Alabuga complex. Russian "Alabuga" will be worse than an atomic bomb

Sofa troops | Pencil by Rogozin | 01/01/2018

Three leading powers are developing electromagnetic pulse destruction systems, and only Russia has advanced the furthest in this direction. Of course, such weapons are being developed as “top secret”, but the people working on the creation of the Alabuga project have revealed some of the characteristics of this weapon.

As the deputy said general director concern "Radio-Electronic Technologies" Mikheev: "In 2012, we were engaged in a project under the code "Alabuga", the goal of which was to create electronic warfare systems using an electromagnetic pulse and with the prospect of developing such weapons."

A theoretical and practical assessment of the impact of this weapon on equipment was carried out, the result was complete damage electronic systems and components of the intended enemy's equipment. After the tests, the military completely classified the project.

“The Russian Alabuga missile is capable of disabling entire armies, turning enemy weapons and equipment into a pile of useless scrap metal,” under such headlines foreign press covered this project. In principle, NATO countries can be understood; they need to knock out more more money from the USA and support the horror myth regarding Russia, and of course the absence of such technology embodied in the “product”.

Of course, such a missile can instill fear in any enemy, since the effect is comparable to a nuclear explosion, only without radiation and destruction. Within a radius of 3.5 kilometers, the equipment simply stops functioning. Of course, it can be revived by changing all the electronic components, but this will take a lot of time, which is, in principle, unacceptable in a real battle.

Missiles of the Alabuga project can be installed on any equipment, including UAVs. Which causes no less concern among Western experts. Just imagine, your automatic loaders fail, radio communication does not work, nothing at all works except small arms. Complete demoralization of the enemy and panic, and these are just a few missiles on one section of the “front”.

Ministry of Defense Russian Federation naturally no comments on this project doesn't give. Well, this is understandable, such developments are underway and it’s good, let NATO worry, but we have another trump card up our sleeve.

If we take into account the entire complex of electronic intelligence and electromagnetic weapons, Russia really has a good shield against any potential aggressor. At the first stage of the conflict, we can, without using small arms deprive the enemy of the initiative and cool the hotheads of any NATO general.

Rogozin pencil for "Couch Troops"

Who will create first electromagnetic weapon- Russia or the USA?

This weapon belongs to the electromagnetic category, and has been developed for at least three decades in Russia and the USA, along with laser, in an atmosphere of special secrecy. The Daily Star takes very limited information from open sources, conscientiously retells it, but at the same time adds information of his own, which should make the reader’s eyes pop out of his head. That's why he's a tabloid.

So, we're talking about about the electromagnetic rocket “Alabuga”, which is being developed by the concern “Radio-Electronic Technologies” (KRET). Operating at an altitude of 200-300 meters above enemy positions, due to radiation high power, it not only suppresses the operation of electronic devices - computers, radars, communication systems, homing heads of high-precision and guided weapons - but also renders them unusable. That is, it burns out electronic components. This effect is achieved within a radius of 3.5 kilometers. The radiation is created by a high-frequency electrical generator magnetic field high power. Neither power nor other characteristics are disclosed. The type of energy source powering the generator is also kept secret.

At the same time, “Alabuga” is a non-lethal weapon, since the microwave field does not cause real harm to enemy personnel.

However known facts It was clearly not enough for the tabloid. And the authors fantasized a little. Allegedly, it is impossible for soldiers to hide from deadly radiation even under 100 meters of earth. Which, of course, does not stand up to criticism. It is also reported that the radiation from Alabuga is capable of detonating shells located in the gun turrets of tanks. This is, of course, a little closer to reality. Because in a seemingly completely sealed tank there are inputs for radio waves, for example through antennas or optical channels. However, the signal power to detonate shells must be prohibitive. Because the shells will have to be heated to a critical temperature.

It must be said that the authors of the article went a bit too far when they stated that Alabuga is capable of disabling entire armies. But comparing an electromagnetic missile with a nuclear bomb is quite appropriate. Because in an explosion nuclear bomb a powerful electromagnetic pulse is also generated (up to 100 gigawatts), which produces exactly the same effect on electronics as the Alabuga radiation.

This was “brilliantly” proven by the Americans, who in 1958 exploded a thermonuclear charge with a power of 1.9 Mt in space. A powerful electromagnetic pulse disabled 9 satellites. On Hawaiian Islands and even in a large part of Australia, radio communications and television broadcasting were lost for a long time, and interruptions in street lighting began.

Due to the special secrecy of the development, it is not known at what stage of readiness the Alabuga missile is. Three years ago, KRET General Director Vladimir Mikheev reported that “Alabuga” is not the name of a specific product, but the name of research work, during which designers must receive answers to a number of complex questions. And only after receiving them, you can begin R&D, that is, the development of specific weapons.

However, Russia already has such weapons, fully operational. And for a long time now. True, it has not yet been adopted for service for reasons that we will discuss below. In 2001, at the Malaysian military equipment exhibition, a working prototype of the Ranets-E electromagnetic system, based on a MAZ-543 wheeled chassis and weighing about 5 tons, was presented.

"Satchel-E" is, in fact, anti-aircraft complex short range, in which, as damaging factor It does not use a rocket, but an electromagnetic pulse in the centimeter range with a duration of up to 20 nanoseconds and a power of 500 megawatts. Capable of neutralizing all types of aircraft - from drones to fighters and bombers, cruise missiles and all types of ammunition that use electronics in one way or another. At a distance of 8-14 kilometers, the pulse burns out electronic components, and up to 40 kilometers disrupts normal operation electronic circuits without destroying them. The advantages include a wide angle of propagation of electromagnetic radiation - 60 degrees.

The most important elements of this installation are electric generator diesel type, generator electromagnetic pulses and a radar designed to detect targets that need to be suppressed. However, the installation has a connection with the location equipment of air defense systems, receiving data on targets from it.

There are two main disadvantages of the Rantz-E. Firstly, the target must be in direct radio visibility. That is, it should not be hidden behind the folds of the terrain. And cruise missiles are capable of flying at extremely low altitudes. Because electromagnetic microwave radiation is extinguished by encountered obstacles.

Secondly, 20 minutes pass between two “shots” of the electromagnetic gun, which are necessary in order to accumulate the necessary energy. This is a very serious drawback, because during a massive raid, when missiles or shells fly at intervals of 30-40 km, the Ranets-E becomes defenseless for 20 minutes after the first “shot”. During this time, the second echelon of enemy ammunition arrives. Of course, this disadvantage can be compensated for by increasing the number of installations, and then the interval between “shots” will be reduced. For ten “Knapsacks” it will be equal to 2 minutes. However, this is too expensive a solution to the problem. The military is not satisfied with it, and therefore “Ranets-E” is not accepted for service.

However, it can be reasonably assumed that this topic They didn’t give up, but continued to improve the installation. Because, firstly, as an air defense system, "Ranets-E" is very effective - due to the wide angle of radiation, there is no need to track targets and accurately aim at them before firing. Secondly, its operation is cheap, since it does not require “consumables,” that is, fired missiles. But we know nothing about the progress of modernization due to highest form secrecy.

But it's extremely interesting topic, which was on the verge of transition from research to development work with the goal of building a prototype military weapons based on new physical principles, they were destroyed in 1993. In the 80s, as a result of work on a joint project of the Research Institute of Radio Instrument Engineering and the Physico-Technical Institute named after. Ioffe, achieved generation of local plasma formations in the atmosphere. They were obtained at the intersection of two or more streams of powerful electromagnetic radiation. Aircraft, as well as ammunition, when crossing plasma nodes received an impact that destroyed them. Moreover, the energy of such a plasmoid installation should have been enough to combat ICBM warheads.

As a result of laboratory research, such high speed reconfiguring the focusing of electromagnetic beams, which is quite sufficient to track targets that have the highest aerodynamic and ballistic characteristics in the current development of technology.

However, in the early 90s, work was stopped due to the cessation of funding. And in 1993, Boris Yeltsin decided to make a “cunning move” - to continue development with American money. But already together with them. Yeltsin made a corresponding proposal to Bill Clinton. American specialists carefully studied all the materials given to them for review. And they refused to cooperate. It is likely that they are developing the results obtained by Russian scientists.

To be fair, it should be said that the United States has independently achieved certain results in the field of creating electromagnetic weapons. Two years ago it was reported that the US Air Force Research Laboratory had created a missile similar to Alabuga. It is quite clear that we are not even talking about a prototype, but about a working layout. So it’s too early to talk about American electromagnetic weapons.

The combat potential of the Russian “jammer” missile being developed, equipped with a high-power high-frequency generator, will make it possible to neutralize the enemy without firing a single shot

Actually, as reported in open sources, the Alabuga project is not an electronic missile, but a whole complex of research by scientists and designers of the domestic military-industrial complex to create a new type of weapon using an electromagnetic pulse. However, the name “rocket” has stuck and is used in lately How symbol. The missile itself is only a means of delivering equipment directly to the battlefield. It is likely that this could be a cruise missile of the Caliber family, both sea-, land- and air-based.

As far as we know, a new winged platform is now being actively developed specifically for the latest high-frequency complex. The whole point is in the “warhead”, which does not have traditional means of destruction in the form of fragments or a blast wave. At the same time, the effectiveness of using Alabuga, according to many military experts, can be comparable to a nuclear strike.

Donald Cook: Russians did a little “practice on cats”

What is known about a new type of weapon equipped with an ultra-high-frequency electromagnetic warhead? There are no exact characteristics. All the performance characteristics of the new weapon are a big secret of the Motherland. Only the meaning of Alabuga’s potential combat capabilities is clear. The complex is designed to disable (in the full sense of the word “burn out”) all radio-electronic equipment of surface ships, enemy aircraft (airplanes, helicopters, drones, cruise missiles), communications and control equipment of ground units. That is, enemy tanks freeze and become convenient targets, guns do not fire, planes crash.

Can you remember the recent history when the Russian Su-24, equipped with the Khibiny electronic warfare system, drove the USNAVY destroyer Donald Cook in the Black Sea? American sailors observed our plane visually - through the windows, but neither the radars nor the ship's air defense systems saw the Russian Sushka at point-blank range. The destroyer was blind and deaf, which led our “potential partners” into a state of stupor and forced them to quickly retreat towards the NATO base in Constanta, Romania.

The combat potential of "Alabuga" promises to be many times stronger in its capabilities than any existing and promising means of electronic warfare. In this case, the complex will not just “blind” the enemy for a while, but will be guaranteed to destroy all his controls, guaranteed to disable equipment and weapons.

The idea was in the air like an impulse

The first developments of electromagnetic weapons appeared in Russia in the early 90s of the last century, and technical ideas his creations existed before. Back in the 1950s, academician Andrei Sakharov proposed creating such a thing. The plan was this: to develop a non-nuclear powerful ammunition, during the explosion of which EMP (electromagnetic pulses) were formed as a result of compression of the magnetic field. One can recall the developments of NIIRP (now the Almaz-Antey air defense concern) and the Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute. The essence of the research: with powerful microwave radiation from the ground to air targets, local plasma formations were obtained at the intersection of radiation flows from several sources. Upon contact with them, air targets were subjected to dynamic overloads and were destroyed.


The elemental base of any modern radar systems is sensitive to energy overloads. Electromagnetic flux high density can burn out semiconductors and render equipment unusable. The pulse penetrates the radio-electronic equipment through the antenna system. And low-frequency weapons create electromagnetic pulse radiation at frequencies below 1 MHz and affect wired infrastructure, including telephone lines, cables external power supply, feeding and retrieving information.

The main technical means of obtaining powerful electromagnetic pulses, which form the basis of irradiation, should be a generator with explosive compression of the magnetic field.

Short-range "pack"

The real embodiment of a sample of electromagnetic weapons capable of hitting electronics on ground targets, aircraft and guided missiles was the domestic “Ranets-E” complex (export version), first presented in 2001 at an arms exhibition in Malaysia. Because of the parabolic antenna on the roof of the kung, based on the massive four-axle MAZ-543, it looked like some kind of space communications station. But the purpose of the “Knapsack” was to direct “shoot” with an electromagnetic pulse of the microwave range at various air and ground targets to disable their electronics. It was openly announced that when using a 50-decibel antenna unit, the complex is capable of destroying enemy electronics at a range of up to 12-14 kilometers and causing serious damage to them at a distance of up to 40 kilometers.

The combat use capabilities of the "Knapsack" are limited precisely by the short "firing" range. Its use is probably intended to cover stationary objects or a military column on the march.

The armed forces needed more “long-range” electronic weapons, for the creation of which they began developing a complex using an electromagnetic pulse, which can deliver a high-frequency generator over a considerable distance and suppress all existing enemy electronic systems, including tank loading mechanisms.


So the secrecy of the domestic project is of no small importance, and even the current Russian President Vladimir Putin will clearly “declassify” it only upon the fact of readiness for combat use, as he did recently with the newest “Daggers” and “Poseidons”...

Work on the creation of electromagnetic weapons is currently underway in the United States and China, where they plan to radically change the strategy of waging future wars using promising remote control technologies.

The use of electromagnetic weapons is considered part of the US "third countervailing strategy" element, which involves the use of latest technologies and management methods for achieving an advantage over the enemy. In 2012, a missile with an electromagnetic filling was tested in the United States as part of the CHAMP project, and a year later a ground-based electronic drone suppression system was tested. In addition, laser weapons and railguns are being developed.

China recently announced the creation of a superconducting quantum interferometer that makes it possible to detect submarines from a distance of about six kilometers.

However, there was no real demonstration of these types of equipment either in the USA or in China.

Not to kill, but to disarm

Advisor to the general director of KRET Vladimir Mikheev, who was “interrogated” by journalists, talking about the new electromagnetic weapon, did not disclose its characteristics and features. He only confirmed that Alabuga is a complex scientific research in the field of use of microwave radiation. Back in 2011-2012, serious theoretical assessment and practical work were carried out on laboratory mock-ups and specialized testing grounds. In the course of the work, the range of the latest radio-electronic weapons and the degree of their impact on equipment were determined. According to Vladimir Mikheev, this can be either “the usual interference effect with the temporary removal of the enemy’s weapons systems and military equipment from action, or a complete radio-electronic defeat, leading to energetic, destructive damage to the main electronic elements, boards, blocks and systems."

From what is now known, it can be noted that the rocket (carrier) of the Alabuga complex can operate at an altitude of 200-300 meters, while disabling all types of electronic technology enemy located within a radius of 3.5-4 kilometers. The range of the complex depends on the capabilities of the launch vehicle.

At the same time, “Alabuga” is a non-lethal weapon, since the microwave field does not cause real harm to enemy personnel, but only completely disarms him.

Field tests completed recently at the test site confirmed the effectiveness of the complex, whose pulsed electromagnetic radiation disabled communications and local control systems of the mock enemy.

In real combat conditions, the enemy in such a situation would be forced to surrender.

Electromagnetic weapons: where the Russian army is ahead of its competitors

Pulse electromagnetic weapons, or so-called. “jammers” is a real type of weapon already undergoing testing Russian army. The USA and Israel are also conducting successful developments in this area, but have relied on the use of EMP systems to generate kinetic energy warhead.

We took the path of a direct damaging factor and created prototypes of several combat systems at once - for ground forces, Air Force and Navy. According to experts working on the project, the development of the technology has already passed the stage of field testing, but now work is underway to correct errors and try to increase the power, accuracy and range of radiation.

Today, our Alabuga, having exploded at an altitude of 200-300 meters, is capable of turning off all electronic equipment within a radius of 3.5 km and leaving a military unit of the battalion/regiment scale without communications, control, or fire guidance, while turning all existing enemy equipment into a pile of useless scrap metal. Apart from surrendering and handing over heavy weapons to the advancing units of the Russian army as trophies, there are essentially no options left.

Electronics jammer

For the first time, the world saw a really working prototype of an electromagnetic weapon at the LIMA 2001 arms exhibition in Malaysia. An export version of the domestic “Ranets-E” complex was presented there. It is made on the MAZ-543 chassis, has a mass of about 5 tons, ensures guaranteed destruction of the electronics of a ground target, aircraft or guided munition at ranges of up to 14 kilometers and disruption of its operation at a distance of up to 40 km.

Despite the fact that the first-born made a real splash in the world media, experts noted a number of its shortcomings. Firstly, the size of the effectively hit target does not exceed 30 meters in diameter, and, secondly, the weapon is disposable - reloading takes more than 20 minutes, during which the miracle gun has already been shot down 15 times from the air, and it can only work on targets at open area, without the slightest visual obstacles.

It is probably for these reasons that the Americans abandoned the creation of such directed EMP weapons, concentrating on laser technologies. Our gunsmiths decided to try their luck and try to “bring to fruition” the technology of directed EMP radiation.

A specialist from the Rostec concern, who for obvious reasons did not want to reveal his name, in an interview with Expert Online, expressed the opinion that electromagnetic pulse weapons are already a reality, but the whole problem lies in the methods of delivering them to the target. “We have a project in progress to develop an electronic warfare complex classified as OV, called Alabuga. This is a missile whose warhead is a high-frequency, high-power electromagnetic field generator.

Based on active pulsed radiation, it looks like nuclear explosion, only without the radioactive component. Field tests have shown the high efficiency of the unit - not only radio-electronic, but also conventional electronic equipment of wired architecture fails within a radius of 3.5 km. Those. not only takes the main communication headsets out of normal operation, blinding and stunning the enemy, but also actually leaves an entire unit without any local electronic control systems, including weapons.

The advantages of such a “non-lethal” defeat are obvious - the enemy will only have to surrender, and the equipment can be received as a trophy. The only problem is the effective means of delivering this charge - it has a relatively large mass and the missile must be quite large, and, as a result, very vulnerable to destruction by air defense/missile defense systems,” the expert explained.

Interesting are the developments of NIIRP (now a division of the Almaz-Antey air defense concern) and the Physico-Technical Institute named after. Ioffe. By studying the impact of powerful microwave radiation from the earth on air objects(targets), specialists from these institutions unexpectedly received local plasma formations, which were obtained at the intersection of radiation flows from several sources.

Upon contact with these formations, air targets underwent enormous dynamic overloads and were destroyed. The coordinated operation of microwave radiation sources made it possible to quickly change the focusing point, that is, to retarget at enormous speed or to accompany objects of almost any aerodynamic characteristics. Experiments have shown that the impact is effective even against ICBM warheads. In fact, these are no longer even microwave weapons, but combat plasmoids.

Unfortunately, when in 1993 a team of authors submitted a draft air defense/missile defense system based on these principles to the state for consideration, Boris Yeltsin immediately proposed joint development to the American president. And although cooperation on the project did not take place, perhaps this is what prompted the Americans to create the HAARP (High Freguencu Active Auroral Research Program) complex in Alaska - a research project to study the ionosphere and auroras. Let us note that for some reason that peaceful project is funded by the Pentagon’s DARPA agency.

Already entering service with the Russian army

To understand what place the topic of electronic warfare occupies in the military-technical strategy of the Russian military department, just look at the State Armament Program until 2020. Out of 21 trillion. rubles of the total budget of the State Program, 3.2 trillion. (about 15%) is planned to be used for the development and production of attack and defense systems using sources of electromagnetic radiation. For comparison, in the Pentagon budget, according to experts, this share is much smaller - up to 10%.

Now let's look at what can already be “touched”, i.e. those products that have reached series production and entered service over the past few years.

Mobile electronic warfare systems "Krasukha-4" suppress spy satellites, ground-based radars and aviation systems AWACS completely blocks radar detection for 150-300 km, and can also cause radar damage to enemy electronic warfare and communications equipment. The operation of the complex is based on creating powerful interference at the main frequencies of radars and other radio-emitting sources. Manufacturer: JSC Bryansk Electromechanical Plant (BEMZ).

The TK-25E sea-based electronic warfare system provides effective protection for ships of various classes. The complex is designed to provide radio-electronic protection of an object from air- and ship-based radio-controlled weapons by creating active jamming. It is possible to interface the complex with various systems protected object, such as a navigation complex, radar station, automated system combat control.

The TK-25E equipment ensures the creation various types interference with a spectrum width from 64 to 2000 MHz, as well as pulsed misinforming and simulating interference using copies of signals. The complex is capable of simultaneously analyzing up to 256 targets. Equipping the protected object with the TK-25E complex reduces the probability of its destruction by three or more times.

The multifunctional complex "Rtut-BM" has been developed and produced at KRET enterprises since 2011 and is one of the most modern systems EW. The main purpose of the station is to protect manpower and equipment from single and volley fire artillery ammunition, equipped with radio fuses. Developer enterprise: OJSC All-Russian Scientific Research Institute Gradient (VNII Gradient). Similar devices are produced by Minsk KB RADAR.

Note that up to 80% of Western field artillery shells, mines and unguided missiles are now equipped with radio fuses. rockets and almost all precision-guided ammunition, these are enough simple remedies allow you to protect troops from defeat, including directly in the zone of contact with the enemy.

The Sozvezdie concern produces a series of small-sized (portable, transportable, autonomous) jammers of the RP-377 series. With their help, you can jam GPS signals, and in a standalone version, equipped with power supplies, you can also place transmitters over a certain area, limited only by the number of transmitters.

An export version of a more powerful system for suppressing GPS and weapon control channels is now being prepared. It is already a system of object and area protection against high-precision weapons. It is built according to a modular principle, which allows you to vary the area and objects of protection.

Among the unclassified developments, MNIRTI products are also known - “Sniper-M”, “I-140/64” and “Gigawatt”, made on the basis of car trailers. They are, in particular, used to test means of protecting radio engineering and digital systems for military, special and civilian purposes from damage by EMP.

Educational program

The element base of RES is very sensitive to energy overloads, and a flow of electromagnetic energy of a sufficiently high density can burn out semiconductor junctions, completely or partially disrupting their normal functioning.

Low-frequency EMF creates electromagnetic pulse radiation at frequencies below 1 MHz, high-frequency EMF is affected by microwave radiation - both pulsed and continuous. Low-frequency electromagnetic radiation affects the object through interference to the wired infrastructure, including telephone lines, external power cables, and information supply and retrieval cables. High-frequency EMF directly penetrates into the object's radio-electronic equipment through its antenna system.

In addition to affecting the enemy's electronic zones, high-frequency EMO can also affect skin And internal organs person. At the same time, as a result of their heating in the body, chromosomal and genetic changes, activation and deactivation of viruses, transformation of immunological and behavioral reactions are possible.

The main technical means of producing powerful electromagnetic pulses, which form the basis of low-frequency EMR, is a generator with explosive compression of the magnetic field. Another potential type of low frequency magnetic energy source high level may be a magnetodynamic generator driven by rocket fuel or explosive.

When implementing high-frequency EMR, electronic devices such as broadband magnetrons and klystrons, gyrotrons operating in the millimeter range, generators with a virtual cathode (vircators) using the centimeter range, free electron lasers and broadband plasma beams can be used as a generator of powerful microwave radiation. generators.

Electromagnetic weapons, EMP

Electromagnetic gun "Angara", test

Electronic bomb - a fantastic weapon of Russia

This weapon belongs to the category of electromagnetic, and for at least three decades it has been developed in Russia and the USA along with laser weapons in an atmosphere of special secrecy. The Daily Star takes very limited information from open sources, conscientiously retells it, but at the same time adds information of its own that should make the reader's eyes widen. That's why he's a tabloid.

So, we are talking about the Alabuga electromagnetic rocket, which is being developed by the Radioelectronic Technologies concern (KRET). Operating at an altitude of 200-300 meters above enemy positions, due to high-power radiation, it not only suppresses the operation of electronic devices - computers, radars, communication systems, homing heads of high-precision and guided weapons - but also renders them unusable. That is, it burns out electronic components. This effect is achieved within a radius of 3.5 kilometers. The radiation creates a high-frequency, high-power electromagnetic field generator. Neither power nor other characteristics are disclosed. The type of energy source powering the generator is also kept secret.

At the same time, “Alabuga” is a non-lethal weapon, since the microwave field does not cause real harm to enemy personnel.

However, the known facts were clearly not enough for the tabloid. And the authors fantasized a little. Allegedly, it is impossible for soldiers to hide from deadly radiation even under 100 meters of earth. Which, of course, does not stand up to criticism. It is also reported that the radiation from Alabuga is capable of detonating shells located in the gun turrets of tanks. This is, of course, a little closer to reality. Because in a seemingly completely sealed tank there are inputs for radio waves, for example through antennas or optical channels. However, the signal power to detonate shells must be prohibitive. Because the shells will have to be heated to a critical temperature.

It must be said that the authors of the article went a bit too far when they stated that Alabuga is capable of disabling entire armies. But comparing an electromagnetic missile with a nuclear bomb is quite appropriate. Since the explosion of a nuclear bomb also generates a powerful electromagnetic pulse (up to 100 gigawatts), which produces exactly the same effect on electronics as the Alabuga radiation.

This was “brilliantly” proven by the Americans, who in 1958 exploded a thermonuclear charge with a power of 1.9 Mt in space. A powerful electromagnetic pulse disabled 9 satellites. In the Hawaiian Islands and even in a large part of Australia, radio communications and television broadcasting were lost for a long time, and interruptions in street lighting began.

Due to the special secrecy of the development, it is not known at what stage of readiness the Alabuga missile is. Three years ago, CEO of KRET Vladimir Mikheev reported that “Alabuga” is not the name of a specific product, but the name of research work, during which designers must receive answers to a number of complex questions. And only after receiving them, you can begin R&D, that is, the development of specific weapons.

However, Russia already has such weapons, fully operational. And for a long time now. True, it has not yet been adopted for service for reasons that we will discuss below. In 2001, at the Malaysian military equipment exhibition, a working prototype of the Ranets-E electromagnetic system, based on a MAZ-543 wheeled chassis and weighing about 5 tons, was presented.

"Ranets-E" is, in fact, a short-range anti-aircraft complex, in which not a missile is used as a damaging factor, but an electromagnetic pulse in the centimeter range with a duration of up to 20 nanoseconds and a power of 500 megawatts. Capable of neutralizing all types of aircraft - from drones to fighters and bombers, cruise missiles and all types of ammunition that use electronics in one way or another. At a distance of 8-14 kilometers, the pulse burns out electronic components, and up to 40 kilometers disrupts the normal operation of electronic circuits without destroying them. The advantages include a wide angle of propagation of electromagnetic radiation - 60 degrees.

The most important elements of this installation are a diesel-type electric generator, an electromagnetic pulse generator and a radar designed to detect targets that need to be suppressed. However, the installation has a connection with the location equipment of air defense systems, receiving data on targets from it.

There are two main disadvantages of the Rantz-E. Firstly, the target must be in direct radio visibility. That is, it should not be hidden behind the folds of the terrain. And cruise missiles are capable of flying at extremely low altitudes. Because electromagnetic microwave radiation is extinguished by encountered obstacles.

Secondly, 20 minutes pass between two “shots” of the electromagnetic gun, which are necessary in order to accumulate the necessary energy. This is a very serious drawback, because during a massive raid, when missiles or shells fly at intervals of 30-40 km, the Ranets-E becomes defenseless for 20 minutes after the first “shot”. During this time, the second echelon of enemy ammunition arrives. Of course, this disadvantage can be compensated for by increasing the number of installations, and then the interval between “shots” will be reduced. For ten “Knapsacks” it will be equal to 2 minutes. However, this is too expensive a solution to the problem. The military is not satisfied with it, and therefore “Ranets-E” is not accepted for service.

However, it can be reasonably assumed that this topic was not abandoned, but continued to improve the installation. Because, firstly, as an air defense system, "Ranets-E" is very effective - due to the wide angle of radiation, there is no need to track targets and accurately aim at them before firing. Secondly, its operation is cheap, since it does not require “consumables,” that is, fired missiles. But we know nothing about the progress of modernization due to the highest form of secrecy.

But an extremely interesting topic, which stood on the threshold of the transition from research to development work with the goal of building a prototype of a military weapon based on new physical principles, was ruined in 1993. In the 80s, as a result of work on a joint project of the Research Institute of Radio Instrument Engineering and the Physico-Technical Institute named after. Ioffe, achieved generation of local plasma formations in the atmosphere. They were obtained at the intersection of two or more streams of powerful electromagnetic radiation. Aircraft, as well as ammunition, when crossing plasma nodes received an impact that destroyed them. Moreover, the energy of such a plasmoid installation should have been enough to combat ICBM warheads.

As a result of laboratory research, such a high speed of reconfiguring the focusing of electromagnetic beams was achieved that it is quite sufficient to track targets that have the highest aerodynamic and ballistic characteristics in the current development of technology.

However, in the early 90s, work was stopped due to the cessation of funding. And in 1993 Boris Yeltsin I decided to make a “cunning move” - to continue development with American money. But already together with them. Yeltsin made a corresponding proposal Bill Clinton. American specialists carefully studied all the materials given to them for review. And they refused to cooperate. It is likely that they are developing the results obtained by Russian scientists.

To be fair, it should be said that the United States has independently achieved certain results in the field of creating electromagnetic weapons. Two years ago it was reported that the US Air Force Research Laboratory had created a missile similar to Alabuga. It is quite clear that we are not even talking about a prototype, but about a working layout. So it’s too early to talk about American electromagnetic weapons.