Dear and secret helpers of the stars: psychics, astrologers, numerologists. Lolita Milyavskaya: I want a child from Dima! Astrologer Leocadia Galaktionova where does he receive

Stars rarely admit that they turn to “secret agents” for help. Although many celebrities go to appointments or regularly consult by phone with people who help them make responsible decisions, relying on their gifts and unique abilities. Surprisingly, it is a fact that “strong, brave, successful” people often ask for advice from psychics and astrologers. There are much fewer artists who do not hide their “connections” with fortune tellers than those who go to appointments in secret. In interviews, celebrities, as a rule, scold “fraudulent psychics”, and they themselves give them the money they earn from corporate events and filming. found out who the artists consult with. Psychics Fashionable star psychic Alexander Litvin helps with advice to Irina Bezrukova (pictured above), Alla Dovlatova, Sergei Bezrukov and many other celebrities, bankers, and athletes. Alexander Litvin and Tatyana Bulanova. Photo: social media. Irina Bezrukova said in an interview with Teleprogramma magazine that Calendar often helps her out happy life Alexandra Litvina” - she uses it and sees good results. With the help of the calendar, every morning she knows what color outfit to choose, what not to plan for the day, and what to do. “The winner of the “Battle of Psychics” Alexander Litvin taught me that you cannot talk about plans. Since the energy is eroded, a person, being envious, can send the wrong message that is needed to fulfill his plan,” said Irina Bezrukova. At Litvin’s meeting with the audience at the Central House of Writers, they included a video message from Sergei Bezrukov: “I called Sasha before filming the film “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive!“ He did not give a definite answer as to whether I should take on this job. I was puzzled... As a result, work on the painting was postponed for six months. When I started filming, I called Sasha again and informed him that I was starting to work. He was delighted: “Only now?” Great, but if you had started filming six months ago, working on the film could have had a negative impact on your health. But now the danger is over.” The “wizard” (as celebrities call Litvin) gave advice to the famous producer Evgeny Fridland on the time of conceiving a child. Now the producer has a daughter growing up and last marriage. One of the most authoritative psychics in the country, winner of the sixth season of the television project “Battle of Psychics,” Alexander Litvin, charges 50 thousand rubles for a 30-minute appointment and 29 thousand for 15 minutes on Skype. Numerologists In this area, there is no equal to Klara Kuzdenbaeva. Using numbers, she calculates the future, predicts, warns, and advises. Doctor of Psychology Kuzdenbaeva studied numerology in India: she studied the Tibetan number system and received a lot of specializations in numerology.

At my friend Tanya's birthday! Tatiana Vasilyeva! People's Artist of Russia, she is not only talented and beautiful, but also a powerful analyst. It was so interesting to communicate with her! Nugget, that's how she is! #pride of the country #best friend

A post shared by Klara Kuzdenbayeva (@klarakuzdenbayeva) on Apr 29, 2017 at 11:35am PDT Numerology is the ability to interpret numbers and see a person’s destiny from them. Clara calculates a person’s life code by date of birth, and then adjusts life based on emotional and physical periods of ups and downs. By the way, this is how the numerologist met her husband. Businessman Vladimir Kuznetsov saw Clara on TV, found a phone number and made an appointment. “There was a period of decline in his life, things were not going well. I reassured him, saying, just be patient a little and everything will work out. And so it happened,” said Clara. Vladimir began to court his numerologist - Kuzdenbaeva taught the man numerology and they began to understand each other better. And then they got married. Among the numerologist's celebrity clients are Alexander Peskov, Mikhail Muromov, Irina Nelson, Nadezhda Babkina, Alika Smekhova, Roma Zhukov, Ksenia Chilingarova. The reception costs from 15 thousand rubles. Psychologists Vera Kupriyanova listened to many of the sorrows and joys of Ksenia Sobchak and others socialites. Sobchak was never shy about visiting Kupriyanova, and even took up psychology herself. IN interview with Elle Sobchak admitted that psychology classes helped her build a true relationship with her mother: “Psychologically, there is a struggle of one strong personality on the other. This is an insoluble conflict, although, I repeat, I love my mother very much... I understand that she drove two hours to meet me, she dreamed of seeing me, and so we met, sat down, and ten minutes later I began to be shocked, and she sincerely doesn't understand why. It all starts the same way: cap, bring some more tea, mom, I don’t want it, bring it anyway, let it sit, you’re probably hungry, more squid. Sometimes I hold back, sometimes I don’t... But I’m learning. In fact, it was because of my mother that I started studying psychology and have almost gotten my second degree. higher education in this specialty. Mom is my simulator...” A consultation with psychologist Anetta Orlova, in demand among businessmen, politicians and celebrities, costs 7 thousand rubles. And fashion psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky 70 thousand rubles.

With the beauty Yanochka Poplavskaya!

A post shared by Anetta Orlova (@anettaorlova) on Mar 22, 2017 at 9:23am PDT Astrologers The most legendary star astrologer Leokadia Galaktionova. Among its clients are representatives upper echelons authorities, athletes, artists. Most people hide visits to an astropsychologist, passing on news to each other about predictions that have come true - marriages, divorces and other life disasters. Lolita Milyavskaya does not hide her long-standing friendship with Leocadia and constantly consults on a variety of issues: “ For many years psychologist and astrologer Leokadia Galaktionova proved to me that passions are incompatible with marriage. After every unsuccessful romance, I rushed to her in tears, and in response I heard: “This is not love.” The moment will come, you will meet normal person, with whom you will feel at ease." When the singer met her husband Dmitry, Leocadia told her that this particular chosen one was “yours.” lottery ticket“. Lolita introduced her to the astrologer-psychologist Mikhail Grushevsky. He provided Galaktionova with information about the date, time and place of birth, and Leocadia made calculations and predicted 2 marriages for the man, saying that he would find true happiness only in mature age. And so it happened. A year after the prediction, Grushevsky got married, and a daughter was soon born. At the age of 50, Mikhail married a second time and had a son. With his second wife, Grushevsky was at a reception with Galaktionova, the astrologer made a forecast for their son.

One year of one family (Favorites)!

A post shared by Mikhail Grushevskiy (@grushevskiymikhail) on Feb 1, 2016 at 11:10am PST

“Chanson of the Year 2019”: all the stars on the main stage of the country

The solemn ceremony of presenting the “Chanson of the Year” award took place on April 20 at the State Kremlin Palace! The main hall of the country was sold out that evening. Many fans of the genre specially came to the capital to attend the concert. After all, “Chanson of the Year” is a kaleidoscope of your favorite artists, original authors, and soulful songs!

Katerina Golitsyna is now not only one of the most beloved performers of chanson in Russian. The artist will soon present absolutely new project! "The most important news of the latest three months– this is the embodiment of my old dream. This is the creation of a YouTube channel that will present new children's songs. And the channel is called “MultiVarik TV”. I am his producer, I am his ideological inspirer..."

The Ministry of Internal Affairs proposes to confiscate cars from drivers who have been caught driving while drunk twice. This idea is not new and has been discussed at the top more than once. There are not yet enough supporters of such drastic measures. Nevertheless, traffic cops want to toughen the punishment for those who like to ride drunk...

Famous English writer Chesterton once sarcastically remarked: “If we call cabbage a cactus, we will immediately find a lot of interesting things in it.” And if we, suppose, call an outsider a leader, will this make a champion out of a loser? I doubt it, although many people try to achieve fame and glory this way. It’s just that in their business, where they have to prove their worth, they don’t succeed much. The biathletes of the Russian national team decided to “become cacti.” Well, if little happens at a distance and at the firing line...

June 10, 2017

Who helps artists accept important decisions

Stars rarely admit that they turn to “secret agents” for help. Although many celebrities go to appointments or regularly consult by phone with people who help them make responsible decisions, relying on their gifts and unique abilities. Surprisingly, it is a fact that “strong, brave, successful” people often ask for advice from psychics and astrologers. There are much fewer artists who do not hide their “connections” with fortune tellers than those who go to appointments in secret. In interviews, celebrities, as a rule, scold “fraudulent psychics”, and they themselves give them the money they earn from corporate events and filming.


Fashionable star psychic Alexander Litvin helps with advice to Irina Bezrukova, Alla Dovlatova, Sergei Bezrukov and many other celebrities, bankers, and athletes.

Alexander Litvin and Tatyana Bulanova. Photo: social networks.

Irina Bezrukova said in an interview with Teleprogramma magazine that she is often helped out by Alexander Litvin’s Happy Life Calendar - she uses it and sees good results. With the help of the calendar, the actress knows every morning what color outfit to choose, what not to plan for the day, and what to do. “The winner of the “Battle of Psychics” Alexander Litvin taught me that you cannot talk about plans. Since the energy is eroded, a person, being envious, can send the wrong message that is needed to fulfill his plan,” said Irina Bezrukova.

At Litvin’s meeting with the audience at the Central House of Writers, they included a video message from Sergei Bezrukov: “I called Sasha before filming the film “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive!” He did not give a clear answer as to whether I should take on this job. I was puzzled... As a result, work on the painting was postponed for six months. When I started filming, I called Sasha again and informed him that I was starting to work. He was delighted: “Only now? Great, but if you had started filming six months ago, working on the film could have had a negative impact on your health. But now the danger is over.”

The “wizard” (as celebrities call Litvin) gave advice to the famous producer Evgeny Fridland on the time of conceiving a child. Now the producer has a daughter from his last marriage.


In this area, there is no equal to Klara Kuzdenbaeva. Using numbers, she calculates the future, predicts, warns, and advises. Doctor of Psychology Kuzdenbaeva studied numerology in India: she studied the Tibetan number system and received a lot of specializations in numerology.

Numerology is the ability to interpret numbers and see a person’s destiny from them. Clara calculates a person’s life code by date of birth, and then adjusts life based on emotional and physical periods of ups and downs.

By the way, this is how the numerologist met her husband. Businessman Vladimir Kuznetsov saw Clara on TV, found a phone number and made an appointment. “There was a period of decline in his life, things were not going well. I reassured him, saying, just be patient a little and everything will work out. And so it happened,” said Clara. Vladimir began to court his numerologist - Kuzdenbaeva taught the man numerology and they began to understand each other better. And then they got married.

Among the numerologist's celebrity clients are Alexander Peskov, Mikhail Muromov, Irina Nelson, Nadezhda Babkina (pictured above and below), Alika Smekhova, Roma Zhukov, Ksenia Chilingarova. The reception costs from 15 thousand rubles.


Vera Kupriyanova listened to many of the sorrows and joys of Ksenia Sobchak and other socialites. Sobchak was never shy about visiting Kupriyanova, and even took up psychology herself. In an interview with Elle, Sobchak admitted that psychology classes helped her build a true relationship with her mother: “Psychologically, there is a struggle between one strong personality and another. This is an insoluble conflict, although, I repeat, I love my mother very much... I understand that she drove two hours to meet me, she dreamed of seeing me, and so we met, sat down, and ten minutes later I began to be shocked, but she sincerely doesn't understand why. It all starts the same way: cap, bring some more tea, mom, I don’t want it, bring it anyway, let it sit, you’re probably hungry, more squid. Sometimes I hold back, sometimes I don’t... But I’m learning. In fact, because of my mother, I started studying psychology and have almost received a second higher education in this specialty. Mom is my trainer..."

A consultation with psychologist Anetta Orlova, in demand among businessmen, politicians and celebrities, costs 7 thousand rubles. And fashion psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky 70 thousand rubles.


The most legendary star astrologer Leocadia Galaktionova. Among her clients are representatives of the highest echelons of power, athletes, and artists. Most people hide visits to an astropsychologist, passing on news to each other about predictions that have come true - marriages, divorces and other life disasters.

Lolita Milyavskaya does not hide her long-standing friendship with Leocadia and constantly consults on a variety of issues: “For many years, psychologist and astrologer Leocadia Galaktionova proved to me that passions are incompatible with marriage. After every unsuccessful romance, I rushed to her in tears, and in response I heard: “This is not love. The moment will come when you will meet a normal person with whom you will feel calm.” When the singer met her husband Dmitry, Leocadia told her that this chosen one was “your lottery ticket.”

Lolita introduced astrologer-psychologist Mikhail Grushevsky. He provided Galaktionova with information about the date, time and place of birth, and Leocadia made calculations and predicted 2 marriages for the man, saying that he would find true happiness only in adulthood. And so it happened. A year after the prediction, Grushevsky got married, and a daughter was soon born. At the age of 50, Mikhail married a second time and had a son. With his second wife, Grushevsky was at a reception with Galaktionova, the astrologer made a forecast for their son.

Her palms are folded in prayer. The gaze looks into emptiness. And thoughts are somewhere far, far away. What is this woman thinking? About God? About your life? About your beloved? Or maybe she needs to make a choice? Perhaps the most important choice that will change her entire future life.

I have a unique person - my friend and astrologer Leokadia Galaktionova. For many years I have been consulting with her on all important issues,” admits Lolita Milyavskaya.

This time the singer visited Leocadia on Christmas - predictions made at this time are considered accurate and very often come true.

Lola, for you now favorable time to think about... a child! - the astrologer told the singer. - I’ll say more: if you decide to give birth now, you will have a healthy son!

These words thundered for the singer like thunder from a clear sky. Lord, how long she dreamed, prayed and cried for her son!

I'm afraid! I don't want to go through this nightmare again! - the singer whispered and covered her face with her hands.

For five years Lolita was married to the rich and handsome Alexander Zarubin, who understands her and accepts her for who she is. All they needed for complete family happiness was a child. After three years of marriage, Lolita became pregnant. The couple were in seventh heaven, but...

I was in my fourth month. Suddenly - a sharp pain and... miscarriage! My husband and I could not survive the death of our son,” Milyavskaya admitted with pain. - Both are broken...

Everyone wanted to be left alone with their grief. They went their separate ways. Like strangers. And then they got divorced.

Friends introduced the singer to a handsome 34-year-old squash athlete

Lolita threw herself into her work. She's had enough pain! But can you command your heart? Friends introduced the singer to a handsome 34-year-old squash athlete (a game similar to tennis - Ed.) Dima Ivanov. Lola initially mistook him for... a stripper. Athletic figure, pretty appearance, youth, after all!

I didn't count on a long-term relationship. I wanted sex, not a headache! Moreover, I have not yet fully recovered from the divorce! - the singer opens up.

But then Dima ended up in the hospital with a serious injury:

My head was immediately blown off! I began to look after him myself, as if I was afraid of losing him! Every day I rushed to the hospital, brought soups, cutlets, and pies. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach!

But Dima didn’t love her for this:

Lolita is actually very homely, caring and attentive. I told myself: don't miss her! And he offered his hand and heart! And I also beg Lola to give me a son!..

I want a son, but I'm afraid! - Lola said to the astrologer. - How can this be?!

I'm just predicting. And you choose your own path!

Lolita thought for a long time. And then she smiled widely. Her eyes lit up. She immediately made a choice. It's not hard to guess which one.

“I don’t want to look like a bass woman!”

Photo: Mikhail Korolev

Her nature is a complete element; LOLITA sets the boundaries of her behavior herself. I have always been interested in the numerous PARADOXES in the fate of this bright, talented woman. She is one of those whom life constantly TESTS FOR STRENGTH, but she definitely has the winning gene in her.

Lolita, we decided to do your photo shoot in a classic interior. Is this close to you, or do you like minimalism?
I absolutely cannot live in a modern interior. It seems to me that this is some kind of mental destruction. It probably has something to do with the fact that I have to travel a lot. All hotels today are high-tech, minimalist. Therefore, I want there to be something at home that already has life in it. No, I don’t collect antiques, because I don’t sit on oil money. So, I collect cute trinkets that collectors usually don't need. Here, for example, is a glacier from 1903. When I saw it for the first time, I didn’t understand what kind of unusual object it was. It turns out that they used to be used on trains - they put a glass and served the drink to passengers. I also have a little thing that was used to collect fish bones at lunch. At one time, my grandmother taught me how many forks, knives and spoons should be on the table during dinner, on which side what should be placed. But I forgot all this and eat perfectly from the pan. And when I saw this thing, I realized: my grandmother missed this kind of life.

Do you use this thing?
No. I have one, but there should probably be six of them. This item simply creates warmth in the apartment. I also have a collection of cups. From the point of view of collectors, she is not God knows what. But for me it is very valuable...

I understand you. I also collect cups - with the names of cities.
I'll know what to give you! My collection began with a cup that I bought in an antique store in Saratov. It cost $100, which was a lot of money for me, but I fell in love with the cup. Later, having arrived in my favorite city of Lviv, I again walked through the museums - at school we skipped classes just like that. In one of the museums I saw the service of the Polish king and realized that I had a cup from such a service. My cups are not behind glass; absolutely all of them are used - for example, when guests come.

Do guests come often?
Not now.

I don’t have time or energy for guests. The desire sometimes arises, but passes very quickly. Because I know in advance: this means that now I’m standing at the stove, then, when everyone is eating, I’ll be standing at the stove again, heating it up, serving it, running around with a glass, never sitting down. Then I’ll start cleaning it all up and washing it. And the next morning I still have to see the guests who stayed overnight.

But listen, there is such a fashionable concept as catering.

I know, but I don't like it. If I lived in the castle named after Maxim Galkin, of course, I would need catering and a number of housekeepers living directly with me in the same area. And I have nowhere for them to live.

Small apartment?
No, she's not small. I just can’t stand it when someone stays with me - I can’t, I can’t stomach it. Yes, and visit myself lately I don’t go out much: I have to wear something decent. I choose those guests to whom I can come in a tracksuit.

Do you love tracksuits so much?

Very! I stopped loving everything evening. When I got better, I could no longer fit into my beautiful, elegant dresses, and my legs could no longer handle heels. And why would I come up with something, go shopping, buy clothes a size larger in order to look thinner? I don't have time for this. In addition, I’m almost fifty, I’ve already been seen in everything, at 41 I was twice the country’s sex symbol. This is quite enough to satisfy vanity and all women's ambitions.

Well, okay, but don’t you have a desire to lose weight?
No. I think this is stupid. I'm not ugly. I have everything: the waist, the proportions, and my face is all right. On the beach, young men still approach, so everything is fine. I was thin most of my life, weighing fifty-six kilograms. I recovered at the age of forty-three. The doctors said that this was how my body reacted to the fact that I hadn’t given it a rest for many years. There was a failure in the metabolic system, in particular, carbohydrates stopped being digested. I eat once. On the day of the performance, this is soup - my director literally pours it into me three to four hours before the concert. And the salad - I can't eat anything else. If I'm at home, I can cook myself a piece of meat, or pancakes, or cabbage rolls.

So you don’t need any diet.
Not needed. I decided not to rape my psyche with any fast weight loss. This is very harmful - that's what the doctors told me. By the way, when I weighed fifty-six kilograms, I sang poorly. What’s bad about it, I just didn’t sing: my voice range was small, I didn’t have enough support, I had no stamina, I got incredibly tired during concerts. Now the range is expanded, wide, meaty and juicy at the bottom. And I became less tired during the concert. So I need my weight.

This is cool. In general, you need to be able to love yourself for who you are.
Absolutely! True, I realized this late. For twelve years I went to the psychologist-astrologer Leocadia Galaktionova. Amazing woman, smart. I understood that self-inadequacy was having a bad effect on me. I had a lot of complexes. I always considered myself ugly - thanks to my ex-partner, he did everything possible for this.

Do you mean...
...the one who was with me in the “Academy” duet and with whom I had the longest marriage. Not even a marriage pure form. It was a working marriage, which is much stronger, more emotional, more functional than just a relationship between a man and a woman. True, I also dealt a couple of blows to his pride - I confess, this happened due to ignorance and inexperience. But he would never have been able to achieve this result if his parents had initially shown great love to me. They simply did not know how to show this love. And now, when I learned to analyze life, I stopped blaming other people, and it became easier for me to communicate. I understand why this or that phrase is said. I don’t do bad things because I know the price of retribution.

As for the parents - a strong confession.
The parents had a very difficult life, they worked a lot, toured. Dad was an entertainer and concert director, he had his own jazz band. Mom is a singer, she sang everything: pop music, jazz, romances. She could have had a great future if dad had not emigrated to Israel. He was one of the thirty-six first immigrants to arrive in Israel. Father knew Golda Meir ( ex-Prime Minister of Israel. - Approx. OK!) - she studied in Kyiv with my grandmother. And when dad left, everyone was no longer interested in showing love to me. There were reasons for this: the family lived in constant hysteria and lack of money, we were bullied by the KGB because we were unreliable. Although the only unreliability of my family was that my dad once read a monologue about the dirty Yalta beaches. For this he was deprived of the title of Honored Artist, as well as a three-room apartment in Yalta - we were about to get it. On top of everything else, Ekaterina Furtseva ( the then Minister of Culture of the USSR. - Approx. OK!) signed an order according to which my father was prohibited from performing with his jazz band. Mom had no choice but to sing in a music hall during the day, and in a variety show in the evenings, in order to support the whole family. And then there’s my father’s nervous soil Some kind of kidney blockage occurred and he became disabled. In Israel, things didn’t work out for him right away; he didn’t have much money, although he was given a job in a jazz orchestra on television. He studied Hebrew, then, together with his partner, opened the first Russian restaurant in Israel - Samovar. His partner abandoned him - dad turned out to be unfit for any business except show business. Apparently, I’m the same with him.

Straight out from a movie plot. Did a difficult family situation break you down as a child?
I was little and only as I grew up did I begin to understand what kind of drama was going on with my parents. At the time, I was interested in something else: would dad send me parcels from Israel, would I be decently dressed - that’s all I wanted. I recently re-read my father’s letters consciously. I keep them all: letters, postcards. He described my way to school, birch trees, squirrels. And I thought: what kind of nonsense? I can't stand this road to school! And why squirrels? Much more important was where the chewing gum was in the package. Well, what else could you expect at that time from me, who was in the 4th grade? I didn’t care about their squabbles, I hated what was happening in the family for the reason that they took their irritation out on me. Now I understand them.

They shouldn't have done that, but I understand.
If in childhood there was a lot of love in its most primitive manifestation - with lulling, stroking, with words about how beautiful I am, good girl, then I would have a different attitude towards choosing partners in life. For some reason, I always found myself in the position of a woman who says: “Thank you for picking me up! You know, I can do anything: sew, cross-stitch, and, if necessary, whitewash and paint. And I can give myself a drill on March 8th. You sit, I’ll do everything myself! Thank you for being with me!” I made a grave mistake in allowing myself to be treated this way. But my child will not do it. Eva grows up in a completely different world. Why did I read the works of geniuses, listen to the psychologist and other smart men and women?! So that my child grows up self-sufficient and happy.

But your daughter lives at a distance from you - in Kyiv, with her grandmother.
It doesn't matter at all. A child feels whether you love him or not in everything: in your words on the phone, in your touch when you meet. When I come to her, I cuddle her all the time, sleep with her. She knows for sure that her mother loves her. And that mom is not just absent, but earns money - for her life, for her education. She is not interested in things: my grandmother and I rejoice when we manage to persuade my daughter to wear some beautiful dress. She does this favor when mom arrives. And so she has jeans, sneakers, UGG boots. Eve thinks: “Don’t touch me, I should be comfortable.” I'm the same now: long dresses, make-up, make-up - this is all only on stage. Understand me, people, and don’t touch me! I don’t want to comb my hair, I’ve been standing with this comb, curling irons and hoods for thirty years. Give me a rest, spit and don't pay attention to me.

It's impossible not to pay attention to you! You are loud, bright, emotional.
This is me on stage. And also in corset dresses, very neat, always with a manicure. Before going on stage, I ask my director Edik to see what I look like and go ahead. I trust him absolutely, we have been working together for eight years, he has become a part of my soul. My mother also trusts Edik: if I don’t have time to pick up my daughter after the concert in Kyiv, I ask Edik. My mother trusts him with her child. Moreover, it is Edik who my mother complains about me to. Edik may feel sorry for me too.

What is your relationship with your mother now?
Difficult relationships in the past. I love her and accept her for who she is. She was born during the hungry years of the war. Her mother is of blue blood, her father is a convinced communist and smart. She grew up on the edge historical events. My mother was very worried that her career did not work out. But she had the makings of becoming very popular.

I can imagine how your mother rejoices at your success.
Now yes. But when I started performing, my mother said that I sang terribly. She felt she should judge me as a professional. But I wanted her to treat me like a mother. When my parents left, I stayed with my grandmother, my father’s mother. Grandma could fall asleep and forget that I was in the yard. I remember that my parents took all my friends home, and I was sitting in the yard. It's half past ten, already dark. I plucked up my courage and entered the dark entrance, where all the light bulbs had burned out. I wasn’t so big that I shouldn’t be afraid... It was moments like these that strengthened me, otherwise I wouldn’t have achieved what I have... That’s why I feel sorry for my mother, I love and respect her. Now she showers all her love on her granddaughter, calling her daughter. I’m not jealous and say that I have two daughters: the eldest is my mother, the youngest is Eva. Mom is like my child, who sometimes needs to be reprimanded. I am calm and happy that I have two children.

Mom once said that you were a terrible singer. And you, apparently, continued to believe in yourself. This is excellent quality.
Recently, Vadim, I noticed: when I go forward, I don’t perceive negative assessments. Solo career the second time I started at thirty-seven years old, after my divorce from the “Academy” duo. I approached my colleagues and asked: can I do it? They answered “yes” sluggishly, and behind them they heard: “Downed pilot.” Almost no one believed in me. Unless Alla Borisovna said that I could do it. I started singing again after I got divorced. There was a feeling of absolute freedom and a clear understanding: my piece of bread depends on what I do now. In general, I always married for love. And all my relationships are also for love. Even if the next morning this feeling disappeared. There is nothing wrong with that, I had a lot of love potential. The word “love” for me mainly meant passion, had a physiological background, characterizing the stormy, irrepressible nature of Scorpio. Now everything is much calmer. Love involves more spiritual origin, rather than physiological.

Has harmony been achieved?
Now yes. If I knew that I would get a husband like Dima, I would meet him at the maternity hospital - he is twelve years younger than me. People are mature and immature, and this does not depend on age. I'm lucky. I got a person who is interested in developing. We have been living together for three and a half years now, and he is constantly looking for new books and attending spiritual lectures.
I want to ask you this. Surely in the family you are the leader and the main breadwinner. Doesn't this hurt your husband's pride?
I like that there is usefulness in him: he feels like a breadwinner and tries. There are simply things that cannot be bought - attention, care, attitude, forgiveness. Dima gives me a feeling of inner peace. He does everything to make me feel comfortable psychologically, mentally, morally. There is no money that can buy this. Dima earns enough to support himself, support his child from his first marriage, and help his parents. We signed marriage contract, and what I earn is always mine. Gifts he like a real man, does it to me. But I have never evaluated gifts by their cost. On the contrary, if they give me something expensive, it immediately loses its value in my eyes.

Tell me, on what basis can inconsistencies occur with your husband? Surely this happens.
Very rarely, in three and a half years we had a fight five times. Well, we had a fight... Today you sleep in the nursery, and that’s it. So Dimka even sleeps better there! There are inconsistencies. Now he was very upset with me because, while on tour in Belarus, I didn’t go see his mother for at least fifteen minutes. I explained: “Dim, you know that I need to sleep before the concert. Then a rehearsal for two hours, then a concert for two twenty. Then we travel three hundred kilometers, and for me every five minutes of rest is worth its weight in gold.” Dima just can’t understand that before the concert no one exists for me - neither my mother, nor my daughter, nor my close relatives. I forbid everyone to bring me bad information on the eve of the concert. But when the funeral service has finished, then please. He seems to feel it, but he’s still offended. So we had a fight.

For how long?
For one night. We spent the night at the dacha: I went to sleep on the second floor, he stayed on the first. And in the morning I wake up: all the dishes have been washed, everything is clean, and he behaves as if there was no quarrel. And there is no commercialism in this.

A few years ago, you happily told me that you had plastic surgery on your face.
What does “with pleasure” mean? I just thought there was nothing special about it! I didn't change anything fundamentally. Look: not a single scar. My friend, plastic surgeon Andrei Iskornev, once remarked: “You have been painting your eyelids every day for twenty years at work, spending an hour and a half on face makeup. The upper eyelids are tightening, let’s fix this, remove excess eyelid skin?” I say: “Okay, just don’t change the shape of your eyes.” And the next time the makeup took half an hour. I make it easier for people and myself. The surgeon also “revitalized” my lips: while I was under anesthesia, he took some of my natural fat from the chin and pumped it into my lips. I asked if I would look like a female perch. He reassured: “No, I added your own fat.”

Have you done your own lifts?
The same surgeon told me not to come to him until I was fifty. And recently we saw him again. He says: “Listen, it looks like you don’t even need to come to fifty dollars.” Thanks mom!

We recently talked on the phone, your voice was completely hoarse. You say you have to work a lot. Where do you restore your strength? Where is this fulcrum?
If possible, I go to a dacha in Dorokhovo near Moscow. In my non-elite village, I have to do everything with my own hands; there is no housekeeper there. That's when I recover. And when I can’t go to the dacha, I just take a book and start reading - whatever. At such moments I feel that the structure called the soul is nourished and ceases to be depleted.

How do you react when they say: Lolita on stage is vulgar, vulgar, tasteless?
And there are also people who say: Lolita on stage is intellectual, free, passionate and not a fool. And who to listen to? People whom you respect very much in the profession and know that they are objective. Alla Borisovna, for example, makes three apt remarks - not to the eyebrow, but to the eye. But these are such professional remarks! I've been getting carried away with reading biographies. brilliant people. I read and understand: yes, I’m just a seven-flowered flower against their background! These people did such things, subjected themselves to self-destruction. And someone recovered, grabbed themselves by the hair and pulled them out. And some didn’t pull it out because they didn’t think it was necessary. And this is a position. As Bunin said, “I’m not a piece of gold to please everyone.” And what's the point of being liked by everyone?