How to become a fearless person. How to get rid of cowardice

Each of us has had to face fear head on. There are different life situations when we are afraid to go forward, do something, change in our lives and stop in anticipation of inevitable disaster. What does it mean to be brave? Courage is not the absence of fear, as it is a normal human emotion. Courage is the ability to control, restrain, and overcome it. A brave person, looking straight into the eyes of his fear, persistently continues to move forward, and does not look for ways to retreat. As a rule, such people achieve much more in life. Can't boast that you are a brave person? Nothing, a few tips professional psychologists will help you overcome this weakness and teach you how to win.

Characteristics of a Brave Person

Still have little idea what a brave person is? Then it will be useful for you to know its characteristic features.

He knows how to soberly assess the situation and control his emotions, maintaining complete composure.
A brave person is always calm, he is always confident in himself, knows what he can achieve and goes straight towards his goal.
A brave person knows how to take responsibility for his actions and decisions. It was the brave people who became the best rulers, generals, military men and politicians.
A daredevil is always ready to defend his life, family, and state.

A brave person always knows how to make the right decisions, regardless of whether he is overwhelmed by fear.

What are the benefits of being bold?

Still doubt whether you can become a brave person? Just think how many advantages you will get over your competitors and enemies by acquiring this human quality!

Courage will give you complete confidence in your strengths and capabilities.
Courage will give you hope for a better, brighter future.
Courage will give you independence from other people's opinions.
Courage will free you from oppressive and consuming fear.

Courage will give you freedom of choice and the opportunity to always remain yourself.

What do you need to do to become brave?

Developing courage in yourself is not easy, but start being courageous right now and confidently go towards your goal, no matter how hard it may be for you. A few useful recommendations psychologists will help you walk this difficult path and achieve your goal.

The psychological attitude is very, very important. Therefore, try to prepare yourself for the fact that you have a very long way to go, but you will definitely overcome it and achieve your goal. Don't underestimate the power of thoughts - every step you take under the influence the right attitude, will be much more successful and efficient. In addition, the mood will make it much easier for you to work on yourself.

Do you think this is impossible to do? You are mistaken. First, stop caring about how others evaluate you and stop evaluating yourself. Don’t listen to advice, don’t remember your past failures - before you is only the future, which in no way depends on past mistakes. This is your chance to do everything right - take advantage of it. Why empty doubts? After all, your abilities can only be tested experimentally. You are no worse than others - if someone else succeeds, then you will certainly succeed too. Believe in yourself!

Standing in the face of fear is difficult, but without it you will never learn courage. Every fear you overcome will make you a little braver and stronger. Don't avoid your fears. Let's say you are afraid of flying on an airplane. Of course, you have the opportunity to go somewhere by train or car, but the plane is much faster and more convenient. Do not avoid flying, but, on the contrary, strive for it. After some time, the fear will weaken and then disappear completely.

Courage does not mean invincibility. Don’t be afraid to make another mistake - people learn from mistakes, become smarter, stronger and braver. Learn to admit and accept your defeats. This time you lost, but next time you will definitely win.

Communication helps us get rid of complexes and fears, overcome shyness and become much more sociable. And these qualities are directly related to courage. Therefore, feel free to make new acquaintances, make new friends, communicate more and be alone less often.

Every time you manage to overcome your fear, you deserve praise. Let every next, even the smallest victory remain in your memory as another won battle with your fear. Be sure to praise yourself - your self-esteem will increase and you will have an incentive to continue working to overcome your fears.

The new and unknown always causes fear, so you need to look for everything possible ways in order to diversify your life. For example, are you afraid to drive? Go study for your license, make your first long move, explore new areas of activity and entertainment. Every new thing adds a little courage to you.

Have you heard such expressions as “fortune favors the brave” and “those who don’t take risks don’t drink champagne.” That's right - risk is an excellent way to gain courage, but this does not mean that you should do crazy things, putting everything you have on the line - family, freedom, fortune. Every risk must be justified. Weigh everything and take risks!

These small tips will help you gradually overcome your weaknesses and become a little bolder and braver. Every step you take will bring you closer to your goal. The main thing is not to give up and go to the bitter end.

Very often, our cowardice spoils our lives, we lose many opportunities, we suffer for what we did not do, due to fear of failure or ridicule.

Every person has fears, but not everyone can overcome them and become brave. A person who can cope with his fears and overcome them is called brave. Courage manifests itself not only in extreme situations, but also in everyday life. There are people who cannot even muster the courage to ask for help. Now there are more and more such people and they need to be helped to get rid of cowardice and cultivate courage in themselves.

What helps a person become brave?

Fears can significantly complicate our lives, interfere with raising a family, work, and even ordinary everyday activities. A brave person is not one who does not experience fear, but one who can resist it and not panic in an emergency situation.

Fear can manifest itself in different ways depending on the degree and reasons for its occurrence. It can be horror, fearfulness, anxiety, painful anticipation, intimidation, panic, inability to think adequately, downtroddenness, blind submission. Fear can completely control the mind.

Fears do not appear out of nowhere. We acquire them gradually throughout life, based on our own or others' experiences. Fear is caused by a feeling of danger.

There are also completely stupid fears (fear of being unloved, fear of being alone, fear of losing a job), in some cases fears turn into mania.

To have courage, you need to learn to control your fear. But how to do it?

First, determine what exactly you are afraid of, what causes you to feel fear, panic or horror. Write down all your fears in a notebook. What emotions do the other events they describe evoke in you?

Carefully analyze the compiled list. Determine what you fear most. You need to know the enemy by sight.

Find out the reason for your fear. Knowing the cause, it is easier to choose methods of control. Most often, the causes of fear lie in the child’s childhood. If possible, talk to your parents (maybe you were bitten by a dog as a child and since then you have become afraid of animals)

To become brave you need to increase your self-esteem. Often a person is afraid to show his ignorance, look stupid, or fail a test. Fear paralyzes the brain, and as a result, you will not be able to answer even the questions for which you have prepared. Therefore, decide whether you need such a satellite.

To become courageous, you need to realistically assess the situation. In a calm environment, imagine a situation that makes you feel afraid. Why is this situation dangerous for you? How to get out of it with the least negative consequences? Explore several options for solving the problem.

A sense of humor, a reliable assistant in the fight against fears. Find something funny in a situation or subject that frightens you and fear retreat.

Conquer fear, let courage become your companion on the path to success.

How to become bolder and more confident in yourself

To get rid of cowardice, you need to start small. For example, there is no need to be afraid to ask sellers about a product; a person has every right to do so. Many suffer from shyness and cannot speak to stranger. Don't be afraid of it, you just need to try it 5-10 times and you'll even like it.

True, there are people who are not able to take such a significant step right away. There is nothing terrible here, they first need to change something in themselves. You can start with the most ordinary thing - image. Having changed something in himself, a person changed as a person, and his confidence was revealed in him.

People are indecisive because they do not know how others will react to their actions. You should not be afraid of the opinions of others, because there will always be those who will support you and those who will criticize you. Even if you do nothing, the same thing will happen. Criticism from strangers is inevitable; you don’t need to pay attention to it.

Almost all people approach strangers with uncertainty, and this is their mistake. To become brave, you need to be sociable and confident, you should not close yourself off.

After all this, you can begin to take more decisive and extreme actions. Skydiving is good method become bolder for people who are afraid of heights.

Seeing a brave person, almost everyone says: “And I want to be the same.” In order to become as brave, you need to observe brave people, be around them, study their manners, behavior, imagine yourself in their place, this will significantly speed up the process of cultivating courage.

The final step is self-tuning. It's not difficult at all and very effective. To become more decisive and bolder, a person simply must not forget about what he wants to achieve and repeat it to himself every day.

It will not be difficult for a brave person to realize his dream, to fulfill the goal he has set for himself. You need to be able to overcome your fears, because in order to defeat the whole World, you must first defeat yourself.

How to get rid of cowardice and fear

Cowardice ruins a person's life. The inability to overcome fears is main problem which lies in one’s own weakness. Fears weaken the psyche, which prevents a person from fully enjoying life and realizing himself in different areas of life. You cannot indulge your fears, otherwise you will never become confident. How to stop being a coward?

Physical inequality

One of the reasons for cowardice is often some kind of deficiency or poor development of physical abilities. Everyone can remember moments from their childhood when teenagers began to offend weaker or younger peers. They cannot answer anything in return and the only thing left is to close themselves off and do nothing else to change the situation.

How to stop being a coward

Solving the problem of lack of physical fitness is not difficult. To become brave, just enroll in a section for developing strength abilities (bodybuilding, weightlifting, boxing and other sports). After just a few months of training, you will begin to feel the strength in your hands, which you will need for self-defense.

How to get rid of cowardice if, despite good physical training, do your fears overcome you? The whole problem here is what to overcome psychological reason cowardice is much harder. You need to gather your courage and still decisively meet your fears. Write them down on a piece of paper, before carefully considering your behavior in different life situations. Write them all down in order from most important to least important.

After you complete the task, find the three most minor fears, and then recreate the situation in which they manifested themselves. Do this as soon as possible by doing what you really want. If everything worked out, be sure to praise yourself and reward yourself with something for the small victory. Otherwise, try to repeat the tasks again and again until you achieve success. Gradually move on to larger fears, and you will see how, over time, your psychological stability will increase significantly.

Use affirmations

If you want to get rid of cowardice and become brave, then every morning should begin with positive attitude. After waking up and before going to bed, repeat to yourself: “I believe in my strength. I am beautiful, brave and strong. I am making my dreams come true." It is better to do this in front of the mirror and out loud. Saying affirmations really helps to overcome barriers in the subconscious that arise after unsuccessful situations in life.

Learning to be brave (if only to ask the person you like on a date) means more than just not being afraid. You must learn to act despite your own fears.


Part 1

Developing Courage

    Control your fear. To become brave, you need to overcome your fears. Fear is a response to those situations in which your brain decides whether to fight or flee. At the same time, the brain begins to secrete nervous system the stress hormone cortisol, which puts the body in extreme tension. Fearfulness is a learned behavior based on body chemistry and reinforced by the environment that teaches a person to be afraid. The ability to overcome your fears and leave them behind comes down to proper training of thinking.

  1. Get rid of indecisiveness. How longer brain will try to justify your cowardice, the more time you will spend panicking about hypothetical negative outcomes of the situation. If you need to catch a spider, jump out of a plane, ask someone out on a date, do it without hesitation, provided that you really intend to do it.

    • When you manage to overcome your fear, reinforce your success with encouragement. This can be expressed both in material rewards (for example, a bottle of good wine) and intangible ones (for example, in the form of a break from social communication and watching several episodes of your favorite TV show at once).
  2. Be bold when asking someone out. When you ask someone out on a date, it's best to be direct, even if you're a little scared to be so open. Practice your words in advance. If possible, talk to your crush in private. Think about how good it would be to get consent. Isn't that the only reason it's worth the risk?

    • Remember, if they answer you with a refusal, this will not have any impact. negative influence neither on you nor on other people's perceptions of you. Treat rejection with respect and be proud of yourself for being brave!
  3. Show courage when speaking to your superiors. Sometimes it’s scary to talk to your boss, especially if there are problems at work, and it’s also very uncomfortable to start conversations about finances. However, if you try to frame the conversation as a discussion rather than a confrontation, you can turn things around the way you want.

    • Ask for a private conversation and plan what you are going to say in advance. It's normal to feel nervous in this situation, so don't fight it. Just try to breathe normally and speak with conviction.
    • If the conversation angers your boss, step back and re-evaluate the situation. If you believe your position is correct, consider involving your company's HR department in resolving the issue.
    • Sometimes the best alternative may be to change jobs. Some people are extremely stubborn, and your decision not to fight every looming battle does not mean that you lack courage.
  4. Show courage in standing up to bullying. If you are dealing with bullying, you need to project courage and confidence. This way you will deceive yourself (and others) by pretending that you are not afraid of anything. People who bully others like to be feared, so don't give them that pleasure. Act with confidence (even if you are not particularly confident).

    • If you continue to be bullied after you have stood up to them, seek help from your teachers or parents. Understanding when it's time to apply outside help, in itself is a manifestation of courage. This demonstrates that you are being honest with yourself about your realistic assessment of the situation.

Part 3

Overcoming your own fears
  1. Identify your fears. What exactly are you afraid of? Before you can begin to overcome fear and take courageous actions, you need to understand what scares you? People can be afraid of many things, such as the following:

    • heights;
    • snakes and/or spiders;
    • crowds;
    • speaking to the public;
    • water;
    • thunderstorms;
    • confined space.
  2. Acknowledge your fears. After identifying your fears, you should not try to hide them somewhere deeper; you should not avoid them. It is unwise to convince yourself that you are not afraid, otherwise you will not be able to overcome your fear as quickly as possible. Instead, try to acknowledge that you have fears so that you can then overcome them in a productive way.

    • For example, you can admit your fears by writing them down on a piece of paper or saying them out loud.
    • You can also rate the strength of each specific fear on a scale from 0 to 100 (from complete absence fear until it manifests itself very strongly).
  3. Try desensitizing yourself gradually. This technique allows you to slowly but with increasing confidence approach what you are afraid of.

    • For example, if you are afraid to leave the house, you can simply start putting on your shoes as if you were going out, but not go anywhere yet.
    • Then you can start opening the door and take a couple of steps from the threshold, then four steps, eight and then return home again.
  4. Make an attempt to directly confront the fear. This method is also called the "immersion" method. Force yourself into the situation you are afraid of and allow yourself to fully feel the fear. Feel it pulsating inside, watch it, but don't let it overcome you. You may find it helpful to start thinking about yourself in the third person, like this: “He seems really scared right now.”

    • If you use this method in a situation where you are afraid to leave the house, you will have to go outside and move a whole block away from the house on your first try. Then it will be necessary to analyze what happened in order to understand that being outside the four walls is not so bad.
    • Next, you will need to repeat the procedure until you are completely no longer afraid of the street.
    • The idea is to demonstrate to yourself that you shouldn't be afraid of your own actions. This method is especially effective in combating irrational fears.
    • When confronting bullies, be careful. For everyone conflict situations There is no universal solution, so sometimes it is better not to interfere.


Analyze what exactly are you afraid of? Why do you consider yourself not a brave enough person? For example, you are afraid to tell someone the truth to their face, you say flattering compliments, and behind his back you whisper about how bad he is. This is cowardice, fear. Or you quickly, in a roundabout way, pass by a group of bandits beating and robbing their victim without doing anything. This situation also characterizes you as a cowardly or hard-hearted person. But it’s a completely different matter if you are afraid to jump from a great height or through fire, walk along dark streets alone or extend your hand into a predator’s cage - this is how the instinct of self-preservation manifests itself, which often saves your life.

Please note that the desire to become absolutely fearless is wrong. This is well known to people who have to risk their lives due to their profession - for example, military personnel or rescuers. A courageous person is not one who is not afraid, but one who accepts the right decision despite the feeling of fear. Who overcomes fear and does what needs to be done.

Avoid stupid, unjustified risks. There are situations when you need to be careful and think carefully before taking any decisive step. Fight specific types of fears that prevent you from living.

For example, if you are afraid of being attacked by bandits, develop muscle strength and master a martial art that suits you. This way you will become more confident in yourself, strengthen not only your body, but also your spirit. You can start training in the gym, under the guidance of experienced trainer. Choose something martial art which best suits your body type. Sambo, boxing, karate are suitable for people with developed muscle mass, here the force of impact is of paramount importance. Wushu, Aikido, Ju-Jitsu, etc. They focus primarily on speed and agility, so they are also suitable for those who do not have very developed muscles.

Train your muscles at home; such workouts also help strengthen your fortitude, gain courage, and self-confidence. You can exercise on the horizontal bar, parallel bars, perform various push-ups, simple exercises on the abs, use dumbbells for training.

Get busy extreme species sports. Kayaking on mountain rivers, skydiving, mountaineering, etc. – in the company of like-minded friends, you will quickly forget about your fears and develop self-confidence.

Increase your level of self-esteem; for this purpose, do not set unrealistic goals for yourself; break down each global task into small steps. Having achieved even a small success, do not forget to praise yourself for it, feel the taste of victory.

To get rid of cowardice, the fear of telling the truth to a person’s face, just do it once. This will increase your self-esteem and your reputation in the eyes of other people will also increase. Next time, you most likely won't be able to do anything differently. But when becoming a fighter for truth, be prepared for back side situation - you will have enemies in the person of the people you have denounced, with all the ensuing consequences. Is courage important to you? this issue? Maybe it would be better to simply ignore the person you dislike without entering into open confrontation with him? It's up to you to decide.

Be sure to fight far-fetched fears, phobias, etc. It is very important to understand the unreality of these fears, their exaggeration. Each phobia has its own method of overcoming it, which a psychologist can advise you on. Often people suffering from such fears one day found the strength to face what frightened them so much. And the fears disappeared.

If you have a high level of anxiety, do not watch or read crime news reports, refuse to discuss all kinds of problems with your interlocutors, do not focus on negative events, and be friends with optimists. Sometimes, to become a brave person, all you have to do is change own worldview on the positive, to be able to see that there are many kind people in the world who do not wish you harm.

There are often situations in a person’s life when one needs to make a bold decision. Have you ever missed an opportunity due to doubts and self-doubt? This has happened to everyone. But how can you become bolder and more determined and forget about disappointments and failures? Problems are embedded in our subconscious. But analyzing each situation and taking appropriate action will lead you to small “victories”, and then to great happiness!

Trust in yourself

Feel the inner message. After all, the easiest way is to mope and admit to yourself that you are a weak, weak-willed individual. Then every personal failure is explained by temperament and character traits. What is determination? This is when a person sets goals and, regardless of uncertainty, achieves any task. But how can you forget about doubts and act without knowing fear, assessing how rational your actions are?

Working on your own shortcomings

  • Analyze your feelings and experiences. Don't let other people's opinions influence your own. Most often, those who suffer from indecision are those who were surrounded by overprotection or faced the condemnation of others. Such people consider themselves weak and incapable of anything. It may be difficult to overcome this vicious circle, but we must get out of it.
  • Get rid of stereotypes. Give up your comfort zone. Let no one do anything for you. All responsibility for this or that decision made lies only with you.
  • My Fortress is a great exercise to build courage. Even the smallest problem appears as a huge fortress. And we need to storm it. You need to start with the little things. For example, refuse a person’s request that you really don’t want to fulfill. Don't be afraid of change. It will only be scary at first.
  • Think about why you constantly refuse something important and long-awaited? Perhaps your gut feeling says that nothing will work out? It would seem, how to become bolder and more decisive if you yourself don’t have it? Ask yourself: what reason prevents you from becoming better? When a person understands that there are no serious reasons to lose forever, then he will be able to achieve any goals.
Understand that if you ignore a problem for a long time, indecision and uncertainty will only increase from this.

Overcoming Fears
  1. Our fears lie not just in self-doubt, but also in the fear of changes in fate. Think and write down on a piece of paper what you lost because of fear. This is how we understand how we spend our lives.
  2. Be a rebel. Don't do stupid things or indulge in bad habits. But make any area of ​​your life better, more interesting than others. Be interested in something new, start mastering some new technology, start writing articles, try to express any ideas openly. It will not be easy at first, but later you will be able to fully enjoy your new life.
  3. Don't be afraid of changes in appearance. Get brighter. Stop being afraid of the judgments of others.
  4. Think about your career. Can indecisive people get welfare?
  5. Don't be afraid to start relationships and have new attachments. Fear of such responsibility leads to loneliness.

How to become bolder and more confident through faith

It is extremely important to believe in own strength and in a successful outcome of various situations. Understand that you are the center of the Universe. All events revolve around you. All people were not born for condemnation and evaluation from the outside. A person's faith in himself is the most important psychological aspect of his success. Having the right attitude and intention to take conscious actions in any new situation is an almost immediate victory. Without the right one psychological mood, our lighthouse life path, we will not achieve success.

It is wrong to start the day having depressing thoughts, thinking about problems. What about small accomplishments? Stop “digging” into yourself, stop judging yourself for defeats and forget the reproaches of other people. Otherwise, depression awaits you. Forgive yourself. This is extremely important. Self-kindness is also very important. Past missteps strengthen us, and blaming ourselves is wrong. We often mistakenly think that something irreparable has happened, when in fact only death can be irreparable. And difficulties are overcome.

We are afraid to live

Often timid and indecisive people are in a shell of their own fear. Complete detachment and isolation, attempts to avoid new mistakes and fear of failure - all this is characteristic of them. How to overcome this difficult condition?

  • Before accomplishing anything important, you must be prepared to fail, but beware of failure. Silently review the likely unfavorable outcome. If you analyze the situation a couple of times and understand that nothing critical will happen one way or another, then you will not be afraid to act. Then imagine a successful outcome and try to feel your own success. Let this picture always be in your head.
  • Face your fears. It won't be easy, but it's necessary! A brave person is not considered to be one who has no fears, but one who can overcome his phobias. This difficult work You have to work on yourself every day. You should start with the little things and develop a behavior plan.
  • More praise for yourself. You need to rejoice even in the smallest victory. We must praise and appreciate all courageous actions. This increases self-esteem.
  • A little more risk. It’s better to try and lose than not to hit a finger and lament about it. Gain experience and draw conclusions from it. And life will still show whether our experience was bad or good.
  • Increase your social circle, expand your list of acquaintances. We feel awkward meeting new people, but there is no particular reason to be afraid. The process of getting to know another person is always interesting. Be bolder, get to know someone, take the initiative first. This is a useful step to gain determination and courage.
Such significant qualities as determination and courage exist in every person. But the tricky part is how we use them. The only correct answer is the advice to practice all the time. Real inner harmony comes after hard work on yourself.
