Rear admiral is a rank in the ground forces. What are the military ranks of the Russian Navy in ascending order?

The list of military ranks is established by the law of the Russian Federation “On military duty and military service." They are divided into military and naval (sea).

Naval ranks assigned to military personnel of the submarine and surface forces of the Navy. Military applies to land, space and airborne troops.

These include:

  • Coastal troops. They guard strategic areas coastal zone. The military bases of the Russian Federation are equipped missile systems and artillery. They have torpedo, anti-aircraft and mine weapons.
  • Naval aviation protects its ships from air attack. It organizes reconnaissance, search and rescue operations, transportation and landing of detachments. Its formations are based in the Black Sea, Pacific, Northern and Baltic fleets.
  • Marine Corps was created in 1992. It is designed to protect naval bases, defend important coastal facilities, and participate in combat operations.

Each department has its own responsibilities, but they have the same basic functions:

  • protection of the country's sovereignty;
  • ensuring public safety;
  • use of force in case of detection of a threat from the sea side;
  • obedience to the orders of the commander in chief.

Junior ranks in the navy

During the first months of service in the Russian Navy, soldiers are called sailors. Until 1946, they were called “Red Navy men.” This rank is equivalent to private in ground forces.

To the best sailors for excellent performance of official duties and adherence to discipline is assigned to the senior sailor. They can replace squad commanders during their absence. The corresponding military rank is corporal.

The squad leader is a foreman of the first or second class. These titles began to be used in 1940. In the ground forces they are equivalent to sergeant and junior sergeant.

The deputy platoon commander is called the chief sergeant major. Among army servicemen, he corresponds to a senior sergeant. The rank above him is the chief petty officer.

Midshipman - this military rank is assigned to persons who remain in service in the ranks of the Navy after the expiration of the established period. They are trained in schools or courses. Senior midshipman is a rank higher. The ranks are equivalent to military warrant officer and senior warrant officer.

Naval officers

The first rank of junior officers in the navy is junior lieutenant. Upon completion of their period of service and successful completion of certification, they are transferred to lieutenants.

The next level is senior lieutenant. The rank corresponds to a cavalry captain, infantry captain or captain of the Cossack troops. The highest rank of junior officers is captain-lieutenant.

A captain of the 3rd rank is sometimes called a "captri". Equivalent to a major of the ground forces. Abbreviated name of captain 2nd rank -"kavtorang" or "kapdva". Corresponds to a lieutenant colonel in the armed forces. A captain of the 1st rank or “kapraz” is equivalent to the rank of colonel, and can command ships.

Rear admiral is the first admiral rank established on May 7, 1940. He serves as deputy fleet commander. A similar rank in the aviation and ground forces is major general. Above are the vice admiral and the admiral. Similar to them are army servicemen, lieutenant general and colonel general.

The post of Commander-in-Chief of the Navy is occupied by the Admiral of the Fleet. This is the highest active naval rank in the Russian Federation.


Shoulder straps of sailors without insignia. Senior sailors have one galloon - a transverse strip. The foreman of the second article has two yellow fabric braids, the first article has three. The shoulder straps of the chief petty officer have one wide stripe. The chief petty officer has one longitudinal braid.

Midshipmen's shoulder straps are marked with small stars, which are located vertically. The midshipman has two stars, the senior midshipman has three.

Junior officers wear a vertical yellow stripe on their shoulder straps - a clearance. Stars measuring 13 millimeters are sewn on them. The junior lieutenant has one star in the clear, the lieutenant has two stars on both sides of the yellow stripe, the senior has one in the clear and two on the sides, the captain-lieutenant has two on the line and two on the sides.

The shoulder straps of senior officers have two parallel gaps and stars measuring 20 millimeters. The captain of the 3rd rank has one star between the yellow stripes, the second - one on each gap, the first - one between the lines and one on them.

Top-level officers wear shoulder straps with large stars and no gaps. A rear admiral has one star, a vice admiral has two, and an admiral has three. On the shoulder straps of the fleet admiral there is only one big star measuring 4 centimeters.

Sleeve insignia

On the sleeves of officers' uniforms there are yellow stripes and stars. Higher ranks have an embroidered anchor inside the star.

The number of stripes and width vary by rank:

  • medium-sized stripe for a junior lieutenant;
  • medium and narrow - for the lieutenant;
  • two middle ones - for the senior lieutenant;
  • one narrow and two medium ones - for the lieutenant commander;
  • three medium ones - for the captain of the 3rd rank, four medium ones - for the second one, one wide - for the first one;
  • medium and wide - for the rear admiral;
  • two medium and wide - for the vice admiral;
  • three medium and wide - for the admiral;
  • four medium and one wide - for the fleet admiral.

The procedure for assigning the next Navy rank

The law establishes the following stages of increase:

  • the minimum period of service to obtain the rank of sergeant major of the second article is one year;
  • Three years of service allows you to become a chief petty officer;
  • the same number of years is required to be a midshipman;
  • in two years you can receive the rank of junior lieutenant, in three - lieutenant, and in another three - senior lieutenant;
  • four years of further service give grounds to qualify for a captain-lieutenant, and the next four - for a captain of the 3rd rank;
  • in five years you can become a captain of the 2nd rank.

For special achievements, it is possible to receive the next military rank early.

The ranks of sailors are somewhat different from the ranks of land, missile, space force, Airborne Forces, Air Force. Let's take a closer look at this classification, starting with an idea of ​​what ranks exist in the Russian Armed Forces.

Composition of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

In total, there are two types of ranks for the military in our state - military and ship (sea) ranks. Their list is established in the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”.

Naval ranks are assigned to sailors:

  • underwater and surface units of the Navy;
  • Coast Guard border units of the FSB of the Russian Federation;
  • military naval units of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Components of the Navy:

  • coastal troops;
  • marines;
  • naval aviation.

Navy units

Let's look at each one briefly:

  1. Marine Corps (we will consider the ranks below). The branch of the military was created on February 14, 1992. It is designed for amphibious assault operations, defense of important strategic facilities on the coast, and defense of naval bases. The color of distinction is black (black beret), the motto is: “Where we are, there is victory!” Number: 12.5-35 thousand military personnel. Marine units are present in the Pacific, Northern, Black Sea, Baltic Fleet, and Caspian Flotilla.
  2. Naval aviation. Destruction of the enemy’s battle fleet, as well as its landing forces, convoys, single ships both at sea and at bases, covering one’s ships from air attack, aerial reconnaissance, destruction cruise missiles, airplanes and helicopters, air transport, landing of detachments, search and rescue operations. Basing points: Pacific, Northern, Baltic, Black Sea fleet.
  3. Coastal defense and security. The troops protect the military bases of the Russian Navy and strategically important areas of the coastal zone. They have coastal artillery and missile systems, incl. and anti-aircraft, torpedo, mine weapons, and special coastal defense vessels.

Naval ranks and shoulder straps: type, colors

There are two main categories of shoulder straps in the navy: for officers and for junior personnel.

Midshipmen, foremen and sailors:

  • everyday uniform: blue (in some variations with silver edging) shoulder straps with yellow stripes and the letter “F” embroidered according to rank;
  • ceremonial beige shirt (only for midshipmen) - removable shoulder straps, identical to those present on the ceremonial tunic;
  • dress coat, tunic - gray-black sewn shoulder straps with a checkerboard pattern.

Officer naval ranks and shoulder straps:

  • white dress shirt - golden removable shoulder straps without edging;
  • beige dress shirt - shoulder straps without edging to match the clothes;
  • casual coat and jacket - black shoulder straps with yellow trim;
  • ceremonial officer's jacket - embroidered golden shoulder straps with black edging stripes.

Junior naval ranks and insignia

Sailors wear shoulder straps without insignia; only senior sailors have one transverse stripe (galloon).

Petty officers have insignia - stripes, fabric braids yellow(for both everyday and festive uniforms). Naval ranks:

  • foreman of the second article (2 galloons);
  • foreman of the first article (3 galloons);
  • chief petty officer (one wide stripe);
  • chief ship's foreman (one wide, longitudinal braid).

Midshipmen's shoulder straps are somewhat similar to those of officers, but are made without gaps (vertical sewn stripes); edgings can be added. The insignia is small vertical stars. Naval ranks:

  • midshipman (two stars);
  • senior midshipman (three stars).

Naval officers

Junior officer naval ranks of Russia wear one gap on their shoulder straps (a yellow vertically located sewn stripe). The standard size of metal sprockets is 13 mm. Differences:

  • junior lieutenant (one star in the clear);
  • lieutenant (two stars on both sides of the gap);
  • senior lieutenant (three stars - one in the clear, the other two on either side of him);
  • captain-lieutenant (four stars - two in the clear, two on the sides of the line).

Senior officer ranks of the navy already have two clearances and the stars on their shoulder straps are larger - 20 mm. Differences:

  • captain of the third rank (one star between gaps);
  • captain of the second rank (two stars in the gaps);
  • captain of the first rank (three stars - two in the gaps, one between the stripes)

Senior officers wear shoulder straps without gaps with large embroidered stars (22 mm):

  • rear admiral (one star);
  • vice admiral (two stars);
  • admiral (three stars);
  • admiral of the fleet (one large embroidered star - 40 mm).

Sleeve insignia

In the navy, in addition to shoulder straps, officers also have insignia on the sleeves of their uniforms - yellow stripes and stars. The latter for junior and senior officers are filled with a solid yellow stripe, and for senior officers an anchor is embroidered inside the outline of the star. The width and number of stripes vary by rank:

  • junior lieutenant - middle band;
  • lieutenant - medium and narrow stripes;
  • senior lieutenant - two middle ones;
  • captain-lieutenant - two medium, one narrow;
  • captain 3rd rank - three averages;
  • captain 2nd rank - four averages;
  • captain 1st rank - one wide;
  • rear admiral - wide and medium;
  • vice admiral - wide and two medium;
  • admiral - wide and three medium;
  • Admiral of the Fleet - wide and four medium.

Correspondence between naval and military ranks

Military and naval ranks correspond as follows:

Marshal of the Russian Federation
Fleet AdmiralArmy General
AdmiralsColonels General
Vice AdmiralsMajor Generals
Rear admiralsLieutenant Generals
Captains 1st rankColonels
Captains 2nd rankLieutenant Colonels
Captains 3rd rankMajors
Junior lieutenants
Senior midshipmenSenior warrant officers
Chief petty officers of the shipPetty Officers
Petty Officers 1 articleSergeants
Petty Officers 2 articlesJunior Sergeants
Senior sailorsCorporals

Naval ranks and insignia on shoulder straps in the Russian army are clearly structured, so they are quite easy to understand even with a superficial familiarization.

Sailors are always respected and serious people for whom work comes first. But at the same time, they all have families who are faithfully waiting for them and loving them. The profession of a naval sailor is not only responsible and serious, but also interesting. Members of the Navy can see a lot during their career. Although there is also a risk to life.

What are the military ranks in the Navy?

Let's start with the fact that in the Russian Navy military ranks are divided into two categories: military and naval. The first ones have categories:

  1. The ladder begins with soldiers and foremen, who, in turn, are divided into soldier, corporal and foreman.
  2. Next come the warrant officers. This rank is divided into warrant officer and senior warrant officer.
  3. Officers. Here the subcategories are:
  • junior officers: junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain;
  • senior: major, lieutenant colonel, colonel;
  • highest: major general, lieutenant general, colonel general, army general and marshal of the Russian Federation.

Ship ranks have slightly different names:

  1. Soldiers, sergeants, sailors. Here the ranks are in ascending order: sailor, senior sailor, foreman of the 2nd article, 1st article, chief, chief ship officer, foreman.
  2. Midshipmen: midshipman, senior midshipman.
  3. Junior officers: junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, lieutenant captain.
  4. Senior officers: captain 3rd rank, 2nd rank, 1st rank.
  5. Higher officers: rear admiral, vice admiral, admiral, fleet admiral, marshal of Russia.

The uniform of military personnel in the Navy does not always include shoulder straps on which ranks are determined. Often, military sailors have stripes on their sleeves that identify their position and rank.

More information about the procedure for assigning titles

Like the Army, the Navy assigns a member's rank on the day his or her military rank expires. The legislation establishes the following deadlines:

  • to become a private or a sailor, you must serve for 5 months;
  • a year is required to serve in order to become a junior sergeant or sergeant major of the 2nd article;
  • You must serve three years to receive the ranks of senior sergeant and chief sergeant;
  • the same number of years is allotted to become an ensign or midshipman;
  • You must serve two years to become a junior lieutenant;
  • three to lieutenant;
  • three more to first lieutenant;
  • 4 years to captain and lieutenant commander;
  • 4 – up to major and captain of the 3rd rank;
  • It takes 5 years to become a lieutenant colonel or captain of the 2nd rank.

To receive the rank of senior officer, you must serve in your previous position for at least 1 year. As a rule, naval soldiers receive their next military rank 2 years after receiving the previous rank. The deadline includes:

  1. Break time (if any) due to the involvement of the military in criminal liability for unjustified reasons, as well as in the event illegal dismissal followed by restoration.
  2. Time to stop military activities.
  3. Number of years spent in reserve.

Note that for special achievements, a naval soldier can receive another military rank ahead of schedule.

What are the responsibilities of the Navy?

Like any other troops, the Navy works for the good of the country. The main functions of the naval personnel are:

  • usage military force in case of a threat to the country from the sea. The Navy is also obliged to contain and suppress possible threats to Russia;
  • protect the sovereignty of your country by any means;
  • creating conditions to ensure the security of the state;
  • by order of the commander-in-chief, participate in various operations.

If we talk specifically about departments, then each of them has its own responsibilities. For example, naval aviation is engaged in missile and bomb strikes, and also provides cover. Coastal units defend the coast and lead ground fighting, protecting the sea border.

How to get into the Navy

Many young guys dream of working for the good of their Motherland, namely, protecting it. In order to become a member of the Navy, you must meet all categories. To be more precise, to become an employee you need:

  1. Have a complete secondary education. But it is preferable, of course, to graduate from a maritime school.
  2. Be at least 165 cm tall, and also have at least the second group of mental stability.
  3. Have a fitness category of at least A-2 (although you cannot get into the military infantry with such indicators).

Conscripts who are tall and good-looking are often taken into the honor guard company. However, secondary specialized education will not hurt in this case either.

Perhaps in student years a military training teacher told you about the various ranks that are used in our army, but it is unlikely that you absorbed this information with the same eagerness with which you laughed furiously in class, smoked in the school yard or pulled the pigtails of the girls in your class .

Nevertheless, knowledge about this subject should be in the head of every man, so that he, without hesitation, understands who is a “real major” and who is “Warrant Officer Shmatko.”, military ranks in the Russian army.

Rank categories in the Russian Army

There are two main groups of ranks in the Russian troops:

  • shipborne (refers to those who serve at sea);
  • military (go to representatives of ground troops).

Ship ranks

  1. Navy (both under water and above water). The naval uniform has always suited men. No wonder girls like sailors so much!
  2. military naval units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It sounds unusual, but there are also police officers at sea.
  3. protection of the coastal (Border) service of the Russian FSB.

They do not chase unscrupulous fishermen who caught a couple of buckets of crucian carp without permission. Their direct responsibility is the capture of illegal immigrants and other criminals on the country’s waterways.

Military ranks

It is not so easy to see sea captains in snow-white uniforms on the streets of cities, especially if there is no sea nearby. But this is no reason to be upset!

Titles are also given in:

  1. Armed forces.
  2. Ministry of Internal Affairs (servicemen from the category of “policemen” or district police officers).
  3. Ministry of Emergency Situations (dared souls saving people in trouble).

Vadim, an Emergency Situations Ministry worker from Khmelnitsky, says that many people imagine the Ministry of Emergency Situations workers as real rescue heroes who live all day long as if in a thriller. Unfortunately, this is not entirely true. The life of an EMERCOM nickname consists of daily visits to some priests in order to carry out explanatory work, otherwise they will inadvertently burn down the church and everyone who came there. Rescuers also remove cats from trees and teach old women how to light the stove so as not to die from carbon monoxide. But the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees still evaluate their work positively. This is facilitated by titles, uniforms and social benefits.

  • foreign intelligence service (Yes, yes! Imagine - new Stirlitz!);
  • and other military units of our country.

Ranks table

In order to make the description of ranks less boring, we decided to present information about them as a cheat sheet (military and ship ranks, located on the same line, are analogues):

Type Military Korabelnoe
Non-officer private,
junior sergeant
senior sergeant
senior warrant officer
senior sailor,
foreman of the second article,
foreman of the first article,
chief petty officer,
chief ship's foreman,
senior midshipman
Junior officers junior lieutenant,
senior lieutenant,
junior lieutenant,
senior lieutenant,
Senior officers major,
lieutenant colonel,
captain 1st rank,
captain 2nd rank,
captain 3rd rank
Senior officers major general
Lieutenant General,
Colonel General,
army general,
Marshal of the Russian Federation
rear admiral,
vice admiral,
fleet admiral

Shoulder straps

  1. Soldiers and sailors. There are no insignia on the shoulder straps.
  2. Sergeants and petty officers. Badges are used as insignia. Warriors have long called them “snot.”
  3. Ensigns and midshipmen. Cross-stitched stars are used as insignia. The shoulder straps resemble those of an officer, but without stripes. Also, there may be edgings.
  4. Junior officers. There is a vertical clearance and metal sprockets (13 mm).
  5. Senior officers. Two stripes and large metal stars (20 mm).
  6. Senior officers. Large embroidered stars (22 mm), located vertically; no stripes.
  7. General of the Army, Admiral of the Fleet. A large star with a diameter of 40 mm, not metal, but embroidered.
  8. Marshal of the Russian Federation. One very large star (40 mm) is embroidered on the shoulder strap. Silver rays diverge in a circle - the shape of a pentagon is obtained. The pattern of the Russian coat of arms is also noticeable.

Of course, when reading the text, many have a hard time trying to imagine the appearance of the shoulder straps. Therefore, especially for them, there is a picture in which all of the above is clearly depicted.

Shoulder straps of non-officers

Officer's shoulder straps

  1. Marshal of the Russian Federation - highest rank in the ground forces, but there is also a person above him who can give him orders (even command him to take a prone position). This person is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, who is also the President of the Russian Federation. What is noteworthy is that the title of Supreme Commander-in-Chief is classified as a position, not a military rank.
  2. Vladimir Putin, who currently works in this position, left Federal service security, being a colonel. Now, in his position, he issues commands to military personnel with ranks that he has never achieved in his entire career.
  3. Both sea and ground forces report to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Therefore, admiral is the highest rank in the Navy hierarchy.
  4. Writing the names of ranks of the RF Armed Forces with capital letters in order to show respect to experienced servants - this is a completely unnecessary matter. All ranks from private to admiral are written with a lowercase letter.
  5. The prefix “guard” adds special prestige to the way this or that title sounds. Not everyone is destined to receive it, but only those. who serves in the guards regiments.
  6. Servants who have retired from military affairs and calmly dig potatoes in their dachas do not lose their rank, but continue to wear it with the prefix “reserved” or “retired.”

Without holding back his laughter, a military pensioner from Kharkov, Alexander, says that the colonel, whether he is retired or in reserve, will instill fear in any traffic cop who stops him on the road for violating traffic rules. The guy will get away with a hundred sweats while he pretends to reprimand the offender, and then he will completely let the colonel go without a fine. So, a title always helps in life.

  1. Army doctors are also given special ranks. For example, “major of medical service.” The situation is similar for lawyers - “captain of justice”.

Of course, it’s a long way from George Clooney from ER, but it still sounds decent!

  1. Having just taken this path and entered a university, young guys become cadets. For now, they can only dream of how they will receive their first title, and then one of the highest ones. There is another group of students. They are called listeners. These are those who have already received military rank.
  2. While the one-year military service is underway, you can at most become a sergeant. Not higher.
  3. Since 2012, the ranks of chief petty officer and petty officer have been abolished. Formally, they exist, but in reality, servicemen receive the following ranks, bypassing these ranks.
  4. We all know that a major is higher than a lieutenant, but for some reason this logic was not taken into account when ranking general ranks. A lieutenant general is higher in rank than a major general. This is the system in the Russian Armed Forces.
  5. To receive a new rank in the Russian troops, you need to have a certain length of service and personal achievements. Before assigning to a candidate another title, about the soldier moral character and combat skills and political training commanders judge. The table below describes the length of service requirements required to move from one rank to another:
Rank Job title
Private All those who have just been called up for service, all lower positions (gunner, driver, gun crew number, driver, sapper, reconnaissance officer, radio operator, etc.)
Corporal There are no full-time corporal positions. The rank is given to soldiers in the lowest positions, with a high level of training.
Junior Sergeant, Sergeant Squad, tank, gun commander
Senior Sergeant Deputy Platoon Leader
Sergeant Major Company Sergeant Major
Ensign, Art. ensign Material support platoon commander, company sergeant major, warehouse chief, radio station chief and other non-commissioned positions that require high level preparation. Sometimes they work in lower officer positions when there is a shortage of officers
Junior Lieutenant Platoon commander. This rank is usually awarded when there is an acute shortage of officers after completing accelerated officer training courses.
Lieutenant, Art. lieutenant Platoon commander, deputy company commander.
Captain Company commander, training platoon commander
Major Deputy battalion commander. Training company commander
Lieutenant colonel Battalion commander, deputy regiment commander
Colonel Regiment commander, deputy brigade commander, brigade commander, deputy division commander
Major General Division commander, deputy corps commander
Lieutenant General Corps commander, deputy army commander
Colonel General Army Commander, Deputy District (Front) Commander
Army General District (front) commander, deputy minister of defense, minister of defense, chief General Staff, other senior positions
Marshal of the Russian Federation Honorary title given for special merits

Regardless of the number of draft dodgers, which is recorded annually after the completion of conscription campaigns, there have always been enough guys who would like to devote their lives to the army. There are usually two career trends here. The first is to remain in the army under a contract after military service. However, under such circumstances, count on officer rank no need to. An alternative is to enroll in a higher military educational institution.

It should be recalled that service in some law enforcement agencies, equivalent to military service, is no less prestigious and desirable, but you can often get into such a structure after completing military service. Moreover, everyday life in the army elite troops are the key to any employment.

The navy in the dreams of young men occupies the same status as Airborne Forces, special forces or MP. A dream can not only come true, but also lead to serious career growth, if you fulfill a few not-so-complicated requirements.

Next step, which can bring a guy significantly closer to serving in the navy, is an application to the military registration and enlistment office. And yet the decisive moment will be the demand for young replenishment, which is determined already at the distribution point. As they say in army slang, everything depends on the availability of a buyer.

The importance of the navy in the defense of the country

Even having devoted an article to an issue covering ranks in the Russian Navy and Marine Corps, one cannot do without mentioning the merits of this type of troops in the defense capability of the state. Considering the fact that the length of Russia’s maritime borders is about 40 thousand kilometers, only a reliable, powerful fleet can prevent a threat from the sea.

Depending on their bases, they distinguish between the Northern Fleet, the Black Sea Fleet, the Pacific Fleet, the Baltic Fleet and the Caspian Fleet. The sovereignty of a country is a guarantee of the security of every citizen. Navy has a rather complex structure, it is represented by submarine and surface forces, naval aviation and the marine corps. Each unit has its own personal mission, military personnel wear distinctive uniforms, and there are also certain differences in ranks.

Military ranks in the Russian army

In the army there is a clear distribution of rights and responsibilities of all personnel. Moreover, a strict hierarchy is implemented through military ranks. All these ranks can be divided into two types: military and naval. Moreover, military ranks are not necessarily assigned only to the ground forces. On the other hand, ship ranks are not only for those who serve on the ship.

The two types of titles only differ in pronunciation, but general structure hierarchy is the same. Thus, we can distinguish between non-officers and officers. Each military rank will correspond to a specific ship rank. Military personnel are allowed to maintain subordination shoulder straps .

Naval ranks in ascending order

For greater clarity, you should not just list all the ship ranks, but also draw an analogy with the military ones, since it is the latter that are studied in sufficient detail in the life safety course of the initial section military training. It becomes clear why confusion arises among the younger generation precisely when trying to arrange hierarchical ranks in ascending order. Navy, after all, no time is allocated at school for naval ranks with their shoulder straps.

The most junior rank that a sailor receives upon enlistment is sailor. Since 1946, this rank was renamed from the previously existing “red naval officer”, which still corresponds to private in the ground forces. On the sailor’s shoulder strap there is only the letter “F”, corresponding to the navy.

For excellent achievements at emergency service sailor may be promoted to senior seaman. They are on the same level as corporals and can be appointed to the position of squad commander. The senior sailor's shoulder strap contains one metal strip or golden-colored fabric strip.

Increasing rank in the navy involves conferring the title " foreman 2 articles" NCOs begin with it, and in military names it is positioned as junior sergeant. The two stripes on the shoulder strap are absolutely similar to the corresponding land rank. The only difference is the color.

Until now, the ship ranks considered were at least in some way consonant with the land ranks. Purely maritime term - midshipman means the rank that is assigned to a military personnel after graduating from the appropriate school. On land, similar provisions apply to warrant officers. Midshipman And senior midshipman on the shoulder straps they have two or three stars, respectively, located lengthwise.

Officer ranks begin with lieutenant. At this level of ranking there are no differences, even shoulder straps identical. Along the shoulder strap there is a golden stripe, which designates a group of junior officers. A junior lieutenant has one star, a lieutenant has two, and a senior lieutenant has three. Three stars are arranged in a triangle, two across the shoulder strap and one along.

A naval rank that crowns a group of junior officer ranks, as opposed to the combined arms rank " captain", is listed as captain-lieutenant. Two stars across the shoulder strap and two along them give the right to receive the position of commander warship. The rank of lieutenant commander is awarded to a senior lieutenant only after 4 years of service.

Senior officer ranks begin with captain 3rd rank. Logically, it is clear that it corresponds to the rank of major. In sailor slang, the title sounds like “captri”. Accordingly, next comes “kapdva” or “kaptorang”, as well as “kapraz” or “kaperang”. The origin of these abbreviations is quite clear. Shoulder straps in the number and arrangement of stars they resemble lieutenant stars, only the status of the senior officer is emphasized by two stripes running lengthwise.

It should be noted that not only in Russia, but also in a number of other countries, the titles navy are defined in a similar way. The highest officer rank begins with rear admiral. It can be said that vice admiral- This is the third most senior person in the fleet. Next come titles such as admiral And fleet admiral .

Now let's move on to military ranks. They are presented in ascending order as follows: major general , lieutenant general , Colonel General And army general . Shoulder straps they do not contain stripes, but the stars denoting gradation are larger in size than those of senior officers. It is noteworthy that the number of ranks from sailor to fleet admiral is the same as from private to army general. It is necessary to harmonize military and naval ranks for two reasons: they are all subordinate to the marshal; in operations in which several types of troops participate simultaneously, for effective interaction, a chain of command must be clearly established.

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Black berets, black death The nicknames of these fighters look rather gloomy and unfriendly; indeed, when meeting such soldiers, the enemy will immediately no longer think about easy money. The Russian Marine Corps today is talking about these brave and courageous warriors. Let's look into history, find out what it's like to be a Marine and what an honor it is, and also touch on modern military events. History of creation The Russian Marine Corps dates back more than three years.

Ship ranks, just like in the ground forces, are assigned according to the extent to which the serviceman has the ability and desire to take charge of the sector entrusted to him. All naval ranks differ significantly from similar land ranks. This is due to a number of events that occurred in the history of Russia. The main changes occurred in 1917, in connection with revolutionary events. In the period 1922-1991 during the existence of the Soviet fleet. At the time of creation

Marine chevrons and stripes are in demand both in the army and in civil life. Sailors wear patches with the symbols of ships and organizations, and military personnel wear Navy chevrons. Each maritime and river service has its own emblem; it is placed on the personnel’s clothing. Navy patches A separate theme related to the sea is the navy's military patches. The patches of the Marine Corps and other units are subject to strict regulations.

Emblem of the Naval Forces of the Russian Navy Arms emblem of the Russian Navy Flags of the Naval Forces of the Russian Navy Date of adoption 07/21/1992 Flags of the Russian Navy were approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation 798 On naval flags and pennants of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 1992. Stern flags, guis and pennant of the Russian Navy Naval flag of Russia St. Andrew's flag

The Russian Marine Corps has existed for more than 300 years. The first mention of such units dates back to the Northern War in 1705. Until 1917, they were called naval soldiers. To date, it is still an important part of the army, having its own distinctive signs and anthem. A little history The first unit of the Navy was intended to apply fast strikes from the sea during the war with Sweden. Initially it was a relatively small unit,

Casual uniform Army and Air Force officers Female military personnel of the Navy Admirals and generals of the Navy High-ranking officers of the Army Cadets and soldiers of the Navy Navy officers Soldiers of the Air Force Female military personnel of the Air Force Dress uniform Admirals of the Navy High-ranking officers of the Air Force Cadets and

The uniform of the Russian Navy military personnel has its own quite long story. Over the decades, it has undergone and is undergoing many changes and the emergence of new and different versions of it. In the article we will look at a short history shapes, its various options and principles of wearing. History of naval dress The history of the Navy uniform dates back to the time of Peter the Great. By order of the powerful manager-emperor in 1696, the Boyar Duma adopted

Many elements of the Marine Corps uniform approved in modern Russian army, migrated from the times of the USSR, but even in those distant times not everything was so simple. Over the entire period of its existence, Marine Corps troops dressed in different clothes, therefore it is convenient to follow the transformation of the form in parallel with the history of the troops. As a separate and independent branch of the military, the USSR Marine Corps was created according to the order of the commander of the Navy in 1940. And initially

NAVAL MINISTRY OF THE UNION OF THE USSR RULES FOR WEARING NAVAL UNIFORM, ORDERS AND MEDALS BY MILITARY SERVANTS OF THE NAVAL FORCES. NAVAL PUBLISHING HOUSE OF THE NAVAL MINISTRY OF THE UNION OF THE USSR. Moscow-1952 Order of the Naval Minister of the USSR Chapter I General provisions Chapter II Types of naval uniforms and their use Chapter III On wearing items of naval uniform Chapter IV Wearing sportswear and civilian clothes

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The sailor collar is part of the dress uniform of enlisted personnel of the Navy and is worn with a flannel jacket. The uniform sailor collar also has the slang name Guys (guys - the bow flag of a ship) Made from cotton fabric dark- blue, with three white stripes along the edges. Blue lining At the ends of the collar there is one loop, in the middle of the neckline on the shirt there are two buttons for fastening the collar

Winter jacket for the ground forces, navy and air force reliably protects against wind and snow. The insulation retains heat well, weighs little, does not deform, and does not absorb moisture. The combination of membrane fabric and insulation provides protection from severe frosts. CHARACTERISTICS Cold protection Regular cut For military operations Hand wash only MATERIALS Rip-stop Membrane Fibersoft insulation

Winter jacket for the ground forces, navy and air force reliably protects against wind and snow. The insulation retains heat well, weighs little, does not deform, and does not absorb moisture. The combination of membrane fabric and insulation provides protection from severe frosts. CHARACTERISTICS Cold protection Regular cut For military operations Hand wash only MATERIALS Rip-stop Membrane Fibersoft insulation

The MPA-35 suit is designed for comfortable work of employees of the Ministry of Defense in hot weather. Consists of trousers and a jacket with long sleeves. The sleeves have reinforced pads in the elbow area. The bottom of the jacket is adjustable in volume. CHARACTERISTICS For hot weather Regular cut For work in the headquarters MATERIALS Gabardine (100% polye)

Previously produced only in the USSR Double knitting ensures the thickness of the product Material: 100% Cotton

Officer's dress cap of the Russian Navy with a white top, black band and white piping. The cap is equipped with a cockade and a metallized filigree cord. The height of the crown is from 8 to 10 cm. The cap is produced within 3-5 working days.

The staff suit consists of trousers and a shirt with short sleeves, made of lightweight fabric that does not wrinkle, does not fade or lose its shape even after numerous washes.

Casual suit for military personnel of the Russian Defense Ministry. Men's jacket: fastened at the waist with a zipper, with long sleeves, without lining. Turn-down collar with a stand-up collar and fastening of the corners with buttons. The pockets are fastened with contact tape. Below there are welt pockets “frame”, fastened with a zipper. The internal pocket for documents is fastened with a button. Trousers with a stitched belt fastened with a button. Color: Blue, green, black. Size: 88-132 Size: 84-100 Height: 158-200 Fabric: Rip-stop Fittings: Reinforced Color: blue, green, black. Material: rip-stop.

Standard (135x90) souvenir tabletop (on a stand) car (on a small stand with tape)

MPA-78 Light jacket provides excellent protection from wind, thanks to the stitched lining, removable hood and windproof strip. On the right and left shelves there are patch pockets fastened with textile fasteners. There are also front side welt pockets with a zipper. The sleeves are adjustable in width using tape and plastic patches (Velcro). Along the shoulder line there are false shoulder straps fastened with buttons. On the left side of the jacket lining there is a horizontal zippered pocket. The demi-season jacket of the Ministry of Defense provides excellent protection from wind thanks to the stitched lining, removable hood and windproof flap. On the right and left shelves there are patch pockets fastened with textile fasteners. Appearance. Jacket of a straight silhouette with an insulated stitched lining, with a central side zipper, with an external wind flap, and a drawstring at the waist. The front has a stitched yoke extending to the back, with upper welt pockets with flaps fastened with textile fasteners, side welt pockets fastened with a zipper. Set-in two-seam sleeves with stitched cuffs on an elastic band and plastic patches (Velcro) at the bottom to adjust the width. Along the shoulder line there are shoulder straps with false shoulder straps, fastened with buttons. Stand collar. The hood is fastened with a zipper, consisting of three parts. The hood along the front neckline is adjustable with an elastic cord and clamps. On the left side of the jacket lining there is a horizontal zippered pocket. Characteristics protection from cold protection from rain and wind regular cut Materials rip-stop membrane

An order of 1921 approved a cap for sailors of the Navy of the Navy of the Russian Federation, abbreviated as the Russian Navy, the name of the Russian Navy. It is the successor to the USSR Navy and the Russian Empire Navy. License plate code... View all products belonging to the Navy Department of the Soviet (Russian) Fleet. Since then, the cap has remained virtually unchanged. Initially, the name of the ship or naval crew where the sailor served was stamped on the cap's ribbon. IN Soviet era(1949) for the sake of maintaining secrecy, the names of the ships were replaced with the names of the fleets (an exception was made only for the cruiser Aurora and the names naval schools). Then only the inscription “Navy” was left altogether. Currently, the tradition of indicating the name of the ship on the ribbon is returning.

Vest with thermal underwear properties Provides effective removal of moisture from the body at large physical activity Anatomical cut Flat seams The fabric does not irritate the skin Dries quickly Material: 90% CoolPass - a unique profiled polyester fiber with increased capillary properties, quickly removes moisture from the surface of the body 10% Elastane - an artificial fiber that ensures high elasticity of the product Product weight: 44-46/ 170-176 size -213 g 52-54/182-188 size -239 g 56-58/182-188 size -244 g REVIEWS: Review on the "Russel" website Everyone who had to wear vest according to the type of service, they treat her very tenderly. Telnyashka Telnyashka (colloquial vest) is a naval undershirt (hence the name). Made from knitted jersey fabric with alternating horizontal blue and white stripes. In Russian... Find out about the vest from the Encyclopedia has always been not only a form, but a kind of symbol of involvement in one or another brotherhood. Tourists and travelers, crews of sailing and rafting catamarans have also always loved these clothes. Telnyashka Telnyashka (colloquial vest) is a naval undershirt (hence the name). Made from knitted jersey fabric with alternating horizontal blue and white stripes. In Russian... Find out about the vest from the Active Encyclopedia - a gift for romantics who are haunted by the rustling of waves, the smell of salty wind and the cries of seagulls. It is made of fabric that combines high elasticity, thanks to which thermal underwear is functional underwear, the main purpose of which is to retain heat and/or remove moisture from the surface of the body, used for everyday wear,... Learn about Thermal Underwear from the Encyclopedia fits tightly to the body and has moisture-wicking properties. This allows you to stay dry even with very active movement. The anatomical cut, flat seams and pleasant fabric are designed to ensure that your skin tolerates your hobbies as easily as possible.

Uniform skirt m. 7122 Color: blue, green, black. Material: rip-stop. SIZES OF SKIRTS AND WOMEN'S TROUSERS SIZE Height Waist Hip circumference 40 152.158 60.2 84 164.170 57.8 176 55.4 42 152.158 64.4 88 164.170 62 176 59.6 44 152.158 68, 6 92 164.170 66.2 176 63, 8 46 152.158 72.8 96 164.170 70.4 176 68 48 152.158 77 100 164.170 74.6 176 72.2 50 152.158 81.2 104 164.170 78.8 176 76.4 52 152.158 85.4 108 164.170 83 176 80, 6 54 152.158 89.6 112 164.170 87.2 176 84.8 56 152.158 93.8 116 164.170 91.4 176 89 58 152.158 98 120 164.170 95.6 176 93, 2 60 152.158 102.2 124 164.170 99.8 176 97.4 62 152.158 106.4 128 164.170 104 176 101.6

The staff suit consists of trousers and a jacket with long sleeves made of wool blend fabric.

The Navy office uniform is designed for long-term everyday wear in the office. Rip-stop fabric is ideal for long-term use, Navy office uniforms are designed to last winter period. The office uniform suit includes a jacket and trousers, all elements are equipped with rubber seals. The jacket itself and side pockets are fastened with a zipper; Velcro is sewn on the sleeves of the jacket and the flaps of the chest pockets for quick attachment of chevrons and special insignia. The style of the office uniform allows you to quickly put on and take off this suit, it does not restrict movement, is comfortable and practical to use. Color black Main features: office suit for the Navy and civil servants of the Defense Ministry Velcro on the jacket rip-stop fabric CHARACTERISTICS SUIT CHARACTERISTICS Material: rip-stop Composition: 70/30 Density: 220 gr. Jacket/pants pockets: yes/yes Seasonality: winter option Additionally: Navy statutory office uniform You can additionally purchase.