Law on carrying bladed weapons. Some interesting things about firearms

Let's combine a story with a smile? Some interesting facts about weapons: funny, amusing, sad, and sometimes ridiculous.

1. Mongol warriors wore armor called “khuyag”. During the wars between Rus' and the Golden Horde, this word penetrated into the Russian language, but in an ennobled form - eastern armor of the brigantine type began to be called “kuyak”.

2. In 1960, the United States began production of intercontinental nuclear ballistic missiles ground-based Minuteman. They had a mechanism to protect against accidental launch - the operator had to enter a code using a digital display. However, the command ordered the installation of the same code 00000000 (eight zeros in a row) on all such missiles - and their number over time reached 1000. This approach was supposed to ensure a quick response when starting nuclear war. Only in 1977 did the command take into account the threat of nuclear terrorism and decided to change easy code, known to all officers, to an individual one for each missile.

3. In 1984, a non-lethal laser pistol was developed in the USSR. It was intended for self-defense of astronauts. The destructive effect of this pistol was to disable the sensitive elements of optical systems, including human eyes. And an important advantage compared to a conventional pistol in zero gravity conditions was the lack of recoil. Now the laser pistol is a monument of science and technology and is exhibited in the Museum of the History of the Strategic Missile Forces Military Academy.

4. Initially, in ancient times, the term “catapult” was used to describe a weapon that threw arrows along a flat trajectory, and the term “ballista” was used to refer to a weapon that threw stones or cannonballs along a suspended trajectory. By the end of the Roman Empire, the meanings had changed: now arrow throwers began to be called ballistas, and catapults in general were any throwing machines with a torsion principle of operation. This confusion with the names and understanding of books about ancient weapons reigns to this day.

5. In 1942, the Soviet submarine Shch-421 was blown up by a German anti-submarine mine, losing speed and the ability to dive. To prevent the ship from being carried ashore by the enemy, it was decided to sew a sail and raise it on the periscope. However, it was no longer possible to sail to the base, and it was not even possible to tow the submarine with the help of other ships. After the appearance of German torpedo boats, the crew was evacuated and the submarine was scuttled.

6. In 1857 the British brought long range rifles"Enfield" for arming the Indian army. However, they did not take into account possible problems with animal fat, which was used to lubricate the rifle and impregnate cardboard cartridges. After all, for Hindus a cow is a sacred animal, and for Muslims it is a sin to touch a pig. There were both in the army, and each group decided that the British did not take its religion into account. Hindus and Muslims united and organized an uprising, which resulted in the deaths of many military and civilians originally from England.

7. In the technical specifications for the T-28 tank, which was created in the 1930s, there is a clause according to which the tank must overcome lunar landscapes. There is no mysticism or fantasy here: the fact is that at that time the lunar landscape was the name given to the area that suffered from bombing and artillery strikes.

8. According to statistics, the average American police officer uses his service weapon once every 27 years during his career. And in television series, the average police officer shoots to kill at least 10 times.

9. The inventor of dynamite, Alfred Nobel, called himself a pacifist and believed that if opponents had weapons that could instantly destroy each other, they would understand that they would gain nothing from the war and stop the conflict. In 1888, a message about Nobel's death and an obituary were mistakenly published, in which he was called a "millionaire on blood" and a "dealer in explosive death." Not wanting to remain in the memory of mankind as a villain, Nobel bequeathed his fortune to the establishment of a scientific prize.

10. When the first tanks were sent to the front, British counterintelligence started a rumor that Russian government ordered a batch of tanks from England for drinking water. And the tanks set off railway under the guise of tanks (fortunately, gigantic size and the shape of the first tanks fully corresponded to this version). That is why tanks are called that (from the English tank - tank, tank). It’s interesting that we first translated this word and called it new combat vehicle"tub."

11. During the First World War, engineer Lebedenko designed and built an armored fighting vehicle with wheels with a diameter of 9 m, capable of carrying machine guns and cannons, and later called the Tsar Tank. Increased cross-country ability was proven in tests - the car broke birch trees like matches. However, the rear steerable roller, due to its small size and incorrect weight distribution of the vehicle as a whole, got stuck in soft ground almost immediately after the start of testing. Tests also revealed the vehicle’s significant vulnerability to artillery fire. Until 1917, the tank was guarded at the test site, but then the vehicle was forgotten, and in 1923 it was dismantled for scrap.

12. The First Geneva Convention banned bayonet strikes to the stomach (which were used mainly by the Russian army). A blow to the chest was suggested as an alternative.

13. Mayan warriors used it as throwing weapons hornet nests (“hornet bombs”) to create panic in the enemy ranks.

14. The flag of Mozambique is the only one in the world that has an image of a Kalashnikov assault rifle. The machine gun is also placed on the coat of arms of Mozambique, as well as on the coats of arms of Zimbabwe and East Timor.

15. The largest artificial material object ever created by man can be considered the “mushroom” from the Soviet thermonuclear bomb AN602.

16. Famous phrase Khrushchev “I’ll show you Kuzka’s mother!” at the UN Assembly it was translated literally - “Kuzma’s mother”. The meaning of the phrase was completely incomprehensible and this made the threat take on a completely ominous character. Subsequently, the expression “Kuzka’s mother” was also used to refer to atomic bombs USSR.

17. South African law allows any degree of self-defense if we're talking about about a threat to human life or property. To protect cars from theft, traps, stun guns and even flamethrowers are popular here.

18. The expression “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword” does not belong to Alexander Nevsky. Its author is the screenwriter of the film of the same name, Pavlenko, who remade the phrase from the Gospel “Those who take the sword will die by the sword.”

19. During the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939, Foreign Minister Molotov said that Soviet troops They are dropping not bombs, but food supplies for the starving Finns. In Finland, such bombs were dubbed “Molotov bread baskets”, and then they began to call incendiary devices against Soviet tanks"Cocktail for Molotov." In our country, the name of such weapons has been shortened to simply “Molotov Cocktail”.

20. During World War I, cats were kept in trenches to give advance warning of gas attack. And during the Second World War, they were taken on board submarines as living air quality detectors.

21. During the monetary reform of 1535 in Rus', the image of a horseman with a saber on coins was replaced by the image of a Grand Duke with a spear. Later, such coins were called kopecks.

After watching action movies, there is a strong belief that weapons can shoot almost endlessly, no matter where we go - everything explodes with beautiful fireworks, a silencer turns the sound of a shot into a light pop, etc. Such misconceptions can cost someone their life. But for those who never come across firearms, nothing terrible happens; all that remains is faith in a magic wand, a lightsaber and an endless miracle carbine. Although sometimes fantastic things happen in life with weapons interesting stories .

Almost any blockbuster with spies or silent killers contains an episode in which someone shoots a gun with such a quiet and soft “poohhhh”.
Silencers They are attached to everything - from tiny pistols to huge shotguns, and the silencer looks like a sophisticated and expensive attachment. But according to the Hollywood version, it can be successfully replaced by a makeshift design in the form plastic bottle stuffed with socks.
What's really going on? In any case, gunpowder produces a loud sound when it explodes. A normal shot sounds with a force of 140-160 decibels. This Very loud, so loud that the sound can cause physical pain. Depending on the muffler, the volume can be reduced several times. But this sound still remains very loud. Conventional noise-canceling attachments reduce the volume to only 120-130 decibels, which is about the volume of a jackhammer, and the sound is less harsh.
In practice, the sound simply changes slightly, giving the illusion that a weapon of a smaller caliber was firing. It is this effect that is expected in most cases. In addition, such a shot is more difficult to detect, it is more difficult to determine where exactly it was fired. In addition, for effective noise reduction, complexes are being developed consisting of split cartridges, a special design of barrels and silencers.

The myth of the infinite charge in weapons

The fact that directors and screenwriters depict reality very conditionally is understandable. But this convention sometimes goes too far. When a six-shot revolver fires on average 10-12 rounds in films, you begin to doubt your mathematical abilities. But when automatic weapons start shooting...

The myth of automatic weapons

Automatic weapons have closed store, and it is difficult to judge by eye the real number of charges there. But still, it seems a little strange that these charges are not exhausted throughout half the film, even with the most wasteful use.
In fact, the magazine of an M4 or AK-47 type assault rifle is exhausted in just a few seconds. Such weapons have a rate of fire of about 700 rounds per minute, and the magazine capacity is only 30!
And now something interesting- The average US infantryman carries about 210 rounds of ammunition. That is, he will be able to continuously rain automatic fire on the enemy for a maximum of a minute, even taking into account the time for changing magazines. But automatic mode It is not used often; in some types of weapons it is completely absent.

What then happens in battle? Where do the sounds of continuous fire come from in the documentary chronicle? The fact is that the main purpose of automatic small arms in suppressing the enemy. Slot machines are needed in order to force the enemy to lie down in cover and allow their own to maneuver. Therefore, most bullets fly into the “milk”; on average, there are about 200 rounds of ammunition per killed enemy...

The myth about the reliability of body armor

In films, thin, invisible Kevlar vests can save you from any misfortune. At least in most cases, according to the scriptwriters, automatic bullets are stopped completely by such a vest.
But in fact there is a small subtlety. Those body armor that can be hidden under clothing will at best protect against a pistol. Which may be sufficient in urban environments. But only special armor weighing 15 kg or more, which is much tougher and bulkier, can protect you from more powerful weapons. And at the same time, the shooter must be no closer than 14 meters...

The Myth of the Click of the Trigger

The sound of the hammer being cocked really does sound ominous. In theory, it symbolizes readiness for action, an undisguised threat. But the need for this action was only in revolvers. When between each shot it was necessary to perform this operation. And cocking the hammer in advance saved a couple of seconds before starting shooting.
For automatic weapons, the spectacular click is just a fiction. The shutter is cocked automatically, and between shots gun is in a cocked state. If a similar trick is performed in the film, then this can only be achieved by removing the pistol from combat cocking, that is, practically disarming.
The situation is even worse with shotguns and assault rifles, in which the hammer is not required to be cocked in principle. Here they usually distort the shutter or pump. But the only thing that can be achieved with such an action is the ejection of the cartridge. After all, such an operation is intended only to remove the spent cartridge case...

The Myth of Explosiveness

AND the most The directors' favorite shots are everything around exploding from the first hit. It seems that all you have to do is point the gun in the direction of the car and it immediately turns into a torch. Any container with propane, oxygen and hydrogen also has this property.
But nothing like that actually happens. It is impossible to ignite a car by simply hitting it with bullets. Too many specific conditions must come together at the same time. Ideally, there should be a small hole in the gas tank from which gasoline leaks. At this time, its own vapors are concentrated inside the gas tank, and only after this the bullet has a chance of causing an explosion.

Well, now a few interesting facts about weapons and related issues. After all, reality is much more interesting and more unpredictable than any films, any stories.

Extreme Protection

In 1871 extreme lawyer Clement Vallandigham's appearance in court ended. His client was accused of killing a man during most a banal quarrel in a bar. The lawyer tried to prove that the murdered man himself was to blame - he tried to grab a pistol from his pocket from a very uncomfortable position and, as a result, shot himself through negligence. To prove his case, the lawyer tried to demonstrate this event on an unloaded pistol. But the gun went off during the process and the lawyer died. The defendant was acquitted.

After the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the Mujahideen received 2,000 portable weapons from the United States as a gift. anti-aircraft missile systems"Stinger". When the Soviet troops left the country, the American government began to buy these complexes from the locals at a price of 183,000, while the most interesting thing the standard price for Stingers was $38,000.

Among science and technology news in 1984 it was developed by the USSR special pistol for astronauts. It was a laser device designed to disable enemy optical systems. The gun was not lethal and had no recoil, which is very important in zero gravity conditions. Now this pistol is presented in the Museum of the History of the Strategic Missile Forces Military Academy as an exhibit.

Polish Army Anders was picked up by a bear cub in Iraq during World War II. The soldiers took care of the baby, who was named Wojtek, and even treated him to beer. Interesting fact - the command enlisted the bear in the 22nd artillery supply company. As part of this unit, Wojtek reached Italy, where he helped in the battle of Monte Cassino, bringing shells to the guns and unloading ammunition!!! For its excellent service, the 22nd Company placed a bear on its new emblem.

Now, armed with myths and truths about weapons, you can look with completely different eyes at the ingenious inventions of the developers who came up with the most outlandish military developments.

Firearms are a controversial issue around the world, and you probably already have an opinion about whether or not to carry one, but that decision may have been influenced by incorrect beliefs. Perhaps debunking the following myths will help you confirm or change your opinion about weapons.

10. Silencers

This myth often appears in lists of how Hollywood films misrepresent reality. Silencers, or rather silent, flameless shooting devices, are designed to reduce the sound produced by the gunpowder gases that cause the bullet to fly out of the barrel of a weapon. The shot occurs as follows: the firing pin or firing pin strikes the capsule, which is located on the cartridge, after which it is set on fire powder charge, which pushes the bullet out of the barrel. By slowing down the speed of the gas escaping from the barrel, you can reduce the volume of the shot. Silencers also sometimes reduce the speed of the bullet to reduce the sound of the acoustic boom.

Note that you can reduce the volume of the sound, but not completely remove it. For most bullets, you can reduce the sound by 30-40 decibels. For quiet bullets, such as .22 caliber, which are used for small game, this reduction in volume is significant - from 140 decibels to 110-120. Still, it is a loud enough sound that can damage your hearing. When using weapons, you should not forget about hearing protection.

9. Semi-automatic firearms

When people hear about semi-automatic weapons, most people think of a man on a rooftop with an M16 firing thousands of rounds in a matter of minutes. short time(again, thanks to Hollywood). This is a misconception.

In a semi-automatic weapon, be it a pistol (Glock 17 for example), a rifle (AR-15) or a shotgun, when fired, powder gases push the bullet out, after which the chamber is emptied, the used cartridge pops out, and if there is another cartridge in the clip, it is inserted spring system into place, ready for the next pull of the trigger. The weapon will not fire the next shot on its own, in fact, most weapons are designed to prevent the next shot. Thus, each shot corresponds to one pull of the trigger, similar to firing from a revolver.

There are automatic weapons that fire multiple shots per trigger pull, but they are illegal for private use in most countries, including the United States.

8. Assault weapons

The use of the term "assault" weapon is controversial, but there is little evidence on the matter. Let's figure out what "assault weapon" means.

Many proponents of the right to keep and bear arms argue that there is no official definition of what falls under the term assault weapon, but they are wrong. The term was legally defined in the United States in 1994 when a ban was imposed on assault weapons: semi-automatic firearms with a detachable magazine, similar in characteristics to weapons used by the military. Simply put, it is a civilian version of a military weapon.

Strict gun control advocates argue that assault weapons are far more dangerous than the average hunting rifle. They are also wrong. Most of the devices that turn a hunting rifle into an assault rifle play a cosmetic role: a pistol grip, a folding stock, flash suppressors - things that the shooter may like, but do not affect the main characteristics of the weapon. The rifle remains a semi-automatic weapon - there is one pull on the trigger for each shot, just like in the case of a revolver.

7. Don't give up positions

In the United States, there is a law according to which citizens have the right to defend their lives with lethal fire. However, there are two theories about the use of lethal fire for self-defense: the duty to retreat and the duty to stand ground.

Several US states have a "duty to retreat" clause, which allows a citizen to shoot to kill in self-defense, but only after doing everything possible to try to avoid doing so. This sounds good in theory, but in practice it could result in a person who kills in self-defense being dragged through the courts, possibly charged with murder, and sentenced to life in prison - all because someone tried kill him, but he didn’t want to die.

At the other extreme is the “castle” or “hold your ground” doctrine. In short, according to this doctrine, a person is not required to move in order to protect his life. If someone is trying to kill a person, they can draw their weapon and stop the attacker with lethal fire. Some states that have adopted a similar doctrine also protect those who acted under it from criminal and civil prosecution. Again, this sounds great in theory, but not in practice. In numerous cases, judges and juries have mishandled this law, convicting people who pursued attackers out of revenge.

Between the two extremes there is a narrow bridge of laws in various parts countries that combine both doctrines. Some states allow citizens to apply the castle doctrine only in their homes. Other states do not, in practice, require citizens to opt out, although those states have a statutory doctrine of derogation. Gun laws are incredibly complex, and you should study them thoroughly before purchasing a gun.

6. Magic bullets

From time to time, rumors appear about a new type of bullet capable of penetrating everything in its path, aimed against employees law enforcement agencies. In reality, magic bullets, of course, do not exist. However, knowing how the bullet will behave when it reaches its target will help you make an informed choice. suitable type bullets

Let's talk about hollow point bullets. Expansive (flattened) bullets are designed so that when they hit a target, they lose their energy, thereby reducing penetration and reducing the likelihood that the bullet will come out the other side and injure someone else. Full metal jacket bullets, on the other hand, are designed to penetrate their target as much as possible and continue flying until they come to a complete stop. For this reason, hollow-point bullets are preferred for use in self-defense: if a weapon were to be used, this type of bullet would reduce the likelihood of the bullet being ejected from bad guy and will hit someone else.

For years, news of new developments and methods for making bullets has caused fear among impressionable people. The main thing to remember is that, after all, there are few ways to make bullets more or less dangerous than they already are.

5. Self-harm

You may have heard that if a person owns a gun, the chance that he will kill himself or someone he knows is 43 times greater than the chance that he will kill a criminal. These statistics were published in a study conducted in 1986 by Arthur Kellerman. Now it is widely used as an argument by supporters of strict control over the right to bear arms. But is this a myth?

Answer: something like that. As we know, the devil is in the details of a criticized study. The main problem is that Kellerman's research only looked at gun deaths rather than gun deaths, ignoring gun deaths that were life-saving but not life-saving. It was also criticized for not fully disclosing data, not considering studies with contrary data, and for not including suburbs and rural areas into your research.

However, common sense does dictate that people who own guns are more likely to use them (sometimes to tragic ends). According to statistics, there are more deaths from firearms due to suicide than intentional homicides and accidental shootings. If a person decides to become a gun owner, he should find a friend who can pick up the weapon in the event of the first manifestations of suicidal behavior. If a person decides to commit suicide, he needs professional psychological help.

4. Buying a weapon is easy

Often after tragic events The question is being raised in society about how the process of acquiring firearms works. Many are proposing stricter requirements for those planning to buy guns, as well as limiting access to certain types of weapons. As a result, several laws have been developed to prevent guns from falling into the wrong hands.

If you've never bought a gun, you'd be surprised at what those who purchase a gun have to go through. For starters, most states have gun licensing and re-examination processes for gun owners that can take weeks or months. Once a person receives a permit, they must meet a fairly long list of federal requirements (age, criminal record, mental health) to purchase a gun. Federal gun licensing agencies are required to conduct detailed background checks and check to see if the person is on the FBI's long list of people prohibited from owning guns. Only after a person goes through all these steps will he be able to buy a weapon. Even private person-to-person gun sales can be very difficult.

It is worth not forgetting that you have to pay for weapons. Guns, if you've never looked at gun prices, are quite expensive and depending on the current supply-demand ratio, prices can skyrocket very quickly. Even when gun prices reach their lows, purchasing a gun requires a serious investment. For a decent model of a cheap pistol, rifle or shotgun you will have to pay $300-$600, and maybe much more. This price does not include the cost of a license, accessories and ammunition. Training and visiting the shooting range also costs a lot. If a person plans to hunt, the right equipment requires a considerable investment, not to mention the equipment to process the resulting catch. A used gun can save you about 20-30% of the cost, but you should consult a professional before making such a purchase.

3. Is a large weapon necessary?

“Why does a person need an AR-15 rifle?” A similar question can be heard quite often from supporters of strict gun control, and, in fact, if a weapon is bought for self-defense, then more simple weapons. From a practical standpoint, people often purchase more powerful weapon than what they need and thereby put others at risk.

If a person lives in a multi-story building and his neighbors live across a thin wall from him - a pistol large caliber may increase the risk that in case of a miss (for which, by the way, you will have to answer), the bullet will pierce the wall and hit a neighbor rather than the criminal. A smaller caliber weapon with suitable bullets will allow you to protect your life without injuring someone else.

The same can be said about hunting. Many deer hunters use the larger 7.62x63mm (.30-06 Springfield) cartridges. The problem is that at distances of 90-130 meters (the average hunting shot distance), such cartridges are too strong. Less powerful cartridges, such as 7mm or .270 Winchester, are sufficient to kill a deer without damaging the carcass too much. Some hunters advise using small .22 cartridges, but you should not listen to them, since .22 will bring more pain to the animal than other cartridges.
The main thing to remember here is that a weapon is a tool and different tools are needed for different purposes. You wouldn't use a 15-pound hammer to hammer in a nail to hang a picture, and you shouldn't use a machine gun to hunt squirrels. Just as a person would not use a hammer to break concrete, one should not hunt a grizzly bear with a pistol.

2. Gun control and crime rates

Many copies were broken in the United States during the debate over whether the introduction of strict gun control would reduce the crime rate. Gun control advocates point out that countries with strict gun controls have lower homicide rates than the United States. Opponents of control recall that the number of violent crimes increased significantly in those US districts where strict control was introduced.

So what is it, really? If you choose 20 cities with the most high level murders per 100,000 population, 9 of them are located in the 7 states with the strictest gun control laws (Newark, New Jersey; Baltimore, Maryland; Oakland, California; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Stockton, California; Washington, D.C.; Chicago , Illinois; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Buffalo, New York). At the same time, 11 of them are located in states where gun control has been weakened. And the 3 most dangerous cities are: New Orleans, Louisiana; Detroit, Michigan; St. Louis, Missouri are located in states that have virtually no gun control.

What can we understand from this? First of all, gun control doesn't work. Even if Chicago is not as dangerous as New Orleans, the city is still dangerous and although the carrying of small firearms was prohibited there until recently, people have nevertheless died as a result of shootings. Research conducted by scientists confirms this conclusion. As in the case of prohibited narcotic substances: Drugs are illegal, but people who need them find them.

Solution? There is a correlation between violence and another metric: socioeconomics. In other words, the cities that rank highest in murder rates are the same cities that top the lists of cities with the highest poverty rates. So another question arises: what can be done to overcome poverty? If you have a solution, please share.

1. Second Amendment to the US Constitution

Most likely, many readers who have reached this point are already wondering why the United States does not simply ban all weapons. The reason lies in the Second Amendment. Even Americans do not always understand what the Second Amendment means, which is why serious disputes arise in society. Let's try to figure it out.

First, let's read the contents of the amendment: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free country, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." The second part of the amendment is understandable to anyone; the first part, on the contrary, can cause disagreements when read. Gun control advocates believe that since most states militia was replaced by the US National Guard, respecting the right of the civilian population to keep and bear arms is optional. Thus, gun ownership is a privilege, not a right. The problem is that's not what the amendment says.

The amendment must be considered in light of historical circumstances. The United States is a country born out of a war when anyone could take their musket or long-barreled rifle, leave their home and organize their own small militia group with their neighbors. Such groups carried out small raids against the British and their rebels, thereby weakening the enemy army before the big battle. When the war ended, regular army was reduced, and if necessary would be replenished with militias. In other words, the people's militia was actually the main military force in the country.

These circumstances lead us to two possible interpretations amendments. First: once civilian population could be called upon to defend the country, it had to be armed, which means the right to keep and bear arms was granted for the purpose of national security. However, another interpretation is that: the population organized a revolution and overthrew the British government, and therefore the right to bear arms reflected the right of citizens to protect themselves from tyrannical authorities. In order for citizens to control the new government, they needed the right to keep guns. The second interpretation is supported by records of discussions of the amendment by Patrick Henry, Noah Webster, George Mason, and James Madison. This interpretation of the amendment was confirmed by Supreme Court USA. In other words, the right of the people to arm themselves should not be violated for two reasons: the person may be conscripted into a militia, and the US government may turn into a tyrannical dictatorship.

The really heated debates arise over whether this right can be limited. Correct answer: yes. Just as libel and slander are not covered by First Amendment rights, the right to bear arms may be restricted. The US Supreme Court in US v. Miller ruled that the government cannot restrict access to certain firearms (in this case, sawed-off shotguns). According to other court decisions, the government still has the right to restrict access to guns for criminals and the mentally ill. In other words: The Second Amendment to the US Constitution provides the right to bear and keep arms, but this right may be limited for security purposes.

There are many controversial issues associated with the concept of “edged weapons”. The legislation provides a clear definition of this term, but citizens often confuse it with items intended for household needs. Let's take a closer look at what edged weapons are, who has the right to carry them and what responsibility is provided for illegal possession and wearing.

Federal law No. 150 regulates the manufacture, storage and use of any type of weapon, including cold steel. This law is designed to protect the life and health of citizens Russian Federation, as well as prevent the illegitimate purchase and sale of weapons.

The definition of the term “edged weapon” is given in the above law in the first article - it is an object that is intended to hit a living target using muscle force in contact with the victim of an attack.

Edged weapons include knives, checkers, daggers, brass knuckles, stilettos, etc. They come in different types- piercing, cutting, chopping. Things to remember:Objects for household and household needs are not considered edged weapons, despite their similar design - kitchen, garden, and pocket knives.

Melee weapons have the following characteristics:

  • blade length- more than 9 centimeters;
  • blade thickness- more than 0.24 centimeters;
  • contact angle between butt and blade- up to 70 degrees;
  • lateral bending deflection- 0.9 centimeters;
  • steel hardness— 25 rockwell minimum;
  • penetration depth- more than 2 centimeters;
  • There is a finger stop.

The permissible length of a knife blade according to the law for carrying on the street is less than 9 centimeters. If suspicions arise, the item can be taken for forensic examination, where they will give an accurate answer.

Carrying bladed weapons is legal

The following have the right to carry bladed weapons:

  • employees in the performance of official duties;
  • citizens engaged in hunting;
  • athletes;
  • retired military personnel who have the item as a trophy and have received permission to wear it;
  • persons for self-defense during transportation and transportation;
  • persons on cultural events(antique).

Documents are not always required to carry and use bladed weapons. A license to purchase this type of weapon is required if it is purchased for hunting or worn with the national costumes of the peoples of Russia and the uniform of the Cossacks. Persons who have the appropriate permit to carry firearms for hunting can buy edged weapons. No license is required for sporting weapons. In other cases, carrying bladed weapons is prohibited.

Anyone wishing to use edged weapons for their own purposes must obtain a license. This rule does not apply to paramilitary organizations. The corresponding document is issued by the Department of Internal Affairs on the basis of. The validity period of the document is 5 years.

According to Article 20.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, violation of the rules for carrying edged weapons is subject to a fine of 500 to 2,000 rubles. Confiscation of the item is mandatory.

Storage rules

There are no special storage rules prescribed by law. However, storage of bladed weapons according to the Law “On Weapons” requires compliance with certain standards. First of all, use covers and store in a closed place. In any case, this is not considered an illegitimate action and, therefore, there is no punishment for possession of bladed weapons.

Knife making

The law on knives in Russia requires criminal liability for the illegal production of bladed weapons - knives, blades. According to Article 223 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, a violation will entail:

  • compulsory work - up to 480 hours;
  • correctional labor - from 1 year to 2 years;
  • restriction of freedom - up to 2 years;
  • imprisonment - up to 2 years and a fine of 50,000 - 80,000 rubles or salary for 6 months before the incident.

A citizen who voluntarily surrenders a bladed weapon relieves himself of criminal liability.

Download the text of the law “On Weapons”

To better understand the Federal Law No. 150, you need to familiarize yourself with its current content. The latest version of Federal Law No. 150 “On Weapons” can be downloaded from. Cold steel is also regulated by this current law.

The law came into force on December 13, 1996 and contains 32 articles. Latest edition with all amendments and additions was published on July 29, 2017. Some of its provisions will come into force on October 1, 2017.

Latest changes

On July 29, 2017, adjustments were made to some articles of the law on weapons, including cold steel. Let's take a closer look at what has changed.

Article 5

The article talks about combat hand-held small arms and edged weapons. The change has happened at the end of part 1. TO this species weapons are related to military items designed to solve the military and service tasks of the Department of Internal Affairs, the Russian Guard, intelligence activities, the Investigative Committee, to protect the population from various kinds dangers, etc. As well as military items in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation on military-technical mutual assistance with other states.

Article 16

The article talks about the manufacture of weapons and ammunition. Part 3 has been subject to adjustments. According to her, combat manual small arms produced for supplies to paramilitary government organizations and for exports abroad in connection with cooperation with foreign countries.

Article 17

The article talks about the import and export of weapons. Part 1 states that the import and export of items for military purposes in foreign trade is regulated by the law of the Russian Federation on cooperation with foreign countries. Other cases are regulated by the Government of the Russian Federation.

To part 3 an addition has been made. Import and export are carried out by legal entities-suppliers and state intermediary organizations in the case of foreign trade with foreign countries.

Part 5 will lose his legal force.

Some provisions of the above edition will enter into legal force on October 1, 2017. Let's take a closer look at the article.

Article 9

The article talks about obtaining a license to purchase, display and collect items for military purposes. Part 2 will be subject to changes. The license is issued federal service executive power in the field of arms trafficking or territorial bodies. To do this, the citizen submits an application. The validity period of the issued document is six months. The validity of a document received for display and collection has no time frame.

Article 13.1

The content of the article is to describe the procedure for control shooting from a civilian firearm with a rifled barrel. Point 2 of part 2 will be subject to changes. Weapons owned by organizations and enterprises are subject to control shooting. When extending storage and operation periods, it is carried out Once every 15 years. An exception is made for legal entities that produce exhibitions or collectibles.

Point 6 determines the inspection of weapons of citizens of the Russian Federation - once every 15 years.

Point 8 will lose legal force.

Article 23

The article talks about the state duty that is required to be paid for legal actions in the field of circulation of items for military purposes. The tax will be imposed according to Tax Code RF.

How they do it:

The most interesting things about firearms.

There is a lot of controversy surrounding guns today. Thousands of people die every year from gunshot wounds, so it's no surprise that many are anti-gun. However, today we will not talk about whether this is good or bad, but about interesting facts related to various models firearms.

1. History of firearms

This is how it all began.

Many people know that weapons have changed a lot over the centuries, but few people think about how long they have been around. Some of the earliest records of the use of firearms date back to the 13th and 14th centuries. By the 1400s, matchlock guns appeared. This was an important development because before this the weapon was very difficult to use. Before the advent of the matchlock gun, it was necessary to manually bring the burning wick to the shelf of gunpowder. The matchlock made it possible to hold the gun with both hands while shooting, which had a very positive effect on aiming.

2. Gun owners benefit the environment.

It's hard to believe, but it's true.

Typically, pistol owners are never associated with the environment. In fact, they contribute greatly to the protection environment when buying weapons and ammunition. For example, since 1937, gun owners in the United States have contributed more than $4 billion to gun conservation. wildlife. This money went to save wildlife, preserve forests, nature reserves and parks. What's the catch? It's simple - in the United States, a tax of 10-11 percent is set on the sale of all weapons and ammunition, which goes towards the conservation of wildlife.

3. Russians and trunks

Who would have thought.

Today it is no longer a secret to anyone that the Russians actually took pistols with them into space. These pistols, called TP-82, were produced between 1986 and 2007 and were designed to protect astronauts from bears (in case the lander fell somewhere in the taiga). Also Soviet Union developed a Gatling-like autocannon - GSh-6-30, intended for installation on aircraft. Unfortunately, the vibration of the gun could cause damage to the aircraft. Three prototypes made an unsuccessful landing due to jamming of the landing gear caused by vibration of the Gsh-6-30.

4. Revolver with camera

There is such a thing.

There have been many changes made to shotguns and pistols over the years. In 1938, a very interesting innovation appeared in the form of a revolver combined with a camera (Colt .38 special with a camera attached to it). Whenever the owner pulled the trigger of the revolver, the camera would take a photo. As one can imagine, this had somewhat creepy potential. The good news is that even if the revolver was not loaded, the camera could still take pictures (no different, however, from a regular camera). But this is a really crazy invention.

5. Picasso

Even this happened.

Pablo Picasso is one of the most famous and outrageous artists of the twentieth century. What is less known is what he did in his spare time. Picasso had a revolver which he used to load blank cartridges. If someone asked Picasso about what was depicted in his paintings, started talking about his theories on aesthetics, or insulted the memory of Paul Cézanne, then the artist would “shoot” this person. Today it is already known that the gun was loaded with blanks, but at that time it was clearly not funny to people.

6. Strange laws

It's not always easy with the law.

Everyone knows that there are many strange laws all over the world. Gun laws are no exception. The first strange law we'll look at today was passed in Arizona. It is legal to carry a handgun in this state, but it is illegal to own nunchucks. Another strange gun law was passed in Kennesaw, Georgia. It states that every head of family in the city must have a pistol. However, there are a number of exceptions to this rule, such as the prohibition of using weapons for religious reasons.

7. The biggest gun

Made in Germany.

Firearms come in all shapes and sizes. There are pistols small enough to fit in your pocket, and there are guns so large they are mounted on battleships. There is also a gun that bears the title of “the largest caliber rifled weapons, used in battle in the history of artillery." It was the Schwerer Gustav ("Heavy Gustav"), a railway artillery piece built by the Nazis during World War II. It weighed 1350 tons and moved on a railway platform. An 807-mm projectile weighing 4.8 (high-explosive) or 7 tons (concrete-piercing) could hit a target at a distance of 39 kilometers.

8. Key guns

Unexpected surprise.

In the 1850s, jailers in the United States were given a special type of firearm, similar to a key. These pistol keys were actually used to lock cells in prisons, just like regular keys. But they had a secret - inside the “key” there was a barrel with 1 cartridge “as a last resort.” These weapons were eventually discontinued as the guards had much more useful and practical weapons.

9. Presidents and pistols

They always found each other.

James Garfield, 20th President of the United States, was killed by a pistol shot. But his killer did something very strange when choosing a firearm to kill the president: he bought a gun that he thought would look good in a museum. The weapon actually ended up in the museum. The next story about the president and guns has a not so sad ending. American President Andrew Jackson was almost killed by a man who managed to get close to him with two pistols. However, luck seemed to be on Jackson's side that day. When his would-be killer, Richard Lawrence, pulled the trigger, the gun misfired. He didn't have time to pull the second one out of his pocket.

10. Zombie Killer Weapon

A real symbol.

Finally, let's look at funny weapon, created in 2012. Gun Company Mossberg has released a line of firearms designed specifically for killing zombies. Of course, everyone thinks that zombies are fiction, but you never know what will happen in the future. To be fair, there is almost no difference between this weapon and other firearms other than the special "ZMB" stamp. But why change something that already works well.

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