Ilya meaning of the name is Orthodox. Negative character traits

Ilya is the personification of kindness, respect for others, attachment to home and loved ones, perseverance and determination. Ilya is born a “real man” - responsible, caring, very polite. He can be strong in his beliefs, especially when it comes to choosing his path. At the same time, he is soft and can succumb to the persuasion of friends. This often leads him astray, although not for long.

Meaning and origin of the name Ilya

Elijah is a derivative of the ancient Greek name Elijah, meaning "Yahweh", or "My God". Also, the meaning of the name is defined as “the power of God”, “God’s fortress”, “believer”.

Character of the name Ilya

Courage and femininity are tightly intertwined in this name, which is why its character is a combination of male perseverance, the instinct of the breadwinner and the maternal principle.

Kind, open, bright - the main character traits of Ilya.

As a rule, this is a balanced person who is resistant to provocations. With his peers he behaves evenly and respectfully, but he can also flare up, sometimes for completely unknown reasons.

The name protects the boy from fights and active participation in conflict analysis. In general, Ilya can hardly be called a conflict person. He will look for a compromise until the last moment and resolve everything calmly.

The boy's character is especially notable for his tenacity and thirst for help. While still a child, Ilyusha tries to help his parents. And the older he gets, the more complex tasks he takes on - from washing dishes to participating in the construction of a house. He is a very economical, family-oriented person.

People are always drawn to Ilya, because he knows how to understand them and is friendly to everyone.

Positive character traits:

  • Goodwill.
  • Determination and perseverance.
  • Thrift and dedication.
  • Ability to find a compromise.

Negative traits character:

  • Excessive softness and pliability.
  • Hot temper and cockiness.
  • Excessive attachment to home.

Fate of the name

Since childhood, Ilyusha has been trying to get better education and become a specialist high class. He is lucky and is capable of almost any career in any field.

Men with this name achieve incredible heights both in scientific activity, and in creative professions. Recognition and success are the well-deserved result of Ilya’s hard work. Well-developed intuition helps him choose a business that is guaranteed to provide him with wealth for life.

At the same time, Ilya is not always a good judge of people. Therefore, there may be relationships in his life that are doomed to failure.

In his personal life, he is an ideal family man: first he will create a comfortable nest, and then he will bring his beloved there, surrounding her with care and attention.

Ilya's health

Despite his calmness and resilience, Ilya has increased sensitivity to sounds, pliability to offensive words and the actions of loved ones, exposure to stress, which negatively affects his health.

Compatibility and marriage of Ilya

Ilya has been looking for his soul mate for a long time. It is not easy for him to build relationships with the opposite sex, so he often gets married after 30 years.

In choosing his companion Ilya great value gives inner world women, it is important for him that his life partner is close to him in spirit. She must also be educated and strong - to match him.

The most successful marriage for Ilya will be with women named Sophia, Anna, Vera and Natalya. But marriage to Galina, Elizaveta and Tatyana is not the best choice.

Talismans, colors, zodiac signs named after Ilya

The boy's talisman is a diamond. The color of the name is red and all its warm shades. Zodiac sign - Taurus.

  • In winter: December 5, 9, 18, 29 and 31; January 1, 21, 25 and 27; February 3 and 13.
  • In spring: March 1; April 5 and 10.
  • Summer: June 23; August 2, 25 and 30.
  • Autumn: September 16, 26 and 30; October 11; November 16, 17 and 22.

The meaning of the name Ilya is “the fortress of the Lord.” The fate of this person lies in a constant struggle with the present. He is trying to realize himself and is full of ambitious plans. Hot-tempered, but easy-going, devoted to his family. Since childhood, he has been trying to organize the space and people around him. It is frank, direct and kind person. Ilya is able to set goals and achieve them. He has good physical characteristics.

Origin and characteristics of the name

According to historical data, the name Ilya is of Hebrew origin. The name is mentioned in the Old Testament, which tells about the prophet Elijah. This name means “My God is the Lord.” In all references it is associated with God, so the person named by it will be like a guardian angel to protect and protect those who need help. This is the secret of the name.

Ilya has qualities that cannot be combined in others at the same time. He combines a steely character, a rock-solid disposition and feminine impressionability into one whole. Impulsiveness, hot temper and lack of restraint are the main character traits of the owner of the name. He does not like to sort things out, this is where his non-conflict nature is manifested. Always looking for a reason within himself, tormented by remorse. He is amazingly honest, competent, fair, friendly and calm person.

Name talismans:

  • Planets: Sun, Saturn and Mars.
  • Successful colors: bright red, brown, yellow, orange.
  • Stone: fire opal, carnelian.
  • lucky number: 5 - actively participates in the formation of character.
  • Element: water.
  • Animal: nightingale - symbolizes love and longing.
  • Plants: elm - a symbol of nobility, dignity, poise; cornflower is a symbol of holiness, purity, good nature and responsiveness.
  • Metal: silver – symbolizes peace, tranquility, purity;
  • Favorable day: Monday.

Patron saints named Ilya:

  • Elijah, August 2 (July 20). Greatest Prophet Old Testament. He restored the people’s faith in God when, having lost their way, they began to worship pagan idols.
  • Elijah Tomsky, martyr, September 26 (13).
  • Elijah, martyr, September 30 (17).
  • Elijah of Sinai, venerable martyr, January 27 (14).
  • Ilya Muromets, Pechersky, recluse in the Near Caves, October 11 (September 28), January 1 (December 19). Originally from the city of Murom, monk of Kyiv - Pechersky Monastery(XII century). Favorite hero of Russian epics, the personification of courage, strength, and resilience of the entire Russian people.
  • Elijah the Egyptian, martyr, January 1 (December 19).
  • Elijah the Egyptian, Caesarea (Palestinian), martyr, March 1 (February 16).
  • Elijah of Egypt, motherwort, January 21 (8).

This name is in other languages ​​and different countries pronounced differently:

  • Kazakh: Ilyas;
  • English: Elijah;
  • Belarusian: Ellya;
  • Bulgarian: Iliya;
  • Italian: Elia (Ellia);
  • German: Elias (Elias);
  • Romanian: Ilie;
  • Ukrainian: Ellya.

Ilya in childhood

The influence of a name plays an important role in the development of personality. Having learned to express feelings, the child shows strengths and weaknesses. By astrological characteristics the boy is friendly, calm, trying not to create conflict situations. Already in at a young age leadership traits begin to emerge. He gathers friends and sets the rules of the game, and everyone follows his conditions. Without forcing, he can subordinate to his will.

As a child, he finds it difficult to work in a group or teamwork, since he always dictates his demands. When he is given advice, the boy begins to get nervous and scream, as he is unable to listen to someone else's opinion.

If you make him angry to the point of hysteria, it is better to leave him and not touch him. She shares her problems and worries with her loved ones and doesn’t let anyone in from the outside. Since childhood, Ilya has been worried about other people's problems. But he does not know how to rejoice in the successes of his friends; envy is main drawback character.


The traits revealed in the child will accompany him throughout life path. Romanticism, peacefulness, kindness, empathy, courage and tenderness are manifested. Vanity and greed, discovered in adolescence, increase self-esteem and the desire for fame for recognition in society. Ilya does not accept any demands or instructions.

He always acts based on his beliefs and principles. A closed, romantic and attractive guy by nature, arouses incredible interest in the opposite sex, which he skillfully manipulates. But he is in no hurry to get married and burden himself with marriage ties. He takes this issue quite seriously.

Ilya is the life of the party, he is a sociable and cheerful person. A good sense of humor and non-conflict are his key features. Ready to help anyone who needs it.

Gemini man - characteristics of the zodiac sign, compatibility


He attaches great importance to what he loves. He is respected by management and colleagues for his honesty and fairness, which prevent him from achieving high positions.

Achieves his goals, impeccable intuition and memory play a big role in his life. He becomes an expert in all endeavors, but management and organizational affairs make him sad. Feels good and comfortable in calmer and quieter team work. Helping colleagues or students is the most exciting activity for him.

Occupy leadership positions the man is in no hurry, preferring to avoid aggression and conflicts. Can work in any field of activity, both in the creative field and in science. Appointed as a manager, Ilya considers it his duty to guide and support employees and happily shares his skills. Excellent memory and logical thinking contribute to personal development. Can show cruelty and becomes a tyrant when he sees competition.

Family and health

Ilya is in normal health, without physiological or mental abnormalities. She has excellent health and physical characteristics. Ilya treats his health carefully and responsibly. Pays special attention to the care of teeth, hair and appearance.

During illness, he tries to look like a hero from a fairy tale, without showing signs of poor health, which is explained by his reluctance to see self-pity. In moments of nervous overstrain, he retreats from prying eyes, accepting the support of his family.

Economic, caring and devoted family man. For him, morality and principles come first. Does not rely on anyone, will raise his capital and social status and then get married, creating all the conditions for living together with his wife.

The most important thing in the life of the owner of the name is his family, where he maintains warmth and harmony, always taking care of his loved ones. He values ​​and respects traditions, is a support and friend who will listen at any time and give instructions to children. He leaves the negativity accumulated at work outside the door. He is kind, caring and loving husband and father.

Strong marriage awaits Ilya with the owners of the names Anastasia, Varvara, Tatyana, Maria, Clara. An alliance with girls named Antonina, Victoria, Yana, Ekaterina, Elena is undesirable.

Meaning and origin: the fortress of the Lord (Heb.).

Energy and Karma:

Respect for the name Elijah in Rus' has deep roots, including Russian epics and the Orthodox image of Elijah the Prophet, who at one time replaced the pagan thunderer Perun.

Sometimes even Ilya experiences excessive attention to himself and therefore can act somewhat wary and reserved in society. Nevertheless, his character cannot be called closed; rather, he is simply even in his communication with both loved ones and strangers.

Secrets of communication:

Sometimes when communicating with Ilya it can be difficult to understand how he treats you, however, know that even if he looks a little cold, it is most likely not because of a negative attitude, but due to his special manner of behavior. Rest assured, if he doesn't like you, he will find a way to let you know, or even tell you straight out. If you want to gain Ilya’s favor, then note that he does not like compliments, respecting restraint in praise.

  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn.
  • Planet: Saturn.
  • Name colors: brown, light green, sometimes dark crimson.
  • Talisman stone: carnelian, fire opal.

Meaning of the name Ilya option 2

Russian form of the Hebrew name Elijah, meaning: the power of God. Ilya - extremely economic man. This trait manifests itself in him even in childhood.

At proper education he becomes a good helper mother in her household chores and father in his household chores. He will be very willing to participate in the construction of a summer house, growing a vegetable garden, or repairing a car. There won’t be much trouble with this child at all if you carefully monitor his circle of friends - Ilya is not very picky in choosing his friends, he easily succumbs to their influence, and since he is sociable and active, he has no shortage of acquaintances.

As a rule, he creates his family in detail - and this is where his economic streak comes into play. He is unlikely to get married without getting firmly on his feet and without having enough income to support his family on his own. Loves children devotedly. With all his commitment to family and home, Ilya, meanwhile, is a restless person and willingly travels. He has a sharp mind. He is kind, but quick-tempered. He quickly moves away and is ready to take the blame on himself in any quarrel. Ilya’s character has many maternal traits, but overall he is a person who seems to reflect the rays of a bright, warm sun. It is not for nothing that the calendar says about him: “Elijah, my God Yahweh.”

Meaning of the name Ilya option 3

Indecisive. They are closed in appearance, but internally they are very gentle. Able to cry and empathize. Sentimental. Introverts by nature.

Meaning of the name Ilya option 4

Ilya - from other Hebrew. the fortress of the Lord; old Elijah.

Derivatives: Ilyukha, Ilyusha, Ilya, Ilyakha, Ilyukha, Ilyusha, Ilyusya, Lyusya, Ilyunya, Lyunya, Lyulya.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

  • Before Ilya, it rains in the bin, after Ilya, it comes out of the bin.
  • Ilya is glad that the pig farrowed.
  • Peter with a spikelet, Ilya with a bun.
  • The man bathes before Ilya, and says goodbye to the river from Ilya.
  • August 2 - Elijah's Day. Ilya's summer is ending.
  • Elijah the prophet was dragged away for two hours.
  • On Elijah’s day even the stone will vegetate.


Since childhood, he has been a real master. He has a highly developed sense of personal responsibility. Whatever he participates in, Ilya believes that the result primarily depends on him. And not some vague one, but specific and tangible. When he is organizing something, he is, as a rule, kind and patient with the people around him, although he can be unpredictable: he gets angry, flares up, but this quickly passes. The same unpredictability exists in the family - unexpected company and unexpected “turns” in personal destiny. But this won't last long. Ilya knows how to repent and bring joy and love to people again.

Meaning of the name Ilya option 5

ILYA - my God (Hebrew).

Name day: January 7 - Venerable Ilya of Murom, wonderworker of Pechersk, monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery (XII century). August 2 - Holy glorious prophet Elijah the Tishbite.

  • Zodiac sign - Mars.
  • Planet - Sun.
  • Color - bright red.
  • Auspicious tree - elm.
  • The treasured plant is cornflower.
  • The patron of the name is the nightingale.
  • The talisman stone is diamond.


Ilya is a real owner, he has a highly developed sense of ownership. Good organizer and responsible person; kind, gentle, direct, frank. Not prone to daydreaming - prefers quick and concrete results. Very devoted to family; may fall under the influence of friends and go astray, but not for long. This is a nature passionately thirsty for love, care, and attention. Ilya is quick-tempered, but easy-going, and at the same time knows how to keep his heart in check.

Meaning of the name Ilya option 6

Ilya is an extremely economical person. Not too picky in choosing friends, easily influenced by them.

He has no shortage of acquaintances. Ilya creates a family thoroughly - and here his economic spirit is especially evident.

He will not marry until he is firmly on his feet.

Ilya is devoted to children. Has a sharp mind. Kind, but quick-tempered. He quickly moves away and is ready to take the blame on himself in any quarrel. There are many maternal traits in his character, but in general Ilya is like his father.

Career, business and money

Ilya can achieve excellent results in sports and own business. He is purposeful, does not like to quit what he has started and does not assume the possibility of unsuccessful completion of any business he has started. Ilya gets money without much difficulty. He knows how and loves to earn them, just as he loves to spend them.

The professions of a doctor, investigator and teacher may be suitable for Ilya. But since people with this name are very ambitious, they should try themselves in more highly paid professions: military man or sailor. Here you have a better chance of achieving a good salary and fully demonstrating your extraordinary nature.

Marriage and family

Ilya is not the kind of person who gets married in early age. He will first build a house and then bring his chosen one there. But having tied the knot with his beloved, Ilya will never betray her, he will be betrayed himself and will always carry his wife in his arms. He is very jealous, because he is an owner by nature, so Ilya quickly suppresses all admiring glances. If his beloved decides to cheat, then he may not survive this blow - he will not recover from it immediately, after at least a few years.

Ilya adores children, and is quite capable of sincerely loving step-children too. He will raise children in his own image, thereby instilling best qualities. Ilya’s character has many maternal traits, so children will always be drawn to such a father.

Sex and love

Ilya is amorous, but picky, he is very afraid to contact a rude girl who might try to suppress him with her domineering character. He is afraid of authoritarian, arrogant and hot-tempered women. He wants to have a charming, sweet girl next to him who is able to withstand all the pressure of feelings and passion, and outbursts of anger that he will never be able to eradicate.

He rarely starts relationships, preferring platonic love, but in sex Ilya is very inventive. Intimate life has quite a big meaning, but only with the one who will remain forever in his heart. And such a girl can only become an equal to Ilya - the queen.


As a child, he often catches colds and is constantly freezing. IN mature age All diseases are caused by overwork and increased physical activity.

Ilya does not feel sorry for himself, refuses to sleep and healthy image life, which leads to injuries and problems with the spine, nervous system. Cardiovascular system a man also often suffers, but in to a greater extent due to cravings for alcohol and tobacco.

Interests and hobbies

Many boys with this name show good behavior in childhood. musical abilities. If his parents notice his interest in music, then the bet made on the development of this talent will certainly pay off.

Talent in fine arts also often found in Ilya. Among sculptors and artists there are many representatives of this name. Due to restlessness, he does not have many works, but all of them are beyond praise.

Also, men with this name are very economical. As a hobby, they can choose their own workshop, fishing or hunting. But he is unlikely to devote most of his life to these hobbies, since since childhood he has been a mobile, active person.

If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of the name Ilya.

What does the name Ilya mean?

The name Elijah means - the power of God (ancient Hebrew)

The meaning of the name Ilya is character and destiny

A man named Ilya is an extremely economical person. Since childhood, he has been happy to help his mother and tinker with his father near a faulty car. Having matured, he becomes a “jack of all trades”; he succeeds in everything he takes on. He starts his own family in adulthood, when he can provide for it on his own. He is not very decisive with women, it is difficult for him to choose a life partner, and even more difficult to decide on marriage. Dating for a long time future wife, most often this is his classmate at the institute. Higher education Ilya definitely gets it, he tries with all his might to have a good specialty. A man named Ilya has a poor understanding of people; among his friends there are many people who take advantage of his kindness in pursuit of selfish goals. Easily influenced. Ilya is strongly attached to home and family, but at the same time he loves to travel and cannot stay in one place for a long time. Kind, but quick-tempered, he is the first to reconcile, ready to take all the blame on himself, regardless of who was the instigator of the quarrel. In general, this person radiates warmth, is generous in soul, sympathetic, friendly and merciful. Ilya eagerly builds a dacha, grows a vegetable garden, and grows rare varieties of fruit trees. With his wife he is gentle and attentive, he is more attracted to the inner content of a woman than to beauty.

Meaning of the name Ilya for sex

Ilya’s sex life is orderly, he plans his dates. Tries to subjugate a woman. If he doesn’t succeed, he gets very worried, and when he gets his way, he immediately loses interest in his partner. In bed, he may lack spontaneity, but he more than compensates for this with a rich erotic program. Ilya needs a certain comfort in love; even sounds can affect him, so it’s hard for him to relax. For a man named Ilya, the most important thing is to defeat a woman who is equal to him, free and independent.

The character and fate of the name Ilya, taking into account the patronymic

First name Ilya and patronymic....

Ilya Alekseevich, Ilya Andreevich, Ilya Artemovich, Ilya Vasilyevich, Ilya Valentinovich, Ilya Viktorovich, Ilya Vitalievich, Ilya Vladimirovich, Ilya Evgenievich, Ilya Ivanovich, Ilya Ilyich, Ilya Petrovich, Ilya Mikhailovich, Ilya Sergeevich, Ilya Fedorovich, Ilya Yuryevich sociable, loves to talk. Resourceful, will get out of any situation with dignity, cunning and resourceful. He loves to argue and will always find a reason, but everyone already knows his weakness and makes fun of him. Ilya is inclined to overestimate his capabilities, but he immediately admits that he got carried away and accepts with equanimity outside help. Receptive to failures, and not only his own, sympathetic, responsive. He is sociable and has a feeling of sincere affection for his friends. He is passionate, loves to play preference, and is very upset when he loses. He is no stranger to romantic adventures, but in women he is looking not so much for a sex partner as for an understanding friend. Ilya is a caring family man, but, as a rule, he does not have enough time to raise children. When the children grow up, he throws up his hands in bewilderment, because he wanted to make completely different people out of them. In this case, all the blame falls on the spouse. Often it is difficult to provide for the family, and only the essentials. More often he has daughters.

First name Ilya and patronymic....

Ilya Alexandrovich, Ilya Borisovich, Ilya Vadimovich, Ilya Grigorievich, Ilya Kirillovich, Ilya Maksimovich, Ilya Matveevich, Ilya Nikitich, Ilya Pavlovich, Ilya Romanovich, Ilya Tarasovich, Ilya Timofeevich, Ilya Eduardovich, Ilya Yakovlevich good-natured and friendly. Intelligent, erudite. He is so impressionable and modest that he may have problems communicating. Not every society feels relaxed. A man named Ilya is in dire need of stability, looking for reliable rear. Therefore, he marries early, without looking around, without weighing the pros and cons. Often his first marriage is unsuccessful. Ilya himself true friend, a good family man, but he is more interested in work than home, he is not involved in raising children, However, he is very attached to them, he always finds the opportunity to tell them kind word, encourage their academic success. He takes the issue of their education seriously and spares no expense or moral effort. Spouse finds it difficult to cope with everyone family problems, but she cannot complain about the lack of affection or inattention from her husband. Ilya always finds money for birthday gifts, he knows how to do everything around the house, but he just doesn’t have enough time for it. Such Ilya often gives birth to boys. He is patient and does not part with his wife for a long time, even if the relationship reaches a dead end. Divorce occurs at the initiative of the spouse. But most often, Ilya remains in his first marriage and endures all the troubles, hoping for the best.

First name Ilya and patronymic....

Ilya Bogdanovich, Ilya Vladislavovich, Ilya Vyacheslavovich, Ilya Georgievich, Ilya Danilovich, Ilya Egorovich, Ilya Konstantinovich, Ilya Robertovich, Ilya Svyatoslavovich, Ilya Yanovich, Ilya Yaroslavovich charming, good-natured and friendly. Correct and tactful, as a rule, well mannered. He is frugal, earns money with difficulty, spends only on what is necessary. A man named Ilya is looking for a wife with the same views on material assets. He does not strive for luxury, is content with little, but is generous in soul, ready to help everyone. Has many true and loyal friends. He is loved and respected in any society. He knows a lot, can answer any question, gives good advice, but he himself is impractical and not enterprising. This kind of Ilya values ​​spiritual wealth more than anything in life, and according to this principle he selects friends and a life partner. She pays a lot of attention to the upbringing and education of her children. He can have both sons and daughters. Ilya loves sports and involves children in sports activities. Despite his busy schedule, he is a homely person and loves to spend evenings with his family. If he has a dacha, then everything there is made by his hands.

First name Ilya and patronymic....

Ilya Antonovich, Ilya Arturovich, Ilya Valerievich, Ilya Germanovich, Ilya Glebovich, Ilya Denisovich, Ilya Igorevich, Ilya Iosifovich, Ilya Leonidovich, Ilya Lvovich, Ilya Olegovich, Ilya Ruslanovich, Ilya Semenovich, Ilya Filippovich, Ilya Emmanuilovich vain, stubborn and persistent. Hot-tempered over trifles. Irritable when met with resistance. His character is unpredictable and contradictory. He considers himself always right and does not tolerate objections. He likes to criticize and teach others, but does not allow this to happen to himself. He chooses a wife who is meek and undemanding. A man named Ilya can provide for his family, but he believes that more attention needs to be paid to himself, his health, and his needs. He is attached to his sons, values ​​them more than his wife, he does not feel sorry for anything for them. The wife in the house of such Ilya is a free housekeeper. It is difficult for him to part with money; it is easier for him to buy food for the house himself than to control her spending. However, he will always have money for a good dinner at a restaurant with friends, a picnic on the weekend and other entertainment.

First name Ilya and patronymic....

Ilya Albertovich, Ilya Alanovich, Ilya Anatolyevich, Ilya Veniaminovich, Ilya Vladlenovich, Ilya Dmitrievich, Ilya Nikolaevich, Ilya Rostislavovich, Ilya Stanislavovich, Ilya Stepanovich, Ilya Feliksovich Outwardly he is always calm, modest, even shy. However, behind the apparent shyness lies a hot-tempered, uncontrollable nature. This Ilya is not happy with himself either. He does not know how to manage himself, cannot control his emotions. He explodes instantly, then reproaches himself for a long time for his incontinence. Meanwhile, he is very kind, sociable, charming, smart and resourceful. A man named Ilya is enterprising and calculating. He is unusually amorous and easily changes lovers because he quickly gets bored with them. But with a woman who can win his heart, he will remain forever. Then Ilya will become a faithful husband, a devoted and reliable family man, and a wonderful father. Ilya gives birth to children of different sexes, but more often - sons. Ilya loves daughters more and strives for the birth of at least one daughter, so there are always many children in his family.