Household appliance waste. Companies for disposal, write-off, recycling of electronic equipment, electronics, office equipment in Russia

Disposal household appliances must be produced correctly in any country, because devices consist of elements that can decompose in nature for hundreds of years. In addition to long-term biodegradation, the devices contain toxic components that are dangerous to our environment. Disposal of such waste - modern way solving an environmental problem.

The range of equipment subject to recycling is quite wide. Services involved in waste processing and destruction provide disposal of:

  1. Large household appliances: washing machines and dishwashers.
  2. Small household appliances: coffee grinders, vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, electric kettles, toasters, irons, scales, meat grinders, etc.

Additional information! According to some dictionaries, household appliances also include consumer electronics, which include video and audio devices, computers and other devices that are also subject to disposal when they fail.

Sometimes there are restrictions on the conditions for accepting parts of old household appliances for recycling. So, for example, large networks Household appliance stores accept complete devices under the recycling program, and not individual parts of equipment.

Recycling promotions from stores

IN modern world household appliances become obsolete short terms, because manufacturers of electrical appliances strive to bring new and improved models to the market as quickly as possible. In this regard, for many people it becomes actual problem recycling not only non-working equipment, but also simply outdated devices. For this reason, recycling promotions in stores have become widespread. The essence of the program is that large retail chains accept old equipment from the population and in return offer their customers a discount on the purchase of new devices. Let's take a look at some stores running recycling promotions.

"El Dorado". The stores of this network allow customers to hand over almost any household appliance, and the recycling discount can be 1-20% (depending on the type of product sold). This happens once or twice a year. This retail chain sends accepted devices for environmentally friendly recycling to the UKO company, with which Eldorado has been cooperating for more than 5 years.

"M.Video". This network also accepts household appliances for recycling from customers. The promotion was first successfully carried out in 2016. There are some restrictions in this network, namely, devices from the brands Loewe, Smeg, Miele, etc. do not participate in the program. M.Video gives a discount when recycling an old device even subject to purchase new technology in installments.

The discount received by the client for the purchase of a new product varies depending on the price of the purchased device. The minimum amount of a pleasant bonus is 5%, the maximum is 20%. The store accepts any equipment. By ordering the delivery service for the purchased device, the buyer has the opportunity to remove the old device by employees of this retail chain.

As a rule, hypermarkets of household appliances enter into agreements with enterprises that provide recycling of old devices containing a considerable amount of toxic elements (mercury, freon, lead, etc.). Rational approach recycling such hazardous waste allows us to conserve natural resources and protect the environment.

Reception and recycling points for household appliances

As such, there are very few collection and disposal points for household devices in our country (especially in small towns, villages and villages). In some cases, devices can be sold for scrap metal for money, but you most likely will not be able to get a decent amount.

Companies that accept equipment for subsequent recycling can act as recycling points. Such companies either act as intermediaries between the source of waste and the processing plant, or independently purchase and dispose of household appliances. Companies buy large volumes of used devices or accept them free of charge from legal entities. Some organizations for the acceptance and disposal of equipment in Moscow: CJSC Petromax, Tekhnika, Tekhnostok, etc.

Russian problems of recycling electronic devices and civilized ways to solve this problem abroad, as well as the stages of recycling devices at the Petromax enterprise are covered in the video

Mobile recycling service

A mobile recycling service differs from stationary points in that the company’s employees go to the customer’s home or organization and independently dismantle the equipment and transport it to the recycling site.

Such services operate based on client requests, which are usually submitted by phone or through the company’s website. You can quickly find contacts for mobile services on the Internet.

By contacting such a company, the client receives a number of advantages, namely:

  • material benefit (in some cases);
  • free dismantling and removal of devices;
  • prompt execution of work.

Mobile services for recycling any devices in Moscow are, for example, the companies Nautil and Util-Mobil.

Recycling of household appliances

Proper recycling of household appliances is important to protect environment from the negative impact of hazardous materials, saving natural resources And cash various enterprises (it is much cheaper to produce new products from recycled materials). Electrical devices contain metals, plastic and glass parts, rubber components, etc. Therefore, recycling begins with breaking down the devices using special equipment. Next, non-metallic components are selected (usually manually) as the waste moves along the sorting line; magnetic metal parts are removed by a separator. After sorting, small plastics are crushed together with non-magnetic metals.

After each stage of grinding the material, the largest parts by automated system separated from the rest of the mass. Then separation is carried out, as a result of which non-ferrous metal and plastic material. The resulting raw materials are sent for further processing to produce the final product.

A simple household appliance recycling line consists of:

  • shredders;
  • conveyors and magnetic separators;
  • equipment providing aspiration and filtration of dust particles;
  • hoods;
  • automatic control system - ACS.

Household appliances, when they end up in a landfill, become extremely dangerous objects that cause damage to human health and nature. Therefore, each of us can make a small contribution to protecting the environment by contacting special services for the safe and cost-effective disposal of old and unwanted household appliances. “No” to trash at home, “yes” to recycling!

Recycling household appliances is a complex process that requires the use of various types of equipment. The reason for this is the heterogeneity of the composition of electrical appliances, which is why each type of material requires its own processing. This problem is solved with an electronics recycling line that is capable of maximizing the recycling of many types of materials.

Features of electronics recycling

Electrical equipment contains many different metals: iron, copper, and also precious metals in small quantities. Extraction of valuable metals is one of the main goals of such processing.

Achieving such a result is not easy because in household appliances metals are combined with non-metallic elements. To begin with, they should be separated.

A typical electronics recycling line includes:

  • shredders with a loading funnel;
  • conveyors with separators for separating metals;
  • dust aspiration and filtration systems;
  • hoods;
  • automatic system control system (ACS).

The electronics recycling process often comes down to grinding the raw materials to a fine fraction, separating ferrous and then non-ferrous and precious metals from it. The automated control system in this process is designed to coordinate the operation of all equipment and, if necessary, its emergency shutdown.

Selecting a line for recycling household appliances

We are ready to offer several types of ready-made plants for recycling electronics. Before making a choice, pay attention to the performance of these lines, as well as the possibility of processing certain types electronic components. First of all, you need to focus on the processing needs of your enterprise.

the site is a responsible supplier of reliable European equipment with many years of experience. By cooperating with us, you can buy high-quality equipment for your enterprise at an affordable price.

Environmental problems are associated with the production of various wastes by humanity, which worsen environmental situation. IN various countries the world has different attitudes towards this problem. According to statistics for 2011, for example, in the Russian Federation only 2% of waste was recycled, and 98% of waste was buried.

For comparison, in the USA 59% of waste was landfilled, in the EU - 39%, and in Sweden - no more than 2%. 25% of waste was recycled in the USA, 22% in the EU, and 32% in Sweden. The rest of the waste in foreign countries composted and used to generate electricity.

As a result, in the Russian Federation there are big losses associated with the low use of waste as secondary resources, and the accumulation of this unused waste continues.

One of the components of waste is faulty and outdated machinery and equipment.

During operation, wear and tear of the machines occurs. Failed machines often take up space where new equipment could be installed. The country's legislation does not allow simply taking machines to a landfill; moreover, non-working equipment will worsen the environment.

Therefore, after removing machines from the balance sheet, it is best to hand them over to specialized organizations involved in recycling equipment. In such organizations, precious and non-ferrous metals are separated from the structure of machine tools. Then all attached parts are removed and sorted, and the body is crushed and pressed. The scrap is subsequently melted down.

Currently, institutions, companies and ordinary citizens have accumulated a large amount of unnecessary computer equipment. This is due to the fact that computer technology is developing at an enormous pace and becomes obsolete literally within a year. In addition, repairing broken equipment is often not justified from an economic point of view. It is often cheaper to buy new equipment than to repair old equipment. Therefore, often old computers, as well as various outdated peripherals, take up extra space. To avoid this, you need to carry out proper maintenance on your laptops.

The laws of the Russian Federation do not allow simply taking this equipment to a landfill, since individual components, parts and microcircuits contain precious metals, which by law must be recovered for recycling. Equipment also often contains harmful metals, such as arsenic or lead, that must be separated from general recyclables.

Therefore, specialized companies deal with the recycling of computer and office equipment.

Recycling each type of household appliance has its own characteristics. For example, when it is necessary to pump out freon gas, which causes great damage to our atmosphere. One kilogram of freon has the same effect on the atmosphere as 10 tons carbon dioxide.

Non-ferrous metals and electronics are removed from large appliances, and metal boxes of refrigerators, stoves or microwave ovens are compressed in a special press. Subsequently, the metal is sent to a metallurgical plant.

The Russian car park is quite old. Thus, in 2012, passenger cars were more than 10 years old, more than 50%, and trucks – more than 65%.

It is expected that 3 million cars will be scrapped in the Russian Federation in the near future.

At the end of 2014, the capacity of all points in the country to accept passenger cars for recycling amounted to more than 200 thousand cars, and trucks - more than 30 thousand cars per year.

After exhausting their service life, cars become unsuitable for use. As a result, they litter the territory of the automobile enterprise, and you also have to pay taxes for them.

A recycling fee was introduced in 2012. Since the beginning of 2014, under pressure from the WTO, this fee began to be collected from all car manufacturers and importers.

In addition, a document is being developed that takes into account issues of safe disposal, for which the use of safe materials that do not contain harmful components is regulated when developing cars.

IN agriculture Currently, more than 650 thousand tractors, combines and other technological machines are used. Moreover, in accordance with the State Development Program Agribusiness, their number continues to increase. According to world statistics, every year almost 4% of agricultural machines break down and require disposal.

The problems of recycling agricultural machinery are part of the program for the use of secondary resources. As statistics show, the agricultural machinery fleet is rapidly aging. The right measures can help renew this park and get additional large number raw materials.

Experts propose creating special technological areas for recycling equipment at agricultural enterprises, which will make it possible to obtain a large amount of secondary resources.

For example, the estimate of ferrous metals obtained during recycling can reach 370,000 tons, non-ferrous metals - 9320 tons, plastics - 7630 tons, and so on.


  1. Ecological problems of the earth require the correct attitude to the processing of human waste, including the recycling of machinery and equipment.
  2. Disposal of various items of equipment requires special equipment and financial costs.
  3. Certain industries, such as automotive or agricultural machinery, require a government recycling program.

Removal, processing and disposal of waste from hazard classes 1 to 5

We work with all regions of Russia. Valid license. A complete set of closing documents. Individual approach to the client and flexible pricing policy.

Using this form, you can submit a request for services, request a commercial offer, or receive a free consultation from our specialists.


Household appliances, even the most durable and reliable ones, break down over time or simply become obsolete. The question arises, what to do with it next? Recycling of household appliances in our country is just beginning to develop as a business; it has not yet become widespread. That's why you can still see used household appliances at the garbage site.


After electronics are written off according to KOSGU, they end up in a solid waste landfill and will gradually deteriorate, poisoning the atmosphere and soil with harmful substances. IN modern society there is every opportunity to stop ecological disaster threatening the planet. To do this, the write-off and disposal of old household equipment must be carried out in a civilized manner.

Private companies in all major cities offer the following most popular services:

These products make up the list of the most popular scrap materials in the country, which are handed over to collection points. This is quite reasonable. For example, recycling of washing machines with the help of a specialized company is carried out due to the impressive dimensions of the machines. Not everyone has the opportunity to transport such a large device to the collection point. And if you order a cargo taxi, it will cost a large amount rather than collection provided directly by the collection point.

Mobile phones are on this list due to the high dynamics of the market. New gadgets appear on store shelves every month, so updates happen faster, unlike large household appliances.

Recycling from a business perspective

Some trading companies have come up with an excellent marketing ploy: The buyer trades in an old TV, cell phone or computer and can purchase a similar item at a reduced price. Recycling organized in this way mobile phones and old household appliances promises benefits for all parties to the transaction, that is, the buyer, seller and recycling company, which is a very important part of the event. She is responsible for further disposal of equipment.

  • The trading company makes a profit due to a significant increase in sales, which fully justifies the discounts provided and the costs of transporting old equipment to the processing company.
  • Recycling old equipment gives the buyer the opportunity to get rid of outdated devices and profitably purchase modern equipment.
  • The processing company receives not only valuable raw materials for processing, but also working copies that can be sold at a reduced cost.

Every business involves expenses. To record costs that are associated with disposal cell phones and other household appliances, there is a regulatory act called KOSGU. KOSGU – classification of operations of the general government sector. According to KOSGU, export and processing is paid on the basis of subarticle 225. In addition, it is KOSGU that regulates the write-off of equipment at enterprises.

Write-off of household appliances: what benefits can be gained

Recycling large household appliances, as well as small ones, is a profitable business, since almost all waste and components of refrigerators, televisions, washing machines and small appliances are subject to recycling. reuse. Their designs contain plastic, non-ferrous and ferrous metals, glass, and electronics.

Each type of valuable scrap must be reused after a certain processing technology. The most important stage is the extraction and neutralization of dangerous chemical components. As a result, the likelihood of environmental pollution is eliminated toxic substances and elements of heavy metals, and all expensive components are returned to production.

Recycling of household equipment, after write-off has occurred according to KOSGU, allows you to obtain the following components from one old TV:

  • Copper - 2 kilograms
  • Aluminum - 1 kilogram
  • Non-ferrous metals - 300 grams
  • Silver - about 2 grams
  • Gold - 0.3 grams
  • Platinum - 0.01 grams
  • Palladium - 0.02 grams

Less valuable components are plastic and glass. If processing takes place on a large scale, then even inexpensive types of raw materials bring good income.

Processing technology

Write-off according to KOSGU and further processing of old equipment provides for a specific technology for each type of waste:

  • Old models of TVs and monitors undergo manual disassembly of the case; after cutting the picture tube, the screen is separated from the glass, then all useful parts and metals are removed.
  • Refrigerators and freezers contain harmful substances, therefore equipment disposal begins with a preliminary freon extraction procedure. During the dismantling process, you can get glass, plastic, metal. Copper parts are removed from the generator.
  • Recycling phones, computers and various types office equipment also requires manual disassembly. The preserved parts can serve as spare parts. Precious metals are obtained from electronic circuit boards. Plastic and metal are recycled.
  • Disposal kitchen appliances– electric and gas stoves and water heaters provide for dismantling and distribution for recycling in accordance with their composition.

Foreign experience

The best system for timely decommissioning and disposal of equipment is Japan. The small size of the state and the high population, whose income level allows them to purchase technical innovations without waiting for old devices to fail, led to optimal solution this task. The business of recycling waste such as household appliances is booming in this country.

Serious attention to the program was also paid due to the shortage of free territory on which solid waste landfills could be located. Therefore, in a small state, the waste disposal business is actively developing; more than a hundred factories operate, whose task is to dispose of used equipment and other waste.

Recycling technology is a process by which elements can be reused and the remaining material, after passing through special equipment, is turned into powder.

Next, the equipment recycling program involves dividing the resulting mixture into separate fractions. Steel chips are extracted by small magnets, special equipment blows out particles of light polyurethane, heavy metals are separated during the separation process due to magnetic field. Recycling of old equipment is completed when all its elements are collected in separate bins and ready for further use in production.

The problem of recycling household appliances in Russia

The program for recycling household equipment in Russia has not yet become widespread. The population does not receive sufficient information about the harm caused by waste from equipment thrown into landfills, nor the opportunity to recycle it. Only a few cities were able to partially solve the problem and actively begin recycling equipment waste by installing special bins in their yards where the population can take out used household appliances.

But until they appear in every city and every yard, the ecology of our planet, and therefore the health of the population, will be seriously threatened.

Residents of developed and developing countries actively use electronic technology today. A person actually cannot live without televisions, computers, cell phones, electric kettles and other gadgets. And consumer electronics manufacturers are constantly improving model series, striving to realize latest achievements science in their products.

As a result, technology quickly becomes outdated, and users tend to buy new models, for example, cell phones, while their old devices are still working. Some people try to sell old equipment by buying new. However, many models of electronic devices become obsolete so quickly that no one buys them even for a nominal fee. Therefore the population different countries The world is throwing away more and more electronic gadgets today.

Electronic equipment is a source of various harmful substances. Plastic, metal compounds, glass - these components of technology decompose into natural environment for hundreds and thousands of years, polluting nature. Some equipment contains highly toxic compounds, for example, cadmium, mercury, chromium, which lead to poisoning of people and animals when exposed to groundwater or bodies of water.

Electronic landfill on the banks of a river in Southeast Asia

The American company Electronic Recyclers International has found a way to protect the environment from threats by recycling electronic equipment thrown away by consumers. Moreover, the company provides free e-waste collection and removal services to New Yorkers, making money by recycling components of old equipment, as well as by repairing and selling some discarded gadgets.

How Electronic Recyclers International Works

Electronic Recyclers International installs one electronic collection container near apartment buildings in New York, with more than 10 apparatuses. In the future, the company wants to install a container next to every such house in the metropolis. New Yorkers do not pay for the removal of equipment, while the removal of ordinary household waste is paid.

Recycling of equipment

Discarded equipment is transported to Electronic Recyclers International for recycling. The company's specialists disassemble old gadgets and sort the parts. They then sell the collected waste to businesses in need of industrial raw materials. Electronic equipment contains high-quality plastic, non-ferrous metals, lead, and mercury. Thus, substances that are hazardous environmental pollutants become the main source of income for Electronic Recyclers International.

In the future, this organization plans to open a center for the repair and resale of old equipment. According to the company's management, some simple gadgets, including keyboards and computer mice, practically do not participate in the modification race, as happens with complex equipment. Repairing and reselling simple devices can greatly increase the efficiency of Electronic Recyclers International.

Recycling of old electronic equipment in Russia

Russian businessmen have the opportunity to make money by recycling electronic equipment, taking advantage of the vacancy of this niche. To do this, they need to motivate the population to collect old electronic gadgets and throw them away in special containers. In addition, entrepreneurs must organize the processing of collected waste and find enterprises that need the resulting waste.

It can be assumed that Russian residents are less likely to throw away electronic equipment compared to the US population. This is determined by different levels of consumption of the corresponding products in the Russian Federation and the United States. That's why Russian entrepreneurs may refuse to install stationary containers for waste collection, replacing them with mobile points.

Mobile points should visit the courtyards of multi-storey buildings in accordance with a pre-agreed schedule, offering the population to hand over damaged household appliances, receiving monetary compensation in return. In this case, the amount of compensation should be determined depending on the weight and type of product.

Freight transport, equipment recycling workshop and partnerships with buyers of raw materials are the main resources necessary for the implementation of this project.

The packaged equipment was delivered for recycling

The enterprise will need freight transport to equip mobile collection points for old equipment. The type of vehicle must be selected based on the planned scale of work. At the first stages of activity, the enterprise may limit itself to light-duty trucks or vans.

Businessmen must equip an electronics recycling workshop, as well as a warehouse for storing and sorting collected equipment and parts. The workshop equipment must comply production tasks and the scale of the company's activities.

The enterprise must have a wide base of buyers for the collected raw materials, since the sale of waste will be its main source of income. At the same time, businessmen should pay attention to the profitable sale of metals and other valuable waste present in electronic equipment.

The idea of ​​recycling electronic equipment has a good chance of being successfully implemented in Russia. The results of the enterprise depend on the ability of businessmen to enlist the support of the authorities, as well as on the effectiveness of the system of motivating the population to participate in the collection of household appliances.