Later he moves to Vladimir and works as a mechanic and laborer. In 1949, Vasily entered the navy. It was here that he tried himself as a writer, writing several stories. Shukshin served in the navy until 1953, after which he was demobilized due to an ulcer.

Having returned to the village and completed his studies as an external student, Shukshin received a certificate and began his teaching career as a teacher. A year later, he goes to the capital and enters VGIK. From now on it begins creative life writer. He's starting to acting career, where he plays a minor role in the film. They became interested in the aspiring actor, and in the film Two Fyodors, we already see him in the leading role. Without stopping his writing activity, Shukshin acts in films. His stories will be published soon. Villagers became the first book published by the Young Guard. In 1964, Vasily Shukshin’s first directorial work, his film There Lives Such a Guy, was released. However, Shukshin's most famous movie will be released later, in 1974. The film Kalina Krasnaya became a real sensation, and brought Shukshin the First Prize of the All-Union Festival. In the same year V.M. Shukshin began filming the film They Fought for the Motherland, but he did not wait for its release. Shukshin dies on the set.

Personal life

The personal life of the writer and actor Vasily Shukshin was very eventful. The writer's first wife was Maria Shumskaya, a girl from his village. Later there will be a second marriage with the daughter of the writer Safronov, where the couple has a daughter. But a third marriage would soon follow, with Chashchina, which did not last long. After meeting Fedoseeva, the writer for a long time could not decide on his feelings. He liked both women, and finally, his choice fell on Fedoseeva, whom Vasily Makarovich would marry for the fourth time. In his marriage to Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, the writer had two daughters.