What does a map of Peru look like? Peru location on the world map and attractions

The Republic of Peru is a country located in South America. There is everything for travelers here: ancient sights, modern buildings, numerous shops and natural masterpieces. This state is called "land of the Incas", because it was here that one of the most powerful civilizations of our planet once flourished. The Incas left a huge legacy that modern man is not associated with the time frame of the existence of the empire. They say that some of the ancient cities are still alive with their traditions and customs.

Peru borders five countries - Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil,. Washed by the waters Pacific Ocean. The country has three major natural areas . Among them:

  1. Selva. It covers the plains of the Amazon River basin and the eastern slopes of the Andes.
  2. Costa- a desert that stretches along the coast.
  3. Sierra- These are the highlands of the Andes.

The population is represented by various ethnic groups. About 45% are Aymara and Quechua Indians, 37% are mestizo, immigrants from Europe in Peru are about 15%, and other nationalities are represented only 3%. People of different faiths live here, but the majority of Peruvians are Catholics.

Peru is an opportunity to find secret road and climb to the mountain town Machu Picchu. This is a chance to enjoy the vastness of the Amazon. This is the realization of the dream of immersion in secrets ancient civilization, incredible Peruvian nature and spectacular local color. You can also try delicious local cuisine- sebiche and karapuchu.

Geographical location of the country

Detailed guides to Peru in Russian promise an eventful holiday. It remains to decide where Peru is located on the world map. The Republic lies on the west coast South America, occupying an area of ​​more than 1250 thousand square meters. km. This makes it the third largest country on the mainland. The capital of the country is Lima, which has not changed since the times of the Incas, so it is interesting where Lima lies on the world map.

To accurately see Peru on a map of South America or the world, you will have to familiarize yourself with geographical coordinates. 8°48′00″ S w. 74°58′00″ W. d. Other countries that are neighbors of Peru can also serve as a reference point. These include Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador and Colombia.

Relief, climate and weather

A map of Peru with cities also gives an understanding of the terrain features. It is quite diverse, influencing climatic conditions. In general, traveling around Peru is possible all year round due to the fact that the temperature on the coast is usually kept between +15 and +25 degrees. A huge advantage is minimal precipitation. During the year, up to 100 mm of precipitation falls in the south of the country, and up to 200 mm in the north. Very often rain is called "garua", which is light drizzle.

If you are planning a trip to mountainous areas, which are mainly located in the east of the country, it is worth considering weather conditions. It's much cooler here. If during the daytime the temperature is usually kept at +19...+21 degrees, then at night it drops to +4...+6 degrees. IN winter time the air temperature during the day ranges from +16 to +18 degrees, and at night drops to -2 and even -6 degrees.

As you go up into the mountains, the climate worsens - the temperature drops, rains become more frequent. In the western part of the Andes - up to 700 mm of annual precipitation, and in the eastern - up to 2000 mm. IN tropical forest travelers should prepare for no less extreme conditions- stuffiness, high temperature up to +34 during the day and +24 at night, increased humidity.

Sights of Peru

A map of Peru with attractions in Russian is needed by people not to get acquainted with the location of the state, but to go enjoy exploring amazing sights. They leave lasting impressions for a long time. Here's how historical sites, as well as natural masterpieces.

Of particular interest are archaeological parks and museums, of which there are over 180 in the country. The most famous is Machu Picchu, which is a protected area Inca city, which today is called the eighth wonder of the world. Attracts attention and Nazca desert with unique images on stone plateaus that can only be admired from a bird's eye view. This natural miracle is the subject of controversy today, since it is not clear who created this masterpiece and for what purpose.

You can go to explore Cusco - the archaeological capital of the state, Trujillo - the capital of the Costa region with a colonial style, Arequipa - a city of incredible beauty, located above sea level at an altitude of more than 2000 meters. Among natural masterpieces there are national parks, in which representatives of flora and fauna live that are not found in other parts of the world. Interesting Huascaran Park, whose territory is rich in 663 glaciers and 296 lakes.

Peru is a unique country that all travelers fall in love with. Here you can easily find attractions or entertainment of your choice - natural beauty, historical sites, beach holiday, modern shops.

The Republic of Peru is a state in Latin America, bordering Ecuador in the northwest, Colombia in the north, Chile and Bolivia in the southeast, and Brazil in the east. From the west, Peru is washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean. The third (after Brazil and Argentina) largest country in South America. The area of ​​Peru is 1,285,220 sq. km, population about 31 million people, capital Lima.

Peru has predominantly mountainous terrain. In the west of the country on the Pacific coast lies a narrow desert strip of the Costa coastal plains. To the east of it are the Andes mountains - maximum height 6,768 m (Mount Huascaran). The eastern Amazonian lowland in the south turns into a foothill plain. The largest river in the country is the Amazon, big lakes- Titicaca, Hanin.

The climate of Peru can be divided into three zones: coastal, mountainous and forested. The first occupies approximately a tenth of the country's area, the second - a third and the third - two thirds.

Because Peru's topography is complex, climatic conditions vary. On the coast, the temperature stays between +16–25 °C all year round. There is very little precipitation in these areas - no more than 200 mm. In the mountains at altitudes up to 3,500 mm in winter +4–6 °C, +16–17 °C in summer, in mountain valleys +24 °C.

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In higher areas it is much colder: in winter there are frosts down to −7 °C, in summer up to +7 °C, with sharp fluctuations in night and day temperatures from −12 °C to +28 °C. Glaciers remain on the mountain tops all year round. The amount of precipitation per year is no more than 700 mm. The east and northeast differ sharply climatically from the west and center. On the plains in summer from +18 to +27 °C, in winter from +16 to +26 °C. Precipitation ranges from 700 to 3,000 mm, mainly in summer.

Additional maps and diagrams

  • "Physical map of Peru" in jpg format, size 2.1 MB
  • “Road map of Peru” in jpg format, size 8.2 MB
  • "Detailed administrative map Peru." in jpg format, size 593.8 KB
  • “Peru on the world map” in jpg format, size 309.3 KB
  • “Map of Peru with cities and airports” in jpg format, size 2.3 MB
  • “Map of regions and departments of Peru” in jpg format, size 998.7 KB
  • “Relief map of Peru” in jpg format, size 318.9 KB
  • “Tourist map of Peru” in jpg format, size 1 MB

(Republic of Peru)

Geographical location. Peru is a country in the west of the South American continent. In the north the country borders on Ecuador, in the east on Brazil and Bolivia, and on the south on Chile. Peru is washed by the Pacific Ocean to the west.

Square. The territory of Peru occupies 1,285,216 square meters. km.

Main cities administrative division. Largest cities: Lima (6,000 thousand people), Callao (750 thousand people), Arequipa (700 thousand people), Trujillo (600 thousand people), Chiclayo (480 thousand people), Cusco (300 thousand people). Administrative division of the country: 25 departments.

State system

Peru is a republic. The head of state is the president. The legislative body is the Democratic Constituent Congress.

Relief. In the west, along the Pacific coast, stretches a narrow strip of desert coastal plains (Costa). To the east is the Andes mountain belt (Sierra), up to 6,768 m high (Huascaran). In the east is the Amazonian lowland (Selva), which turns into the foothill plain (Montagna) in the south.

Geological structure and minerals. The country's subsoil contains reserves of copper, gold, silver, oil, and iron ore.

Climate. Average monthly temperatures on the coast are 15-25°C, in the Andes, on the plateaus from 5 to 16°C, on the plains 24-27°C. Precipitation ranges from 700 to 3,000 mm per year.

Inland waters. The largest of the rivers is the Amazon, and the largest of the lakes is Titicaca.

Soils and vegetation. On the western slopes of the Andes there are rare shrubs and cacti; on the internal plateaus, in the north and east there are high-mountain tropical steppes, in the southeast there are semi-deserts. On the eastern slopes of the Andes and on the plains of the Selva there are moist evergreen forests.

Animal world. In Peru there are jaguar, puma, llama, monkeys, anteater, sloth, tapir, peccary, chinchilla, armadillo, crocodile, many various birds, snakes, lizards and insects.

Population and language

More than half of the 23 million Peruvians live in cities. Amazon Jungle - sparsely populated area: 5% of the population in 60% of the territory. Ethnic groups: about 50% of the country's population are Indians, about 30% are mestizo, 12% are white and 5% are black. Peru is a Spanish-speaking country. Most of the Indian population of the Sierra and Costa speak Spanish, preserving the traditions of their native (Quechua or Aymara) language in everyday life. The Amazon forest is inhabited by 70 ethnic groups Indians speaking languages ​​incomprehensible to each other. In mountainous and forested areas, quite remote from the centers of civilization, Spanish is, at best, a second language. Here, most of the population speaks only their native dialect.


The dominant religion in Peru is the Roman Catholic Church. The local Indian population, after converting to Christianity, retains some pagan customs and rituals.

Brief historical sketch

The capital of the Inca state was the city of Cusco, located in the southeast of Peru, in the upper reaches of the Urubamba River. The territory of the empire, which consisted of several provinces, during its heyday occupied vast spaces (about 1 million sq. km), stretching from north to south for 5 thousand km from Rio Ancasmayo in today's Colombia to Rio Maule in Chile. It is believed that the first people, representatives of the Marcavelle agricultural culture, appeared in this area at the end of the 2nd millennium BC. e. In the north of Peru by this time there already existed an urban culture of a higher level of civilization. Archaeological excavations show that temples were built here and irrigation systems were created. In the middle of the 1st millennium AD. e. the surrounding area of ​​Cusco became part of the state with its center in Huari. Researchers believe that in addition to the Huari civilization, the formation of the Inca culture was influenced by another center in the Lake Titicaca basin. There is also a hypothesis that the founders of the mysterious civilization came to these areas from the east, from tropical forests Amazonia. The connection between the Inca and Huari cultures is evidenced by the fact that both there and there used quipu, an ancient knotted script. The legendary first leader of the Incas was Manco Capac. Unfortunately for the Incas, who worshiped the Sun God and gold, the sun-colored metal, the first Europeans to reach the borders of their empire were gold-mining adventurers for whom cultural value what they saw. The fantastic Golden Garden, which depicted life in the Inca Empire, has been lost forever. Various Spanish chronicles unanimously claim that everything in this garden was made of pure gold. Here, a section of a field with maize shoots, the cobs of which were woven from silver wire, a herd of llamas with cubs, girls picking golden fruits from golden apple trees, birds sitting on the branches of other golden trees and bushes, snakes with false eyes made of precious stones, golden butterflies and beetles. The creators of the unique monument are representatives of the Chimu culture conquered by the Incas. By the time the first Europeans arrived in Cusco, the city had turned into the administrative and military center of the empire. According to the chronicles, a thorough reconstruction of the city, formerly a small village, was carried out by the 9th ruler of the Incas, Pachacuti Yupanqui, and his son, Tupac Yupanqui. The Incas themselves compared the layout of Cuzco to the body of a puma. They imagined the Saksauman fortress as the head of an animal. This creation impresses visitors to Cusco as a supernatural phenomenon. Saxauman was built from huge concrete blocks tightly fitted. Scientists today cannot explain how these giant slabs, weighing more than 350 tons each, were lifted by the Incas to the top of the mountain. Each of the three ramparts of the fortress was 360 m long and consisted of 21 bastions. Cusco was surrounded by three defensive ramparts. The outer, most powerful, was built from blocks 9 m high, 5 m wide, and 4 m thick. Another majestic structure is the Inca Throne, a smoothly polished rock, on one of the slopes of which seats are carved. The Incas worshiped the Sun. There were also temples of the Moon, Rainbow, Thunder, Lightning, and Venus. The cult of the Sun and Moon, revered by a married couple, explains the tradition of the Incan imperial family to marry only between siblings. Moreover, the chronicles never indicate the birth of sick children from such incestuous unions. Due to exclusively consanguineous marriages, the Incas managed to keep the elite circle of the imperial family closed. When the Spaniards arrived in Peru, there were no more than 500 representatives of the reigning dynasty in the entire empire.

The defeat of the Inca Empire seems as mysterious as the history of its emergence and development. September 25, 1513 A detachment led by Vasco Nunez de Balboa crossed the Isthmus of Panama for the first time and ended up on the shores of the Pacific Ocean. In May 1532, a detachment of conquistadors of 177 people led by Francisco Pizarro, having gained support Spanish king, arrived on the Pacific coast of Colombia in search of the mysterious country of Piru. At this time, the Inca Empire was ruled by the 13th emperor named Atahualpa, who had recently won a victory in the internecine civil war. Under his command were 10 million selflessly devoted inhabitants of the country, and it would not have been difficult for them to deal with a bunch of aliens. But the Spaniards, knowing about the peculiarities of the Indian mentality, decided to capture the emperor, the “son of the Sun,” and use him for their own purposes. An embassy was sent to the Inca capital. As a result of negotiations, it was decided to arrange a meeting between the emperor and the leader of the Spaniards on November 16, 1532. The emperor was captured. The Spaniards demanded a huge ransom from the Indians for Atahualpa: compensation should have been as much gold as the room where the emperor was kept could hold. The chamber had an area of ​​about 30 square meters. m, and the distance from floor to ceiling was 294 cm. The ransom amounted to 5,500,000 kg of gold and about 12,000 kg of silver. However, Atahualpa was not released. The Spaniards sentenced him to death. In 1572, the last of the dynasty of the “sons of the Sun,” Amaru I, was beheaded.

In the centuries following the capture, the Incas more than once rose up in spontaneous uprisings, which always ended in their defeat. The most serious unrest took place at the end of the 18th century. The state of Peru received freedom only after white settlers and Creoles joined the independence movement. They were not satisfied with the high duties imposed by the Spanish Court. Two decisive battles between the colonists and supporters of the king took place in 1824, on August 6 near the town of Junin and on December 9 near Ayacho. The Peruvians then fought wars with their neighbors, Chile and Ecuador, over disputed coastal territories. The last major war between Peru and Ecuador took place in 1941, and minor border skirmishes continue to this day. In June 1990, Alberto Fujimori, who came from a family of Japanese immigrants, was elected president of Peru.

Brief Economic Sketch

Peru is an agricultural country with a developed mining and developing manufacturing industry. Main cash crops: cotton (mostly long-fiber), sugar cane, coffee, cocoa. Pasture farming. They raise cattle, pigs, sheep, llamas, and alpacas. Logging. Fishing (mainly sardines, anchovies). Fish is used mainly for the production of fishmeal. The main branches of the mining industry: mining of zinc, lead, copper, iron ore, silver, gold, and oil ores. Food, mainly fishing industry; non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, oil refining, chemical, textile industry. Export: products of the mining and metallurgical industries, oil and petroleum products, fishmeal, coffee, cotton, sugar.

Monetary unit-int.

Brief sketch of culture

Art and architecture. Lima. Ruins of the pre-Inca period; restored Maranga temple dating from 200-500 AD. BC e.; pre-Incan temple of Huaca; Museum of Gold of Peru (one of the world's richest collections of gold objects for a wide variety of purposes: household items, religious objects, jewelry); Museum of weapons; Museum of Art (the museum exhibits both objects from the colonial period and finds dating back to the five-century history of the Inca Empire); National Museum of Anthropology and Archaeology; National Museum of the Republic; Museum of the Central Savings Bank with a collection of pre-Columbian objects and works of art from Peru from the 19th and 20th centuries; Museum of the Inquisition; Museum of Peruvian Culture; Museum of Natural History, the main exhibits of which are stuffed rare animals living in different landscape areas of Peru; the cathedral, founded in 1555; church and monastery of St. Francis, Franciscan monastery.

Where is Peru located on the world map. Detailed map of Peru in Russian online. Satellite map Peru with cities and resorts, roads, streets and houses. Peru on the world map is a country in South America, which is often called the land of legends and the historical center of the entire continent.

The capital of Peru is the city of Lima. Official language– Spanish. Climatic conditions in Peru vary by region. So, for example, on the coast in summer the average air temperature is +27...+29 C, in winter – up to +19 C. In the mountainous regions it is a little cooler, especially at night.

Detailed map of Peru in Russian with cities:

Peru - Wikipedia:

Population of Peru- 32,162,184 people. (2018)
Capital of Peru- Lima
Largest cities in Peru- Arequipa, Trujillo
Peru phone code - 51
Internet domains Peru- .pe

Today Peru is one of the countries in South America that is most loved by tourists from all over the world, and all thanks to the large concentration of historical and cultural monuments on its territory. Among them are the ruins of the Inca civilization (Cuzco, Machu Picchu, etc.) Machu Picchu is very ancient city, which is almost completely preserved due to its location in the highlands.

Machu Picchu It is considered the most important and valuable historical monument of the country. In addition to these monuments in Peru you can see the Nazca Lines, which have remained since the times ancient culture Nazca. These lines can only be seen from space.

Tourism is a fairly developed industry in Peru, which is in second place after the mining industry. Every year, Peru's tourism infrastructure is developing faster and faster. This is explained by the fact that Peru is a very beautiful country, owner historical monuments, and also a good place for a beach holiday.

The most popular beach spots sea ​​holiday- These are the beaches between the cities of Piura and Tumbes. The most famous Peruvian resort is Punta Sal. In second place in popularity is the resort of Mancora.

Most popular type active recreation among locals and vacationers, it’s surfing, because they think that in Peru sea ​​waves- the longest and tallest in the world.

What to see in Peru:

Machu Picchu, Colca Canyon, Nazca Desert, Lake Titicaca, Uros Floating Islands, Ancient City of Pisac, Cusco City, Tucume Pyramid Valley, Andean Candelabrum, Inca Trail, Gokta Falls, National Park Manu, Ancient City of Chan Chan, Huacachina Oasis, Cathedral Lima, Sacsahuaman Fortress, Plaza de Armas, Historic Center of Arequipa, Maras Salt Mines, Ballestas Islands.

The Republic of Peru is a state located in the western part of South America. The area of ​​the territory is quite vast (1,285,000 sq.m.), three countries can easily accommodate three countries - Italy, France and Spain. In terms of size, among other Latin American countries, Peru is second only to Mexico, Argentina and Brazil. In the south the country borders with Bolivia and Chile, in the north with Colombia and Ecuador, and in the east with Brazil. It is washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean from the west.

Peru on the world map

The country's topography is varied. Difficult mountain system stretches across the entire territory of the country from north to south.
Lima is the capital of the Republic of Peru. Other major cities: Iquitos, Trujillo, Iquitos, Machu Picchu.
Largest river countries - Amazon. The main lakes are Junin and Titicaca.
Administrative-territorial division: the entire state is divided into three regions 1) Coast on east coast Pacific Ocean; 2) Sierra Mountains in the middle part of the Andes; 3) the Selva mountains in the western Amazon.
The country's climate varies depending on the region. To the tropical desert climate belongs to the west. Average monthly temperature here it fluctuates between plus 25 degrees Celsius. More low temperatures observed in mountainous areas. Humid and hot - in low-lying areas.
The Republic of Peru has rich deposits of minerals such as oil, gold, silver, iron ore.

Map of Peru in Russian

The main attractions of Peru!
The sights of Peru are distinguished by their diversity: beautiful palaces, ancient fortresses, various architectural monuments, temples, amazing pyramids, museums and much more. In terms of the richness of attractions, the country ranks first in the world.
The Nazca Desert is a rocky desert that has attracted tourists for a long time with its mysterious patterns that can only be seen from the air.
Cusco – historical center country, the first and main capital of the Incas. The settlement of Machu Picchu is a famous landmark of the city. Its purpose is still not known - it is a real mystery for everyone Latin America.
The Inca Empire (an ancient city in which there are outstanding monuments of culture and art of Ancient Peru: the ritual stone of Intiwatana; the Palace of the Moon; the Temple of the Three Windows, the Coricancha Temple; the Puca Pucara fortress; the architectural complex of Saxauman; Machu Picchu, which is the most mysterious archaeological find The sacred citadel of Machu Picchu was voted one of the 7 Wonders of the World in 2007. Photo materials used from Wikimedia © Foto, Wikimedia Commons