Andrey Malakhov zodiac sign. Love horoscope of Andrei Malakhov: is there really no love? Jupiter in the sign of Sagittarius

TV presenter Andrey Malakhov for a long time joined the ranks of bachelors. Currently, he has been the husband of Natalya Shkuleva, editor, for more than two years fashion magazine. Details of them family life V lately began to appear more and more in the media. According to some sources, everything is quiet and smooth in their family. However, many call their marriage fictitious. There are rumors that Malakhov is covering with his wedding ring his unconventional orientation.

Natalia began to be seen less and less often with Andrei. And he himself constantly appears in the company of his old friend, newspaper publisher, Sergei Rybakov. More recently, they even flew to Europe together, where they spent almost a whole week. Astrologers tried to lift the veil of secrecy about Andrei Malakhov’s personal life.

The TV journalist’s natal chart clearly shows his desire to find a family. However, this desire is most likely forced. This is indicated by many aspects. The Sun in his horoscope is in the tenth house, which suggests that the main priority in his life is still his career. And he needs his family to provide for his rear. As a true Capricorn, Andrey strives for recognition, fame and respect, therefore family values he is still in the background. What's going on on the love front and in Andrei Malakhov's relationship with his wife? The love horoscope of Capricorn is always very ambiguous. If we take into account the date of birth of the TV presenter, then it is likely that the union of Malakhov and Natalya Shkuleva may indeed turn out to be fictitious. This is indicated by many aspects in the horoscope of both Andrei and Natalia. But the worst thing is that the astrological house, which is responsible for family values ​​and procreation in the natal chart of the TV presenter, is affected by Uranus. This suggests that family life does not bring Andrey any joy, that in once again confirms the fiction of his relationship with Natalya.

Natalya Shkuleva was born under the constellation Gemini. A woman of this zodiac sign plays a dominant role in relationships with the opposite sex. Compatibility between Gemini and Capricorn is problematic. In this couple, partnership will come first rather than love and affection. They complement each other perfectly, this gives both Andrey and Natalya confidence and stability. The only thing that can interfere with their relationship is a different understanding of freedom and independence.

Until the couple admits what is going on in their personal lives. Most recently, Malakhov announced that he and Natalya decided to adopt a child. When asked by journalists about why they did not want to give birth to their own baby, Malakhov answered with jokes. According to him, they devote too much effort and time to work to have their own children.

15.07.2013 15:21

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Andrey Nikolaevich Malakhov – television journalist, showman, presenter of programs at the special projects studio of Channel One OJSC, editor-in-chief"StarHit" magazine.

Besides school, I received music education. “Yes, I immediately realized that I would not be Oistrakh - I served my duty carelessly. At parent meetings at the music school, there are always demonstration concerts for children. So, they always put me first, so that somewhere in the middle I would not spoil the impression with my playing. Then they simply put me as the host of concerts - just so that I wouldn’t play! But they wrote on the poster! in capital letters– the concert is conducted by Andrey Malakhov. I was in seventh heaven!” recalls Andrey.

After graduating from school with a silver medal, he left for the capital, knowing full well that a person in a public profession should be at the epicenter public life. He entered the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University and graduated from Alma mater with honors in 1995.

Since 1992, he prepared stories for the program “Sunday with Sergei Alekseev” (Ostankino channel), wrote and voiced original texts for the column “Weather on the Planet.”

While studying at Moscow State University, Malakhov went on an internship to the States. Students were given two hundred dollars, provided with a dormitory, and sent to the overseas journalism department of the University of Michigan for a year.

During the summer holidays there was nowhere to live: the hostel had to be either vacated or paid for by American standards. Two hundred dollars, naturally, was not enough. A room in that small town cost $150 to rent, and a hostel was even more expensive.

The dean of the Faculty of Journalism, having learned that Andrei was earning so little, took pity on him and allowed him to live in his own cottage - he still went on holiday with his wife to Miami. The student's duties included only feeding the cat and watering the flowers. He had plenty of time, and Andey got a job at a local hotel, selling newspapers three times a week for seven hours. They paid five dollars an hour.

In July, Andrei was sent to local television in Detroit, which was a division of the famous Paramount Pictures. This allowed him to rent an apartment in Detroit and finally feel like not a poor student, but a completely successful foreigner who had come to improve his professional level.

After a year and a half in the USA, Andrei completed an internship in the culture department of the Moscow News newspaper, and was the author and host of the Style program on Maximum radio. In those years, viewers only heard Andrei’s voice, who talked about fashion trends.

From Andrey’s memoirs: “My acquaintance with television began with disappointment. One day a lady came to the faculty and recruited the most capable guys. For practice. They didn’t really want to take me, but when she offered to go to Ostankino for the night and transfer from English news CNN, the number of people interested has noticeably decreased. I still remember that night with a shudder - in the “box” it seems that everything is simple and wonderful. Sitting all night with a dictionary and then processing the news is not a pleasant experience. Of course, after that I did not return to Ostankino. A month later I was called to the dean’s office and reprimanded. It turned out that the chief editors really liked my work, and they called the dean himself about me. What was left to do? I got into it little by little."

After that he was a correspondent, then a special correspondent for the Directorate of Information Programs of Channel One. But one day, when all the presenters were on vacation, the management of Good Morning decided to replace Malakhov. And I was not mistaken. Since 1996, Andrey became the presenter of the TV channel " Good morning"Despite this, in 1998 he entered the law faculty of the Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU).

In 2001, a new period began in Andrei’s life. At this time, the hot talk show “Big Wash” appeared on the air. Malakhov managed to attract a huge audience and demonstrate his sparkling professionalism. In the blink of an eye, he became the most successful showman of Russian television and, according to viewers, the most stylish presenter.

“The Big Wash”, “Five Evenings”, “Let Them Talk” - projects of this kind have become business card Andrey. His signature style was imitated, but he was mercilessly criticized. But the main thing is that they noticed. And soon the press began to call Malakhov nothing more than the face of Channel One.

Of course, Malakhov’s style as a presenter is pro-American. He creates intrigue, sets the temperature of passions, and maintains order. With a professional eye, he selects from the audience who can give a suitable comment. There is no cozy atmosphere at the shows hosted by Malakhov. Tension reigns supreme in the studio. For many of the topics that Andrei raises, this is a completely suitable background. A sensation or topical issue finds itself in its natural environment.

This is often what ensures high ratings. For example, the kind that “Big Wash” had, especially at first - almost every second viewer who turned on the TV on weekdays at five in the evening watched Channel One. Some consider Malakhov a virtuoso, some are downright irritated by him, but the fact remains that he is unique on Russian television. Of course, in the new generation of presenters there will be those who will copy and, perhaps, correct corporate identity Andrey. But Malakhov’s advantage is that he had the courage to become the first, without fear of criticism and labels.

In June 2011, the wedding of Andrei Malakhov and Natalya Viktorovna Shkuleva, publisher of the ELLE group of magazines, took place. Young people celebrated their wedding in Palace of Versailles in Paris.

"Rumors about Malakhov's departure from Channel One to at the moment greatly exaggerated,” the site explained Marianna Abravitova. – Andrey will continue to work on “Pervoy”, but in a slightly different format: there will be some kind of upgrade of his show, a change in time or renaming of the program. But as for working at VGTRK, this is most likely true. Apparently there is a plan new project with his participation is a familiar talk show, but slightly different from existing programs. The show will arouse great interest among the public and will be successful, mainly thanks to the star presenter. He is a versatile, interesting and talented person, so working on two TV channels will be equally successful.”


Further fate Malakhova’s career is even more interesting. “He has enormous potential. The number of successful projects, Andrei’s authority and sphere of influence will grow exponentially. As an extremely mobile, creative and ambitious person, he will constantly move forward and open new horizons. There are still many television platforms and publications ahead that he needs to be mastered and brought to a new level. Over the next 10 years, Andrei will open his own or head an existing television channel. And in the long term, Malakhov will create a huge corporation or holding company that will unite several television, print and Internet media,” the Tarot cards predicted. Abravitova.

According to her, despite his successes in material terms, Malakhov is in no hurry to buy expensive cars, yachts and other attributes luxurious life. "He has a very wise attitude to money, for Andrey it is a means to realize his creative potential and ideas, so he will always invest most of the money he earns in his business, which is why their influx will only grow,” said the medium.

There will always be stability in Malakhov’s family life and this is entirely his merit. Andrey is a very far-sighted person; he approached building a family and choosing a life partner very responsibly, and builds exclusively long term plans. “There is sincerity and real feelings in his relationships, add to this Malakhov’s pragmatic approach and you will come to the conclusion that his family is not in danger,” the clairvoyant is sure.

As for health, Andrey should definitely become an example for everyone. “This man is a self-made man. By birth, he does not have the best health, but a careful and responsible attitude towards himself, as well as high discipline, neutralize any threats, a healthy and healthy life awaits him ahead. happy life", she added.

Love horoscope Andrey Malakhov: is there really no love?

TV presenter Andrei Malakhov has been joining the ranks of bachelors for a long time. Currently, he has been the husband of Natalya Shkuleva, editor of a fashion magazine, for more than two years. Details of their family life have recently begun to appear more and more in the media. According to some sources, everything is quiet and smooth in their family. However, many call their marriage fictitious. There are rumors that Malakhov covers his gayness with his wedding ring.

Natalia began to be seen less and less often with Andrei. And he himself constantly appears in the company of his old friend, newspaper publisher, Sergei Rybakov. More recently, they even flew to Europe together, where they spent almost a whole week. Astrologers tried to lift the veil of secrecy about Andrei Malakhov’s personal life.

The TV journalist’s natal chart clearly shows his desire to find a family. However, this desire is most likely forced. This is indicated by many aspects. The Sun in his horoscope is in the tenth house, which suggests that the main priority in his life is still his career. And he needs his family to provide for his rear. As a true Capricorn, Andrey strives for recognition, fame and respect, so family values ​​are still in the background for him. What's going on on the love front and in Andrei Malakhov's relationship with his wife? The love horoscope of Capricorn is always very ambiguous. If we take into account the date of birth of the TV presenter, then it is likely that the union of Malakhov and Natalya Shkuleva may indeed turn out to be fictitious. This is indicated by many aspects in the horoscope of both Andrei and Natalia. But the worst thing is that the astrological house, which is responsible for family values ​​and procreation in the natal chart of the TV presenter, is affected by Uranus. This suggests that Andrey does not bring any joy to his family life, which once again confirms the fiction of his relationship with Natalya.

Natalya Shkuleva was born under the constellation Gemini. A woman of this zodiac sign plays a dominant role in relationships with the opposite sex. Compatibility between Gemini and Capricorn is problematic. In this couple, partnership will come first rather than love and affection. They complement each other perfectly, this gives both Andrey and Natalya confidence and stability. The only thing that can interfere with their relationship is a different understanding of freedom and independence.

Until the couple admits what is going on in their personal lives. Most recently, Malakhov announced that he and Natalya decided to adopt a child. When asked by journalists about why they did not want to give birth to their own baby, Malakhov answered with jokes. According to him, they devote too much effort and time to work to have their own children.

Malakhov Andrey Nikolaevich

Andrey Nikolaevich Malakhov is a Russian television journalist, showman, presenter of programs at the special projects studio of Channel One JSC, editor-in-chief of StarHit magazine and teacher of journalism courses at the Russian State University for the Humanities. Currently he hosts the TV shows “Let Them Talk” and “Tonight.”

Year of birth by lunar calendar: Paridhavi
Date of birth: 01/11/1972, 12:00 (GMT +3:00 (determined by the system))
Place of birth: Apatity, Russia, Murmansk region, 33°E24′, 67°N33′
  • Rasi
  • Rising sign27°26′Gemini1 houseStar of the EastPunarvasumoon star3/4 VisakhaDay of the weekTuesday Sun26°46′Sagittarius7th house Moon27°27′Libra5th house Mercury6°01′Sagittarius7th house Venus0°05′Aquarius9th house Mars16°39′Pisces10th house Jupiter1°09′Sagittarius7th house Saturn6°29′Taurus12th house Rahu12°37′Capricorn8th house Ketu12°37′Cancer2nd house
    Ayanamsa: 23°27′
  • Navamsa
  • Power of the planets

    Rising sign0 normal strength
    Sun+1 strengthened
    Moon0 normal strength
    Mercury-2 very weak
    Venus0 normal strength
    Mars-1 weakened
    Jupiter0 normal strength
    Saturn-2 very weak
    Rahu-1 weakened
    Ketu0 normal strength
Rasi | Degrees | Navamsa | Strength

I. Sunrise, stars, day of the week

Rising sign - Gemini

Gemini is a sign associated with the element of air, indicating an inconsistent, but, to a certain extent, outstanding character. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet representing writers, scientists, teachers and others involved in the dissemination of ideas and information. The symbols of the sign of Gemini - two twins, or a pair of lovers - indicate an interest in communicating with such a person, or the presence of some very attractive feature. By nature they are active and restless; love literature, astrology, science, arts and crafts.

They make good friends, but perhaps due to their ability to quickly change their ideas and style of behavior, they make unreliable friends. They love variety.

In appearance, they are usually tall and thin, have dark eyes, and big nose, curly hair. Their speech is pleasant, they are talkative, and smart. They can easily guess the thoughts and motives of others, but they can also easily deceive them.

They usually behave lively, cheerfully, love singing, dancing, attending parties, and playing games. They have fast, dexterous hands. The expression “takes on everything, but knows how to do nothing” can sometimes be quite applicable to someone born under this ascending sign.

A “Gemini” person can make a good government official, leader, astrologer, or employee. They have a knack for commercial work, work related to figures and facts, and can quickly persuade others to do something.

They are not inclined to stick to their chosen path and may try to do too many things at once. They need an activity or place where there is a lot of variety, activity, where there is excitement, where the mind is excited. They usually work indoors. Gemini people are freedom-loving, do not like physical labor and burdensome family responsibilities.

Star of the East - Punarvasu

Pune means repetition. Punarvasu is known as a "renaissance star". It means a person who often changes his place of residence, or one who, in the process of his life, changes the qualities of his personality, or purifies himself. Punarvasu is a “maiden”, a divine star ruled by the mother of the demigods - Aditi. It is a moving star associated with the merchant class. The animal symbol is the cat. "Punarvasu" is translated as "boon" or "diamond".

If this star is a rising one, the person loves freedom and cannot be limited. Such people often change partners or move from place to place. They are kind, generous, reasonable, satisfied with little, and “lose their heads” quite easily. They are poetic, their nature is passionate, they are truthful, they love fun, they take care of their business affairs, but they have only moderate financial success.

Moon Star - Visakha

Visakha is a Rakshasa star of low nature, generating determination, strength, discipline, and the ability to complete one’s work. Its name translates as “star of determination,” which indicates a lucky, somewhat selfish person. She is depicted as a tree with widely spread branches, which alludes to a person whose influence is increasing, to a person working on something, waiting for the fruits to ripen.

A person with the Moon located within a given star is picky, envies others, covets other people's property, speaks convincingly, and has a bright appearance.

When the Moon is in the 3rd quarter the following occurs:

Strong, cheerful man good conversationalist, hair color is reddish; he is pure of heart, has an ability in mathematics, and is somewhat stooped.

Day of week - Tuesday

A person who was born on the day of the son of Bhumi [Earth] (on the day of Mangala), that is, on Tuesday, always speaks in an ironic manner, loves war, is a minister of the King, earns his living from the earth (for example, farming), has a Sattvic character and hot (impetuous) in character.

II. Planets in signs

Sun in Sagittarius

Sagittarius is a “masculine”, “fiery” sign, symbolized by an archer. People born with the Sun in Sagittarius are usually healthy and optimistic. They are sincere and truthful. These are people you can rely on; they have a pure character. Their manner of behavior is direct and open. They usually set high goals in life and go straight to the goal. According to ancient text“Brihad-Jataka”, such people are respected by saints, they are engaged in religious activities, rich, independent, they may know medicine or be trained in the art of sculptor.

People with the Sun in Sagittarius are quick-tempered, they are treated with respect, and sometimes even pampered, they are reliable, persistent, respected by people. They are happy, popular, religious, usually wealthy; have a talent for music. Such a person has the character of a leader of the people around him or her. Their character is contented, cheerful, and they have great hopes for the future. They are unyielding in their determination; can be busy with no more than one thing. There is a duality in their character: they are partly materialistic, partly spiritual. Classical texts say about such people that they are prudent, able to accept good solutions, have a merciful, cheerful character. They are self-confident, inventive, original, creative people, and do not like to work subordinate to anyone. They will express their opinions frankly and sincerely. They have good health And good sons. They love to travel and are prone to changing jobs and places of residence if it contributes to their career. They lead a respectable life, they have a strong will, they love freedom and independence. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and therefore the life of such a person is completely sinless; he cleanses his heart, frees it from material desires.

Moon in Libra

Libra - masculine, positive, mobile, air sign, symbolically depicted as balanced scales. People whose Moon is located in this sign are able to reason well. They are reasonable and honest. They prefer to be in an environment of harmony and try to avoid confrontation. They try to balance the spiritual and material. Since the sign of Libra is ruled by Venus, they are sociable, somewhat romantic, love society and entertainment, and love to be in the company of representatives of the other sex. According to the Brihad Jataka, they will “revere brahmanas and saints, will never covet someone else’s, will know the holy scriptures, will be strongly influenced by the opposite sex, will usually be tall and lean, with an upturned nose and an attractive face. They are skilled in trading matters and are often rich. They love to travel. Things may be different with their health.”

Partnerships for people with the Moon placed here prove beneficial, but they must beware of trusting others too much. They may have a streak of carelessness within them and may be inclined to put things off until another day. They have good powers of observation, but need to develop the ability to use reason and logic. A tendency to communicate and a tendency to over-rely on own opinion lead to loss of time. The Moon in Libra indicates a fickle, unreliable nature, but they are charming people to those who know them.

They usually do not have low thoughts about other people and do not like to be criticized. They are extravagant, outwardly frank but internally secretive, love art and entertainment, honest in business, prone to skin diseases or have problems associated with excessive hobbies, abuse of anything, and are easily deceived. They usually live in cities.

Mercury in Sagittarius

These are educated people; they are interested in all forms of knowledge, as a result of which they are respected by important people. They can be restrained, saying only what is necessary. They are friends with religious people, travel to the East, have successful career in the field of education, give great value freedom and progress of thinking. They can act quickly and know a lot about handling technology.

Venus in Aquarius

A gentle and pleasant person, educated in the mystical sciences, attracted to the opposite sex; Unclean habits can also be expected. Such a person will manifest an independent and freedom-loving character. Such people are sociable, love games and entertainment. Various texts describe them as "chaste, shy and convinced people."

Mars in Pisces

Here Mars is located in its friendly sign and is in favorable conditions. A person born under this influence will direct his energies to the service of others, will be compassionate, will love pious ceremonies, will be respected. They will find good fortune far from the place where they were born, will be involved in philosophical disputes, and due to their amorous and tender nature will be involved in conflicts. The sign of Pisces is symbolically represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions; and these people will sometimes commit themselves to taking action in two or more directions and may be at a loss as to which path to take. Their mood may fluctuate between optimism and depression.

Jupiter in the sign of Sagittarius

Jupiter is in its own sign. This person is smart, educated, has good friends, receives an important position in which he serves people. They have knowledge in the field of religion, law, high financial sector. They are sincere and trustworthy. They will live in nice houses, will visit holy places, will receive blessings regarding children.

Saturn in Taurus

Here Saturn occupies a friendly sign and indicates a person of firm and reserved character who works productively. They can be neat and thrifty, even if they are in a difficult life situation. Classical texts mention that these people will have many marriage partners, will be restless, will be lonely or love solitude, and will be insatiable in food. These people usually occupy a subordinate position.

III. Planets in houses

*The accuracy of this section depends on the accuracy of the time of birth.

Sun in the seventh house

This indicates a person who gets into disputes with authorities or a person with a rebellious character. They may also expect quarrels in their family life and difficulties in close relationships with others. They will travel and start their own business. In appearance they are usually thin. They have the ability to manage and are widely known.

Moon in the fifth house

These are educated people in responsible positions. These are people who can invest money well, give good advice, serve the community well. They have good children or students who are the source of their pride. They own precious stones and other property. They are usually trustworthy, honest, and follow a straight path through life.

Mercury in the seventh house

This is reasonable spiritual person, loved by other people, able to speak convincingly. These people dress well, marry early, and have at least some success in business. They change jobs or marriage partners repeatedly. They travel all over the world, they have skillful hands, they are able to do things that require attention to detail.

Venus in the ninth house

These are rich people, coming from a wealthy family, traveling the world, owning jewelry and many modern conveniences. They have love for God and perform charitable deeds. They have attractive marriage partners, earn money by transporting goods, and have an ability or at least an interest in the arts. They can marry citizens of other countries. By nature they are generous and courteous people.

Mars in the tenth house

This is perky strong character with the qualities of a researcher, a pioneer; These people are skilled in performing their work and operate successfully in the fields of mechanics, real estate, machinery management, agriculture, and transportation industries. They love controversy, are energetic, and suffer from insults or persecution. They are highly regarded for their dutiful service, they are impulsive and can be treacherous. They love animals physical exercise and disputes; can be rude and competitive.

Jupiter in the seventh house

This placement indicates a person getting a godly marriage partner, a person who is able to manage money well in carrying out some business. These people are generous, more influential in society than their parents. They travel to places of pilgrimage. Outwardly they are strong and healthy. They have many good friends. Jupiter in the 7th house indicates the acquisition of money through marriage and through the transport of goods.

Saturn in the twelfth house

This results in significant costs and relationship difficulties. These people work hard but easily lose their position. They are interested in spiritual philosophy but do not focus on their studies. At a later stage of their life they may become quite ascetic. There are periods in their lives when they are imprisoned, hospitalized or exiled. They usually have problems with teeth and vision. They love privacy, keep their sinful activities secret and work hard for some good cause.

Rahu in the eighth house

Here Rahu indicates a picky, quarrelsome person who earns money through dubious means. These people suffer from social stigma against them and may become involved in matters related to poisons, drugs or medicines. They are deceived by other people, or they themselves deceive others, coveting their money. But they are also characterized by a certain piety; they may live a long time, but their death may be unnatural.

IV. Yoga hosts

*The accuracy of this section depends on the accuracy of the time of birth.

Lord of the 1st house in the 7th

Marriage for love. A wonderful, rich or devoted spouse. Benefits from the spouse's family. Strength, luck and respect. Strong sexual nature, strong desires. Long trips or residence in foreign countries.

Lord of the 2nd house in the 5th

Wealth, money through speculation or adventure, intelligence, education, family happiness, income thanks to children, good nutrition, predestination to receive money without much effort.

Lord of the 3rd house in the 7th

Nature with strong desires, successful efforts, benefits from relatives, relatives may live abroad; adventures are associated with the opposite sex, strong sexual passions. This position is generally unfavorable for married life.

Lord of the 4th house in the 7th

Own lands and houses, a strong mother, comfort and means of transportation, love for a spouse, marital happiness, a strong spouse, favorable fortune.

Lord of the 5th house in the 9th

Luck, fortune, wealth, supreme blessing, fame, happiness from children, spiritual or successful children, happiness in love affairs, supreme spirituality or religiosity, inclination towards philosophy, knowledge of spiritual scriptures and prayers, help from father, elders and Guru, spiritual guidance teachers, success in acquiring knowledge. The father is rich, famous and will live a long time. The father may be religious. Strong dharma. A person can become a spiritual teacher or lead religious organization. This position is most common in the horoscopes of spiritual ascetics, Gurus and spiritual leaders.

Lord of the 6th house in the 10th

Gives good ability to earn money, but wealth comes slowly and after hard work. Career in medicine, it is difficult to decide on a career or dharma, changes in career, career will be harmed by enemies, or there will be stoppages in career advancement.

Lord of the 7th house in the 7th

The person will be strong, handsome and respected. A handsome, significant or gifted spouse. If the lord of the 7th house is a benefic planet, marriage is a source of joy; if it is malefic, there will be problems in the marriage and divorce is quite likely, despite the fact that the planet is in its own sign.

Lord of the 8th house in the 12th

Gives a strong spiritual nature. This is an excellent position for meditation, asceticism and spiritual life. Lots of expenses and debts short life, no income from a marriage partner, low sexual potency. Diseases of the anus, left ear and left eye. Difficulties in foreign countries.

Lord of the 9th house in the 12th

Luck turns bad; there is no happiness from the father, the father's life is difficult, or he will die early; no respect for religion or philosophy, no help from Guru, lack of faith, good sex life, traveling to “unexplored places” ( distant lands, such as Tibet or India), a good afterlife (that is, reaching heaven). Although this position is bad for religion, it is excellent for moksha.

Lord of the 10th house in the 7th

Good career, spouse helps in career, benefits from partnership and participation in risky ventures, happy marriage, the spouse is famous or career-oriented, a mature or significant spouse, trips for professional purposes are possible. The person is healthy, respected and lucky.

Lord of the 11th house in the 10th

A successful career, there will be many favorable opportunities in the career, doing good deeds, pilgrimages to holy places, wealth, a lot of comfort, the elder brother may be connected in some way with the person's career.

Lord of the 12th house in the 9th

No happiness from father, debts and expenses due to father, father dies early or his life is difficult, no luck, no favorable resolution of problems, lack of due attention to religion or philosophy, lack of faith, no help from elders and Guru, good sex life , peace after death. This is an extremely bad position as the house of fortune is spoiled.

V. Main periods and sub-periods

Main period Jupiter from 01/11/1972 to 01/25/1979

Sub-period Venus from 01/11/1972 to 08/07/1973

Subperiod Sun from 08/07/1973 to 05/25/1974

Sub-period Moon from 05/25/1974 to 09/25/1975

Subperiod Mars from 09/25/1975 to 09/01/1976

Rahu sub-period from 09/01/1976 to 01/25/1979

Main period Saturn from 01/25/1979 to 01/25/1998

Sub-period Saturn from 01/25/1979 to 01/28/1982

Sub-period Mercury from 01/28/1982 to 10/07/1984

Ketu sub-period from 10/07/1984 to 11/16/1985

Sub-period Venus from 11/16/1985 to 01/16/1989

Subperiod Sun from 01/16/1989 to 12/28/1989

Sub-period Moon from 12/28/1989 to 07/28/1991

Subperiod Mars from 07/28/1991 to 09/07/1992

Rahu sub-period from 09/07/1992 to 07/13/1995

Sub-period Jupiter from 07/13/1995 to 01/25/1998

Main period Mercury from 01/25/1998 to 01/25/2015

Sub-period Mercury from 01/25/1998 to 06/22/2000

Ketu sub-period from 06/22/2000 to 06/19/2001

Sub-period Venus from 06/19/2001 to 04/19/2004

Subperiod Sun from 04/19/2004 to 02/25/2005

Sub-period Moon from 02/25/2005 to 07/25/2006

Subperiod Mars from 07/25/2006 to 07/22/2007

Rahu sub-period from 07/22/2007 to 02/10/2010

Sub-period Jupiter from 02/10/2010 to 05/16/2012

Sub-period Saturn from 05/16/2012 to 01/25/2015

Main period of Ketu from 01/25/2015 to 01/25/2022

Ketu sub-period from 01/25/2015 to 06/22/2015

Venus subperiod from 06/22/2015 to 08/22/2016

Subperiod Sun from 08/22/2016 to 12/28/2016

Sub-period Moon from 12/28/2016 to 07/28/2017

Sub-period Mars from 07/28/2017 to 12/25/2017

Rahu sub-period from 12/25/2017 to 01/13/2019

Sub-period Jupiter from 01/13/2019 to 12/19/2019

Sub-period Saturn from 12/19/2019 to 01/28/2021

Sub-period Mercury from 01/28/2021 to 01/25/2022

Main period Venus from 01/25/2022 to 01/25/2042

Venus subperiod from 01/25/2022 to 05/25/2025

Subperiod Sun from 05/25/2025 to 05/25/2026

Sub-period Moon from 05/25/2026 to 01/25/2028

Subperiod Mars from 01/25/2028 to 03/25/2029

Rahu sub-period from 03/25/2029 to 03/25/2032

Subperiod Jupiter from 03/25/2032 to 11/25/2034

Sub-period Saturn from 11/25/2034 to 01/25/2038

Sub-period Mercury from 01/25/2038 to 11/25/2040

Ketu sub-period from 11/25/2040 to 01/25/2042

Main period Sun from 01/25/2042 to 01/25/2048

Subperiod Sun from 01/25/2042 to 05/13/2042

Sub-period Moon from 05/13/2042 to 11/13/2042

Subperiod Mars from 11/13/2042 to 03/19/2043

Rahu sub-period from 03/19/2043 to 02/13/2044

Subperiod Jupiter from 02/13/2044 to 12/01/2044

Sub-period Saturn from 12/01/2044 to 11/13/2045

Sub-period Mercury from 11/13/2045 to 09/19/2046

Ketu sub-period from 09/19/2046 to 01/25/2047

Subperiod Venus from 01/25/2047 to 01/25/2048

Main period Moon from 01/25/2048 to 01/25/2058

Sub-period Moon from 01/25/2048 to 11/25/2048

Subperiod Mars from 11/25/2048 to 06/25/2049

Rahu sub-period from 06/25/2049 to 12/25/2050

Subperiod Jupiter from 12/25/2050 to 04/25/2052

Sub-period Saturn from 04/25/2052 to 11/25/2053

Sub-period Mercury from 11/25/2053 to 04/25/2055

Ketu sub-period from 04/25/2055 to 11/25/2055

Venus subperiod from 11/25/2055 to 07/25/2057

Subperiod Sun from 07/25/2057 to 01/25/2058

Main period Mars from 01/25/2058 to 01/25/2065

Subperiod Mars from 01/25/2058 to 06/22/2058

Rahu sub-period from 06/22/2058 to 07/10/2059

Subperiod Jupiter from 07/10/2059 to 06/16/2060

Sub-period Saturn from 06/16/2060 to 07/25/2061

Sub-period Mercury from 07/25/2061 to 07/22/2062

Ketu sub-period from 07/22/2062 to 12/19/2062

Venus subperiod from 12/19/2062 to 02/19/2064

Subperiod Sun from 02/19/2064 to 06/25/2064

Sub-period Moon from 06/25/2064 to 01/25/2065

The main period of Rahu is from 01/25/2065 to 01/07/2082

Rahu sub-period from 01/25/2065 to 10/07/2067

Subperiod Jupiter from 10/07/2067 to 03/01/2070

Sub-period Saturn from 03/01/2070 to 01/07/2073

Sub-period Mercury from 01/07/2073 to 07/25/2075

Ketu sub-period from 07/25/2075 to 08/13/2076

Subperiod Venus from 08/13/2076 to 08/13/2079

Subperiod Sun from 08/13/2079 to 07/07/2080

Sub-period Moon from 07/07/2080 to 01/07/2082

VI. General qualities of the main periods and subperiods


Jupiter brings a period of prosperity, happiness and honor. Achievement of set goals and fulfillment of cherished desires is expected. Also mostly this is the time spiritual growth And higher education. This period is a good time to have children. If children are already big, then they become more purposeful; the eldest child may change during this period, and for the better or for the worse - it depends on the position of the planet. Since Jupiter is a benefic planet, it often gives various favorable opportunities and therefore marriage is successful during this period. Also, the standard of living may increase, and it will be possible to enjoy comfort and luxury. The acquisition of good cars is likely, as favorable opportunities contribute to the acquisition of property. Spiritually, the period is very successful for relationships with Guru or spiritual teachers. Travel to holy places is also expected. In any case, long trips will be successful. If Jupiter is afflicted, all kinds of misfortunes are possible as luck is upset and almost all ventures fail. There will be diseases related to allergies and liver.


The Saturn period is characterized by hard work for one's career. This period can bring honor and progress based on the individual's current and previous efforts. This is a time of great discipline and laying a strong foundation for your career. At this time, a person can create any real structure necessary for the future. The Saturn period can also give wealth, authority and power. There may be money from inheritances or real estate. If Saturn is afflicted, the period will bring restrictions, delays, poverty, heaviness, disease and damage. There may also be professional falls, loss of respect, and danger from rheumatism or paralysis.


During the Mercury period there will be a great attraction to learning, writing, speaking and all intellectual pursuits. Deep concentration and deep psychological understanding will emerge. Mercury is the planet of trade and commerce, and therefore this is a good time to start a business. There may also be a connection with radio, television, accounting, publishing and other activities of Mercury. If Mercury is not aspected by the Sun or any other malefic planet, then as a benefic planet it brings happiness, prosperity and other beneficial effects. There will be excellent results regarding the acquisition of all types of knowledge. The period bestows successful relationships with Guru and spiritual teachers. Entering this period will mark the beginning of the study of new spiritual traditions or yoga techniques. There is also a high probability of returning to college or night school. If Mercury is afflicted, there will be mental problems, depression or instability. There may be nerves and exhaustion, since Mercury rules nervous system. Merchants will experience loss of business according to the degree of planetary affliction.


Of all the planetary periods, the Ketu period is the most difficult to give accurate predictions. Ancient Indian scriptures predict all kinds of misfortune: poverty, sadness, humiliation, slander, poisoning, strange diseases, etc. Since Ketu is transcendental and carries an ascetic influence and detachment from earthly affairs, it is not conducive to marital affairs. If Ketu is influenced by positive planets, then good results can be expected. For the spiritual explorer, this period will provide the opportunity to experience deep spiritual, mystical or psychic experiences.


The Venus period is favorable for enjoying luxury, comfort, romance and married life. If Venus is not afflicted, it will give great wealth, happiness and pleasant connections. Possible connection with artistic pursuits. This is a highly favorable period for actors, musicians, singers and dancers. The business can be related to jewelry, sweets, entertainment, beauty salons, etc. The main focus of the individual during the Venus period is on marriage and matters of the heart. If Venus is poorly placed, these matters will bring disappointment, sadness and grief. Happiness is upset and money matters also suffer. There may be diseases of the reproductive system and kidneys.


The Sun Period will bring with it events related to popularity, professional advancement, position of authority, influence and power, recognition from elders or significant figures, and affairs related to government. The father can play a significant role in fate at this time; the father's life will improve if the Sun is well placed. If it is affected, the opposite effect will take place. At this time, spiritual practices and travel to tropical regions are possible. If the Sun is weak or afflicted, there may be problems with vision or heart.


The Moon gives a very personal influence in the horoscope. The period is associated with personal physical existence, recognition from others and the fulfillment of most significant desires. It is also most closely connected with facets of life that are dear to the individual. You can expect affairs with women and mother, whose life will also improve or worsen - this depends on the position of the Moon. These years will undoubtedly be very emotional, romantic, sensitive and changeable. This is an excellent time to attract public attention and gain a good reputation if the Moon is well placed. In this case, it is also a good time for marriage and great happiness. If the Moon is afflicted there will be a very difficult period as mental peace and basic well-being are damaged. Possible exposure to slander, humiliation, accusations, falls and persecution. Physical illnesses may be related to the stomach, chest or brain.


During the period of Mars, energy and activity will be manifested in all possible forms. Progress and success can be achieved. This is a good time for the birth of sons, acquiring property and interacting with siblings. There may be strong sexual passions. The period is favorable for mechanical or technical work, as well as for communication with military or police services. The ability to perform surgery may appear. If the planet is afflicted, there is danger of accidents, violence, cuts, fires, etc. There may also be arguments and recklessness, diseases of the blood, bone marrow or muscular system.


The period of Rahu is mainly characterized as a time of strong desires related to the house where Rahu is located and generally inherent in the nature of the individual. It is an indicator of the depth and intensity of the experience being experienced. In general, Rahu usually causes great suffering during the first and last two or three years of its period. If there are aspects from benefic planets or Rahu is well placed, there can be great worldly success and material gains. A person can rise to a very high, authoritative position. If Mars, Saturn or the lord of the 12th house aspects Rahu, the period may give more difficulties than usual. During this period you can expect financial losses, dangers from snakes or poison, many diseases, restless thoughts, humiliation and failures. Since Rahu is not really a planet and therefore has no direct relation to mental abilities, then its period is characterized more like the time of application already developed abilities than acquiring new talents. The scriptures say that even when Rahu is well placed, the benefits acquired during that period are completely lost at the end of the period.

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  1. Variety artist Malakhov Andrey Nikolaevich. Birthday: January 11, 1972. Birth horoscope compiled according to the system Vedic astrology Jyotish. Rising sign - Gemini. Gemini is a sign associated with the element of air, indicating an inconsistent, but to a certain extent, outstanding character. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet representing writers, scientists, teachers and other people...
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