Musical skit on March 8 for high school students.

In the program of school evenings, dedicated to the holiday March 8 traditionally includes many beautiful and kind messages addressed to girls, mothers, grandmothers and teachers. Schoolchildren also prepare various concert numbers: songs, dances and, of course, skits, which are usually of a comic nature, and therefore are especially loved. In elementary schools, skits are usually dedicated to mothers; in older schools, they are dedicated to girls in their classmates.

Possibly offered here skits on March 8 for schoolchildren will be useful for drawing up a concert program or original congratulations.

Sketch for March 8th for schoolchildren “How to congratulate girls”

(Based on “Three girls under the window...”)


3 boys,



Necessary equipment: chairs, desks, poster, diary, pens, notebooks, books


Cosmetics, high heels, jewelry.

Only boys take part in the skit, and each piece of advice is followed by a demonstration.

1. The first thing is figure - You need to keep a tight rein on yourself, to put it simply. there is nothing.

2. Emphasize your individuality with makeup.

3. Mesmerizing gait.

4. Clothes. Be as open as possible (expose your shoulder by moving your sweater)

5. Shoes should be elegant.

6. In intellectual competitions, answer all questions briefly and clearly: yes, no, it’s not me.

7. You must have good vocal abilities. But it is not recommended to perform Ramstain, Rasmus, Okean Elzy, etc.

8. Don't wear too much or too heavy jewelry. Heavy earrings will pull your ears back and in old age they will be knee-deep.

9. To win, you shouldn’t risk your health and do a lot plastic surgery to improve your appearance - better go to school, they will scare you there and it will better than any suspender.

10. When entering a modeling school, do not run after the director and ask “Well, take me.” A girl should know her worth.

You can learn all this at our model school “Grace”.
You can end the number with congratulations to all the girls

(Source: website

Congratulation performance in verse.


Boy, Girl

Boy: Our call is terribly ringing,
I fly out into the corridor...
Me and one girl
A conversation ensued...
- And my dad is a champion!
He goes to the stadium:
He throws weights up -
Will be the strongest in the world!

Girl: Even though men are strong -
They don't know how to bake pancakes...
You men are klutzes,
educate you, teach you,
And parsley from dill
You can't tell the difference!
By the way, who does the laundry at home?
God didn't give you talent...
TV "consuming"
You lie down on the sofa!

Boy: The man is of no use?!
Isn’t this talent given to us?!
Who nailed the shelf in the kitchen?
Fixed the faucet in the kitchen?

Girl: You don’t feel like cooking borscht,
Don't fry the cutlets...
You should run off to work,
Well, there’s no point anymore.

Boy: You, thorny thorn,
You don't know us men well
Every now and then you shed tears.
And also for no reason...
You say barbed words, timid...
Dad is the head of the house!

Girl: And mom is the neck of the house!

Boy: No, there is no need to decide in a dispute,
In a corridor conversation,
Who is stronger and who is more important...
It’s just... mom is the most tender of all!

(Source: website

Sketch for March 8th for schoolchildren “And in our yard”

( Author Kruglova O.N.)

The guys sing a song - an adaptation of the song from the movie “Carnival Night”.5 boys and 3 girls are participating

If you leave the house frowning,

Remember that today is a holiday!
That any acquaintance is ready to congratulate you,
Or even a stranger you meet!

And a smile, without a doubt,
Suddenly touches your eyes,
And good mood
Will not leave you again!

Youth 1: Women's holiday!
That's the reason
That's why we'll eat!
And hearty congratulations
Happy day to all women!

All: Congratulations! (balls are thrown into the hall, fanfare sounds)

A young man comes onto the stage with a portrait of Yesenin and reads:

Young man 2: You are my Shagan, Shagan!
There's a girl in the north too.
She looks an awful lot like you
Maybe he's thinking about me.
Shagane, you are mine, Shagane!

On the other side, another young man comes out with a portrait of Pushkin and reads

Boy 3: No, I see you every minute
Follow you everywhere
A smile of the mouth, a movement of the eyes,
To catch with loving eyes,
Listen to you for a long time, understand
Your soul is all your perfection,
To freeze in agony before you,
To turn pale and fade away... that's bliss!

The next reader comes out with a portrait of Blok and reads

Boy 4: I called you, but you didn't look back,

I shed tears, but you did not condescend.

You sadly wrapped yourself in a blue cloak,

On a damp night you left the house.

I don't know where your pride is sheltered

You, my dear, you, my gentle one, have found...

I sleep soundly, I dream of your blue cloak,

In which you left on a damp night...

Another reader reads with a portrait of Lermontov

Boy 5: Oh heaven I swear she was

Beautiful!.. I was burning, I was trembling,

When the curls running down from the brow

I met silk with my golden hand,

I was ready to fall at her feet,

Give her freedom, life, and paradise, and everything,

The next one reads (portrait of Pasternak):

Boy 6: Loving others is a heavy cross,

And you are beautiful without gyrations,

And your beauty is a secret

It is tantamount to the solution to life.

In spring the rustling of dreams is heard

And the rustle of news and truths.

You come from a family of such fundamentals.

Your meaning, like air, is selfless.

Boy 1: Oh, so many tender feelings
You called it in my heart!
Oh, how many young men died in those feelings!
And we praise you for all matters of the heart,
It's great that the school brought us together
With the beautiful half of the planet.
We will praise the school for everything!

(A girl (dressed up, painted) drives out in a car, almost hitting the poets. Squealing brakes. The girl drives and looks in the mirror)

Girl 1: My little mirror, tell me and tell me the whole truth. Am I the cutest, the most rosy and the whitest in the world?

Mirror voice: You are beautiful, no doubt about it. But take it a little to the left. Stupid, stop! Right now. Where are you at the red light...Slow down!!! A pothole, a ditch... You are beautiful, no doubt, but the world has never seen anyone dumber than you.

Girl 1: Oh, yes! Nasty toy! You are no longer my girlfriend!

The second girl comes out: (conducting a dialogue in modern jargon).
1st: Yo, friend!
2nd: Yo-yo!
1st: Why didn’t you come to the party yesterday?
2nd: Yes, the ancestors tore their brains apart. They tried to push through the notations again. I don't give a damn.
1st: Well, what, will you drag your bones to the party today?
2nd: Partying is a sacred thing!
1st: Then ride, ciao!
2nd: Poki - poki. (The girls invite the “poets” to come with them, but they refuse!)

Boy 1: Of course, it’s funny for us to see and hear this.
It's a scary movie at times.
The boys and I watch part of it,
And deep down always
We dream, of course, about Juliet, the one - ("Juliet" comes out(girl in a beautiful dress)
Beautiful, gentle and simple! - (to the song “And in our yard” and all the poets leave for him)


Sergey,Mom (Sergei), Barsik (cat), Ilya,Denis

On the stage is a disheveled, sleep-deprived and grimy guy in pajamas.
He goes to the chair and takes something wrinkled and dirty from it.

Sergey: Ma-am! We should congratulate the girls today. Did you iron my shirt?
Mother: Good morning, son. I stroked it.
Sergey: Hello! Which one?
Mother: White.
Sergey: White?
Mother: White, white.
Sergey: Was mine white?
Mother: Of course there was. We bought it last year. Don't you remember?
Sergey: I don't remember...
Mother: Are you still on her New Year dressed, remember?
Sergey: On New Year's Day - I remember. And after that I don’t remember. And... Is she white?
Mother: Of course, I washed it. It was lying under your bed - I had a hard time finding it! Have you brushed your teeth?
Sergey: Ah, so here she is, where she was! It was Barsik who dragged her there! (Throws the dirty shirt under the bed and puts on a clean one.) Well, just wait, now you’ll get it from me! Barsik! Barsik! Kiss-kiss-kiss! Come here!.. He’s eating something in the kitchen again.

Fat Barsik enters. Chews.Barsik: What?
Sergey: Get out of here!!!
Barsik: (Leaves).
Sergey: A pig, not a cat... Ma-am!
Mother: What, son? Have you brushed your teeth?
Sergey: Yeah. And Barsik too.
Mother: Good girl! Did you wash your neck?
Sergey: Now, I'll soap it up! (Takes a stick). Barsik!!! Come here!
Fat Barsik enters. Chews.
Barsik: Well, what?
Sergey: What-what!.. Nothing!
Barsik: Ah-ah-ah... I would have said that right away. (Leaves).

The boy takes his trousers off the chair - also dirty and full of holes.
Sergey: Ma-am! Have you ironed your new trousers?
Mother: I stroked it. And a jacket.
Sergey: Do I have a jacket?
Mother: Of course there is. (The guy throws his trousers under the bed and grabs the jacket with the sleeve torn off.)
Sergey: Well then it will be a vest . (Tears off the second sleeve).
Mother: What's cracking there?
Sergey: This is me doing exercises, mom!
Mother: Ah, well done, well done!
Sergey: Today is the eighth of March for the girls, I prepared poems for them, I’ll read them now, do you hear? (combs his hair).
Mother: I hear you! Nice poems!
Sergey: What poems?
Mother: which you have prepared.
Sergey: Ma, what are you doing there?
Mother: I'm making a pie, son. You won’t come to congratulate the girls empty-handed.
Sergey: Why pie? I need flowers!
Mother: Flowers in the hallway. Money for lunch in the nightstand.
Sergey: What about the briefcase?
Mother: Right there, nearby. They're calling, open the door!
Sergey: These are probably the guys from the class... (Neat boys enter with flowers in their hands).
Sergey: Oh! Who do you want?
Andrey: We need Sergei from 9 - "A".
Sergey: I'm listening.
All: Seryoga! Are you, or what?
Sergey: Well yes, I am. What do you care?
Denis: Don't you recognize it?
Sergey: Wait a minute! I'll find out!!! It seems like you and I were on vacation in the summer... Exactly - in a camp!..
Denis: What summer? We are your classmates. Andryukha, Denis and Ilya.
Sergey: Very nice... oh, I mean... Guys, is it you? Well, you've dressed yourself up! I didn’t recognize...
Ilya: Look at yourself! ( Sergei rushes to the mirror, sees himself, combed and neatly dressed, and faints).
Mother: And here comes the pie! Oh, Serezhenka, you’re so smart, you’re unrecognizable! Did you forget the flowers?
Ilya: No, I haven't forgotten. Only I’m not Serezhenka, I’m Ilya. Serezhenka is lying there.
Mother: Serezhenka, I beg you, please don’t lie around in the hallway in clean clothes. Wait until school.
Sergey: Mommy, I didn’t recognize myself! What will happen now?
Mother: Nothing, nothing, nothing... You'll get used to it!

Sketch "Wonderful Mom"

The mother sits at the laptop, the child stands next to her and recites a poem, at the moment when the mother must say her catchphrase according to the text of the poem, he shoves her in the shoulder, the mother takes her eyes off the computer and says: “No problem!” and turns back to his laptop.
I'm not a problem child
I tell everyone about this.
Even my mother confirms...
- Really, mom? (shoves mom)
- No problem!!!

I don't want to have lunch now!
I'd rather eat candy!
Smiling, mom will say

(shoves mom, mom has zero reaction)
Mom will say... (shoves mom)
- No problem!!!

Brought four deuces,
And there are no fives at all!
Mom, don't be silent, what do you say?
- Everything is fine? (shoves mom)
- No problem!!!

The house is a terrible mess,
Cream is smeared on the floor.
I don't want to clean up!
- Is it possible, mom? (shoves mom)
- No problem!

I know what a mother is like
Everyone wanted it at once!
Connect to the Internet
And everything will be... (shoves mom)
- No problem!!!

\ Documents \ Scenarios for school holidays

When using materials from this site - and placing a banner is MANDATORY!!!

Skits for the March 8 holiday at school: “Boys”, “Teacher”

Sketch for March 8 "Boys"

SERGEY. Ma-am! We should congratulate the girls today. Did you iron my shirt?
MOTHER. Good morning, son. I stroked it.
SERGEY. Hello! Which one?
MOTHER. White.
SERGEY. White?
MOTHER. White, white.
SERGEY. Was mine white?
MOTHER. Of course she was. We bought it last year. Don't you remember?
SERGEY. I don't remember...
MOTHER. You also wore it for New Year’s, remember?
SERGEY. On New Year's - I remember. And after that I don’t remember. And... Is she white?
MOTHER. Of course, I washed it. It was lying under your bed - I had a hard time finding it! Have you brushed your teeth?
SERGEY. Ah, so that's where she was! It was Barsik who dragged her there! (Throws the dirty shirt under the bed and puts on a clean one.) Well, just wait, now you’ll get it from me! Barsik! Barsik! Kiss-kiss-kiss! Come here!.. He’s eating something in the kitchen again.

Fat Barsik enters.

SERGEY. Get out of here!!!
SERGEY. A pig, not a cat... Ma-am!
MOTHER. What, son? Have you brushed your teeth?
SERGEY. Yeah. And Barsik too.
MOTHER. Good girl! Did you wash your neck?
SERGEY. Now, I'll soap it up! (Takes a stick). Barsik!!! Come here!
Fat Barsik enters.

BARSIK. So what?
SERGEY. Cho-cho!.. No big deal!
BARSIK. Ah-ah-ah... I would have said that right away. (Leaves).
The boy takes his trousers off the chair - also dirty and full of holes.
SERGEY. Ma-am! Have you ironed your new trousers?
MOTHER. I stroked it. And a jacket.
SERGEY. Do I have a jacket?
MOTHER. Of course there is.
The guy throws his trousers under the bed and grabs his jacket with the sleeve torn off.
SERGEY. Well, then it will be a vest. (Tears off the second sleeve).
MOTHER. What's cracking there?
SERGEY. This is me doing exercises, mom!
MOTHER. Ah, well done, well done!
SERGEY. The girls today eighth of March (8 March), I prepared poems for them, I’ll read them now, do you hear? (combs his hair).
MOTHER. I hear you! Nice poems!
SERGEY. What poems?
MOTHER. which you have prepared.
SERGEY. Ma, what are you doing there?
MOTHER. I'm making a pie, son. You won’t come to congratulate the girls empty-handed.
SERGEY. Why pie? I need flowers!
MOTHER. Flowers in the hallway. Money for lunch in the nightstand.
SERGEY. What about the briefcase?
MOTHER. Right there, nearby. They're calling, open the door!
SERGEY. These are probably the guys from the class...
Neat boys enter with flowers in their hands.
SERGEY. Oh! Who do you want?
ANDREY. We need Sergei from 9 - "A".
SERGEY. I'm listening.
ALL. Seryoga! Are you, or what?
SERGEY. Well yes, I am. What do you care?
DENIS. Don't you recognize it?
SERGEY. Wait a minute! I'll find out!!! It seems like we were on vacation with you in the summer... Exactly - in the camp!..
DENIS. What summer? We are your classmates. Andryukha, Denis and Ilya.
SERGEY. Very nice... oh, I mean... Guys, is it you? Well, you're dressed up! I didn’t recognize...
ILYA. Look at yourself!
Sergei rushes to the mirror, sees himself - combed and neatly dressed - and faints.
MOTHER. And here comes the pie! Oh, Serezhenka, you are so elegant - you’re unrecognizable! Did you forget the flowers?
ILYA. No, I haven't forgotten. Only I’m not Serezhenka, I’m Ilya. Serezhenka is lying there.
MOTHER. Serezhenka, I beg you, please don’t lie around in the hallway in clean clothes. Wait until school.
SERGEY. Mommy, I didn’t recognize myself! What will happen now?
MOTHER. Nothing, nothing, nothing... You'll get used to it!

Sketch for March 8 "TEACHER"

(Author - Eduard Ugrik)
The teacher enters the classroom and goes to her seat.
ALL. Hello!!!
TEACHER. Sorry, what class is this?
ALL. 9 - "A"!!!
TEACHER. 9 - “Ah”? Aaaaand... What school?
ALL. Comprehensive school No. (such and such)!!!
TEACHER. Yeah, there it is! And... please tell me, is this the same school located (at such and such an address)?
ALL. The same one!!!
TEACHER. Yeah... And what, in this building before... well, there: yesterday or the day before yesterday... there was no other school No. (such and such) by chance?
ALL. No!!!
TEACHER. Well, well, well, interesting. So what class is this?
ALL. 9 - "A"!!!
TEACHER. 9 - “A”... Neither “B”, nor “C”, but simply “A”?
ALL. Just "A"!!!

TEACHER. But this cannot be!!!
ALL. Why?
TEACHER. Because this is a completely different class.
SVETOCHKINA. What are you, the same one!
TEACHER. But what about the same one if I don’t recognize anything?
SVETOCHKINA. What don't you know?
TEACHER. I don't recognize anything!
ALL. Not true!
TEACHER. Oh, isn't that true? Well, then let's check it out! What did we cover in the last lesson? You!
PETRUSHKIN. In the last lesson you explained to us the properties and characteristic features matter. It was very interesting...
TEACHER. Yep, gotcha! I remember well: that time no one listened!
ALL. Not true!
TEACHER. Oh, isn't that true? Let's check further. What was the homework assignment? You!
PETRUSHKIN. The homework was to read, understand and learn paragraphs five, six and seven of the third chapter, which is called: “Antimatter”. I learned...
TEACHER. This can't be true! No one here ever taught homework!
PETRUSHKIN. And I learned it!
ALL. And I! And I!
TEACHER. I don't believe it! And I won’t believe it for anything!
ALL. But why?
TEACHER. If only because I don’t know anyone here!
SVETOCHKINA. Don't you recognize me? I am an excellent student, I always sit on the first desk...
TEACHER. My God! Svetochkina, is that you? How did you get here?
SVETOCHKINA. I'm studying here.
TEACHER. Listen to me, Svetochkina: it’s very dangerous place- everyone here has been replaced!
SVETOCHKINA. Come on, everyone is the same here.
TEACHER. Do you doubt it? Or do you think I'm hallucinating? Then tell me the name of this student.
SVETOCHKINA. Petrushkin.
TEACHER. Yeah, that means it’s not me, it’s you who are mistaken! This student is not Petrushkin. I know Petrushkin personally!
SVETOCHKINA. Who is this?
TEACHER. That's the thing, I don't know myself. But I see perfectly well: this is no Petrushkin!
TEACHER. This is Antipetrushkin!!! And you are Antisvetochkina!!! And you are all Anti-Children!!!
ALL. Why?
TEACHER. Because normal children are not like that!
ALL. Why?
TEACHER. They don’t happen at all! First of all: they never listen in class! Secondly: they never teach homework! And thirdly: can normal children sit so calmly and look so neat? These are Anti-Children! And this is ANTI-WORLD!!!
PETRUSHKIN. Let me explain everything now. Please tell me what day is it today?
TEACHER. If you think that I am that... then you are deeply mistaken. I remember everything perfectly. Please: today March eighth one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight!
PETRUSHKIN. Does this mean anything to you?
TEACHER. What do you mean?.. Oh, yes, yes, it seems that I’m starting to understand something... It’s all about time!
TEACHER. That's what I knew!!! I arrived at a different time!!! It’s very possible - to another planet! What a phenomenon!!! Tell me, what is the name of this planet? And what day and year is it now?
PETRUSHKIN. This planet is called: "Earth". And on this day every year on Earth it is customary to congratulate all women Happy March 8th. You are a woman and we congratulate you! (Gives flowers).
TEACHER. This is some kind of joke... I don't understand...
PETRUSHKIN. And on my own behalf, I want to add that you are our favorite teacher at school!!!
ALL. Yeees!!!

Are you organizing a school party to celebrate International Women's Day? Don't forget to prepare entertainment program. A school concert may include poetry, songs, dances and funny scenes for the holiday of March 8 at school, performed by children of different ages.

These miniatures that play various situations at school and at home, staged based on famous literary works, humorous TV shows, issues children's magazine"Yeralash" and others.

Funny scenes on March 8th for school

First school skit by March 8, 2019, it can be staged using only pantomime and dance. Boys will appear on stage dressed as old women, wearing colorful skirts and headscarves. They barely wander across the stage with sticks, oohing and aahing.

Suddenly, fiery music sounds in the hall, and the cheerful “grandmothers” start dancing. Undoubtedly, mothers and real grandmothers will appreciate the acting abilities of their children and grandchildren who will take part in this production.

– When can mom rest? After all, all day long
She washes, cleans, cooks dinner, sews...
But today is a special day - all the household chores
I’ll do it myself when my mother goes to work.

I've been friends with dad since the morning.
Let's cook dinner for mom and wash the cat.
Mom will come in the evening and gasp with excitement:
The cat is wet, the soup is cold - what a surprise!

Mom appears on stage:
- Something, daughter, today you are especially naughty,
And the weather since morning has been gloomy and rainy.

- Dear Mommy, soup and cat are gifts,
We congratulate you on the Eighth of March!

- There is one in our apartment
Girl Natasha.
Mom is in her box
She brought some sweets.
And she said sternly...

- Eat a little now
The rest tomorrow!
Put it in the cupboard.

- And Natasha sat down,
I ate all the candy
She ate and laughed...

- Mom, don’t scold!
I haven't forgotten.
Do you remember you taught:
"Never for tomorrow
Don’t leave things to do!”

- We sit in class
And we look at the girls:
Both beautiful and smart -
It's simply not better to find.

- There is a magazine on the table,
Well, it has A's,
Because in our class
Smart girls.

- Why are we all dancing here?
Why are we singing here?
Because all the girls
Happy Women's Day!

Musketeers take part in another funny scene on March 8th. The song “It's time, it's time, let's rejoice in our lifetime...” sounds on stage. D'Artagnan and his friends - Athos, Porthos and Arimis - appear on the stage.

– Mothers, grandmothers and aunts,
You are held in high esteem by us.
You won't find another reason
So that we men gather together.
We are all here together now...

All the musketeers in chorus:
- Because we love you!

The Musketeers then begin to speculate about what they would be like if they were born girls.

- If I were a girl,
I wouldn't run, I wouldn't jump,
And the whole evening with my mother,
He danced without hesitation.

- If I were a girl,
I wouldn't waste time
And all day without a break
I painted with my mother.

- That's what I thought.
What happens?
If only we were all girls -
In ruffles, bows, with frills,
If there were no boys,
What would happen to us then?

- Who would take care of them?
Did you do difficult work?
Who would build, dig, dig,
Who would protect them with their breasts?
In the sky, on the ground, in the infantry
At the border and in the Morflot!

All together:
- No, friends, our path is one -
Glorious valiant men!

- I am for my beloved mother
I wanted to sew a beautiful apron,

- I am for my mom
I cut out the dress quickly.
I thought, once - and everything is ready!
What's so complicated about this?

- It’s not clear what happened...
Nothing worked!

- There’s nothing to surprise mommy with...
Am I going to give this to her?
I thought my mother would be happy
Well, what came out was a bunch of rubbish.

– Baking a cake is a simple matter,
You just need to take it boldly.
Seven eggs, a little flour,
Three tablespoons of pepper...
Or no, not like that at all!
It turns out to be a mess.
I'm completely confused...
Why put pepper there?
Three hours of torment in the kitchen,
Spilled the cream, burned all my hands,
The result is a burnt cake,
And it doesn't look like a cake.

– It looks like you’ll have to come up with other gifts for mothers. Let's not be discouraged, because real men do not give in to difficulties!

Then a skit is played out in which the boys perform ditties, and the girls act as mothers and careless daughters.

– Our dear mothers,
Happy Women's Day!
We'll dance for you now
And we'll sing ditties.

– All day on March 8th
Lena chalked the floor with excitement,
And on the ninth
I didn’t pick up the broom.

- The lazy mother says:
“Make your bed!”
And the lazy one:
“Mommy, I’m still little.”

– Smoky pan
Julia cleaned with sand.
Three hours in the shower Yulia
Grandma washed it afterwards.

- We sang ditties for you,
But we also want to say:
We always, everywhere and everywhere
Moms need help!

On stage is a disheveled and grimy guy in pajamas. He goes to the chair and takes something wrinkled and dirty off it.
- Ma-am! Today we need to congratulate the girls. Did you iron my shirt?

- Good morning, son. I stroked it.
- Which one?
- White.
- A... Is she really white?
- Of course, I washed it. It was lying under your bed, I found it by force!

The boy takes off his trousers from the chair, also dirty and full of holes:
- Ma-am! Did you iron my new trousers?

- I stroked it.
- That’s great. Today is the eighth of March for the girls, I prepared poems for them, even memorized them.

- Well done, son! I’ll bake a pie now. You won’t go to congratulate the girls empty-handed.

- Why do I need a pie? I need flowers!
– I already bought flowers. they are in the hallway. Money for your lunch is in the nightstand.

The doorbell rings.

- These are probably the guys from class who came...

Neat boys enter with flowers in their hands.

- Guys, is this you? Well, you're dressed up! I didn't even know...

- Look at yourself!

The boy looks in the mirror, sees himself - combed, neatly dressed - and faints.

Mom appears:
- And here is the pie! Oh, Serezhenka, you’re so smart, you’re unrecognizable! Did you forget the flowers?

One of the guys:
- No, I didn’t forget. Only I’m not Serezhenka, I’m Veniamin.

Hands flowers to mom.

These funny skits staged at school for March 8th will please the guests at the holiday and will cause a lot of positive emotions. We wish you inspiration and creative success!

On March 8, the school holds cool watch and extracurricular activities. Mothers and grandmothers are invited to the holiday, the children read poetry for them, prepare dances and show funny skits.

We have collected scripts for March 8th for primary school: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades. They will help teachers prepare a memorable holiday and involve students in creative work.

Preparing for the holiday:

A newspaper is published dedicated to 1st grade girls. In the newspaper there is a photograph of each girl, and under it there is a congratulation and wish. Children draw portraits of their mother, prepare gifts for mothers and grandmothers, learn poems and songs. Boys preparing gifts for girls, funny funny congratulations. On the eve of the holiday, the boys decorate the classroom.

Beautiful music sounds and students come out.

1 student: The month of March and the eighth day.
The smell of spring was in the air.
We will praise spring
And allow me to congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day

2nd student: The snow sparkled from the sun's spray,
And the wind sings recklessly.
In March, nature is not at all strict -
In honor of our grandmothers' holiday.

3rd student: From the southern regions along the expanse of fields
Spring is approaching us.
And the world became brighter and warmer -
In honor of our mothers' day.

4 student: The expanse of the sky is clear, deep and pure,
And the azure space beckons.
Look at the beauty all around -
In honor of the holiday of our sisters.

5th student: Celebrate this day with the beginning of spring
It was not in vain that this bequeath was made.
And we will always dedicate this day

6th student: March 8 is a solemn day,
Day of joy and beauty.
All over the earth he gives to women
Your smiles and flowers.

Teacher: March 8 - our planet celebrates Women's Day, this international holiday has been celebrated in all countries of the world for many years. We are accustomed to it as the first spring holiday, because we celebrate it with the arrival of spring. This holiday is the kindest and most cheerful. We love him for the pleasant chores, for the smiles of our mothers, for the joyful faces of grandmothers, for the admiring eyes of our classmates and friends. And that means this holiday is a holiday for all women.

7th student: March 8th! Women's Day!
No one is lazy today
Go congratulate all the beautiful ones
Caring and fussy.

8th student: On the best day in the world
At the brightest hour
Your grandchildren, your children
We want to congratulate you!

Children sing the song: “The Happiest”

9th student: On this day, warmed in spring
All flowers, smiles to you!
On this day, warmed in spring
Congratulations to our mothers!

Teacher: Mother. This is the most precious thing we have in life. The closest and dear person. Mom gave us life and loves us not for any merit, but simply because she has us. Mothers love us successful and problematic, smart and stupid, happy and unhappy, and we can always come to them for help, advice, support, understanding and sympathy. We cannot find words to express all our love, respect, gratitude for everything that our mothers have done for us and continue to do. And what do these words mean! We want to make sure that our dear mothers are always healthy and happy, and we are ready to pay any price for this.

How many various events happened in our lives: the first illness, the first fight, the first Christmas tree and the first meeting with Santa Claus, the first time in first grade, the first D and A... and they are always nearby - the closest, most devoted and beloved, wise and sensitive - our mothers!

10th student: To our mothers!
To our mothers!
Affectionate, most beloved!

11th student: May it be a fine spring day
It will turn into a day of luck.

12th student: Boxing Day, Flowers Day
And swept floors.
Cleanly washed dishes
And other such tricks.

13th student: Even birthday cake
I would be happy to bake for my mother.

All: What-o-o?

13th student: Mom would be happy to eat it!
Honestly, honestly, without deception!
Everything is for the joy of dear mother!

10th student: How to cook porridge with raisins

11th student: Braid Natasha's hair

12th student: How to iron a shirt

13th student: Cook dinner for dad...

10th student: Moms know everything in the world!

11th student: Moms can do anything in the world!

12th student: To our mothers, to our mothers

We send our congratulations!

Children sing the song: Mother for a baby mammoth (lyrics by D. Nepomnyashchiy, music by V. Shainsky).

Competition for mothers: “Find a child”

Moms are blindfolded eyes closed they must find their child.

15th student: "If I were a girl."
If I were a girl
I wouldn't waste time:
I wouldn't jump on the street
I would wash the shirts.
I would wash the kitchen floor
I would sweep the room.
I would wash the cups, spoons,
I would peel the potatoes myself.
All my toys myself
I would put it in its place.
Why am I not a girl?
I would help my mother so much!
Mom would immediately say:
“You’re doing well, son!”
E. Uspensky

Children show a skit: ASSISTANT


  • Leading;
  • Mother;
  • Vova.

Leading: Mom made a pie
Well, Vova helped her.
I put cinnamon in the dough,
Poured out a jar of mustard,
I added a spoonful of lentils...

Vova: In general, I did everything I could.

Mother: Who scratched our door?

Vova: The door was scratched by a terrible beast.

Mother: Who poured all the compote on the floor?

Vova: Compote? Probably Vaska the cat

Mother: Who tore the books today?

Vova: The naughty mice tore it up.

Mother: Who put the cat in the bag?

Vova: A pig in a bag? Our dog, Buddy.

Leading: The friend growled angrily,
And Vova immediately fell silent.

16th student: Our dear mothers,
We ourselves admit
Which of course we are not always
We behave well.
We often upset you
What we sometimes don’t notice.
We love you very, very much!
Let's grow kind
And we will always try
Behave yourself!

Competition for children: “Tender words.”

Children are encouraged to say as many kind words as possible for their mother. Whoever named the most wins.

17th student: I am a colorful gift
I decided to give it to my mother.
I tried, I drew
Four pencils.
But first I'm on the red
Pressed too hard
And then immediately after the red one
The purple one is broken.
And then I broke the blue one
And the orange one broke...
Still a beautiful portrait
Because it's mom!

18th student: What a gift for mom
Will we give on Women's Day?
There is a lot for this
Fantastic ideas.
After all, prepare a surprise for mom -
This is very interesting.
We'll knead the dough in the bathtub
Or wash the chair.
Well, I'm a gift to my mother
I'll paint the closet with flowers,
It would be nice to have a ceiling.
It's a pity I'm not tall.

19th student: Mother! Happy spring holiday
I sincerely congratulate you!
Long life, love, fun
I wish you from the bottom of my heart!
Let all misfortunes melt away
And adversity will disappear.
I wish only happiness -
Don't let the years age you.
So that you don't lose your strength,
So that things are done successfully,
Always be so beautiful
Smiling, tender!

20 student: So that you don't know sadness,
Even a slight shadow of sadness,
So that your eyes always shine,
And not only on this day!

Children give their mothers handmade gifts.

21 students: Mom has a job
Dad has work.
They have it for me
Saturday remains.
And grandma is always at home.
She never scolds me!
He will sit you down and feed you: -
Don't rush.
Well, what happened to you, tell me? -

He sits grain by grain, sorting through the buckwheat...
We feel good - like this, together.
Without grandma, what would a house be like?

22 student: Goes to school meetings.
Grandma is making broth.
She gets it every month
The postman carries money.

23 student: If grandma said:
Don't touch it, don't you dare,
We must listen because
Our house rests on it!

Children sing the song: An Affectionate Tale (lyrics by A. Kondratiev, music by N. Gogin).

Competition for grandmothers and grandchildren: “Tender Hands”

The children are blindfolded; with their eyes closed, the grandson must recognize his grandmother by his hands.

24 student: Have a joyful and tender spring
Happy days and pink dreams
And March gives, even if it’s snowy
Your smiles and flowers!

Children give their grandmothers handmade gifts.

A group of boys comes out: The sun is beautiful in the sky,

The birds are singing merrily.
They wish you joy,
And they send greetings to spring!

We are all dressed up today,
The boots are on fire.
Congratulations on Women's Day
We gathered as if for a parade!

Today we are like dandies,
In front of you at the blackboard,
But more beautiful than our girls
We didn't anyway!

You are beautiful like stars
And the eyes sparkle with fire.
And your smiles are sweet
Outshine the sun during the day!

You are so nice to us!
You girls are simply awesome!!!
That's why we all want it so much
Be like you!

We wish you only happiness.
And we'll tell you a secret:
Our girls are more beautiful
There is simply no one in the whole school!

Competition for girls: “The most beautiful”.

The girls quickly put a headscarf on their heads, pick up a mirror, paint their lips, sit on a chair and coquettishly say: “Oh, how beautiful I am!”

The boys sing ditties:

We sit in class
And we look at the girls:
Both beautiful and smart -
It's simply not better to find.

There is a magazine on the table,
Well, it has A's.
Because in our class
Smart girls.

You're lucky, girls.
You are already happy
Because we are with you -
The most beautiful.

The river runs fast,
Clean to the bottom.
Our girls smile
Bright as the sun.

Why are we all dancing here?
Why are we singing here?
Because all the girls
Happy Women's Day!

Boys give girls handmade gifts.

Teacher: Happy holiday,
Happy holiday,
Happy holiday,
Wonderful, wonderful,
Happy holiday of affection,
Love and attention
Happy holiday of feminine charm!

Dear girls, mothers, grandmothers! Let me congratulate you all on the first spring holiday - March 8th, wish you all good, joyful, bright spring sun, success in all your endeavors and fulfillment of all your desires. May this day be a day of surprises for you. And this surprise is for all of us!

Scenario for 2nd grade

1 presenter: Dear mothers, grandmothers, girls! We are gathered here today to express our deep love, respect and great gratitude to you. Children are the most precious thing for a mother. Her love is the most holy and selfless. Mother is the first teacher and the most close friend child. There is no person in the world dearer and closer than mother.

1 student: Happy spring holiday
In this bright hour,
Dear mothers,

2nd student: Spring is walking through the yards
In the rays of warmth and light.
Today is the holiday of our mothers,
And we are pleased with this.

3rd student: This holiday of obedience,
Congratulations and flowers.
Diligence, adoration,
A holiday of the best words.

2 presenter: The song of the stream has not yet been heard,
The lark's trill does not flow,
But the sun is brighter and the drops
Tells us: “Spring is coming!”
Spring is coming.
And don't let it be hot
But with her, like a summer shadow,
International Women's Day,
Coming to us on March 8th!

1 presenter: Mom is the most close person. She is always near us.

Riddles about mom.

I'm not afraid of thunder or thunder,
If you are next to me... (mother)

There is no dirt or trash in the apartment,

I put everything away clean... (mom)

Borscht in a plate is the most delicious,
Only cooks like this... (mom)

The school has a complex curriculum,
But it will always help... (mom)

If a naughty man lands in a hole,
She will call for help... (mom)

There is no one in the world more dear to her,
Fairer and kinder.
I'll tell you straight away, friends -
Best in the world... (mother)

2 presenter: Mom is the most beloved person. How I want to do the best for her best gift on March 8, so that she can feel all the warmth of your loving heart! We miss so often kind words to express our love and appreciation. March 8 is an amazing day. On this day, your mother should feel how much you love her. Of course, before the holiday, every child thinks: “What to give mom on March 8?”

1 presenter: Your mother is a good cook and spends the whole day in the kitchen. But on March 8, she doesn’t have to stand at the stove. As a sign of gratitude, you can cook dinner or wash the dishes. Every woman loves flowers. And therefore, a bouquet of flowers will be a good gift for mom.

1 student: Mother's holiday is coming, the crossword is blooming for her. Crossword. Do you know flowers?
Yellow, fluffy
Fragrant balls,
It will protect them from the frost
In its branches... (mimosa)

2nd student: White peas
On a green leg. (lily of the valley)

3rd student: The first spring flower
first white petal.
Fresh delicate tiny flower
From under the snow he rushed towards the sun. (anemone)

4 student: Red light in the garden in spring
Beautiful, like a girl's bow.
I'll get to him quickly
What's his name? (tulip)

5th student: The face is fragrant,
And the tail is prickly. (rose)

1 presenter: Do you know that the best gift is a gift made with your own hands? Our children tried very hard preparing for this holiday. Look what beautiful flowers bloomed in our class. And this is all for you, dear mothers and grandmothers! (Children come up to the board, take off greeting cards with flowers. Hand-made ones are given to mothers and grandmothers, kissed, hugged).

2 presenter: Women's Day is celebrated in March only in our country; in other countries it is celebrated in April and has religious content. For example, in England it is called Mother's Day.

1 presenter: In America, Mother's Day is celebrated in May: the symbols of the holiday are red carnations, which are given to all mothers these days. A lot of fun and humorous things are connected with this day: if on Fathers Day everything is sold in the form of a hat, tie, for example: cakes, cookies, then on Mothers Day all the gifts are made in the shape of hearts and flowers. As a sign great love there are a lot of pranks and fun for mom these days. And we give this comic number to our mothers.

"Cowboy Horse Dance" is performed, country music.

Scene "Helper".

Vova is crying subtly
And he rubs his eyes with his fist:
- I'm not your girl anymore,
I won't go get milk.
Mom looks without a smile:
- Well, you'll make a mistake.
You won't help me
- I won’t let you go for a walk.
Looked, he thought:
- Well, give me your can.
Vova is sad and offended,
He walks sideways.
- Maybe it won’t be seen that way
Everyone has a can behind them.
Uncle with a long mustache
Tall like a father
He smiled: “Apparently, you’re helping mom?”
Well done!
Auntie says to a girl in a Panama hat:
- Take an example!
A boy helps his mother
- A real gentleman.
And no longer aside
Vova walked home proudly.
Even if I walked up the stairs,
Didn't spill the milk.
- Mom, what else should I buy?
I can go now!

2 presenter: Women's Day March 8th is also Grandmother's Day. Dear grandmothers, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts and give you a poem.

Poem by E. Grigorieva “Grandmother”.

Boy: Mom has a job

Girl: Dad has work.

Together: They have it for me
Saturday remains.

Boy: But grandma is always busy at home.

Girl: She never scolds me!

Boy: He will sit you down and feed you:
- Don't rush.
Well, what happened to you?

Girl: I say she doesn't interrupt
He sorts out buckwheat grain by grain...

Boy: We feel good - like this, together.

Girl: And without grandmother - what kind of house is it?


No. 1. Tie a bow (4 boys + 4 girls).

No. 2. 4 girls + 4 mothers (girls by taste, mothers by smell identify orange, lemon, banana, kiwi, cucumber, apple).

No. 3. Find your mother by hand (boy + girl).

No. 4. Compliment competition.

No. 5. Game “Whose circle will be built faster?” Mothers and boys form several circles. Holding hands, they make circular movements to the music, clapping their hands to the beat of the melody. The music stops abruptly. The players disperse throughout the free area of ​​the classroom. The music turns on. You need to quickly organize your circle.

No. 6. Poetry competition (reading any poem in a duet: mother and child).

No. 7. Questions for mothers (asked by the teacher).

In the morning he gets out of bed:
-Where did you put your shoes?
Where's the shirt? Where's the sock?
Do you have such a son?

I made the bed myself,
Swept the floor, watered the flowers,
I helped my mother set the table.
Do you have such a son?

Teacher's word: The most beautiful word on Earth is mother. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate heart, the kindest and most affectionate hands that can do everything. And in a mother’s faithful and sensitive heart, love never fades. You tried so hard to sing, dance and read poetry well today that you brought great joy to mothers, grandmothers and me. Thank you very much!

Final poem.

Pupils: You listened to us carefully,
They helped us diligently.
Thank you all for your attention!
The concert is over. Goodbye!

All together, both children and adults, perform the song “The Happiest” (music by Yu. Chichkov, lyrics by K. Ibryaev).

Scenario for 3rd grade

Teacher: In the garden, where the birch trees crowded together,
A blue eye looked at Snowdrop.
First, I put out a little green leg,
Then I stretched with all my little strength
And quietly asked:

Student: I see the weather is warm and clear,
Tell me, is it true?
What is this spring?

Teacher: With the first snowdrops we welcome spring again, which means a wonderful holiday for all women on March 8th! The most beautiful and touching word in the world - mother. This is the first word that the baby says, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Children are the most precious thing for a mother. Mom has the kindest and true heart, the most affectionate and gentle hands that can do everything. And in a mother’s faithful and sensitive heart her love for children never fades. Our dear women, allow me to sincerely congratulate you on this holiday and wish you good health on this solemn day, family well-being and harmony, perseverance and patience, peace and longevity, and always good mood! Today is our holiday for you!

Student: Health, happiness and goodness
We sincerely wish you
Happy International Women's Day
We all congratulate you!

Musical greeting:

Teacher: March 8th is a solemn day,
Day of joy and beauty!
We want your first congratulations
Coming to you on behalf of men!

1 boy: Our dear ladies!
Sisters, grandmothers and mothers!
Our entire team is male
Congratulations on spring!

2nd boy: Our dear mothers!
We declare without embellishment -
Honest, sincere and direct...
We love you very, very much!

3 boy: Thank you, beloved mothers, to you
And to your skillful and gentle hands
They are golden, like the sun always,
We will never forget our mother's hands!

4 boy: From the first days, mom is with you,
Her hands are warm.
If mom is next to us -
Evil will not touch us.

5 boy: And when you become an adult,
You will grow big
You will remember your mother's voice,
Kind and dear.

6 boy: Our mothers are our joy,
We know this as one
So please accept congratulations...
You are on behalf of men!

Gentlemen's song for mothers:

If you, frowning,
Argue with things
If it has accumulated
There are so many problems
Let him always help
To you in household matters
Adult or youth
A true gentleman!

And a smile, without a doubt,
Suddenly touches your eyes,
And good mood
Will not leave you again.

Competition for children:

Do you know the qualities inherent in mothers?

  • Every mother who loves her child has this quality. (Kindness)
  • This property of the soul can be seen in the mother’s gaze and heard in her voice. (Tenderness)
  • Ability to intelligently resolve various issues. (Wisdom)
  • And this quality manifests itself when mom jokes. (Humor)

Dance congratulations.

Teacher: Sorry, but there are still young ladies in the class whom we did not congratulate. But we'll fix that now!

Today is the holiday of adult women,
But who will object?
That we are our girls too
Today we will congratulate you.

Boys' faithful girlfriends
Life would be more boring without them,
After all, there is a cheerful ray in their souls
Makes our life brighter.

This is not the first day we have been studying with you.
And here's what we managed to notice:
All of you are not too lazy to turn around in front of the mirror
Any day during the week.

You play football a little worse than us,
You “shoot” better with your eyes,
Ready to laugh a thousand times a day,
Your laughter is like a ray of sunshine.

We wish you happiness, goodness and victories,
Health, good luck, attention,
May your every day be warm,
Your wishes will come true.

We also want to tell you today:
Sorry for our jokes
We are very sad without our girls.
You are all a decoration of the school!


Listen up, girls,
We'll sing ditties for you.
If we pull together together,
You clap for us!

We respect girls
We can confidently tell you:
Very difficult tasks
We will decide for them.

Our girls have blossomed,
Like daisies in a meadow.
Well, they sing songs
Like little birds in the garden.

Here I am sitting in class,
I'm turning in all directions,
How many beautiful girls -
I can't stop watching!

We wish you only happiness,
And it’s no longer a secret,
What are these cool girls?
And not on the entire planet!

We tried to sing ditties,
And for ditties - stompers.
We offer all guests
It's more fun to clap for us!

Teacher: All mothers, as you know, know how to cook deliciously.
It happens that mom needs help,
And some children don’t know what scrambled eggs are made from,
Not to mention other dishes.
Do you know what scrambled eggs are made from?
Who helps mom cook, raise your hands.
Now I'll check this.
Who can correctly answer what dishes can be
cook from the listed products?
I name the products, and you name the dish.

Contest " Delicious recipes" Participants must guess the dish based on the list of ingredients.

  • Mushrooms, onions, potatoes, vermicelli, salt, water, herbs. (Mushroom soup)
  • Minced meat, onions, eggs, bread, salt, pepper. (Cutlets)
  • Beet, green peas, onion, carrot, cucumber, potato. (Vinaigrette)
  • Flour, yeast, eggs, butter. (Pies, buns)
  • Meat, potatoes, onions, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, salt, pepper, water. (Shchi)
  • Rice, carrots, onions, sunflower oil, lamb. (Pilaf)
  • Water, berries or fruits, granulated sugar. (Compote)
  • Milk, butter, cereal, salt. (Porridge)
  • Eggs, milk, butter. (Omelette)

Musical greeting "Mother's Day".

Teacher: Dear grandmothers, happy holiday to you! It's so good that we have you!

1 student: If I were a girl
And then I would grow old
When I would become a granny,
It would never creak.
I wouldn't scold my grandchildren
But he was just pampering.
And I’m sure: if I were
Well, just like my grandmother!

2nd student: I congratulate grandma
Happy Women's Spring Day!
I love grandma
People need grandmothers!

3rd student: Who loves us
More than anyone else in the world?
Don't keep this secret a secret!
This is my grandmother.
She and I are best friends!

4 student: On Women's Day
On the spring holiday,
On the day when spring is on the way
Let me congratulate you
And bring a smile!

5th student: Wish you flowers and happiness!
Wish you health, strength,
So that this women's holiday
He only brought you joy!

Competition for grandmothers:

Teacher: Grandmothers, take the needle,
Come closer to us,
We want to show you
How easy is it to get into a needle like this?
You can thread the thread.
And not just one, but five.

Each grandmother is given one large needle, cut out of cardboard, and five wool threads. At the command of the presenters, to the cheerful music of the grandmothers, they insert threads into the needle. The grandmother who completed the task first wins.

Musical congratulation “Song about mothers and grandmothers.”

Sketch (girls-mothers go on stage and sit on a bench).

Teacher: It was in the evening.
Who knitted
And who read
Someone was flipping through a magazine,
Someone was humming a song.
Suddenly Olya’s mother simply said:

1 mom: And we have “five” in our notebooks, and you?

2nd mother: And we have a “three” again. What about you?

3rd mother: And yesterday our son wrote an essay.
I came up with the beginning, and then dad composed it.

4 mom: Well, ours plays chips
And everyone shouts: “U-e-fa!”
From such terrible screams
I have a headache!

5 mom: My son got into a fight yesterday
Yes, he was lying on the floor.
I washed my pants for two hours
Yes, I sewed up my shirt!

3rd mother: Ours doesn't like vermicelli
This time
Make your bed
That's two
And fourthly, I asked my son to wash the floor,
He answers - I won’t have time, I need to learn the rules!

2nd mother: But our daughter doesn’t like
Getting up for school in the morning
And now we dream with dad
We buy a crane!

1 mom: Well, I really dream
Become like your daughter again.
I'd like to lose twenty-five years
And become a child again!

4 mom: I would jump on a jump rope!

5 mom: I would play hopscotch!

1 mom: Well, I would like to tell all the boys
I would like to give some bumps!

3rd mother: Yes, when we were children,
This time was not appreciated!

4 mom: Our school years flew away forever!
Well, it's time, nine o'clock,
They're already tired of waiting for us at home.
(“mothers” get up and start getting ready to go home)

1 mom: Yes, it’s time, because my daughter needs to draw something there.

5 mom: Well, my son told me to write an account.

2nd mother: I have two problems to solve,
Sew up the school uniform.

3rd mother: Yes, I wish I could get everything done
Redo it before morning.

Dance competition.

Several mothers with their children are invited. Each pair is given an envelope with the name of the dance:

  • Polka butterfly,
  • Lambada,
  • Russian dance,
  • Tango,
  • Macarena,
  • Sirtaki.

Musical excerpts are played one by one, mother and child must guess theirs and immediately try to dance it.

Teacher: Mother! The most beautiful word on earth is the first word that a person utters and it sounds in all languages, it sounds equally tender. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most faithful, sensitive heart - love never fades in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old you are - five or fifty - you always need your mother, her affection, her gaze. And the greater your love for your mother, the happier and brighter your life.

Student: Happy March 8th!
Happy spring holiday!
With the first flowers in this bright hour!

Congratulations to the mommies,
Grandmothers and girls!
We wish everyone happiness, joy, good luck!

Teacher: I would like in spring days,
Take all troubles away from you,
Sunny Mood Cup
Present to lovely women.
So that under the dome the sky is clear,
Where the frost makes spring angry,
Your children grew up beautiful,
No sadness and no offense.
So that your eyes are filled with joy,
New freshness for many years
And may your life be brighter than the rainbow
It blazed all over the world.

Scenario for 4th grade

1 student: The winter cold is still raging,
The eighth is just a day of spring.
But with golden flowers
All the streets are already full.

2nd student: Why is the sun shining brightly today?
Does it smell like pies in the morning?

3rd student: Came happy holiday to us,
Happy holiday - Mother's Day!

4 student: March 8 is coming -
This is the holiday of our mothers.
We are waiting as a class
They are visiting us today.

5th student: The children are happy to congratulate everyone
Mom, grandmother, sisters.
Glad to amuse you with a song
Our cheerful children's choir.

Children sing a song about their mother.

1 student: This day seems to be woven from tenderness,
Winter is receding before him.
Blue smiles of snowdrops
Gives women a sunny March.

2nd student: And pigeons circle over schools,
The birdhouses are full of anticipation.
A bright holiday passes through the streets -
A symbol of happiness and a symbol of spring!

Children sing a song about spring.

3rd student: Tender leaves sleep in the buds,
Streams run, ringing,
We give you gifts
In honor of the holiday.

Children give gifts to mothers.

4 student: Mom is loved by everyone in the world.
Mom is the first friend.
Not only children love their mothers,
Loved by everyone around.

The women are congratulated by the fathers of the class students and given flowers.

5th student: If anything happens
If suddenly there is trouble,
Mommy will come to the rescue
It will always help.

1 student: Moms have a lot of strength and health
They give it to all of us.
So, really, there is no
Better than our mothers.

2nd student: Thank you, dear mothers,
To your skillful and gentle hands,
They are always golden, like the sun.
We will never forget these hands.

Children perform the “Top, Top” dance.

3rd student: Mom bought me a doll
She sewed dresses for both of us,
I wove ribbons into my hair
And she threw up her hands.
“Where is the doll, where am I?”
That's how my mommy is!
Well, and all our girls
They say: “What are you, sisters?”
This is not true at all
This is what hands do.

4 student: Moms can do anything
Moms will help
Moms know how to understand everything!

Children perform ditties:

Our dear mothers,
We'll sing ditties for you.
Congratulations on the Eighth of March
And hello to you, big helmet.

Just clean it once a year
I decided to frying pan
And then four days
They couldn't wash me off.

The soup and porridge were burnt.
Salt is poured into the compote.
When mom came home from work,
She had a lot of trouble.

I boiled milk
He went far away.
I approach him again:
There's no milk in sight.

I found a broom in the kitchen
And he swept the whole apartment,
But what's left of him
Three straws in total.

We stop singing ditties
And we promise you together:
Always listen to you in everything
Morning, evening and afternoon.

5th student: We promise to listen to you,
Be friends with discipline,
Even though it can be very difficult
We can live without pranks.

Children perform a comic dance.

1 student: And dad's mom?
And my mother's mother?
Dear grandma
I call her!

2nd student: Mom has work.
Dad has work.
They have Saturday left for me.
And our grandmother is always at home.
She never scolds me!

3rd student: He will sit you down and feed you:
“Don’t rush.
Well, what happened there
You have it, tell me!”
I speak, but grandma doesn’t interrupt,
He sits grain by grain, sorting through the buckwheat.
We feel good - like this, together,
Without grandmother - what a house!

4 student: We won't buy a gift for grandma.
We will kiss her, dear one, with you.

Children present handmade gifts to their grandmothers.

5th student: Sincere care, skillful hand.
And grandma’s work is always going well.

Children sing a song about their grandmother.

1 student: I love you, mom, for what, I don’t know
Probably because I breathe and dream,
And I rejoice in the sun and bright day -
This is why I love you, my dear.

2nd student: For the sky, for the wind, for the air around...
I love you, mom, you are my best friend!

As a rule, elementary school students enjoy participating in extracurricular activities and class hours dedicated to March 8th. Scenarios include poetry and dance, making gifts for mothers and grandmothers with their own hands, so that each student can contribute to the holiday and reveal their creative abilities.

Useful video with dance on March 8th at school


Every year, on the eve of everyone’s favorite holiday, March 8, the same question arises: how to congratulate women in such an unusual, humorous, cheerful way that everyone would like it, and at the same time, without wasting much time on preparing festive events.

And so that the program does not drag on: they congratulate, give gifts, and - we ask you to come to the table... And there, after a good snack - competitions, fun, laughter!

What to think of? What to surprise?

Don't rack your brains! We thought of everything for you: we offer 9 funny skits for a corporate party on March 8! Suitable for a mini-performance at the workplace, and for a holiday organized on a grand scale.

All that remains is to choose good gifts, several competitions for a feast (or buffet table), and that’s all - International Women’s Day can be considered a success!

Scene No. 1

"Gift Lottery"

The performance involves 7 men, but the number of participants can be reduced.
Five men come out with a rose in their teeth and perform a short free dance to S. Mikhailov’s song “Everything for you.”
Then the women are presented with flowers and tokens with serial number by the number of women.

Man 1: Dear women, gifts are waiting for everyone today! But we have 5 super prizes, and we are ready to give them to those who are lucky today!

Man 2: It’s simple, my lucky hand will look for one number here, and whoever comes up will take the super prize!

He spins the drum and pulls out one number.

Man 1: Hooray! Please come out to us! We are announcing a super prize, here it is!

A man enters the hall while music is playing, with a big poster, which says “I’m not working today! He does everything for me!”
Amid applause and laughter, the woman whose number was drawn by the presenter is given a poster.

Man 2 pulls out the next number. A man comes out to the music, also with a poster that says “Ready to discuss this!”

Man 1 (giving poster to winning woman): Oh yes, he is ready to discuss anything with you! Right down to discounts on tights in the store and a new manicure for the secretary!

Man 1: We invite our incomparable, courageous and wonderful chef (name) to get the next number! He has a lucky hand!

As soon as the number is drawn, a man comes out, wearing a poster with the inscription “5 compliments from the boss!” The manager compliments the woman whose number was drawn from the drum.

Man 2: I'm getting the next number! Hurray, (name of winning woman)! Come out please! He will perform his famous song “Oops!” for you. world-famous star Britney Spears, whom we invited especially for this performance!

Three men come out, one of them plays Britney (brightly painted lips, a short fluffy skirt over trousers), the rest are dressed as backup dancers (for example, in tights). The group performs the song “Oops!” to the soundtrack, the funnier the better, for example, standing motionless, folding their hands on their stomachs, looking at one point on the ceiling, and only opening their mouths wide.

Man 1: And, the last number in our holiday lottery!

The man diligently spins the drum, then, as if accidentally, pours out all the numbers on the floor, at this time all the other men take out firecrackers, explode them and shout: “This prize is for all of you!” Our declaration of love! We simply adore you!”
To the music of the song that opened the holiday (S. Mikhailov “Everything for you”), pre-prepared gifts are presented to the women, and everyone is invited to the table.

Scene No. 2

"Serious Test"

Leading: Dear ladies! Let us join you for a while, feel what it’s like to be a woman?! Our bravest volunteers, to amuse you, agreed today to become women in order to get into the most terrible female situations! Help them cope with this, dear ladies!

A dressed-up Man 1 comes out with shoes on his feet. He stumbles as if he breaks his heel. He freezes, raising his hands to his face in theatrical horror.

Leading: So, option 1: I'll go barefoot! What do you say?

The women shout: “No!”, Man 1 also shakes his head negatively.

Leading: Option 2: I’ll call my relatives and friends, let them bring me other Louboutins! Will it work?

Women shout “No!” (or “Yes!”), but Man 1 shakes his head anyway.

Leading: Should I go up to that cute stranger over there and ask for a ride?

Man 1 happily nods his head, runs up to any of the men, shakes a shoe in front of his nose, and, making eyes, says: “Save the lady, please!”

Leading: Ewww...We successfully completed one task, let's move on!

To the music, Man 2, dressed as a lady, comes out into the hall, and a normally dressed man walks towards him.

Man 2: Darling, give me 5 thousand!

Man: Where are you going with all the money?! I just gave it to you yesterday!

Man 2 sadly dulls his eyes, The man looks at him menacingly.

Leading: We are looking for options for the correct answer: “Okay, don’t give it up! But know that I spent all the money on charity!” - will it go?

The women shout “No!”, Man 2 also shakes his head.

Leading: And like this: “Don’t you want your wife to look beautiful?! Marigolds, hair, eyebrows, eyelashes - all this beauty, do you know how much money it costs?!!

The women shout out their answer and Man 2 shakes his head.

Leading: The option is: “You! Me! Not! Love you!”

Regardless of the women’s prompts, Man 2 agrees with this option, vigorously shaking his head and moaning “He doesn’t like it!” He doesn’t love me!” To which the Man, in fright, shouts: “Of course I love you!” Adore! Sorry! I agree to everything!” The men of the team join them to the music to congratulate the women

Man 1:

It is not possible for us to understand how you
So tender
Do you know how to be strong?
A hundred times stronger than us!

Man 2:

On a wonderful spring day, we
Ready to give you gifts
Flowers, compliments,
And do everything for you!


Please, please
May you never be sad
And also an insult, and an extra-kilogram-gainer
Won't meet you!

You are dear, beloved,
You are the most beautiful
So allow us today

To the music, men present gifts, after which women are invited to the table.

Mini-scene No. 3

Oh! What will we give?!

The participants in the scene are sitting at tables or simply standing in a group, expressing complete perplexity.

Man 1 (runs frantically back and forth, screams): Colleagues! Colleagues! Well, what are we going to decide? Give us suggestions for gifts!! What will we give to our ladies?!

All: Candies!

Man 1: Trite!

All: Postcard!

Man 1: Actually it sucks!

All: Diaries!

Man 1: It already happened!

All: Shaving foam!

They look questioningly at the speaker and talk among themselves: “No, so what! They need it too!”

Man 1: I won’t even comment!

All: Shower gels!

Man 1: It happened too!

Solemn music sounds (you can march), a person enters the hall dressed in white clothes a man with wings behind his back.

Male angel: I am a beautiful angel who flew to you from heaven, because I see that without me things are going hard here! But your prayers have been heard, and here are gifts for your lovely women!

The angel places a basket in front of the men - it contains bouquets of flowers and gifts. The men shout “Hurray!”, break into a dance in joy, then give the ladies flowers and gifts and invite them to the table.

Scene No. 4

Beauty and intelligence

Suitable for a team of 15 to 30 people.
Women are asked for a moment of attention and invited to the “Beauty and Intelligence” program.

The presenter introduces the “heroines of the holiday”: 2-3 men dressed as women, and the outfit can be quite conventional: a hat, an apron, a paper fan, large beads - the more ridiculous, the better.

1. Ivanova Daria Mikhailovna- honored (profession of choice).
2. Petrushkina Agrafena Muratovna- People's Artist of Cinema Lovers.
3. Listopadova Mirabella Izmailovna- Honored consultant on any issues.

The presenter tells that today, in honor of the March 8 holiday, these women will participate in the “Beauty and Brains” competition, and the one who becomes the winner may receive an early pension.

Competition program:

1. Leading offers assignments on the topic "Who knows more".
For example, the topic is “flowers”, “cosmetic companies”, “jewelry”.
Participants' task: name words in random order related to this topic.
The participant who says the last word gets one point.

2. Leading offers tasks for verification ability to think logically. Names several objects. “Women” must name an item that is superfluous on this list and explain why. The more serious the questions and the more ridiculous, inappropriate answers, the funnier it will be to watch.
Examples of tasks:
Hair coloring with basma, Vella dye, henna. (The extra one is Vella paint).
Vanilla crackers, breadcrumbs, raisin crackers (extra breadcrumbs).
Viscose, cotton, polyester (polyester is unnecessary).
Eau de toilette, lotion, perfume (extra lotion).
Basting, machine stitching, overlock (basting is extra).
In order for the competition to maintain a completely “beyond logic” style, the presenter awards victory and one point to the participant who, in his opinion, is “the prettiest of all.”

3. Competition task on the topic “Cosmetics bag”.
Leading“scatters” cosmetics items (nail polish, eye shadow, mascara, lipstick, bright lipstick, lip pencil, eye pencil, eye cream contour, nail polish remover, eyelash brush, cosmetic milk, foundation, powder compact, facial toner).
The presenter gives each participant a task, according to which she must choose the correct item “from the cosmetic bag”. Time is limited.
Suggested tasks:
wash off your makeup,
tint lips for a business meeting,
hide your freckles,
paint your nails,
paint your eyes,
wash off nail polish,
line your eyes, etc.
The presenter vividly comments on his actions and the actions of the participants.
For the correct answer, the participant receives a point.

4. The presenter offers non-standard situations to the participants. We need to find an original way out of them.
For example:
Let's say that you meet an extraordinary man. It seems to you that he is “head over heels” in love with you and is about to propose marriage. You come to your friend to tell her your joy. But then you see a photo of your lover on her desk. What are your actions?
Before an important date for you, you visited the hairdresser. As a result of a terrible mistake, your hair was dyed in green. What will you do?
You came to a business buffet meeting in a knitted dress. You are communicating with your partner and suddenly notice that one of the visitors has caught his jacket button on a thread of your dress. Moving further and further away from you, he unravels your dress. What will you do in such a situation?
The winner in the opinion of the presenter receives one point.

Based on the results, having counted the points, the presenter announces the winner of the competition. And gives the prize: the right to turn into a man again and congratulate the real heroes of the occasion on March 8th!
“Woman” transforms into a man, congratulates in beautiful words women's team, the losing participants remain women and are used “at errands” - they hand out gifts.
The presenter invites everyone to festive table .

Scene No. 5


Suitable for a team of 10-15 people.

1. Men should ask the employees in advance for their childhood photographs. Each one should be framed and hung as an exhibition.
2. At the appointed time, the men gather the women and invite everyone to the opening day.
3. Slow music plays and those gathered must guess their colleagues in childhood photos.
4. After guessing, the photo is given to the women. On back side Each photo shows numbers.
5. They hold a cool holiday lottery.

Examples of raffle prizes:
Room for personal archive (photo album).
Without her photo, the desktop is empty. (photo frame).
Disposable cosmetics (set of napkins).
A necessary part for a mink coat (hanger).
A tool for keeping your figure in the right tone (spoon).
Love potion (spices).
A universal gel from the past (laundry soap).
A washcloth for my husband (brush).
Incense (insect repellent).
3D gloves (rubber gloves).

It will be necessary to draw all the numbers so that each woman receives her own gift.
At the end, the men give flowers and invite everyone to the table to celebrate the holiday.

Short scene No. 6

flying ship

1. Women are invited into the room for congratulations to the melody from the cartoon “The Flying Ship.”

2. If this is not possible, then men change clothes in a secluded place and appear at the workplace already at in the right form cheerful Babok Yozhek: sundresses, scarves, brooms (brooms). In hands are toy accordions.

3. A congratulation song is performed to the soundtrack of the song Babok Yozhiek from the cartoon “The Flying Ship”.


* * *
Stretch your furs, accordion,
Eh, play and play!
Congratulations to the women,
And don't talk!

* * *
I walked along the forest side,
The holiday followed me!
I spat on his baldness
And she sent it to the devil!

* * *
I tell him: Pour it!
You are a holiday, not a villain,
Even though I don’t believe it myself,
I'm into these superstitions!

* * *
Stretch the fur accordion,
Eh, play hard!
Our women are beautiful
Dazh, don’t persuade me!

* * *
We have known them for many years
This is the secret of beauty!
Everyone will always be twenty -
Even at eighty years old!

* * *
I was walking back home
The holiday is still following me!
What is the reason for this?
Is this the devil?!

* * *
Stretch the fur accordion,
Eh, play, have fun!
We congratulate all women!
Persuade me to sit at the table!

Men accompany women to the festive table, make toasts, congratulate them, and present gifts.

Congratulations sketch No. 7

Self-assembled tablecloth

Men prepare a large gift box in advance and decorate it colorfully.
When the women appear, each is given a flower.

The men take turns talking:

1. Congratulations, congratulations!
2. Tomorrow came quickly.
3. We have gathered you today
4. To congratulate you on March 8th!
5. And our gift is in a box,
6. So that you can guess,
7. What took a long time to pick up
8. What we will give!
9. He is undoubtedly very cute!
10. We’ll even give you a hint:
11. He will definitely make you happy!
12. Because it’s... a fairy tale?
13. No, you didn’t guess!
14. This is home decoration!
15. And it will come in handy today!
16. Is this the right... bench?
17. We didn’t hit, well, it happens!
18. Where is your ingenuity?
19. To receive and respect guests
20. Would a miracle (pauses) rolling pin come in handy?
21.Missing, even very passing
23.You need it
24. Drink coffee, meet guests
25. Set a beautiful table
26.Treat your neighbor with tea
24. Super - we’re giving you a tablecloth!
25.All together (or one congratulating): after presenting gifts, we invite you to the festive table!

They give gifts and invite you to the table.
The first toast to the festive mood, to the best housewives, to the laid tables and to female hands, which can even create a miracle!

Scene No. 8


The men are talking to each other.

Man 1: Hello everyone, well, March 8 is just around the corner. Our women need to chip in for gifts.

Man 2: What’s the point of chipping in, let’s read them poems and sing different songs. Creative gifts are the most desirable and inexpensive!

Man 3: Come on, let's buy flowers. All women love flowers! We'll give you a flower and that's enough. They didn’t bother us with gifts. Foam and socks again!

Man 4: What kind of mercalistic guys are you guys? After all, we are so lucky with the girls. And the beauties and smart girls bake pies, and always treat you, say a kind word, and lift your spirits. You look at any one and immediately want to sing.

Man 1: Yes, yes I agree with (name of Man 4). Our girls deserve to be unusual gifts gave. But what to give as a gift?!

Man 4: Let's think! We need something beautiful and romantic!

Man 1: How about a movie ticket for each?

Man 3: Why should everyone, let’s take them to an evening session. Very romantic!

Man 2: Yeah, what will the wives say? I can’t even imagine how I’ll get home after watching it together in the evening!

Man 1: Yes, and husbands won’t be too happy. They'll also hit you in the head!

Man 4: It is necessary that the evening be connected, and that everyone be delighted!

Man 1(thoughtfully): I'll give you a star!

Man 2: Exactly! Stars must be given! And cheap and beautiful and romantic!

Man 4(dreamy): Each of our girls is a star! Or maybe even a constellation! Let's give them a night shower of stars! Each girl is comparable to a constellation!

Man 1: It's decided! Speak!

Man 4(clears throat): Our dear girls! For us, you are like celestial stars united in constellations! Allowed on the eve of the International women's day On March 8, identify you with the beautiful celestial bodies and present each of us with our modest gift, forming a shower of stars!

They name the girls' names and the constellation that matches their name.


Irina - Polar Star (praise and compliments);
Anna - Andromeda (praises, compliments);
Mary - Ursa Major,
Ella - Chapel,
Bella - Betelgeuse and so on.

After the entire list has been announced and gifts have been presented, women are invited to the table.

Game mini-scene No. 9

Long live women!

Suitable for a team of 15-20 people.

1. Men prepare in advance balloons different shapes.

2. Women are invited to the room where the congratulations will take place (or they do this at their workplaces).

3. The presenter announces that men are capable of anything for their female colleagues! And as proof, right now, immediately, they will be made exact copies employees!

4. Now the men have to create, in a strictly defined time, from balloons using tape. female figures. The funnier and more absurd the “creations” turn out to be, the better.

5. Women count out loud in chorus and help with advice. Or the music turns on for the right time.

6. As soon as the time is up, the men take turns demonstrating their “masterpieces,” telling the best about the woman whose “copy” is presented, and presenting a gift.

The host invites everyone to the table (or a small buffet). Where games and giveaways can continue.

In conclusion, I would like to note that when preparing for the holiday, especially in small groups, attention should be paid to each woman, using humor, ingenuity, but in no case offending or insulting!

Try to joke and say congratulations with ease. Use skits, a pre-prepared program of table and outdoor games. Let small souvenirs be present in your congratulations.
The funnier the scenes, the greater the impression you will make on the female half of the team.