Oksana Fedorova's husband Andrei Borodin: how he conquered the famous beauty. Oksana Fedorova: biography and personal life

Oksana Fedorova is a world-famous TV presenter and model. She is a talented girl and a very multifaceted personality who has an army of millions of fans. She sacrificed the podium to devote herself to scientific work and television. Who would have thought that this fragile and sweet girl worked in the police, and also hosted a children's television show, was a teacher and a catwalk model, participated in charity events, and also starred in racy photo shoots.

Height, weight, age. How old is Oksana Fedorova

Oksana Fedorova - Miss Universe 2002. It was she who won this title in Puerto Rico, but a few months later, at the initiative of Donald Trump, she lost it. Since according to the rules Miss Universe must accept Active participation in charity and advertising events, and Oksana was busy defending her dissertation at one of the universities in Russia. Nevertheless, although short, Oksana Fedorova’s fame as Miss brought results. The girl has many fans, they recognize her, they listen to her and value her. Fans want to know everything about her: height, weight, age, how old is Oksana Fedorova. The girl never hid her details; she has beautiful curves and always willingly shows them off.

Biography of Oksana Fedorova

A model was born in Russian city Pskov in 1977 on December 17th. She grew up with her mother because her father abandoned them. When Oksana grew up she tried to find him, but it turned out that he was no longer alive. Since school, Fedorova fell in love with jurisdiction, as well as the police service. Therefore, after finishing school, without thinking twice, I went to study at the police lyceum of my hometown. The biography of Oksana Fedorova contains facts about her studies at police school, and also that the girl tried herself as an investigator. But her education did not end there; while already in the service, Oksana entered the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the city of St. Petersburg. Immediately after graduating from university, the girl already had the rank of senior lieutenant and since 2001 she worked at Pulkovo Airport.

Even though busy schedule Oksana Fedorova begins her modeling career. Her high growth opened doors for her modeling business and professional competitions. Her first title was Miss St. Petersburg in 1999. But Oksana Fedorova lost it four months later, as she was unable to perform the functions assigned to her. At that time the girl wrote scientific work and could not travel for months around the world with promotions and charity. Therefore, such a decision was the surest way out of the current situation. For Oksana, the podium was just a hobby, her real life she saw in home country, with your loved one and at your home university. Where at that time the girl was already teaching and had the status of associate professor of the Department of Civil Law, and at the same time, a police captain. In 2006, Oksana was promoted to police major, and in 2009 she was already a doctoral student at her alma mater.

Then Oksana Fedorova wrote books, and since 2005 she tried herself as a TV presenter. She became very much in demand and hosted such programs as “Fort Boyard”, “Subbotnik” and “ Good night, kids."

Since 2015, Oksana Fedorova opened her own clothing line and loudly declared herself in the fashion world. Many noted refined taste and the style of a young designer.

Personal life of Oksana Fedorova

Oksana Fedorova has always attracted many male gazes. The girl, who was in a male environment, in the service, had many fans and suitors. But she chose her destiny very carefully. The personal life of Oksana Fedorova turned out quite successfully only the second time. In her second marriage she felt truly happy woman and mom. Oksana Fedorova lives beautifully and happily in her cozy home with her children and husband. Photo from 2016, their wonderful family can be seen in in social networks TV presenter and model.

Family of Oksana Fedorova

Oksana Fedorova’s family is her mother Elena Alekseevna, who put all her strength and knowledge into raising a beautiful, smart and intelligent daughter. Now Oksana Fedorova tries to see her mother often, attend social dinners and charity events with her. Elena Alekseevna also loves to spend time with her grandchildren at the dacha.

Information has leaked onto the Internet that Oksana Fedorova is expecting her third child. January 2015 - that’s when this news was all over the Internet. But nine months later this information was not confirmed.

Children of Oksana Fedorova

The world-famous model and Russian TV presenter has two children growing up, into whom she has invested all her soul, love and care. Oksana Fedorova's children grow up in love and care, kindness and respect, but are not isolated from the reality of the environment. The children have an age difference of just over a year, they always find mutual language and general occupation.

Oksana Fedorova, despite her busy schedule, always finds time to devote to her children. And the whole family happily spends family weekends together in the fresh air.

Son of Oksana Fedorova - Fedor Borodin

Oksana Fedorova experienced true feminine happiness already in her second marriage. It was then that she managed to feel the joy of motherhood, and she gives birth to an heir. The son of Oksana Fedorova, Fedor Borodin, was born in 2012 on March 6th. The girl has high hopes for her son and hopes that he, like his father, will serve in the Russian troops.

Exactly about big family the girl still dreamed when she was in the title of Miss Universe. And because of her great desire to have children, Oksana Fedorova left the modeling business and gave up her title, which she shared with her friends. And she was able to achieve her goal.

Daughter of Oksana Fedorova - Elizaveta Borodina

When her eldest son Fedor is only seven months old, Oksana Fedorova learns that she and her husband will soon become parents of another child. Oksana Fedorova’s daughter, Elizaveta Borodina, was born in 2013, on July 22. The couple were in seventh heaven. Oksana Fedorova, who only recently dreamed of this, has already become the mother of two beautiful children. And recently Oksana Fedorova admitted to reporters that she is not ready to stop at two children, and that she may soon become a mother for the third time.

Oksana Fedorova's ex-husband - Philip Toft

Oksana Fedorova first married in 2007, to a German businessman. Ex-husband Oksana Fedorova - Philip Toft immediately liked the famous TV presenter. They met at a popular resort in the Alps. After the end of the vacation, the young people separated, but continued to fly to visit each other. And in 2009, Philip proposed marriage to Oksana Fedorova. Fedorova happily accepted the proposals, but was soon disappointed. As it turned out, Toft just wanted to open his own business in Russian Federation, and for this he needed an official marriage on the territory of this country. Oksana was beside herself with rage and stopped wearing wedding ring and soon divorced her fictitious husband.

Oksana Fedorova's husband - Andrey Borodin

A few years later, Fedorova recovered from her unsuccessful marriage and tied herself in new ties with an officer Federal Service security. Oksana Fedorova’s husband, Andrei Borodin, discovered real feelings for the girl, true happiness, security and peace of mind. They have been married since 2011, and have two beautiful children, Fyodor and Elizaveta. Oksana Fedorova officially became Oksana Borodina. And in her interviews, she admits without any embarrassment that her dream of a large, friendly and beloved family has finally come true.

Naked Oksana Fedorova

Not long ago, pictures appeared online about how Oksana Fedorova staged a hot photo shoot in the pool. This further fueled interest in her person on the Internet. The girl always had a beautiful appearance and perfect figure. She poses in front of the cameras without hesitation, both in revealing outfits and naked. Oksana Fedorova immediately got into great shape after giving birth and continued to delight her fans with her beautiful appearance. And the long-awaited happiness of motherhood added even more beauty to her beautiful female image.

Photo of Oksana Fedorova before and after plastic surgery

Oksana Fedorova is a role model for millions of girls and women. She has a bright and memorable appearance, always impeccable appearance and hairstyle. Oksana Fedorova recently revealed the secret of her appearance to all her viewers. It turned out that there is no secret, and everything is extremely simple. She plays sports and watches her diet. I don’t think that you can find photos of Oksana Fedorova before and after plastic surgery on the Internet. Hard work, regular practice and correct image life, allows you to look chic without the intervention of a plastic surgeon, says Oksana Fedorova. Photos in a swimsuit simply blew up the Internet; in them you clearly understand that for some women, age is not a hindrance to having a stunning look.

Instagram and Wikipedia Oksana Fedorova

Oksana Fedorova’s life is always in plain sight, no matter how the girl tries to hide something. Her fans, and simply the interested public, can see photos of her on the Internet. Everyday life, which Oksana Fedorova’s Instagram and Wikipedia are full of. U famous actress more than three hundred thousand subscribers on Instagram, they have the opportunity to follow her life with the help of Oksana’s photos and videos. She sincerely shares with her viewers photographs of her family, their walks and trips together, as well as her joys and successes, small victories and big achievements of her children.

The TV program magazine visited the TV presenter in Sochi, where she is vacationing with her family.

“I want to see children grow up”

— Oksana, how are you spending your time? Found interesting places in a resort city?

— Andrey and I traditionally send our children (Fedya is four years old, Lisa is three. — Ed.) to Sochi for the summer. There is nothing for the Russian soul better than rest at sea in Russia! We relax with our mothers and relatives. My husband and I visit Sochi often, but on short visits, in our free time from work. When we arrive, the fun begins. In the morning we swim in the sea, in the afternoon we relax actively. In Sochi and its surroundings there are many fabulous beautiful places created by nature. For example, we visited the Dagomys “troughs,” or lakes of love. They were called “troughs” because of the rectangular shape of the reservoirs formed mountain river. The water there is clean, warm and very tasty. After swimming, I felt an incredible surge of strength. With children we go to attractions, to a water park, a dolphinarium.

— Did Fedya and Lisa learn to swim?

— Fedya manages to swim a couple of meters near the seashore. He actively tries to learn on his own. For now, Lisa only swims in a circle, cherishing the hope of learning when she grows up.

Lisa and Fedya came with their mother to work - to the studio where they are filming the program “Good night, kids!” Photo: Personal archive

— You celebrated your daughter’s birthday in Sochi. Did the guests come from Moscow?

— Some friends of our family are now vacationing with their children in Sochi. Close friends Vitya Rybin and Natasha Senchukova flew in for Lisa’s birthday and stayed here for several days. I invited animators, they helped organize children's party, which we ended with Lisa’s initiation into a princess and a disco - both children and parents rocked.

— In Sochi people often recognize you and ask you to take a photo. How do children react to this?

— If they ask to take a photo, I try to do it quickly, without attracting attention. But children still notice and cannot understand why this is happening. I'm not explaining yet. Sometimes Fedya, seeing that I’m paying attention strangers, pulls your hand: “Mom, let’s go...”

For the sake of the children, Oksana is in no hurry to accept new job offers (with her son Fedya). Photo: Personal archive

— Did you manage to relax together with your spouse in the summer?

— Yes, in Moscow, when they just sent the children to the sea. All free time When I managed to catch Andrey, we spent it together. This summer, many stayed in Moscow, and if they went on vacation, it was not for long. Now they don’t leave work for a vacation, as before for a month or two.

— Do you often travel from Sochi to Moscow for filming?

- About once every two weeks. Usually in the summer we have a break from filming the program “,” but this year we are filming in August. Various television offers are emerging. For example, lead women's program. But I am deliberately in no hurry to accept them, because I understand that I will have to live at work, as before. But I want to see how children grow, to devote enough time to them. Maybe a little later I will continue my active television activities. In the meantime, there is enough to do: I am constantly working on my clothing line, preparing for an exhibition and show. Autumn in Sochi will be held for children film festival "Kinotavrik", of which I am the president. One of my main projects is charitable foundation.

Oksana often wears dresses from her collection. Photo: Ivan VISLOV

— Are there any guys you look after all the time?

- Certainly. For example, we are in touch with the boy Bakhtiyar from Tashkent. He has a fairly severe form of cerebral palsy, but he thinks well and is pleasant to communicate with. Bakhtiyar sent a letter to the foundation and told about his dream - to go to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior for service. Last year we organized his trip to Moscow, our volunteers took Bakhtiyar to the temple and on many excursions. Now we are in touch with him. In August, he comes to Moscow with his mother again: he waits, counts the days until they meet. And I’m thinking about how to help fulfill another boy’s dream - to meet his father. Bakhtiyar was born in Tashkent, but his father is Russian, he now lives in Sergiev Posad. He hasn’t communicated with his son for many years. Maybe it will be possible to arrange a meeting between them.

— At what age will it be possible to tell Fedya and Lisa that there are children who live in orphanages and were born different from everyone else?

“I think that after seven years a child’s psyche is more stable. It’s probably not worth talking about this specifically. It is desirable that everything happens naturally. So, last year the guys from Golos and I went to Orphanage where the kids live disabilities. Teenagers from 10 to 14 years old met such children for the first time. Some even burst into tears: there was a flurry of emotions - they sang for the kids and played with them. For the children at home, this was the first such experience, with which comes the realization that one needs to value family, help others, and be tolerant.

“I can beat both Vysotsky and Rosenbaum on the guitar”

The seaport of Sochi is a great place for evening walks. Photo: Ivan VISLOV

— You recently on Instagram touchingly congratulated your mother on her 60th birthday. Does Elena Alekseevna live with you?

— While the children were small, my mother helped me a lot, and I am grateful to her for that. And mother-in-law too. They are my two swallows. Now our mothers do not live with us, but nearby. This is the best option. Our family has a tradition of sharing dinners, lunches on weekends, we relax together, and help each other if necessary. Mothers willingly give recommendations on everyday issues, we can listen to them, but we will choose the best option. Thank them for their understanding. But we made it clear that we should not go beyond a certain limit into our territory, because this could harm relationships within the family.

— Fedya and Lisa visit kindergarten?

— My son went to the garden for a long time, but my man didn’t like it there. Therefore, for now, for Fedya and Lisa, we have chosen classes at the development center, where they stay for half a day. Lisa is registered in kindergarten, we will take our daughter for the first time in September. Perhaps it will be a joy to come to the garden with your sister and Fedya again. Lisa easily makes contact, but Fedya is very careful, he himself chooses the teacher and children with whom he wants to communicate. It requires a special approach.

Oksana and her son take a walk through the yew-boxwood grove in Sochi. Photo: personal archive

— Do you channel your children’s energy into sports?

- Behind sports life the husband answers. The children do exercises every morning and evening under the guidance of their father. Fedya, by the way, is already doing very good push-ups. Before his eyes is the example of his father: his son strives to be like him. I go to dance classes and take my children with me. In the same building they attend the gymnastics section.

“Children are now gadget-maniacal, either on tablets or on phones. How are you fighting?

— Fedya and Lisa don’t have any gadgets yet. But we really love watching cartoons in the morning and evening. On a film projector - and your eyesight is not damaged, since the image is projected onto the wall large size. Children copy their parents' behavior. I noticed that if I hide my phone in their presence, they don’t remember about it and don’t ask for it. I turn on silent mode and go to answer calls in another room. If parents sit at their laptops from morning to evening, naturally, children will do the same.

— I know that you have a piano at home. Who makes music?

— The piano is waiting in the wings. From September, a music teacher will come to us on weekends. I want to remember the basics of musical literacy myself and introduce children to it. By the way, recently Fedya, Lisa, and I went to a musical. I want children to get involved in art a little bit: to understand it, to feel it.

— Oksana, you play the guitar, don’t you?

- Mostly romances. My favorites are based on the poems by Bella Akhmadulina “On my street every year...”, Diana from the film “Dog in the Manger”.

— Do you only please your family and guests with romances?

— I can beat both Vysotsky and Rosenbaum (laughs).

“I dreamed of becoming a professor”

In her free time, Fedorova dances. Photo: Ivan VISLOV

- Yes! I communicate with girls, winners of beauty contests different years. We congratulate each other, sometimes we go to a cafe. This year, on September 9, my foundation is holding a beauty festival for girls from orphanages. I always try to celebrate this day, because my life has turned out that I have a lot connected with this area.

- In twenty years, you would prefer to grow old like Sophia Loren, resorting to help plastic surgery, or, on the contrary, rejecting her, like Brigitte Bardot?

— You also need to grow old gracefully. I still prefer Sophia Loren's path. If only because in one of the photo projects I starred as Sophia Loren. We saw some similarities. At Sophia Loren's family life successful: husband, two children. But things didn’t work out for Brigitte Bardot. Therefore the path is different. To be in good shape, a woman should always have an incentive. Although both ways are viable. Lauren realized her love in her family, and Bardot realized her love by protecting animals.

— Who compliments you most often now?

— Lisa likes to repeat: “Mommy, you are very beautiful, when I grow up, I will be just as beautiful.” The other day she added another promise to this: to learn how to bake pancakes.

— 13 years ago, with the rank of police captain and the position of associate professor, you taught family law at the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Do you ever regret this interrupted career?

— I wanted to become a professor, teach, but it didn’t work out. I don’t regret this, because since childhood I dreamed of a creative profession. Studying at the police school and the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, working in the authorities shaped and strengthened my initially timid character. Thanks to my profession, I am observant, have a good understanding of people, I can do several things at the same time and manage everything, I am not afraid of responsibility, I know what honesty is. I also know how to get ready quickly: 5-10 minutes is enough for me to be ready. And then, if I had not had this experience, I would never have understood my husband, an officer. We have the same views on life. It happens that I tell him: “It’s clear why I studied at police school - for you.”

Makeup and hairstyle: Maxim Gilev, Elvira Gamzaeva - masters of the International Beauty Academy "George Kot", Sochi. Website: g-kot.ru

Private bussiness

Born on December 17, 1977 in Pskov. She graduated with a gold medal from the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, defended her dissertation on the topic “Civil regulation of private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation.” She worked as an investigator at the linear police department of Pulkovo Airport, and taught civil law at the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Winner of the competitions “Miss St. Petersburg” (1999), “Miss Russia” (2001), “Miss Universe” (2002). Hosted the programs “Fort Boyard”, “Saturday Evening”, “Subbotnik”. Since 2002 - host of the program “Good night, kids!” ("Russia"). Founder of the “Hurry to Do Good” charity foundation. In 2014, she began producing clothing under the OFERA brand. In 2011, she married Andrei Borodin (he is in the civil service) and took her husband’s last name. Son Fedor, daughter Elizaveta.

Oksana Gennadievna FedorovaRussian fashion model, TV presenter, singer, actress. Winner of the 1999 Miss St. Petersburg contest, as well as the Miss Russia contest in 2001 and Miss Universe in 2002.

Oksana Fedorova was born in Pskov on December 17, 1977. Father - Fedorov Gennady - previously a leading design engineer at a large plant. Now deceased. Mother – Elena Alekseevna Fedorova – is a doctor at a psychiatric hospital.

Oksana's parents divorced when the girl was only two years old. Oksana stayed to live with her mother, her father went to Siberia. A little later, Fedorova tried to find him, but she didn’t have time; when she found out his place of residence, it turned out that he had died unexpectedly.

As a child, Oksana, like all girls, dreamed of acting in films, playing music, and shining on stage. In order to realize her dreams, the girl sang in the school choir and even learned to play the guitar. Since Oksana was a weak and sickly child, her mother sent her to volleyball, to which Fedorova devoted eight years of her life.

1985-1995 Oksana Fedorova graduated with a gold medal from the Pskov Police and Legal Lyceum, then secondary school No. 8.

1997, Oksana graduates from the Pskov secondary special police school, also with a gold medal. The girl even managed to work for several months as an investigator in one of the city’s regional departments.

1997, Fedorova enters the faculty of heads of district and city internal affairs bodies at the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

In 1999, Oksana Fedorova, having decided to try her luck in a professional beauty contest, becomes Miss St. Petersburg.

In 2000, Fedorova graduated from the university with honors and received the rank of senior police lieutenant. In the same year, he got a job as an investigator at the police department of Pulkovo airport, and three months later he entered the postgraduate course.

In 2001, Oksana won the Miss Russia competition. At the same time, Fedorova manages to teach civil law at the university and write a dissertation. She also receives the rank of police captain and becomes an associate professor in the Department of Civil Law.

In 2002, Fedorova was persuaded to participate in Miss Universe 2002, which took place in Puerto Rico. Oksana took part in the competition and won. After receiving the crown, 4 months later Fedorova refuses the title of “Miss Universe”, citing the fact that she needs to defend her dissertation, and she simply does not have time to perform all the duties that the winner must perform. The title of Oksana passed to the participant from Panama, Justine Pasek.

In 2002-2005, Oksana took part in election campaigns " Russian Party life." Oksana’s popularity is also gaining momentum, she is invited to television as a presenter. Fedorova has been broadcasting for several years: “Good night, kids!”, “Fort Boyard” together with Leonid Yarmolnik, “Saturday Evening”, “Subbotnik”.

In 2005, Fedorova starred in the series “Don’t Be Born Beautiful,” playing herself.

In 2006, Oksana completed her doctoral studies at the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Faculty of Training of Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Personnel. Receives the rank of police major. Since May of the same year, Fedorova has been a partner of the UN Children's Fund in Russia. In the same year he starred in the film “Yolka”.

2007 Oksana Fedorova defends her doctoral dissertation and becomes a Doctor of Law. In the same year he moved with his mother to Moscow for permanent place residence. Also filmed in leading role in the film "Sophie". In the same year, together with Alexander Litvinenko, he participated in the show “Dancing with the Stars”.

In 2007, she married German businessman Philip Toft.

In 2008, Oksana Fedorova’s first book, “Formula of Style,” was published. In the same year, Oksana starred in the musical " gold fish" Oksana also becomes the face of the famous jewelry company “Magic of Gold”. Fedorova herself actively takes part in the development of jewelry design.

In 2009, Fedorova, without even formalizing a divorce from her husband, announced her engagement to Nikolai Baskov. In the same year, he filmed the video clip “Rights of Love” with Baskov.

In 2010, speaking in her native Pskov, Hosanna Fedorova made large donations, which helped restore the towers of the Holy Gates and the ensigns of the Intercession Tower. In the same year, Fedorova officially divorced a German businessman.

2011. Baskov and Fedorova announce at a concert in the Kremlin that they are breaking up. On September 16, 2011, Fedorova announced that six months ago she married FSB officer Andrei Borodin.

year 2012. Today Oksana Fedorova is a successful businesswoman, candidate of sciences, writer, TV presenter, actress, Chief Editor magazine "Moda Topical", beautiful woman is in happy anticipation of a child who is about to be born.

Oksana Fedorova is an ordinary girl from Pskov who became the first beauty in the world. Now the whole country knows her and not only, Oksana won the title “Miss Universe”. Of course, such a beautiful girl had many fans. Well, what about husbands?

And so, Oksana’s first love turned out to be unrequited. Then the girl was very young, and the young man was in love with another. Then she graduated from school with excellent marks and entered the police lyceum. There were no problems with boys there, but Fedorova had no time for them. After graduation, she decided to go to St. Petersburg and enter the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. She dreamed of becoming a police officer, but then...

Oksana Fedorova

One day, returning home, a young man spoke to her and invited her to work in a modeling agency. Oksana agreed and soon realized what would come of her good model. She had to lose weight, but her efforts were not in vain. The beautiful girl immediately acquired many fans, but she gave her preference to only one - Vladimir Golubev.

Oksana Fedorova

The chosen one was 20 years older than her and was a businessman. Young Oksana immediately liked him; perhaps the girl’s absence of the father she had been looking for all her life played a role here. It seemed that everything was going as well as possible, but one moment spoiled everything - Vladimir was married and had a son.

Later, Oksana completely immersed herself in work, went to competitions, won titles and forgot about her failed groom. Soon the girl's attention was attracted by the dancer Alexander Litvinenko. They met on the show Dancing with the Stars. A spark flew between them and the couple began dating. Sasha had a son, whom he introduced Oksana to. Litvinenko was incredibly happy to meet the girl of his dreams and started thinking about marriage. But Oksana decided not to rush things. And soon the girl had a new lover.

Oksana Fedorova and Philip Toft

It was the dizzying blond Philip Toft. They met at a ski resort and fell in love at first sight. They immediately confessed their love to each other, and the determined Toft proposed to the girl, which she did not refuse. The newlyweds moved to live in Germany, and it soon became clear that Oksana could not live in a foreign country. She wanted to go home, but she and her husband became bored. They divorced in 2010.

Oksana Fedorova and Nikolai Baskov

The girl’s next husband was Nikolai Baskov. But their relationship also did not last long, some still think that it was PR.

Oksana Fedorova with her husband Andrei Borodin

And finally, the girl found true love represented by Andrei Borodin, an employee of the Presidential Administration. He turned out to be a very serious and influential person. The lovers got married without telling anyone, one might say they simply signed their wedding. After some time, Oksana became pregnant and gave birth in March 2014. Finally she became a happy mother and loving wife.

Oksana Fedorova with her child

Fedorova Oksana Gennadievna was born on December 17, 1977 in the city of Pskov. Oksana's father, Gennady Vasilievich Fedorov, worked as a leading design engineer at an aircraft instrumentation plant in Pskov. Oksana’s mother, Elena Alekseevna Fedorova, worked as a nurse in a hospital and often disappeared on duty.

On the one hand, Oksana's ancestors were from a noble family, and on the other, from wealthy peasants.

Oksana's great-great-grandmother was from a noble family, her name was Anna. Before the 1917 revolution, Anna lived in St. Petersburg. Oksana’s great-grandfather, Mikhail Grigorievich Vasiliev, worked at the Izhora plant before the war. During the war of 1941-1945, he formed the Izhora battalion, which defended the Pulkovo Heights, for which he was awarded the Order of Lenin. After the war, Mikhail Grigorievich was transferred to Pskov and appointed to the post of chief of the Pskov police. For services to the city, the executive committee awarded Mikhail Grigorievich the title of “Honorary Citizen of the City of Pskov.”

Oksana’s grandfather, Alexey Trofimovich Kulikov, served in an artillery regiment in the famous Pskov division, first commanded a platoon, then was a parachute jumping instructor. Alexey Trofimovich finished his service as deputy military commissar of the district military registration and enlistment office.


In 1985-1995 Oksana studies at Pskov secondary school secondary school No. 8, is involved in sports and amateur performances, is the captain of the KVN team, plays for the school volleyball team, becomes the champion of city competitions, and studies guitar at a music school. Since childhood, Oksana has dreamed of becoming famous model or an actress. At school, Oksana stands out for her external neatness, excellent academic performance and social activity.

Police career

Oksana's police career began from the very bottom. At the school where she studied, a police legal lyceum was formed on the basis of the senior classes. Oksana, as a successful student, was taken there to study without exams. The instructions of her heroic grandfather also had an effect. Alexey Trofimovich really wanted someone in his family to continue the tradition of serving the Fatherland.

In 1995-1997 Oksana is studying at the Pskov special high school police (now the Pskov Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service).

Oksana Fedorova graduated from police school with honors and received officer rank lieutenant and assignment to work as an investigator in one of the police departments of the city of Pskov.

In 1997-2000 Oksana is a student at the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (formerly the Leningrad Higher Political School Internal troops and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR). While studying, Oksana has the desire to become a model. One day she was offered to enroll in a modeling school. After some thought, Oksana agrees. From this moment on, police lieutenant Oksana Fedorova begins her path to the rank of beautiful girl Universe.

A friend brings her to the Miss St. Petersburg 1999 casting. Having passed the selection, Oksana makes it to the finals of the competition and easily wins it. The head of the university was sympathetic to Oksana’s achievements and subsequently supported her creative innovations.

Oksana graduates from the Higher Educational Institution of Police with a gold medal and the rank of senior lieutenant. After university, she worked for several months as an investigator at the line department of internal affairs at Pulkovo Airport. In 2001, Oksana returned to the university and entered the postgraduate course. She is preparing a dissertation on the topic “Civil regulation of private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation.” In parallel with her studies, Oksana teaches civil law to university students.

In the same year, Oksana participated in the Miss Russia 2001 competition as Miss St. Petersburg and won.

In 2007, due to the impossibility of combining service in law enforcement agencies With work on television, Oksana retired to the reserve with the rank of police major.

Miss Universe Competition

In 2002, Oksana became the winner of the 51st Miss Universe pageant in Puerto Rico. Later at a press conference, Oksana will say that she is happy mainly because Russia won this competition for the first time.

But what happened later surprised the whole world. For the first time in the history of the competition, the current Miss Universe refuses the title. Oksana returns the precious crown along with all the honors and advertising contracts. She is going to St. Petersburg to defend her dissertation and complete her graduate studies. The contract with Oksana Fedorova was terminated. The title of Miss Universe automatically went to Justina Pasek from Panama.

Oksana Fedorova returned to Russia with the rank of police captain. She successfully became a candidate of legal sciences, and continued to teach at the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and work on her doctoral dissertation. But the victory at the most prestigious beauty contest and the events that followed could not but influence her life.

Work on TV

In 2002, Oksana accepted an offer from VGTRK to become the host of the popular children's television program “Good night, kids!” . Oksana was also the host of the programs “Subbotnik”, “Saturday Evening” on Russian television. In 2003-2004 leading Russian version television game "Fort Boyard" paired with Leonid Yarmolnik. She starred in the television series “Don’t Be Born Beautiful” and feature film Sophie, and also voiced characters in the animated films Fairies (USA, 2008), Tricky Jack (2009) and Toy Story. The Great Escape" (2010).

Social activity

In 2003, Oksana became a candidate for State Duma deputy of the federal list of the Life party (now A Just Russia). In 2003-2006, Oksana took part in the work of the All-Russian Youth social movement"The energy of life". At the same time, she collaborated with Vneshtorgbank on a long-term charity project"A world without tears."

Since 2015 - member of the Board of Trustees of the Children's City Clinical Hospital named after. BEHIND. Bashlyaeva and the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology named after. Dima Rogachev.


Oksana is always in a state of creative search and tries her hand at cinema, journalism, and literature. In 2008 she made her debut as a writer. In the fall of that year, the Eksmo publishing house released Oksana Fedorova’s first book, “Formula of Style”: tips and recommendations on beauty and style. The book also contains autobiographical inserts and photographs from Oksana’s personal archive. She has recorded several music videos "One step at a time" (2010), "It's all because of you" (2011), "My Doctrine"(2012), “Rights of Love”, in 2013 she released her first music album “On the Edge of Love”. Oksana's voice can be heard on the radio, in feature and animated films.

Since 2010, he has been the editor-in-chief of the ModaTopical magazine.

In 2014, she made her debut as a designer, her first clothing collection was published under the brand OFERA by Oksana Fedorova.

From 2015 to 2018 was the President of the Children's Arts Festival "Kinotavrik".

Since March 2017

  • member of the Writers' Union of Russia
  • member of the International Union of Musicians
  • Goodwill Ambassador of the Moscow volunteer association "Mosvolonter"
  • Director of the Fashion Museum International Exhibition Center


The path to charity began for Oksana in 2002 - as Miss Universe she visited Kenya, Indonesia, Canada, where there were meetings in hospitals, hospices, orphanages and with volunteers and those they help.

In 2005 Oksana Fedorova is the Supreme Council of the Russian Club of Orthodox Patrons and is one of the initiators and active participant in the revival of the tradition dimensional icons, Knight of the Order of Beneficence, 1st degree.

In 2006, cooperation began with UNICEF - the United Nations Children's Fund - as a Goodwill Ambassador, Oksana visited more than 20 countries in Asia and Africa to promote modern standards healthcare. In 2007-2009, Oksana took part in the Amway-UNICEF “One by One” program on inclusive education. The goal of the program is the widespread introduction in Russia of joint education of disabled children with their peers in regular schools.

In 2009 This year, Oksana created her own charitable foundation to help children, youth and the elderly, “Hurry to do good!” The name of the fund reflects the rule of life of those active, socially responsible people who understand: whoever does not hurry to do good will not do it. The mission of the foundation is to create and promote cultural and educational programs and projects aimed at supporting and popularizing family values, patriotic and sports education, as well as providing targeted assistance to people in difficult life situations.

In 2012 Oksana Fedorova became a laureate of the BIAF international award for her contribution to charity (Lebanon, Beirut), and a month later she organized a charity concert in the Kremlin “On your birthday with love”, the guests of which were more than 5 thousand people, of which more than 3 thousand were children from large families and low-income families, as well as orphans and children with disabilities.

The program was launched in 2013“Between Us, Girls” in the format of a Festival aimed at developing a culture of motherhood and family values ​​among orphanage girls. And since 2014, a project has been launched as part of the “Bright Days” program - the Orthodox camp “Blagovest”, which provides recreation on the Black Sea for children from low-income families.

In 2015- in honor of the anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, 2 large-scale projects were launched at once: “Women - Knights of the Order of Glory”, dedicated to the female heroes of the Second World War, as well as the project “Little Heroes” great war"- publication of the first book about children who showed courage in defending their homeland from the Nazis.

In 2017, the foundation was among the winners of the competition Presidential grants with the project “Little Heroes of the Big War”: within the framework of the grant in 2018, the first All-Russian online lesson courage, the All-Russian creative competition “Thank you to the little hero”, in which more than 3.5 schoolchildren from all over Russia took part, and more than 100 schools planted memorial Alleys in honor of child heroes.

The charity festival “Between Us Girls” became the winner of the Committee Subsidy Competition public relations city ​​of Moscow, as part of a grant in September 2018, 150 girls from the capital’s orphanages took part in the festival.

Every year, the Oksana Fedorova Foundation provides targeted medical care for children with complex medical diagnoses, pays for treatment and rehabilitation. And within the framework of the “Culture and Education” program, together with the National Culture Support Fund named after. Tchaikovsky Oksana Fedorova is a co-organizer of the competition-festival for composers “Tchaikovsky-Heritage”.


Oksana is married and has two children. In 2012, a son, Fyodor, was born, and a year later, a daughter, Elizaveta. She admits that today she feels happier than ever: “I always dreamed of a big friendly family and about a cozy home."