Taurus woman: character and behavior of the sign. Guide to the female zodiac sign Taurus: how to win the heart of a Taurus girl

The Taurus woman is generously gifted by nature. This is one of the most beautiful women among all the signs of the Zodiac. She is distinguished by powerful sexual energy and a desire to be the center of attention. Quite deservedly, she has always been the subject of male dreams.

Basic character traits

Taurus woman, whose characteristics can be put in the words “ real woman", has a lively mind, is an attentive and pleasant interlocutor. She is calm, reserved and behaves with great dignity, never making harsh or rude statements towards anyone and never allowing it to be done to herself. This sign combines external beauty with iron will, strength and patience.

Thanks to her great self-control, such a woman rarely loses her temper, but she does not like it at all when people object to her. Therefore, others should not abuse her patience. Any groundless criticism or claims may cause offense and lead to violent reaction. And, if this happens again, the Taurus woman can turn into an unbearable and vindictive creature. With age, she becomes more domineering, difficult to climb, pathologically loving luxury.

Appearance Features

The Taurus girl is always fresh, beautiful and graceful. She is distinguished natural charm, smooth movements, calm soft voice and look. She has soft, glowing skin and an elegant bust. Her company can evoke the most pleasant feelings and has a simply calming effect.

Thanks to her good taste, she skillfully chooses cosmetics and perfumes and dresses well. At the same time, she knows how to stay within the budget. Her weak point– jewelry and luxury items. Furs and diamonds simply hypnotize this zodiac sign in female form.

Taurus ladies have curvy figures and a thin waist, and are prone to being overweight. Usually slim in their youth, after getting married, finding their other half and relaxing, they stop closely monitoring their weight and often gain weight, which does not spoil them at all.

Attitude to work

Despite her extreme femininity, she knows how to work well. Women are helped in this by patience, self-control, and willpower. Everything they have to do, they do with pleasure, striving to gain satisfaction from the final result.

Women who are associated with this zodiac sign want to be well-off financially, so they are sensitive to the choice of their main activity. But out of all the activities that can bring good income, they choose the one that they really love. It's hard for them to just sit back working hours without getting satisfaction from work.

The work of a psychologist, secretary, social worker, pharmacist. The profession of a seller is less suitable, but it can also bring pleasure if something related to land is being sold.

Features of behavior in love

A Taurus woman in love looks for her own partner. Overly annoying gentlemen will not receive favor from her. She doesn't need a teacher to master the art of flirting.

She gives off non-verbal sexual signals spontaneously; she does it as naturally as breathing. The powerful attractive force of her charm and sexuality causes the appearance of a whole stream of men seeking closer communication with her. The well-developed intuition characteristic of such ladies helps to immediately weed out unsuitable applicants and somehow organize acquaintances.

A characteristic feature that this zodiac sign imposes on women is jealousy.

Taurus are possessive by nature and they are very familiar with the feeling of jealousy. For some time she turns a blind eye to her suspicions, but when the cup overflows, she has to bitterly regret the culprit, since she is terrible in anger.

This zodiac sign prefers wealthy partners who are also generously gifted by nature. Beauty and impeccability are mandatory requirements for them, but a thick wallet is also highly desirable. Such ladies prefer refined signs of attention, and the best way courting them is classic – expensive gifts, restaurants, recreation in the best places etc.

A man who could not interest her in bed cannot hope for a long-term relationship. The Taurus woman treats primitive sex with contempt. She herself is capable of giving her partners the widest possible range of sexual pleasures.

The best zodiac sign for her as a partner is Virgo.

Family behavior

The Taurus girl will be a wonderful life partner. She will be able to respect her man and not claim leadership in the family. She sees her life purpose in being a good support for her stronger half, an exemplary mother and housewife. The ability to run a home well is a distinctive feature that characterizes this zodiac sign. Their home is always cozy and tidy, they are extremely hospitable, which, however, only applies to those guests who came by invitation.

Children are of particular importance in the life of a Taurus woman. She devotes most of her free time, all her love and care to them. Her children see their mother as reliable protection, realizing that she is always ready to come to their aid. She maintains good and trusting relationships with both her daughters and sons throughout her life, remaining for them a model of love and fidelity.

By nature, alas, Taurus is prone to polygamy. She can easily have several lovers at once and, not wanting to lose any of them, bestow her feelings on everyone. Due to this family life Representatives of this zodiac sign may be unstable. But a truly loving Taurus woman rarely cheats on her spouse.

To create a family, besides Virgo, Cancer and Capricorn are well suited for her.

Famous Taurus women

Taurus woman horoscope

Taurus woman: appearance

Taurus women, as a rule, have curvaceous and attractive feminine figures; they have a thin waist, rounded hips, and large breasts. Even if they are overweight (and this is what most often happens), this does not spoil them at all. They are always charming and fresh, their movements are smooth and graceful, their soft, calm gaze is attractive. Taurus women have a well-developed sense of smell, they do not like to smoke, and they know how to choose the most suitable perfumes and cosmetics for their individual image.

Taurus woman - behavior characteristics

It is pleasant to communicate with women of this zodiac sign, they are smart, pleasant and subtle interlocutors, grateful listeners who do not allow themselves to speak rudely and categorically about anyone, they behave calmly, without showing unnecessary emotions. But if people start objecting to them, such ladies can quickly lose peace of mind. They respond adequately to reasoned claims and comments, but, as the horoscope warns, the Taurus woman is capable of transforming into a real fury if someone allows herself to be nagged over trifles or without any reason at all.

The most great joys in the life of women born under this sign are home, children and favorite work. They strive for nature with all their souls, and if in everyday life there is no possibility for this, they try to compensate for this circumstance by breeding indoor plants. The lifestyle of Taurus women cannot be called active; they were born for something completely different.

Zodiac sign Taurus - woman in work and career

It would be unfair to imagine these incredibly feminine creatures as white-handed and sissies. Taurus women love and know how to work, and are ready to devote a lot of time and effort to their favorite business. Strong will, incredible patience and excellent self-control help them achieve success. Taurus women strive to be well-off financially, so they try to choose activities that would bring them good income. At the same time, they choose what they really like, otherwise they simply will not be able to force themselves to work at full capacity and achieve the desired results. Taurus do not work “just like that”, serving their working hours: they certainly need to feel satisfaction from the results of their activities.

Taurus woman in love

Most Taurus women are polygamous by nature and can have several partners at the same time. It is noteworthy that each of them can be equally dear to them, and they are afraid of losing each one. But, if a woman of this sign truly falls in love, the other half will have no reason to doubt her marital fidelity; she becomes a reliable and incredibly devoted friend.

Taurus woman in sex

Taurus women are famous for their femininity; tactile sensations and physical contact are extremely important to them. They do not like primitive sex - as well as any manifestations of artlessness. Ladies of this sign are very demanding in this regard. sensitive issue and they can “drive” a man in bed to the point of a squeezed lemon, but at the same time the partner will experience maximum pleasure and will not regret one bit that he got such a tireless girlfriend. The Taurus woman herself experiences no less range of sensations in bed.

Taurus woman in marriage

Many men dream of life partners like Taurus women in marriage. Many representatives of this zodiac sign They see it in arranging their family nest. The character of a Taurus woman does not allow her to marry just anyone; she places high demands on her future husband, but she herself becomes a reliable partner for him, an excellent mother of his children and a skillful, zealous housewife. Such a wife will never encroach on her husband’s self-esteem and will readily concede to him the right to be the head of the family. At the same time, she behaves with great dignity and does not allow anyone to humiliate the woman and person in her.

Zodiac signs: Taurus woman - mistress of the house

For the most part, Taurus women are excellent housewives; there are few of them in the Zodiac. Their house is always literally licked clean, but that’s not all: being the owners of a delicate taste, Taurus are able to skillfully beat the most unprofitable layout, create a beautiful and cozy interior, being limited by very modest financial resources. Their home always smells nice and there are likely to be a lot of flowers in it. These women are thrifty, do not allow themselves to waste money and manage to turn the house into full cup, making sure that loved ones do not need anything. They are always happy to receive dear guests, who will certainly be treated generously and tasty - but only if they came at their invitation.

Characteristics of a Taurus woman - mother

The importance of motherhood for Taurus women is difficult to overestimate. It is to children that such a mother tends to devote all of her free time. Children can always count on her help - business, advice, moral support. The closeness of the relationship between mothers and children continues when they grow up. At the same time, the Taurus woman can be very, very demanding and even turn into a loving tyrant. However, what cannot be taken away from her is that she will show children by personal example what love and selfless devotion to family is.

Who is suitable for a Taurus woman according to the horoscope to start a family?

If the woman is Taurus, compatibility promises to be very good with representatives of such zodiac signs as Virgo - great gift for a Taurus woman, but in this case it’s better not to even think about jewelry. A win-win option - any beautiful, aesthetically valuable objects that decorate your home, workplace; for example, beautiful dishes, cute flower pots. People of the Taurus zodiac sign are very sensual, and if a gift is pleasant to the touch or emits a subtle aroma, then it will delight you doubly. It’s hard to make a mistake when giving a Taurus woman an original sweet gift, for example, a chocolate bouquet - she will certainly appreciate such an offering.

People born under the sign of Taurus are calm and balanced. Outwardly, they seem absolutely calm, but still you should not test their patience, because their anger is almost always terrible. Men and women born under this sign have strong energy. And what it says about her character is that she is not distinguished by impulsiveness, she accepts carefully

all your decisions, thoroughly thinking through every little detail. She is sensitive, has an excellent memory and is extremely scrupulous. This last trait is often mistaken by others for pettiness.

In career

A woman born under the sign of the Earth element has a natural acumen that allows her to quickly make useful contacts and advance in the world. career ladder. The brightest representatives of this sign can expect successful political career, they will prove themselves in science and will not go unnoticed in commercial or government agencies. The Taurus woman has refined taste, she is attracted by elegance and grace. Thanks to such talents there can be a wave successful career designer, florist, hairdresser or cosmetologist. The love for jewelry and all kinds of adornments opens up prospects in the trade of stones.

Taurus woman. Financial characteristics

This sign, like any other representative of the Earth element, loves money very much. Sometimes he may seem overly economical and even tight-fisted, but this is not so.

In fact, Taurus treat money with reverence because of its ability to work, “spin” and, thereby, accumulate. When investing in some business, they will not be too lazy to calculate all the risks, even read the horoscope for tomorrow. Taurus women often evaluate others by their material wealth, which is why they have the goal of earning as much as possible. They surround themselves with many expensive things and exquisite souvenirs, sometimes turning their home into a branch of the museum. The girl willingly spends money on herself, on her home, and is in no hurry to share even with those closest to her.

Taurus woman. Health characteristics

Like any other sign, the Taurus woman has weak areas in her body. These include the back, legs, neck and throat. That is why they often suffer from respiratory and colds, sore throat and pneumonia. It is worth sticking to a diet to keep your weight and blood pressure under control. As you age, problems with the blood vessels in your legs may arise, for example varicose veins or thrombophlebitis. By the way, Taurus rarely get sick, but once the disease has overtaken it, it will be quite severe and protracted, and then it will be necessary long time for restoration.

Taurus woman. Characteristics in love

This sign is not characterized by pressure; a woman will never go on the attack first. She will look closely at the subject of her attention for a long time, study it from all sides, and only then decide whether to continue acquaintance. He clearly distinguishes sincerity from falsehood; if you suspect the latter, he mercilessly breaks off all relationships.

Text: Sascha Gluwein

The constellations under which we are born can influence our character and choice of partner. the site presents a series of articles in which it will tell about representatives of all zodiac signs.

This article should not be considered the ultimate truth. “Ideal” representatives of any zodiac sign, 100% suitable for the given description, do not exist in nature, just as phlegmatic people, choleric people, melancholic people and sanguine people do not exist in nature. pure form. However, get general idea the fact that who you need is quite real. In no case do we encourage you to ruin your existing relationship if it suddenly turns out that, according to this text, you are not suitable for each other.

Taurus Woman

She doesn't need a textbook to master the art of flirting and seduction; she gives non-verbal "sexual signals" as naturally as breathing. In order to charm the man he likes, a Taurus woman just needs to point her “erotic antenna” in his direction.

Her eroticism has a powerful attractive force; if the Taurus woman did not have a well-developed intuition, which immediately allows her to “weed out” inappropriate acquaintances, she would have to make a lot of efforts to somehow streamline the flow of men who want to communicate with her closer.

This person is a possessive person by nature, already at the very beginning of the novel she is ready to plaster her beloved from head to toe with advertisements “Don’t interfere, I’ll kill you”, “Don’t touch with your hands”, “He already has a girlfriend and it’s me”, “Private property” etc. Is it any wonder that Taurus romances are never “smooth and sweet”? The best screenwriters from Hollywood can be sent to the Taurus woman for an internship so that she can show them how scenes of jealousy really need to be arranged. If only Taurus feels forgotten and abandoned, she will not remain silent. He will immediately express his opinion out loud, and in order to enhance the effect of what was said, he will reinforce his words by breaking dishes.

As a rule, Taurus women know what they want, they are ready to use all legal and illegal means from the female arsenal - from cunning and flattery to tears and threats, in order to achieve what they want, they are pathologically stubborn.

Many people, when communicating with young ladies born under this zodiac sign, make the same mistake, not underestimating their intelligence. In fact, Taurus women usually rely on their feelings and sensations. Their intuition is a special gift for seeing the truth, and it is extremely rarely wrong.

The Taurus woman is practical, someone, but she cannot be classified as an idealist. She will not suffer for the hero of the film, even if he is a three-time sex symbol, if a handsome man is sitting next to her in the cinema. This woman does not believe in platonic love, considering it an invention of impotent people; for her, love automatically means sex.

Taurus usually dresses well and tastefully, but manages to do it without going over budget. They love jewelry - rings, earrings and especially chains, necklaces, beads and chokers. The neck and décolleté are the subject of their special pride.

Taurus women are especially “sensitive” to luxury - furs, diamonds and other accessories beautiful life they are simply hypnotized.

Serious relationship(or marriage) often play a cruel joke on the Taurus woman - feeling that her personal life has “settled down,” she can stop keeping a tight rein on herself and... start eating, spreading out in breadth. In the soul of any slender girl born under this zodiac sign, there lives a plump woman who is just waiting for the right moment to take power over her body in her plump hands.

The Taurus woman is sure that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, because she has been convinced of this more than once from her own experience. She is almost a virtuoso in the kitchen, as well as in bed.

The man whom the Taurus woman invites to a wedding can be called the darling of fate. romantic dinner. He will surely enjoy it full program: excellent wine that makes an ideal gastronomic pair with a culinary masterpiece that will be on the table; pleasant voice housewives (there are many singers among Taurus), dim lighting and the cool smoothness of silk pillows and sheets (Taurus are delighted with silk).... The secret is that she will never invite someone she doesn’t like.

Among the undoubted advantages of Taurus are soft, radiant skin and a magnificent neckline; as a rule, nature generously endows these women with a bust.

Taurus in bed

At the beginning of a relationship, the Taurus woman expects patience, tenderness and careful, gradual rapprochement from the man. She needs pleasure from sex, and not a hasty “walk” into the wilds of erotic extremes. It may seem that Taurus are somewhat conservative and do not really crave novelty - in fact, this is not the case. After the successful completion of the “adaptation sex period”, she will hope that her partner will have enough intelligence and imagination to ensure that each intimacy is different from the previous one, and he will show more and more new “tricks” from his erotic arsenal, pulling them out V right moment like a magician pulling rabbits out of a hat.

For a Taurus woman, every sign from a man is important - a hug, a kiss, and even a gentle (or not so gentle) slap on the butt. However, pretty soon she will be ready for more active actions - what's the point of tuning an instrument if you don't play it later?

In bed, a romantic mood, surroundings and decorations are extremely important to her. The situation must fully correspond to what is happening - Taurus does not need to throw his favorite furs on the floor to raise the “erotic level”. Sex for her is an opportunity to demonstrate all her most seductive angles, and bed is a stage where she can play one of the erotic roles, for example, the touchy-feely Snow Queen can’t even hold a candle to a vampire, which can compete with the characters of the Twilight saga.

The smell of sweat male body might drive her crazy. Taurus have nothing against oral sex and pamper their partners with great pleasure.

What kind of man does she need?

The Taurus woman is full of tenderness, tenderness literally overwhelms her, so you can’t do without an “exhaust pipe”. As a rule, Taurus adheres to somewhat “old-fashioned” views, so the role of the “pipe” is usually played by the husband, not the lover. They need a reliable man, behind whom, like behind a stone wall, they can survive any adversity and bad weather without much loss. Weak-tempered mumblers, however, like uncouth rude people, do not appeal to Taurus.

Suitable for Taurus

Quiet and “comfortable” man - Pisces - ideal partner for Taurus. This one is with him strong woman can enjoy peace and quiet, but without the risk of dislocating your jaw by yawning from boredom. He praises her to the skies and gives her exactly what she needs.

The Cancer man is another “favorite”, his whims and permanent shift moods, multiplied by the constancy of Taurus, result in an alliance that has every chance of lasting indefinitely. At the beginning of a relationship, difficulties await this couple, but if the dating phase is completed successfully, a breakup is practically excluded.

The next option is a Capricorn man. True, in this novel there is more rationalism than passion, but it can result in an excellent marriage of convenience that can stand the test of time, because both of these signs are distinguished by their penchant for pragmatism.

The Taurus woman and the Virgo man have excellent prospects: she gives him what Virgo so lacks emotionally. And he, in turn, either “evens out” and “smoothes out” the spiritual impulses and tossing of Taurus, or, on the contrary, “cheers up” as needed.

Two Taurus will butt horns every now and then (as a rule, there are only two reasons for conflicts - jealousy and money), but they have so much in common, the power of erotic attraction is so strong that we can conclude that they are created for each other, just like This union would not look boring and predictable from the outside.

Not suitable for Taurus

A Taurus woman and a Libra man are absolutely not suitable for each other; with a Gemini man you can spend one wonderful night and learn a lot about yourself, but this romance is unlikely to last too long - the pragmatic Taurus seems too serious and thorough to the frivolous Gemini. With Sagittarius, the Taurus woman is unlikely to stand it for more than a month - as soon as he begins to persuade her to change her lifestyle, she will not stand it and will run away.

The relationship between Taurus and a Scorpio man is doomed from the very beginning - in this union there is a clear “overdose” of jealousy and revenge. Aries and Aquarius have too little in common with a Taurus woman. Leo is too brutal for her (however, because of such an obvious difference, a one-night stand can turn out very well).

With the help of the stars you can learn a lot of interesting things about a person; just find out his date of birth and look at the horoscope. Of course, it is very difficult to find 100% matches in the description of the zodiac sign and a person’s character, but the main features can be predicted with high probability. In this article we will consider the character of women born under the sign of Taurus.


“Patience and work will grind everything down” - words that most accurately characterize stubborn Taurus.

The Taurus woman rarely changes her life attitudes, so she tends to choose the beaten path. Their rationalism does not allow participation in adventures, because the outcome of risky undertakings is unpredictable. Even following a certain plan of action, the Taurus woman usually tries to think through other options for the development of events in order to be ready for anything. However, despite their static character, they have a very rich inner world.

People born under the auspices of Taurus are rightfully considered one of the most homely and family-oriented people. This is especially clear when we're talking about about the fair sex. They are gentle, patient and very economical people. In their apartment, every thing has a purpose, and general view The interior is decorated laconically and tastefully. As a rule, this woman is not seduced noisy parties And public events, she will be more willing to spend her free time at home, with her family and friends, and will spend the saved money on arranging her nest.

Outwardly, the representative of this sign looks quite feminine. She usually has beautiful, glowing skin. A beautiful neckline and soft features always attract the attention of men, which does not surprise this woman at all. Her equanimity and confident behavior add even more charm to the appearance. Her silhouette is not devoid of rounded shapes, and if a Taurus woman does not watch her diet, she can gain extra pounds.

In front of everyone positive qualities oh lady Taurus does not tolerate comments and objections. She really likes everything to be according to the plan drawn in her head, and is sincerely upset when they try to disobey her. If she is often unfairly offended, she may harbor a grudge, and the person will not soon be able to rehabilitate himself in her eyes.

Among Taurus there are many famous singers and actresses, they often have a naturally pleasant voice. Among them are Natalia Oreiro, Rene Zellweger, Penelope Cruz, Natalia Andreichenko, Marina Vladi, Svetlana Svetlichnaya.

Natalia Oreiro

Penelope Cruz

Svetlana Svetlichnaya


The value of girls born under this sign lies not only in their thriftiness and reverent attitude towards home. They are real women who do not try to compete with a man by pulling the blanket over themselves. Taurus respects the masculine qualities of his companion and knows how to maintain the balance of energy in the union.

After all, her ideas about the family can be called absolutely classic: the husband is the breadwinner, the wife is his support, the keeper of the hearth and mother.

From an astrological point of view, Virgo and Capricorn are suitable life partners for her. They also support traditional ideas about marriage and are able to make a wonderful couple with Taurus. Cancer and Pisces will also get along quite well with her, the main thing is to be able to compromise and accept some of the partner’s inconsistencies with the ideal. Astrologers consider the union between two Taurus not very successful, since at least one of the partners must be more active, and sometimes capable of taking risks, in order to move forward. Astrologers do not recommend Taurus-Sagittarius and Taurus-Aquarius marriages. The first one is too unstable and independent for her, the second one is even worse - he always has his head in the clouds and expresses incredible ideas.


The Taurus woman is ready to disappear into caring for her family and home. She gladly receives guests, treats them to a variety of dishes, creates an environment conducive to communication and demonstrates herself as an exemplary wife. Children appreciate her love and even in adolescence can share their problems with their mother, knowing that she can give good advice and gently guide you to the right decision.

Like any insult, she will definitely remember her partner’s flirting with other women and will keep everything to herself, suffering from the injustice that is happening. But she is unlikely to let her man get away with such behavior. Gradually, quiet aggression will result in righteous anger, and then the person who dares to offend her will receive a huge scandal with far-reaching consequences.

It is not so easy to win the heart of a Taurus lady, because she prefers to decide for herself who she should be with, and she clearly knows what she wants. Annoying seducers often fail with her. Expensive gifts, gourmet restaurants and the impeccable appearance of the suitor himself can help charm this lady. Primitive intimacy, even in extreme conditions, is not to her liking. It is much better if everything happens in an elegantly furnished apartment, with all the attributes of a romantic night of love. If a man prepares everything properly, then she will not skimp on affection and passion.

If a representative of this sign has met her great love and the person suits her in everything, then she will be devoted to him to the end. Undoubtedly, she has many positive qualities, but her husband must also correspond and be on the same level with her. A man who relaxes too much in marriage with her and begins to take her virtues for granted risks becoming a cuckold.

Having realized that her partner is not “the one,” Taurus is able to be polygamous, love several men at once and at the same time value relationships with them.

Career and finance

Since Taurus values ​​stability in everything, money is very important to her, because it gives her a much-needed sense of security and confidence in the future. Our heroine is not chasing easy prey and knows that free cheese is only in a mousetrap, so she is ready to work hard and hard. People who have achieved everything through their work evoke genuine admiration from the Taurus woman.

Most often, her area of ​​interest is specific activities with clearly defined responsibilities. If this is a creative specialty, then it should be related to the arrangement, repair or design of a house, handicrafts, agriculture. Such a woman can show herself well in the sale of property. She likes to create beautiful things. You can realize yourself in this area as a couturier or publisher fashion magazine, For example.

But despite the craving for beauty, such a woman rarely becomes a “free artist” who creates at the behest of a capricious muse. Taurus is characterized by high efficiency and spares no effort on the path to success. Her will and determination can be envied - natural restraint and the ability to behave correctly in society help with this. Taurus may seem too slow at work, but they are able to really delve deeply into the essence of the matter, not missing important details that others may overlook. Having become a boss, which a Taurus woman is quite capable of, she remains polite and friendly in her interactions with colleagues, makes informed decisions and will never sacrifice work for the sake of personal matters.

As you know, each zodiac has 30 degrees in the zodiac circle, and they are divided by astrologers into decades.

Here are the main distinctive features Taurus born on different days.

The first ten days (from April 21 to May 1) are ruled by the planet Venus. Astrologers endow these women with higher sensuality than their “colleagues” in the constellation. Important years in life: 16, 24, 30, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57. Such women especially like to enjoy life, are drawn to beauty, and sometimes they themselves try to develop vocal and theatrical talents.

The second decade (from May 2 to May 11) experiences the powerful influence of Mercury. Important years in life: 16, 21, 24, 33, 41, 50, 60, 64. Luck favors them in such professions as lawyer, teacher, salesman, editor, diplomat.

They are especially careful and know how to make the right decisions to advance their careers.

The third decade (from May 11 to May 20) is under the auspices of Saturn. These are truly stubborn Taurus, but they often limit themselves to too narrow limits. But in their quest for success they can move mountains and achieve impressive results. Important years in life: 16, 21, 24, 33, 41, 50, 60, 64. It is recommended to include all professions related to land, real estate, as well as management, entrepreneurship and engineering in their area of ​​interest.


The main animal mascot of this sign is the bull, which is not surprising, since this is the “face” of the constellation. The owl gives wisdom and self-control to the Taurus woman. And for those who especially appreciate career success Astrologers advise getting a figurine of a horse as a symbol of efficiency and success.

According to professional astrologers, stones as talismans for Taurus should not be too active. Their main task is to concentrate and direct the innate energy of representatives of a given zodiac in the right direction.

Taurus women value their loved ones very much and stability in love and professional relationships is important to them, so most astrology experts recommend that they wear turquoise jewelry. In order for a man to be devoted to his partner, she can sew small stones of this mineral into the lining of her clothes.

For Taurus who have not yet tied the knot, who are searching for themselves and striving for knowledge, sapphire will be useful. He will also help to attract a wealthy gentleman who will help her fulfill all her dreams. Since Taurus is sensitive and vulnerable, they can be advised to wear green agate. He will help drive away sad thoughts, get rid of the blues and increase your energy. Green agate also helps to weed out everything unnecessary and concentrate on what is truly important.


Green agate

Jasper is another natural stone recommended for our heroine. The mineral protects against negative forces, the evil eye, envy, and helps attract success. Bloody jasper is especially good for those born in the first ten days - from April 21 to May 1. Relieves its owner from accumulated fatigue, restores vigor and self-confidence.

Coral increases the vitality of Taurus born from May 2 to May 11. Helps remove negative attitudes that make her doubt herself. Representatives of this sign whose birth date falls in the third decade are especially recommended to wear diamond jewelry.

The stone increases the sociability of its owner, develops everything in a person best qualities and gives the ability to think clearly in any situation.



What plants are suitable?

Taurus is instinctively drawn to agriculture and gardening, because it is the first sign of the zodiac circle of the Earth element. You can often see indoor flowers in her house. For her, growing plants is not just an opportunity to decorate her home and bring comfort to it, it is something that helps her feel harmony and restore her strength.

Taurus has many mascot flowers.

To maintain positive energy in the house and attract success, they are advised to “plant” the following plants:

  • Kalanchoe;
  • cyclamen;
  • primrose;
  • tulip;
  • lily of the valley.



All of them are plants that attract wealth, but special attention Astrologers advise turning Taurus to Kalanchoe. With careful appearance it has great strength. This green friend will become not just a talisman for its owner, but will also help in the fight against many ailments. Cyclamen will help Taurus find harmony with themselves and bring peace and tranquility to their home.

Among the trees, Taurus talismans are called:

  • hazel;
  • aspen;
  • linden;
  • ash.



All of them are very firmly anchored in the earth, and Taurus, in a sense, also have “powerful roots,” which is expressed in their reverence for ancestors and traditions. These trees are also characterized healing properties. You can use them to make a small amulet that will protect the owner from negativity and attract good luck.

Oak, hazel and linden allow these women to gain energy for great achievements. Aspen helps soft Taurus to defend their opinion, despite the pressure of others. Walnut boosts communication skills modest representatives of the zodiac sign and helps to maintain strength for work.

Lucky numbers

According to numerologists, our lives are ruled by numbers, and every person, in one way or another, experiences the magic of numbers.

Every month Taurus has favorable days. They are conducive to business meetings, financial transactions and even romantic dates. 2 is the number of contact of opposites. At the same time, it represents the number of balance, which means its energy is consonant with Taurus. Lucky number by date of birth for Taurus it is 4. This is a symbol of a square: it is characterized by strength, stability, like the harmony of the four elements or four seasons. Also successful will be the endeavors that Taurus started on the 3rd of any month.

The main figure that determines lucky days Taurus is the number 6. In addition, they are favored by other numbers that are multiples of six. They have two threes or three twos.

According to numerologists, all this should be taken into account when setting dates for important events.