What do you think real kindness is? What is kindness

Always be a little kinder than necessary.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca.

Wash away the evil from your heart.

(Jeremiah 4:14)

More valuable than all titles is a kind heart.

Benevolence towards all beings is true religion; Cherish in your hearts boundless goodwill towards all things.

Shining with love and kindness,

we all become a little wizards!

Be good. There are enough bad ones as it is.

I know only one magic - Love.

Sri Ravi Shankar

It's so good that kindness

Lives in the world with us.☺

Blow soap bubbles and the world becomes kinder))

And it doesn’t matter at all what time of year it is outside, if your thoughts are about something warm and good...

Kindness and sincerity are a sign of strength.

Not everyone can afford it.

Let the light of the goodness of your soul illuminate everything around! Anya Sklyar

Kindness - it does not fade and does not expect reciprocity in return,
It never burns, but warms, leaving a bright light in the souls.
Kindness does not judge, does not cripple - you should not expect harm from it.
Only she will cure the world of malice, without ever raising the price...

Remember: for everything you do that is unkind, you will have to pay in the same coin... I don’t know who is watching this, but they are watching, and very carefully.

Faina Ranevskaya

He who does good to another does the most good to himself, not in the sense that he will receive a reward for it, but in the sense that the consciousness of the good done gives him great joy.

Lucius Seneca

We wish you smiles and love,

May peace last forever in your families!

May all your days shine with light

And they give you the joy of life endlessly!)

Don’t do it to spite anyone, do it for YOUR HAPPINESS...

For good deeds you don’t need silver... You don’t need either wealth or gold... But you need a soul that is generous... And rich in kindness and faith...

Do good - it's wonderful

A little more love, a little less battles,

- and the world will be all right.

You shouldn't do good things to people if they don't ask for it. It will cost you dearly. The best thing to do is to put the goods in a visible place and quietly move away.

Whoever needs it will take it himself.

Radiate good feelings, and the Universe will answer you in kind.

It's just that in life I'm always warm

Because there are FLOWERS and CHILDREN.

Just do GOOD things in the world

A hundred times more pleasant than evil.

Eduard Asadov

There is no more beautiful feeling in the world than sensation,

that you did at least a drop of good to people.

Do good. Don't give up.

Appreciate every moment and every hour.

Live joyfully. And just know

That a lot depends only on us!

Blow soap bubbles - and the world becomes kinder))

The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness in people.

Dear sirs and ladies, grow in your soul, in its brightest corner, such beautiful flowers as virtue, modesty, honesty, justice and love.

Victor Hugo.

Dream, hope, plan - kindness should be big fluffy and positive!

Envelop everyone around you with goodness,

Give me at least a little bit.

Even with your kind glance

You set people's hearts on fire.

All people are teachers for me,

All meetings are my reward...

I’m learning from the evil one - it’s impossible,

I learn from the good - how to do it...​

The most tender plants make their way through the hardest soil, through the cracks of rocks. So is kindness. What wedge, what hammer, what ram can compare with the strength of a kind, sincere person! Nothing can resist him.

Henry David Thoreau

In order to fight monstrous evil, monstrous good is required.

If everyone does good within the limits of their capabilities, the possibilities of good become limitless.

F. Iskander

Surround your heart with affection and wrap yourself in tenderness

Color your serenity with watercolors

Touch with love

like a baby babbling

And appreciate everything you have

carefully, with slight trepidation.

Do good and life will be beautiful,

Do good and it will be more fun

Do good, forget about all the bad weather,

Do good for everyone around you.

Someday someone will convince you that they are wiping their feet on your kindness - don’t believe it. Stay kind. After all, goodness is simple, and it saves the world.

Kindness, even the smallest, is never wasted)

Maybe it’s better not to destroy evil, but to grow good?

Anya Sklyar

Do me a favor!
- Let me pour you some tea.
- No, it doesn’t count that way.
- What about candy?
- Wow... kindness has already gone ツ

Previously, black caviar and imported jeans were considered in short supply. Today, sincerity, decency, kindness are in short supply...

Be pure in soul and kind in heart. The beauty of your soul is like the light of a beacon, attracting into your life the happiness you deserve.

To everyone - bright thoughts and kindness in the heart!)

Beautiful is not the one who looks good on the outside, but the one who was born with kindness in his soul.

Beauty only attracts attention, Kindness wins the Heart...

It's me who is full of kindness and laziness

Train yourself, when you first look at a person, to always wish him well from the bottom of your heart!

Anthony of Sourozh

What is good? This is a piece of happiness, This is a sip of fresh air, a breath of wind. Give it, and it will unfold, Someone’s heart will just beat faster. You can’t buy this word or sell it, you can give it as a gift or just give it away...

You need to constantly maintain love within yourself. Good emotions and actions, favorite places, books, people, solitude, animals. Elchin Safarli - Tell me about the sea

Many people try to color their lives with entertainment, but the only source of joy is kindness.

Let every day be good!

It is foolish to hope to accomplish something global, for example, to establish peace in the whole world, to create happiness for everyone, but everyone can do some small thing, thanks to which the world will become at least a little better.

Do good not for some reason,

And from heartfelt purity)

Don't miss the opportunity to do good)

Don't hold a grudge! Hold the balls!

At the end of your life, it won’t matter how many cars you have in your garage or what clubs you’ve been to. What matters is how many lives you changed, how many people you influenced and helped. Do good! It's nice!

Rays of goodness to everyone!!)))))))

Wish well to your beloved and goodness will return to you,
Wish your friend well and he will return doubly to you,
Wish your neighbor well and he will return you threefold,
Wish well to your enemy and he will return to you five times,
Wish good to all people, it will come back to you tenfold,
Wish the Earth good and it will return to you a hundred times,
Wish well to the Universe and the Universe will answer,
So all the Good of the Universe will turn into Happiness for you!

Don't think about good deeds, but do good. Robert Walser

A drop of goodness is better than a whole barrel of philosophy...

Leo Tolstoy ---

Carefully guard this treasure within yourself - kindness. Know how to give without hesitation, lose without regret, gain without stinginess.

Give the world the best that you have...
and the best that is in the world will return to you!

People say that a person
When he does something good,
Then your earthly, your human age
Extends for at least a year.

And because life doesn’t let you down
And so that you may live for more than a century,
Walk, people, avoiding evil,
And remember that good deeds are
The surest road to longevity!

Don't be afraid to give warming words,
And do good deeds.
The more wood you put on the fire,
The more heat will return.

Always respond only with kindness, this is the only way to make this world a better place. Respond kindly or don’t respond at all. If you return evil for evil, then the evil becomes greater.

Think every time you wake up: “What good should I do today? The sun will set and take part of my life with it.”

Indian proverb

What is good?

Good is a miracle that anyone can create!

(Think about what you do and how you do it)

Just forget it and it will become easier.
And you forgive - and there will be a Holiday.
And you strive and you will succeed...
Don't be stingy - and you will be rewarded!
And it will come back to you - you will be rewarded...
Believe me, and they will believe you!
Start yourself - things will start happening!
And you LOVE! And you will be honored!

They say nasty things to you, and you respond with kindness.

Is this for me?
- You...
- And for what?
- Just like that!

Just like that

This is for you. Just like that :)

My religion is very simple. I don't need temples. I don't need any special, complicated philosophy. My heart, my head - this is my temple. My philosophy is kindness. Dalai Lama

Kindness in words creates trust.
Kindness in thoughts improves relationships.
Kindness in actions gives birth to love.

What difference does it make whether it’s warm or cold outside when a little rainbow lives in your room all day?

Elinor Porter "Pollyanna" ---

We were much more open as children...
- What do you have for breakfast?
- Nothing.
- And I have bread with butter and jam. Take some of my bread...
Years have passed, and we have become different, now no one will ask anyone:
- What's on your heart? Isn't it darkness? Take some of my light.

When you smile, you are not the only one who feels happy. You bring a ray of light into the lives of others.

The earth is always full of wonders. Only most people do not know about this, which is why all their misfortunes occur. And the very first miracle is that, having occupied our mind with a good thought, we leave no room in it for an evil one.

Frances Eliza Burnett

When your soul starts to freeze, brew cocoa.

All people need kindness
Let there be more good ones.
It’s not in vain that they say when we meet
“Good afternoon” and “Good evening.”
And it’s not for nothing that we have
Wishes "Good morning."
Kindness is from time immemorial
Human decoration...

Think well, and your thoughts will ripen into good deeds. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

This world is like an echo in the mountains: if we throw anger at it, anger returns; if we give love, love returns.

And this is a natural phenomenon, you don’t need to think about it. You can trust him - everything will happen by itself. This is the law of karma: what goes around comes around - everything you give will come back to you. You don't need to think about it, everything happens automatically.

Love and be loved!..

Osho ---

Make sure that there is no Resistance inside you, no hatred, no negativity. “Love your enemies,” Jesus said, and this, of course, means: “Have no enemies.”

Eckhart Tolle

Don't let the ingratitude of many discourage you from

to do good to people;

because besides the fact that charity in itself

and without any other purpose - a noble cause,

but when you do good, you sometimes meet someone

so much gratitude alone

that it rewards all the ingratitude of others.

Francesco Guicciardini

How much time do you think about good things?
That's exactly how much good you'll get.

If everyone does good within the limits of their capabilities, the possibilities of good become limitless.

But there are no less miracles: a smile, fun, forgiveness, and - said in time, the right word. To own this is to own everything.

Alexander Green, " Scarlet Sails" ---

Always respond only with kindness, this is the only way to make this world a better place.
Respond kindly or don’t respond at all.
If you return evil for evil, then the evil becomes greater.

Don’t trust someone who speaks beautifully, there is always a game in his words.
Trust the one who silently does beautiful things.

There is so much kindness, light, love in a person - so much life in him!

You can at will fill your world:

good or evil,
greed or selflessness,
aggression or peace,
indifference or mercy;

Just remember - what you leave on your path is what you meet on it.

Each of our actions leaves a mark on the soul and participates in the formation of our character and destiny. When you understand this principle, you will be more careful to ensure that your deeds contain only goodness.

Conquer anger with gentleness
Evil is good
Greed - generosity,
Lies are true.

Perhaps the times are no longer the same... The conditions are dictated by a hurrying century... But the heart is so sad about kindness... Not fashionable... Sincere... And real...

When you don’t know what to do, act like a human being.

Why suffer needlessly for the sake of common happiness -

It’s better to give happiness to someone close.

It’s better to tie a friend to yourself with kindness,

How to free humanity from its shackles.

Omar Khayyam

You can bombard the other person. Stones or flowers. Depending on what you have available. If there are stones in the soul, then stones. If flowers... then flowers. And it's not about this person. It's about you!

Every morning when you wake up, start with these thoughts:

“Today I was lucky,” I woke up.
I'm alive, I have this precious human life, and I won't waste it.
I will direct all my energy to internal development,
To open your heart to others
And achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings.
I will only have good thoughts for others.
I won't get angry or think anything bad about them.
I will do my best to benefit others.”

All the bliss of the world happens from the desire of bliss for another;All the suffering of the people of the world -from the desire for his own personal bliss. Shantideva

Our most great strength lies in the kindness and tenderness of our hearts...

How much wisdom is needed to never lose kindness!

M. Ebner-Eschenbach

We become happy, healthy and successful when we stop complaining and scolding.

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

What courage is really needed for is sincerity.

Try to become a rainbow in someone's cloud.

It is impossible and unnecessary to be constantly happy. But you can always sit next to your loved one, put your hand on their shoulder (or hug them) and split their cloud in half. Your sun will pour into the gap between two rain clouds and illuminate the falling drops. That's how you get a rainbow, right?

Ask yourself: were you kind today? Make kindness your daily essential attribute and the world around you will change.

If you want your feet not to hurt from thorns, cover the whole earth with a carpet of flowers. Abul Faraj

You know, now I really want, at least for an hour, such a little pocket fairy, like from the old Disney cartoon about the sleeping beauty. So that she would say “bibidi-babodibum” and everything would work out and smooth out.

Elchin Safarli - They promised you to me ---

Tiny good deed better than the most solemn promises to do the impossible.

Thomas Macaulay ---

When you do good, it does not stop, but wants to continue. The baggage of good deeds brings true happiness.

What is important is not so much discussions about goodness, so many good deeds. M. Montesquieu

I am convinced that the soul of every person rejoices when he does good to another.T.Jefferson

So that it ends up in our hands the whole world, you just need to stop clenching your fists and open your palms.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ---

If the heart is pure

a miracle will happen.

Kindness is hard to give out because it always comes back.

How we won’t have a pleasant home until we let you into our rooms fresh air And sunlight, so our body will not be strong, and our face will not be happy and clear, until our mind is open to good thoughts.James Allen

Live in such a way that people smile when they encounter you.
And talking with you, I became a little happier...

I read about outrage, senselessness and disgust, suspicion and cynicism. ...It seems to me that I am alone in my insistent statements about the reality of goodness, decency, generosity, everyone else remains silent. There is good and evil in the world, they fight among themselves, and this battle has no end. However, if good people surrender, the battle will be lost.

They say all sorts of nasty things to you, and you respond with kindness?!
- Everyone spends what he has.

If you want good, kind people to be around you, try to treat them attentively, kindly, politely - you will see that everyone will become better. Everything in life depends on you, believe me. Maxim Gorky

Every person is a diamond who can purify or not purify himself. To the extent that it is purified, it shines through eternal light. Therefore, the job of a person is not to try to shine, but to try to purify himself.Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

To all those who wish me harm...Good for you, do you hear?! Good!!!)))

If accidents are not random, then ordinary things are also unusual.

Happy I consider those who enjoy all kinds of good without any admixture of evil. Cicero

It's amazing what one ray of sunshine can do to a person's soul...Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

True Light is the one that comes from within a person and reveals the secrets of the heart to the soul, making it happy and in harmony with life. Gibran Kahlil Gibran

If you don’t know what to do, then try to act in such a way that the amount of good in the world at least does not become less. Vladimir Fedorov

How more people gives good to those more space it frees you to receive new energy of good.Open yourself up to goodness.Vyacheslav Pankratov, Lyudmila Shcherbinina Smile for happiness!

Often, without noticing it, we change the lives of the people around us for the better. It's an honor and not difficult at all. Just listen to yourself and take every opportunity to help - both in word and deed. We may never know this, but our good deed can turn out in an amazing way for a person.

Special good (Christian parable)

One brother said to a certain elder:
“If I see a brother about whom I have heard something bad, I cannot force myself to let him into my cell.” If I see a good brother, I willingly let him in.
The elder replied:
- If you do good to a good brother, then this is not enough - do a special kindness to someone who is subject to weakness.

We must love everyone.
But if you can’t, at least wish everyone well.
Spiritual instructions of Elder Gabriel (Urgebadze)

Practice kindness all day long to everyone around you, and you will realize that you are already in heaven.

It can never be too late for a good deed.

Svetlana Rumyantseva

Kindness is high and strong feeling. Thousands of books have been written about him, hundreds of films have been made. Good wins in fairy tales. It underlies the world's religions. But why is there so little of it in the world? New times, new morals, new ideals. Kindness is a bad investment: you won't get a raise career ladder, no money, no fame. But what about those whose hearts are still open to the world? How to bring goodness back into the lives of 7 billion people and become kinder yourself?

What is kindness?

Kindness is the desire to help. Do it just like that, without demanding favors or gratitude in return, without expecting public encouragement. A good deed is not a demonstrative action, not a plot for a legend.. This is a common act of a real person. Today it is difficult to meet a selfless person. From childhood, the child is taught the basics of exemplary morality. Why do you need to give up your seat on the bus? So that others don't look at you with a judgmental look, so as not to look bad person. But who will think that offering a seat to a mother with a child, a pregnant woman or an elderly man is help? Giving up your seat means making life easier for another person, even if only for the next 10-20 minutes. It doesn’t matter if it’s a child who, although not on purpose, is still pushed by adults in transport, a woman tired of toxicosis, or an old man who can hardly move his legs. Kindness is the ability to understand.

Many people also try to understand the difference between goodness and kindness. In fact, everything is very simple: goodness is what a person with kindness does.

Kindness is a bright feeling

Portrait of a kind man

Two friends walk along the road hugging

Fighting arrogance

While narcissism and narcissism come first, you shouldn’t expect good deeds from a person. Noticing arrogant behavior is not an easy task. Catch and suppress thoughts in your head: “I am better,” “I am more beautiful,” “I am smarter,” “I am more talented.” The feeling of superiority does not allow a person to “stoop” to kindness. After all, this is the feeling of “weak and deprived.” The higher a person climbs the ladder of narcissism, the harder it is for him to decide to do a good deed from the heart.

Stifling envy

Envy gives birth to a whole bouquet in the soul negative emotions. If a beautiful neighbor gets into trouble and is visited by crowds of attractive gentlemen, her tragedy will be perceived as compensation. For what? For the suffering that envy causes to a person, eating away from the inside. This reverse side arrogance, the desire to repay for a “humiliated” position, for a lack of benefits, deprivation, apparent injustice. Who will help the opponent? Who will lend a helping hand to someone whom he has long dreamed of seeing in his shadow? A person wants to wipe the nose of the object of envy, hence his cowardice and inability to do a good deed.

Letting go of grievances

What good deeds? we're talking about when a person cannot forgive his neighbor for a mere trifle? But even if the offense is serious, it will become an obstacle to love for others. This is because the human brain tends to generalize information. Hiding deep in my soul a grudge against ex-girlfriend, the guy creates a subconscious anchor. When he meets a young lady abandoned by his gentleman, the first thought that will appear is: “It’s my own fault.” This is the nature of man- and woman-haters who carry resentment towards all members of the opposite sex. The same basis drives the consciousness of racists, nationalists, and homophobes.

A Muslim man helps an elderly lady carry her bags on the subway.

We don't label

It is human nature to form an opinion about others under the influence of other people’s stories: mom, dad, girlfriend, colleague. We elevate the impression of another person to the rank of our own. They found a black sheep in the team, labeled them and doomed them to loneliness. What prevents you from helping a person? Public opinion. Since he was recorded as an outcast, it means there was a reason for it. The very first impulse of kindness, a prick of conscience, is suppressed by public opinion.

Another example. Why are couples afraid to take children from orphanage? They hang labels: parents who were drunkards passed on the genes, the mother was a drug addict - bad heredity. This kind of thinking prevents thousands of children from finding a home. Before you take someone else’s opinion on faith, don’t be lazy and talk to the person personally.

We don't think about self-interest

As long as a person cares about profit, he will not be able to truly open his heart to kindness. Yes, he will receive the fruits, but as a strict accountant according to a clearly verified percentage. Self-interest deprives the joy experienced for another person. She does not allow us to admire the successes achieved thanks to the assistance provided. A good deed done for the sake of public approval, so as not to be scolded, is also self-serving. Kindness is where it does not depend on conditions and other people's views.

When you decide to do a good deed, think about what motivates you? If you find a phone on the street, you can give it away, thinking about the reward. Or you can return what was lost, worrying about the person: what if he doesn’t have enough money for a new one or there are important contacts left in the gadget.

The current Dalai Lama is kind and wise man encouraging people to be kinder to each other

We fight selfishness

“What about me?” - a thought that prevents people from doing good deeds. Fear of losing time, money, benefits, spending precious powers in vain it destroys the growth of good intentions in the bud. No one has canceled self-love, through it the path to other people’s hearts opens, but selfishness is a different feeling. It is mundane, blind, petty. The egoist lives material assets. He does not pay attention to the world around him if it is not within his circle of interests. He will not see someone else's misfortune as he passes by. An egoist does not know the pain of another person. He is not capable of love and good deeds are a luxury for him.


Expand the boundaries of perception. Look at people, listen, communicate. You can get rid of selfishness through interest in other people's lives. Listen to your dialogues: have they turned into a monologue about your “I”? Bringing kindness back into the world is a difficult task. Start with yourself. Reach out your hand to your neighbor. Just like that. Time will pass, and the world will smile kindly back at you.

23 January 2014, 17:34

Kindness is the same for the soul,
what health is to the body: it is invisible when you own it, and it gives success in
in every matter.

- Leo
Tolstoy -

– responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, desire to do good to others.


Kindness- something that is done voluntarily
disinterestedly, for the general benefit and for one’s own benefit, and not to harm oneself.

  • Kindness is the altruism of a reasonable person.

  • Kindness is the light of the soul, illuminating the space around a person
    better than the strongest flashlight.

  • Kindness is effective empathy for others and
    desire for the good of everyone.

  • Kindness is a process of spiritual creativity, the result of which
    good deeds become.

  • Kindness is a conscious refusal to blame a person for his
    mistakes and rash actions.

  • Kindness is a positive attitude towards the world around us and
    lack of rancor.

Benefits of Kindness

  • Kindness ensures openness - towards people, events
    and life in general.

  • Kindness gives vigilance - in order to notice the best and
    brush aside the worst.

  • Kindness gives strength - to transform the world for the better.

  • Kindness provides opportunities to participate and help others.

  • Kindness gives you the opportunity to become better yourself and help
    become better for the people around you.

  • Kindness gives confidence - in yourself and in the future.

  • Kindness gives energy to do good deeds.

Showing kindness in everyday life

  • Family relationships. For parents who invest their energy in upbringing
    children, to explain to them “what is good and what is bad”, children
    grow up to be kind people.

  • Charity. Helping people who, for various reasons,
    found ourselves in difficult life circumstances - one of the manifestations of kindness

  • Interpersonal relationships. People are not drawn to a kind person
    only in grief, but also in joy.

  • Choosing a profession. Can't be good teacher or a doctor
    a person who does not have kindness in his heart.

  • Literature. A positive hero in literature is almost always
    kind person.

How to develop kindness in yourself

  • Sensitivity to others. Showing interest in the people around you,
    caring for them - a person shows kindness.

  • Communication with children. A person who is kind to
    The child learns to treat adults kindly as well.

  • Pets. At the sight of sincere and selfless joy,
    which is demonstrated by a puppy greeting its owner coming home from work, in
    good feelings awaken in a person.

  • Participation in charity events. There is no kindness without
    compassion; By participating in charity events, people show compassion and
    cultivate kindness in themselves.

  • Reading. Both spiritual and most secular literature,
    appeals to the best in a person; It awakens, among other things, kindness.

What is kindness as understood by society? This is a person’s desire to help, without expecting or asking for anything in return. But this, of course, is not a completely complete definition. Kindness is a very high and powerful feeling, about which thousands of books have been written and hundreds of films have been made. In all fairy tales, legends and epics, good defeats evil. It is the basis of all religions. But for some reason there is less and less of it in the world... New ideals and worldviews, new times. Now kindness is not a profitable investment at all: no promotion, no popularity, no money. How can we bring this quality back into people’s lives and become kinder ourselves?

Definition of the concept

Kindness is the desire to selflessly help, without demanding services, gratitude, or encouragement in return. Such an act is not a demonstration performance and not a stage for the viewer. This is normal behavior of a real person.

WITH early childhood the child is taught why it is necessary to give up your seat in transport: so that people don’t look askance, to be good child so as not to look bad. This is, in essence, exemplary morality. And no one thinks that offering a place to an old man, a mother with a child or a pregnant woman is help. In this particular case, giving up your seat means making another person’s life easier, even if just for 10 minutes. Kindness is the ability to see and understand. Everything great always starts small.

The meaning of the word "kindness"

There is a quality of the soul that does not allow one to remain indifferent to the troubles and misfortunes of others. For example, kindness and compassion are the basis of the character of many Russians who strive to come to the aid of even an unknown person. This is a caring attitude towards people and relatives, this is a tender attitude towards animals.

The meaning of the word is abstract. A lot goes into its meaning. After all, kindness is mercy, compassion, empathy, selflessness, and humanity. Love for a person, the desire to save him encourages heroic deeds.

What a kind person looks like: his portrait

Eternal companion kindness is altruism. Desire to help. At the same time, it is not necessary to give away the last piece of bread, clothes or a penny. Sometimes, to help a person, it is enough to talk to him, smile at him, support him.

But how do people treat beggars and beggars? What do they say about a cripple begging in the crossing? Masses pass by these people and justify their indifference: “If he drinks, they’ll take it away.” However, no one bothers you to buy him bread or bring him clothes? They will definitely not be taken away and it is very difficult to drink such items.

But a kind person loves people, everyone without exception. He accepts them as they are. Without condemnation or censure, he never talks about the wretchedness of others and does not whisper about the failures of his colleagues. His love is multifaceted, and this is the true meaning of kindness. After all, in reality, what difference does it make who helps? A Russian boy with cancer or African child who is dying of hunger? They both need help and compassion. This is what kindness is, it lies in love for people, for each person individually, no matter who he is, no matter what religion he professes, no matter what status in society he occupies.

Myths and reality

Whatever they can come up with to abandon human values! Kindness in modern society is perceived as a burden, and in order to completely drown out the conscience and find an excuse for inaction, people have created myths.

Myth No. 1. Kindness is naivety.

Kind-hearted people very often become objects of manipulators, but their victims include narcissistic beauties, curmudgeons, notorious young men, romantic girls, and suspicious young ladies of Balzac's age. Nobody in this world is immune. Therefore, kind does not mean naive. It is sometimes very difficult to spot a deceiver, even for the most suspicious and cautious people.

Myth No. 2. Kindness is optimism.

Everyone is presented as open, warm-hearted, simple-minded. But in life, as a rule, completely different people come to help. For example, the grumpy Natalya Ivanovna, who always chases and scolds the yard boys, but helps one of them when he falls into a puddle. It often happens that a withdrawn, gloomy person comes to the rescue, while positive and cheerful people pass by. The inner content of a person is not always immediately visible, so you should not judge him only by his demeanor.

Myth No. 3. Kindness is humiliation.

IN modern world the pursuit of profit has become main goal the lives of many. What does kindness mean in modern society? It began to be perceived as something humiliating. In the minds of the majority there is a terrible program “Push the Weak”, which needs to be urgently changed. Everyone needs to learn not to push, but to pull behind them, to save them from the abyss. It's an act kind person, and it cannot be humiliating, unlike cowardice, because of which more than one thousand people died.

Myth No. 4. Kindness is weakness.

There is such a stereotype in society that when you do good, you open your back to attack; there is even a saying: “No good comes from good.” The ability to sympathize, feel sorry, share grief, sympathize is equated with weakness. But in fact, the one who is weak is the one who waits for a stab in the back and always thinks about profit. He's wasting his energy. His vigilance does not save him, and he remains alone, without support and a kind word, but with his caution and skeptical view of the world.

You should not reject the humanity in yourself and believe myths, you should forget about selfishness and always try to sympathize with your neighbor and help him in difficult times - this is what kindness is in its true meaning.

Not for self-interest, or the positive aspects of cordiality

Of course, goodness has its advantages, they are obvious:

  • When you help a person, the chances of receiving a favor in return increase. People are bound by a sense of duty.
  • Good word, support can save a person’s life. Sometimes a smile is enough to push someone towards their dream.
  • By doing a good deed, a person raises his self-esteem. He feels strong, brave, important and needed.

How to learn to be kind?

To become a warm-hearted person and understand the meaning of the word “kindness”, you should eradicate the following shortcomings:

  1. Conquer your anger.
  2. Banish arrogance.
  3. Eradicate feelings of envy in yourself.
  4. Let go of all grievances.
  5. Don't think about self-interest.
  6. Don't label.
  7. Destroy selfishness in yourself.

If you want to know what kindness is, then you should remember two important conditions:

  1. You should never brag about good deeds.
  2. A good deed must not be done for good, and not to cause harm.

Bringing kindness back into society is a very difficult task. You need to start with yourself. Extend a hand to a friend, neighbor, classmate, colleague, street boy, cripple in the crosswalk. It is necessary to do good just like that. And perhaps time will pass, and the world will change.

Schoolchildren are often asked to formulate in an essay what kindness is. This is not surprising and very useful: the fundamental quality, the basis of humanity, should be cultivated in oneself from a very young age.

By acting according to the principles of kindness, a person gains inner strength, the affection of friends, and the ability to change the world. He becomes open, humane and spiritually free.

A positive hero is always kind

People whose actions are guided by true kindness are unlikely to become great commanders, conquerors, bosses and businessmen.

But they are the life of the party, light and love always live in their home, and loved ones share with them not only grief, but also joy.

"Good people" become the best teachers, teachers, doctors, nurses, nannies.

Their sensitive and patient attitude towards people allows them to achieve success in social professions.

They are the ones who open charities, carry out actions to protect animals and are slowly changing the world towards humanism.

To imagine highest embodiment kindness, it is worth reading the life of any canonized saint.

The concept of kindness includes:

  • Responsiveness,
  • Aiming to do good deeds
  • Forbearance towards other people's mistakes and shortcomings,
  • Kindness,
  • Empathy,
  • Sensitivity,
  • High moral and ethical standards,
  • The desire to selflessly help,
  • Positive attitude,
  • Tolerance,
  • Soulfulness,
  • Sincere desire for the good of everyone,
  • Refusal of resentment, irritability, anger, as well as blaming and humiliating others.

The basis of kindness is, implying love for people of all ranks, appearances and characters. This is humanity clean water, voluntary and selfless, designed for the benefit of all humanity.

Do good, it will come back

It is believed that children (especially in high school) are capable of fantastic, unjustified and uncontrollable cruelty.

But at the same time, how much kindness there is in a child who carefully pours milk into a homeless kitten’s bowl! There is so much emotional tenderness in his attitude towards his parents, his pets, and his beloved friends.

Many teenagers hide their true, good urges in order to appear more fashionable, “cool,” independent, independent.

What will your classmates think if instead of throwing firecrackers at the dog, the guy runs to protect the innocent puppy?

The task of parents is to explain to the growing generation that there is no shame in being kind. Gentleness of heart is not a vice, but a virtue.

Kindness is internal, expressed in a soft, tolerant, patient, condescending attitude towards the mistakes of others.

Such a heart does not harden at the sight of other people’s mistakes, when confronted with unpleasant, sick, ugly, weak and wretched individuals. It is capable of love for those who are lower (in intelligence, in social status, by strength).

Kindness can also be active, external.. Its manifestations are varied - from participation in charity to helping old women cross the road.

From genuinely caring about your annoying little brother to volunteering and protecting animals.

Kindness is an innate property of the soul

Initially, any soul is kind towards the world and surroundings. Therefore, kindness as a personal quality is the ability to act humanely, as inherent in a person by God and nature.

This is the ability to see the world “through the eyes of the soul,” without rational, social or other superficial overtones.

Being kind is natural, normal. But natural gentleness and tolerance in modern cruel world often fade into the background. They hide under a mask of indifference and irritation.

Any teenager knows: a patient, soft, sympathetic individual quickly becomes a “weakling” in the eyes of his comrades, a “useful load” or even a punching bag.

A person is forced to defend himself and aggressively defend his own rights, sometimes he does not have enough time for external manifestations of kindness.

Kindness and family

We can take a dog that was hit by someone to a veterinary clinic and wait two hours for the result.

We can selflessly help a colleague and donate money for the treatment of a stranger.

But we completely forget about kindness in the family. It seems that relatives are an outlet for all emotions, which will endure screaming, demandingness, anger, and irritation.

But that's not true. Most of all, our kindness is needed by those closest to us - parents, sisters, friends.

Think about what it means to “be kind”: to perceive others through the prism of light, to see the best in them, not to pay attention to shortcomings.

Be lenient towards relatives, gentle towards grandparents, caring and attentive towards younger brothers. And the world will become a little brighter.