Where did Pugacheva and Galkin’s children come from? Photos, interesting facts. Children of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin: latest rumors and photos

On his official page on the social network Instagram, Maxim Galkin publishes photographs and videos with enviable regularity, the main characters of which are his four-year-old children Lisa and Harry. From the moment of their birth, Maxim Galkin and his wife Alla Pugacheva did not hide the fact that the children were born thanks to a surrogate mother.


At first, the country's most famous couple carefully hid their heirs, but then Galkin and Pugacheva finally declassified the kids. In an interview with Elena Sever in the program “North. True stories" Maxim explained why he and Alla stopped hiding Lisa and Harry. According to the showman, he and his wife had no choice.

"They have unusual fate, understand? Still, children born through surrogacy, as a rule, remain anonymous: their environment and future peers will never know this. In the case of my children or Philip’s children, they are already doomed to publicity, that is, to discussion of all this,” concluded Maxim Galkin.

The popular TV presenter noted the current state of surrogacy. “Now this is becoming the norm, it still remains anonymous. Therefore, children who appeared this way will never face possible condemnation and misinterpretation in future life", explained the showman.

At the same time, Maxim Galkin noted that his and Alla Pugacheva’s experience became innovative because it ceased to be anonymous. “In fact, in this case we are dealing with, so to speak, the first such experience in our country. I want to give them the opportunity to have a “plus start”. I want to show you them in all their glory - these are wonderful children. In this matter, unfortunately, we have , still a lot of denseness!" – Maxim Galkin reasoned.

Galkin and Pugacheva were the most talked about couple for several years. Certainly, main theme discussing their marriage there was a huge age difference. The prima donna was married many times, both in official and civil relationships. Maxim was initially her student and friend, over time their relationship became warmer and developed into true love. This love eventually became so strong that they began to think about having a baby together. No one could have thought that one day the children of Pugacheva and Galkin would be born. But that’s why they are the most talked about couple, to surprise their fans.

Age is not a barrier

Alla had long wanted to have a second child, but due to her busy career, she constantly put this question off until later. Christina had already become a completely grown woman, and the diva herself was a grandmother, but the dream of a baby did not burn out in her. So several more years passed, she had already married Galkin, and now she decided to take the issue of motherhood more seriously. Maxim supported his wife; he did not have children of his own, so he really wanted a baby. For eleven years, Pugacheva worked on the “give birth to a child” program and was observed in the most prestigious and expensive clinics. But age is age, it was decided to resort to the service of a surrogate mother. Age is not a barrier to becoming a mother, the main thing is desire. Especially if you have the financial opportunity.

Confidential, but not quite

WITH surrogate mother, who was carrying babies for the star couple, an agreement was immediately concluded that after giving birth she would immediately disappear and would not give interviews or communicate on this topic with outsiders. The children of Galkin and Pugacheva will never have to recognize the woman who carried them.

This woman was observed for the entire period in the most expensive private clinic near Rublyovka. Many representatives of the Russian elite live in this area, so no one had any doubts that the children of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin would be born there.

Pair for a long time hid from the public the fact that they were going to become parents, and even the fact that a surrogate mother was carrying their children was completely hidden. But the earth is full of rumors, everything eventually becomes known. It was not hidden from journalists that the children of Galkin and Pugacheva would soon be born.

On the front pages

This news quickly spread across the newspapers and news, but many believed that it was just another " marketing ploy" couples. Allegedly, they deliberately spread this news in order to remind of themselves and attract lost attention again.

Maxim and Alla did not confirm or deny these rumors; they tried to keep their personal lives private and avoided conversations on this topic.

Birth of babies

On September 18, two thousand and thirteen, twins were born at the clinic. These were the children of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin. The joy of the mother and father knew no bounds, as the doctors of this hospital say. No one has seen such happiness here for a long time. One must assume how happy the diva was, because her old dream came true at that age.

The news that the children of Pugacheva and Galkin were born immediately spread across the media and became the most discussed topic for many months. From the first minutes, Pugacheva herself was next to the babies, swaddling and bathing them, and putting them to bed. Maxim stayed close to his wife and children whenever possible, but sometimes went away to filming. Most of all, he had to fight off the reporters who literally attacked him.

Behind a high fence

After the mother and children were sent home, the couple practically stopped appearing in society. The children of Galkin and Pugacheva remained out of the reach of journalists, constantly being in their huge house behind high fence walls. Journalists tried to persuade parents to give interviews and show their children, but were constantly refused. Some even tried to enter the territory or try to film the children through the fence while they were walking, but all their attempts were in vain.

On given time the couple has softened a little, sometimes allows them to photograph the kids, but does not allow them to meddle in their lives.

Names and ages of babies

The children of Galkin and Pugacheva are named after royalty. They were given the names Harry and Lisa. As Alla says, much in the fate of people depends on names. They chose names together with Maxim already when they first learned that there would be opposite-sex twins.

How old are the children of Pugacheva and Galkin now? This question is of interest not only to fans of the couple, but also to those simply curious. So, on September eighteenth, two thousand and sixteen, the kids turned three years old. Harry is only a few minutes older than Lisa, but much larger. He is the older brother, and should be the protector of his fragile sister.

Alla says that she loves her son more, and Maxim adores Lisa. They don’t separate the children, it just so happens that the son is his mother’s, and the daughter is his father’s.

Will the children attend kindergarten?

Parents of children have every opportunity for their children to grow up at home, under the supervision of hundreds of nannies. But still, it was decided that the kids need to attend preschool in order to communicate with other guys, to develop normally in society. The children of Pugacheva and Galkin - Harry and Lisa - will be pupils of a private kindergarten. This institution was chosen for them a long time ago, classes will be carried out under general conditions.

Alla does not yet know which school she and Maxim will send their children to. It is difficult for them to make a choice due to the wide variety. One thing is certain: this school will be the most elite and best. Maxim and Alla simply adore their little angels and will give them a life worthy of kings.

The children of the star couple were born on September 18, 2013 in the village of Lapino near Moscow. The parents are happy and work with the kids, teach them how to communicate with their peers and claim that their heirs attend regular kindergarten“Puss in Boots”, in which there are children from ordinary poor families. The children of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin became favorites not only of their spouses, but also of family friends, and latest photos and fresh rumors are persistently sought by numerous fans and simply curious people))

Before significant event Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin had little idea of ​​their life with children. They believed that they would also continue to tour and hire a nanny. However, their lives changed significantly with the birth of twins. Look at photos of this family taken now and a few years ago.

The boy was named Harry, and the girl Lisa. These names suit the children's character, Alla and Maxim believe. According to Pugacheva, today their children do not create any special problems in life and do not interfere with the actors, in particular Maxim, with their work. The comedian and parodist works quite a lot and tours, thereby earning money financial resources to support his family. The singer herself stays at home like an ordinary housewife and only occasionally attends concerts or performs herself.

The artist says that now she has more trouble, she teaches children everything that is required at this age. Children of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin last days willingly study, attend classes English language and various entertainment clubs. With the advent of her son and daughter, Pugacheva’s life became more colorful and interesting. She shared her photos and videos with journalists, which showed her children with their father Maxim, and also said that her husband spoils the kids while their mother is away. The singer herself tries to raise her children in a strict manner, since she has practical experience: she has already raised her daughter Kristina Orbakaite.

The prima donna shares her experiences with everyone. In particular, she said, she was terribly scared when Harry got sick. Alla hasn’t been so worried for a long time. Also, Alexander Buinov (family friend) informed that the children of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin live happily.

Look at the photographs of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva and her children, their ages are this moment 2.5 years.

Who carried the children of Pugacheva and Galkin?

Evil rumors still insist that the twins born are not related to Alla and Maxim. In fact, the Diva reveals the secret, she herself is the biological mother, but the surrogate mother is a woman from Kazan, Elena Shirinina, a Russian citizen who agreed to help the stars of Russian show business.

Surrogate mother of the children of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin

Alla says that at 67 years old, it was extremely unwise to get pregnant and give birth on your own, as this could cause poor health, even if it is naturally impeccable. According to the latest news, back in 2014, Pugacheva had a conversation with one of her friends who knew how to preserve offspring. Alla was advised to freeze her egg, which she did. Using this biological material They did IVF for a surrogate mother (though it didn’t work the first time). The babies were born healthy. After the birth of two wonderful babies, Pugacheva shared this news in in social networks, including on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/allasuperstar/), as well as on his personal website (http://www.allaradio.ru/). The children of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin are spending their last holidays with their family.

Previously, it was absolutely impossible to find out such information, since it was kept top secret. Even before the babies were born, the couple decided that they would bear the surname and patronymic of Maxim Galkin.

Maxim continues to work

Pugacheva and Galkin have enough to live on; they can easily support their family, and can also afford to acquire a whole staff of assistants.

Each child is provided with a specialist nanny who cares for and helps the little ones. The singer managed to open her own school, where children study. It is quite prestigious, so without necessary knowledge schoolchildren will not leave here.

Maxim Galkin at work: earns money for his family

In addition to his main activity, Maxim Galkin opened a new program with the unusual name “MaximMaxim”, which airs on Channel One. The artist claims that when his children grow up, they will also host their own show called “LizaLisa” and “HarryHarry.” Children of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin latest events they don’t feel it in their family because of the lack of attention and love.

In turn, the Diva said that filming of the future show is already taking place at their country residence in the village of Gryaz (this is her husband’s estate and his childhood dream), where the couple love to spend time with their family.

Eldest daughter of Alla Pugacheva

In addition to the fact that there are children of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin, the Diva also has eldest daughter Kristina Orbakaite.

Alla Pugacheva has another daughter, actress and singer Kristina Orbakaite (born May 25, 1971). She gets along great with younger brother and sister. In turn, Christina’s daughter also loves the twins very much and plays happily with them at birthdays and other holidays.

Also, the twins Alla and Maxim became friends with the children of another artist and friend of their family, Philip Kirkorov. They organize many events together.

At this stage it is safe to say that family life Prima Donna and Galkina was a great success. Only in such a friendly family can love, mutual understanding and care for loved ones be formed.

Watch one of latest videos, in which Pugacheva shares her feelings.

Twins Harry and Lisa are frequent heroes of online publications. The very news about the birth of babies 4 years ago became a real sensation. No one expected that Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin would decide to have children together, because the Diva has adult daughter and grandchildren. It would seem, why does she need new troubles and worries. But Harry and Lisa were born, and now millions of people watch with a smile the beautiful babies growing up. In this material we have collected the most interesting things we know about Harry and Lisa. So, 9 facts.

1. The star couple’s children were born to a surrogate mother, but the biological parents are Alla and Maxim.

Immediately after the wedding star couple played in 2011, 62-year-old Alla Pugacheva admitted to her lover that she froze her egg 11 years ago. Maxim without hesitation supported the idea of ​​becoming parents.

2. Before the babies were born, the future dad studied a bunch of books on child psychology and development.

Sources claim that, having found out about different systems of raising children, Harry and Lisa’s parents decided to settle on Italian. Its main principle is the natural development of the child, taking into account his uniqueness and originality. Children are given absolute freedom within the boundaries set by their parents.

3. Harry got his name after Harry Potter, not Prince Harry.

This is how Alla Borisovna explains the origin of the name:

No, we did not name the boy in honor of the prince. The first association was Harry Potter! Because Maxim, when I met him, was very similar to Harry Potter! When the son was born, it was even more clear that this was Harry - Harry Galkin! And that sounds so good!

4. The children have two nannies, and the parents approached their choice very responsibly.

Here's what Maxim Galkin says about this:

Alla chose the nanny. She involved her friends and acquaintances. My brother’s wife and our close friend, singer Irson Kudikova, helped us in finding a nanny.

5. In the family, Alla Borisovna is more strict in raising children, while Maxim spoils them.

In one interview he admitted:

We have a strict Alla, she also loves Lisa and Harry, but I can’t raise them at all, I’m half-heartedly touched.

6. Alla Borisovna and Maxim don’t really think about who their children will become yet. But Harry and Lisa themselves know something about their talents.

Lisa claims to be an artist, dancer and singer. Harry, in his own words, also has three abilities: repair, fire and skates. Parents are still enjoying the fun age of their children and do not want to think about who they will become in the future.

All we care about now is that they eat on time. What our daughter and son will become when they grow up does not interest us at all yet.

7. Harry is the spitting image of his father, and Lisa is a copy of Alla Pugacheva.

Harry's godmother Mila Stavitskaya immediately noted this:

The boy is very similar to Maxim, and Lisa is a copy of Allochka. When she was born, I immediately said: “Alla Borisovna, it’s you!” This hair is curly, the eyebrows are reddish, the eyes are radiant - a copy of Pugacheva. The girl is very beautiful.

8. Parents are not obsessed with healthy eating; kids can easily dine on French fries.

Here is irrefutable proof of this fact.

9. Children grow up modest and are happy with simple toys.

For the kids’ fourth birthday, Pugacheva’s longtime friend, whom Harry and Lisa simply call “Grandma Alina,” gave Lisa skates and Harry a gift. military uniform. The children really liked the gifts!

We never tire of being touched by Harry and Lisa! How nice and funny they are! Let the children grow up happy and healthy, making their parents and us happy! 🙂

The children of Pugacheva and Galkin today are no less discussed than their parents were a few years ago. Despite this, the popular couple tried to hide the kids from the inevitable attention of journalists, the press and ordinary people. It got to the point that until recently it was impossible to find photos of the children of Pugacheva and Galkin. The latest photos of 2017 are no longer the only source where you could see babies. On May 16, 2015, the singer and TV presenter came to NTV with their children. At that time, the children were only 1.5 years old.

On the same day, she spoke about her school on air. The establishment was much discussed and many rumors arose around it, but that day everything became clear. This school is different:

  1. Higher prestige compared to others.
  2. A higher price for a child's education.

In the family of a famous couple, the husband deals with financial issues, while the singer spends all her time with the children. He constantly travels around the country giving performances, although he tries, like his wife, to spend more time with the children.

“Max has a hard time - he needs to earn money. He goes on tour, and I just spend it on the children,” says Pugacheva.

Pugacheva and Galkin

The prima donna spoke about how the family really lives, without rumors or guesses. As it turned out, the star couple lives the same way as other Russians. The public's favorites, like everyone else, eat ordinary foods at home, such as cabbage and potatoes. They don't need expensive restaurants and other fads of the rich.

Despite the desire to spend all their time with their children, the couple has to hire nannies for their kids. Each of them has their own employee. But this does not bring much peace of mind. The couple still constantly calls the employees and asks everything about what is happening with the children.

“When Garik got sick, I realized that I was crazy. Oh, I just almost died myself, I haven’t experienced such experiences for a long time,” the star shared her feelings about her son’s illness Russian stage.

Children of Pugacheva and Galkin - latest news 2017 photo year Later

On March 18 this year, the famous couple's twins turned 2.5 years old. This event was celebrated by several Russian pop stars, Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin and their children. By the way, there are also photos from the holidays of other pop stars. For example, a couple was with their children at Philip Kirkorov’s birthday. Famous designer Mila Stavitskaya congratulated the couple on their babies through her Facebook account. At the same time, the girl told something about the family of stars. For example, it became known that Garik and Lisa attend kindergarten together with children from ordinary families, of which there are many in our country, and in free time love to be creative.

“Alla Borisovna and Maxim’s children are just some kind of miracle. They are so smart, they already speak well, they study English, they draw, they cut out various crafts. Godson (Harry) made me a card himself. He goes with Lisa to the most ordinary kindergarten near Moscow, communicates with other children there, and plays. Everything in their family is wonderful. God grant that everything continues to be good. Alla Borisovna looks amazing. A caring husband and children are all a huge incentive to be in shape,” Mila tells a Russian publishing house.

children of Alla Pugacheva photo of daughter and son 2017 photo

Children of Galkin and Pugacheva photo of children 2017 - Alexey Buinov shares information about children

Alexey Buinov is close friend famous couple. He often visits them and spoke a little about the development of the babies at the end of 2014. He says the kids are clearly growing beyond their years, getting older and smarter every day. According to him, Harry looks like his father, and Lisa looks like her mother. Moreover, the girl is as curly and red-haired as Alla.

A family friend says the kids have already learned to talk. He claims that he heard them say the word "dad".

Alexey admires the children's eyes. They seem very alive to him. He also notes that genes and heredity worked well, which is why the children are so similar to their parents. What the man liked most was the way the twins laughed or cried together. One starts, and the other immediately joins in laughter or tears.

Children of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin photos of children

As you know, Alla Pugacheva is currently 67 years old. Undoubtedly, at this age there are problems with reproductive ability due to the years lived.

14 years ago, a friend of Diva shared a story that a woman from Italy froze her egg and with the help of this she was able to give birth to a child. The singer's friend suggested she do the same. Which is what she did.

The frozen egg came in handy when the celebrity couple decided to have children and turned to the services of a surrogate mother. Unfortunately, very few eggs survived. However, progress does not stand still and doctors were able to do the almost impossible! Two embryos were able to survive and were born after 9 months. These were the twins Harry and Lisa. Today they are very much like their parents.

children of Alla Pugacheva photo of daughter and son 2017 video


Maxim Galkin has his own show on Channel One, which has unusual name"MaximMaxim" In one of the episodes, the TV presenter brought his son and daughter. On air, the father said that his children would be actors in “Jumble” and participants in the “Voice” project. Also, he has already planned that in the future the guys will have their own programs on Channel One under the names “HarryHarry” and “LizaLiza”.

Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin and their children photo 2017


The father of the wonderful twins Harry and Lisa Galkin spoke about the changes in the family that came with the advent of children. Usually the TV presenter answered questions about his personal life with jokes, but this time something influenced him and he openly talked about how everything had changed.

The TV presenter said that after the birth of children, he was not the same as before. If a few years ago the artist could be called firm and assertive, maybe even arrogant, today he has become soft. This is how the birth of heirs influenced him. He said that now they make ropes out of him. Children can change a person to such an extent.

It turned out in the family that the mother, Alla Pugacheva, is strict, and the father pampers the children and makes them laugh while the strict mother does not see this. This happened because the Diva has already raised a daughter and knows how to raise children, and Maxim is doing this for the first time. The young father says that the children have excellent character. There are no extra problems with them. If they are dissatisfied with something or want something, then it’s immediately clear what it is.

The twins quickly became close with other children of the stars. Thus, a certain society of five children was formed: the heirs of Maxim Galkin, the daughter of Christina Orbakaite and the children of Philip Kirkorov.

For Maxim, the most important thing is to raise children so that they are independent, can make their own decisions, and run the household. The showman said that despite the family’s stardom, they do not lead an idle lifestyle. Everyone does something, even though there are staff working in the house. So, if something happens, Maxim Galkin himself can determine if something is broken somewhere and fix the problem. The prima donna loves to work in the garden. She spends a lot of time there, but even more with the children.

children of Pugacheva and Galkin last news 2017 video

Children do not see quarrels in the family, simply because there are none. Alla shares her husband’s worldview and supports him. Maxim recalls that he and his wife quarreled only once. The conflict lasted only a day, and then was settled. This happens because Alla and Maxim are very similar in character, attitude to money, popularity, and life goals. They value the same things together. The same things are important to them. Perhaps we can say that they are an ideal couple.


On May 21, Channel One launched solo project Maxim Galkin with the strange name “MaximMaxim”. On the eve of the premiere, the TV presenter posted a video on his Instagram designed to attract the audience to the project. The video was filmed with the participation of the showman's wife Alla Pugacheva, which created additional excitement. It is worth noting that the filming location was a castle star family, which is located in the village of Gryaz.

Accordingly, the Primadonna saw finished issues program before it appears on the television program. Galkin said that Alla laughed until she cried. She liked the new product so much.

children of Pugacheva and Galkin today

The video revealed the name of the new program - “MaximMaxim”, however, neither the plot nor the guests of the program were announced. Viewers could only guess what would happen in this Channel One project.

It was previously said that the essence of the program was that Maxim Galkin would receive guests in his castle. During the guest's visit, Maxim will interview, parody stars and organize various practical jokes. According to the presenter himself, the show will be a kind of collaboration between “Evening Urgant” and “Big Difference,” which are beloved by Russian viewers.

A day after the premiere of the MaximMaxim program, the star couple posted on the Internet photographs of the residence where the show was filmed. The construction of the mansion was carried out by masters of architecture Vera Gorlitsyna and Anatoly Golev.


At the beginning of August, the couple started renovating their luxurious residence, where they often spend time with their children Harry and Lisa. According to village residents, work is carried out almost all the time: from early morning until late at night. It is worth noting that workers of Tajik origin are working on the restoration of the mansion. The family already saved money on workers once, which is why they had to restore something at that time. The castle has cracks in its walls, the foundation is sagging and the sidewalk has become completely unusable. In addition, the hurricane tore off part of the roof. Because of all this, the villagers have to listen to the constant noise from the mansion of a famous couple in Russia.

children of Pugacheva and Galkin latest news 2017 photos

Despite the inconvenience, Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin took good care of the village residents earlier. They provided gas and water supplies to the village, which were lacking for residents of a village near Moscow. In addition, the stars built a playground at their own expense. It is possible that the singer and TV presenter will apologize for the constant noise to the village population with the help of some other useful acquisition or building.


This summer Harry and Lisa went on holiday to Latvia. As Pugacheva was used to doing, the family got to their destination by train, but in a private carriage. They were accompanied by nannies and close girlfriend Alla Borisovna Alina Redel.

Upon arrival in Riga, the vacationers were “joined” by fans and paparazzi. If the first brought flowers, then the second brought only a bunch of tedious questions.

The vacation spot was not chosen by chance. The singer’s colleague Laima Vaikule is holding her own music festival in Jurmala at the same time, and Alla Borisovna is invited to it as an honorary guest.

The family will stay in a rented luxury two-story house, with a tennis court and SPA. However, the head of the family could not enjoy his vacation for long and was forced to leave to earn money for the family.

Residents of the capital of Latvia say that the Diva behaves quite modestly and treats people who recognize her with respect. However, the stars got tired of the paparazzi's excessive attention and the villa staff received orders to cut down all the branches on the trees, since Pugacheva and Galkin believe that the paparazzi are waiting Russian stars sitting on the branches.

It is worth noting that even without cut branches, the mansion provides a lot of protection from prying eyes:

  • Fence
  • Awnings
  • Tree crowns

Also, surveillance cameras are located throughout the stars’ temporary home. So everything that happens is controlled by the security service.

If you look at Galkin’s lifestyle during his vacation, one might assume that this is the most ordinary person, but the enormous popularity in Russia and the CIS does not allow it to be done just like that. In the mornings, the Russian showman made it a habit to ride a bicycle. In the evenings, he walks alone along the street and, apparently, is constantly thinking about something, before nightfall, when the sun has almost disappeared and the night chill appears. He doesn’t need extra attention in this state, so he tries to hide his fame behind a cap and hood.

The children of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin love to walk around the sunny city hand in hand with their parents. But the behavior of twins is very different. Harry is full of energy and curiosity, which is why he haunts his parents and tries to walk and see as much as possible during a walk. Lisa prefers less active walks: she prefers to leisurely look at the sights while sitting in a stroller.

A veranda with sun loungers is always reserved for a celebrity family on one of the beaches. By the way, on the way to this place, artists are often accompanied by nannies for their children. However, it happens that the nannies are sent to rest and you can observe a touching picture of the Prima Donna’s communication with her children.


Snob magazine interviewed the Diva's husband, and during the process, Maxim Galkin spoke about the couple's relationship. Including the opportunity to find out how family relationships began.

According to the TV presenter, he himself became attached to the singer. Their communication began when the future head of the family invited Alla Borisovna to a dance at a mutual friend’s birthday party, after which he took the phone number and called a few days later. However, before this, Philip Kirkorov introduced them, but this acquaintance did not continue.

Maxim also added that the age difference was not a problem for him. He began his acquaintance with Prima Donna, a Russian pop star. A little later, he recognized Alla, a girl not associated with the stage, and fell in love with her.

The father of the twins said that in their family there are no quarrels among the parents. The character of the Diva completely suits Maxim and he is completely satisfied with the relationship.


children of Pugacheva and Galkina latest photos 2017 photos

The annual event each time brings together many pop artists from Moscow to Vitebsk. This year, this congress created a stir around the presence of Alla Pugacheva and her husband at it.

During Maxim Galkin’s solo performance, Diva appeared on stage as a special guest, despite the fact that she ended her singing career 7 years ago. She explained this by saying that she could not refuse her husband’s request, although it was quite difficult for her to sing due to a long lack of practice.

It is worth noting that it was in this city and at this event that the future star family began communicating. Pugacheva notes that she liked Maxim very much that day.

The singer understands well that although the songs are an important part of the performance, the audience is waiting not only for the voice of the Russian star. She performed only seven songs at the performance. After the second composition, Pugacheva asked not to show it on screens close-up. All because the star is worried about his appearance, so it becomes difficult to concentrate on the words of the song and the lyrics can easily be forgotten. Stumbling during a performance is not the best thing to happen during a performance, both for the performer and for the audience. Few people will like the performer's perplexed face and the uncertain sound of his voice. In addition, at this concert Alla performed to a soundtrack and forgetting the words was more than inappropriate.

On stage, after all, a comedian

photos of children Pugacheva and Galkin latest photos 2017

This event will remain in the memory of those present not only through songs and dances. Maxim Galkin made the audience surprised by his jokes. Some of the topics for fun were indecent, while others were quite daring. During the speech there were jokes about XXX, sanctions, the government of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Including jokes and parodies about Lukashenko.

The leader of the power took such jokes calmly, realizing that these were just jokes. Even he himself laughed and applauded. But the ministers of Belarus, whom Galkin jokingly called “vegetables,” did not understand what to do. By the way, the performance was broadcast on Belarusian television, but with an hour delay, so that in case of inappropriate things they could simply be cut off the air. Not a word was cut from the Russian showman's performance.


Alla Pugacheva said a rather bold thing in one of her interviews: she is not afraid of death. As you know, the singer’s parents died before they reached the age of 65. The cause of death was a heart attack.

children of Pugacheva and Galkin photo now

The prima donna says that she is not afraid to die, because those who have a guilty conscience need to be afraid. So she has nothing to fear. She also said that if she were offered immortality, she would refuse it.

She really wants to become a guardian angel for her loved ones in the future. Or the whole country in general. According to her, it will be even better.


A lot of information about stars losing weight is ordinary advertising. Alla Pugacheva told why she really lost weight. First of all, having children helped her lose weight. After this event, she became much slimmer and prettier right before our eyes, to the delight of her fans. Also, now she tries to eat only healthy food, without any of the usual sweets, fried and fatty foods, fast food and others. harmful products. In addition, she plans to lose at least another 10 kilograms in order to look as beautiful as possible.


At the twins' baptism, only the closest people to the family were present. Of course, almost all of these are Russian pop stars. Among those present were Kristina Orbakaite and her family, designer Alina Redel, producer Alexander Dostman, Igor Nikolaev and his wife. The most interesting thing is that godfather Singer Igor Nikolaev became Harry, and Alina Redel became his godmother.

children of Pugacheva and Galkin today


Alexander Teplyashin is a famous plastic surgeon. Among his clients were many Russian stars, as he himself admitted more than once. He reports that many years of experience in the field plastic surgery allows him to determine by eye whether there are implants in any part of the human body. Thus, he claims that there is an implant in Primandonna's chin, which sometimes moves and becomes noticeable. As you know, Sofia Rotaru performed the same operation on herself. However, in her case it was much better and it was much more difficult to notice the intervention.