What a rocker needs. Rockers, or rocker arms in a car

The other day I attended an amazing concert. The Luzhniki Sports Palace, where the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall now lives, is packed. Free seats No. Squeals, screams, enthusiastic screams. In the hall there are children from 10 to 14 years old. Parents either sit next to them or wait outside. And from the stage - heavy guitar riffs, powerful drum drive.

This was not Tokio Hotel.

It was a Ranetok concert.

Many don't even know about their existence. Because target audience“Ranetok” is extremely clearly defined. Teenagers of junior and middle age school age. First love, first disappointments. The first frustrations, the first outbursts of libido. Vows, girls' diaries in pink flowers, jealousy of girlfriends, rapid-fire sex between solving geometry problems.

This tender, restless age was once a faithful supplier of audiences for Tender May and Mirage.

Now times have changed. After the outbreak of emo hysteria, after the guitar bursts of Tokio Hotel, it is unrealistic to listen to MakSim. And then “Ranetki” arrived very opportunely.

And now I begin the story not about the Ranetki group itself (perhaps they are not of interest to every reader), but about what a success story is like.

What does it take to pack the Luzhniki Stadium to capacity?

I heard them several years ago at a private presentation at the 16 Tons club. The presentation was led by Capa Delovaya, who had not yet retired from music journalism. And then 15-year-old girls came out and started playing carbon dioxide rock. Well, just killer rock and roll! No discounts.

The group was organized by Sergei Milnichenko, former arranger of the Na-Na group, co-producer of Andrei Gubin. At some point, he got tired of hired work, and literally through the Internet he began to look for “purposeful, not stoned guys 14-17 years old” in order to make his own. I found girls who played well, composed catchy songs for them with “children’s lyrics,” enlisted the support of the growing Megaliner label, and things took off.

After the debut album of the group “Ranetki” under the standard decent name “Ranetki” with the song “We are Ranetki” with the words “We are just such kids, we are Ranetki, we are Ranetki” there was some calm.

The group gave concerts, but found themselves in some media isolation. “Our Radio” refused to take her into their rotation, and their songs were too heavy for pop radio. It would seem that suffocation sets in from the impossibility of further growth. Many in such a situation fall apart or become drunkards.

The most amazing solution was found. STS agreed to take an extremely risky step. Make a series for teenagers, entirely dedicated to one rock band. There are a lot of youth TV series about pop music being filmed around the world, but in Russia the situation with rock is complicated. This year, MTV completely abolished the “rock artist” nomination due to their disappearance from the airwaves.

Everything turned out in a way that could not have been imagined in Milnichenko’s wildest dreams. The series hit the mark: in the film the children recognized their real school life and their real loves and jealousies. The Ranetok brand, in daily rotation on the country's third largest TV channel by audience, began to swell by leaps and bounds. And most importantly, the songs of “Ranetok” are constantly played in the series.

The first season of the series “Ranetki” went off with a bang. STS immediately started filming the new season and also launched the second season music show“STS lights up a superstar,” in which, instead of the pop Rudkovskaya and other Bilanov and Kirkorovs, he put Milnichenko himself and the “Ranetka” girls on the jury. So far the show is showing extremely low ratings, and, most likely, it will be closed as quickly as possible. But for Ranetki, this is still PR of an impossible thickness.

Starting from this August, the only Ranetok album from two years ago has confidently entered the top ten best-selling records. They keep printing it and reprinting it. This is the comeback.

Until now, I note, “Ranetok” has not been noticed either in the MTV RMA tops or in the Muz-TV awards. In general, no noticeable awards from big show business.

And here are Luzhniki in Moscow and the Ice Palace in St. Petersburg. Excitement, crowded halls, screaming girls dancing to powerful rock riffs. "Ranetki" sang songs from the future second album...

Who are rockers? There are many photos of them, but the essence of the concept still remains a mystery to most people. Initially, this word was used to refer to the youth movement in the United States in the fifties of the twentieth century. The characteristic attributes of these guys were peculiar clothes in dark colors and, of course, motorcycles.

These people allowed themselves to “cut” them through the streets to the horror of passers-by. They initially opposed themselves to fashion, popular commercial trends and their peers, who preferred scooters to get around the city. This is what united the rockers initially, and only after some time did the musical direction appear - rock. Representatives included early Presley, Chuck Berry, Jane Vincent and others. Initially, rockers were kind of out of fashion, outside of generally accepted standards and format. This was primarily expressed in fast motorcycle riding - about 160 km/h. It is easy to imagine the horror of the respectable and sedate inhabitants of cities and suburbs.

How did rockers originally dress and dress?

The clothes of rockers can be very different, but they are always practical and comfortable. In particular, leather jackets are equipped with stripes, spikes and rivets, which serve not only decorative purposes. They protect motorcyclists from small debris and wind on the road. Spikes and stripes are clearly visible on the road at night, which protects against collisions. Considering all of the above, it is not difficult to understand why members of the rocker subculture wear or jeans.

They are simply comfortable and do not restrict movement, which is very important on the road. In addition, wearing shorts or other clothing while on a motorcycle for a long time almost impossible, and yet the rocker’s motorcycle was and is practically the most important means of transportation for him. Naturally, the body must be well protected from debris and damage while riding.

Rock music has been and will continue to be a subject of controversy. But this is precisely the case when the truth is not born in a dispute, and cannot be born. The reason lies primarily in labeling and clichés. A clear line between the enemies of rock and those who are "real rockers." The main topic of articles devoted to this musical movement is the eternal battle with pop music, or pop music. Youth subculture"rockers" are often quite aggressive towards pop singers.


They deserve special mention. If earlier the option a la Elvis was popular, now everything is much more interesting. The hairstyle can be almost anything, the main thing is that it reflects the individual’s personality. However, on post-Soviet space most often you can see a rocker with long hair, collected in a tight ponytail. This also serves a practical purpose.

The collected hair does not interfere while driving, and besides, you can always understand from the hairstyle which direction of music a person prefers. If you see a rocker with his hair down, then most likely he won’t be driving anytime soon. If I may say so, loose hair is an indicator that a person is among his own people, in a comfortable environment. Yes, there are those who like to ride with their hair down, but in this case they will definitely have either a helmet or a bandana on their head. They help keep rockers' hairstyles in relative order. It is a myth that rockers ride without a helmet. During shows or demonstration rides of a motorcycle club - yes. At other times, you will have either a helmet or at least wind goggles on your head. Thus, the hairstyle of rockers is something by which you can always recognize representatives of this subculture.

Characteristics of rock

Although rockers appeared as a phenomenon in the fifties of the twentieth century, the direction of “rock music” arose in the 60s, that is, somewhat later. The main characteristics of these guys were riding motorcycles and listening to rock and roll. Later, the influence of this musical movement weakened. What happened in the Soviet Union? Despite everything, the rocker movement has penetrated here too.

But it took on new forms and changed under the influence of the surrounding reality. If in Britain a rocker was a hooligan riding a motorcycle, then in the USSR he was more of a pensive poet-thinker. Why did this happen? The thing is that both then and now students could not afford a motorcycle of this class - a Harley, so music became the key consolidating moment for rockers in the Soviet and post-Soviet space. Various groups took up the rockers' banner. Little by little the music became heavier, there were more and more bands. Over time, bikers have created a separate subculture, which also has certain characteristics. Nowadays, rockers are mainly considered adherents of a certain musical direction, while bikers are associated only with motorcycles.

What is rockers' music like?

The peculiarity of the music of this subculture is that it has many subtypes, types and genres. Naturally, all people are different, so now rock is collectively called all heavy music, as well as music in the lyrics of which there is hidden deep meaning. Thus, they distinguish punk rock, folk rock, industrial rock, Russian rock and other directions.

In particular, the most famous Russian rockers are the groups "Alice" and their leader V. Kinchev, the group "Aria" and V. Kipelov, "Nautilus" and "DDT" and Yu. Shevchuk. Even the names of these musicians now represent an entire era; they have become a symbol and synonym of Russian rock. They are being replaced by younger teams - “Bi2”, “Splin”, “Prince” and others. Despite the fact that the musical direction "metal" is somewhat different from, nevertheless, it is also popular among rockers. This is also a type of heavy music with beautiful, meaningful lyrics, but here the guitar and keyboard parts are more pronounced. Be that as it may, in order to better understand fans of heavy music, you need to plunge into what this subculture consists of. Rockers, contrary to popular belief, are not hooligans, not brawlers, not drunkards. As with everything, it all depends on the individual. Pop singers drink and abuse drugs just like rockers. But at the same time, they are the last for anyone in terms of unity, a sense of brotherhood and camaraderie.

"Goat" - a symbol of Satanists?

Often, when people of the older generation see a “goat” at concerts, they think that these are ministers of some kind of Satanic cult. In fact, this sign of rockers is raised index finger and the little finger is more of a guard, protective gesture. It was originally used to greet people and schematically represented the letter "u" - the first in English word"unity" or "unity". That is, this gesture is similar to Churchill’s gesture in his time. Do not confuse the sign of the rockers with the almost identical one of the pacifists, when thumb is not pressed against the folded middle and ring ones, but is set aside.

This sign means "love" as the index finger and thumb form a shape similar to English letter L, the first in the word Love. The "goat", which rockers wave at concerts, serves as a symbol of recognition and approval of the group's songs. In addition, it shows how many people in the room are people who consider others part of their social circle. It’s a paradox, but communication between strangers becomes much closer if both of them are close to this subculture. Rockers, by the way, do not quite correspond to the stereotypes that have developed about them. For example, there is an opinion that they have low intelligence. In reality this is not the case. A rocker can be a representative of any profession with any social status. But that's not all. British scientists have proven that teenagers who listen to rock... are smarter than their peers! However, scientists do not say why this happens.

How do rockers dress today?

In wide circles there is an opinion that rockers are mostly unkempt and unwashed homeless-looking people who do nothing but drink and go to concerts. Some classify them as sexual minorities. This, however, is not the case. Firstly, compared to metrosexuals, rockers really seem overly brutal. But there's a reason for that. Rockers, whose photos can be seen almost everywhere, position themselves as strong personality, so various mannered habits are not for them. Moreover, many fans of heavy music are homophobic. The “rockers” subculture is one of the few who treat fans of other genres and styles with understanding and tolerance. The only exception is, perhaps, pop music. This explains both the style of rockers and their clothing preferences. Regardless of the material, dark colors predominate. What style a person prefers also leaves a certain imprint. Fans of gothic style will most likely give preference to a combination of red and black, folk rock - dark green and black. The clothes can be anything, but they are practical, comfortable and dark. Chains and spikes are not a required attribute. Most often they can be seen on punk rock fans. This is not surprising, because they are one of the most aggressive branches of rockers. Russian rockers prefer not to wear this. For them appearance is of secondary importance. At the same time, the opinion that there are no females among rockers is incorrect. Rocker girls, whose photos every music lover now has - vocalists of the groups "Arkona", "Kalevala", Nightwish, Within temptation, and others.

They are equal creators of the subculture, its integral part. Moreover, female-fronted rock is becoming more and more popular. There is nothing strange about this - what could be better than a combination of good music and beautiful girl with great vocals?

What types of rock are there?

To better understand the “rockers” subculture, let’s look at the subgenres of this musical movement.

Underground. This style is characterized by a rejection of norms, rules and established patterns. Here, artistic traditions, social stereotypes and social values ​​have no meaning. Underground - in all its manifestations, a shock for the viewer and the unprepared person. Underground is any non-commercial rock music whose performers have not yet found themselves and are experimenting with sound and image. Their work does not fit into any format, either because of the shocking texts or because of the emotional overtones of their performances. It is characteristic that such groups are almost unknown.

Glam rock. Characterized by an emphasis on guitar and keyboard parts, simplified sound and rhymes. At the same time, musicians use a lot of cosmetics, glitter and the like. The performance is exalted, the arrangements are spectacular, and the image of the musicians is amazing.

Newer movements of rock

Progressive. It is played by quite serious musicians, expanding and enriching rock with classical arrangements, borrowings and improvisations. Progressive came to replace psychedelic rock, completely displacing it in the 70-80s of the twentieth century. Despite the fact that this style is in the shadow of commercial trends, it continues to develop and improve, enriching the world music fund along with other genres.

Psychedelic rock, or psychedelic. Characterized by depressive vocals, detached lyrics, experiments with sound, and the use of unconventional instruments and transitions. Historically, the perception of psychedelics was and remains closely associated with the use of narcotic drugs of varying strengths.

Hard rock. The most enduring and popular genre, which has spawned many other trends, is the same metal. This is very dynamic, strong and powerful music. The lead is guitar or keyboards, complemented by a loud rhythm section. All this makes the work holistic and monolithic. What is most important here is the skill of each performer, as well as the ability to work with other similar masters in a team.

How to define what rock is?

Generally, precise definition there is no rock. This is a mixture of art, symphonic, hard rock and other directions. Razin, considering the concept and phenomenon of rock, notes that it is difficult to give a clear definition to this phenomenon due to the following reasons. Firstly, it is difficult to identify the laws by which rock music lives, develops and interacts with other cultural phenomena. Secondly, social formations, existing and coexisting with this subculture, have been practically not studied. Thirdly, it is impossible to predict in which direction rock will develop. This is what makes rockers different. A subculture, photos of whose representatives are capable of causing shock, can no longer be considered an ordinary phenomenon.

Features of Russian rock

The attitude towards Russian rock is traditionally dismissive. At the same time, no one in their right mind would be stupid enough to say to the face of a two-meter tall guy on a bike that “Aria” is a bad group, for example. And this is a paradox. Russian rock is different in that every word in it is a message to people.

Such hidden words-messages were used by such famous rockers as V. Tsoi, Kinchev, Makarevich. Let's look at a few examples. For example, the word "star". Traditionally it means something unattainable, a great and sacred goal. Therefore, the Sun is synonymous with this word. This is an ideal luminary that both shines and warms all people. That is, this goal benefits all people without exception.

The antipode of the Sun is the Moon. It is used as a synonym for a false, false target. Therefore, night is considered identical to all the vices of society and humanity as a whole. True, sometimes shadow takes its place as the antithesis of light. Accordingly, to sleep means to passively observe, to be inactive. A sleeping person is dead, but a searching person is still alive. The sun, the moon, and the stars - all of this is in height. This is not easy to comprehend. This can only be done by a bird-man capable of flying, that is, a free person who can go beyond the boundaries and think in philosophical categories. Naturally, this requires wings.

Symbolism of sky, water, fire and other elements in the works of Russian groups

The analogue of the sky in the work of some groups is the sea. This is a free space for activity, as Russian rockers say. It is opposed to the river, which is squeezed into a framework, flows and cannot choose its path. Water is also used as something identical to life or that most important thing that fills it and prevents it from dying. In turn, fire is found much less frequently in texts and symbolizes human life. The “rockers” subculture is sensitive to this symbol, which, at first glance, does not fit with the dark tones of clothing. Let's look at symbolic words related to climate. So, the wind is changes, transformations. If it blows in the face, then these are the hindrances and obstacles that prevent a person from moving forward, developing and moving on. Rain is used in addition to wind as an obstacle. Snow is less common and mainly serves as a synonym for a new stage in life, a new page on life path. Due to such hidden words-messages, the semantic load of the texts increases, the songs cease to be just a phenomenon that is pleasant to the ear. they make you think about life and a person’s place in it. Some artists' lyrics even have parts that influence the subconscious. This helps to further increase the meaning and influence of rock on the consciousness of the masses.

The vast majority of poker players are amateurs. Poker is a hobby for them. Of course, this is how it has to be for the poker ecosystem to be healthy. But some amateur players sooner or later begin to think about the game more seriously and decide to start playing semi-professionally or even professionally.

Even though these players are always motivated and want to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, they often don't know exactly what they need to become professional poker players.

Nowadays, becoming a professional poker player is undoubtedly more difficult than ever before. The game has become much more difficult and you must regularly sharpen your own skills to stay ahead of the field. So what does it take to become a professional poker player? We will talk about this in this article.

One outstanding quality

If you want to become a successful professional, you need at least one truly outstanding quality. You have to look at other poker players and be sure that you are better than them. And these players you are comparing yourself to should not be amateurs, but aspiring professionals like you. If you are going to succeed, you need to be significantly better at something important.

If you ask people, “What are you better at than all those players trying to become pros?”, most will say that they work harder and are constantly learning. However, we are all different. Everyone who wants to become a professional player thinks that they will work and study more than others and will be more motivated. But this can only be true for small quantity people. For everyone else, this is a comforting myth. You are unlikely to work much harder or more than your desk neighbor. So what is the main strength? Here are some options.

Logical thinking

You don't need to be a math professor to play poker professionally at a high level. You don't need to have a calculator in your head, but you definitely need developed logic. You need to be able to build logical chains at the poker table.

This type of thinking abounds in poker. Every time you try to read your opponent's hand, you use logic. And it is just as important when you are faced with new situations that you have not seen 10,000 times before.

Of course, some people logical thinking initially developed better than others. This is clearly related to IQ. People with higher IQs are faster and better at such tasks. And as the limits increase logic problems are becoming more complex and subtle, requiring even more advanced logical thinking.

Super high IQ not prerequisite successful game poker, but every ounce of intelligence matters in the end. Just like every gram muscle mass and a centimeter of height matters if you want to become an NHL pro. And if you lack something, you have to compensate for it with others.

Everyone thinks they're smarter than the average person, but if you're serious about your career as a professional poker player, it can help to take an honest and objective look at where you stand in relation to those around you. If you're a poker genius, great, you're in luck. If you don't have a high enough IQ, you will have to compensate with other qualities.

Physical and emotional control

If you already have excellent logic and are consistently working on the game, you can very well succeed with little physical and emotional control. And while physical and emotional control are really important, high level self-control already helps a lot in the game, you still need to know a certain theoretical minimum to be successful in poker.

There are players who consider emotional control to be the most important skill in poker, and attribute their success to the ability to control emotions. Of course, this is not the main formula for success, but it can work.

Physical control here means maintaining oneself in excellent condition. physical fitness. Luby physical exercise Adds stamina to you, which can help you play at peak performance for longer periods of time.


If you want to become a professional poker player, you need to ask yourself: “What makes me different from others? How can I succeed at something that most people fail at? What's so special about me?

People think they will just work harder and study harder. And some actually do this, but not the majority, as they think. Think about what other qualities you might have and figure out how to turn them into advantages over other players.

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When you come up with a name for your ensemble, it’s better to immediately type it into a search and see what Google brings up. Perhaps a group with that name already exists, or not a group, but, for example, pharmaceutical company. Such a coincidence would also be inappropriate. 

Also keep in mind: if the name of your band consists of several words, then there is a high chance that your new fans, coming home after the concert, will not be able to find you on the Internet. Not everyone is fluent in Google. 

It will also be difficult to find a group containing both Latin and Cyrillic in its name, for example “BeZdna”. Also try to find a rock band on VKontakte called “Reflection”. There are at least ten of them in the CIS. 

You can object by citing the names of popular groups as an example, but you need to take into account that these groups gained popularity long before the Internet became the main means for promoting music.

2. You shouldn’t recruit people into your group who play worse than you.

At the same time teaching them something, composing songs and rehearsing is Sisyphean work. It’s better to spend a month or two searching for more or less sane musicians.

 Other comments are unnecessary.

3. Don't rely entirely on your own initiative.

Photo - Usik Markosyan →

Unfortunately, it often happens like this: the founder of the group works, writes music, spends money on recording an album, on advertising, pays extra for other musicians to rehearse, while the rest are just having a great time.

If only the frontman has grandiose plans for the group, and for the rest of the musicians this is just an opportunity to drink beer at a rehearsal or take a photo at a concert for a new avatar, feel free to send them on all fours. You can’t cook porridge with such comrades, but you will only waste a lot of money and time.

4. Don't spam other musicians

Now you have already recorded your first album, posted it on iTunes and Google Play, created a group page on social networks, adding friends, relatives and work colleagues there. What to do next?

You might start spamming strangers with a request to listen to your record, but God forbid you write to other musicians, even beginners! They are all waiting for fans to join them, and here you are with your “check out the track, bro.” 

Practice shows that the majority of negative reviews about our album are left by musicians from other groups. 

As soon as your material is published in thematic public pages of Contact, the organizers of various “festivals” will start writing to you. But don't assume that it's your material that is of interest to them: most likely, you will be asked to bring a certain number of people with you. Moreover, if you don’t bring these people, you’ll have to pay extra out of your own pocket.

One more bad news: It is unlikely that after these events you will have more fans - as a rule, each group takes its listeners away from the club after the performance. At least, this information relevant for Moscow and St. Petersburg.

An almost similar situation will happen with advertisers - get ready, administrators of various music publics will write to you with offers to buy advertising from them. But I have to warn you: after such publications, at most 5-6 people will subscribe to your group, even if the number of subscribers of the public that published your group exceeds a hundred thousand.

Get creative, don’t step on our rake, and share your tips for your colleagues in the comments!

It happens that when repairing a car, it is necessary to replace or repair the rocker. Many people, encountering this problem for the first time, do not know what it means. Rockers (or valve rockers as they are also called) are a mechanism used to transfer energy from the camshaft cam to the intake valve stem. Valve rocker arms are part of the gas distribution mechanism (GRM) of a car engine with a “classical” structure. Nowadays, rockers in engines are quite rare.

The reason for this is the fact that modern engines have completely moved to overhead camshafts. And, as a rule, the main reason for using rockers in modern engines is the desire to reduce the size of the latter. There may be several reasons for making such a decision, but the first place is the need to place the engine internal combustion(ICE) under the hood of a small car.

Rocker device.

The rockers are located on an axis, which is mounted on 4 racks on the cylinder head (cylinder head). Each rocker is located on a separate axis and is attached to the head surface with one bolt, and the position of the rocker axis, in turn, is fixed by two pins pressed into the post. The stand is made as one piece with the rocker axle.

The rocker is a lever with two “shoulders”, and it is made by forming steel using forging or casting technology. If you choose, the forging method is much better, because forged parts are incomparably stronger. Both “shoulders” of the rocker have a T-shaped section.

Traditionally, there are long and short arms of the rocker arm. At the end of the long arm there is a hardened cylindrical plane - the rocker striker. The striker of the rocker rests against the end end of the valve stem.

At the end of the short arm there is a bolt with which the depth of the gap between the valve itself and the valve drive lever is adjusted. In the case where there is, this gap is adjusted automatically. At the same time, noise is significantly reduced, and timing operation becomes smoother and softer. There is also a special hole in the short arm, which provides access to engine oil for lubricating parts.

The rocker arm is restrained by a coil spring. This is necessary in order to prevent the rocker from moving along the axis. The axle itself, which serves to attach the rockers, is hollow, and the outer side of the axle is hardened, which increases wear resistance.

Operating principle of valve rocker arms.

The operating principle of the rocker arm is as follows: When the camshaft cam puts pressure on the short arm, lift occurs. The long arm lowers, while pressing on the valve stem. Auxiliary elements The rocker structure contains bushings that reduce friction.

Common breakdowns.

Since during operation the rocker striker and the rocker itself are subjected to various thermal and mechanical loads, this, in turn, leads to their damage and wear.

If you notice that the output from the internal combustion engine is decreasing in different operating modes, or you hear a characteristic knocking sound in the cylinder head, this means that the rocker is broken. Also, very often the rocker itself breaks, which means that the valve has failed. External signs rocker fractures are exactly the same as when any timing part fails.