Numerology of personal life online. Karmic code (number) of your life

Each person has his own patron number, which is calculated by date of birth. Find out which number is fateful for you, and what you can expect from life according to numerological forecasts.

Calculating the number of fate

Numerologists believe that the most effective and accurate way of calculation is the complete addition of all numbers from. This is a simple but true method that every person can resort to.

To do this, refer to your date of birth, for example: 04/07/1986. We add each digit: 0 + 7 + 0 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 6 = 35. It is necessary to obtain a single-digit number, so the calculation continues until a single digit is obtained. Thus, in the end we have: 35 = 3 + 5 = 8. Eight will be the fateful number under whose auspices this birthday boy was born.

Interpretation of numbers

1 - symbol of the winner. People born into the power of a few never deviate from their principles and are accustomed to bringing any task to the end. This, first of all, is the huge potential of a true leader, which you need to develop in yourself every day - then in the future you will be able to occupy any leadership position. For all its strong qualities, it is difficult for Unit to establish interpersonal relationships. This can be hampered by pride and even a certain arrogance, which must be overcome.

2 - a sign of unification. It's easy for two to find mutual language with any environment, make strong friendships or create wonderful family. Those around them usually love them and always provide help and support. But sometimes such sociability can be used for evil and put pressure on a person-two, breaking his principles and life beliefs. Those born under the rule of this number are excellent diplomats and are able to resolve any conflict, but sometimes they are too soft.

3 - an energetic number. Three people find it difficult to sit still; they always want to move. Their calling is active work and constant striving forward. They manage a lot of things, showing themselves in their careers or personal lives. It is not difficult for them to succeed everywhere. They are always open to communication and can charge everyone around them with positivity. But often increased activity leads to rash actions and unjustified risks. On the path of life, Threes often make mistakes, but they never lose the ability to overcome any difficulties.

4 - a symbol of sociability. These are, first of all, good speakers who are able to surround themselves with loyal allies and followers. Fours simply cannot live without communication and do not tolerate neglect of their person. They have the ability to shock the public; sometimes this is a big plus, but other times it leads to negative consequences. Also, such people have a habit of taking on other people's responsibilities, which they simply cannot cope with. But people of this number are unlikely to admit their mistakes or inability to achieve results in any area.

5 - a sign of influence. People born under the control of the 5 always have a clear plan and know how to become successful. These are winners in life who do not rely on chance; they are accustomed to holding their own destiny tightly in their hands and smiling at fortune. But sometimes overconfidence can ruin everything and lead to difficulties. They are not always able to look at things soberly and simply cannot take reasonable advantage of useful advice loved one.

6 - number of debt. These are sincere and decent people who are able to restore justice and find a compromise even with serious disagreements. They never avoid responsibility for their actions and are ready to admit their mistakes. These are true friends and wonderful spouses. People of this number are always valued, although sometimes they hide it. They are absolutely unsophisticated and are able to achieve results only through honest work. At the same time, they have excellent intuition and can use this for the benefit of themselves and their loved ones.

7 — number of independence. These are strong personalities, often very gifted. They contain a huge creative potential and the ability to think outside the box. They always move forward, not paying attention to the opinions of outsiders. They are not embarrassed by gossip and rumors; they let everything unimportant pass their ears. Sevens are, first of all, self-sufficient people with a great desire to live life to the fullest and enjoy every moment. And yet, people of this number should be more attentive in society and at least sometimes listen to the opinions of others. Interpersonal relationships can be difficult, because neglecting a loved one usually has a strong impact on your personal life.

8 - a symbol of change. It is difficult for people-eights to make decisions in life. They are used to permanent shift situation, their beliefs are not constant, but life principles may change. But at the same time, they always finish what they start, and if they become interested in something, they are able to immerse themselves in their passion headlong and achieve results. Eights are different complex character and special power. It can be difficult for others to get close to their hearts and fully understand the intentions of these fickle individuals.

9 - a symbol of courage. These are strong and selfless people who are not afraid of difficulties and troubles in life. They never give in to problems, but immediately begin to solve them. “Nines” are used to looking into the future with confidence and not complaining about failures. For them, the mistakes of the past remain behind forever. With such inner strength, people born under the power of nine remain very dreamy and romantic. They can plunge into the world of illusions and endlessly build castles in the air. And this often interferes with achieving the goal.

Numbers influence all living things and are capable of making adjustments to a person’s destiny. But still the most important is the number of fate, which is determined by the date of birth. Calculate your own number and find out its numerological meaning. We wish you good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

According to numerologists, numbers have special vibrations that affect each person. Numbers can tell us almost everything: fate, character, future, profession and even illness. In addition, the numerology of numbers will help you find out your individual destiny code and indicate what can make you more successful.

For example, you were born on March 13, 1970. We count: 03/13/1970=1+3+0+3+1+9+7+0=24. This number will be first in the code.

After that, we bring this first number to a single digit: 24=2+4=6. Number 6 - this number will be second in the code.

To get the third number, you need to multiply the second number (6) by two and bring it to an unambiguous form: 6*2=12=1+2=3. Then the resulting number (3) must be subtracted from the first number (24): 24-3=21. So, third the number in the code will be 21.

The fourth number is calculated from the third by reducing it to a monosyllabic form: 21=2+1=3. So fourth the number in the code will be 3.

The result was a custom code: first number=24, second number=6, third number=21 and fourth number=3.

Write it down and your date of birth next to it: 24 6 21 3 13 03 1970. Then count how many ones, twos, threes, etc. appear in this line. The number of these numbers determines your success and indicates what helps you in life and what hinders your well-being. The norm for each number in your code is three. If identical numbers more, then these are already deviations. So let's find out the meaning of the numbers.

Units. If you don’t have them at all, then you are a driven person and try not to express your opinion. If you have three units, you are a gentle and kind person. If less than three, then you have low self-esteem. You need to value yourself and accept yourself for who you are.

Deuces. If you don’t have twos, then you have weak energy potential. You quickly get tired both mentally and physically. You need to do yoga or meditation and also wear red clothes, it will restore your energy. If you have two twos, then everything is fine with your energy. If three, then you have clairvoyance and extrasensory abilities. If there are more threes, then you represent a danger to others, try to control your words and thoughts.

Threes. If you don't have C's, then it's difficult for you to understand other people. Try to be more interested in other people. If you have three threes, then you have good intuition. If more, then you have supernatural abilities.

Fours. If you don't have fours, then you are secretive by nature and not easy to get along with. If you have at least one four, then it’s yours strong point- these are diplomatic abilities and non-conflict. If three or two, then you have every chance of achieving success in sports. If more than three, you are too deceitful.

Fives. If they are not there, then you are a rude and domineering person. If one or two, then you have a good heart. If three or four is a sign of great patience and mercy. In this case, you should not completely trust people; they may take advantage of your kindness.

Sixes. If they are not there, then you are prone to laziness. If there are three sixes, then you are very hardworking and enduring man. More than four - you are consumed by envy and this prevents you from living.

Sevens. If there are no sevens, then you are easy to control. According to, you don’t know how to refuse people and blame yourself for everything. If there are two sevens, then luck is always on your side. If more, this is a sign of the “second happiness” - arrogance.

Eights. If there are no eights or only one, then you have to achieve everything only with your own labor; Fortune is not favorable to you. If three eights are a sign of wealth and luck. Use your intuition to achieve your goals.

Nines. Reflects analytical skills. The more there are, the stronger they manifest themselves in you.

Zeros are not taken into account in the calculation of numerology.

For many people, the fate code is not six-digit, but seven-digit. Such people are endowed with a special destiny. A bright future can await them. As a rule, such a fate code is found among show business stars, famous politicians and successful businessmen.

Having calculated your success and destiny code, it will be easier for you to understand yourself, your desires and goals, and love compatibility numerology will help you discover your abilities, see new opportunities and achieve success in your personal life. If you found this information useful, click on and

20.09.2013 13:15

The soul number allows you to find out about inner world person. With the help of numerology by date of birth you...

Since the time of Pythagoras, numbers have been of great importance in people's lives. Numerology believes that numbers predetermine not only a person’s fate, but also his character traits, talents and weaknesses. You can lift the veil of secrecy by making simple calculations, thereby calculating the numbers of fate and name.

Numerology will answer the question of how to find out your destiny.

The number of fate, otherwise called the life path number, will tell you about the purpose of your human incarnation, about the strengths and weaknesses character will point out those traits that you do not recognize in yourself or refuse to notice.

If you decide to predict your destiny, be prepared not just to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the received figure, but to work on yourself, analyze whether you are following the right path, whether you are not fatal errors etc.

The life path number is calculated quite simply, you need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth, for example, the date: 01/01/1990, the calculation is 1+1+1+9+9=21, and we continue to add up the numbers 2 and 1, we get 3. Destiny number – 3.

All two-digit numbers must be reduced to single digits.

Characteristics of numbers

After you have added up all the numbers of the date of birth, you can begin to characterize. Each number carries its own vibrations, which influence a person’s character, his preferences, bad habits etc.

The evenness or oddness of the resulting number also matters, so you should pay attention to this before starting the interpretation.

If the number of fate is odd, this characterizes its bearer as very active person constantly striving for change. This type of person cannot stand monotony; he is bored in the usual Everyday life, his aspirations are aimed at constant changes, be it travel, relocation, love affairs or areas of activity.

He tends to “invent” reality for himself and live in it. If his beliefs are “on the same wavelength” with public opinion– able to become a bright leader who will be listened to a large number of of people.

Possible political activity, which will be directed towards global changes. People with an even “code” of fate are purposeful, strong individuals who are able to pave new paths and lead people.

Even numbers carry vibrations of a different plane - creativity, gentleness, and sometimes infantility. They may say about such people: “Behaves like a child.” Even number inclines a person to demonstrate a creative approach in many areas of life; he has a tangible need to create.

In extraordinary situations, when a quick decision is required, such people can get lost, but in ordinary measured life, they are wise and fair. An even number of fate vibrates with justice, such people usually do not want to compromise their principles, “honesty” is not for them empty word, but a life credo.

Behind the creative gentleness, it is difficult to discern the “core” in such people, but in protecting important things they are able to show courage and perseverance, which even an odd number would envy.

Once you have determined your fateful number, proceed to characterization.

  • The number one represents leadership, will, the desire to be first.

“One” is able to start new things and successfully achieve results; she is not afraid of difficulties.

TO negative traits include self-confidence, denial of criticism, such people can consider themselves always right, their self-confidence is unshakable. In some cases, selfishness and excessive stubbornness are observed.

  • The number two stands for calm, spirituality, cooperation and tolerance.

A deuce is ideal in a family, in a team, it will become true friend who will treasure the good and honest attitude. Such people are comfortable walking along an already trodden path, without inventing anything new, since they are cautious, but not cowardly.

They are not prone to narcissism and selfishness; on the contrary, they would rather infringe on themselves in something than cause inconvenience to anyone. Even if the deuce takes a leadership position, she will remain true to her principles and will be a fair and calm boss.

  • Three carries vibrations of frivolity and an easy attitude to life.

Such people can live today without thinking about the future. They choose easy paths, without unnecessary turmoil and difficulties, so working alone is fraught with failure.

At the same time, this number gives its bearer extraordinary mental capacity, sometimes they appear quite early.

To achieve success, they need to find a reliable partner who will not allow them to choose “what is easier.”

  • The number four carries vibrations of struggle, victory and leadership.

Such people are not afraid of difficulties and can work as much as necessary to achieve their goals. They have high performance.

Most often they become managers, but even in middle positions they are able to show high results.

Their credo is consensus and cooperation; if they manage to resist the temptation to impose their opinion, success comes quickly enough.

  • Five represents free spirit, straightforwardness and independence.

Restrictions and strict routines weigh on them, so they strive to become independent. Excellent speakers, they often have entrepreneurial abilities.

The disadvantages include the inability to obey requirements and routines, and the reluctance to take responsibility.

  • The number six carries within it the desire for harmony and represents family values and peace.

Such people become good family men, friends who are able to listen and help with advice. They should not take other people's problems and pain too personally.

  • “Seven” has a sharp mind, but is prone to excessive nitpicking of itself.

She knows how to observe and use information in right moment. Such people do not believe until they investigate everything thoroughly. Sometimes, they are characterized by isolation and shyness, which must be overcome for a successful life experience.

  • The number eight carries strength and wealth; it can give a person power, success, and vice versa - an abyss if he is not ready to overcome difficulties.

These people are strong by nature, have a strong-willed character, and are destined to lead and dominate. Their goals are usually global. They have a penetrating mind and can “read” people.

  • Nine is a creative number.

Such people are talented in writing, have a good style, and become architects. Any creative profession in which you need to create will suit them. A special look at the world helps you achieve success. Such people are honest and fair, they will not sacrifice their principles for the sake of easy money.

How to find out fate by the number of your name

In addition to the “code” of the date of birth, which cannot be changed, each person has a name, which also influences fate.

Under ideal circumstances, the name should be selected according to the date of birth so that their vibrations coincide and “make life easier” for a person, but more often than not this does not happen.

This is why stars and writers choose pseudonyms for themselves - many choose them in accordance with the vibrations of the destiny number.

Calculating the number of your name is very simple, you can use numerous online resources, just enter your name and get the number. Remember that the full name is not only considered full name, but also a surname and patronymic.

If your name is often abbreviated or your name is slightly distorted, you should calculate two numbers: with the full correct name and the one that is most often called. After reviewing the two characteristics, you will choose the one that is more similar to you.

Today the Russian alphabet is interpreted as follows:

Calculation algorithm: write down your full name (full name) in block letters and sign the corresponding number above each letter, checking the sign.

Next, count which numbers you have more, it is their vibrations that predominate in your character. The number of the name will not help you unravel fate or meet your loved one, but will indicate strong or weak traits your character.

Character qualities that correspond to numbers:

  1. Activity, desire for new things, leadership;
  2. Gentleness and tendency to submit;
  3. Luck, external attractiveness;
  4. Dejection, attracting difficulties and misfortunes, poverty;
  5. Sportiness, nervousness and adventurism;
  6. The desire to create a family home, inertia;
  7. Philosophical mindset, constant reflection;
  8. Efficiency, desire for wealth, will;
  9. Spirituality, the desire to know the truth.

Now that you have unraveled the secrets of your numbers and name, you can judge how correctly you have chosen your path and whether you are making mistakes.

Don’t forget that any information is not accidental, and if at a certain period in your life it occurred to you to find out your purpose, listen. Don’t ignore useful messages, even if now they seem meaningless and unnecessary to you.

Analyze your characteristics, of course, your calculation will be approximate, but you will receive it for free, but if you want to understand the “code” of fate more thoroughly, you will have to start studying numerology or turn to a professional.

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How Clairvoyant Baba Nina helps change the line of life

The legendary clairvoyant and prophetess, known throughout the world, launched on her website accurate horoscope. She knows how to start living in abundance and forget about money problems tomorrow.

Not all zodiac signs will be lucky. Only those born under 3 of them will have a chance to suddenly get rich in July, and it will be very difficult for 2 signs. You can get a horoscope on the official website

Each of us, living in a social environment, obeys or at least takes into account the laws of the state and society, external conditions and circumstances, the influence of fatal forces or, as they say, Fate. But, at the same time, the individual has his own will, freedom of choice and freedom of spirit. Sometimes Fate dominates a person so strongly that no effort of will can overcome its influence. In other periods of life, on the contrary, the action of external forces becomes weaker, and then a person can take the initiative into his own hands - the “green light” is turned on for will and freedom of choice.

The most difficult thing is that a person does not know in advance when it is better not to resist external influences and not go against Fate, and when it comes favorable time and you can actively achieve goals on your own.

Graph of Fate and Will- this is a technique based on the unique Pythagorean system that allows you to calculate, based on the date of birth, the periods of influence of Fate on a person and periods favorable for the manifestation of Will. For Calculation of the Fate Chart The numbers that make up the day and month of birth are multiplied by the person's year of birth. If the result is a six-digit number, then a “0” is placed before its first digit. Each digit of the received code shows the strength of the influence of Fate in each 12-year period of time from the moment of birth.

For building a Fate Graph 7 points are laid along the X-axis, corresponding to 12-year periods of life from 0 to 72 years (after this age, the cycle of the Graph of Fate and Will begins again). For example, for a person born in 1980, these will be: 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028, 2040, 2052. And along the Y axis above each year is a digit (from 0 to 9) of the number obtained by multiplying the day and month by the year of birth (above the point of the year of birth is the first digit of the number, above the second point is the second digit of the number, etc.) .

The Will Graph is calculated and constructed according to the same principle as the Fate Graph, only in the date of birth all “0s” are replaced with “1s”.

Do not confuse the Graph of Fate and Will with, which is calculated using a different algorithm.

Online calculation and construction of the Graph of Fate and Will

ATTENTION! The graphs are plotted for the life period from 0 to 72 years, which doesn't mean the end of life. After this age, the cycle and schedules are repeated from the beginning. To build a Graph of Fate and Will, enter your date of birth and click “Build a graph”; to clear the fields, click “Reset”. Below is a breakdown of the meanings of the Graph of Fate and Will.

Enter the correct date of birth

Day Month Year
Build a graph Reset
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0

Decoding the Graph of Fate and Will

The line of Fate is higher than the line of Will. This indicates a period when external circumstances are strongest and the lessons of fate become harsher. At such a time, everything in your life will be as prescribed by fate, so you should not show much initiative and perform strong-willed actions. Don't try to break into closed door", or better yet, "go with the flow."

The line of Fate is below the line of Will. During this period, active actions are necessary; you must not put off your own projects until tomorrow, but strive forward and make great efforts to achieve your goals. Freedom of choice comes to the fore, and the influence of external circumstances becomes insignificant. During this period, you should not rely on fate; you must build your own life. You can safely take the initiative into your own hands, now everything will depend only on you.

The intersection points of the lines of Fate and Will. These are very important and rather unfavorable periods for any innovations. During such periods of time, you should not take any responsible and drastic steps - move to new apartment, change jobs, arrange a wedding, etc.

The lines of Fate and Will go together - the “Path of the Monk”. In this case, the person completely submits To higher powers. However, this does not mean that a person cannot do anything - he intuitively understands that he should not go against fate. One should not think that such a person is primitive; on the contrary, it is he who can implement truly grandiose plans. A typical example of this is the life of M.V. Lomonosov (date of birth - November 19, 1711).

The destiny number in numerology or life path number shows what qualities you have been gifted with to fulfill your destiny and what helps you achieve success in all areas of life.

How to calculate fate number by date of birth

We calculate according to the example of the date in the infographic below. You need to add up all the numbers in your date of birth. The number should be unambiguous. Therefore, we add until we get a single-digit number. The destiny number in this example is 5.

Fate number in numerology: meaning

And now that you have found out your destiny number by date of birth, let's look at the meaning. Do you recognize yourself?

Destiny number 1: Leader, organizer, stoic

You are a born leader. Your number speaks for itself, you are number 1. You are confident, ambitious, independent, and always motivate yourself to succeed. You have a unique talent - to be in the spotlight almost constantly. You have no equal in organizational skills, in starting and running new projects. You get tired of routine work, you need new interesting tasks to complete. If you encounter difficulties, you can easily overcome them thanks to your inexhaustible inner strength. Your life credo is “I will do whatever is required of me to achieve success.” And this is what happens. Inspire the people around you to achieve their cherished goals and happiness and endless success await you!

Destiny number 2: Intuitive, inspirer, inventor

You are very smart, you have well-developed intuition, you are full of inexhaustible internal energy that helps you on your life path. You - ideological inspirer, a muse for those around you, with your help they come to various realizations and ideas, and you do not make any special efforts for this. You are also a good inventor. You love to come up with everything new and unique. People are drawn to you and are ready to follow you like a bright light, because you can always give them good advice, support and motivate. You may be extremely emotional at times, but this is only because you have boundless energy that drives you towards success and happiness. Continue to lead people, invent new things and inspire everyone around you, and then the personal qualities of your destiny number will bear fruit.

Destiny number 3: Artist, humorist, merry fellow

You are full of charm and charisma. You are witty, popular and artistic. What cannot be taken away from you is creative thinking. You are cheerful and always ready to get out of your comfort zone in order to try something new and unusual. You approach any situation with humor, which does not prevent you from assessing it wisely. You are the “king or queen of the party” and are loved by those around you because you can make anyone smile. You believe that life is too short to waste it being angry and sad. Unfortunately, people often think of you as being disorganized and frivolous and not taking life seriously. Although, in fact, your attitude towards life is optimistic, you like to look for adventures to fill it with positive moments. Continue to infect everyone with fun, joy and love for life, then you will definitely succeed!

Destiny number 4: Leader, assistant, organizer

You are a born leader and have great strength and discipline. You are a complete person. You have a complete understanding of how this world works. You have an unwavering ability to support yourself and those around you without any effort. You are a fairly successful person, but not because of simple luck, but because of your honesty and hard work. You are very reliable, tenacious, and can turn an ordinary thing into something extraordinary. You are diligent and organized; if you have some important task ahead of you, you will certainly do everything possible to complete it. They don't scare you life difficulties, you bravely and persistently walk through them. Sometimes it happens that you overwork, this leads you to a loss of vitality, but all this happens only because you are not used to giving up and leaving unfinished things. You love to see productive results from your work. You have an extraordinary gift for helping people who are experiencing difficulties in life. Keep doing this and then you will be the most successful person in all his endeavors.

Destiny number 5: Activist, motivator, extreme sports enthusiast

You love to travel, look for adventures, meet new people interesting people. You are very attractive and make new friends easily. Unlike most people, all changes in life affect you in a very positive way: you seem to blossom, gain even more interest in life. Any instability in life cannot break your spirit. You like to take part in several projects, events, and various activities at once. You are excited about something new and interesting, so you are always on the lookout for that kind of thing. Your flexibility is the key to success. You value freedom more than anyone else in the world and will do everything possible to not be tied to anything specific in life. You are often called too impulsive, an extreme person. You should not be offended, but, on the contrary, you should be proud that over the past 5 years you have seen so many interesting things, experienced so many positive emotions, how much a person has not experienced in his entire life. You have a unique gift for motivating people through your life experiences. Keep up the good work to be successful and happy!

You are a very sensitive and responsive person. This is what helps you make people around you happy. You are very responsible and attentive. You have a unique gift for providing essential support to people who need it. You are intelligent, you have well-developed creative thinking, and you are a good advisor. You will never judge a person for any actions, but rather give him wise advice. You are often admired, which confuses you very much because you humble person. You are used to putting yourself in the background, just so that your loved ones feel good and comfortable. Because of this, many people sometimes feel like they are taking advantage of you. But that's not true. You yourself are ready to take off your shirt for the sake of the people you love and care about, if they feel comfortable, then you will be happy. Continue to take care of your loved ones, but don’t forget about yourself, and then happiness and success will await you!

Destiny number 7: Intuitive, sage, analyst

you are very sensitive person, your intuition is well developed. You have extraordinary wisdom, as if you have lived for a thousand years. Spiritual enlightenment is much more important to you than material values. You are very inquisitive and want to learn everything unknown, hidden, and gain new knowledge. You have an analytical mind, you know how to concentrate on one important thought, and you can easily give almost any advice. You value privacy and peace, but this does not prevent you from attracting people to you with the help of your innate charm and charisma. You are a wise storyteller and interesting to listen to. Very often people misunderstand you, mistaking you for an introvert who loves solitude and silence. In fact, you love communicating with other people, you have many friends, it’s just that very often interesting realizations come into your wise mind that you want to think about in solitude and peace. Don’t be shy and don’t be afraid of your thoughts, this is what will help you on the path to harmony and enlightenment.

Destiny number 8: Leader, visual, stubborn

You are the kind of person who likes to take responsibility for any occasion. You are a person with inexhaustible inner strength, you are a born leader with incredible charisma. It is these qualities that inspire other people who want to be like you. You know how to understand people very well, so you attract only good people. You have a developed gift of visualization, with the help of which you manage to achieve all the goals that you set for yourself. You are not afraid to take risks, which is why you easily achieve success in your career and financial sector. If you encounter difficulties, you boldly move forward with all the courage and perseverance. You are often considered stubborn and impatient, but this is only because you very boldly and decisively go towards your goal, and, unlike many others, you achieve it. If you motivate other people to succeed and help them in this, you will certainly become the happiest on earth! Good luck!

Destiny Number 9: Seer, Sage, Explorer

You are wise beyond your years. You are very smart and reasonable. You have the gift of foresight, you often experience a feeling of déjà vu, you dream prophetic dreams. You are an emotionally gifted person. You are always in search of new knowledge and personal growth, you believe in an individual life mission. People are drawn to you because of your friendliness and gentleness. You are often judged for being too daydreaming and having your head in the clouds, but in fact, you are a person with a unique imagination and creative thinking. When you are committed to your deepest dreams and goals, everything strong qualities your character is strengthened, and you achieve everything you want. Continue to follow your intuition and then everything will certainly work out!