How to open a tire recycling plant. Business plan: tire recycling

Removal, processing and disposal of waste from hazard classes 1 to 5

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It has long been known that worn-out tires that are out of service are a potential source of environmental pollution and environmental damage. Processing tires into crumbs at home is just as popular a method as the factory ones. Rubber waste from used tires is virtually non-biodegradable and takes hundreds of years to decompose.

It should be noted that this rubber waste is a flammable material, and if a huge number of tires catch fire, they can pose a threat of poisoning to everyone nearby, since rubber releases carcinogenic toxins when burned, such as benzopyrene. Storage in landfills leads to the proliferation of rodents and insects, which are sources dangerous infections. To avoid deterioration of the environmental situation in Russia and abroad, proper disposal, namely waste recycling, is required. Without constant recycling, an environmental crisis could occur very soon.


Recycling is also beneficial in economically. From car tires you can get different kinds valuable recyclable materials, as well as produce a huge amount finished products. From waste rubber powder of a very fine fraction (about 0.2 mm) new car tires and rubber shoes are produced, this secondary resource popular in Russia and the CIS countries.

Powder from waste of larger fractions is used in the production of composite roofing materials, rubber-bitumen mastic, waterproofing materials, and rubber coatings. Scrap metal is obtained from metal cord, which is also found practical use entrepreneurs of Russia. Also, textiles and rubber are obtained from tires.

Recycling at home

Particularly active and advanced people have the opportunity to recycle rubber with their own hands. What is needed for this? Used tubes, tires, tires and a little ingenuity. Recycling tires into crumbs at home is quite a complex undertaking. In terms of their properties, tubes from old tires are more suitable. They are softer and more easily susceptible to external influences.

According to one scenario, the rubber should be cooled to a temperature of approximately -75°C. Agree, not everyone has such an opportunity. So let's use the traditional scenario:

  • Take your cameras
  • Remove all unnecessary elements from them
  • Cut them into thin strips
  • Chop these strips

The rubber shredder in this case is an ax or scissors.

Mechanical processing method

The most professional method. A production line is a sequence of installed working devices, through which the material becomes a finished product.

Processing into crumb rubber goes through three stages:

  1. Preliminary preparation of tires. Initially, they are washed and cleared of impurities, after which they are transported by conveyor to the primary crushing unit, where they are ground by knife crushers to large pieces (30-50 mm).
  2. At the second stage of the technological process, the primary processed raw materials are fed using a belt conveyor into a hammer crusher, where they are crushed a second time to smaller sizes (10-20 mm). It is at this stage of processing that the metal and textile cord and bead wire are separated from the rubber. Textiles are separated by a special textile removal system, and metal is separated by a magnetic separator. The collected metal waste is then briquetted.
  3. At the final stage, processing into crumbs is already carried out. An extruder is used as equipment for processing tires into crumbs, in which the rubber mass is ground into a fine powder. At this stage of tire processing, additional cleaning of the crumbs from textiles and metal is also carried out using a gravity separator. After this, crushed rubber crumb

divided into fractions and packaged in 20 kg polyethylene bags or big bags (soft containers) with a carrying capacity of up to 1000 kg.

Today there are a sufficient number of manufacturers of this equipment on the Russian market.

With the chemical treatment method, car tires undergo pyrolysis. With this processing method, thermal decomposition of rubber into its component elements occurs. The tires are first crushed into a homogeneous mass and sent to the oven, where they decompose at a temperature of 500 - 800 °C. This procedure lasts 10 - 20 minutes. During the thermal decomposition of rubber, about 50% hydrogen and 26% methane are formed, as well as solid pyrolysis products, which are then used in cleaning Wastewater at wastewater treatment plants in Russia.

There is also an effective, but expensive physical and chemical method for processing tires into crumb rubber - cryogenic grinding of car tires. Rubber crushing is carried out in a special cooling chamber under extremely low temperatures(up to - 120 °C). A refrigerant (liquid nitrogen) is supplied to this chamber, cooling it to ultra-low temperatures. Under strong cooling conditions, rubber acquires a glassy state. Crushing of rubber occurs when struck with a special hammer. After grinding, textiles and metal are removed from the rubber crumb.

Nowadays, there are many mini-factories for processing tires. Business plan for processing car tires simple enough. To implement it, you will need modern equipment for processing car tires, equipment for warehouses, fuel tanks, tools and clothing for workers, as well as the cost of installing equipment. Registration of the enterprise and a license that will allow you to engage in this type of activity are required. To start this business you will need significant start-up capital.

The number of cars on the roads of our country is constantly increasing. In this regard, spontaneous dumps of used tires occur in cities. But you can make good money from this garbage. We will look at a business plan for processing tires into crumbs in this article.

Registering a business

Since such an activity is classified as working with hazardous waste, before opening a tire recycling business, you must obtain a license. This will require certain financial investments.

In addition, you need to obtain permission from the SES. To do this, all environmental requirements must be met. It's about about the installation of special filters, as well as the location of the enterprise. It should be located away from residential buildings. Do not forget to register the company with the relevant authorities, as well as tax office In addition, resolve all issues with firefighters and enter into an agreement for the supply of electricity.

Choosing a room

To process tires into crumbs, you need to choose a suitable room. These must be large areas, approximately 500 sq. meters. In addition, you will need space for raw materials and finished products.

Do not forget that the plant for processing tires into crumbs should be located away from a populated area. If complaints from the public begin to come in, your business may be closed.

These parameters correspond to sites in industrial zones located outside the city. Finding land in the suburbs for construction is not easy, so it is better to buy or rent former factory workshops. Please note the availability of convenient access roads.


Modern equipment for processing tires into crumbs is offered different manufacturers. Of all the offers on the market, only 10% correspond to the declared indicators and provide a quick payback.

All equipment for crumb rubber is divided into three groups:

  1. Equipment from European manufacturers. These are quite reliable and highly efficient units that meet all requirements;
  2. Inexpensive equipment for the production of crumb rubber from China is of questionable quality. China also produces good equipment, but its price is almost the same as for European production lines;
  3. The simplest and most reliable equipment is produced in our country. It is worth noting that the price of equipment for processing tires into crumbs from domestic manufacturers is two times lower than for European units. But, at the same time, it costs an order of magnitude more than Chinese ineffective equipment.

The production line consists of:

  • Devices for cutting tires;
  • Cutting machine;
  • Rubber restructuring machines;
  • Magnetic separator;
  • Classifier;
  • Vibrating screens;
  • Conveyor.
Remember that the quality and reliability of your equipment largely determines the success of your business.

Technological process

Processing technology rubber tires into crumbs consists of several stages:

  1. All tires are carefully inspected to identify any elements that are unsuitable for recycling;
  2. Tires are cut into small pieces;
  3. The raw materials are sent to a shredder plant, where they are crushed into smaller fractions. At this stage, metal inclusions and bead wire are removed;
  4. The processed raw materials are sent to a rotary crusher for final grinding;
  5. The process of separation, as well as separation of metal and textiles;
  6. Final cleaning takes place on a round vibrating sieve. At the same time, the crumb rubber is sorted into fractions.

In addition, tires can be processed into diesel fuel. This is a more profitable production, but it will require large investments.

Scheme: processing tires into crumbs

The process is divided into stages:

  • Sorting of raw materials;
  • Tire cutting;
  • Decomposition of raw materials in a reactor at high temperature.

The output is liquid fuel, metal cord and gas, which can be used for subsequent processing cycles.


To operate a line for processing tires into crumb rubber, you won’t need many employees. Its maintenance is completely handled by two people.

To work in the office you will need:

  • Sales manager;
  • Accountant;
  • In addition, you need to hire drivers with your own trucks, or create your own fleet.

To select personnel, seek help from specialists. The final pre-employment interview should be conducted in person. Recruited employees must undergo special training. Since it is a fairly promising area, many equipment manufacturing companies offer training in short-term courses. You can also invite employees who have experience working in similar enterprises.

Business profitability

Before you begin, carefully consider all costs. This is quite a costly business, since the cost of equipment for processing tires into crumbs is quite high. You will have to pay 2-3 million rubles for it, so if there is such an opportunity, try to find investors. Another expense item is treatment units. Without them, you will not be able to obtain permission from the SES.

Now let's talk about income. Raw materials for crumb rubber can be obtained almost free of charge. You can find organizations that pay money for recycling old tires. The resulting products can be sold at a good price. If you find reliable sales routes, the enterprise will pay for itself in the shortest possible time. short time and will become profitable.


Calculations may vary depending on local conditions, so let's take the average:

  • Registration of documents – 150 thousand rubles;
  • Rental of production space – 180 thousand rubles;
  • Renovation of the premises - 150 thousand rubles;
  • Fuel tanks – 80 thousand rubles;
  • Equipment – ​​1.5 million rubles;
  • Tool – 200 thousand rubles.

The total amount is approximately three million rubles. In addition, every month you will spend money on:

  • The workers' salary is 70 thousand rubles;
  • Salary for office employees – 50 thousand rubles;
  • Electricity – 30 thousand rubles;
  • Transport costs – 150 thousand rubles.

There are no taxes included in these calculations, since starting a business is tax-exempt in the first year.

Where can I get start-up capital?

As you can see, in order to set up production, you need enough large sum. In addition, budding entrepreneurs are also intimidated by large monthly payments.

To get money, you can try to get a loan from a bank. In this case you will have to pay high interest rates. Since the country's government is concerned about environmental issues, there are government programs through which subsidies can be obtained. To do this, you need to provide a detailed business plan with all the necessary calculations. If you are more interested, you can also ask for help from the state.

Home production

Rubber crumbs can be used to decorate garden areas, create paths or cover roofs. To process tires into crumbs at home, you can use regular scissors or an ax. All metal parts are removed from the old camera. Cut it into strips, after which they are crushed to the desired size.

Video on the topic Video on the topic

Business promotion

Since products such as crumb rubber have not yet been widely used in our country, finding buyers is not so easy. But despite this, old tires also bring good income to entrepreneurs. Start looking for markets before you even launch your business. Usually effective approach, provides excellent results.

Recycling tires into crumb rubber solves the global problem environmental problem pollution and is becoming a promising area of ​​business not only abroad, but also in Russia. The low level of competition in this niche serves as an additional incentive for an entrepreneur interested in the recycling field.


How do you recycle old tires?

Used tires can be disposed of in the following ways:

  • electromechanical grinding using cutting equipment;
  • changing the chemical structure to produce liquid products.

Features of electromechanical grinding:

  • frequent equipment downtime due to repair and replacement of cutting elements;
  • significant costs for the entire process and, as a result, the cost of the output raw materials is too high.

Features of chemical disposal:

  • the rubber component is not retained in the tire, which reduces the cost of the final product;
  • low production efficiency.

We can conclude that at present both methods are not technologically advanced and require modernization.

Tire recycling technologies

Currently, there are 4 main tire recycling technologies:

  • pyrolysis;
  • burning;
  • recovery;
  • recycling tires into crumbs.


Pyrolysis is a change in the formula and properties of the starting material with the splitting of its components. The end products of pyrolysis are suitable for fuels and lubricants.

The technology process involves heating the tire without oxygen.

From 1 ton of tires you can get:

  • 400 kg of liquid hydrocarbon fraction;
  • 250 kg carbon;
  • 150 kg of metal.

In a number of countries, pyrolysis as a method of processing tires is prohibited and is recognized at the legislative level as environmentally unsafe. This is due to the fact that during the heating process strong poisons arise.


  • hydrogen sulfide;
  • carbon disulfide;
  • hydrogen chloride and dioxins.

Although the industry is changing and may begin to gain momentum in the future, today, due to its high toxicity, this method is not common. It requires large investments in modern equipment that meets all environmental standards. Which calls into question the profitability of production.


Burning one ton of tires produces approximately the same amount of thermal energy as one ton of thermal coal.

However, when burned, sulfur, which is part of rubber, forms a large amount of sulfur dioxide, which requires the installation of special filters in the equipment. In addition, burning 4 thousand tires requires the amount of air consumed by a small city in a month.


When restored, oil costs are reduced by 6 times, which indicates the rationality and cost-effectiveness of the method. This is a new generation in tire recycling.

Among the companies engaged in tire retreading, tire factories are the leaders. For example, the Marangoni company (Italy), in addition to producing tires for cars and buses, produces products for both retreading and recycling tires without waste.

Tire retreading technologies:

  • hot vulcanization;
  • cold vulcanization;
  • slicing.

An example of the tire retreading process using cold vulcanization:

  • visual inspection and screening of tires with visible defects;
  • checking tire pressure;
  • remove the remains of the old tread;
  • preparing the frame for treatment with glue and applying substances that activate the vulcanization process;
  • placing the wheel in shells called envelops;
  • feeding into the autoclave;
  • checking the tire under pressure and restoring the shape of the wheel.

In Russia, the following companies use cold vulcanization technology:

  • Sky LLC, a dealer of the German company Vergolst in the North-West region;
  • Chekhov tire retreading plant;
  • Sovtransavto-Bryansk LLC, working using the technology of the American company Bandag; RTI plant (Kopeysk).

Recycling tires into crumbs

Due to the fact that the most rational and environmentally friendly recycling method is recycling tires into crumbs, the business plan will be built on the basis of this method.

Crumb rubber is crushed rubber with fractions of different sizes and shapes. Crumbs from rubber products are characterized by maintaining their molecular structure and elastomeric properties inherent in the original material.

Areas of application of crumbs depending on the size of the fractions:

  • fine crumbs are used in the production of new car tires;
  • medium crumb is used as a sorbent and in the modification of bitumen;
  • Large chips are used for the manufacture of coatings for various purposes.

The technology for producing crumb rubber from tires includes the following steps:

  • identifying tire damage and screening out unsuitable parts;
  • cutting into pieces;
  • sorting from metal components and shredding with a shredder;
  • abrasion into crumbs on a rotary crusher;
  • separation;
  • cleaning crumb rubber on a vibrating sieve;
  • appropriate packaging and transportation.

The video shows the technological process of processing old car tires into crumbs. From channel

Relevance of the service

The timeliness and necessity of this business is due to the unfavorable environmental situation in the country and the world. Every year, according to data provided by the UN, more than 25 million tons of tire waste are generated. This is due to the growing number of cars and the insufficiently developed infrastructure for their collection and recycling.

This situation is global problem and greatly worsens environmental situation on the planet. In addition, with unauthorized burning, car tires cause irreparable harm to the environment.

The relevance of organizing an enterprise that will process tires into crumbs, from the point of view economic efficiency, can be explained by several factors.


  • there is no need to invest large amounts of money in the purchase of raw materials;
  • it is possible to receive municipal support for the provision of raw materials and subsidies;
  • high demand for crumbs from large commercial construction organizations.

Market description and analysis

An analysis of the pan-European recycling market shows its annual growth. If in the 90s only 5% of used tires were crushed, then by 2010 this percentage was already more than 30%. In addition, the niche is actively moving towards the use of automated technologies.

Today the recycling rate is distributed as follows:

  • 50% of end-of-life tires are burned to generate energy;
  • 30% is processed into crumbs;
  • 11% is buried;
  • 9% of tires are retreaded for recycling.

According to the foreign magazine EUROPEAN RUBBER, the EU Council has prepared recommendations for member states on voluntary initiatives to develop technologies for the recycling and use of used tires.

Some of the fundamental goals of such initiatives are:

  • increasing the recycling rate from thirty percent to one hundred;
  • reducing their burial level to zero.

In Russia, about 1.1 million tons of tires are recycled annually. Over the previous 5 years, this figure has increased by 25%, which currently represents only 10% of the total.

The market size is increasing due to the growing demand for crumb rubber, which is used for various products.

Crumb rubber is suitable for making:

  • seamless floor covering;
  • tiles and rolled materials;
  • asphalt and other road elements;
  • coverings for running tracks and sidewalks;
  • rubber products.

Competitive advantages

The degree of competition in the tire recycling business can be assessed as low. However, it is worth defining in this niche competitive advantages enterprises.

The main advantages can be:

  • use of high-tech production line;
  • the ability to recycle tires with any type of cord;
  • thorough purification of the final product from by-products;
  • free recycling of raw materials and pickup from large sites;
  • full production cycle: from processing tires to manufacturing finished products using crumb rubber.

Advertising campaign

Recycling old tires is a highly targeted business that does not require mass promotion and large investments in advertising.

Main promotion tools:

  • creation and promotion of the company website;
  • the appearance of information about activities in specialized business magazines;
  • cooperation with environmental organizations.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a company

Stages of opening a second-hand tire processing plant:

  1. Niche analysis and competitor study.
  2. Selection of premises in accordance with sanitary, epidemiological and fire standards.
  3. Purchase and installation of equipment.
  4. Registration of activities in government agencies and obtaining permits.
  5. Personnel selection.
  6. Development of a sales policy - conducting marketing research and searching for customers.
  7. Developing an advertising strategy based on benefits.


When registering, an entrepreneur can choose the form of individual entrepreneur or LLC. Individual entrepreneurs involve lower costs for registration and subsequent reporting. An LLC is established if the company plans to attract investments and organize global activities, including in foreign markets.

Crumb rubber belongs to hazard class IV.

According to Article 5 of the Federal Law Federal Law 89 of June 24, 1998 “On Production and Consumption Waste,” the collection, disposal, and transportation of waste of hazard classes I-IV is among the licensed types of activities. The licensing authority is federal Service on supervision in the field of environmental management.

Before registering and submitting documents for licensing, you must have:

  • production room;
  • industrial site with a sanitary zone;
  • processing equipment line;
  • permits from Rospotrebnadzor and fire inspection.

To obtain a license you must provide the following documents:

  • copies of statutory documents certified by a natary;
  • list of services provided;
  • copies of documents on ownership or lease of premises and equipment;
  • conclusion of environmental impact assessment;
  • documents confirming the presence of production control;
  • confirmation of payment of state duty.

Search for premises

Requirements for production premises:

  • remoteness from urban and residential buildings;
  • area of ​​at least 80 sq. meters;
  • availability of adjacent territory for storing raw materials;
  • compliance with established SanPiN and fire safety standards;
  • compliance with safety regulations in the premises.

When planning a room, it is necessary to organize zones:

  • production: for placing equipment;
  • warehouse: for storing raw materials and storing the finished product.

An outdoor unheated hangar or a fenced-in area with the ability to unload recyclables is suitable for storing old tires.

Equipment and raw materials

The business plan considers the acquisition of a full-cycle line for processing tires into crumbs with a total cost of 2,100,000 rubles.

The line includes:

  • bead cutting machine;
  • a device that removes seat rings;
  • shredder;
  • roller apparatus, mill;
  • vibrating table and screening unit;
  • magnetic separator for extracting the metal fraction;
  • cyclone for recovering textile material;
  • switching device;
  • conveyors.

It is important to take into account that complex installations may not correspond to the specified productivity, and therefore the payback period.

Equipment for processing can be either domestic or foreign.


  • installations from Europe have proven themselves to be reliable and efficient, but are expensive;
  • Chinese equipment has low cost, but also low productivity;
  • The Russian manufacturer currently shows itself as a supplier with best quality at an affordable price.

Establishing a system for collecting raw materials becomes the main task of the entrepreneur. Currently, we can talk about an undeveloped infrastructure for receiving raw materials. At the same time, there are a sufficient number of development channels in this direction.

Channels for collecting raw materials can be:

  • motor transport enterprises;
  • landfills;
  • tire services;
  • private car owners.

It is possible to organize both a free reception at stationary and mobile points, and in some cases do it for a small fee: from 50-100 rubles. per wheel. This will help recoup the company's transportation costs.

Bead cutting machine Conveyor Shredder Magnetic separator


Enterprise employees must have special training for waste management, confirmed by a certificate or certificate. In addition, equipment adjusters and installers must be highly qualified.

The staff for the production of crumb rubber from tires includes:

Job titleNumber of peopleSalary, rub.Monthly payment fund, rub.
Master1 35 000 35000
Production line worker2 20 000 40000
Equipment adjuster1 25 000 25000
Receiver of raw materials1 15 000 15000
Sales Representative1 25 000 25000
Total6 140000

Sales of finished products

Organization and establishment of sales policy is one of the most important stages drawing up a business plan. It must be thought out in advance.

Sales channels can be:

  • developers and construction contractors;
  • large factories for the production of rubber products;
  • manufacturers building materials for residential and commercial real estate;
  • manufacturers of new car tires.

A good tool for expanding sales is participation in specialized exhibitions, where personal meetings and acquaintance with potential buyers are possible.

Financial plan

The idea of ​​organizing a processing business must be economically calculated in advance.

Main investments at the start of production stage:

Regular expenses

The monthly expenses of the enterprise include the following expense items:


The enterprise's income will be calculated in accordance with the capacity of the equipment.

The production line has a capacity of 3200 kg per day and provides about 60 tons of raw materials per month. The company's income comes from the sale of crumb rubber and additional products obtained during the processing process.

Calendar plan

The enterprise calendar plan is designed for 8 months. This is due to special requirements for the premises and, accordingly, the timing of its search. And also, as a rule, with a rather lengthy process of obtaining permits and selecting suitable equipment.

Stage1 month2 months3 months4 months5 months6 months7 months8 months
Market analysis+ +
Preparation of a business plan + +
Preparation of a package of documents + + +
Obtaining additional permissions + +
premises rental +
Repair work +
Purchasing and completing inventory + +
Recruitment + +
Opening +

Risks and payback

Payback period for manufacturing enterprise with a full cycle the average is 18 months.

Like any business sector, the production of crumb rubber is subject to certain risks. Some of them can be predicted and prevented, while the rest cannot be controlled by the entrepreneur.

External risks:

  • disruptions in the supply of raw materials;
  • product sales failures;
  • decline in crumb prices;
  • increase in electricity prices;
  • changes in legislation.

According to reviews from business owners, the main risks are production and related to equipment.

Production risks:

  1. Equipment failure and insufficient performance. The composition of domestically produced tires involves the presence of a mixed textile or diagonal cord. Imported machines are not designed for such products. This must be taken into account so as not to purchase a production line that is obviously unsuitable.
  2. Poor quality supply of components. This occurs especially often when ordering components from China.
  3. Insufficient performance. The information provided and the power of the equipment may not correspond to reality.

To reduce the overall risk exposure it is necessary to:

  • carry out a thorough check and selection of equipment;
  • timely repair and carry out and adjustment of elements:
  • duplicate supply and sales channels;
  • establish cooperation with both Russian and foreign companies;
  • expand the scope of activity: continue the cycle of production of crumbs for coverings for sports fields.

The business of processing tires into crumbs is not easy and requires quite large investments. Nevertheless, the demand for products is high, which can become a factor in the rapid payback and growth of the enterprise.


Educational film about recycling car tires. An example of processing production and a description of the full production cycle.

Tire recycling is actual question environmental protection. By Russian roads Today 59.6 million are on the move. Vehicle. If we take into account that the average wear life of tires is 6-7 years, then 34 million of them are replaced with new ones every year. 300-350 thousand tires per region. In Moscow and St. Petersburg there are many times more.

Meanwhile, statistics claim that only a fifth of car tires are recycled. The rest is either burned as recycling or decomposes in landfills. And rubber, as you know, takes about 150 years to decompose.

IN European countries Landfills for recycling car tires have been banned for more than 10 years.

In this regard, recycling of car tires in Russia is of great environmental importance. Today there are only 150 mini-factories for processing tires in the country. U of this business great economic prospects. From used tires, with a reasonable approach to their recycling, you can obtain a sought-after secondary product:

Business benefits

The advantages of a tire recycling business include the following.

1 . As can be seen from the above figures, there is a large amount of raw materials. Moreover, you will get used tires for free. Motor transport enterprises are interested in getting rid of scrap as quickly as possible. You can earn a little extra money by recycling old tires (they pay up to 5-6 thousand rubles for recycling a ton of tires). The number of cars in the country is growing annually by almost 5%. Therefore, you will not experience a shortage of raw materials.

2 . The premises required for running a business are relatively small. For example, for small production, 50 sq. m. will be enough. meters. If you have the financial capabilities to develop a larger-scale business, you need to rent or purchase premises of 300 sq. m. meters. Keep in mind that for a smaller space you will have to pay less for rent and utilities.

3 . Your products will be in good demand. For example, crumbs are required for the manufacture of coverings for sports and children's playgrounds, for the construction of which budget allocations are allocated. Old tires contain valuable materials: rubber, metal and textiles. Their initial properties generally do not change during operation.

Children's playground covered with crumb rubber

4 . Only 20% of old tires are recycled. The business is quite new, you won’t face any tough competition. The earlier you enter the market, the better your chances of further business development. Hurry up to enter the market while competition is low.

5 . The business is quite simple in technology and does not require side costs for various operations to add chemical additives to manufactured products. Good profitability of the project. You will recoup your investment in 1.5 years.

6 . Your company will work in the field of ecology. You will work in a rewarding environment that protects the environment. Municipal and regional authorities are ready to support you if your work brings results.

Tire recycling options

The tire recycling business can be carried out in several ways.

  1. Crushing, the final product of which will be small rubber crumbs. Depending on the size and form of manufacture, it is used as an additive in a variety of mixtures, including for the production of new tires, rubber tiles, sports and playground coatings. In this case, secondary metal and textile threads are additionally obtained.
  2. Production of fuel oil, gasoline, kerosene, gas, carbon black, metal cord by heating to high temperature without air access (pyrolysis). The technology can hardly be called rational; it is very expensive and unprofitable.
  3. Disposal of used tires by burning. At the same time, the allocated thermal energy can be used for the recycling process. However this method accompanied by a release into environment large quantity soot, sulfur and other toxins.

Production of crumb rubber

Processing tires into crumbs is very simple in its technology. Technological process consists of the following steps:

First stage. Preparing tires for cutting. Inspect worn tires to remove metal small parts and other foreign elements unsuitable for processing: stones, fragments, bead wire.

Second phase. Cutting tires into small pieces or strips (depending on the type of equipment).

From under the hydraulic shears, where the tires are cut into pieces, the rubber goes to the crusher and then to the granulator

Third stage. Grinding into crumbs, removing metal cord and textile elements.

Fourth stage. Sorting crumb rubber into the required fractions.

Fifth stage. Packaging of received products and sending them to consumers.

How to start a business

Production of processing car tires will require solving organizational issues.

One thing to keep in mind is that you must have a tire recycling license to open a business.

The license applicant must have:

  • a building or premises owned or leased, located at least 300 meters away from the residential area;
  • specialized equipment necessary for recycling old tires;
  • if engaged in transportation - a vehicle equipped accordingly and equipped with special signs.

Workers must undergo training and obtain certificates for the right to work in the field of waste management.

A conclusion on the compliance of all of the above with regulatory requirements must be provided by the sanitary and epidemiological inspection body - a division of today's Rospotrebnadzor. The license is issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources.

Based on these requirements, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity at the tax service.

Select a premises and register your rights to it. To install the equipment, a room of 50 square meters will be enough. meters. But a place is needed for storing raw materials and finished products, resting and feeding staff. A garage business is not the best option.

Production requires an uninterrupted supply of electricity, water supply, sewerage, and a ventilation system.

Means of production

The purchase of equipment should be given primary attention. This is both the largest expense item and the main link on which the success of the entire production process will depend.

At a minimum, the list of equipment looks like this:

  1. hydraulic shears;
  2. tape cutter;
  3. shredder;
  4. magnetic separator;
  5. air separator;
  6. conveyor;
  7. vibrating sieve

Tape cutter

You can purchase equipment in parts, or as a whole. For example, a business idea like purchasing a mini plant for processing tires into crumbs seems very profitable and reasonable.

Mini plant

For example, the automatic tire recycling line “Alpha-tire-recycling/atr 300” can process up to 4 thousand tons of tires per year, while producing up to 3 thousand tons of crumb rubber. It can operate successfully and profitably in populated areas with a population of 150 thousand people.

The cost of purchasing and installing the line is 10.1 million rubles.

The final product will be:

  • crumb rubber 3 fractions: up to 1 mm, 2-3 mm, 4-5 mm;
  • metal cord;
  • textile cord

How the ATR-300 line works

At the initial stage, the tires are cut into pieces and fed along a conveyor to the initial shredder. Then the entire process takes place without human intervention. From the primary processing shredder, the tire pieces enter a block, where they are crushed into smaller ones and the metal cord is simultaneously removed from them. The scheme for further processing of tires involves passing the resulting rubber chips through a complex of rotary crushers via pneumatic transport.

Location of the ATR-300 tire recycling line

The result is the production of all three components of processed products with lower energy consumption and lower cost than on semi-automatic lines. In addition, the compactness of the line, due to the absence of conveyor belts, allows for convenient placement of machines and more efficient maintenance. The automated process ensures environmentally friendly production; no harmful emissions or emissions are observed during crushing.

Tire recycling line ATR-300

The number of personnel servicing a line with a monthly productivity of 150 tons should include 10 workers with a wage fund of about 350 thousand rubles.

A business plan for tire processing should be calculated taking into account the receipt of minimum volumes of finished products.

Number of tires recycled per month: 150 tons.

Crumbs received: 110 tons.

Steel cord received: 20 tons.

Textiles received: 20 tons.

Income for the month

Sale of crumbs (110 tons at an average price of 16 rubles/kg) = 1.76 million rubles.

Sale of steel cord (20 tons at a price of 5.0 thousand rubles/t.) = 100 thousand rubles.

Sale of textiles (20 tons at an average price of 2.0 thousand rubles/t.) = 40.0 thousand rubles.

Acceptance of used rubber for processing (100 tons at the lowest price of 1,300 rubles/t.) = 130.0 thousand rubles.

Total: minimum income per month = 2.03 million rubles.


Staff salary (per month) with insurance payments = 350 thousand rubles.

Purchase of bags for packaging (capacity up to 30 kg) at the rate of 8 rubles/bag = 40.0 thousand rubles. per month.

Payment for electricity (120 kW/t x 4.5 rubles/kW) = 80.0 thousand rubles.

Line maintenance, replacement of knives, business expenses = 130.0 thousand rubles.

Rental fee (300 sq. m. x 150 rubles) = 45.0 thousand rubles.

Total expenses: 645 thousand rubles.

Monthly minimum profit: income (2.03 million rubles) – expenses (0.645 million rubles) = 1.385 million rubles.

This indicator can be increased by increasing processing volumes, prices for sold crumbs, receiving raw materials and other components.


One option is to purchase a franchise.

A franchise is the right, for a fee, to open a business under the auspices of a brand or simply a more experienced franchisor, using its technologies, operating system, and equipment.

What does a tire recycling franchise provide? By concluding an agreement with the franchisor, you receive:

  1. A set of equipment for processing tires into crumb rubber.
  2. Equipment for the production of rubber tiles is also possible.
  3. Equipment, tools and spare parts necessary for work.
  4. Carrying out installation of equipment and commissioning work by the franchisor.
  5. Providing assistance in equipment repairs.
  6. Training.
  7. Client base of raw material suppliers.
  8. Quality control of manufactured products.

The franchise fee can range from 3 million rubles. In addition, you will have to pay a certain percentage of your income to the franchisor.

Raw material supplies

Despite the fact that there is a lot of raw material for processing car tires, it is necessary to think about its uninterrupted delivery to the place of production. Your main suppliers are enterprises that have a significant transport fleet, as well as tire fitting companies and waste sites.

It is better to conclude agreements with them for the recycling of old tires on an ongoing basis. Collection points for used tires can be set up. Acceptance is made for a fee, the amount of which varies from one thousand to five thousand rubles per ton.

Sales of products

Crumb rubber is a popular material. It is used as:

  • bases for the production of stadium coverings;
  • material for the construction of children's playgrounds and sports grounds;
  • fillers for sports equipment;
  • the main material in the manufacture of paving slabs. Its share in the tile is 80%.
  • filler when creating bitumen roofing coverings, forming
  • fiber-reinforced concrete for pouring foundations, producing road surfaces;
  • regenerating agent when restoring old tires.

Rubber tiles are widely used not only for flooring in gyms, playgrounds and school yards, but also in suburban areas

Consumers may also include manufacturers of rubber products and companies working for the oil industry.

What problems may arise

As in any business, a project may turn out to be great on paper, but in practice the entrepreneur will face real failures. To minimize losses from them, risks should also be calculated in advance and solutions to problematic issues should be considered.

The main problem is disruptions in the supply of raw materials. For some reason, there is no line of cars overloaded with old tires forming at the gates of your factory. The solution to the issue must be found in the timely conclusion of long-term contracts with motor transport enterprises. One option is to open a mini plant directly on the territory of a large carrier. It is worth considering a system of collection points for used tires.

Acceptance of tires for recycling

Frequent equipment failure. This most often happens with used machines or due to human errors. It is necessary to establish strict adherence to maintenance schedules for all units of the line, and regularly instruct workers.

Problems with product sales. Its solution must be found in long-term agreements with consumers, participation in various tenders for the supply of crumbs for production various types city ​​sites.

The main indicators of the business plan with calculations and market analysis indicate that the production of car tires is a profitable and fairly quickly paid off enterprise, which also brings enormous benefits to the environment.

Recycling hazardous types of waste is relevant in Russia. With the increase in the number of cars, the number of used tires increases (according to statistics, it reaches 1 million tons per year).

There are not enough enterprises involved in their processing, although every year 50 tons of rubber that has become unusable accumulates in each region. Not all cities have places to store this type of waste. Discarded tires are found on the side of the road or adjacent to suburban roads.

The greatest experience in recycling tires is in the Moscow region (2 specialized plants operate), but they only recycle 10%.

Therefore, the business of processing car tires will fill an empty niche.

The advantage of such a business is the opportunity to receive old tires for free. Processing tires into crumb rubber is a promising type of business.

There is no tire recycling system in Russia; experts attribute this to imperfect legislation.

Advantages and disadvantages of the processing business

  • The advantages of this business include:
  • inexpensive raw materials in large quantities;
  • location close to sales locations;
  • few competitors;
  • the ability to use any room;

economic benefit.

  • Flaws:
  • initial investment required;

selection of raw materials with the same composition.

Selecting a room When choosing a room you need to consider:

  • the area must be sufficient to accommodate production equipment;
  • places for loading and unloading;
  • necessary auxiliary premises;
  • connection to water supply and power lines;
  • convenient access roads;
  • distance from residential area 300 m or more.

An industrial zone located outside the city would be the most suitable location.

Required documents

To open a business, you will need documents confirming or, the conclusion of the sanitary-epidemiological and fire service, an agreement for the supply of electricity. Licensing for this type of activity was canceled by Federal Law No. 93 of June 25, 2112.

What documents will be required to register an individual entrepreneur and how to prepare them correctly in accordance with legal requirements - read

Registration of activities

You should approach your choice responsibly: this affects the registration procedure, payment of taxes and other factors. When opening an LLC, the following responsibilities arise:

  • as a legal entity;
  • How individuals founders and participants.

The LLC is liable for its obligations within the limits of its property. If it is impossible to repay debts during bankruptcy, obligations may pass to the founders and participants.

For individual entrepreneurs, when debt obligations arise, property is not considered personal and is not used for entrepreneurial activity(this also applies to property acquired before starting a business activity).

Industrial processing of tires into crumbs: business plan with calculations

The technological line that processes tires into crumbs has a capacity of up to 700 kg/hour. The yield of finished products from the initial mass of raw materials is 60 - 70% of the granulate, which is in particular demand (fraction 2 - 4 mm).

Room area 250 m2, number of workers 4 people, electricity consumption 120 kW. The annual production of crumb rubber will be 2000 tons.

  • The cost of main equipment is 10.75 million rubles.
  • Delivery and setup 250 thousand rubles.
  • Additional expenses 30 thousand rubles.
  • A machine that sews bags 10 thousand rubles.
  • Scales 20 thousand rubles.
  • The cost of crumb bags is 20 thousand rubles.
  • Staff salary is 100 thousand rubles.

With a minimum monthly processing of tires of 150 tons, the yield is:

  • metal cord 30 tons;
  • rubber crumbs 100 tons;
  • textiles 20 tons.

Income from product sales

  • 1500 thousand rubles. from crumb rubber (100 t x 15 rubles/kg);
  • 90 thousand rubles. metal cord (30 t x 3 thousand rubles/t);
  • 40 thousand rubles. textiles (20 tons x 2 thousand rubles/t);
  • 150 thousand rubles. acceptance of tire recycling from individuals and enterprises.

Total: 1780 thousand rubles.

Production costs

  • 100 thousand rubles. staff salaries;
  • 4 thousand rubles. for packaging bags;
  • 20 thousand rubles. communication services, economic;
  • 100 thousand rubles. electricity (120 kW x 4.5 rub.);
  • 50 thousand rubles. rental of premises;
  • 50 thousand rubles. line maintenance;
  • 20 thousand rubles. garbage removal.

Total: 344 thousand rubles.

The profit is 1780 – 344 = 1436 thousand rubles. Return on investment 8 months.

With an increase in the output of finished products and their sale at a price above the minimum, monthly profit indicators will increase.

Starting a business requires large investments, and this is scary for novice entrepreneurs. You can use a bank loan or receive a subsidy under a government program. To do this you will need a business plan with calculations.

and tips for their implementation are contained in our new article at the link.

Possible risks

The production cycle includes the supply of raw materials, operation of equipment and sale of finished products. Risks that may arise:

  • breakdown of technological equipment (to reduce this risk, you should promptly maintain the line, follow recommendations for its operation, replace worn-out mechanisms and consumables);
  • interruptions in the supply of raw materials (a contract for the supply of raw materials can be concluded simultaneously with the search for equipment);
  • difficulties with sales (you should enter into a long-term agreement with a company that needs crumb rubber and establish a sales channel in nearby regions);
  • spoilage of products during storage (special conditions are not required, but crumb rubber is afraid of moisture).

A business based on processing car tires into crumbs will be profitable if the entrepreneur manages to resolve the issue of marketing the finished product. This direction is promising and consistently brings good profits.

You can find out how lines for processing tires into crumbs function in practice in the following video: