Investors investing in used tire recycling. We make crumb rubber with our own hands using a homemade crusher

We offer our customers a series of mobile installations for processing worn tires into crumbs "UPSH-M".

The Tekhnoresursy LLC company produces various equipment for processing tires, including a series of UPSH-M installations.

From us you can buy inexpensive mobile equipment for processing all types of car tires into crumbs of the UPSH-M series.

The UPSH-M series includes seven models. The modifications differ in the ability to process tires along the outer diameter.
For example, the UPSh-1200-M model processes tires up to 1200 mm, and the UPSh-3500-M model shreds large tires up to 3500 mm in outer diameter.
Below is a description of the operation of the installations using the example of the “UPSh-2-M” model.

The equipment allows you to process all types of tires into crumbs.

  • The diameter of the seat ring of recycled tires: from R15 to R33
  • External (outer) diameter of tires up to 2000 mm.
  • The weight of processed tires is up to 600 kg.
  • Recycling technology: method of mechanical shredding of tires at ambient temperature.
  • Machine dimensions: (L/W/H): 2200*2000*3000 mm.
  • Machine weight: no more than 1500 kg.
  • Cutting group: 10 cutters.
  • Service life of cutters: 180-350 tires (depending on the condition of the tire and its size).
  • Average productivity of the machine: 6-20 tires/hour or up to 120 kg of crumb rubber (depending on the type of tires).
  • Electricity consumption for the production of 1 ton of pure rubber crumb is approximately 90 kW. Crumbs obtained from the outside of the treads and sidewalls of a tire.
  • Electricity consumption for crushing the steel cord layers of a tire is about 130 kW/1 ton.
  • Tires are processed down to seat rings approximately 50 mm wide. A thick bead wire runs through them.

From each worn-out truck tire (up to 1200 mm in diameter) up to 20 kg of clean rubber crumb is removed (depending on the degree of tread wear.) Next, the rubber-cord layer is removed and the output is crumb with pieces of cord, which requires additional cleaning.
When processing rubber rubber with a diameter of 1600 to 2000 mm, it is possible to produce pure crumb (50-120 kg of granules) + crumb rubber with inclusions of textile fiber or met. wire 60-150 kg. The productivity when processing CGSh is significantly higher than when processing standard truck tires of smaller sizes.

Additional options:

  • System for lifting and landing heavy tires weighing up to 800 kg.
  • Tire cutting system into 6 ring parts. Thanks to this option, UPSH-2 can replace the BB-500 machine. That is, cut a large tire with a diameter of up to 2000 mm into 6 rings: seat rings - 2 pcs; 2 sidewalls; cut treadmill in the center into 2 parts.

This option is relevant if you recycle tires in the partial recycling mode, i.e. Grind only the outer shell of clean rubber (from the sidewalls and treadmill). If tires are completely recycled, this option is not needed.

Main salvage materials:
Out-of-service quarry tires of the BELAZ type, tractor, truck and off-road tires of various sizes with radial and diagonal cord construction.

Places where worn tires accumulate:

  • on roadsides and unauthorized landfills;
  • on the territory of motor transport and other enterprises;
  • next to tire shops;
  • quarries, landfills where large amounts of carbon dioxide accumulate.

Due to the fact that automobile shoes must experience long-term destructive loads during operation, expensive high-quality components (natural, synthetic rubbers, oils, reagents, fillers, etc.) are used in combination with the latest technologies in the production of new tires. Tire rubber is practically the strongest and most durable of all types of rubber used, and has many other important qualities (elasticity; resistance to acids and alkalis; bending strength, tensile strength, abrasion, resistance to cyclic loads, temperature changes, etc.).

During the mechanical processing of tires into crumb - granulate, the physical and chemical composition of tires remains practically unchanged. Due to the fact that crumb is a product of processing (disposal) of tires, the market price for it is 3-5 times lower than for primary rubber raw materials. Therefore, the crumb is an inexpensive, high-quality product for recycling automobile rubber.

Operating principle of the mobile tire recycling plant UPSH-2-M:
1. A worker rolls a tire to the machine.
2. Light tires are installed in the clamping drum manually (up to 25-35 kg) 2 tires at a time, heavy tires are installed using a tire lifting and landing mechanism.
3. When the tire is put on the clamping drum, the worker, using hydraulic force, spreads the clamping chuck legs and the tire is securely fixed in the drum.
4. After installing the tire, the worker turns on the rotation drive of the chuck, and the fixed tire begins to rotate. Since the wheels have different outer diameters, there are 3 rotation speeds.
5. The car wheel rotates at a certain speed, and the operator brings a powerful cutting bit rotating at a speed of more than 2000 rpm to it. A group of knives is installed on the crown, hidden under a protective metal casing. The speed of the bit advance is controlled by the operator, similar to working on a lathe. The higher the speed at which the bit is brought to the tire, the larger the crumb fraction at the output and vice versa (this is a way to adjust the crushed rubber fraction). When producing small fractions of crumbs, the productivity of the installation is lower than when producing large granules.
6. In this way, first, clean rubber crumb is cut from the tire, and the tire is processed until the cord appears. Next, the second stage is the processing of the cord layers of the tire carcass.
7. The larger and heavier the tire, the higher the productivity of the mobile installation, and, as a result, the ability to “remove” more clean rubber crumbs in a shorter time (time is saved on installing the tire into the chuck).
8. The machine, at the customer’s request, is equipped with an additional option for longitudinal cutting of tires into 6 parts (2 bead rings are cut, 2 sidewalls are cut + the frame is cut into 2 parts in the center of the treadmill). This is convenient for the layout of tires, which reduces their volume and makes rubber a more transportable material. The arrangement of tire residues makes them convenient for further grinding.
As mentioned above, this option is relevant in the “partial processing of tires into granulate” mode.

The sale of mobile tire recycling plants includes the following steps:
1. Concluding an agreement and issuing an invoice for an advance payment of 50%.
2. Manufacturing of equipment from 35 to 65 days (depending on the model and configuration).
3. Payment by the buyer of the remaining 50% and sending the equipment to the buyer’s address through a transport company.
4. Receipt of equipment by the buyer in his city at the warehouse of the transport company.
5. Personnel training, consulting, information support, exchange of experience is carried out by email. mail, telephone and printed materials sent with the equipment.
6. Deadline warranty service: 12 months.
7. Cost of additional warranty service for 24 months: +7% to the contract price.

Production parameters for UPSH-2-M:
1. Required area – from 25 m2
2. Work shift – 1 person
3. Electricity consumption:

  • Installed power is no more than 15 kW.
  • Average consumption – no more than 10 kW/hour (due to the fact that the equipment operates cyclically, not at full load after starting the engines)

4. For storage finished products A 20-40 foot metal container or a suitable non-damp room will do.
One 20/40 foot container contains 15/30,000 kg of crushed rubber.
Production is conventionally divided into three zones:

  • Raw materials warehouse.
  • Crumb production sector.
  • Finished products warehouse.

General characteristics and advantages of tire recycling technology using mobile installations UPSH-M:
UPSH-2-M replaces an entire complex (line) for the complete processing of tires up to 2000 mm into rubber crumb.
Low installation cost, making it affordable for budding small businesses.
The equipment pays for itself much faster than multi-stage tire shredding lines - within several months.
It takes about 90 kW to produce 1 ton of clean crumbs. This is approximately -300 rubles (depending on the tire size and the local electricity tariff).
Costs for wear of knives no more than 2000 rubles per ton of pure crushed rubber without inclusions (depending on the type of tire being processed)
Production is simple, with only one worker.
The crumbs are ideal for the production of colored rubber tiles by hot and cold molding, thanks to the grinding technology and the oblong shape of the particles. The “Christmas tree needle” shape of the rubber crumb provides finished product high bending and tearing strength.
The output is: a) clean rubber granules without metal and textile inclusions; b) the rubber is crushed with the inclusion of cord, requiring additional separation.
Almost any room from 25 m2 with 15 kW is suitable for organizing a workshop.
The production is environmentally friendly - there are no emissions into the soil or atmosphere.
The production is not harmful to personnel in terms of dust, vibration and noise levels.
Due to the fact that UPSH-2-M has the ability to process large tires, a number of advantages are achieved compared to the operation of standard expensive equipment for multi-stage tire recycling, for example, the ability to process a wide range of tires that are subject to recycling by size. Standard equipment can process tires with a diameter of up to 1200 mm. For example, the UPSH-3500-m model can process tires up to 3500 mm! The cost of disposal of tires and oversized tires is significantly higher than the cost of disposal of a standard car tire up to 1200 mm.

Most of the advantages of UPSH-M come from the fact that complete shredding of a tire on UPSH-M occurs in 1 stage. That is, no additional machines and stages are required, which significantly reduces the cost of the produced commercial granulate.

The cost of 1 ton of crushed rubber on the Russian market is approximately 15-30 thousand rubles. depending on the type of granules, quality, fraction, seasonality and region of delivery.
Rubber crumbs produced by UPSH-2-M have the following advantages over round and cubic rubber granules:
When hot molding colored rubber tiles, such crumbs produce very strong products (especially for tearing and fracture). This is possible due to the elongated shape of the particles. This is also facilitated by the particle structure itself. The particles adhere over a larger surface and overlap each other, which is less pronounced when cross-linking round and cubic rubber granules.
The tread of any car tire contains only pure rubber. Neither metal nor textile cord passes through this part. The output crumb is free of inclusions, which is difficult to achieve when processing the entire tire (minimal inclusions of textiles, metal and rubber dust remain).
It is possible to produce crumbs of any fraction (see photo below) according to the buyer’s requirements. This is achieved by the fact that by adjusting the supply of the cutter, the crumbs are obtained into the required fraction (from dust to large pieces of RD).
Thanks to sharp knives cutters and efficient system air cooling the crumb does not receive traces of thermal oxidation.
If necessary, a product made from such crumbs can be made hard by strong compression of the press.
If necessary, in addition to pure crumbs, UPSH-2-M can be used to produce granules containing cord from fabric cord tires. For example, crumbs with fabric cord today are the main and irreplaceable filler for sports equipment (for example, professional punching bags). Such crushed rubber can be used as the bottom layer of rubber tile coverings.

Crumb rubber is the main raw material for the production of many popular products:
Coverings for children's playgrounds
Gyms and sports grounds
Rubber anti-slip paving stones
Coverings of piers, swimming pools.
Coverings for car washes, garages
Covering for livestock farms.
Covering under trees to delay water evaporation and prevent weed growth. Has an attractive aesthetic appearance. Used in landscape design.
Sprayed waterproofing coating for walls and foundations.
Filler for sports equipment (punching bags, mats)
Filler in bitumen-rubber mixtures (for the production of high-quality new generation asphalt, rubber mastics and roofing materials).

Economic calculations for crumb production

1. Data:
To simplify the calculations, let’s take one tire size 14.00-24.
We work 8 hours per shift, 2 shifts per day, 22 days per month.
Productivity per month: - 20 tons of pure rubber crumb: 10 tons of crumb including cord.
Number of workers per shift - 1 person
Form of ownership: individual entrepreneur or LLC, where a simplified taxation system applies - 6% of total revenue.
The cost of electricity is 4 rubles/kW (each region has its own tariff)
Monthly deductions for salary (2 workers, when working in 2 shifts) - 50,000 rubles.
The cost of renting an industrial premises (25 sq.m.) is 10,000 rubles/month.
Average energy consumption is 9 kW/hour.
Energy consumption of the workshop for a month is 9 (kW) * 16 (h) * 22 (day) = 3170 kW * 4 rub./kW = 12,700 rub.
Other monthly expenses (office, household) – 5,000 rubles.
The cost of selling 1 ton of crumbs on the market is 18,000 rubles. (the minimum price for pure crumbs is taken)
2. Calculations:
Energy consumption of the workshop per month is 12,700 rubles.
Salary for 2 people per month - 50,000 rubles.
Rent of premises/month - 10,000 rubles.
Costs for consumables (knives, bags)/month - 10,000 rubles.
Other monthly expenses - RUB 5,000.
Total total costs: RUB 87,700.

Productivity of pure crumbs/month. - 20 t.
Crumb production with cord included -10 t.
The cost of 20 tons of clean crumbs and 10 tons of RD including cord is 87,700 rubles.
Gross profit – (20,000*18) + (10,000* 10)= 360,000 + 100,000= 460,000 rub.
Profit minus cost – 460,000-87,700 = 372,300 rubles.
Profit minus taxes and other fees (8%) - RUB 342,500.

Options for using crumbs with textile inclusions:
the bottom layers of block rubber products produced by thermoforming.
filler for punching bags and other sports equipment (considered the best filler today)
A crumb containing meth. cord can be used in the bottom layers of rubber tiles.
It can also be cleaned using a magnetic separator. We will send information on the separator upon request.
Appearance of crumb rubber produced on UPSH-2-M.

In addition to the UPSH-2-M model, we can offer other modifications of this type of equipment:
UPSH-1200-M, for complete recycling of tires up to 1200 mm.
UPSH-1-M, for complete recycling of tires up to 1600 mm.
UPSH-3-M, for complete recycling of tires up to 2200 mm.
UPSH-4-M, for complete recycling of tires up to 2700 mm.
UPSH-5-M, for complete recycling of tires up to 3000 mm.
UPSH-3500-M, for complete recycling of tires up to 3500 mm.

There are other special modifications of mobile UPSH installations (for processing the outer casing of a tire into crumbs and the ability to cut tires into rings) and the UPSH-T series for processing the outer casing of a tire into clean rubber granules of cubic regular shape.

A table comparing the capabilities of different sets of equipment for processing tires with UPSh included.


Production of “Christmas needle” crumbs

Complete tire recycling. Waste-free production

Production of colored rubber tiles and seamless coatings

Production of cube-shaped crumbs

UPSH-1200 + Scissors NS-500

UPSH-1200 + Scissors NS-500 + Playmix set

UPSH-1200-T + knife granulator

UPSH-1200-T + knife granulator + NS-500 scissors

UPSh-1200-T + knife granulator + NS-500+ “Playmix” scissors

  • If the task is to produce crumbs, then you can meet the cost from 570,000 rubles. The output will be a “Christmas needle” shaped crumb. It is enough to install UPSH-1200. However, there will be some unprocessed tire cords left.
  • If the task is to produce cube-shaped crumbs of the correct shape, then the cost of a set of equipment starts from 1,327,000 rubles. However, there will still be parts of tires that are not recycled.
  • If you need to process a tire into “Christmas tree needle” crumbs and have no waste (the output is crumbs and cord plates), then you will need a kit costing from RUB 1,090,000.
  • If the task is to process a tire into crumbs of the correct cubic shape, so that the output is crumbs and cord plates-chips, then the cost of the equipment is 1,732,000 rubles.
  • If the task is to process a tire into “Christmas tree needle” crumbs and produce rubber tiles from the crumbs, then the cost is from 1,185,000 rubles. But there will be leftover parts of the tire that are not recycled.
  • If the task is to process a tire into crumbs of a regular cubic shape and from the crumbs to produce rubber tiles, then the cost of a set of equipment starts from 1,827,000 rubles. But there will be remnants of unrecycled tire parts.
  • If the task is to create waste-free production, process a tire into “Christmas tree needle” crumbs and produce rubber tiles from the crumbs, then the cost of a set of equipment starts from RUB 1,590,000.
  • If the task is to process a tire into crumbs of the correct cuboid shape and produce rubber tiles from the crumbs, and establish waste-free production, then the cost of a set of equipment starts from 2,232,000 rubles.

If your budget is limited, you can immediately purchase an inexpensive version of the equipment and, over time, purchase all the necessary equipment, for example, a kit for the production of colored rubber tiles for 500,000 rubles.
Russian-made equipment is simple, reliable and inexpensive. We produce all these equipment options ourselves, so you have the opportunity not to overpay to intermediaries.
Prices and configurations may change, so check them with the company manager.

Reforms in the field of environmental protection, which began to be implemented in recent years, are gradually becoming more stringent.

What should resource users expect? A complete ban on the disposal of waste tires and car tires is being introduced.

This position of legislators should stimulate industry development recycling waste, opening new production facilities for their modification.

Deserves close attention. Low cost, easy way Recycling tires requires the use of special equipment.

Let's take a closer look at the popular types of machines and the production lines formed from them, the characteristics of these units and how much they cost.

The technology for producing crumb rubber from waste tires is a process of sequentially grinding raw materials into small pieces and then grinding them into a fine fraction.

Manufacturers offer large selection machines for the production of crumb rubber, prices depend on the performance of the equipment.

Single shaft shredders

The operating principle of a single-shaft plant is based on grinding raw materials sequentially lowering and rising low-speed cutting shaft.

The operation of a rubber shredder is as follows:

  1. The tires are fed into the raw material loading shredder chamber, where under the action of a hydraulic press they are fed to rotating knives.
  2. The press moves from top to bottom, returning to its original position after reaching the maximum degree of pressure on the shaft.
  3. The crushed raw materials are pressed through special sieves placed under the shaft.

Fastening double-sided knives with screws allows them to be reused after one of the edges wears out. This design feature allows increase standard service life tire crushers.

Among the advantages of single-shaft rubber crumb crushers are:

  • simple design;
  • ease of use;
  • possibility of individual use and inclusion in the production line;
  • processing of thick raw materials.

An example of such equipment is a single-shaft machine for processing rubber and tires into crumbs from Netmus; the price of the presented equipment varies in the range 120,000 - 2,800,000 rub..

Twin shaft rubber shredders

Twin-shaft machines for shredding tires into crumbs are designed for cutting raw materials into pieces no larger than 5x5 cm. The shredder blades can process tires of both passenger cars and heavy-duty vehicles.

Operating principle machine is as follows:

  1. A tire is fed into the raw material receiving chamber. The size of the window allows you to load the entire product; the only requirement is to first remove the cord.
  2. The tire shredder shafts rotate in opposite directions. Hooks placed on the rotors grab the raw material and tear it into pieces.
  3. The crushed raw materials are sifted through a sieve, which is a rotating drum. Particles larger than the sifter mesh size are thrown into the loading chamber for reprocessing.
  4. After sorting into fractions, the finished material falls onto a conveyor belt and is fed for packaging.

Benefits of use two-shaft machine for the production of crumb rubber:

  • the ability to process large-sized raw materials;
  • no need to sharpen knife blades when reinstalling them.

Productivity of rubber processing machine directly depends on given dimensions final products. Thus, when producing tapes and pieces measuring 5x5 cm, the output of 1 machine will be 2 tons/hour and more, with more thorough grinding - up to 2 tons/hour.

The personnel operating the machines does not require any special skills in their work.

The number of auxiliary workers to work in 1 shift is 1-2 people: 1 person for loading raw materials, 1 person for receiving finished products.

Twin-shaft tire crushing machines are supplied by Russian company TechnoService LLC.

Tire shredding plant

Let's look at tire shredding plants using the example of UPShK equipment from the Tekhnoresursy company.

The installation is a rotating crown with 25 knives installed on it, connected to a tire clamped in a special chuck.

Production process looks like this:

  1. Feeding the tire to the clamping drum.
  2. Installation and fixation of the tire in the drum manually, or using the installation lifting mechanism.
  3. Turn on the drive and start rotating the drum. The installation control system provides 3 rotor speeds. It is advisable to choose them depending on the outer diameter of the tire.
  4. Approaching the cutting bit rotating in reverse side in relation to the drum. The speed of movement of the crown is set by the service personnel and depends on the desired size of the finished product fraction - the slower the movement, the finer the crumb rubber obtained.

The rubber is removed from the tire starting from the outer layer until reaching the cord layers.

Textile cord can be crushed together with rubber; metal cord is the limit beyond which the use of the installation is prohibited.

Advantages of using the machine:

  • successfully replaces an entire tire shredding line;
  • competitive price;
  • ease of transportation;
  • quick installation;
  • instant connection to the power supply system;
  • the ability to recycle tires of various sizes;
  • short payback period.

The installation is serviced by one worker. The production technology itself is very simple and does not require additional training.

In a month, one installation is capable of producing 34 tons of clean rubber crumb.

Prices for such equipment for processing rubber into crumbs start from 770,000 rub..


An integrated approach to solving the problem tire processing is provided by lines for grinding waste tires into crumbs.

The equipment packages offered by different manufacturers differ little from each other:

  • device for removing the bead ring;
  • guillotine for shredding tires into strips;
  • machine for squeezing metal cord;
  • rollers for making crumb rubber;
  • magnetic and air separators;
  • vibrating sieve

Technology tire processing is as follows:

  1. Separation of tires by weight and diameter, cleaning from large contaminants.
  2. Place the tire in a vice to separate the bead ring from the rubber.
  3. Cutting the resulting rubber into strips about 4 cm wide.
  4. Dividing strips into small pieces.
  5. Grinding the workpieces into crumbs and then feeding the product onto the conveyor.
  6. Purification of products in the separation chamber. Using the magnetic fields created by the installation, metal cord particles are separated from total mass crumbs. In the air cleaning chamber, due to the generated vortex flows, the final separation of foreign impurities from rubber particles occurs.
  7. Sorting the resulting products into size fractions.

The finished crumbs are packaged and can be sent for implementation. Larger particles are returned to the conveyor and re-crushed.

Line productivity is from 500 kg of raw materials per hour.

To maintain the line, 2-3 people will be required per 1 shift, and no special training in how to operate the equipment is required.

On the market of production equipment, tire processing lines are represented by manufacturers from different countries. Let's consider distinctive features individual brands of equipment.

Tire processing line from the Novokuznetsk company ALPHA SPK “ATR-250” declared by the manufacturer as fully automatic. Human participation is required only if there is a need to shred extra-large tires. Equipment price starts from 5,000,000 rub.. You can study the supplier’s offer in more detail on the website.


Mini-factories for the production of crumbs from rubber tires– the best option for those who want to process raw materials on a large scale.

Such production will have not only a personal, economic effect, but also a social one.

New jobs will be created and social tension will decrease.

Benefits of use mini-factories for the production of crumb rubber:

  • low energy consumption, and therefore the cost of produced crumbs;
  • compactness;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • excellent quality of raw material grinding, allowing production to be set up in one cycle;
  • environmental friendliness.

Compact rubber grinding plants "ATR-300" from ALPHA SPK capable of producing up to 350 kg of crumbs from tires. The equipment crushes rubber tires using a mechanical crusher.

The crumbs produced using this technology are of high quality, which means they are of great value to the end consumers of the product.

The mini-plant is equipped with the following equipment:

  • tire crusher;
  • double-sided bead ring puller;
  • knives for cutting tires into noodles;
  • conveyor belt;
  • impact crusher;
  • magnetic separator;
  • vibrating screens

Mini plant works like this:

  1. Visual inspection of raw materials for the presence of impurities that can damage the equipment.
  2. Grinding large pieces of raw materials using hand tools. Small tires are fed into the loading chamber entirely.
  3. Shredding rubber using shredder equipment into smaller fractions. At this stage, the raw materials are purified from metal impurities.
  4. Supply of raw materials into a compartment with a rotating knife element for grinding raw materials to required sizes. Cleaning metal cord particles from particles is an additional option launched by the system at this stage of rubber processing.
  5. The raw material enters the separation compartment, where the final cleaning of the crumb rubber from impurities occurs.
  6. Passing the finished product through the cells of a vibrating sieve for sorting into fractions.

The price of such a mini-plant is RUB 9,800,000. The productivity of the mini-plant when producing crumbs of three fractions is up to 350 kg per 1 working hour. 3-4 people are enough to service the equipment. About the need to carry out special training for service personnel the equipment manufacturer does not explicitly state. All questions you may have can be asked on the website.

Pay attention to tire recycling plants from EcoStep.

The line of equipment includes models designed for both beginning entrepreneurs and more experienced tire processors.

The advantage of the equipment declared by the manufacturer is European quality and reliability.

Tire recycling plants KPSh from the company Doza-gran They process tires into 3 fractions, including rubber dust.

On the company’s website you can calculate the required equipment performance depending on your needs and ultimate goals.

Equipment cost - from RUB 8,300,000.

Another manufacturer of equipment for tire processing is the company Europlit.

The NEO line equipment it presents allows you to independently configure the desired parameters of the final product.

Comparative characteristics and prices

Equipment brand Characteristic Price Link to the manufacturer's (supplier) website
Mini plant “ATR-300”Energy consumption, kW/h80-120 9.8 million
Product output, kg/hour.350
Generation of by-products (additional income)Yes
LxWxH workshop, m.20x4.5x4.2
Number of workers, people3-4
Plant Bio-KPShVolume of raw materials processed, t/year720-3000 From 8.3 million
Product output, t/year.650-2700
Power consumption, kW/h180-430
Line NEO-300Product output, kg/hour.300 Upon additional
Power consumption, kW/h55
Number of workers, people3
LxWxH workshop, m.33x6x3
Obtaining by-products (additional income)Yes
Line NEO-500Product output, kg/hour.500 According to buyer's request
Power consumption, kW/h90
Number of workers, people3
LxWxH workshop, m.41x6x4
Additional productsYes
Line NEO-1000Product output, kg/hour.1000 Notified upon buyer's request
Electricity consumption, kW/h180
Number of workers, people5
LxWxH workshop, m.43.75x8x4
Additional productsYes
ECO STEP 500Energy consumption, kW/h100
Product output, kg/hour.350
Volume of raw materials processed, kg/hour.500
Number of workers, people4
Maximum diameter of recycled tires, see.150
LxWxH workshop, m.30x10x5
ECO STEP 700Power consumption, kW/h100 Available upon buyer's
Product output, kg/hour.350
Volume of raw materials processed, kg/hour.500
Number of workers, people4
Maximum diameter of recycled tires, see.150
LxWxH workshop, m.30x10x5
Line LT400Volume of raw materials processed, kg/hour.250 52 thousand
Line LT450Volume of raw materials processed, kg/hour.500 59 thousand dollars
Line LT560Volume of raw materials processed, kg/hour.1000 74 thousand dollars
Line LPS-300Volume of raw materials processed, kg/hour.500
Crumb output, kg/hour.300
Maximum inner diameter of tires, cm.150
Power consumption, kWFrom 100
Number of workers, people2-3
Possibility of receiving additional incomeYes
Room size, m 2200
LPS-200Room size, m 240 1.853 million
Up to 200
LPSh-400Room size, m 2From 120RUB 5.781 million
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hourUp to 400
LPSh-600Room size, m 2From 1506.135 million rubles.
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hourUp to 600
LPS-800Room size, m 2From 200RUB 8,800 million
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hour800-1000
LPS-1500Room size, m 2From 25011.105 million rubles.
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hourUp to 1500
KGSh-1500Room size, m 2From 20014.156 million rubles.
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hourUp to 1500
"ATR-250"Power consumption, kW/hour80-100 5.6 million
Room size, m 2 80
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hourUp to 300
Crumb volume, kg/hourUp to 250
Number of workers, people3-4
UPSHK-1200Power consumption, kW/hour5 0.77 million
Installation size, LxWxH, m1.8x1.2x2
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hour35-52,5
Number of workers, people1
UPSHK-2000Power consumption, kW/hour8 0.87 million rub.
Installation size, LxWxH, m2.5x1.7x3.2
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hour87,5
Number of workers, people1
UPSHK-2200Power consumption, kW/hour8 1.12 million rubles.
Installation size, LxWxH, m2.8x1.8x3.4
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hour100
Number of workers, people1
UPSHK-2700Power consumption, kW/hour11 2.25 million rubles.
Installation size, LxWxH, m3.0x2.0x3.4
Volume of processed raw materials, kg/hour112,5
Number of workers, people1
Single shaft machine Model 800400-600 1.285 million
Receiving chamber size, cm.147.5x80
Total number of knives49
Power consumption, kW22-37
Up to 4
Single shaft machine Model 1000Equipment productivity, kg/hour600-800 1.41 million rubles.
Receiving chamber size, cm.147.5x100
Total number of knives68
Power consumption, kW37-45
Finished product size, cm.Up to 4
Single shaft machine Model 1300Equipment productivity, kg/hour700-900 1.845 million rubles.
Receiving chamber size, cm.147.5x130
Total number of knives91
Power consumption, kW45-55
Finished product size, cm.Up to 4
Single shaft machine Model 1800Equipment productivity, kg/hour1400-1800 2.75 million rubles.
Receiving chamber size, cm.147.5x180
Total number of knives130
Power consumption, kW75-90
Finished product size, cm.Up to 4
Tire crusher No. 1Equipment productivity, kg/hour2000 Available upon buyer's
Finished product size, cm.Noodles -5, chips - 5x5
Receiving chamber size, cm.120
Total number of knives22
Dimensions of the machine (LxWxH), see.630.3x280x366.7
Tire crusher No. 2Equipment productivity, kg/hourUntil 2000Available upon buyer's request
Finished product fraction, seeNoodles -4, chips - 4x4
Receiving chamber size, cm.75x22x6
Power consumption, kW58
Dimensions of the machine (LxWxH), see.282x230x258
Single shaft shredder 3E WT 2260Total number of knives34 RUB 0.998
Rated power, kW18,5
Productivity, kg/hour200-300
Machine dimensions (LxWxH), m.1.774x1.359x1575
Double-roll crusher DDR-300Power consumption, kW60 Available upon buyer's
Productivity, kg/hour300
Reception window size, cm.60x70
Maximum tire diameter, cm.600
Double-roll crusher DDR-500Power consumption, kW60 Available upon buyer's request
Productivity, kg/hour500
Limit of the raw material acceptance chamber, see.75x80
Maximum tire diameter, cm.750
Double-roll crusher DDR-750Power consumption, kW90 Available upon buyer's request
Productivity, kg/hour750
Window size for storing tires, see.82x100
Maximum tire diameter, cm.870
Double-roll crusher DDR-1000Power consumption, kW90 Available upon buyer's request
Productivity, kg/hour1000
Receiving chamber size, cm.85x130
Maximum tire diameter, cm.1200


Tire recycling equipment is a real godsend for those who want to set up a recycling business.

Affordable price, simple installation and maintenance, wide scope of use of the resulting products - reasons to consider this type of production as a priority for beginning entrepreneurs, as well as for established businessmen to master an additional type of activity.

An industrial business idea to launch a mini-factory for the production of crumb rubber by processing tires is attractive due to its excellent ratio of large cash turnover and short payback periods. And most importantly, recycling is the production of money from garbage. We present to your attention a business plan for the production of crumb rubber with calculations and analysis of possibilities. For example, it is worth paying attention to the additional income from extracting metal from tire cords, which contain as much as 7%. What other useful secrets does it keep? this production, let's look at it in more detail.

Mini-plant for processing tires into crumbs

How to correctly calculate the rate and volume of production of crumb rubber from recycled car tires? The answer to this question is not so simple. The production of crumb rubber depends on many nuances. There are two key factors that formed the basis for the attractiveness of this activity from an investment point of view. They will help answer this question.

Factor No. 1: Entry threshold into industrial small business

First of all, you should correctly assess your financial reserves that you own (your own savings and possible loans). It is worth noting that this type of industry is possible with different amounts of investment, which means this business scales well. With small investments in the initial phase, the income may be minimal, taking into account regular expenses for electricity, transportation costs, employee salaries, taxes, etc. It is worth noting here that this concept of a business idea underlies the recycling of waste (used car tires). And according to tradition, in order to get gold from garbage, you need to do a lot of work. Therefore, investing too little increases risks significantly. You can start production on a large scale by constructing a specialized enterprise with large areas, for example, several hundred square meters, which will cost a large investment. Make the optimal choice of investment strategy in favor of the golden mean between these boundaries.

Factor #2: Production Capacity for Small Businesses

In case you have about $17,000 of money, the question of choice should not be an obstacle. For this money you can purchase a production line for processing tires into crumbs with a minimum configuration and a productivity of 100 kg/hour. In this case, the most important thing will be to search for and rent a warehouse with an area of ​​about 100 m2 and a production facility whose area should be on average 40 m2, plus several more small warehouse spaces. In this case, the production of rubber crumbs can begin from a production volume of 800 kilograms of the finished product daily (100 kg/hour in 1 work shift).

What is needed to process tires into crumb rubber?

A minimally equipped line for processing tires into crumb rubber includes the following equipment, which can be found on the Internet at prices:

  1. Bead cutting machine – $2,150
  2. Tape cutting machine – $2,700
  3. Rubber shredder – $7,650
  4. Circular sieve – $1,000
  5. Conveyor with magnetic separator – $1,000
  6. Machine for processing bead rings – $2,500

TOTAL: $17,000

Technology for the production of crumb rubber by recycling tires

A video clip that schematically shows in the form of 3D animation the technological process of recycling tires by grinding them into rubber crumbs:

As you can see in the video, the production process is extremely simple.

If you decide to conduct this activity at a more serious level, an analysis of the sales market in the region in which you are going to launch your project will be necessary. Without this work, it is unlikely that the products will generate profitable income. You will have to include in the business plan the costs of marketing market research for finished products in a particular region.

What is the need for this product and in what distribution channels can it be sold? Who else is interested in this industry and what is the competition in the market?

The answers to these questions need to be taken into account and, obviously, development opportunities must be calculated economic activity over the next few years. It is unlikely to accurately predict the subsequent course of events, but rough calculations will at least indicate the direction in which to move. Such determination is better than acting blindly.

Business plan for the production of crumb rubber with calculations

In the production of crumb rubber, used, old, defective car tires. For obvious reasons, one should not even talk about the search for raw materials and their price. Old tires can be found in large quantities. You can buy them for a minimum payment, and sometimes you can pay for delivery to your company.

The production of crumb rubber, as already mentioned, is quite affordable for small businesses. The $17,000 production line can quickly process a wide variety of tires: car, bus and other tires.

IN at the moment There are two main methods by which crumb rubber is produced:

  1. Mechanical crushing.
  2. Crushing by shock wave method.

Shock wave crushing of rubber into crumbs is a relatively new method for processing tires. The most popular is mechanical crushing.

The production of crumb rubber using shock waves requires a special approach. In particular, you need equipment in which the products will be stored, such as refrigerated pantries, which are quite expensive. There is a noticeable advantage in installing equipment for the production of crumb rubber from car tires using the shock wave method in smaller production areas. You can save on monthly rent. At the same time the cost electrical energy will be less than with an analog installation. But still, such equipment is fully justified for large and medium production volumes, since it is very expensive.

The production of crumb rubber can begin with a small production volume and at relatively low cost. 40 square meters of production area with a ceiling height of 3m is enough. A direct line for the production of crumb rubber will be installed, a power supply of 380 volts will be connected, and 2 workers will control the operation of semi-automatic equipment.

The best option when reaching the breakeven point of a business is continuous work for whole week. To do this, three work shifts should be organized. As a result, the staff will consist of eight people. In addition, care should be taken to store raw materials and finished products. In this case, the space for storing tires should be four or even five times larger. In this regard, the surface of the room for raw materials (tires) may require up to 100 m 2, and for storing finished crumb rubber - 20 m 2.

On this basis, the cost of 100 kilograms of product per hour will change and change. In this business plan, we will determine fixed expenses for the month:

  1. Purchase of tires at a price of $40 per 1 ton – $960 (24 tons of raw materials per month are required).
  2. The cost of renting a warehouse will be about $400-$600 per month.
  3. Salaries of workers servicing the production line cost $300-$700 per month;

A good idea is to allow customers to recycle tires for money. Having your own receiving point will help not only reduce transportation costs for the delivery of raw materials, but also immediately receive preliminary additional income, which is described below.

If a production line produces 100 kilograms per hour, working without interruptions, then in a month the amount of finished products produces 24 tons of crumb rubber (100 kg * 8 hours * 30 days = 24,000).

Taking into account the average retail price of crumb rubber of $0.28 per kilogram, we get a gross monthly income of $6,720 (0.28*24,000).

It is also worth noting that during production, metal remains in the waste (wire in tire tires). Its volume is about 7%.

Interesting fact! According to the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, average weight tires about 22 pounds (up to 10 kg). Moreover, it contains 0.68 kg of metal cord (it serves as a reinforcing material for the rubber structure in tires).

On the one hand, this is industrial waste, and on the other hand positive side– this is a significant additional profit: 0.7 kg of metal wire and tire cord. And that’s 0.7 * 10 tires/hour * 8 hours * 30 days = 1680 kg of metal from 24 tons of tires - monthly!

The average price of scrap metal is about $200 per ton. As a result, we will receive an additional $336 in profit from selling metal wire from cord. It’s worth thinking about how to organize your recycling of car tires for money.

This amount of benefit is sometimes a more economically justified income received in the process of implementing this activity.

Tire processing products

Where is the crumb rubber from tire recycling used? This unique and durable building material is indispensable in the following industries:

  1. Production of paving slabs from rubber crumbs.
  2. When covering roads, asphalt and concrete fences on roads with the addition of crumbs.
  3. In the production of safety coatings for sports, playgrounds and gyms.
  4. In landscape design.
  5. Production of hydrophobic materials.
  6. Granules are used in the construction industry for the production of rubber sheets, palettes, roofing materials and the like.
  7. Crumb rubber granules are also used in the production of rubber mats for pedestrians.
  8. Rubber crumbs have found application in filtration different types liquids, creating thermal insulation for industrial premises.

In order to minimize the risk, the scope of production of crumb rubber can be expanded. Thus, it is possible to produce rubber plates or other shells of this material. The need for these products does not depend on the need for crumbs. Therefore, in one enterprise you can create two completely different directions activities.

One of the industry's big expectations is the production of crumb rubber. Our industry of this type is not particularly developed today.

Do not forget about such an important component, which is the sale of finished products. The popularity of crumb rubber as a building material is growing. There are more and more new competitors on the market. Bottom line, if there is the right approach to selling this product, the sales channels can be easily adjusted. This type of production does not require special skills; it is technologically simple.

Depending on the amount invested in the product, the payback time can last from six months to two years. Relatively short payback periods are the next advantage in the interests of this type of activity. Consequently, the high demand for the product (like all building materials), minimizing risks and the mentioned entry thresholds into production technology makes it attractive from an investment point of view.

In the majority developed countries There is a need to recycle used car tires due to rapid growth number of vehicles. The problem of their disposal has become very acute for the authorities. An excellent solution to this problem is to establish a mini-enterprise for processing this material. Thanks to this, all environmental and economic issues are resolved as efficiently as possible.

Features of the production process

Establishing a mini enterprise for processing tires is considered an effective direction entrepreneurial activity, which can provide high income to its owner. However, in industrial scale such an industry can be very unprofitable due to high energy consumption. However, setting up a mini plant is always a profitable business.

As a rule, the technology for manufacturing crumb rubber is based on the following steps:

As a result, several types of products are obtained that are fully suitable for their subsequent sale: carbon dioxide, steel cord, fuel oil and crumb rubber itself. This method involves shredding tires mechanically. In addition, the production process uses the so-called pyrolysis method, during which the tires are treated at high temperatures.

Tire recycling equipment

Materials, product range, product sales channels

The raw materials for the production of crumb rubber are old tires that are not suitable for further use. The main product obtained from tire processing is fine crumbs.

As a rule, this material serves as the basis for the further production of roofing materials, technical coatings and other products used in the construction industry.

It is recommended to start searching for sales points with organizations that are directly involved in the maintenance or operation of vehicles. Main advantage of this business is that the raw materials for the production of crumb rubber are obtained virtually free of charge. For example, the supply of tires to a plant from a tire shop.

Tire recycling equipment

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the types of equipment from the Eco Gold Standart company, which today is the leading manufacturer of tire recycling equipment on the Russian and CIS markets. The company produces two types of tire recycling lines: Eco Gold, Eco Gold Euro. Both lines are produced with a capacity of 400, 550, 700, 1400, 4000 kg per hour. However, the composition of the equipment is completely different. Let's take a closer look.

Composition of Eco Gold line equipment

Composition of Eco Gold line equipment:

  • machine for cutting and processing tires “Guillotine”;
  • hydraulic machine "DS-650";
  • loading conveyor - 1;
  • primary grinding apparatus Shredder KG - 2;
  • Shredder grinding apparatus - 3;
  • device for primary grinding - 14;
  • belt separator - 4;
  • collection cyclone - 5;
  • Vibrating sieve - 8;
  • Magnetic separator - 11;
  • industrial electrical equipment - 12;
  • Dust cyclone - 10;
  • metal structures and gas ducts - 13;
  • fans: transport and high pressure — 9;
  • impact crusher - 7;
  • vibrating sieve and dust cyclone - 6.

Composition of equipment of the Eco Gold Euro line:

Exclusively all types of equipment are fully automated and equipped with a high degree of protection against unexpected loads, improper operation and unstable high voltage.

Features of drawing up a business plan

Product cost and preliminary financial calculations

In order to open a mini plant for the production of crumb rubber, an entrepreneur will need to incur certain financial costs, which we propose to understand further. All data is taken as the average statistical indicators in this industry.

  • Registration process – up to 150 thousand rubles.
  • Rent – ​​180 thousand rubles.
  • Repair work and arrangement of the workshop - 150 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of tanks for fuel oil – 80 thousand rubles.
  • Production line – about 1,500,000 million rubles.
  • Production tools – 200 thousand rubles.

Result: 2,260,000 million rubles.

In addition, to ensure quality production process for processing tires and tires, the plant must pay the following monthly costs:

  • Salary to employees is about 120 thousand rubles.
  • Electricity and other communication systems – 30 thousand rubles.
  • Costs for transportation and advertising campaign – 150 thousand rubles.

Result: 300 thousand rubles.

Revenue part

As a rule, the average price of 1 kg of crumb rubber from tires and tires is about 17 rubles. In parallel with this, one production line produces no more than 2100 tons of products per day. Consequently, the monthly income from the sale of the main product will be approximately 750 thousand rubles.

To the total amount of income should be added the amount from the sale of fuel oil - 375 thousand rubles. The total revenue will be 1,125,000 million rubles. per month, and net profit before tax will be 645 thousand rubles.


Making crumb rubber from tires is quite profitable business. However, immediately before launching the plant, you will need to understand a whole list of organizational issues, as well as find reliable channels for selling finished products. However, this area of ​​activity is not without shortcomings, but at the same time it is recognized as one of the most profitable and promising.

Video: Recycling tires into crumb rubber

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The need to recycle used tires arose due to the rapid increase in the number of cars in most developed countries. The number of used tires is growing every year, so the problem of their disposal has become acute for state authorities. Tire recycling equipment is not cheap.

Special plants and enterprises for their processing are being built. They solve the environmental and economic problem associated with the disposal of end-of-life car tires. This business, dealing with used tires, is already developing by leaps and bounds. First of all, this is facilitated by a large amount of inexpensive raw materials.

A tire recycling plant is built near the place where the product obtained after processing is sold, namely: crumb rubber, saw, steel cord, heating oil. A tire recycling plant is a cost-effective solution to the problem. It is located at a place where raw materials accumulate or near a factory that produces waste materials. The main thing is that the tire recycling plant is located at a distance of more than 300 meters from residential buildings.

Special equipment for the production of crumb rubber is installed at the plant. To open a business in this area, investments are required, however, due to the small number of competitors and the demand for this raw material, all investments pay off in the near future.

Waste tire processing equipment

Equipment for rubber processing is a reactor installation. It is installed in a specially designated open area.

The average tire shredding equipment has the following productivity:

  • 2 tons of liquid fuel
  • 1.5 tons of solid residue containing carbon
  • 0.5 tons of steel cord
  • 1 ton of gas

The volume of tires that must be shredded is 5 tons per day. Processed products serve as raw materials for many types of production. The reactor itself operates using gas, which it itself is capable of producing when processing waste tires. The installation is low maintenance and requires only two people per shift. To work on such an installation, company employees need to undergo special training and study the features of the process.

Tire processing products include:

  • Rubber granulate and crumbs. Rubber crumbs come in different fractions: 0.1 - 0.45 mm.
  • Regenerate. Finely ground crumbs with improved quality. Dimensions: 0.6 - 10 mm.
  • Chips. Size 2 - 5 cm. Presented as pieces of tires along with metal cord.
  • Rubber plastic. Used in the manufacture of soft roofs.
  • Rubber floor Represented by polymer floor covering.
  • Bireplast. It is presented as a multi-layer waterproofing roll roofing material.
  • Reizol. It is represented by rubber plastic with an applied adhesive waterproof layer of rubber.
  • Fiber-reinforced concrete. A mixture of crumb rubber and two types of cord: textile and metal.

Rubber processing technologies

Rubber processing can be carried out in several ways. The choice of method ultimately determines appearance and demand for the resulting product. Within the scope of this paragraph, such a method as disposal in landfills will not be considered. Despite the fact that this option is the simplest, at the same time, the crumb production plant causes the least harm to the environment.

There are four main processing methods:

  1. Production of crumbs - equipment for recycling tires into crumbs is considered the most rational, can process several tons of tires per year and brings a stable income to the owner. But the technology is not ideal; it has a significant number of disadvantages, such as the need to select raw materials with the same composition to standardize the properties of the final product.
  2. Pyrolysis is the decomposition of tires under the influence of high temperature. This method is extremely inconvenient because during this process a huge amount of toxins are released into the atmosphere. Another obvious disadvantage of this disposal method is its economic disadvantage. Decomposition equipment is expensive and takes a long time to pay for itself.
  3. Burning is the complete destruction of tires. The only benefit from such an action is the generation of energy, but such products do not perform very well as fuel. This is due to the fact that during combustion a large amount of soot is formed, which over time renders the equipment (furnaces) unusable. Since rubber contains sulfur, when using this disposal method, the substance enters the atmosphere and when interacting with water, sulfuric acid is formed.
  4. Restoration is a process similar to recycling. This is the most promising and rational way. Thus, when making one new tire, approximately 30 liters of crude oil are consumed, but only 5 are needed to refurbish it.

In recent years, business in this area has been gaining momentum; it is especially popular in European countries, since this is where society takes environmental protection most seriously.

Another clear advantage that this business is famous for is the purchase of inexpensive equipment for processing tires into crumbs. You can set up a recycling plant with your own hands in any room, even in your own garage.

Line for processing tires into crumbs

The tire recycling line produces crumb rubber for business; it is considered environmentally friendly due to the absence of emissions into the atmosphere or into the ground.

The line and all equipment must be made in accordance with the requirements of the Russian Federation, which were put forward for equipment of this type:

  • According to the level of noise emitted.
  • By the amount of harmful emissions.
  • According to life safety.
  • According to the safety of waste processing.

The entire line for processing tires into crumbs consists of sectors:

  • Preparatory, which includes 2 machines: 1 – for removing bead wire, 2 – scissors for cutting tires.
  • A crusher consisting of 1 – crushing chamber and 2 – return sifter.
  • Crushing rollers, which are two drums that rotate at different speeds towards each other.
  • A granulator that delivers the mixture from the hopper to the crushing zone.
  • Vibrating table of a magnetic selector for uniform distribution of the mixture under the influence of vibration.
  • Knife granulator, consisting of a body with knives, a shaft with knives, a mesh whose hole diameter is 4 mm.
  • Vibrating table in the form of an inclined rectangular structure.
  • Magnet for collecting small wire residues.
  • Textile separators for high level cleaning crumbs from existing textiles.
  • Automatic packers filling bags with crumbs.

This is what the process of processing a tire into crumbs looks like, serving as recyclable materials for further production. Organizing this recycling business is not difficult. This is due to the relative cheapness of the equipment and quick payback periods. The main mission of this business is to protect the environment.