What is the best sport for an 11 year old boy? What sport should I send my child to? Criteria for choosing a sport for children

I welcome you, dear parents, to my page. I’m glad that you are absolutely partial to the topics of raising children and are stopping by here to take part in the next discussion.

You and I have already talked quite a lot about such a feature of the child’s body as, studied the reasons for this phenomenon, read the recommendations of psychologists in order to somehow help those parents in whose families such livelies live.

Continuing this topic, I propose to think about whether sports for hyperactive children can become an assistant in the fight against excessive energy. Parents of super activists and more, how about ?

Lesson plan:

Why do hyperactive people need “Doctor Sports”?

It would seem that hyperactive guys are constantly on the move, and one gets the feeling that the feeling of fatigue is simply alien to these fidgets. Why else do physical education and training if the body is in good shape all the time? It turns out that’s why!

What do we know about hyperactive children? Inattentive and restless with irrepressible energy, unable to do one thing for a long time.

In fact, such a child doesn’t care what to do with himself, he has one rule: don’t waste precious time, stupidly folding your hands. Why not direct this powerful energy charge in the right direction by giving parents a break for at least a couple or three hours?

In addition to the undoubted health benefits, the sports section instills self-control and composure in hyperactive children, because each training session is built, first of all, on discipline and established rules, which you will have to learn to follow.

Wise parents of hyperactive children should always keep a few tips in mind before putting the future champion in sportswear.

  • The child’s interest always comes first; you should not direct him to the sport of “his dreams” according to the principle: “I didn’t succeed, at least he can do it!” The hyperactivist sports club must choose for himself and has the right to the last word!
  • It is not easy for parents, placed in the “chamomile” situation, when “I love you or not,” to decide which type and section to choose, because in addition to taking into account the children’s opinion where their special child would like to study, they should also find such a special coach, who will withstand the pressure and be able to find the key to a difficult ward.
  • Don’t panic if your child has “...a drama club, a photo club, and he still wants to sing...”, let him find his sport by trial and error. Remember yourself as a child: where we were enrolled and where we tried our hand. And for a hyperactive athlete, more physical education means better physical development!

Where to invest a hyperactive soul?

This is understandable; special children with increased activity are not welcome everywhere. Those sports where the bet is on the team are not suitable for them: it is difficult for them to negotiate with other participants.

Traumatically dangerous training should also be excluded from the “sports diet” of hyperactive athletes: such children perform dangerous actions thoughtlessly and are clumsy, more often than others getting injured for these reasons. So it’s unlikely that parents will be able to raise Pele or Tyson.

When making a decision, you should make a choice in favor of that physical activity where there is competition, because both victories and defeats have a very large contribution to the formation of the personal “I” in cases of hyperactivity.

Psychologists have outlined a short list of potential types of sports where hyperactive children can participate.

Note to parents!

I came across information on Internet pages about the age at which children are officially accepted into various sports schools. In case this comes in handy:

  • 6 years: gymnastics, figure skating, synchronized swimming, tennis, acrobatics, dance sports, chess, wushu,
  • 7 years: basketball, alpine skiing, sports tourism,
  • 8 years: athletics, biathlon, bandy, volleyball, handball, speed skating,
  • 9 years: sailing, equestrianism, cycling, pentathlon fencing, Greco-Roman and freestyle wrestling, taekwondo,
  • 10 years: kayaking and canoeing, crossbow and bullet shooting, karate, weightlifting,
  • 11 years old: mountaineering, rock climbing.

In fact, at the level of a regular section, newcomers are usually recruited a couple of years earlier than established by the standards of sports educational institutions.

In the video you will find 10 rules for parents of hyperactive children from Dr. Komarovsky.

If you were interested today, I would be sincerely grateful for your comments on this topic. It would be interesting to hear what sports are played in your families. Or maybe there are champions among the readers?

I wish you good luck in everything!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich!

Over the past few years, the topic of a healthy lifestyle has become one of the most pressing among parents. Children living in big cities do not spend much time playing in the yard with their peers and therefore suffer from physical inactivity and are prone to diseases that are the result of an unhealthy lifestyle. This is why many parents send their children to sports clubs, but before this happens, they are all faced with the problem of choice.

Choosing a sport is not an easy task, as there are many factors to consider. For example, the baby’s physical abilities, health indicators, his preferences, and even how long it will take him to get to the section.

When you decide all the “organizational issues”, it is worth taking a closer look at your future athlete, because one of the main roles when choosing a sport is played by his character and communication skills.

If quick results and frequent changes of action are important to a child, then sports that require persistent and long-term training, for example, gymnastics, skiing, and figure skating, are not suitable for him. Try offering him team games in which he can not only express himself, but also learn to achieve goals by working as a team. If your child develops excitement and a desire to achieve more, then you are on the right path.

If your child is thoughtful and calm, then most likely he will not be interested in active sports, but this does not mean that you should allow him to spend all his free time without active movements. You can offer him classes in a sport where concentration and the ability to “pull yourself together” are combined with the need for active action (biathlon).

It will be difficult for a willful and stubborn child to obey the demands of the coach, so you may have to change more than one section. Such a kid dreams of being different from everyone else, and this means that he will enjoy extraordinary sports. For example, martial arts, sports dancing, fencing or equestrianism. Try not to insist that your child attend classes; let the initiative come from him, only then will he be happy to play sports.

It is difficult to interest a child who lacks self-confidence in one sport or another because of his fear of failure. But if such a kid feels his success, he will begin to study with a vengeance. In this case, the atmosphere of the lesson is very important. The coach should be gentle and the atmosphere in the section should be friendly. At the initial stage, it is better to avoid participating in competitions and praise the child not only for his achievements, but also for his desire to achieve better results.

Having decided which type your child belongs to, you should move on to the next step and pay attention to how this or that sport can be useful.

Water sports have a beneficial effect on posture, develop the bronchopulmonary system, strengthen muscles and harden the child’s body.

Gymnastics also has a beneficial effect on posture, coordination, strengthens muscles, strengthens character and develops grace.

Skiing and similar sports, first of all, perfectly harden the body, and also develop all muscle groups and coordination of movements.

Figure skating has a beneficial effect on strengthening the muscles of the legs, arms, coordination and, of course, grace.

Tennis develops all muscle groups and coordination.

Martial arts are “responsible” for coordination of movements, muscles, teach a child to react quickly and fall correctly and, of course, to stand up for himself.

With the help of certain sports you can correct deficiencies in physical development and physique. Of course, sport is not omnipotent, and weight, height, and features of the skeletal system are determined by heredity and upbringing conditions. But many physical anthropometric indicators can be corrected.

But before you decide to correct your physique or select specific exercises or sports, you need to seriously think about what you want to achieve, given that different sports and exercises will contribute to muscle growth in different ways. So, for a girl who inherited broad shoulders, she may not be actively involved in swimming or gymnastics, because these sports develop the shoulder girdle. Speed ​​skaters have a relatively well-developed chest, thigh muscles, etc.

Extreme sports are a new trend that tends to scare many parents, but it's not that scary. Any sport is traumatic to one degree or another, you just need to pay special attention to protection. If your fidget knows how to properly protect himself, skateboarding will be no worse than football!

Don't be discouraged if your child quickly loses interest in activities. Try to understand the situation and find the reason for his reluctance; perhaps it’s not about the sport itself, but about his relationship with the children in the section. The main thing is to listen to your child, and then he will grow up strong and healthy!

Natalia Govorova

Reading time: 8 minutes


Perhaps you dreamed of sending him to martial arts, but if the child is small and not ready for such physical activity, you can start with swimming - it will strengthen the muscles, develop ligaments and harden him for other sections.

Anyway, you need to listen to the interests of the child , showing him a wide range of possibilities.

Which sport to enroll your child in – we select a sports section based on the child’s individual characteristics

  • If you notice that your child is an extrovert, simply open and sociable, then you can try to succeed in speed-strength sports. For example, short-distance running and swimming, alpine skiing, big and small tennis. Gymnastics, snowboarding or acrobatics are also worth trying.
  • If your child is an introvert, i.e. closed, analytical, thoughtful, try cyclical sports - for example, triathlon, skiing, athletics. The advantage of your child is that he tolerates monotonous activities well, is hardy, disciplined and therefore will be able to take prizes over long distances.

  • Children with a closed character are not interested in collective sports. They are unlikely to enjoy football or a team relay race. But they may be interested in shaping, swimming or bodybuilding. They usually have a low level of anxiety, which is why they achieve better results in serious competitions.
  • Unlike the previous type impressionable children of sensitive psychotype Group games are suitable. They play harmoniously because they are not interested in their own independence. What kind of sport to engage your child in is your personal business, but it is important to check that the child likes these activities and is comfortable in a real team.

  • Complaisant dependent children- the so-called conformists, quickly “grasp” the rules of the game and “reach out” to the recognized leaders. Collective games in a large team suit them.
  • Proud children of hysterical psychotype love to be the center of attention. However, they are not comfortable in those sports that involve a lengthy determination of victory over the course of an entire competition.

  • If your child is prone to apathy and often shows irritability, you need to take into account his cycloid type and change sports hobbies more often.
  • For the psychoasthenic type playing sports is not at all attractive. But their especially long legs make it possible to realize their potential in cross-country skiing or athletics.
  • Asthenoneurotics and epileptoids They get tired quickly and need additional health improvement, for example, swimming.

When to send your child to sports so as not to miss the moment - a useful sign for parents

  • What kind of sport to choose for a child 4 - 6 years old. At this time, babies cannot yet concentrate their attention, so the exercises may not be performed accurately enough. They learn to coordinate their movements and have good stretching. Classes can be conducted in the form of a game, but often children like the serious “adult” approach of the coach, which teaches self-discipline and responsibility.

  • What sports should a 7-10 year old child do? During this period, physical tone and coordination improve, but stretching worsens. Therefore, the skills acquired at 4-6 years of age must be constantly maintained. After all, good stretching is needed in many sports - for example, in combat. It’s worth holding off on strength training, because you need to develop strength gradually as you grow older.
  • What sport should I send my 10-12 year old child to? Good coordination, accurate understanding of exercises, good reaction - these are the advantages of this age. However, the reaction rate can be increased.

  • What kind of sport should a child 13-15 years old take up? This is when tactical thinking appears, which, along with natural coordination, can give good results in any sport. All that remains is to improve physical training so that it does not limit strategies.
  • What sport to choose for a child 16-18 years old. This age is suitable for good athletic activity, because the skeleton is stronger and ready for serious stress.

A short table of when to send your child to sports:

  • Swimming– 6-8 years. Strengthens muscles and teaches healthy posture.
  • Figure skating– 4 years. Develops body plasticity, coordination and artistry.
  • Hood. gymnastics– 4 years. Builds a flexible body and self-confidence.

  • Game sports– 5-7 years. Improves communication skills and collaboration skills.
  • Combat sports– 4-8 years. Develops reaction, improves self-esteem.

It's no secret that all good parents want the best for their child. And, of course, so that their precious children become the smartest and most talented. But not every adult understands that they have only one right - to love the baby. Very often this right is replaced by another - to decide, order, force, manage. What is the result? But only that the child grows up depressed, insecure, indecisive, and without his own opinion. Sounds a bit gloomy, doesn't it? Everything is in our hands, and it’s not too late to fix everything!

Looking for an activity for a child

On numerous forums, mothers are interested in: where to send their child at 4 years old? Isn't it early? The variety of answers is amazing and delightful! There are so many interesting things, it turns out!

According to experts, the age of 3-5 years is optimal for the beginning of creative development. It is during these years that the child develops inclinations towards one or another type of creativity. Children are talented: some are interested in singing, some in modeling, others in drawing... For 4-year-old children this is natural. Oddly enough, some psychologists advise: if you notice that your child draws beautifully, leave it alone. Send him to a sports section, for example, or sign him up for vocal lessons. He won’t stop drawing anyway, but he will be diversified.

Where to send a child at 4 years old: find out by temperament!

To begin with, it will be useful to recognize the type. Based on this, it will be easier to understand in which direction your baby should go and what sports he can engage in.


These are kids who constantly crawl somewhere, knock over, run, and don’t finish the things they start. They are restless and love to fight. It will be difficult to sit these bullies down and ask them to draw something. They will last about 5 minutes. A sports section (you can find many of them for children 4 years old) under the careful guidance of a wise coach is best suited for them. Since a choleric person needs to throw out energy somewhere, active sports will be a useful release for him. Take your fidget to a team sport or one where you can “officially” fight - boxing or wrestling. Also, such “activists” are good fans and love to attend various sporting events.


Despite the fact that such children are calm and balanced, they are also quite active. They can handle any sport. They easily switch from one task to another, grasp everything very quickly, and are purposeful and strong-willed.

Phlegmatic person

These kids are balanced and calm. They eat well, sleep well. They don’t need to be pushed, they will learn a new thing, but a little slower than others. But honestly. Usually these are slender children. They are very hardy: they can be used for athletics, alpine skiing, and skating. A phlegmatic child is also fascinated by intellectual games: checkers, chess, etc. Such kids grow up to be wonderful coaches.


Such children get tired quickly and have difficulty adapting to life’s difficulties. It is difficult to get used to changes. 4 years old melancholic type is least suitable. But since they love animals, when they get older, they enjoy horse riding.

Which sport is better to choose?

From childhood, a child should be instilled with a love of sports. An incorrect choice can discourage physical activity altogether.

So, which sport should you choose for your young athlete?


Thinking about where to send your child at 4 years old? At this age, he can learn to swim on his own. At the same time, the baby should not be afraid of water. This sport perfectly develops endurance, strengthens, and evokes positive emotions. Metabolism improves, the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, and musculoskeletal systems are strengthened. In general, it’s just an ideal sport for both boys and girls.


The child should be able to make such simple movements as, for example, somersaulting over his head. It's good if he knows how to control his body. Gymnastics exercises develop flexibility, balance and physical strength.


The child must be able to hit the ball, run well, and get along with his peers. This sport strengthens bones and develops endurance.

Figure skating

Suitable for active and active children who love winter fun and have artistry. Such exercises strengthen the musculoskeletal system, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and develop endurance.


Suitable for both active and quiet children. This sport develops endurance and flexibility of the body, strengthens muscles. In addition, karate disciplines a child, develops resistance to stress, and teaches kindness towards other people.


Ideal for energetic and artistic children. Dancing for children 4 years old develops plasticity, strengthens muscles and the cardiovascular system.

We teach you to think creatively

Developing a child creatively does not mean making him a famous artist, sculptor or composer. In the process of creativity, the child may develop certain talents and have a chance to become famous. But if not, don't despair! In any case, the child will enjoy the lessons, and he will master the skills he needs for life. What kind of clubs are there for a 4-year-old child, where should I enroll my child, what will be the benefit of this?


Every child draws at a certain age. Experts believe that drawing at a young age is one of the types of analytical-synthetic thinking. While drawing, the child fantasizes and forms knowledge about a particular subject. Drawing is associated with visual perception, speech, thinking, and coordination of movements. Drawing classes contribute to the development and education of aesthetic feelings, emotional responsiveness, imagination, accuracy and much more.


This type of art is not only fascinating, but also useful. It develops the motor skills of children's fingers and gives babies a sense of shape. Modeling classes develop speech and thinking, and also have a good effect on the nervous system. Plus, the kids really enjoy these lessons.


This develops the child in many ways. With its help, the baby learns to distinguish shapes, colors, shapes. Imagination, hand motor skills, and creativity develop. The child becomes more attentive and careful.


These activities have a great effect on the mental and emotional state, form an understanding of beauty, and contribute to the formation of views. Such a pleasant pastime liberates and develops artistry, promotes the development of hearing and a sense of rhythm.

You can develop your baby endlessly. Therefore, decide for yourself where to send your child at 4 years old. But the main rule is - don’t put pressure on your child, help, encourage! And everything you do, do it with love!

Any “correct” parents not only devote a lot of time to their child, but also try to develop him comprehensively. The choice of sports section often becomes the subject of much discussion. After all, you want to not only develop, but also give pleasure to the child.

  • Dancing

There are many dance styles - from ballroom to rock and roll. (tap and hip-hop, ballet or ballet-light, tectonic, krump, breakdance, belly dance, Latin American, rock and roll, boogie-woogie and folk dances, ballroom (waltz, foxtrot, etc.)). Therefore, you and your child can choose the circle whose focus you prefer.

You can send your child to a dance club at the age of 3-4 years. For children of this age, classes should be held twice a week, lasting half an hour each. The program is simplified as much as possible for very young children, so classes will not cause your child unnecessary fatigue or injury.

Dancing classes help to form beautiful posture, develop flexibility and grace, train a sense of rhythm and can even strengthen the respiratory system. That is why they are recommended for children with scoliosis or overweight.

When making a decision, consider your financial capabilities. Having sent your child into the world of professional dance, you need to periodically spend money on special shoes and concert costumes.

We read about which dances to send a girl to.

How to choose a dance school? The benefits of dancing for girls. The best age to start classes. Which dance should I choose for my daughter?

  • Gymnastics

There are two types of gymnastics - rhythmic and sports. Girls will like the first one more, because it teaches them how to gracefully handle a ribbon, a ball and a hoop. Gymnastics involves exercises on rings, bars, trampoline or rope, and therefore is more suitable for boys.

Children can do gymnastics from the age of 3-4 years. For many, it will become familiar, since at this age the child’s body has not yet lost its natural flexibility.

Gymnastics, like dancing, develops flexibility and grace. In addition, during the training all muscle groups work, which will have a positive effect on further sporting achievements (gymnastics is an excellent basis for other sports in the future). Gymnastics is recommended for children with spinal problems.

Despite all the positive qualities in such classes, there is a risk of injury, especially in gymnastics. The problem is also the teaching staff - it is extremely difficult to find a truly competent teacher.

  • Jumping on a trampoline

Such sports entertainment is not only an exciting way to spend time, but also a useful activity for the entire child’s body.

There are no age restrictions here. A child can be allowed to jump on a trampoline from the time he can stand confidently on his feet.

Jumping on a trampoline contributes to the development of muscles of all groups, including in the respiratory system of the body. In addition, they develop coordination of movements and, as a result, help improve the functioning of the circulatory system and gastrointestinal tract.

If you choose the wrong trampoline, you will increase the risk of injury to your child. Therefore, try to choose one that will correspond to the age of the child.

We read:

  • Figure skating

This sport can confidently be called a leader in the injury rate ranking, despite all its beauty. It is suitable for those children who are not afraid of falling.

It is recommended to start figure skating at the age of 3-4 years. It is at this age that children get used to ice best and begin to feel it in the literal sense of the word. You need to exercise no more than twice a week for up to an hour (each lesson).

Figure skating will help your child strengthen his immune system and serves as a good prevention of colds. With constant practice, it develops endurance, artistry and flexibility.

The main disadvantage is injury. But it can be avoided by studying with an experienced trainer who can not only teach your child the basics of this matter, but will also take into account the individual characteristics of your child’s body.

  • Bike

Here we mean a full-fledged “transport”, and not some kind of stroller-bicycle.

You can start teaching your child to ride a bike at two years old. At this age, the child cannot yet fully maintain balance, so we choose for him a 3-wheeled bicycle, which in its overall dimensions will be completely suitable for the child. You can switch to the 2-wheeled version at about 4 years old, when the baby has already become a real racer on his iron friend.

There are many advantages to such a pastime. Cycling not only develops the vestibular system, develops quick reactions and increases overall endurance, but also develops leg muscles, strengthens the heart muscle and can normalize metabolism.

With correctly selected “transport,” there are no downsides to such an activity.

You might be interested in:

  • Roller skates

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

If you decide to introduce your child to rollerblading, do not neglect basic safety rules. Purchase appropriate equipment, which is often included with roller skates.

Children can be taught to roller skate from the age of 4. At an earlier age, you risk developing improper foot formation. The main thing here is not to force; the duration of classes should be adjusted by the child himself. If you show excessive persistence, you only discourage the desire to study.

Roller skating promotes good coordination of movements and develops quick reactions. With regular exercise, all muscle groups develop.

The main disadvantage is injury, which can be avoided by purchasing all the necessary protective equipment.

A child on roller skates at 3 years old - going down a slide:

  • Swimming

The aquatic environment is close to every person from the moment of intrauterine development, which is why swimming can be called one of the most useful sports.

You can teach your baby to float on water from the first weeks of life. It is advisable that classes are conducted not by parents, but by specialists. They are the ones who will be able to teach your child proper breathing and body position.

This sport is recommended for children with problems such as scoliosis and obesity. But in addition to its effect on the skeletal system of the body, swimming can strengthen the immune system and cardiovascular system. Swimming develops all muscle groups. During exercise, the body learns to adapt to temperature changes, physical and emotional relaxation occurs, and has a hardening effect.

  • Martial arts

The most popular sections are: karate, judo, wushu, sambo, boxing.

At the age of 4, children are taught only the basics of the chosen technique. The training is based on stretching exercises and general muscle strengthening. It is recommended to begin full-fledged martial arts training no earlier than 12 years of age.

In addition to strengthening the body and general physical development, techniques of oriental martial arts are aimed at establishing proper breathing, defensive techniques, teaching discipline, developing precision of movements, coordination, agility and flexibility. In the process of classes, the child not only gets healthier physically, but also receives emotional release.

The only disadvantage of such activities is possible injuries.

  • Skis

Now this sport is gaining more and more popularity. And it’s not surprising - skiing brings pleasure not only to children, but also to all other family members.

You can introduce your child to cross-country skiing at the age of 3-4 years, but wait until the age of five with mountain skiing. Having fallen in love with skis at this age, a child can be “friends” with them all his life.

Skiing is an excellent workout for the muscles of the back, legs and abs, developing dexterity and coordination. And in itself, being in the fresh air will only bring benefits.

Skiing is contraindicated only for orthopedic diseases and asthma.

Children skiing, child 4 years old:

  • Tennis

Tennis is the most difficult sport, since endurance is needed already in the first lessons.

It is advisable to teach children to play tennis at the age of 5. At a more tender age, the child does not yet have the necessary abilities, and the load of training is still too much for him.

Playing tennis trains a child to be attentive and teach him to make the right decisions. Logical thinking also develops, which helps to predict the opponent’s actions.

There are practically no downsides to this sport and injuries are minimal.

When choosing any section, it is important to pay special attention to the teaching staff. First of all, you should look for a good coach, not a prestigious school. And be sure to take into account the child’s opinion, he should go there with pleasure.

It is also advisable to consult a pediatrician before choosing a type of activity. Perhaps your baby has some contraindications to certain sports.

The child is still too young to expect any grandiose results from him. Just introduce him to the sport, and time will tell what his choice will be in the future.

Children and sports

Your baby is growing up and you, as caring parents, want to send him to a sports section - after all, sport is health. And here the questions begin: at what age to give it up, what kind of sport to prefer - bodybuilding coach Olga Kurkulina will answer these and other questions:

Note to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of fat people. I hope you find the information useful!