What is made from coal? Coal. Properties, extraction and use of coal

Its use is so multifunctional that sometimes you are simply amazed. At such moments, doubt involuntarily creeps in, but in my head it sounds quite logical question: "What? Is this all coal?!” Everyone is accustomed to thinking of coal as just a combustible material, but in fact, its range of uses is so wide that it seems simply incredible.

Formation and origin of coal seams

Appearance coal on Earth refers to distant Paleozoic era, when the planet was still in the development stage and had a completely alien appearance to us. The formation of coal seams began approximately 360,000,000 years ago. This happened mainly in the bottom sediments of prehistoric reservoirs, where organic materials accumulated over millions of years.

Simply put, coal is the remains of the bodies of giant animals, tree trunks and other living organisms that sank to the bottom, decayed and were pressed under the water column. The formation process of deposits is quite long, and it takes at least 40,000,000 years to form a coal seam.

Coal mining

People have long understood how important and irreplaceable it is, and its use has been able to be appreciated and adapted on such a large scale relatively recently. Large-scale development of coal deposits began only in the 16th-17th centuries. in England, and the mined material was used mainly for smelting cast iron necessary for the manufacture of cannons. But its production by today's standards was so insignificant that it could not be called industrial.

Large-scale mining began only towards the middle of the 19th century, when developing industrialization simply needed coal. Its use, however, at that time was limited exclusively to combustion. There are now hundreds of thousands of mines operating all over the world, producing more per day than in several years in the 19th century.

Types of coal

Deposits of coal seams can reach a depth of several kilometers, extending into the thickness of the earth, but not always and not everywhere, because it is both in content and in appearance heterogeneous.

There are 3 main types of this fossil: anthracite, brown coal, and peat, which very vaguely resembles coal.

    Anthracite most ancient education on a planet of this kind, middle age this species is 280,000,000 years old. It is very hard, has a high density, and its carbon content is 96-98%.

    Hardness and density are relatively low, as is its carbon content. It has an unstable, loose structure and is also oversaturated with water, the content of which can reach up to 20%.

    Peat is also a type of coal, but it has not yet formed, so it has nothing to do with coal.

Properties of coal

Now it is difficult to imagine another material more useful and practical than coal, the basic properties and application of which deserve the highest praise. Thanks to the substances and compounds it contains, it has become simply irreplaceable in all areas of modern life.

The component of coal looks like this:

All these components make coal, the application and use of which is so multifunctional. The volatile substances contained in coal ensure rapid ignition followed by high temperatures. The moisture content simplifies the processing of coal, its caloric content makes it indispensable in pharmaceuticals and cosmetology, ash itself is a valuable mineral material.

The use of coal in the modern world

The uses of minerals vary. Coal was initially only a source of heat, then energy (it turned water into steam), but now in this regard, the possibilities of coal are simply unlimited.

Thermal energy from burning coal is converted into electrical energy, coke products are made from it and extracted liquid fuel. Coal is the only rock that contains rare metals such as germanium and gallium as impurities. From it they extract benzene, which is then processed into benzene, from which coumarone resin is extracted, which is used to make all kinds of paints, varnishes, linoleum and rubber. Phenols and pyridine bases are obtained from coal. When processed, coal is used in the production of vanadium, graphites, sulfur, molybdenum, zinc, lead and many other valuable and now irreplaceable products.

Coal is important for the national economy

Coal is one of the first minerals that man began to use as fuel. Only at the end of the 19th century did it begin to be gradually replaced by other types of fuel: first oil, then products from it, and later gas (natural and obtained from coal and other substances). Hard coal is used in national economy very wide. First of all, as fuel and chemical raw materials. For example, the metallurgical industry cannot do without coke when smelting cast iron. It is produced at coke plants from coal.

Where else is coal used?

Powerful thermal power plants in Russia and Ukraine (and not only) operate on waste from coal mining (anthracite pellets). For the first time metal was obtained using coke from iron ore in the 18th century in England. This marked the beginning of the use of coal in metallurgy, or more precisely, coke, a product of its processing. Before this, iron was obtained using charcoal, so in England in the 18th and 19th centuries almost the entire forest was cut down. The coke industry uses hard coal, processing it into coal coke and coke oven gas, producing dozens of types chemical products(ethylene, toluene, xylenes, benzene, coke gasoline, resins, oils and much more). Based on these chemical products, a variety of plastics, nitrogen and ammonia-phosphorus fertilizers, aqueous solutions of ammonia (fertilizers), and plant protection chemicals are made. They also produce detergents and washing powders, medicines for humans and animals, solvents (solvents), sulfur or sulfuric acid, coumaron resins (for paints, varnishes, linoleum and rubber products), etc. Full list products of coke-chemical processing of coal takes up several pages.

How does the cost of coal work out?

The cost of coal is mainly determined by the method of its extraction, the distance and method of transportation to the consumer. Coal mined by opencast mining from a depth of up to 100 m in the Kuzbass or Elginskoye deposit (Yakutia) will be significantly cheaper than coal from a Donbass mine (from a depth of 800 - 1500 m). Coal, which, mixed with water, is delivered to a thermal power plant via a pipeline, will be cheaper than coal delivered by a conveyor belt, and cheaper than coal brought by cars. The cost of coal is proportional to the depth of its formation. Brown coal was formed at a depth of 1 - 2 km, its fuel characteristics are low, and the price is also low. Hard coal - at a depth of 3 - 4 km, the calorific value is good, the price is average. Anthracite - hard coal top quality, was formed at a depth of 5 - 6 km, the calorific characteristics are excellent, the price is the highest.

Coconut charcoal - what is it?

One type of charcoal is coconut charcoal, which is made from nut shells. It can be used in barbecues, grills, and barbecues. It burns much longer than other charcoal, has no odor, does not contain sulfur, and does not ignite from dripping fat. Purified coconut charcoal can be used for hookah because it has no smell or taste when used. After special treatment (activation), the working surface of each piece of coal increases several times (and it becomes an excellent adsorbent). Using coconut charcoal in water purification filters gives excellent results.

The uses of coal are varied. It is used as a household energy fuel, raw materials for the metallurgical and chemical industries, as well as for the extraction of rare and trace elements from them. The coal, coke and chemical industries, and heavy industries process coal using the coking method. Coking is an industrial method of processing coal by heating to 950-1050 C without air access. The main coke-chemical products are: coke oven gas, products from the processing of raw benzene, coal tar, and ammonia.

Hydrocarbons are removed from coke oven gas by washing in scrubbers with liquid absorption oils. After distillation from the oil, distillation from the fraction, purification and repeated rectification, pure commercial products are obtained, such as benzene, toluene, xylenes, etc. From the unsaturated compounds contained in crude benzene, coumarone resins are obtained, which are used for the production of varnishes, paints, linoleum and in the rubber industry. Cyclopentadiene, which is also obtained from coal, is also a promising raw material. Coal is the raw material for the production of naphthalene and other individual aromatic hydrocarbons. The most important processing products are pyridine bases and phenols.

Coal was the first fossil material that people used as fuel. The use of coal for energy allowed for the rapid advancement of industry, and at one time coal accounted for half of the world's energy production. Coal is a sedimentary rock that was formed as a result of the natural decomposition of ancient plants. In deposits, coal occurs in the form of layers. Coal contains large number carbon and volatile substances with a small proportion of mineral impurities.

Through processing, a total of more than 400 different products can be obtained, the cost of which, compared to the cost of coal itself, increases by 20-25 times, and the by-products obtained at coke plants exceed the cost of the coke itself.

The combustion (hydrogenation) of coal to form liquid fuel is very promising. To produce 1 ton of oil, 2-3 tons of coal are consumed. Artificial graphite is obtained from coal. They are used as inorganic raw materials. When processing coal from it into industrial scale vanadium, germanium, sulfur, gallium, molybdenum, zinc, and lead are extracted. Ash from coal combustion, mining and processing wastes are used in the production of building materials, ceramics, refractory raw materials, alumina, and abrasives. In order to optimally use coal, it is enriched (removing mineral impurities).

Coal contains up to 97% carbon; it can be said to be the basis of all hydrocarbons, i.e. They are based on carbon atoms. Often we encounter amorphous carbon in the form of coal. In structure, amorphous carbon is the same as graphite, but in a state of extremely fine grinding. Practical Application amorphous forms of carbon are varied. Coke and coal are used as reducing agents in metallurgy for iron smelting.

Coal is an integral part of our life. The diverse use of coal in almost all sectors of the national economy presupposes its further extraction and processing.

Hard coals have a high calorific value, contain up to 32% volatile substances, and therefore ignite well.

In England, in the 17th century, coal began to be used as coke in the smelting of cast iron. Later in the 19th century, coal was used for transportation. Currently, coal is used in the production of electricity, metallurgical coke, and the manufacture of various products.

The largest coal basins in Russia in terms of the volume of coal deposits produced are the Tunguska, Kuznetsk, and Pechora basins. In Kazakhstan - Karaganda. In the USA - the Appalachian and Pennsylvania basins. In Germany - Ruhr and many others. Many countries have large deposits of coal.

Thus, we see that coal is an integral part of our life. The use of coal in almost all sectors of the national economy presupposes its further extraction and processing, which undoubtedly conceals prospects still hidden from us.

A ghost town without coal. This was the Japanese Hashima. In the 1930s it was recognized as the most populous.

5,000 people fit on a tiny piece of land. They all worked in coal production.

The island turned out to be literally made of a stone source of energy. However, by the 1970s, coal reserves were depleted.

Everyone left. All that remained was the dug up island and the buildings on it. Tourists and Japanese call Hashima a ghost.

The island clearly shows the importance of coal and the inability of humanity to live without it. There is no alternative.

There are only attempts to find her. Therefore, let's pay attention to the modern hero, and not to the vague prospects.

Description and properties of coal

Coal- This rock organic origin. This means that the stone is formed from the decomposed remains of plants and animals.

In order for them to form a dense thickness, constant accumulation and compaction is required. Suitable conditions at the bottom of reservoirs.

Where there is coal deposits, once there were seas and lakes. Dead organisms sank to the bottom and were pressed down by the water column.

This is how it was formed peat. Coal- a consequence of its further compression under pressure not only of water, but also of new layers of organic matter.

Basic coal reserves belong to the Paleozoic era. 280,000,000 years have passed since its end.

This is the era of giant plants and dinosaurs, an abundance of life on the planet. It is not surprising that it was then that organic deposits accumulated especially actively.

Most often, coal was formed in swamps. Their waters have little oxygen, which prevents the complete decomposition of organic matter.

Externally coal deposits resemble burnt wood. By chemical composition The rock is a mixture of high-molecular carbon aromatic compounds and volatile substances with water.

Mineral impurities are insignificant. The ratio of components is not stable.

Depending on the predominance of certain elements, they distinguish types of coal. The main ones include brown and anthracite.

Buraya a type of coal is saturated with water, and therefore has a low calorific value.

It turns out that the rock is not suitable as fuel, as stone. And brown coal found another use. Which?

This will be given special attention. In the meantime, let’s figure out why water-saturated rock is called brown. The reason is the color.

The coal is brownish, without, friable. From a geological point of view, the mass can be called young. That is, the “fermentation” processes in it are not completed.

Therefore, the stone has a low density and during combustion a lot of volatile substances are formed.

Fossil coal anthracite type - fully formed. It is denser, harder, blacker, shiny.

It takes 40,000,000 years for brown rock to become this way. Anthracite contains a high proportion of carbon – about 98%.

Naturally, the heat transfer of black coal is high, which means that the stone can be used as fuel.

The brown species in this role is used only for heating private houses. They don't need record energy levels.

All that is needed is ease of handling fuel, and anthracite is problematic in this regard. Lighting coal is not easy.

Manufacturers and railway workers got used to it. The labor costs are worth it, because anthracite is not only energy-intensive, but also does not sinter.

Hard coal - fuel, the combustion of which leaves ash. What is it made of if organic matter turns into energy?

Remember the note about mineral impurities? It is the inorganic component of the stone that remains at the bottom.

A lot of ash remains in the Chinese deposit in Liuhuangou province. Anthracite deposits burned there for almost 130 years.

The fire was extinguished only in 2004. Every year 2,000,000 tons of rock were burned.

So do the math how much coal wasted. The raw materials could be useful not only as fuel.

Application of coal

Coal is called solar energy trapped in stone. Energy can be transformed. It doesn't have to be thermal.

The energy obtained from burning rock is converted, for example, into electricity.

Coal combustion temperature the brown type almost reaches 2,000 degrees. To obtain electricity from anthracite, it will take about 3,000 Celsius.

If we talk about the fuel role of coal, it is used not only in its pure form.

Laboratories have learned how to produce liquid and gaseous fuel from organic rock, and metallurgical plants have long used coke.

It is obtained by heating coal to 1,100 degrees without oxygen. Coke is a smokeless fuel.

The possibility of using briquettes as ore reducers is also important for metallurgists. Thus, coke comes in handy when casting iron.

Coke is also used as a blending agent. This is the name given to the mixture of initial elements of the future.

Being loosened by coke, the charge is easier to melt. By the way, some components are also obtained from anthracite.

It may contain germanium and gallium as impurities - rare metals that are rarely found anywhere else.

Buy coal They also strive for the production of carbon-graphite composite materials.

Composites are masses made of several components, with a clear boundary between them.

Artificially created materials are used, for example, in aviation. Here, composites increase the strength of parts.

Carbon masses can withstand both very high and low temperatures, are used in catenary support racks.

In general, composites have become firmly established in all areas of life. Railway workers are laying them on new platforms.

Supports are made from nanomodified raw materials building structures. In medicine, composites are used to fill chips in bones and other damage that cannot be replaced with metal prosthetics. Here what kind of coal multifaceted and multifunctional.

Chemists have developed a method for producing plastics from coal. At the same time, waste does not disappear. The low-grade fraction is pressed into briquettes.

They serve as fuel, which is suitable for both private homes and industrial workshops.

Fuel briquettes contain a minimum of hydrocarbons. They, in fact, are the most valuable females in coal.

From it you can obtain pure benzene, toluene, xylenes, and coumorane resins. The latter, for example, serve as the basis for paint and varnish products and interior finishing materials such as linoleum.

Some hydrocarbons are aromatic. People are familiar with the smell of mothballs. But few people know that it is produced from coal.

In surgery, naphthalene serves as an antiseptic. In the household, the substance fights moths.

In addition, naphthalene can protect against the bites of a number of insects. Among them: flies, gadflies, horseflies.

In total, coal in bags purchase for the production of more than 400 types of products.

Many of them are by-products obtained from coke production.

Interestingly, the cost of additional lines is generally higher than that of coke.

If we consider average difference between coal and goods made from it, it is 20-25 times.

That is, production is very profitable and pays off quickly. Therefore, it is not surprising that scientists are looking for more and more new technologies for processing sedimentary rock. There must be supply for growing demand. Let's get to know him.

Coal mining

Coal deposits are called basins. There are over 3,500 of them in the world. Total area basins - about 15% of land. The USA has the most coal.

23% of the world's reserves are concentrated there. Hard coal in Russia– this is 13% of total reserves. from China. 11% of the rock is hidden in its depths.

Most of them are anthracite. In Russia, the ratio of brown coal to black is approximately the same. In the USA it predominates brown look rocks, which reduces the value of deposits.

Despite the abundance of brown coal, the US deposits are striking not only in volume, but also in scale.

The reserves of the Appalachian coal basin alone amount to 1,600 billion tons.

In the very large pool Russia, for comparison, stores only 640 billion tons of rock. We are talking about the Kuznetsk field.

It is located in Kemerovo region. A couple more promising basins have been discovered in Yakutia and Tyva. In the first region, the deposits were called Elga, and in the second - Elegetian.

The deposits of Yakutia and Tyva belong to closed type. That is, the rock is not near the surface, but at depth.

It is necessary to build mines, adits, shafts. It's uplifting coal price. But the scale of the deposits costs money.

As for the Kuznetsk basin, they operate in a mixed system. About 70% of raw materials are extracted from the depths using hydraulic methods.

30% of coal is mined openly using bulldozers. They are sufficient if the rock lies near the surface and the covering layers are loose.

Coal is also mined openly in China. Most of China's deposits are located far outside the cities.

However, this did not prevent one of the deposits from causing inconvenience to the population of the country. This happened in 2010.

Beijing has sharply increased its requests for coal from Inner Mongolia. It is considered a province of the People's Republic of China.

So many trucks loaded with goods hit the road that Highway 110 was stopped for almost 10 days. The traffic jam began on August 14th, and only resolved on the 25th.

True, it could not have happened without carrying out road works. Coal trucks made the situation worse.

Highway 110 is a state road. So, not only was the coal delayed in transit, but other contracts were also under threat.

You can find videos where drivers driving along the highway in August 2010 report that it took about 5 days to cover the 100-kilometer stretch.

What do you get from coal? plastics, acids, fibers...

what do you get from coal?

plastics, acids, fibers and much more. In addition, some coal is coked, and coke is used in metallurgical production. It is used as a household fuel, energy fuel, raw material for the metallurgical and chemical industries, as well as for the extraction of rare and trace elements from it. The coal, coke and chemical industries, and heavy industries process coal using the coking method. Coking is an industrial method of processing coal by heating to 950-1050 C without air access. The main coke-chemical products are: coke oven gas, products from the processing of crude benzene, coal tar, and ammonia. Hydrocarbons are removed from coke oven gas by washing in scrubbers with liquid absorption oils. After distillation from the oil, distillation from the fraction, purification and repeated rectification, pure commercial products are obtained, such as:...

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A ghost town without coal. This was the Japanese Hashima. In the 1930s it was recognized as the most populous.

5,000 people fit on a tiny piece of land. They all worked in coal production.

The island turned out to be literally made of a stone source of energy. However, by the 1970s, coal reserves were depleted.

Everyone left. All that remained was the dug up island and the buildings on it. Tourists and Japanese call Hashima a ghost.

The island clearly shows the importance of coal and the inability of humanity to live without it. There is no alternative.

There are only attempts to find her. Therefore, let's pay attention to the modern hero, and not to the vague prospects.

Description and properties of coal

Coal is a rock of organic origin. This means that the stone is formed from the decomposed remains of plants and animals.

In order for them to form a dense thickness, constant accumulation and compaction is required. Suitable conditions at the bottom of reservoirs....

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What is obtained from coal?

You, of course, know that coal is a fuel used both in everyday life and in industry. Coal was the first fossil material to be used as fuel. It was thanks to coal that the industrial revolution took place. In the 19th century, a lot of coal was consumed vehicles. In 1960, world energy production was 50% dependent on coal. However, by 1970 its share had dropped to one third as oil and gas became more popular energy sources.

However, the scope of coal use is not limited to this. Coal is a valuable raw material for the metallurgical and chemical industries.

The coal industry provides coking of coal. Coke plants consume up to a quarter of the coal produced. Coking processes coal by heating it to 950-1050°C without oxygen. As coal decomposes, it forms a solid product - coke...

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Coal is one of the most necessary for a person minerals. Its heat heats our houses, gives energy to steamships, and turns into electricity in the turbines of power plants. Without coal, it is impossible to smelt metal from ore and prepare cement.
Coal is used to make liquid fuels, lubricating oils, paints, inks, and plastics. Coal does not smell of anything, but perfumes and various fragrant syrups for sweets and cakes are made from it.
Coal is completely opaque, and the best glass is made from it - light, strong, clean.
Coal is also used to make fertilizers, which make the land bear fruit better and fruits, vegetables, wheat and rye grow. Even vitamins can be extracted from coal...

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Lesson on the world around us: "Coal"

Sections: Ecology

Topic: Coal.

Develop observation skills practical skills and student skills; develop cognitive interest To native nature, curiosity; bring children's knowledge into the system; expand and deepen knowledge about coal; create conditions for the formation of a sense of pride in native land.

I. Working with the “Observation Diary”

a) A story about February.

Snow is falling in bags from the sky,
There are snowdrifts as big as the house!
Those are storms and blizzards
They attacked the village.
The frost is severe at night,
During the day, drops can be heard ringing.
The day has increased noticeably
It's February, that's right.

February – snowy, sideways, fierce.
February 1 - whatever the weather is on this day, so will be the whole of February.

Well, nature is nature.
What's the weather like outside?


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Coal is important for the national economy

Coal is one of the first minerals that man began to use as fuel. Only at the end of the 19th century did it begin to be gradually replaced by other types of fuel: first oil, then products from it, and later gas (natural and obtained from coal and other substances). Coal is used very widely in the national economy. First of all, as fuel and chemical raw materials. For example, the metallurgical industry cannot do without coke when smelting cast iron. It is produced at coke plants from coal.

Where else is coal used?

Powerful thermal power plants in Russia and Ukraine (and not only). The metal was first produced using coke from iron ore in the 18th century in England. This marked the beginning of the use of coal in metallurgy, or more precisely, coke, a product of its processing. Previously, iron was obtained using...

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Coal processing products

Coal is a sedimentary mineral, a product of centuries-old deep decomposition of ancient plant rocks. In addition to its traditional use as fuel, coal is used as a raw material for the metallurgical and chemical industries.

Coal processing products are varied and widely used in various industries. Coal is processed using the coking method - heating to a temperature of 1000°C without access to oxygen.

In this way, coke oven gas, ammonia, coal tar and numerous benzene transformation products are obtained.

Main Products

Processing of coke oven gas occurs by washing with liquid washing oils in special devices - scrubbers, followed by cleaning and repeated rectification.

In this way, toluene, benzene, xylenes and a number of other pure products are obtained. Aromatic hydrocarbons including...

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You, of course, know that coal is used as fuel, both in everyday life and in industry. Coal was the first fossil material that people used as fuel. It was coal that enabled the industrial revolution. In the 19th century, a lot of coal was used for transportation. In 1960, coal provided about half of the world's energy production. However, by 1970, its share had fallen to one third: coal as a fuel was replaced by other energy sources, in particular oil and gas.

However, the use of coal is not limited to this. Hard coal is a valuable raw material for the chemical and metallurgical industries.

The coal industry uses coal coking. Coke plants consume up to 1/4 of the coal produced. Coking is a process of processing coal by heating to 950-1050°C without oxygen. When coal decomposes, a solid product is formed - coke and volatile products - coke oven gas.

Coke is...

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Coal pyrolysis: concept and products

The term pyrolysis of coal is usually understood as a set of processes that occur when coal is heated in the absence of any reagents. However, in recent years The pyrolysis of coal also began to mean processes that occur under the influence of some additional reagent (the so-called hydropyrolysis and oxidative pyrolysis).

The term pyrolysis is often used to understand the procedure of coal gasification, although this is not entirely true, since additional reagents are also used.

Thermal processing of hard coal is widely used to produce various carbonaceous solid materials, and liquid and gaseous products. In this regard, depending on the purpose of the final pyrolysis products, the starting material for processing can be almost any coal. This is very convenient, since all the mined coal can be processed, and not to a plant for processing solid household waste...

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Coal is a sedimentary rock plant origin, which is characterized by flammability. Coal is mainly composed of carbon and various kinds impurities. The percentage of impurities determines the quality of the rock.

Classification and varieties of coal.

The composition of coal is determined by its age. Brown coal is considered the youngest, followed by hard coal, and the older coal is anthracite. The highest quality coal is anthracite, since as it ages, carbon accumulates and the concentration of volatile substances in the coal decreases. For example, brown coal on average has more than 50% of volatile impurities, hard coal - 40% of impurities, anthracite - only 5-7%.

In addition to carbon and volatile substances, coal contains non-combustible elements that form ash when coal burns. Ash plays the role of a pollutant environment, and is also sintered into slag, which makes it difficult to burn coal and, accordingly, reduces the amount of heat it releases during combustion.

Another component...

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