Why does your nose itch for a whole week? Folk sign: “Itchy nose”

If someone’s nose itches, doctors will say it’s a virus, friends will say, “You’ll have to drink!”, and grandmothers, even more so, will say all sorts of things. Therefore, it is worthwhile to independently figure out why your nose itches, so that next time you know for sure what to expect or fear.

Let's run to the doctor!

If a person’s nose itches every now and then, this does not mean anything except that he definitely needs to go to the doctor. The only situation that is suitable for signs is if the nose suddenly itches and the itching goes away quickly. Otherwise it might be viral infection or allergies.

What will grandmothers say?

If you ask the older generation: “Why does your nose itch?”, grannies will immediately say that it’s just growing. There is some truth in this, because... A person's nose and ears grow throughout their life. Any doctor can confirm this.


It is rare for any person to have an itchy entire nose. More often this happens to one part of it - the bridge of the nose or the tip. When understanding why your nose itches, you should first focus on itchy nostrils. If you want to scratch both halves of your nose at the same time, signs say that you should expect a new addition to the family or a quick christening. According to one interpretation, the left nostril itches for troubles and problems, the right nostril for joy or happiness. According to a women's magazine of the 19th century, if there is an itch on the left side of the nose, you will come across a gentleman who loves to drink and swear, but if it is on the right side, the lady will be the first beauty at the next ball. And the old “businessmen” said this: “If you scratch your nose on the right, you won’t know poverty all your life. If you scratch your nose on the left, the cattle will scatter through the forest.”

bridge of the nose

When understanding why your nose itches, you should turn to such a part of it as the bridge of the nose. Most interpretations are not very good in this case and only talk about the negative aspects. For example, if you scratch the bridge of your nose, it means drunkenness, family troubles, illness, and even a dead person. Modern interpretations are not so scary, moreover, they are even positive, and say that if the bridge of the nose is itched, it means that a person will find and buy goods at a cost significantly lower than the market price.


Speaking about why the nose itches, namely its ending, it is worth knowing what this promises good news. Also, by scratching the tip itself, you can expect happiness in your personal life or career growth. Well, where would we be without a feast? If you scratch the tip of your nose, you can expect fun and drinking.

Everything that's nearby

But what does it mean if your nose and the area around it itches? This may mean that the person will soon expect either changes at work (unfortunately, these changes will be for the worse) or the emergence of new feelings.

Believe it or not?

Many people often wonder whether to believe in omens or not. There will be no clear answer here. Of course, it is unlikely that by scratching the bridge of your nose you can expect that someone close to you will die. But on the other hand, how can one not believe the wise representatives of the older generation who have many years of experience and trust all of the above signs? Therefore, only you can decide whether to believe it or not, relying on your feelings and intuition.

Why does your nose itch? There are comic interpretations of such a sign, and there are predictions that tend to come true. In the old days, the attitude towards folk signs was respectful. People sincerely believed in them.

Any itching, according to signs, is a sign of some event

The tip of my nose itched, why?

Any itching or scratching, according to signs, is a sign of some event.

They usually say that the tip of the nose itches when it comes to feasting. According to signs, the nose anticipates future events. But the tip of the nose has a great anticipation of the approaching feast. Even when a party wasn’t planned, if you suddenly get itchy this part body is a sign that the drinking will take place.

Why does your nose itch in the middle of a party? This is a sign that the walk will be long, but in the morning it will not be easy. In this case, it’s like a warning not to drink too much, as a severe hangover awaits.

In addition to alcohol, the nose anticipates money. Often, such scratching portends financial gain. Many have noticed that if a salary is coming, the described scratching begins.

Itching on the tip of the nose can mean good, long-awaited news, success in business or personal life.

My whole nose itches, what to expect?

When this happens, it is a warning of bad events. A quarrel or fight is expected.

According to superstition, if such an itch appears, it means they will beat you.

Today, such a sign is interpreted as some kind of trouble:

  • quarrel with loved ones;
  • reprimand at work;
  • fight.

To ward off trouble, click your itchy nose several times. You can ask someone to do this.

According to superstition, if such an itch appears, it means they will beat

Interpretation of itching in other places of the nose

Itching in different places of this organ has its own interpretations:

  • The wings of the nose itch - a harbinger of bad events, illness. To prevent this from happening, you need to make a fig and rub the itchy part with it three times.
  • Itching under the nose portends great love. This can be not only new relationships, but also the renewal of old ones.
  • The bridge of the nose itched - in the old days it was interpreted as the approach of misfortune or a funeral.
  • Unfortunately, such events often cannot be changed. But you can try to get rid of it by scratching the bridge of your nose crosswise three times. Now, if the bridge of the nose itches, this is interpreted as a harbinger of gain (to purchase something at a very favorable price).
  • If your nostril itches, wait for an invitation to a christening celebration.
  • If your nose suddenly itches on the right side, this means good news and successful business are expected.
  • Itching on the left side means negative news, financial losses. To avoid such events, you need to fold the fig and rub the itchy area three times.

Itchy nose, according to days of the week

It is important to take into account the day of the week when your nose itched:

  • Monday - there will be difficulties ahead that will need to be overcome.
  • Tuesday - expect an old friend to visit.
  • Wednesday - expect a present.
  • Thursday is a harbinger of a romantic meeting with your loved one.
  • Friday - a fun party with drinking is expected.
  • Saturday – for significant financial expenses.
  • Sunday - predicts unpleasant showdowns, watch what you say and to whom.

The bridge of the nose itched - in the old days it was interpreted as the approach of misfortune

When you feel itching inside your nose, and in addition you get sneezing, the prediction will definitely come true. No one knows why this is so, but this sign came from antiquity.

Physiological causes of scratching

We should not forget that such itching can also be caused by diseases. Allergic manifestations to poplar fluff, animal hair, and various odors, especially synthetic ones, are possible. It's not a matter of signs here. This is a sign to see a doctor and find out the cause and treatment of the disease.

What to do right

Wherever the itchy nose appears, whether the prediction will come true or not directly depends on the person’s faith in this sign. Often signs have an ambiguous interpretation and sometimes you need to trust your own intuition. Everyone already knows that a lot in our destiny depends on the power of thought. Therefore, it is necessary to believe in a better future and be optimistic. Life without troubles is impossible. But very often, it is troubles that make a person stronger.

Most people know the sign of why their nose itches. To the drink! But it's not that simple.

Our ancestors listened carefully to the signs sent by the body, and then shared their observations with each other. Therefore, the sign has many additions and clarifications.

It is believed that discomfort can have different interpretations depending on associated factors - day of the week or time of day.

For correct interpretation others must be taken into account important points– for example, which part of the nose is itchy.

tip of the nose

When the tip of someone’s nose starts to itch, those around them remember why it’s happening and smile meaningfully. After all, according to legend, this is a signal of imminent alcohol consumption.

This belief is passed down from generation to generation and has become one of the most popular superstitions in everyday life.

bridge of the nose

The most frightening sign is associated with the bridge of the nose.

It is believed that the bridge of the nose itches means imminent trouble.

This could be serious trouble, loss large sum or even imminent death someone close to you.

But all is not lost.

Negative beliefs can be neutralized. To do this, you just need to rub the area that bothers you three times and not think about anything bad, because negative thoughts attract failures and problems into life. What psychologists call a “self-fulfilling prophecy” arises.

Itching on the right

In the signs about why the nose itches, there is also a division into the left and right sides. All beliefs associated with the right nostril promise success.

There are several different interpretations that all agree on one thing: good luck will soon come knocking on your life.

If your nose itches on the right side, then good news awaits you: a promotion at work, a nice gift, a trip, a profitable deal, long-awaited news or a pleasant change of residence.

Discomfort on the left

If your left nostril itches, you can’t count on good things.

It is believed that this is a sign of the beginning of financial problems and failures at work. It may be followed by a demotion or a failed deal.

The sign has other meanings that are associated not with the material world, but with personal life. A nose that is very itchy on the left may portend a separation from a loved one or serious conflict in the family.

Under your nose

Another sign that can promise problems in matters of the heart is severe itching under the nose.

What seemed easy to achieve will have to be conquered with serious effort. Quarrels and conflicts can happen both in personal life and in business.

However, there is another interpretation of the sign - completely opposite. Some believe that an itch under the nose foreshadows a new dizzying romance.

General itching

If your entire nose itches, then a serious quarrel awaits you in the near future, which may even end in assault. Our ancestors believed that an itchy nose was a sign that there would soon be a fight.

The sign can be neutralized. To do this, ask any person to click you on the nose. Thus, it is as if you had a fight and even received a blow from the enemy.

Interpretation for a woman

Women's noses itch in anticipation of changes in their personal lives, but not always favorable ones. Usually, an itchy nose on the right indicates increased attention from the opposite sex.

If your left nostril itches, then you are in for a new love. But the relationship will bring few pleasant emotions - the man will not be faithful to you.

Interpretation for a man

Men's noses often itch before conflicts. The left wing of the nose itches before a fight.

But the right nostril does not give rest before a salary increase, winning the lottery or other good news related to money.

Interpretation by time of day

The signs that fate has prepared for you can also be interpreted depending on the time of day.

  • In the morning, your nose itches when guests arrive. But the meeting will not be very pleasant.
  • If your nose suddenly begins to itch during the day, then soon you will become a guest at a feast or party where there will be a lot of strong drinks.
  • If discomfort occurs in the evening, then perhaps you will soon have a serious quarrel with relatives or friends. Be careful not to provoke your loved ones into conflict.
  • Does your nose itch at night and prevent you from falling asleep? Your insomnia will soon pay off in full. The sign symbolizes imminent profit and good luck in business.

Interpretation by days of the week

The signs transmitted through your body may vary depending on the day of the week.

  1. Monday . You will face difficulties at work and problems in business that will last the whole week.
  2. Tuesday . If your nose itches on Tuesday, old friends will soon visit you. The meeting will be warm and pleasant.
  3. Wednesday A pleasant surprise from a secret admirer will bring a lot of joy.
  4. Thursday . An itchy nose on this day is a good sign. There is a pleasant acquaintance or a romantic adventure ahead.
  5. Friday . Feasts with alcoholic drinks cannot be avoided.
  6. Saturday . Be careful with your spending - unplanned expenses await you ahead.
  7. Sunday . There is a conflict ahead with relatives or friends.

How to neutralize bad interpretations?

If you believe in omens and have found an interpretation that is not very pleasant for you, then do not forget that negative impacts can be neutralized. Remember that signs warn of danger and help change the situation in better side.

  • If the bridge of your nose itches, cross it before scratching.
  • If the left wing of your nose itches, then put your fingers together and scratch your nose just like that.
  • If your whole nose itches, just ask someone to click on it.

Don't forget about these simple rules that will help you avoid bad news.

In addition, there are a lot of interpretations. And you can find several different options interpretations depending on the surrounding circumstances. Choose the best of them and don't concentrate on bad thoughts.

Medical explanation

It is important to maintain common sense. If the symptom is tormented, then the matter is most likely not in magic, but in the state of health. The nose usually itches from irritating odors, allergies, or when you have a cold.

Often itching occurs when there is a temperature change, for example, when a person enters a warm room from the cold or, having frozen, begins to drink a hot drink.

This sign is very common. It is based on what day of the week the nose itched and on which side the itching is felt.

Since people’s olfactory organs often itch, there is a desire to find out what it is for. There are a great many meanings, so it is necessary to imagine their features. In order not to miss a lucky chance or avoid negative events, you need to listen to your feelings and explain their meaning to yourself in a timely manner.

First of all, the anatomical features of the structure of the organ are distinguished. There are right and left sides.

If it is difficult to determine where the itching is felt and it seems that the entire olfactory organ is covered by it, then such signals do not promise anything good. Usually they become a harbinger that a person will face a difficult showdown. If we're talking about about a man, assault may even occur.

When discomfort is felt on the skin surrounding the nose, such a feeling can indicate that a person’s personal life will soon change for the better. According to some opinions, itching may portend problems in the professional field.

When discomfort in the nasal area led to someone sneezing, it is believed that the omen has the most exact character. Such an observation has been tested for centuries and has never failed people.

This popular sign has been very true at all times, so people even now often strive to find out its meaning. But you shouldn’t immediately set yourself up for the worst interpretation of it.

The subconscious can move a person in the desired direction if he reacts correctly to the signs of fate. Any trouble is part of life path, therefore it is necessary to be able to recognize it in time and mitigate its consequences.

Day of the week when your nose itched

It makes a lot of sense when these arose discomfort. Leading esotericists most often consider such a sign to be no less important than accurately identifying the area in which itching has developed.

Since this sign has been interpreted for a long time, the definition of the area where the nose is itchy must also be compared with the period of time.

Features of meaning should be inserted into the general context, correlating different meanings in all their diversity.

When it is possible to fulfill a desire, people unconsciously tune in to a favorable outcome, which will be much easier to achieve. If the sign does not bode well, then you can try to avoid the worst-case scenario and try to turn the prediction to your benefit.

If such an event happened on Monday, then the intended desire will be very difficult to realize. It is even possible that none of the plans will come true.

If your nose itches on Tuesday, then a visit from guests with a fun pastime is foreshadowed. If discomfort is felt closer to the tip of the olfactory organ, then you need to limit yourself a little, since a large feast is coming up.

Itching that occurs on Wednesdays indicates that the person is about to receive some kind of pleasant surprise. It is also possible to receive good news.

A nose that combs on Thursday is a sign that foretells success with the opposite sex. In cases where a date is scheduled for a similar day of the week, its outcome will be the most favorable.

Friday, like Tuesday, means drinking with friends. Therefore, in order not to spoil your weekend, you should observe moderation.

Sunday means that there is a danger of a serious conflict with loved ones. But, if the nose has been itching since early morning, this may foreshadow a visit from friends who will come to visit the person.

Features of the interpretation of signs

If any event happens, people always wonder what it means.

It matters no less whether a man’s or a woman’s nose itches.

For a representative of the fair sex, cases when itching appears on the left side usually promise favorable development of future plans, especially in matters of the heart. On the right - promises possible troubles.

For a man, if his nose itches on this side, it means receiving financial profit. The left side does not bode well. Most often, such a signal indicates an upcoming feast, which could end in a showdown.

Therefore, it is very important to carefully approach the interpretation of signs. In situations where it does not promise anything good, it is believed that it is possible to avoid a negative future scenario.

It is necessary to have a friend or relative lightly slap the person on the nose. Then it turns out that the expected showdown has already occurred and the omen has been fulfilled without causing significant damage to the person.

In cases where your interlocutor’s nose itches, there is no need to rush to tell him the meaning. Psychology experts say this behavior is one of the surest signs that someone is telling a lie.

Therefore, you should watch him and listen carefully to his words. People tend to hide behind their hands without realizing it when they are forced to do negative things.

If a person inspires complete confidence, then it is permissible to try to interpret the meaning of the signal.

It is also important to remember that an itchy nose can portend much more prosaic things, namely, the onset of a cold, flu or allergies. Therefore, in each individual case you need to monitor your feelings very carefully.

If there are additional symptoms of the development of the disease, you should not delve into the meaning of the signs, but it is advisable, without delay, to begin treatment or even seek medical help.

The realization of a prediction is possible only if people have deep faith in its fulfillment. Therefore, it is necessary to treat bad forecasts with healthy skepticism and catch positive signals from fate.

A lot depends on what exactly the person is saying. inner voice. Sometimes he persistently advises you to listen to signs from above, but often he tells you not to concentrate too much on possible failure.

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The nose can tell you a lot. Not only that, according to him appearance, shape and features, you can read a lot about a person just like from a map, and there are also a huge number of signs associated with this organ.

Whether to believe in superstitions or ignore them is up to everyone to decide for themselves. However, many can say with confidence that the signs work. And many causeless phenomena associated with the nose indicate certain events in the future and present.

What can happen to this part of the face? Let’s say the bridge of the nose or nostrils itches unbearably, the inside of the sinuses itch, a pimple pops up, or the nose suddenly turns red.

Of course, it’s worth noting right away that some phenomena may indicate not changes and events in the future, but some health problems in the present.

There is no need to treat yourself negligently, and if your nose itches for a long time and severely, or is inflamed, you need to go to the doctor, because signs will not help here. If everything is in order and physical phenomenon has no reason, then why not find out what the sign means?

Explore the secret

There are many signs associated with the nose, some of them even contradict each other. It is worth choosing and finding out the most common ones, and those about which many can say for sure - a working sign.

1. If a pimple suddenly appears on your nose, the sign says - this is news. Moreover, it is common to believe that if a pimple appears on the nose, there will be not just news - it will be somehow connected with the amorous sphere, and will be very pleasant.

2. Why did the pimple appear on the very tip of the nose? This is a clear sign that someone is madly in love with you and is constantly thinking about you.

You can try to find out who it is, be more attentive and take a closer look at those around you. Perhaps great mutual love awaits you!

3. And if a pimple pops up on the side, on the nostril, then you yourself will soon fall in love, as they say, head over heels. The truth is, whether this feeling will be mutual or whether you will have to experience unrequited love - the sign is silent. Maybe it all depends to a greater extent exactly from you?

4. Frequently asked question- why your nose itches, and there are many contradictory and different superstitions on this subject. Someone might even say that they are going to get it in this very place - but this, of course, is not true.

In fact, if your nose itches, you definitely have to, as they say, “look into the glass.” In other words, get ready for fun, but don’t overdo it – everything should be in moderation!

5. But why the nose itches, or rather, the very tip of it, they say something completely different. The sign says that this is to receive money, and if you have a slight itch on the tip of your nose, you will soon become a little richer!

6. If it combs not at the tip, but at the side - it doesn’t matter whether it’s on the right or the left, soon you will receive some news or a surprise, and you will be surprised.

7. If itching inside your nose, you will receive very joyful and unexpected news!

8. When the tip of the nose, the bridge of the nose, or even the whole thing turns red for no reason, and even seems to be on fire, this is a sign that an imminent quarrel with someone is possible. Be calm, try not to provoke conflicts, and resolve any misunderstandings or misunderstandings with people around you peacefully, without quarrels.

Why would you spoil a relationship that will later be more difficult to restore, and can even be destroyed due to stupidity? Let this sign help you to be smarter and behave more calmly.

What can I say about a person?

You can easily recognize by some striking features of this part of the face what kind of character the owner has. This is, of course, in general outline, each person is unique, but a little useful and interesting information can be obtained by looking at it carefully.

  • If the nose is very long, then this is most likely a conservative person who is not inclined to experiments and something unusual.
  • Long, big nose, and a narrow bridge of the nose is a sign of a sharp mind, a penchant for analysis, and intellectual work.
  • If the nose is small, short, and the bridge of the nose is wide, then the person is open, kind and friendly, loves people and communication with them.
  • When a person has a large nose, at the same time wide and long, with a particularly beautiful, even shape, then the person is calm, restrained, intelligent, knows how to think, analyze, and does not make hasty decisions.
  • A hump on the nose is a sign of a bright, hot-tempered and very proud person. If there is a bony, thin bridge of the nose above the hump, then the person has a very hot temperament, he can even be unbalanced, very decisive and courageous.
  • It is believed that a person whose face is proportionally smaller than its other parts is jealous and likes to find fault with little things.
  • There is a belief that a person with a narrow and thin nose will have to work very hard all his life.
  • If its tip hangs down a little, be careful - in front of you is a seducer, a very sexy and temperamental person who knows how to drive you crazy and achieve any victim.
  • A man with a full big nose, without sharp corners- kind, soft and open, it’s pleasant and easy to be with him, he will not betray and will never offend.

Be observant - watch what your body tells you. And don’t expect anything bad - tune in only to the good, and happiness will not keep you waiting in your life! Author: Vasilina Serova