Why do you dream about fish? Why do you dream about living fish? What does the dream book portend?

Some knowledge is passed on from generation to generation. And even non-superstitious people know that a black cat crossing the road is not good, and a fish dreams of pregnancy. But in a free retelling, as a rule, important little things and details are lost, because a fish cannot always be dreamed about the imminent appearance of a baby; such a dream sometimes carries a completely different meaning. To correctly interpret your dream, if you dreamed of a fish, use these interpretations from various dream books and you will immediately understand what to expect and what to hope for. So, why do you dream about fish?

The fish itself symbolizes coldness and illness., that is, the dream foreshadows a deterioration in health. This interpretation is possible when in a dream you see a fish in fact, without catching it, for example, a fish lying on a counter, in the grass, on a table. It is of great importance appearance fish, how clear the eyes are, how fresh it is. The more flavorful and older the fish, the more serious the disease is expected. Seeing rotten, missing fish with cloudy eyes in a dream is very bad.

Fishing in a dream means wasting time and effort. Fishing promises disappointment, hopes will not be justified, waiting will lead to nothing. This is especially true for fruitless fishing, when a lot of effort is expended, but the result is zero. In a dream, you can even see how a fish walks past the bait in the water or eats the bait without swallowing the hook, which makes it impossible to catch it.

Active fishing with a large catch suggests that you will succeed, albeit with difficulty, but you will pull your “fish” out of the pond. The more fish - beautiful, shiny, alive - the faster and more completely your wish will come true. Water is of great importance - it is good to fish only from light, clear, clean water.

Seeing another person fishing- to illness, but for women - to an early pregnancy. Women may dream about someone else's fishing before pregnancy or very early in life. early stages, When new life has already begun, and future mom doesn't know about it yet.

Seeing a fish skeleton in a dream, bones, gnawed fish - unfortunately, plans are not destined to come true, everything will not go the way you wanted.

Fishing in a dream and at the same time looking at a float motionless or peacefully swaying on the waves means that the fulfillment of your desire is postponed. But if the fish bites and the float twitches, then you have a chance to get what you want. The forecast improves if the bite is productive and the fish can be caught.

Catch a very big one beautiful fish in a dream, for both men and women it means to get married successfully, the marriage will be strong, the spouses will live in love and prosperity. In some cases, such a dream does not predict marriage, but a successful business. If you are already married or married, then you should be guided by the second interpretation option.

Catch a lot of fish in a dream means to make a monetary profit. The larger the fish, the more money will come to you. A lot of small fish promise a profit, but not a big one, in this case the size of the fish is like the denomination of a banknote, so small fish are iron coins, big fish- a serious bill. But catching fish with nets is interpreted differently - those who dreamed of such fishing must beware of risky activities and adventurous proposals, this can end badly.

And again clarification - the dream has a positive meaning if you have lost something and now you are looking for it. Catching fish with nets will help you find the missing fish if in the end the net does not come empty.

Seeing fish hooks in a dream not very good. They portend danger and warn about the machinations of enemies.

Bright, beautiful fish in a dream doesn't bode well. IN wildlife bright color warns of danger, and so it is in this case. If you dreamed of such a fish, then you will be deceived, poisoned or another unpleasant incident. For a seriously ill person, such a dream is a harbinger of imminent death. Red fish is dreamed of before major quarrels, swearing on a sore subject, or revealing a secret.

It’s not enough to catch a fish, you also have to keep it. Therefore, if you caught a fish, but did not hold it, or it constantly slips out of your hands, turns out, then the meaning of the dream is only that you have to deal with the same slippery and resourceful person, whom you are unlikely to be able to call to account, although you will know for sure about his guilt.

Eating fish in a dream- to the good, but only if it is not raw. A dream in which you eat raw fish comes to warn that losses, troubles, and problems await you. A dead fish floating in the water is a sign of unfulfilled dreams, a bony fish in any of its manifestations is a sign of minor troubles.

Soon you will receive a gift or very good news if in a dream you watched fish splashing in clean water. Feeding fish in a pond or aquarium means making peace with your enemies, seeing fish in your bed means getting sick, giving birth to a fish means poor health of the child or miscarriage, seeing fishing gear means deception.

Fish is a symbol of fate, foreshadowing impending affairs, acquisitions or troubles, depending on the area in which the fish was dreamed about.

The fish that swims in the clear clear water, promises new discoveries and achievements. For successful people this is a sign of career advancement and the conclusion of profitable deals. Ordinary workers dream of fish in water - this is an omen of unexpected luck, possibly monetary.

The next thing that a fish dreams about is disappointment if the dream shows muddy and dirty water. Dead fish also bode poorly. This may mean the approach of illness or trouble.

Otherwise, seeing fish in a dream is good luck. For example, if you dream that a big catch was caught, then this is luck that is already on the horizon. If someone else catches the fish, then this indicates the energy received during the day, or will be received in the following days.

Carrying the catch home, while bending under the weight, means a burden of responsibility that must be fulfilled for the family hearth. Usually, Miller’s dream book talks about fish about luck, but only if there is a small amount of it in the dream. Or when there is a lot of it, but another person carries it.

A young girl who sees a fish in a dream should prepare for great happy love or for an upcoming marriage proposal.

For adult women, such a dream speaks of well-being in the family and regularity.

Miller's dream book, the interpretation of which speaks of luck, also talks about the fish market. Standing near the rows or going there promises great joy and prosperity. And buying fish means achieving family well-being with your own hands.


The interpretation of a dream about a big fish has several meanings. Most often, such a dream promises joyful events and profit. Big fish in a dream are a symbol good earnings. But they also have the meaning of important affairs and undertakings. IN real life you have to start working on a large project, which should become the main source of income. However, if you catch a big fish dark color, such a dream foreshadows obstacles and trials. But you can cope with them if you concentrate on the task and don't panic. Also, large dark fish indicate that someone will slander.

A dream in which a big fish appears can bring you a pleasant surprise in reality. If the fish jumps and fights, fame awaits you. The exception is big beluga, which you caught and pulled ashore. The business that you were confident in will turn out to be unsuccessful and will not live up to your hopes.


A successful catch is a joyful event not only in real life, but also in a dream, since almost all dream books give dreams in which a person managed to catch a big fish extremely positive interpretation. IN overall value This dream is such that in reality a big “catch” awaits you - luck will accompany you in all your endeavors, allowing you to get even more than you expected.

If you dream that you are trying to catch a big fish that is struggling on a hook and jumping out of the water, the dream is favorable: it foretells the opportunity to earn fame, fame and respect from others, and exclusively on our own. But if you have caught a big, dark fish, be careful: discord may occur in your relationship with your loved one; mutual distrust and coldness can destroy even the strongest and most stable love union.

In our dream book you can find out not only about why you dream about fish, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a fish in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.


Dream Interpretation, dream about fish

If you eat fish, then this promises tender and long-lasting love.

A fishing net means a profitable acquisition, and if it is torn, then you will probably lose more than you gain.

If you fish with nonsense, then your entrepreneurial spirit will help in achieving prosperity. And if you haven’t caught anything, your aspirations are vain and petty.

If during a dream you walk along fish rows, prosperity awaits you in real life.

Successful fishing means that you will face challenges that you are very likely to cope with. If you dreamed that others were catching fish, then this dream promises you an extraordinary surge of energy and a favorable confluence of events that you will be able to use competently.

Dead fish - to sadness.

A fish playing in clear water promises a generous gift from fate. For a woman, such a dream most likely means a happy marriage.

Sleep is the most interesting and unusual manifestation of the psyche. Sleep not only relieves fatigue and helps a person regain strength. Many scientists believe that through a dream a person receives very important information, which in real, real life he does not perceive as worthy of attention.

There are a huge number of different hypotheses about the occurrence of sleep, but nevertheless, even what sleep is is still unknown. Throughout the history of mankind, people have been trying to understand the meaning of this or that dream that they have had, what their subconscious is trying to tell them. Correct understanding of dreams can help get rid of unnecessary problems. Hippocrates also said that dreams can even warn about diseases that are just emerging in the human body. Responsible for night dreams right hemisphere a person who is responsible for figurative, intuitive, emotional thinking. Thereby, important information appears before us in the form of metaphors, blurred intuitive and illogical images. If we treat the information received during sleep as a metaphor, as bright image, then the information takes on obvious meaning. These intuitive premonitions should not be ignored, because this can lead to dire consequences. Also, when interpreting a dream, it is important to pay attention not only to pictures and images, but also to the emotional component of the dream and impressions of it.

Many dream books talk about why a woman dreams of fish. If you dream of a fish, then most likely this indicates an impending great luck. A problem that has existed for a long period of time will be solved in the most unexpected and positive way.

In Russians folk tales which are passed down from generation to generation, it is goldfish that become the force that fulfills the most cherished desires. However, a dream in which there is a dying or dead fish, on the contrary, indicates that you should be extremely careful, since luck may run out and the planned events will not happen. If you dreamed live fish, which floats in clean water, this means that you will soon receive benefits in business. If the water was not clean, then you should not agree to the offer that will soon be received, since this will not lead to anything good. Also, if in a dream a fish simply swims away and it is impossible to catch it, then luck will pass you by, but you should not be upset, since fate will provide more than once the opportunity to change things for the better.

Seeing strong fishing gear in a dream means that all the chances of success are present, you just need to manage them properly. However, if you dream of fishing hooks, then it is too early to relax, as this may lead to ill-wishers preparing a big trap.

If you managed to catch a fish, then this is a gift from fate, all that remains is to accept it and enjoy it.

Eastern dream books indicate that if a woman dreams of catching fish, then this means pregnancy.

It should be noted that different fish for women also have different meaning. A dream about fry warns of troubles; a large fish brings with it a lot of income, commensurate with its size, and predatory fish may lead to a quarrel in the professional field. However, a dream about a live carp indicates such human qualities as strength, endurance and courage. If you dream of bright, colorful fish, then you should be more attentive to the food you eat, as there is a danger of poisoning. Red fish predicts the discovery of some secret.

A dream about a large school of fish can warn you about the need to concentrate on one thing. Chasing several options can lead to the fact that the chance is simply lost. Nevertheless, if you dreamed of exactly three fish, then this is a very good sign; you should realize your plans without delay. Three fish will only bring good luck.

If you had a dream about buying fish, then the subconscious wants to warn you about the possibility of receiving benefits at someone else’s expense. A dream that only a skeleton remains of a fish foreshadows troubles, collapse of plans and disappointments. If you dreamed about how one fish ate another, then in the future there may be a collapse in some business, but you should not despair, since another, larger opportunity to solve your problems is just around the corner.

Also a good dream is a dream in which there is a large number of fish dishes. It’s even better if the person who is dreaming eats fish dishes with great pleasure. This means great benefits and material profit. Visiting places where fish are sold in a dream will lead to great joy.

Big fish according to the dream book

Not one dream book, but several at once claim that the big fish seen in a dream is extremely auspicious sign. It is believed to promise profit, success and material wealth. Dreams in which you saw a large fish advise you to get rid of all fears and boldly get involved in business. There is a high probability that they will bring considerable profit. A more accurate deciphering of what a big fish means in a dream depends on the features of the plot seen.

In some cases, a big fish in the water may not promise success, but, on the contrary, anxiety and worry. You definitely need to listen to such an omen. It is possible that this will help you survive difficult times with minimal losses.

Why dream of seeing a big fish in a dream according to the modern dream book

Fishing in your dream means material profit. The size of the fish caught plays a very important role here. If the catch is solid, then the cash flow will be solid. Purchasing large fish in a sales tent, store or market means successful completion of business. But don’t delude yourself and expect that success will come on its own. To achieve the desired result you will have to work hard. But all the efforts made will more than pay off.

A large dead fish seen in a dream, according to the modern dream book, speaks of vain hopes. Try to get through this difficult period as calmly as possible. Excessive worries will only worsen your condition, and will most likely cause depression. Most likely, missed opportunities would not have brought you the desired result. Focus on new goals.

IN modern dream book it is also said why you dream about a lot of big fish different color in one pond or on a store counter. Such a dream predicts a serious quarrel in real life. The disagreements will be so serious that a lot of effort will have to be made to achieve a truce and correct the consequences. If in a dream you saw a flock of large multi-colored fish, then wait in reality get well soon. Such a dream can be interpreted in this way only if you are sick.

A big fish in the sea, seen in a dream, promises serious need in reality. Previous sources of livelihood will disappear, and new ones will not appear yet long time. The dream book recommends saving on everything. This is the only way you can survive financial difficulties as easily as possible. Also, don’t give up trying to find new sources of income. Sooner or later your search will be crowned with success.

Why do you dream of a big fish according to Miller’s dream book?

According to this interpreter, catching a big fish in a dream in clean, clear water is a generous gift from fate. This gift can be not only material. You will probably have the opportunity to visit one of the foreign countries or improve your personal life. Be that as it may, the opportunity that has arisen should not be missed.

A dead fish, no matter what size, is a symbol of bereavement and all kinds of sorrows. Catching a big fish with your hands according to Miller’s dream book means a difficult period in life. But don’t be upset, you will endure all the trials that befall you with dignity, without losing your presence of mind. If a young girl saw a similar plot in a dream, then in real life she will very soon meet a man and fall in love with him.

Miller's dream book also explains why one dreams of seeing a big fish caught by someone else. Such a plot promises a great surge of strength in reality. In this case, all the energy will be used to develop a profitable business, the results of which will not take long to arrive.

If you saw fishhooks in a dream, then be sure that in real life you have everything to fulfill your cherished desire. You just need to make some effort. According to Miller’s dream book, a torn fishing net means profit or some valuable acquisition. A torn mesh indicates inevitable disappointments.

The interpreter also explains why you dream of a big fish in an aquarium. Having seen a similar plot during a night's rest, know that in reality someone is closely watching you. He analyzes and remembers everything: how you speak, how you act, how you live. Why he needs this depends on the subtext of the dream itself. It is important to remember whether you experienced fear in a dream while under surveillance or not. If not, then most likely they are looking at you as a good specialist and may soon make an excellent job offer.

But Miller’s dream book also warns that an unhealthy-looking large fish swimming in an aquarium filled with cloudy and dirty water, speaks of an insidious enemy. Now he is hiding and studying your weak spots. But very soon it will open and cause serious damage to some area of ​​your life. Do not be overly trusting for some time after such a dream. Try to keep all your thoughts to yourself.

If in a dream a live big fish bit you very painfully, then in reality be extremely careful. You can be sure that you have enemies, and they are willingly waiting for the right moment to set you up.

Interpretation of dreams with big fish according to different dream books

According to one of the dream books, a big white fish promises resounding success in real life. Soon you will be very happy. Absolutely any event can bring joy. Another option for why such a dream occurs is a pleasant surprise. Someone will tell you interesting news, which you never expected to hear. Take advantage of the moment and stock up on optimism for future use!

If in a dream you saw a big black fish in a dream, then the dream book warns of a loved one cooling off towards you. Most likely, you will have a serious quarrel. It is also possible that this quarrel will separate you forever and there will be no path to a truce. In addition, such a plot can speak of evil gossip. You may also be involved by your enemies in a small scandal that will damage your reputation.

Catching a big fish with your bare hands in a dream means there is a high probability of being severely disappointed in reality. You can also be painfully deceived by those people from whom you do not expect this. A dream in which you saw a fish of simply incredible size is interpreted by the dream book as the beginning of a large, important project. There is another option for why you dream about something like this. A huge fish can also predict important event in real.

Holding a large fish beating in your hands in a dream means fame in reality. Fame will come to you even if you don't expect it at all. Prepare to face fame fully armed. Some dream books interpret fresh large sea fish as a sign of anxiety and worry. Moreover, the inhabitant of the lake promises, on the contrary, prosperity.

The big red fish is extremely good sign. According to the dream book, if a young girl saw such a dream, then she will soon be married for love to a wealthy young man. For a mature woman, such a night plot promises good luck in absolutely all areas of life. Another option for what a large red fish dreams of is complete understanding with legal spouse or with a regular partner.

A fish belonging to one of the salmon breeds promises a decent monetary profit in real life. Some dream books interpret a fish of any size as a harbinger of a new addition to the family. An aquarium filled with large red fish seen in a dream is a symbol of stable income. But despite this, you should be especially careful about spending, otherwise you can go bankrupt quite quickly.

Removing scales in a dream means counting money in reality. Prepare a fish dish according to the dream book for imminent news. If you dreamed of something to fry or smoke big fish, then in real life experiences await you. They will arise due to some bad news. The universal interpreter says that a large fish splashing merrily in an aquarium portends good news and pleasant life events. They will most likely be connected with friends and acquaintances.

According to Vanga’s dream book, a big fish is towards enemies. To dream that you caught her - good sign. It means that your ill-wishers, having prepared a trap for you, will themselves fall into it. But despite this, you should not relax. If you don’t keep yourself “fully armed” at all times, you can get into a very unpleasant mess.

Vanga's dream book also tells why you dream of a big fish without scales. A story like this warns of hard times. Most likely, you or your loved ones will become seriously ill or face insoluble problems. If a child or an adult man sees a big fish in a dream, then in reality they will experience resounding success. They can achieve short term everything they dream of.

A dream in which a big fish swallowed a very small fish is a clear warning. According to the dream book, you should be extremely careful when communicating with people endowed with great influence. In the worst case, they can seriously ruin your entire life.

One of the dream books explains why one dreams of seeing oneself fishing in a dream. Catching a small fish and releasing it in the hope of catching a larger one a little later will lead to disappointment and numerous losses in life.

Dream Interpretation Fish for a girl

Why does a girl dream about Fish in a dream according to the dream book?

The girl dreamed of a fish - the weather is expected to change. The dream may be direct or figurative meaning, the forces of nature can act in the form of weather changes.

Changes can be expected in your personal life; they will manifest themselves in the form of a new acquaintance with an interesting young man.

Dream Interpretation Fried fish

Why do you dream of fried fish in a dream according to the dream book?

A dream about fried fish foretells a quick resolution of accumulated matters that have long required attention. Good luck will be with you in all areas.

It is possible to receive a slight profit, a small income, which will bring a positive mood.

Who dreamed Fried fish? What were you doing in your dream? Where did you see fried fish in your dream? How many fried fish have you seen in your dream? What kind of fish was fried?

Who dreamed of fried fish?

A woman dreamed of fried fish

A woman dreams of fried fish - expect an addition to the family. This could be either the birth of a baby or the addition of another member to the family. Relationships with relatives will please you.

A girl dreams of fried fish

According to Felomena’s dream book, fried fish for a girl portends good luck, family happiness. For an unmarried woman, it is possible to meet, make a new acquaintance with an interesting young man who can become an ideal candidate for a husband.

A man dreamed of fried fish

A man dreamed of fried fish - your merits will receive universal recognition. It is possible to receive additional profit; any matter can be resolved without much difficulty. Luck will be on your side.

Pregnant woman dreams of fried fish

Why does a pregnant woman dream of fried fish? Easy labor and birth ahead healthy child. Your worries in this regard will be in vain, tune in to a positive mood.

What were you doing in your dream?

Eating fried fish in a dream

Eating fried fish in a dream means a long trip, the results of which will be extremely successful. Your competitors and rivals will be defeated. There is not delicious fish- conflicts in the family, work quarrels are possible.

Fry fish in a dream

A dream where you fry fish foretells the possibility of destruction heights achieved and prospects due to following momentary impulses. Reflect on your own actions and think carefully about your decisions.

Buying fried fish in a dream

Dreaming of buying fried fish - a successful resolution of long-standing problems awaits you, you will be able to find a way out of the most difficult situation. Buying fried fish for a married woman portends pregnancy, especially if it is long-awaited.

Where did you see fried fish in your dream?

Frying fish in a frying pan in a dream

According to the dream book, frying fish in a frying pan means overcoming difficulties. Watching someone else fry fish means problems with law enforcement agencies. The outcome of the problems created will depend solely on you.

Why do you dream of fried fish on a plate?

If you dreamed of fried fish on a plate, you will be able to beat your competitors using resourcefulness and a creative approach to solving a problem. Success and luck will accompany you in any business.

How many fried fish have you seen in your dream?

Dreaming of two fried fish

Why do you dream of two fried fish? The couple's relationship is about to begin. You will finally meet a person who meets your ideal. The connection will be long and strong.

What kind of fish was fried?

Why do you dream about fried red fish?

Seeing fried red fish in a dream means receiving long-awaited news. The nature of the news may vary, however, this will be the starting point for decisive action on your part.

Dream Interpretation Fried fish, why you dream about Fried fish in a dream

Why dream of fried fish - you will achieve universal recognition of your merits, receive additional profit, and solve any business without much effort.

According to most dream books, seeing fried fish in a dream is a very good sign. This is a positive dream omen, promising profit, good luck, easy resolution of even the most complex problems and good health.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation What does it mean if you dream of Fried fish?

To dream of frying fish yourself in a dream means spending money on a business that will turn out to be even more profitable for you. Such a dream suggests that you have to invest money in some business or purchase, which will subsequently bring you even more money and moral pleasure. A dream in which you fry fish yourself is a hint that the business that awaits your investment in reality is really worthwhile. Act boldly, you definitely won’t go wrong. Eating fried fish in a dream means a quick trip, which will also be favorable, since fried fish in a dream is a good sign.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream of Fried fish in a dream:

If in a dream you saw a fish that you fried yourself, expect to soon go on a business trip, which will bring you a lot of new impressions and knowledge. If in a dream you see fried fish that someone else is friing, especially if it is not big size- you have to spend money on a business that will not bring much profit, but will bring moral satisfaction. Eating fried fish in a dream means a quick solution to matters, good luck in all your endeavors, a huge success. You can easily deal with all the accumulated problems if in a dream you ate large-sized fried fish.

Dream book of psychologist Z. Freud Why do you dream of Fried fish:

Dream interpretation of large-sized fried fish - you will meet an opponent who will be stronger than you, but still defeat him. Eating fried fish in a dream means being stronger and more successful than your boss. Be careful, this is rarely forgiven or goes unnoticed. If in a dream you fry fish yourself, it means quarrels at work or in the family, instability in relationships, or receiving news that you will have ambivalent reactions to. If you saw someone frying fish in a dream, it means problems with organs, communication with people from government agencies.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Why do you dream of fried fish - dreams of news, success at work, successful completion of a complex business, financial stability, large profits (if the fish is large), small acquisitions (small fish), pregnancy.

Why do you dream about Fish, to fish, dream book about Fish, to see fish in a dream, what does it mean?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why does Fish dream about fishing in a dream?

According to the dream book, seeing Fish, fishing - Fishing in a dream for a woman is a sign of pregnancy, an explanation for this dream was given by Freud at one time. However, no less often, fish in dreams is a harbinger big problems. Fishing for a man can speak of difficult trials that will follow in the near future and which will bring losses or take away a lot of vitality. Moreover, the larger the fish in a dream, the more complex the likely problems will be. If a fish falls off a hook in a dream, then this good dream: looming troubles will bypass you, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why does Fish dream about fishing in a dream?

Seeing a Fish and fishing in a dream means Fish, fishing. Seeing fish in clear water means great success, in muddy, dirty water - a lot will prevent you from finishing the job successfully. Dead fish - sorrows, losses. Catching and catching fish is a persistent challenge; intelligence and will are required. Fishing with nonsense means achieving prosperity through activity and enterprise. A fishing net means profit, but a torn one means disappointment. Holding the hooks is your destiny in your hands, and you will soon see this. Watching people catch fish means you are not energetic enough. Seeing that a fisherman has caught a fish means the birth of a child, pregnancy. If a woman dreams that she caught a fish, it means a rich marriage. Leaving fishing without catching anything is vanity of desires. Going to the fish market means prosperity and pleasure. Eating delicious fish means worries and anxiety. Rotten, decaying fish - unexpected wealth, unexpected increase in income, profit.

Dream Interpretation Beluga - If you dreamed of a huge beluga pulled ashore, then get ready for the fact that your expectations regarding the outcome of the matter, which seemed sure, will not be justified.

Why do you dream of catching fish from the water - a sign of pregnancy.

Catching (fish) is an empty and unprofitable business.

Summer dream book

Interpretation of the dream: Catching Fish (fishing, fishing). - Catching fish from the water in a dream means great luck.

Live bait - Putting live bait on a hook in a dream means that in reality you will be hooked.

Catch (fishing). - To little profit.

Autumn dream book

Why see Fish in a dream, why fish?

Why dream of catching fish (fish, fishing, catching). - If you catch fish swimming in clear water, it means pregnancy, and in muddy, dirty water, it means illness or abortion.

Live bait - Putting live bait on a hook - you have been taken note.

Fishing (fishing, fishing, fisherman). - To see in a dream how you are fishing while sitting on the bank of a river, and the water is so clean and transparent that you can see fish swimming in it, means getting pregnant for a woman; for a man - to commercial profit.

Catch - To an unwanted pregnancy.

Spring dream book

Why see Fish, why fish in a dream?

According to the dream book Fish, what does fishing mean in a dream - Live bait - putting live bait on a hook - taking the enemy into circulation.

Catch (fishing). - a woman dreams of a catch as a sign of pregnancy, a man dreams of a new acquaintance.

Everyday dream book

Dream Interpretation Fish interprets fishing as follows:

What does it mean to see a Fish in a dream, to catch a fish? Fishing - Seeing fishing in a dream means that you are tired of the everyday hustle and bustle and you lack thrills.

If you dreamed of fishing that makes you happy (great bite, good mood), then in real life luck will become your constant companion for quite a long time - do not miss this chance and use the favorable period one hundred percent to solve the most important issues.

If you had a dream in which you can see that fishing is not going well, be patient and, without giving up, overcome all the obstacles that fate sends you on the way to your goal - ultimately, the result will exceed your wildest expectations. If you dreamed that you were watching others catch fish, then in reality you will be able to take advantage of favorable circumstances to achieve your goals.

If you dreamed that you were catching fish using a fishing net, then in reality great achievements await you; another thing is that these achievements can be very short-lived. But if you go fishing with a fishing rod, then you are a person who knows exactly what he wants and persistently pursues his goal.

If in a dream you see yourself as a poacher, then in reality you often use “prohibited techniques” to solve important issues - you should give up this behavior, otherwise you will be disappointed and suffer large financial losses.

Almost every woman is superstitious by nature, even if she does not admit it. She believes in everything mysterious, mysterious, mystical. For example, prophetic dreams. It’s so simple to find out the future by remembering what you dreamed at night. One of the most frequent dreams, described in dream books, is a dream with fish. And its interpretation has its own characteristics if a woman sees such a dream. So why does a woman dream about fish?

Fish in a dream - wealth and power

In almost all dream books, dreams with fish are interpreted as a very good, auspicious sign.

So, if a woman dreamed that she saw a fish splashing in a transparent pond, raising splashes, then soon you will be able to get the power you were striving for and the recognition you dreamed of.

If in a dream you not only see, but also try to catch a fish, then success will come to you thanks to your own efforts, but if you catch it while standing in the water, then you have no shortage of talent, and it is thanks to it that all your projects are simply doomed to success .

A dream in which the fish is already in your hands is interpreted as the fact that despite all the machinations and machinations of ill-wishers, and even if the circumstances are against you, you will achieve success.

However, if in a dream you still haven’t caught fish from the river, then the time to collect dividends from your efforts has not yet come, but do not despair and continue to work with the same enthusiasm, fervor and energy, and you will definitely succeed, because fishing in a woman’s dream – a symbol of her energy, strength, will and strong inner rod, which for you is the key to results in any business you start.

Pleasant, joyful moments and happiness in your personal life

Seeing beautiful, colorful and bright fish means in reality to have many pleasant impressions, new acquaintances and generally joyful moments.

If you dream about watching schools of colorful fish swimming in an aquarium, then expect a storm positive emotions, happy moments, even pleasant chores around the house, which, despite their ordinariness, will bring you only joy.
Eating fish in a dream and at the same time feeling its wonderful taste means an addition to the family, a profitable acquisition, a successful event concerning the family, or simply tenderness, love and pleasant signs of attention from your partner.

A live fish in a dream that a girl sees means that success and joy are very close, and if it seems to you that only dark tones predominate in your life, then such a dream foreshadows happiness that is practically standing in front of your door. However, some other dream books put the opposite meaning into such a dream, according to which in the future you will be disturbed by minor troubles at home, problems with children or a spouse.

A woman dreams of fish for financial well-being

As a rule, this promises a dream in which you are walking on water, holding a drag or a net in your hand. This is also the meaning of a dream in which a girl sees herself visiting a fish market. If in this dream she gains something from it, then she can safely expect some unexpected, but very pleasant news or material benefit that she did not even suspect. In general, a dream in which you see a live fish splashing in clear water speaks of many blessings and gifts that fate will soon pamper you with.

Pregnancy and easy childbirth

This interpretation of a dream in which a woman sees a fish is classic for almost all dream books, and according to it, you will soon be pregnant and have an easy, quick birth. So, if you saw a live fish in a dream, look at what the first signs of pregnancy are before the delay!

Dreaming of fish? Expect love and marriage

For a woman to see a fish in a dream is a very favorable sign. Especially if you dreamed of eating fresh and tasty fish, and apparently enjoying the process, then such a dream is a harbinger of an imminent wedding, if you already have a soulmate, and if you have not yet met your betrothed, then such a dream can be interpreted as a prediction of a meeting with your destiny, a person who is destined to share your later life. Moreover, for a woman to see a big, beautiful fish in a dream - your fiance will be an enviable handsome man, smart and simply a wonderful person.

However, a dream in which you clean live fish foreshadows the loss of the love of your chosen one and the fact that young people will no longer like you.
In some dream books, eating caught fish also means difficulties in your personal life, and if the fish is tasty, then you will safely resolve all the difficulties yourself, but if the taste of the fish is rather unpleasant, then you will have to turn to loved ones for help.

If you dreamed of some stranger eating fish, then expect that they will try to harm your union with your loved one. But to see a dream with the same meaning, but in which you dream of an already familiar face instead of a stranger, means that intrigues and intrigues are being prepared for you by people whom you know very closely and trust. Also, such a dream may indicate that it’s time for you to stop gossiping and slandering others.

A woman dreams of fish as a sign of difficult trials.

According to some dream books, for a woman to see a fish in a dream means serious trials that she must go through in order to achieve success. Difficulties in business and many obstacles on your way should be expected if in a dream you saw how the fish still does not fall into your hands. If you finally caught her, wait for a positive resolution of your plans.

However, a dream in which you take a dead or sick fish out of the water foreshadows illness, sorrowful losses, losses, failure in everything, so that you do not start and wherever you take the initiative.

A fishing net also dreams of trials that will soon confront you, but successfully overcoming them promises considerable success in future affairs, so you should try to get out of problem situations in the near future with your head held high - this will bring you results. However, if in a dream you saw a torn fishing net or damaged gear, then soon expect annoying disappointments from which you can no longer protect yourself.

Receiving benefits in any event, successful completion of the work started

If you dreamed that you were planning a fishing trip or were already participating in it, then most likely this is a sign that you are facing a significant event at work or in your personal life, a matter whose outcome plays an incredibly important role in your destiny. Therefore, after you wake up, try to remember the dream in the smallest detail: if you do catch a fish, you will get a result, albeit small. If your catch exceeds all your expectations, then the business in which you take part will end in a brilliant victory for you and will bring benefits for many years.

Pay attention to exactly how you caught fish - with a fishing rod or with your hands, since some dream books say that if a woman who is going to start an important business in reality catches a fish with her hands in a dream, this will mean that she will not undertake an important undertaking for her. she will simply graduate successfully, but good fame will spread widely about her abilities.

If in a dream you are simply watching fishing, then perhaps soon you will find a friend and a good, wise teacher in one person who will help you solve many problems. life difficulties, and communication with him will give you a surge of strength and energy in order to start with renewed vigor an event abandoned halfway through. The symbolic meaning of the ending of the dream is no less important: if you catch a lot of fish in a dream, you will win in reality, but if you dreamed that you were returning from fishing empty-handed, then prepare for defeat, since your hopes for success are empty and unfounded.

A woman dreams of fish as a sign of acquisitions

If you dreamed that you were planning to go fishing and were carefully preparing a fishing net, checking and feeling it, such a dream can be interpreted as a symbol of quick acquisitions, pleasant purchases that you will make in the very near future. However, if you see that the network is damaged or damaged, you can say that disappointment awaits you ahead from a failed event. But if in this dream you saw, in addition to the net, hooks and possibly any other fishing devices, then you will achieve success in spite of everything thanks to your remarkable willpower, wisdom and talent.

In general, many dream books are quite contradictory and can interpret one dream in different ways, so astrologers and other knowledgeable people advise paying attention not only to the dream itself and its meaning indicated in the interpretations, but also to your well-being in the morning. And then the explanation of your dreams will be accurate and correct.

If you dream of a fish in clear water, the dream foretells that fate will generously reward you. Dead fish in a dream promises sorrow and foreshadows loss. If a young lady dreams of a live fish, it means happy love. Catching and catching fish portends serious trials that you will endure steadfastly, maintaining presence of mind. If you walk on water with nonsense, then in reality you will soon be able to achieve prosperity thanks to your enterprise. Watching fishing promises you a surge of energy and skillful use favorable circumstances. If you see that you haven’t caught anything and leave the river empty-handed, the dream warns you about the vanity of your desires. If you go to the fish market, then in reality you will find prosperity and joy. Seeing a fishing net is a dream that promises acquisitions, but if the net is torn, then annoying disappointments are possible. If in a dream you pick up fishhooks, then this dream reminds you that you have every reason to make your own destiny.

Interpretation in other dream books

Loff's Dream Book

Fish, catch fish

As Freud believed, a small fish symbolizes the male seed, a medium-sized fish (which is quite logical) for him personified CHILDREN, and fishing rods, according to his theory, embodied the image of the phallus.

In general, dreams about fish can be the result of a search for means to satisfy the needs of life, a desire to find something that is reliably hidden from view, or the result of primitive fears - if, of course, you are an ardent supporter of the theory of Darwinism.

It should also be noted that fish can dream of trips or travel. And in the end, the fish symbolizes the ability (or inability) to earn your daily bread.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus


Fish is a symbol of duality, difficulties, impermanence.

Seeing fish falling from the sky or fish rain is a bad sign. Ecological disasters, disasters.

Fishing is trying to find a way out of a difficult situation.

If you see a large accumulation of fish, you should not rely too much on fate, otherwise you will miss your chance.

A dream in which you saw three fish is a happy omen.

Eating fish in a dream means receiving unexpected but pleasant news.

A dream in which you dream of a fish with human face, means the threat of nuclear war.

Seeing one fish attacking another in a dream means an attack by submarines.

If you dreamed of rotten fish, unexpected rumors will ruin your relationship with an influential person.

A dream in which you saw a live carp indicates your stamina and endurance.