Jiu Jitsu technique of painful techniques. Self-defense techniques for beginners

Physical training for women

According to police statistics, 95 rapes out of 100 are committed under a roof - in the entrance, in the elevator, in the victim’s apartment, etc. Attacks on the street are extremely rare - it is not at all convenient for a rapist to throw a victim into a puddle in the middle of the street in front of passers-by and under the windows of houses. Most often, street rapes occur in vacant lots, dark corners of parks and other similar places. Again, the conclusion is simple: never, even during the day, choose such a dangerous route.

Perhaps the most common tactic of a rapist is to choose a victim on the street, walk him to her house, enter the entrance with her and attack her there. Two more private types of attack are practically variants of the first:
1) the rapist gets into the elevator with his victim (therefore women should not get into the elevator with strangers or strangers; if such a person enters the elevator on one of the intermediate floors, the woman should exit immediately);
2) the rapist accompanies the victim to the door of her apartment or waits for her on the landing in advance, and if the woman unlocks the door with her key (this most likely means that no one is home), the rapist waits until she opens the door, then pushes her in into the apartment and follows.

Safety rules:
1. If you are not a professional athlete, you should resort to self-defense only when you can count on someone else's help.
2. If you are being chased, change your route several times to make the criminal lose his way. Avoid being chased all the way home, especially if you live alone or in a deserted place. In this case, it is better to call your family or friends and ask them to meet you, or take a taxi.
3. When returning home late at night, do not stand in front of front door When looking for keys, it is better to have them at hand.
4. If there is an intercom at your entrance, do not let strangers or unfamiliar people in, sharply close the door in their face. If a person is walking to someone at your entrance, it won’t be very difficult for him to dial the number. Excessive caution is a good idea these days, and normal man will understand this.
5. Always walk on crowded streets.
6. Never enter your apartment if you suspect it has been broken into and there may be someone inside.
7. When returning from work or school, mark for yourself nearby places where you can get help, where you can hide: offices, shops that are open late, houses where people go to bed late.
8. Think about how you carry your car keys. Do you hold the keys in your dominant hand, with which you will protect yourself if something happens? Learn to open the car with your other hand (if you are right-handed - with your left, respectively, if you are left-handed - with your right).
9. When heading anywhere, don’t be too lazy to throw hairspray, deodorant into your purse, or, what will be even more effective, buy a can of pepper extract. A jet directed into the attacker's eyes causes shock. It is very important not to confuse the direction of the nozzle so as not to splash into your eyes.

If an attack occurred. A few tricks that can affect a man’s psychology:
1. If you hope for someone’s help, you need to gain time by offering the “aggressor” to eat or drink something, or to go to a place more suitable for carrying out his plans. You can also tell him about feeling unwell, menstruation, pregnancy, a sexually transmitted disease or another contagious disease. We must try to evoke compassion or sympathy, remembering, however, that crying can cause a backlash. Pretend that you are complying with his demands, and when he relaxes, act mercilessly, sticking your fingers in his eyes or nose, hitting him with a knee in the groin, with your hand or elbow.
2. If the place is deserted and there is nowhere to run, and the enemy is strong or threatens with weapons, do not irritate him or insult him. Think about whether it is worth risking your life, because if there is no help to come from anywhere, and you yourself cannot cope with the rapist, your inept opposition may anger him.
3. Some rapists assume that the victim will at least somehow try to change the situation, for example, push away or beg for mercy. If you are in a place where people can appear at any moment, you can feign fainting, since by completely “fainting,” you deprive the criminal of the main pleasure and, moreover, gain time.
4. If the attack was committed at the entrance or near the house, and you know the residents of the nearest apartments by name, shout, addressing them by name: “Vasya, Petya, help - we are burning! Fire! Seryozha, call the firefighters, call the police!” Unfortunately, in our time, when people hear shouts of “Help, they’re robbing, killing,” people most often prefer not to intervene.
5. Rapists can expect anything, but not a violent rebuff and aggression from the victim, so you can try to turn the situation upside down, making the maniac feel that he is now going to become your victim, and not vice versa. Maniacs, as a rule, are cowardly men with a set of complexes, so if you play your role well, most likely he will run away from you with his heels sparkling. Seasoned criminals and murderers should be distinguished from this kind of rapists - this technique will anger them even more.
6. Try to fake nausea. Having played on the rapist's disgust, act quickly and ruthlessly.

Self-defense techniques:
Having decided to engage in battle, you should attack the enemy in such a way that after that he no longer poses any threat. Otherwise, having enraged the attacker with his attempts to resist, he will most likely simply begin to beat his victim, and without any allowance for belonging to the “weaker sex.”
1. Kicks to the groin. Grabbing the scrotum. Such a blow - best way force a man to let you go, because... he will reflexively lower his arms to protect his reproductive organs. However, it should be taken into account that in case of failure, this method of defense can enrage the enemy, so, having freed oneself from being captured, one must run away - and quickly.

  • By hand. With a cupped palm, the side surface of the fist from the side of the thumb, in the same way as hitting with a knife from the bottom up, if the enemy is facing you. If the enemy is behind you, holding you by the throat or hair, hit the attacker with all your might in an arc down and back with the edge of your palm or the base of your fist, and if there is a significant difference in height, with your elbow. Another option: pretend that you yourself are not averse to having fun with a maniac, and when the rapist exposes the genital organ, strongly squeeze the scrotum with your hand, pulling it towards yourself or forcefully twisting it towards yourself and to the side.
  • With your foot. If the opponent is clearly taller and a swing is possible, strike with all your strength in the groin from the bottom up, while at the same time using your hands to pull him down by his clothes or shoulders. If you are about the same height, squat down, bending your knees, moving your pelvis back, and then straightening up sharply, strike. The blow must come from below.

2. Poking a pinch into the chest cavity. Place the fingers of your dominant hand in a pinch (all fingers together, fingertips touching each other) and poke firmly into the chest cavity from top to bottom or bottom to top (depending on the height of the offender) at an angle of 45 degrees. This technique causes severe coughing, watery eyes, sometimes bleeding from the throat and fainting. The blow is used if the enemy's throat is open. Also, a sharp poke into any part of the face with a pinch can cause bleeding or painful shock.
3. Strike with the little finger and the edge of the palm upper lip or nose. This technique is easy to disguise. Place your hands in front of your chest, palm to palm, as if begging for mercy. This gesture should not alert the criminal. Now slowly move your fingers right hand to the base of the left palm. Thumb The left hand covers the little finger of the right. With a quickdraw, strike the opponent's upper lip or nose with the little finger pressed against the other four fingers and the edge of the palm. The movement itself is as if you are brushing dirt from one palm to the other. A blow usually causes a painful shock.
4. A blow to the ears. Cup both palms and forcefully hit the opponent's ears. Causes a painful shock, sometimes rupture of the eardrum. If it doesn’t work, grab the enemy’s ears with both hands and use a screw-like movement - sideways, towards you, down - twist the criminal’s head until he is on the floor.
5. Hit to the leg. If you are wearing shoes or boots with heels, even very small ones, the following technique will do. Slightly raising the toe of your foot, forcefully deliver a trampling blow with your heel on the instep of the opponent’s foot (you can also hit the toes). It is unlikely that the rapist will be able to stand on this leg within the next half hour. If your shoes have a strong, not very elongated toe, they can strike the lower third of the opponent's shin.
6. Poking in the eyes. The thumbs of both hands are stuck into the eyes of the rapist (you should try to stick them inside the eye socket right up to the membrane between the thumb and index finger), and the remaining fingers cling to the corner of the opponent’s lower jaw just below the ears and press towards the movement of the thumbs. The enemy is almost guaranteed to be out of commission for several minutes, or even hours (however, he may remain blind for life - but this is his problem, the law will definitely be on the woman’s side). If for some reason you cannot cope with the enemy, you can, without letting go of his face from your hands, hit him with all your might against the wall, if there is one behind his back.
7. Knocking down the choke hold. If the enemy is facing you and squeezes his throat to loosen his grip, blows to the eyes, nose, and throat of the criminal will help. Then, simultaneously use your shoulder and forearm (if the opponent is holding you with his left hand, then you need to knock him down with your left shoulder) lean on the attacker’s hand, knock down the grip from top to bottom.
8. Knocking the grip off the hand. If, when trying to escape, the criminal managed to grab your hand, take a step forward and hang on your hand, as if hanging on your hand, transfer your body weight to the front leg, and hit the pursuer with your other foot in the thigh. Deliver another blow, turning around, backhanding the face with a relaxed hand.
9. Women's kick. Let's practice first. Take an ordinary glove in your hand and, turning slightly sideways, sharply throw it forward. In this case, the elbow will go first, and then, from the bottom up, the hand. The throw will turn out to be with a draw, with a whip. The movement is reminiscent of hitting a “closed” racket in table tennis. The hand and forearm fly in a given direction absolutely relaxed. The blow can be delivered either with the back of the hand or with the fingertips, as well as with the edge of the palm.

Remember, while the enemy is still breathing, while he is moving, you cannot let your guard down! Even a knocked out enemy who is unable to rise from the ground cannot turn his back!

How to help your companion during a street robbery or fight.
1. They threaten you with a weapon. There are two bandits. One held a knife to your companion's throat. The biggest surprise for a criminal is having his weapon knocked out. Moreover, robbers do not expect serious resistance from a woman. The blow is applied sharply, with a relaxed hand, to the point under the wrist joint (where the pulse is felt). Next, apply the above techniques, and your companion also gets the opportunity to become the master of the situation.
2. A fight broke out. The bandits have forgotten about you. Once behind the enemy who is fighting with your companion, use the strap from your bag as a noose. Throw it around the enemy's neck and pull it down towards you using your body weight. At the same time, do not hold the bag with your hands, but the strap, because the weakest place is where the strap is attached to the bag. Another option. You are behind the enemy. Grab the strap and use the bag itself to strike. The stick principle is used here. Parallel to the floor (if the bag is heavy, even touching the floor), a sharp movement is made along a trajectory resembling a question mark. The bag braids the opponent's supporting leg, you pull the strap towards yourself and the bandit falls. It is very important to grab the supporting leg and sharply pull it towards you.

It won't do any good if you just read this article and forget about it. You need to try all the techniques on yourself. Find the pain points on yourself and remember their location, and then with someone else, just practice the movements and remember them. Be careful.

Be sure to remember that the person attacking you, if of course you can call him that, is not doing it for any pleasure, since maniacs are extremely rare. Most likely, he liked some of your things, be it clothes, a smartphone or any other equipment. He has nothing left to lose, so it shouldn’t matter to you whether you inflict superficial damage on him or have to act very vilely. Street fight has nothing to do with martial arts - there are no rules here and no one will punish you for breaking them.

To protect yourself by using skills hand-to-hand combat for self-defense, and simply your instincts, it is not necessary to have a black belt or the title of master of sports. A few simple techniques will suffice here, which will take a couple of months to learn. But you will always be sure that during an attack you can, if not defeat your opponent, then at least receive only minor damage.

Nuances of street self-defense

We have already mentioned one of them - the lack of rules. Second important point– the attacker will not warn before an immediate attack. There is no gong or signal from the judge - everything happens completely unexpectedly. Third, in self-defense it is not always worth putting victory over your opponent first. In most cases, attacks are carried out by people who have nothing to lose and are ready to commit a crime, even murder. Should you risk your own life if 4-5 people are attacking at the same time, or will a sacrifice in the form of a smartphone for $200-300 be justified? Try to soberly assess your strengths and engage in battle only in extreme cases or when you see that there is only one enemy.

The most effective strikes

Next, we will talk about self-defense techniques for beginners, which are necessarily taught in specialized sections, but you can also master them at home. In the first couple, you will be able to do it on your own, but later, to practice your technique and the effectiveness of your strikes, you will have to find yourself a partner.

Direct hit

The most popular and easiest to learn is the straight shot. It is quite effective and, if executed correctly, can cause significant damage to an opponent. In this case, the blow is delivered with a clenched fist, or rather with the knuckles, or you can use an open palm. It is recommended to strike in the following areas:

  • eyes;
  • lower jaw.

These places are the weakest, and a little physical force will be enough to damage them. Please note that when hitting with knuckles, there is a chance of getting damage to the joint capsule, so you first need to “work out” them on the pear. The applied force during training should be increased gradually and not try to hit with all power at once, otherwise injury cannot be avoided.

An open palm strike is preferable from another point of view - a larger area is captured.

Hit to the jaw from below

If you have ever seen a fight between real fighters, then you probably know that an uppercut, which is what a blow to the jaw from below is called in professional language, often leads to a knockout. This is explained by the very structure of the jaw - by applying force from below, we transfer it to the soft joint, which holds it from the top. There are no muscles here, so physical training has no opponent of great importance. The only downside is that you need to learn to punch correctly, using the hardest part of the fist, where the bones are.

Illegal strikes

We told you about the 2 most effective strikes that you can use. But, this is not a ring, so there are no rules, which means we move on to prohibited self-defense techniques.

1. First of all, a woman’s favorite technique is to kick or knee the man’s groin area. No one will be able to withstand this blow, so you will definitely have time to think through your next actions. You can apply it with your foot in a sweeping manner, with your knee, pulling the enemy towards you, with your hand, if the position allows, but the main thing is to hit the “target”.

2. Also an effective blow is the articulation of the kneecap. In the leg, it is the most fragile place, so try to hit there if distance allows. If you hit from the side, the effect will be that the enemy will fall and cause severe pain. And in the case of a direct blow, when the foot is wearing shoes with a strong sole or, even worse, a heel, it is possible to simply break the bone.

3. Solar plexus - a small area located below pectoral muscles and above the press. This is where the protection is weakest and you need to take advantage of it. A simple self-defense technique - a blow with a fist or the lower part of an open palm will cause the enemy to shrink from an attack of suffocation, and sometimes this can result in more dire consequences, including loss of consciousness.

4. The last technique is on the verge of what is permitted - in case of strangulation, simply press your opponent’s eyes with your fingers. In 90% of cases, he will instinctively open his hands, however, if you do not calculate your strength, you may exceed the necessary self-defense and face problems with the law.

Ways to protect yourself in a small space

Not all criminals spontaneously attack on the street. Those who prefer to wait for the victim in a “secluded corner”, such as an elevator, staircase, entrance, etc., attack from the darkness and will not allow sweeping strikes. In such situations, you need to act somewhat differently.

  • It is necessary to use short but sharp blows to the weakest points of the human body. By the way, don’t forget about the “groin strike”, here you will have the opportunity to “work with your knee”.
  • The throat is practically not protected by anything, and the affected area is quite large. By hitting the front part of it, you will certainly make your opponent choke, at least for a few seconds, and when greater strength can be completely incapacitated, so this is an excellent self-defense technique for girls.
  • It is better to hit with your fist, since here you will not encounter hard bones and the chance of damaging your joints is negligible.
  • You can use your elbows, even if the opponent is behind you. Bend one arm at the elbow, giving it a cone shape so that all the force is directed to a small area. You can push with your other hand, which will further strengthen the blow.
  • Try to hit the jaw, temple, solar plexus. If the opponent is not very well prepared, you can try to hit the front of the thigh with your elbow - if you have enough strength, then he will definitely fall to the ground.

A little about the law

Of course, when protecting yourself, you want to take any measures and tricks, but you always need to remember the legislation. There is a line between self-defense and crime, crossing which you yourself will encounter problems, and maybe you will end up in the dock.

Remember the main thing - if you were able to “incapacitate” the attacker, then immediately leave the scene, or try to tie him up, after calling the law enforcement authorities. There are 2 articles, numbered 108 and 114, which define “finishing off an attacker,” for example, when he is unconscious or cannot resist, as a crime.

If you see that your opponent is trying to escape on his own, then think several times whether it’s worth chasing him in order to commit lynching, because then you yourself will take his place.

Know how to protect yourself, count own strength and find the easiest way out of any situation that may occur on the street. In one of the following materials we will tell you more about martial arts styles that can be used for self-defense. They will come in handy if you want to be confident, or confident, in your own safety and be able to repel even a group of attackers.

Danger can lie in wait for us anywhere: both in the evening in the dark in an unlit gateway, and on a busy street if a group of hooligans takes a fancy to your wallet or handbag. If a person knows self-defense techniques, then criminals will have little chance of getting rich at his expense. Therefore, many - both martial arts fans and non-athletes - are not averse to learning hand-to-hand combat techniques. During the training process, students not only master basic hand-to-hand techniques, but also prepare physically. Also underway psychological preparation for battle. Those who have studied strikes and mastered hand-to-hand combat techniques are calmer and more self-possessed; they develop the composure necessary to successfully complete the battle.

Advantages of hand-to-hand combat:

  • no additional equipment is needed for hand-to-hand combat: only your body is involved in the battle;
  • 24/7 training: you can go into battle in any situation, at any time;
  • minimal probability of falling under the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: in hand-to-hand combat, the task is to knock out an opponent, throw him off balance, without causing serious harm to health;
  • you can strike from any position: there are several pressure points, so you can choose one of them, being on any side relative to your opponent (it is possible to deliver effective strikes in self-defense even while lying down);
  • development of strike speed: as a rule, if a person has completed self-defense courses in hand-to-hand combat, the opponent does not manage to cause pain or serious damage to his health during a fight - you will learn to conduct hand-to-hand combat proactively.

Basic self-defense techniques

In self-defense, movements should not be chaotic, and there should not be many combat strikes. It is enough to use one hand-to-hand combat technique to neutralize the enemy. Among the most painful places are the nose, eyes, groin area, ribs, lower leg and Adam's apple. Also sometimes blows are delivered to the solar plexus - with this technique you can knock out an opponent by disrupting his breathing.

Basic techniques presented in the pictures:

  • Punching in the groin. It is worth considering that such a technique not only brings pain - it can kill a person. Therefore, it is necessary to work out the force of the blow with the hand and foot, so that within the framework of self-defense you do not exceed the permissible limits.
  • Reception of breathing failure. This can be done with one effective blow, hitting the solar plexus. It must be applied from the front, and it must be spot-on.
  • Simple hand-to-hand techniques: for example, a sharp pat on the ears. It is worth learning this effective hand-to-hand combat technique, as it can keep your opponent off balance for a long time. But this technique has one drawback: you can permanently deprive a person of hearing if the eardrums burst;
  • Self-defense techniques that include sweeping. Joints are one of the most vulnerable and painful places; you can break your leg with one of the techniques. Usually, techniques are practiced during short-distance fights, when it is possible not only to deprive the enemy of his balance, but also to help him fall safely.

As part of the training, all basic techniques are studied. You will learn techniques and prepare both physically and emotionally. After the course you will be able to use the techniques at any time dangerous situation, saving yourself or others. In Moscow we provide training for both beginners and professionals. We have our own gym, a staff of qualified trainers (Moscow) - contact International Federation UNIBOS, if you care about your safety.

Unfortunately, street crime is a completely typical phenomenon for domestic reality. You can disagree with this as much as you like, but it is much better to disagree, remaining prepared for any scenario. Up to open aggression for the purpose of robbery, rape, for reasons of racial, religious, personal hatred.

There are many options, but each of them requires an adequate response to the threat. Previously, we already looked at safety rules on the street and focused on the fact that best option development of the conflict - without assault, even if this means sacrificing your pride and simply taking flight.

However, there are situations when there is simply no way to retreat, and the only way out is forced self-defense. And it’s good if, in such circumstances, the victim is technically prepared and can use means of self-defense without a license or, for example, traumatic weapon. But this really is not always and not everywhere. Much more often, the only arguments remain strength, dexterity, reaction, knowledge of how and what to do to neutralize the attacker. And it is with the latter that the Survival website offers help - your guide to behavior in extreme situations.


In previous articles we have already addressed this issue, but we will focus on it again. It is important for any person to understand what self-defense on the street is and what its main task is. So, the goal of the victim is not to punish the attacker, and certainly not to inflict severe injuries. The provisions of the Criminal Code on exceeding necessary self-defense have not yet been repealed. Actions should be aimed at temporarily neutralizing the criminal and giving yourself time to move to a safe distance. That's all. There are several ways to do this most effectively:

  • Painful effect
  • Blindness
  • Stunning with loss of orientation in space
  • Immobilization

Particular attention should be paid to physically and technically trained people. The current limits of self-defense are something that is always worth remembering. For example, many martial arts that are effective on the street allow you to give an inadequate rebuff to the enemy. The usual thing in such cases is a broken jaw, arm, ribs, rupture of the liver, spleen, lung, concussion and other serious consequences of a fight, even fatal. But is ordinary self-defense on the street worth injuring the aggressor like that, if you can simply temporarily neutralize him in more humane ways? Or even simpler: make it clear that it is better not to contact you.


Any striking techniques - hands, feet, knees, elbows - are the most common way of both attack and defense without weapons. But if we are talking about such a specific concept as personal self-defense, then ordinary massacre has quite a lot of disadvantages. Firstly, any blows require a certain force and at least an approximate correspondence physical parameters striker. So, for example, it’s hard to imagine how a girl can knock out a big guy young man. Secondly, in hand-to-hand combat there is a high risk of getting injured yourself. The main rule of striking is confidence in their effectiveness. If there are doubts that it will be possible to neutralize the enemy with one or two hits, it is better not to get into a fight. It’s more precious to yourself.

As mentioned earlier, hand-to-hand combat techniques in self-defense are not a way to injure an opponent, but only ways to exert a painful and stunning effect on him. From here we can derive several simple techniques that can be used effectively even by inexperienced fighters:

- for a person with light weight and modest training, it is good to strike with hands in the area of ​​​​the bridge of the nose, at the base of the jaw, in the ear. An accentuated knee strike to the groin or a strong clap of palms to the ears can temporarily immobilize an opponent.

— as already mentioned, the target of an attack with more or less serious training should be careful with physical impact. For him, open-palm strikes to the face are best, which do not cause injury, but have good stunning power. Punches or kicks to the solar plexus are always good, which are guaranteed to incapacitate the enemy for several tens of seconds. A strong low kick (side kick to the thigh muscle) quickly and safely cools the dust.


Painful pointsAccording to experts, grips and painful self-defense techniques are perhaps the most effective way protection. With their help, you can relatively easily neutralize even a noticeably larger and stronger opponent without high risk it's hard to hurt him. On the other hand, the use of painful techniques requires certain technical training. Only with quick, practiced movements can you take the attacker by surprise, make a successful grab and incapacitate the criminal. Best schools martial arts that allow you to perform these actions effectively and easily are aikido, jujitsu, sambo and some other areas.

The following types of painful techniques are most often used in practice:

  • Painful techniques on the hand, fingers
  • Grips and painful techniques on the elbow joint, collarbone
  • Impact on pain points under the lower jaw, on the neck, bridge of the nose

Speaking of holds, one cannot help but recall choke techniques. Of course, their effectiveness is quite high, but such grips should be used very carefully. Excessive force can be fatal.


IN modern form throws, pushes, sweeps are difficult to consider separately. Most often, such techniques are used in close conjunction with grips, painful holds, and even striking techniques. But, in any case, their effectiveness for self-defense is very high. Contrary to popular belief, technically correctly executed throws are effective even against taller and heavier opponents. A well-executed technique allows you to achieve several goals at once. Firstly, hitting a hard surface effectively discourages the desire to continue the confrontation. Secondly, if desired, this particular moment is very good for escape or retreat. Thirdly, a lying and stunned opponent is an ideal target for strikes and painful techniques. The same goes for pushes that can throw the attacker off balance.

Naturally, such self-defense techniques, like many others, require special training, reaction and dexterity. On the other hand, no one said it would be easy. And if there were simple and, at the same time, effective rules behavior in self-defense, then this issue would not be so pressing.


The main idea that follows from the above recommendations is that effective techniques Self-defense is very diverse and, in any case, requires serious training. This is what we advise everyone to do. In addition to practical benefits, any martial art- This good sport for general physical development and recovery.

In addition, it is important to remember balance in everything, including protection. On the one hand, being a hero can lead to bad consequences and, perhaps, in some situations it is better to obey the criminal. On the other hand, hand-to-hand self-defense should not pose a danger to the life and health of anyone. Her only task is to eliminate the threat, but not to carry out a fair lynching on the spot.

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Self-defense techniques are designed for effective application in critical conditions, for example on the street. The techniques will be useful for people who do not have special combat skills. Judge for yourself, the world champion in Thai boxing or a fighter of the division special purpose any such information is not needed, for the simple reason that what is proposed here is the basis that is taught in all military techniques designed for use in real life. In conditions when your health, honor and perhaps even life will be presented real threat. Therefore, they are as accessible as possible to any person, simple to implement and effective. After all, the criminal will not give you a second attempt to make a “beautiful blow” like in the movies, he will not stand and wait. Actors in movies have many takes, but you have one life!

Simple and effective ways to stand up for yourself.

It's no secret that in human body many weak points, striking such points on the body is one of the most effective and reliable self-defense techniques. Such techniques and techniques for applying them will be discussed in articles.

First, two main principles:
1. The blow must be delivered confidently, accurately, strongly, quickly. Don't feel sorry for the attacker, he won't feel sorry for you.
2. Blows and grabs are applied: with fists, open hand, knee, fingers. With an elbow, a foot, as well as teeth and improvised means.
Let's move on to the main thing, to the techniques themselves:

A blow to the nose.

Produced from short to medium distances. Apply with the edge of the palm, the heel of the palm, the head, the elbow or the fist. The consequence of this is that the enemy experiences severe pain and disorientation. Possible nasal fracture strong impact.

A blow to the ears.

Rational in close contact. Apply simultaneously with palms to both ears. The attacker, due to the enormous pressure on the eardrums, severe pain, and hearing loss, is put into a state of shock. Loss of consciousness and complete loss of hearing due to ruptured eardrums are also possible.

Also used in close contact situations. It is best to press with the tips of your thumbs. A correctly executed technique causes severe pain in the attacker and fear of going blind. Painful shock and loss of consciousness are possible.

One of the most effective points. Strikes and grabs to the throat are very painful, dangerous and even often fatal. But, in particular, because of this, they are one of the best and easiest to use. The throat is squeezed by the fingertips. The blow is delivered with a fist, elbow or edge of the palm.

Solar plexus.

Average and short distance blow. One of the easiest to perform painful blows, but far from the easiest for the enemy. You need to hit with your elbow, fist, and less often with your knee and foot. The biggest benefit of a punch is to take your breath away. With a very strong blow, loss of consciousness is possible.


Again medium or short distance. Strikes are made with the knee, fist, or elbow. There is no need to dwell on this blow for long, and I think everything is clear.

Kick to the groin.

One of the best painful blows to a target that does not cover the groin during an attack, and this is most often the case. Strike with your knee, foot, or fist.

Kicks to the legs.

These include blows to the outer thigh, shin, and knee. The blow is delivered with the foot, preferably in a strong boot. Impacts to the outer thigh and calf cause severe pain and temporary paralysis of the leg; a blow to the knee causes severe pain and possible serious injury.

It should be applied with your elbow, maple, foot or fist along the lower ribs. Causes loss of breath. If the blow was very strong, then depending on the side of application, a rupture of the liver or spleen or fracture of the ribs is possible.

In the end, I want to say that these are far from the only possible pain points, but the advantage of these particular self-defense techniques is their ease of execution and reliability.
And even though the best fight is a fight that doesn’t happen, as the saying goes, “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself.”