Criteria for the distribution of the child population into health groups. Child health groups: main features and evaluation criteria

The second month is a crucial period for expectant mothers. On the one hand, the corpus luteum transfers its powers to the placenta that has formed; on the other, girls who have not had obvious signs pregnancy, get a whole bunch of pregnancy symptoms.

At the beginning of this period, no one doubts their interesting position. Right now you need to focus on a healthy lifestyle and carefully monitor your health.

The second month of pregnancy is about 5 weeks from conception. This period is considered very important. We should try to exclude as much as possible negative influence for a pregnant woman.

The most turning point there is 7 week. This week, the corpus luteum finishes its work of preserving the fetus in the body and transfers its powers to the placenta. This is where everything carried in a woman’s body can affect the formed placenta.

Roughly speaking, it may not develop completely or develop incorrectly. As a result, a woman may lose her child.

Everyone knows that a pregnant woman is registered at 12 weeks. But a woman must carefully monitor her condition and, if she suspects something is wrong, she must inform the doctor about it. By the second month, all girls already know about their situation, so it will not be difficult to diagnose problems.

True, there are cases when the expectant mother has no idea about the child, but this is more an exception than a fact.

In order to accurately determine your condition and the condition of the fetus, you should know everything about this period.

Signs of pregnancy in the second month of pregnancy

As already mentioned, not all women feel their situation during the first month. Many may not even realize it, especially if they go or, but the girl still became pregnant.

But the next period becomes more obvious and accurate with the help of emerging signs of pregnancy.

Among them are:

  • Period. They are absent from a woman’s life and will not appear soon.
  • . Who hasn't heard of toxicosis?! Some are even sure that pregnancy is impossible without it. This is not at all true, but the fact remains that toxicosis appears in almost every pregnant woman. Its manifestations include: morning, sometimes vomiting. An aversion to smells, even the favorite scent from Dolce&Gabbana becomes a cause of cloudiness in the head or a cause of nausea.
  • Taste preferences. If before a woman could not live without fried fish, then in the second month he may completely refuse this dish. On the contrary, mash the herring with jam.
  • Smells. A woman's body is designed to protect the embryo from external negative impacts. So a pregnant woman cannot tolerate the smell of tobacco smoke and other harmful substances.
  • Drowsiness. She can attack the expectant mother suddenly, especially when she wants to take a nap after lunch.
  • Increased fatigue. The body needs to work for two. On the one hand, the woman continues to live as before, on the other, he needs to actively work for the future baby.
  • Dizziness. Headaches may become more frequent, weakness may occur more often, and there may even be fainting. If a pregnant woman suffers from hypotension, then she is more likely to have problems with pressure surges.
  • Skin pigmentation. With the second month of pregnancy may come age spots on the body. Their frequent habitat is the face. It is also possible that a brown line will begin to appear along the abdomen, starting from the navel and all the way to the pubis. This line will remain on the woman’s body for a long time after childbirth.
  • Frequent urination. There are two reasons for this process. First, frequent urination is to blame accelerated process metabolism. And the second reason is that the uterus enlarges and begins to put pressure on the back wall of the bladder.
  • Breast. Yes, the changes will in any case affect such a piquant place. It may become painful and sensitive. and increases in size and the woman may no longer fit into her usual clothing size. Changes will also affect the color of the nipples - they will acquire a darker, more saturated color. In addition, a woman may notice clear veins on her chest. In some women, colostrum appears.
  • Bloating. Even this symptom may relate to pregnancy.
  • Digestive problems. My stomach was “seething” both from a feeling of hunger and vice versa, although the food was absolutely fresh.
  • . Unfortunately, this symptom can often disturb a pregnant woman, because against its background, such an unpleasant disease as hemorrhoids can appear.
  • Stomach. Many people in the second month of pregnancy will look for growth in their belly. But this is unlikely to happen so early. True, the stomach can change shape and become smooth and round, especially if the woman has a thin body structure.
  • Stretching pain. Sometimes, this month may be characterized by pain in the lumbar region and. This is due to the growing uterus, which puts pressure on the relaxed ribs of the back.
  • Emotional outbursts. The woman begins to rush from one extreme to another. But she laughed at the joke and immediately felt sad from the same funny situation. Sudden attacks of anger or depressive state. Anything can happen and everything is to blame. Now they are going through big changes.
  • Varicose veins. A fairly common problem for women with a weak venous system. In such situations, you should take care of yourself and do a few simple rules. Try to gain as little weight as possible throughout your pregnancy. Sitting less, and while sitting, do not cross your legs over your legs. When it's time to rest, it is recommended to hold your feet above your head, for example, by placing them on a pillow.

All these symptoms should not frighten the expectant mother. Over time, when the body adjusts to the new mode of operation, it will become much better and even then you can feel the whole process of pregnancy.

2 months pregnant and baby

The second month of pregnancy is characterized by dangerous period for the baby. Therefore, mommy should be especially attentive to environment so as not to inadvertently harm your child.

During this period little man does not yet resemble its species, but the first outlines of a person are already appearing. Eyes, nose, mouth, and ears emerge. The arms and legs acquire the rudiments of fingers. Internal organs are actively forming.

A distinctive feature for a baby in the second month of pregnancy is brain development. For the first time he begins to try to move: he opens his mouth, turns his head.

It’s still difficult for him to do everything, but every day the child is getting better at doing it. Mommy doesn’t feel it yet, but everything can be seen on an ultrasound.

If the child is male, then the testicles begin to grow during this month. The girls are still waiting in the wings.

The baby's appearance during this period becomes only 3 mm.

Dangers of the second month of pregnancy

Unfortunately, pregnancy does not always proceed without problems. Despite the feeling of joy that a baby will soon be born, some moments during pregnancy may not be so pleasant.

This concerns general well-being and also the health of the genital organs.

There are signs that should alert a pregnant woman.


It is better to “bring down” a high temperature during pregnancy folk remedies: drink linden or raspberry tea. If this does not give results, then take medicines, but after consulting a doctor.

If you see one of the signs of this month, you need to urgently contact antenatal clinic. The gynecologist will determine the cause, prescribe a course of gentle treatment, and then the pregnancy will proceed without problems.

Behavior of a pregnant woman in the 2nd month

We have already mentioned several times that this month is very important for both mother and child. Therefore, it is so important to correctly adjust your behavior in order to avoid many of the dangers that the second month poses.

Many may exclaim: pregnancy is not a disease. And this is a correct statement, but it’s still worth taking care.

Daily routine

  • Change the daily routine to suit comfortable conditions. At this stage, the body works for two people, so it needs to be given more rest. Try to sleep about 8-9 hours a day. If possible, pay attention to rest during the day.
  • Choose physical activity according to your period, two months. On the Internet you can find many exercises for women in the first trimester of pregnancy. If the girl previously led an active lifestyle, then the load will be greater than that of a non-athletic person.
  • Add mandatory walking to your schedule, about 1-1.5 hours a day. In this way you activate the saturation of the body with oxygen. And the mood will always be better after such outings.
  • Eliminate all your bad habits completely. Here, it seems to us, comments are unnecessary.
  • Maximum avoidance of stressful situations.
  • Maintain drinking regime. This month you are allowed to consume at least 1.5 liters clean water or freshly squeezed juices.

Eating in an “interesting situation”

I would also like to draw attention to dietary adjustments for a pregnant woman. After all, everything that a pregnant woman consumes is passed on to the baby, which is why it is so important to take the right food and more vitamins.

And do the following:

  • Amount of food. It doesn't have to be big. It’s better a little 6 times a day than two times, but a lot. By eating small portions, it is easier for the body to process food, and, accordingly, more benefits will come from food.
  • Eliminate fried, fatty, spicy foods from your diet. Give preference to steamed dishes.
  • Eat fewer carbohydrates.
  • Don't overindulge in sweets.
  • Replace potatoes with porridge, make it a rule to eat meat or fish every day.
  • The pregnant body really needs calcium, so hooray for dairy products. Just give preference natural products than purchased.
  • Stop fast food, no to fast food.
  • Eat fresh vegetables and fruits every day.
  • Nuts provide the body with essential amino acids and proteins.
  • Dried fruits are welcome, rich in vitamins and filling.
  • Eat food long before bedtime, at least 2 hours before it. In this case, the food will have time to digest, and morning toxicosis will not be so bad.

Vitamins for pregnant women

The modern world offers many types of special vitamins for pregnant women. Which one to choose is better to consult with a gynecologist.

Usually a supplement is added to vitamins. It is available to everyone. Its main function is considered to be the development of the nervous tissue of the embryo, plus the formation of blood vessels of the placenta. It is recommended to take folic acid long before conception. Since it plays a huge role in the formation of DNA. The course duration is up to 12-14 weeks.

Vitamin E is added to folic acid, which is responsible for blood flow between mother and child. It also prevents detachment and aging of the placenta. And more.

Any month of pregnancy will be important and significant for a woman, because she is preparing to fulfill her mission - to become a mother. The main thing you need to adhere to is to smile more often and surround your unborn baby with your love. And all other problems will disappear under the pressure of upcoming happiness.

According to the Constitution Russian Federation, the state is obliged to promote in every possible way the preservation of the health of its citizens. This is why there is public medicine, social insurance, regular medical examinations of the population are carried out. Correctly assessing the condition of the human body and providing him with an optimal package of medical services allows adult health groups and children. Official medicine identifies three main health groups for the elderly middle-aged people and citizens.

Health groups in adults. Group No. 1

The first health group includes people who do not have any chronic diseases. Their health is quite good, colds rarely get sick. Blood pressure is normal or has slight deviations that are not significant for normal social life and fulfilling work and family responsibilities.

Typically, people with the first health group actively engage in sports and try to lead a healthy lifestyle. They don't have bad habits, narcotic or alcohol addiction. They are very attentive to the condition of their own body: they eat rationally, strictly observe all hygiene standards, and do not forget about exercise. When the first signs of the disease appear, immediately consult a doctor.

Standard monitoring is carried out among people belonging to the first health group, no more than once a year. This is quite enough to prevent the development of chronic diseases.

Health groups in adults. Group No. 2

The second group includes people who are fully able to work, but have some chronic diseases. Most often, these diseases occur without any exacerbations or sharp deterioration of the condition.

People with the second health group maintain a moderate level of physical activity and do not always eat rationally. They don't have drug addiction, but may have bad habits (for example, smoking). Monitoring of the body's condition is carried out among the second group more often, about twice a year. If necessary, treatment is prescribed.

Health groups in adults. Group No. 3

The most typical purpose of the third health groups for pensioners and people who have been disabled since childhood. The ability to work can be lost completely or partially; exacerbations of chronic diseases regularly occur, which significantly prevent a person from maintaining a normal level of social and physical activity.

Preventive examinations of people belonging to the third health group are carried out especially often, about 3–4 times a year. If necessary, hospitalization is prescribed. A person with a third health group has the right to treatment in dispensaries and sanatoriums.

For medical assessment general condition the body of an adult, as well as to control the development of the child’s body in Russian healthcare The concept of health groups was introduced. In order to effectively and timely provide the patient with the necessary assistance, after undergoing medical examination, information about the presence or absence of chronic diseases and functional disorders is entered into the patient’s medical record and the corresponding subgroup is assigned.

What are health groups

Since 2013, our country has carried out annual medical examinations in order to improve support for the health of the population, timely detection of severe chronic diseases that cause early loss of working capacity and high level mortality. Based on its results, each citizen is assigned an adult health group corresponding to his condition, risk factors are assessed, preventive medical measures are carried out, and recommendations are issued, depending on the stage of exacerbation of the disease.

Children's health subgroups are a conditional scale, each point of which describes the main criteria for the development of a growing organism, health indicators and prognosis for the future. The appropriate subgroup is assigned by the pediatrician based on the results general analyzes, examinations completed, information about congenital pathologies (if any). During the development of the baby, it may change due to the improvement or deterioration of the child’s health.

Adult health groups

Every citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of twenty-one, according to current legislation, has the right to go to a medical institution for a preventive examination or medical examination. Classification into groups is made on the basis of such health indicators as the presence of dangerous chronic diseases, level of physical activity, and the presence of bad habits. The examination is aimed at timely detection of:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • heart disease;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • failures in the liver and kidneys, urolithiasis;
  • the presence of malignant neoplasms;
  • malfunctions cardiovascular system, vascular system of the brain.

Based on the data obtained as a result of the examination, the therapist determines which subgroup the patient belongs to, and, in accordance with his condition, decides on the need for additional second-stage examinations and refers him to a specialist (gastroenterologist, surgeon, oncologist). After passing the second stage, additional tests and consultations, all data is entered into a health passport, issued to the patient.

1 group

The first subgroup includes healthy citizens who, according to the results of a medical examination, have not identified any diseases, no deviations from the norm, no changes in condition internal organs and systems. Normal level all indicators does not imply constant monitoring, the therapist issues general recommendations on compliance with the principles healthy image life, undergoing the desired medical and health procedures.

2nd group

Identification of a disease in a patient that does not affect the limitation of his working capacity, activity that does not lead to serious deterioration in body functions, allows the patient to be classified into the next subgroup. The second subgroup in adults involves a chronic disease in remission without exacerbations. Its representatives are recommended to undergo a group of exercise therapy and undergo a preventive examination at least 2 times a year.

3 group

Citizens with exacerbations of chronic non-infectious diseases belong to the third subgroup and are subject to mandatory medical examination in order to receive the necessary medical care. With regular exacerbations of an existing disease, a patient in this group may be temporarily or completely limited in his ability to work, and he may qualify for disability.

4 group

The fourth group includes patients who do not have at the moment an established chronic disease, but in need of dispensary observation due to the high risk of its development. They undergo the necessary diagnostic procedures in accordance with the established procedure, receive special medical recommendations, and are subject to regular supervision by a highly specialized specialist.

Methods for forming risk groups of the adult population

There are population groups that, due to a number of factors, are susceptible to developing serious chronic diseases; they are called risk groups. In accordance with these factors they are divided into:

  • demographic;
  • production risk;
  • risk based on functional status;
  • due to low standard of living;
  • based on signs of deviant behavior (chronic alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.)

Health groups for children

Pediatrics uses this concept to assess the development of the physical and mental state of a child, in accordance with his age, anthropometric and other data. After assigning the appropriate subgroup, parents are given recommendations, taking into account the conclusions made about the necessary health promotion measures, preparatory medical care for sick children, the required level of physical activity corresponding to the child's condition.

Criteria for assessing the health status of children

For a comprehensive assessment of all indicators of the child’s health and development, he is examined not only by a pediatrician, but also by a number of specialized specialists: an ophthalmologist, a cardiologist, a neurologist and others. The subgroup is assigned based on data obtained as a result of each specific examination and may change with the age of the child. The main criteria for evaluation are:

  • hereditary factors (conclusions are made after interviewing the parents of the newborn, based on information from the medical history of the closest relatives);
  • anthropometric data, physical development of the child;
  • condition of internal organs and systems;
  • level of body resistance.

Distribution of children by health groups

Based on the data obtained, children are divided into 5 subgroups, a prognosis is made taking into account risk factors (hereditary, social), the information is entered into the child’s medical record and brought to the attention of parents. With age, the baby’s health status may change, and his subgroup will also change. In most cases, unfortunately, negative dynamics are observed, chronic diseases progress, the condition of internal organs and systems worsens, and delays may begin. physical development.

How are health groups of preschoolers classified?

Children preschool age classified into 5 subgroups, starting with 1 – it includes healthy children with normal physical development, ending with 5 – children with congenital defects, pronounced changes in the condition of internal organs and systems, and childhood disabilities. Group 2 is divided into two subgroups, depending on the risk factors, not expressed (severe heredity, birth injuries) or expressed (frequent relapses of diseases that risk developing into chronic ones).

The fourth subgroup includes children with developmental disabilities and chronic diseases. Diagnoses of group 5 – developmental defects, severe hereditary diseases with constant relapses, deviations in physical and mental development, reduced functionality (difficulty with walking, speaking, etc.). When this subgroup is established, the issue of whether the child receives disability with appropriate social and medical benefits is decided.

Disease table

Chronic diseases, congenital pathologies

Condition of internal organs and systems

Physical and neuropsychic development

First (healthy)

Not identified

No change, normal

No deviations

Second (conditionally healthy)

At risk

With functional deviations

Normal, possible short stature, underweight or overweight

Third (compensated)

Available, without a pronounced effect on the functionality of the body

With pronounced deviations that appear during the period of exacerbation of the underlying disease

Fourth (subcompensated)

With pronounced pathologies

Changes in the functions of affected organs

Normal, slight deviations possible

Fifth (decompensated; disabled children)

Severe congenital pathologies or defects leading to disability

Pronounced changes in function

Significant deviations are possible

Medical groups for physical education

The compulsory curriculum at school includes physical education classes, since physical exercise important for maintaining the normal development of healthy babies and preventing the development of diseases in unhealthy ones. Physical education groups according to medical indicators are divided into main, preparatory group and special, which involves mandatory physical therapy classes.


The physical health group for children and adolescents, called the main group, includes classes with maximum intense loads. It includes children who are recognized as healthy and can attend children's sports sections. They do not require a reduction in physical activity; during physical education lessons they perform general gymnastic exercises, applied sports, and take part in team sports.


If there are complications after illnesses, if there is a slight lag behind the norm of physical development for his age and according to the recommendations given as a result of a general examination, the child can be assigned to the preparatory subgroup. The same set of exercises is performed, but the training load is reduced. Healthy boys and girls, who for one reason or another have poor health, study here.

Special group

Children with developmental disabilities and severe functional impairments engage in physical education according to special programs in special groups. They are not completely exempt from physical education lessons. In addition to individual or group classes designed taking into account their characteristics, they can take part in some classes together with the preparatory or main group, in agreement with the doctor and under the supervision of the teacher.

What does health group mean?

Clinical examination is a mandatory procedure when registering a baby in kindergarten or school. Sometimes, while waiting in line, parents flip through the baby’s medical card and find out that their son or daughter has a certain health group, which is numbered from one to five. What does this mean, how is this indicator determined and can it change? Let's look for answers to these questions!

What are children's health groups?

First, it’s worth deciding on the terminology. So, by health group we mean the state children's health, which is determined based on the results comprehensive research. Initially, they “give an assessment” during the initial care of a newborn, but this is not the final “verdict.” In the future, the latest data from preventive pediatric examinations, as well as the results of clinical tests or studies, are taken into account.

Important! Acute illnesses, inflammatory processes or diseases that the baby has suffered are not taken into account. The exception is illnesses that have become chronic.

How is a group defined?

Before the pediatrician writes down a number in the outpatient card that indicates the health group - for example, 2, 5 or 1, tests are taken from the child, and doctors evaluate his condition. In this case, they are guided by several criteria.

  • Does the baby have chronic illnesses, congenital or genetic pathologies?
  • How the body's systems function - functional tests and clinical methods are used to determine this criterion.
  • The level of resistance and resistance of the body - here the frequency of diseases and their severity are taken into account.
  • Harmony of physical, mental, emotional development a small patient - when assessing this criterion, special tables and regional criteria are used, on the basis of which a conclusion is made about the level of development.

Types and characteristics of groups

Often parents are interested in what a child’s health group 2, 3 or 5 means and whether it can be changed. To understand this issue and find out what the health groups in children mean and what they are, check out the summary table for diseases.

Group number Pathologies, chronic diseases Functional assessment of organs and systems Reactivity and resistance State of the art
1 NoNormalThe child rarely suffers from acute diseases; they are mildIndicators correspond to age standards
2 NoFunctional abnormalities diagnosedThe diseases are characterized by a long period of progression and a protracted recovery period.Physical development is normal, there may be excessive body weight (first degree); neuropsychic development is normal or slightly delayed
3 Eat birth defects or pathologies, chronic diseases, but the functions of systems and organs are not impairedThere are functional abnormalities that are not clinically manifestedChronic diseases rarely worsen, their course is mild; during exacerbations, general health practically does not deterioratePhysical indicators are normal, overweight of the first or second degree, growth may be delayed; mental indicators and activity nervous system– normal or slightly delayed
4 Diagnosed with congenital pathologies, developmental defects, chronic diseasesThe affected organs function in an altered mode, there are clinical manifestationsColds and viruses occur frequently, the recovery period takes a long time; exacerbations of the underlying chronic disease are frequent.The same criteria as for the third group: normal physical characteristics, possible excess body weight of the first or second degree, short stature; neuropsychic development – ​​within normal limits or lagging behind
5 Severe birth defects, malformations, chronic pathologies that lead to disabilityChanges in functionality are clearly expressedBoth chronic and acute diseases occur frequently and are severeNeuropsychic indicators correspond to age or are lagging behind, physical characteristics are normal, there may be short stature or excessive body weight (first, second degree)

Please note that children's health groups are not only numbered, there are also verbal description, which displays their characteristics:

  • First– no deviations;
  • Second– this is a risk group with functional deviations;
  • Third– this is the state of compensation;
  • Fourth– state of subcompensation;
  • Fifth– state of decompensation.

Did you know? More than 90% of children, according to medical statistics, belong to the second to fifth groups. There are less than 10% of babies who belong to the first category.

  • Children who belong to the first group can engage in any type of educational, sports or labor activity, there are no restrictions here. Visiting sections, participating in competitions or olympiads will not harm your health. There is no need to diet or limit activity.
  • The second group is an indicator small changes in the normal functioning of the body. Hardening and strengthening procedures are recommended for such children. It is necessary to ensure that the diet is balanced according to the child’s weight. Much attention pay attention to physical activity, while the possibility of passing sports standards depends on the child’s condition. Pediatricians advise walking more, participating in sports clubs and sections. Participation in competitions is possible with medical permission.

  • If the child has the third group, before playing sports it is necessary to visit a doctor, who will give recommendations and tell you about the restrictions that should be observed. It is necessary to pay attention to recovery after physical activity and sufficient rest. These children need to exercise at a slow pace and monitor their heart rate. Participation in sports competitions is limited, only with medical permission.
  • Children with the fourth health group need regular check-ups with a pediatrician. There may be restrictions in mastering the curriculum, individual lessons. You should pay attention to creating a daily routine and provide sufficient time for rest. Limited physical activity, and sports are replaced by physical therapy. The lesson program is developed taking into account the child’s condition and specific diseases that he has.
  • The activity of children with the fifth group is even more limited. They definitely need a full, long rest, and physical activity should be supervised by parents and a doctor. Such children need physical therapy classes, as well as procedures aimed at strengthening and maintaining the child’s condition. Any physical activity should be agreed with a doctor. Study programs adjusted individually, home training is possible.

Useful information

Important! Parents should not be alarmed if their baby is assigned to some other group rather than the first. This is not a sentence or a diagnosis, but only an assessment of the current state. In this case, the current health of the baby is taken into account, which makes it possible to correct the effect of various factors affecting the child’s condition.

“Past matters”, for example, illnesses that have not become chronic or the assessment does not affect the health group.

  • If the pediatrician suspects that the child has a disease, he prescribes a consultation with specialists, conducting additional research. Only their results are used to evaluate them.
  • If a child has been diagnosed with several diseases, the most severe of them is taken into account when determining the group.
  • The health group is determined for children under seventeen years of age.

Children's health groups - video

If you want to learn more about how to maintain and improve children's health of different ages To see what criteria doctors use to determine this or that group, pay attention to the following video. In it, experts talk about the main aspects of children's health and what parents can do to keep their sons and daughters healthy.

The health group is comprehensive assessment state of the child’s body, which takes into account various factors. With age, it can change in one direction or the other. This assessment allows you to create the maximum favorable conditions for the development of the child and improving or maintaining his health.

What health group is your child? Do you know of cases when this indicator has changed? Share your stories in the comments!

In-depth research. During it, the child’s health status is assessed during periods of epicrisis, with subsequent recommendations from specialists for the further full development of the baby.

Detection of various diseases in the early stages and improvement of the child’s health, the goal of which is to prevent the formation of a chronic disease.

The pediatrician determines the health group, taking into account all examinations by specialists.

There are several criteria to assess the child’s health status:

1 criterion - whether deviations are observed in early ontogenesis.

2nd criterion - development in physical terms.

3 criterion - neuropsychic development.

4th criterion - the body's resistance to various painful factors.

5th criterion - the state of organs and systems.

6th criterion - whether there are chronic diseases or congenital diseases.

Thus, the determination of the health group is based on the criteria listed above. So, the child has health group 2. What does this mean?

Characteristics of health group 2

You need to understand that a health group is nothing more than the child’s health state and his predisposition to various diseases, as well as the presence of congenital diseases. Health group 2 includes children who have minor health problems. They tend to get sick more often, for example, acute respiratory infections may be present overweight or the possibility of allergies.

Health group 2 occurs most often in newborns. Because currently, completely healthy children are not born, even if the mother does not suffer from any diseases. A person’s attitude to one or another health group is established not only in but also accompanies him throughout his life.

There are two more subgroups among children who are assigned to group 2

2-A are children who have biological, genetic and social factors for the development of diseases, but they are healthy according to other criteria.

Genetic factors are the presence of relatives with various diseases that can be passed on from generation to generation. For example, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, allergies and others.

Biological factors are deviations that arose during pregnancy and childbirth in the mother. Is it a quick or, on the contrary, a long birth, C-section, prolonged presence of the fetus without amniotic fluid, pathologies of the placenta, abnormal position of the fetus, and so on.

TO social factors include smoking, alcoholism of parents, work of parents in hazardous work, chronic diseases of the mother, too early or late pregnancy. The presence of infections that can be sexually transmitted, the threat of premature birth or miscarriage in the mother. Poor nutrition during pregnancy and violation of the general regime.

2-B are children who have morphological and functional changes. Newborns who belong to this subgroup suffered from some illness in the first days or hours of life and after discharge from the maternity hospital they still have some abnormalities. Such babies often get sick, have constitutional anomalies and other health abnormalities.

Upon discharge from the maternity hospital, the risk group is indicated, and, judging by it, the pediatrician must draw up a plan for observations, examinations, and preventive measures(hardening, vaccinations). If necessary, drug treatment is prescribed.

Children who belong to subgroup 2-B must be monitored at home for up to three months.

So, what is health group 2, and how can children be classified? early age and preschoolers to her?

There are a number of deviations that can be used to judge the child’s health status:

Multiple pregnancy.

Immaturity is post-term, prematurity.

Damage to the central nervous system.

Hypotrophy 1st degree.

Infection in the womb.

Low birth weight.

Excess weight at birth (4 kg or more).

The initial period of rickets, 1st degree of rickets and its residual effects.

Presence of anomalies in the constitution.

Changes that affect the cardiovascular system, changes blood pressure, pulse.

Frequent diseases, including respiratory ones.

Gastrointestinal dysfunction - lack of appetite, abdominal pain, etc.

Group 2 health in a child is not yet an indicator that all deviations must be present in medical card. Just one or a few is enough. The health group is determined based on the most severe deviation.

All parents can easily find out which health group their child belongs to. Every local doctor has this information, and even a nurse will be able to provide explanations. After all, a child’s health group is not a medical secret.

Monitoring the health of children in child care institutions

Information about children from 2 gr. health care must be provided by a nurse at a child care facility. If a child belongs to this group, then during physical education lessons he is offered a set of exercises specially designed for such children. The loads for them should be lower. But this does not mean giving up sports at all. If a child has health group 2, then such children are often prescribed physical therapy classes.

In addition, medical supervision of children who belong to this group is necessary. Since they have it possible high risk development of various pathologies. The main method that allows you to assess the health status of children is a preventive examination, which is carried out by doctors.

There is also an algorithm for determining health groups in children aged 3 to 17 years. Children are examined:

At 3 years old (before entering kindergarten);

At 5 and a half or 6 years old (one year before primary school);

At the age of 8, when the child finishes 1st grade of school;

At age 10, when the child enters secondary school;

At 14-15 years old.

If, as a result of the examination, the child’s health indicators are related to the classes and groups of diseases identified by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, then he is assigned to a certain health group.

Physical education classes for children of health group 2

In order for physical education lessons to be carried out effectively and without risk to the health of schoolchildren, the latter are classified into one of three groups (basic, preparatory and special). The division is made by a pediatrician or therapist at the end academic year, but the specialist makes a final verdict only after a second examination before the start of the next school year.

If a child has health group 2 in physical education, then he belongs to the preparatory medical group. These are practically healthy children, but they have certain deviations and are poorly prepared physically. Schoolchildren can study but with the condition of gradual acquisition of the necessary motor skills and abilities. The dosage of physical activity is observed, contraindicated movements are excluded.

If a child has health group 2, then he is prohibited from performing test tasks in lessons and participate in sporting events. But experts strongly recommend conducting additional physical education classes at home or at school.

Tasks for schoolchildren with health group 2:

Strengthening and improving health;

Improving physical development;

Mastering important motor skills, qualities and abilities;

Improving the body's adaptation to physical activity;

Hardening and increasing the body's resistance to disease;

Forming interest in regular activities physical culture, development of strong-willed qualities;

Upbringing positive attitude to healthy lifestyle;

Mastering a set of exercises that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the child’s body, taking into account the existing disease;

Maintaining proper rest and work schedule, hygiene, and proper nutrition.


Thus, health group 2 in a child is not a death sentence. He should not be considered inferior or terminally ill. The child’s belonging to this group means that he needs sensitive care, and his health must be constantly monitored in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Children with this health group lead a normal life and develop well; they are no different from other children.