What are the benefits of coffee for the body? Harm of coffee to the human body.

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2,100,000,000 cups - that’s how much coffee the world drinks on average every day! More than half total number- instant coffee, the benefits and harms of which are tirelessly discussed. People are most often interested in questions: the composition of the product, the specifics of production, who should not drink it and why, and whether it is possible to drink at all without harm to health.

Each manufacturer has its own manufacturing technology, which is kept strictly secret. Many buyers do not even suspect that up to 80%, sometimes up to 90%, of the mixture in every 100 g of coffee is additives, and only a small part consists of substandard beans. Such a product can hardly be called natural. And it is much inferior in taste. This is why gourmets recommend drinking coffee from their own ground beans.

The raw material does not have the same aroma thanks to which the drink has earned the love of millions of lovers. Where does the smell come from? It's all about the numerous flavoring agents that give coffee its characteristic taste and aroma. It’s not for nothing that they say that instant coffee contains a lot of chemicals. Ordinary buyers know nothing about the composition of these amplifiers. Why take away the illusion of happiness from consumers? People are given that same “charming” taste from advertising, but this is not the aroma of the drink, but of additives similar to natural ones, which aggravate the harm of instant coffee.

What does it consist of and how is it made?

The Robusta variety is more often used in production - it is cheaper and contains more caffeine. Some manufacturers mix it with more expensive high-quality Arabica beans.

Often natural rejected beans are freed from the caffeine-containing shell, which goes into the production of medicines and energy drinks.

That is why a person often does not feel cheerful after drinking such instant coffee, but, on the contrary, wants to sleep. The roasted “naked” grains are crushed and poured hot water and heat up under high pressure. After 3 hours, the infusion is cooled and the water is drained.

There are two ways to make coffee:

  1. High temperature - the mixture is exposed to high temperature and a powder is obtained, which is left as is or steamed to obtain granules;
  2. Low temperature - the mixture is frozen and further crushed, after which it is placed in a vacuum - here excess moisture evaporates. This method is also called.

Manufacturers expensive coffee Those who use high-quality beans in production choose the sublimation method for making instant coffee.

Harm to the body

We can talk about whether instant coffee is harmful based on two aspects - psychological and physical. Psychological is important when addiction occurs. The drink is associated with relaxation, beautiful life. It brings instant pleasure, but it quickly passes, to fill this emptiness, the person drinks more and more. Over time, the problem gets worse - it’s difficult to wake up in the morning without a cup of this drink. Gradually problems begin to appear on physical level.

  • Instant coffee is an insidious enemy for many body systems. For which ones exactly? Here are just some examples.
  • Nervous system. Negative influence exposed to the central nervous system. Given that accumulation occurs, addiction occurs at the physical level. Some experts see this as a drug effect. A person without a cup of coffee cannot work fully; he feels tired, irritated, and sleepy. Stable deviations in behavior are formed, coffee drinkers are susceptible to depression and anxiety.
  • Gastrointestinal tract. Coffee acidifies the body. Subsequently, this is fraught with gastric diseases such as gastritis and ulcers. In addition, this is a difficult product for the liver and pancreas. It is not recommended to drink coffee on an empty stomach - intoxication of the body occurs. It is better to drink it 30-50 minutes after eating.
  • Urinary system. Coffee dehydrates the body because it has a diuretic effect. Calcium is washed out. It is recommended to drink a glass of water 10-15 minutes after drinking coffee.
  • Heart. The drink is harmful to heart patients. Can turn healthy people into heartbroken people if abused. It is especially harmful when combined with a cigarette.

Who should not drink instant coffee?

It is enough to remember what instant coffee is made from, that many people cannot drink it. There are several main risk groups.

  • Pregnant and lactating women. The risk of fetal death in the womb increases greatly. Harm to fetal development. Slows down physical development child. The child develops neurological problems and emotional instability.
  • "Cores". Blood pressure rises, the heart may begin to flutter, the rhythm becomes disrupted, and shortness of breath appears.
  • Drivers. Many cans of inexpensive instant coffee are low in caffeine. After drinking a cup or two, the driver gets behind the wheel, and after 15-20 minutes he already feels sleepy. In addition, this drink promotes the deposition of kidney stones. It is better to drink a cup of natural coffee brewed in a Turk.
  • Elderly. Insomnia and hypertension appear.
  • Children. Aggression, excessive excitement, and imbalance appear.

Are there any benefits to coffee?

Despite the many disadvantages of instant coffee, its use is only growing every year. The secret lies in the advantages of the product:

  • easy and quick to prepare;
  • long shelf life;
  • smells nice.

Are these advantages so significant that drinking a drink could endanger your health? The answer to the question is ambiguous.

Is there a benefit?

In addition to the question of whether instant coffee is harmful to health, it is logical to try to find at least some benefit in it. Yes, there are some benefits to drinking this drink, although some believe this is a controversial issue. The first thing they talk about is good mood and the cheerfulness that a cup of coffee gives in the morning. But here it’s less about the taste of the drink and more about its aroma, which tickles the nostrils and penetrates the brain. Psychology also plays a big role. Many coffee lovers have turned “drinking” this drink into a ritual. It’s hard to break a habit because it gives you pleasure. Such a vicious circle.

How to reduce harm to the body

Attention! It is believed that the harm of coffee will be reduced if you drink it with milk. Yes, but we mean natural coffee beans. So, should you completely give up your favorite instant coffee? If you don’t have the strength, then you don’t need it. In the end, if you really want to, then you can.

BUT! It is necessary to reduce the harm caused to the body. How to do this?

  • As mentioned above, do not drink on an empty stomach and drink a glass of cool water after each cup of coffee.
  • Limit your consumption of instant coffee per day, buy fewer cups.
  • You can replace instant coffee with ground coffee beans.

So, instant coffee in large doses is harmful. But if you follow moderation, nothing bad will happen. Everyone has their own measure, but in this case it should not exceed one or two cups per day.

The health effects of coffee are a favorite topic of debate among coffee lovers and coffee haters. It has been going on for centuries and is unlikely to ever end. After all, both sides consider the effect of coffee on health, based on the results of scientific research. That's right - based on facts! And it must be said that scientists around the world have conducted more than 19 thousand studies on the effects of coffee on health. And their results so far do not make it possible to objectively lean towards one side or the other. Either they will find out that coffee causes cancer, or they will find out that it cures diabetes. How can we determine what the real impact of coffee is on health? I think it's all individual.

When considering the effects of coffee on health, approach this issue individually. That is, ask yourself the question: “What is the effect of coffee on my health?” And listen to your body. If you want coffee, then drink it. And if your body is against it, then do not force yourself, even if you are sure that the effect of coffee on health is very positive.

From time to time, coffee consumption decreases or increases in a given country. But in general, the balance of coffee consumption in the world remains unchanged. And, whatever the effect of coffee on health, its consumption throughout the world is only increasing every year.

Here in lately Analysts note a slight decrease and redistribution of the structure of coffee consumption in Russia. And this is connected not only and not so much with economic reasons(inflation growth, price increases), how much with the increased attention of Russians to their health and the development of a coffee drinking culture in Russia. The last two reasons force Russian coffee lovers to study information about the effects of coffee on health. And, of course, switch from instant to natural product, because everything natural is more useful than anything that has undergone any processing. But is this true? Let's look at the composition of coffee beans.

So, fresh coffee beans contain about 2 thousand substances that shape the effect of coffee on health. Among them are water, caffeine 0.65-2.7%, fat 12%, proteins 13%. During the roasting process, the composition of the coffee beans changes. The degree of change depends on the degree and duration of roasting. In particular, the caffeine content increases to a minimum of 1.3%. And in the process of preparing instant coffee, the caffeine content generally increases to at least 5%. Also, considering the effect of coffee on health, it must be said that coffee beans contain potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and other trace elements. Roasted coffee beans contain vitamin PP, pyridine and other vitamins.

Draw conclusions. For example, if we consider the invigorating and stimulating effect of coffee, then a stronger effect of coffee on health appears if this coffee is instant. Although here you need adjustments for the excitability of your nervous system. For some, even a “horse” dose of coffee does not have any activating effect. Thus, we can once again draw this conclusion: the effect of coffee on health is so individual that there will probably never be any general opinion here.

Harm from coffee

Academician Pavlov studied the harm of coffee to the human body. And to this day, scientific battles continue, confirming or refuting the harm of coffee to the body. However, there are proven facts about the dangers of coffee for the human body. Let's look at them.

Harm of coffee to the nervous system

To be fair, it should be said that in certain doses, coffee improves reaction, increases physical activity, excitability of the brain, mental and physical performance, stimulates the respiratory center. Again, in optimal doses, it reduces fatigue and drowsiness, weakens the effect of sleeping pills and narcotic substances.

However, the harm of coffee is that it is very difficult to determine this very dose on your own. After all, the effect of caffeine on each person is individual, and depends on the type of nervous system. And even a small and not very long-term excess of the individual dose leads to exhaustion nerve cells, disruption of the normal functioning of the body.

This is why coffee should never be given to children. The harm of coffee for children is enormous. Coffee disrupts the growth and development of a child.

By the way, no one, even avid coffee drinkers, should drink it before bed. The last cup should be drunk at least a few hours before bedtime.

Harm of coffee to the heart system

It has been proven that coffee increases cardiac activity, stimulates the vasomotor center, and increases the pulse rate. It also increases blood pressure, although only briefly and slightly. Thus, the harm of coffee for people with arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease and other diseases cardiovascular system. And also for those who are predisposed to these diseases. By the way, people who drink more than 6 cups of coffee a day also run the risk of developing heart problems.

An interesting fact is that the harm of coffee to the cardiovascular system depends on the method of preparing coffee. Coffee prepared by brewing is in this sense much more harmful than drink from coffee makers.

Harm of coffee to the urinary system

If a coffee lover suffers from kidney disease or other organs of the urinary system, then it is better for him to stop drinking this drink. The harm of coffee in this case is that it has a diuretic effect. But if you don’t have the strength to refuse, then at least drink more water. Optimally, a glass of water for every cup of coffee you drink.

Harm of coffee for pregnancy

As they say, you can’t argue with scientific figures. Coffee has been scientifically proven to be harmful to expectant mothers. If a woman drinks at least 4 cups of coffee a day during pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage is about 33%. But as soon as a pregnant woman reduces her coffee consumption to 3 cups, the harm from coffee drops rapidly. The risk of fetal death in the womb is reduced to 3%. The harm of coffee is especially strong during pregnancy from 20 weeks.

Harm of coffee for the content of microelements in the body

It is well established that coffee interferes with the absorption and washes calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and some other trace elements from the body. So if you love coffee, be sure to take vitamin complexes or eat more foods rich in the above micronutrients. For example, after drinking a cup of coffee, eat 15 grams of almonds - this will return the calcium balance to the proper level.

The dangers of coffee in this sense affect women more than men. Surprisingly, this scientific fact. If a woman drinks more than 4 cups of coffee a day, then she has a very high risk of developing osteoporosis. This becomes especially dangerous after menopause. So coffee lovers should especially take care of their bones and be sure to take calcium.

The dangers of decaffeinated coffee

Some people think that by drinking decaffeinated coffee they are eliminating the harmful effects. It's true if we're talking about specifically about caffeine. But this creates another danger. After all, in order to rid coffee beans of caffeine, they are treated with chemicals. And it’s not clear which is more harmful.

Harm of coffee for the whole body as a whole

And finally, let's look at the dangers of coffee for humans in general. Coffee is addictive. And this is also a proven scientific fact.

By exceeding his individual dose, a person becomes dependent. Now he simply physically cannot give up coffee; his body reacts with severe fatigue, drowsiness and even depression. But over time, the effect of caffeine weakens and in order to achieve the same effect, a person has to increase the dose of coffee he drinks. And what this leads to - read above.

And now about the benefits of coffee

Conducted recently scientific research They say with one voice: “The benefits of coffee are undeniable!” The benefits of coffee, according to them, are so great that it is simply impossible to list all the positive effects. Judge for yourself what the benefits of coffee are.

The benefits of coffee as a means of improving mental and physical performance are undeniable. By using scientific experiment Coffee has even been proven to improve mental performance. True, this applies only to those who engage in logical thinking.

The benefit of coffee for a person’s mental health is also reflected in the fact that it increases resistance to stress. It also reduces the risk of depression and suicide, and the risk decreases with increasing amount of coffee consumed.

The health benefits of coffee are great. Just 2 cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of cancer of the liver, pancreas, colon and rectum. And smokers also have a risk of blood cancer. Coffee reduces the risk of developing Parkinson's disease; for this, women need to drink coffee in moderation, and men in large quantities. Coffee reduces the risk of developing diseases such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, asthma, migraine, cholelithiasis, liver cirrhosis, heart attack, and atherosclerosis. 6 cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of diabetes in men by half, and in women by a third.

The benefits of coffee are especially noticeable for men. It improves male reproductive function by increasing sperm motility.

The benefits of coffee for those who want to lose extra pounds are very well known. Just 1 cup of coffee allows you to work out in the gym a third more intensely than usual. And when dieting and exercising, coffee forces the body to use fat, not carbohydrates, for energy. What do you say? In my opinion, the benefits of coffee are obvious! The benefit of coffee for preserving youth and beauty also lies in the fact that coffee contains antioxidants.

The article will reveal all the mysteries that coffee conceals, answer questions about the harms and benefits of coffee, how to store coffee, what are the differences between Arabica and Robusta, which coffee grind to prefer, and many others.

A drink without which many can no longer imagine their lives, coffee has not only become a fixture in the diet, but has also become an integral part of small talk and business meetings, as well as a means to boost energy, improve mood, and a salvation for people with low blood pressure.

However, from time to time you can hear about the results of another study with new facts about the harm or benefits of coffee. Should I give up this familiar drink, or is it completely harmless? In order to make an informed decision, you need to know all the pros and cons of coffee.

How does coffee affect the human body?

The effect that coffee has on the human body consists of its actions individual components. Therefore, first you should look into chemical composition this drink.

Raw coffee beans

Raw coffee beans contain:

  • proteins, fats and carbohydrates
  • alkaloids (trigonelline and caffeine)
  • acids (chlorogenic, quinic, citric, caffeic, oxalic, etc.)
  • tannins
  • mineral salts and trace elements (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, nitrogen, etc.)
  • vitamins
  • essential oils

When roasting, the proportions of elements contained in the grain change, and new compounds are formed (for example, vitamins PP). Depending on the type of coffee beans and the degree of roasting, the composition of the drink also differs.

  • Caffeine
    Known for its properties of stimulating the nervous system, increasing productivity, boosting energy, reducing physical fatigue and drowsiness. Caffeine is also accused of causing addiction and addiction.

IMPORTANT: Caffeine is found in many plants, but large quantities- in guarana, tea leaves, coffee beans, cocoa and cola nuts.

coffee beans
  • Trigonelline
    During the process of roasting beans, trigonelline participates in the formation of the multicomponent substance kafeol, which gives coffee its characteristic taste and aroma. In addition, when fried, trigonelline releases nicotinic acid (vitamin PP or B3), which improves microcirculation, reduces cholesterol levels, etc.

IMPORTANT: A lack of vitamin PP can lead to the development of pellagra (symptoms: diarrhea, impaired mental abilities, dermatitis).

  • Chlorogenic acid
    Present in the composition different plants, but coffee has the highest concentration of this acid. The beneficial properties of chlorogenic acid include improving nitrogen metabolism. In addition, the acids contained in coffee help normalize the gastrointestinal tract. Chlorogenic acid imparts an astringent flavor to coffee.
  • Vitamin P
    Strengthens the walls of capillary vessels. One cup of coffee contains approximately one fifth daily requirement in this vitamin.
  • Essential oils
    They have an antiseptic effect and participate in the formation of the attractive aroma of coffee.
  • Tannins (tannins)
    They have a beneficial effect on digestion and give coffee a bitter aftertaste.

Harm from drinking coffee

cup of coffee in hand

At first glance, the components present in coffee do not cause any harm to the body. But recommendations to give up this drink are still heard quite often. This can be explained by the following negative factors:

  • Addiction
    Regardless of how many cups of coffee you drink a day, you become accustomed to a certain dose of coffee, without which you already feel some discomfort. For this reason, and also because of the feeling of pleasure that coffee evokes, some people try to attribute narcotic properties to coffee. However, the release of the “happiness” hormone serotonin is also observed after eating chocolate. Obviously, classifying these products as drugs is an exaggeration. As for addiction, then unpleasant symptoms Irritability and headaches that appear when you suddenly stop drinking coffee usually disappear quickly.

  • Drinking coffee is often associated with a risk of heart disease, particularly coronary heart disease. There is no reliable evidence that coffee can cause coronary heart disease in a completely healthy person. However, for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, drinking coffee, as well as other caffeine-containing products, is hazardous to health.

heart disease
  • Increased pressure
    Coffee can indeed increase blood pressure, but this effect is short-lived. In addition, research results have shown that in most cases, people who are not accustomed to coffee react with an increase in blood pressure. For those who drank coffee on a regular basis, the increase in blood pressure was either not observed at all or was slight. Therefore, a direct relationship between coffee consumption and the development of hypertension has not been identified. It should be noted that we are talking about reasonable amounts of daily coffee consumption (see below for more details) and healthy people. Obviously, coffee is contraindicated for hypertensive patients.
  • Inability to absorb calcium
    Coffee interferes with the full absorption of calcium. This is one of the reasons why drinking coffee is not recommended during pregnancy, when the female body especially needs calcium. In addition, there is no point in combining the intake of foods that serve as a source of calcium with the consumption of coffee (curds, cheeses, etc.), since calcium simply will not be absorbed by the body.

  • Nervousness and irritability
    These and more serious disorders of the nervous system can be caused by excessive caffeine consumption. According to the study, drinking more than 15 cups of coffee per day can lead to hallucinations, nervousness, convulsions, fever, increased heart rate, vomiting, stomach upset, etc.
    Individual sensitivity to coffee should also be taken into account here. For some, 4 cups a day has no effect on their well-being, while others feel nervous even after one.
  • Formation of benign breast tumors
    This conclusion was reached when studying the effect of excessive doses of caffeine on female body. This applies to all caffeinated products. There is evidence that a benign tumor disappears when caffeine consumption is stopped.
  • Dehydration
    One of the disadvantages of coffee is dehydration of the body, and a person does not always feel thirsty. Therefore, coffee lovers should control the amount of liquid they drink and remember the need for additional water intake.

  • Etc.

Coffee should not be consumed if:

  • atherosclerosis
  • insomnia
  • hypertension and heart disease
  • glaucoma
  • increased excitability
  • cholecystitis
  • liver cirrhosis
  • diseases of the stomach (ulcers, gastritis, etc.), kidneys
  • etc.

You should not indulge in coffee before bed due to possible insomnia and increased excitability.

It is advisable to give up coffee or reduce the amount of coffee during pregnancy. This warning was initially explained by the threat of miscarriage. Recent studies say that caffeine abuse affects the weight of the fetus, as well as the duration of pregnancy. Caffeine reduces baby's birth weight and prolongs gestation period.

pregnant woman with a mug of coffee

In general, it is advisable to talk about the dangers of coffee under the condition of significant abuse, when purchasing low-quality, cheap coffee, as well as in case of violation of the rules for preparing this drink.

Benefits of drinking coffee

Reasonable consumption of caffeine not only does not harm, but also has a positive effect on the functioning of the body. In particular, coffee:

  • promotes mental activity of the brain
  • tones, improves mood, adds strength and energy
  • eliminates headaches, migraines
  • relieves fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness
  • is an antidepressant, reduces the likelihood of suicidal episodes

girl jumping
  • stimulates memory and prevents Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases
  • weakens the effect of hypnotic substances, caffeine is used for intoxication with poisons and drugs
  • stimulates the stomach
  • increases heart activity, increases blood pressure, which alleviates the condition of hypotensive patients
  • has anticarcinogenic properties, reduces the risk of developing cancer
  • reduces the likelihood of liver cirrhosis, gout, diabetes, kidney problems

It is important to emphasize that the positive effect of coffee consumption can only be achieved with moderate consumption of this drink.

Daily coffee consumption

You can allow yourself 300-500 mg of caffeine per day without harm to your health. Depending on the degree of roast and variety, one mug of coffee contains 80-120 mg of caffeine. This means that approximately you can drink 3-4 cups per day without worrying about the possible consequences.

three cups of coffee

The permissible daily dose of caffeine during pregnancy, according to WHO, is 200-300 mg, which is equivalent to 2-3 mugs of coffee.

However, remember that coffee is not the only source of caffeine, so calculate your individual servings based on other caffeine-containing products you consume.


Some studies have documented the negative effects of coffee even when the daily volume of 4-5 mugs is regularly exceeded.
A daily dose of 10 g of caffeine is considered lethal, which corresponds to approximately 100 cups of coffee.

INTERESTING: In terms of the amount of coffee consumed per capita, Finland is in first place, the USA is in second, the UK is in third and Russia is in fourth place.

Types and varieties of coffee: Arabica and Robusta

There are two most popular types of coffee: Arabica and Robusta, while there are more than a hundred varieties.


  • the most common type of coffee
  • has a milder taste, slight sourness and strong aroma
  • contains about 18% oils and 1-1.5% caffeine

Arabica coffee tree


  • characterized by a coarser aftertaste and astringent aftertaste
  • contains about 9% oils and up to 3% caffeine
  • often used in the preparation of instant coffee
  • usually due to the bitter taste in pure form not consumed, but mixed with Arabica in different proportions
  • inferior in popularity to Arabica due to specific taste qualities
  • The caffeine content of Robusta is twice that of Arabica

robusta coffee beans

In addition to these types, there are also Liberica and Excelsa coffees, which are similar in taste to Robusta and are used to create blends.
The taste, smell and chemical composition of coffee, including the amount of caffeine, is determined by climate, the soil where coffee trees grow and other factors, the diversity of which determines the presence large quantity varieties of coffee.

Some of them:

  • Santos, Victoria, Conilon (Brazil)
  • Colombia
  • Ethiopian Arabica Harar
  • Arabica Mysore (India)
  • Tapanchula, Maragogip (Mexico)
  • Mandeling, Lintong (Indonesia)
  • Arabien Mocha (Yemen)
  • Nicaragua Maragojit et al.

different types of coffee

What grind is coffee?

Depending on the method of preparation, duration of aroma development and taste, use different types grinding Highlight:


  • Application: Best suited for use in French presses, piston infusers or classic coffee pots.
  • Time required for full manifestation of taste: up to 8-9 minutes


  • Application: the most versatile grind, used for different brewing methods, good for carob coffee makers
  • Time: up to 6 minutes


  • Application: making coffee in a coffee maker
  • Time: up to 4 minutes

IMPORTANT: For espresso there is special type grind, which is marked accordingly on the coffee packaging. Expresso coffee machines are immediately equipped with a special coffee grinder to obtain a special grind.

Very fine (powdery)

  • Application: ideal for cooking in a Turk to obtain so-called Turkish coffee
  • Time: 1 minute

different grind coffee

If the grind is too fine, it may taste bitter; if the grind is too coarse, the coffee may turn out watery, because if prepared incorrectly, it will not have time to reveal its flavor. In addition, ultra-fine coffee as well as very coarse grinds can clog the coffee machine. Therefore, it is important to adjust the grinding well, to find the most suitable individual taste depending on the type of preparation.

manual coffee grinder

You can grind the coffee yourself using a coffee grinder (manual or electric) or buy the required grind, obtained industrially. The latter usually undergoes additional filtration (through a special sieve) to select coffee particles of the same size. It is known that homogeneous coffee exhibits its taste properties better.

How long can you store ground coffee?

Coffee is very sensitive to air and light. Therefore, it should be stored in an airtight container in a cool place.

coffee storage jar

After opening the package, ground coffee loses its original aroma and taste within a week. Accordingly, to maximize the preservation of taste, ground coffee must be kept in a vacuum.

The most popular coffee drinks

By combining many different ingredients with coffee in various proportions, a wide range of coffee drinks are obtained. Ice cream, caramel, milk, chocolate, liqueur, honey, berry syrups, etc. - This is an incomplete list of products compatible with coffee that give it a unique taste and smell.

types of coffee drinks

Among the most common coffee drinks:

  • espresso− pure coffee, which is prepared in small volumes with a high concentration of coffee, which makes the drink very strong; is the basis for preparing other types of coffee drinks
  • Americano− this is an espresso with a high water content for those who do not like the bitterness of strong espresso
  • cappuccino− coffee with added milk and formation of milk foam
  • macchiato− subtype of cappuccino: coffee + milk foam in equal proportions
  • latte– milk with coffee, where milk takes up a large share of the drink
  • glasse− coffee with ice cream
  • Irish− coffee with alcohol
  • mocha− latte with chocolate
  • Viennese coffee− espresso with whipped cream, sprinkled with chocolate, cinnamon, nutmeg etc.
  • Romano− espresso with lemon zest
  • Turkish coffee− with foam with added spices (cinnamon, cardamom, etc.), classic coffee is brewed in a Turk
  • and many others

Is coffee with milk beneficial or harmful?

coffee with milk

Milk suppresses the effect of caffeine, so coffee with milk has a less tonic effect. For people suffering from gastritis or other diseases for which it is not recommended to indulge in caffeine, coffee with milk
V limited quantities could be a great solution.

IMPORTANT: In its pure form, coffee does not contain calories, but with the addition of milk it loses its properties as a dietary product.

Is coffee with lemon good or bad?

coffee with lemon

Rich in vitamin C, lemon is undoubtedly useful product. In addition, lemon also neutralizes the effects of caffeine. When combined with lemon, the coffee drink acquires a special taste and is perfect for those who love coffee but are wary of excessive caffeine exposure.

Is coffee with cinnamon good or bad?

cup of coffee with cinnamon

Cinnamon is known for its numerous healing properties And widespread use for the purpose of losing weight. Therefore, coffee with cinnamon (without sugar) can become not only delicious drink, but will also contribute to weight loss (subject to other necessary conditions).
However, cinnamon, especially in large quantities, has a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy, hypertension, liver and kidney problems, increased excitability, individual intolerance, etc.

Is decaffeinated coffee good or bad?

At first glance, decaffeinated coffee solves all the problems associated with the negative consequences of excessive caffeine consumption. However, everything is not so simple.

girl with a cup of coffee
  • Firstly, This coffee still contains caffeine, but in small quantities.
  • Secondly, The overwhelming majority of the decaffeination process involves treating the beans with a chemical solvent, ethyl acetate, which, despite subsequent cleaning with boiling water, risks remaining on the coffee bean.
  • Thirdly, One of the negative consequences of drinking decaffeinated coffee is an increase in the amount of free fatty acids in the blood, which are responsible for the formation of bad cholesterol.

In addition, caffeine, as mentioned, has the right approach positive influence on the body.

IMPORTANT: According to research, the accusation that caffeine increases blood pressure is unfounded. Perhaps other components of coffee are to blame.

Therefore, drinking decaffeinated coffee is not always a reasonable substitute.

How to make coffee correctly?

Turkish coffee

The final properties of coffee, including its benefits or harm, depend on the method and correctness of preparation.

In order to cook good coffee at home, if you don’t have a special coffee machine, you need to:

  • pour coffee into the Turk

IMPORTANT: It is better to give preference to the finest grind of coffee.

  • pour cold water
  • wait for the foam to rise and remove from heat
  • let it sit a little and repeat the procedure two more times
  • Before pouring coffee into cups, the latter should be heated by pouring boiling water over them.

IMPORTANT: Coffee should not be brought to a boil.

To prepare Turkish coffee, use 10 g (3 tsp) per glass of water, but the dosage can be changed based on preference.

cup of coffee and coffee beans in smoke
  • In order to check the quality of coffee beans, you can pour them cold water, shake a little and drain the water. If the color of the water has not changed, it means the coffee is of high quality, i.e. does not contain dyes
  • A test for the presence of impurities in ground coffee can be carried out in a similar way: pour cool water. If impurities are present, they will settle and you will notice them at the bottom of the container.

To summarize, we list 10 Key Facts Things you need to know about coffee:

1. With moderate consumption (no more than 3-4 cups per day), coffee does not harm a healthy person
2. Moreover, coffee has a number of beneficial properties, including stimulating brain activity, suppressing depression, and preventing the development of many diseases.
3. Contraindications to drinking coffee exist if you have problems with the heart, nervous system and other diseases of the liver, kidneys, etc.
4. Arabica contains half as much caffeine as Robusta

girl and guy having a cup of coffee

5. Coffee grinding matters different ways making coffee. For example, the finest grind is used to make Turkish coffee and requires less time to develop its taste than a coarser grind.
6. The amount of caffeine increases with heat treatment, i.e. darkly roasted beans contain less caffeine than lightly roasted beans
7. Instant coffee is made from cheaper, less valuable coffees and contains more caffeine

cup of coffee with smoke

8. It is preferable to buy coffee beans and grind it before preparing it, since ground coffee quickly loses its aroma and original taste characteristics, and it cannot be stored for a long time without vacuum packaging.
9. Decaffeinated coffee may even be harmful when decaffeinated using certain methods.
10. It is recommended to drink coffee in the morning, but not on an empty stomach, as it stimulates digestion

Video: Coffee. Harm and benefit

Video: Scientific news about the benefits of coffee

However, there are some potential negative consequences from drinking coffee, especially at certain periods of time and when you have become addicted to coffee, it will be quite difficult for you to live even a day without it.

On the other hand, there is also harm from coffee. Long-term use of this drink increases the risk of developing high level cholesterol, heart disease and osteoporosis.

Quality ground coffee is a source of antioxidants, such as chlorogenic acid, which helps with weight loss, and green coffee extract. In particular, food additives with a high content of this antioxidant have recently become quite popular and are used to reduce fat.

In fact, despite some possible benefit, for many of us, excessive coffee consumption can have a very negative impact on our health here and now, in particular on our digestive and nervous systems.

Harm from coffee. 7 Negative Effects of Coffee

The harm of coffee or why you should not abuse this drink.

1. Coffee and hydrochloric acid

Drinking coffee on an empty stomach stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid. This acid should only be produced when food is digested. If your body begins to produce hydrochloric acid more than it should due to regular coffee consumption, it may have difficulty digesting large amounts of food.

Lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach can especially affect the digestion of proteins. Protein foods can simply pass further along the digestive tract before it is digested in the stomach. Undigested protein can cause a variety of health problems, from bloating and flatulence to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diverticulitis and even colon cancer.

Food that is not properly digested due to low amounts of hydrochloric acid in the stomach can cause dozens of other health problems. There is even a not unreasonable saying - “Almost all diseases begin in the intestines.” Considering this, you can understand why it is so important to limit everything that interferes with its normal functioning and periodically cleanse the intestines.

2. Ulcers, IBS and acidity

The harm of coffee in this case is this. Many of the compounds in coffee, such as caffeine and various acids found in coffee beans, can irritate the stomach and lining of the small intestine. This is a known problem for people suffering from ulcers, gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease. Typically, patients with these problems are advised to completely stop drinking coffee. But the next question arises - can excessive coffee consumption contribute to the development of the above diseases?

The ulcers are believed to be caused by the bacteria Helicobacter Pylori. The acidic effect of coffee weakens the resistance of the gastric mucosa to H. Pylori bacteria. Drinking coffee can also irritate the lining of the small intestine, which can lead to abdominal cramps, colic, and bowel problems (constipation and diarrhea). This condition is known as irritable bowel syndrome and recent years All more people suffer from this disease. For gastrointestinal diseases, coffee is harmful.

3. Heartburn from coffee

5. Absorption of minerals and coffee

People who drink a lot of coffee may be deficient in minerals in their bodies, even if they eat mineral-rich foods or take nutritional supplements. In this case, the harm of coffee lies in the fact that this drink negatively affects the absorption of iron in the gastrointestinal tract and promotes the leaching of calcium, zinc, magnesium and other important minerals.

Although all these minerals are simply necessary to maintain good health, their deficiency can lead to various kinds diseases. For example, a lack of calcium alone can lead to more than 150 different diseases, and coffee flushes it out of the body quite strongly.

6. Acrylamide in coffee

7. Coffee, stress and tension

Drinking a large amount of coffee contributes to the release of stress hormones - cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine. These chemicals increase heart rate, blood pressure and mental stress. The surge in stress hormones caused by drinking a cup of coffee before a meal interferes with the digestion process. When your nervous system agitated, the body spends energy inappropriately, as a result of which there is not enough energy for digestion.

Finally, caffeine in coffee is known to interfere with gamma-aminobutyric acid metabolism. This amino acid is a neurotransmitter involved in regulating mood and stress levels. It also has a calming effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Your mood and your digestive system are surprisingly interconnected. Unfortunately, here coffee is harmful to both due to the high level of caffeine in it.

Many people love coffee so much that they simply don’t even want to listen to anything about its dangers and the health problems it can cause if consumed uncontrolled. If you have read this material, you may have a feeling that you need to reduce the amount of coffee you drink or even give it up completely. The harm of coffee is quite great and you should put its great taste and effects on one side of the scale, and your health on the other. Think about it.

Coffee is a drink that has been known to mankind for more than 2 centuries. True, in the old days there was no such thing as “drinking a cup of coffee” at all - the fruits of the coffee tree were fried in animal fat and consumed in such a strange form. But even in those days, healers established for sure that coffee stimulates the appetite, serves as a diuretic and is able to activate strength even with severe fatigue. What do modern scientists say about the dangers and benefits of coffee?

Nutritional value and composition of a drink made from coffee beans

Nutritional value 100 g:

  • Calorie content: 118.7 kcal
  • Proteins: 15 g
  • Fat: 3.6 g
  • Carbohydrates: 7 g
  • Water: 7 g
  • Ash: 1 g


  • Calcium: 100 mg
  • Sodium: 3 mg
  • Phosphorus: 250 mg


  • Vitamin PP: 24 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 1 mg
  • Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent): 26.49 mg


  • Iron: 6.1 mg

Coffee is not a dietary product and cannot “work” as a fat burner (although such a theory has been put forward by some lovers of extravagant weight loss).

Raw coffee beans contain tannin - its content is about 7.7%, but when roasting, the amount of tannin decreases noticeably (to 0.56%), which does not affect the quality of the final result at all.

Coffee beans also contain

  • chlorogenic acids;
  • quinic acid esters;
  • theophylline;
  • glucoside;
  • thebromine

But the most important component of the product in question, for which it is so loved, is caffeine. It is impossible to accurately indicate the amount of caffeine in coffee - it will vary in different varieties. For example, Robusta contains more caffeine, but the well-known Arabica contains less caffeine.

Coffee: the benefits of beans

When they talk about the benefits of coffee, they first begin to consider the positive effect of caffeine, the main component of the product, on the body. Scientists confirm the following data:

But besides caffeine, the product in question contains more than 30 components - their properties determine the benefits of the drink:

  1. Coffee helps prevent the development of type 2 diabetes. The research was conducted by American scientists over 11 years, the results: people who drank 6 cups of coffee (small) daily were 22% less likely to purchase diabetes mellitus 2 types.
  2. The product in question prevents the development of sclerosis. This conclusion was made recently; scientists in the course of research found that coffee changes the energy potential of brain cells, while blocking adenosine, a substance responsible for memory loss.
  3. Coffee helps reduce the risk of gallstones.
  4. Recently, American scientists made a striking conclusion - if you drink 4 cups of coffee every day, you can reduce the risk of developing colon cancer by 24%.
  5. The drink stabilizes and normalizes work digestive system– for example, it has been precisely proven that coffee can relieve diarrhea.

There are also those who believe in very strange beneficial properties coffee:

  • alleviates the condition, reduces the number of attacks per day, helps fight cough in diseases of the respiratory tract of an inflammatory/infectious nature;
  • prevents the removal of potassium from the body;
  • reduces manifestations;
  • protects from .

Please note: These abilities of coffee have not been proven by scientists, which means they remain only speculation.

Coffee: harm to the drink

Despite numerous positive qualities, coffee can also cause harm to the body. Doctors and scientists conducted many experiments, studied the effect of coffee on absolutely healthy body and for people with already diagnosed diseases. The following conclusions were drawn:

There is also a lot of controversy about the drinking of coffee by pregnant women - it was previously believed that this drink could even cause a miscarriage. But recent studies have proven that coffee does not have any effect on the development of the fetus, you just need to take into account the woman’s condition - with increased blood pressure, diagnosed kidney diseases, problems in the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to give up coffee.