What kind of cereals can you feed your parrot? What can you give a budgie besides food?

Budgerigars are very active birds, wildlife they manage to quickly adapt to weather and territorial conditions. Therefore, the daily diet of the wild wavy is extremely varied: fresh shoots/buds of trees and shrubs, grass seeds and all kinds of grains from farm fields, fruits, berries, and for drinking, if there are no bodies of water nearby, the parrots are content with dew or juicy fruits and young grass.

Budgerigars clean each grain from the shell, so it can create the appearance of a full feeder, although in fact it is already empty.

The grain mixture must be in the feeder at all times.

  1. Sprouted food– a very healthy and vitamin-rich “live” product. In this form, the grain is very well digested, and the bird receives a huge amount of macro- and microelements, as well as vitamins.

Unlike everyday food, the mixture itself for soaking has a more complex composition in terms of components: chickpeas, mung beans, green and red lentils, oats, wheat, alfalfa, barley, rapeseed, safflower, millet, sunflower seeds, vetch, sorghum, sesame, buckwheat , Chumiza and Mogar.

How many times a week to give sprouted food depends on the age of the parrot: before the first moult - 1 teaspoon 2 times a week, after it - less often, since the swollen nutritious grains stimulate the production of sex hormones.

Flax and hemp seeds should not be involved in soaking!

  1. Mineral mixture– necessary for correct formation skeleton and feathers. This is an indispensable aid in improving poultry digestion.

Composition of the mineral mixture: 70% shell rock, 30% crushed chalk, fraction 2-3 mm, boiled egg shells and charcoal in a ratio of 1:1. You can buy mineral mixture at a pet store. Sometimes it includes oyster shells, corals, pine nut shells, fine sandstone and sea shells.

During the molting period, sulfur should be added to the mixture (for 2 teaspoons of the mineral mixture - a small pinch of sulfur).

The constant presence of the mixture in a separate feeder (2-3 teaspoons, replaced every 1-2 weeks).

  1. Mineral stone and sepia (cuttlefish shell)– enrich the parrot’s body with calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and the bird also willingly grinds its beak on them.
  2. Porridge– improve metabolism, a rich source of microelements, cooked in water (buckwheat/oatmeal/rolled oats/lentils – cook for 10 minutes, but you can also steam them, pearl barley – 30 minutes, barley/corn/wheat/millet/rice – 20 minutes). Calculation: 2 teaspoons per bird, the porridge should be warm, in a separate feeder. Feed 3 times a week.
  3. Fruits and vegetables– an irreplaceable source of vitamins. you will find full list approved foods for budgies. You can feed them several times a day.

7. Greenery– carrot tops, peas, hedgehog, blackberry, strawberry leaves, fireweed, canary grass, chicken millet, flax, foxtail, mung bean, chickweed, clover, bluegrass, oats, dandelion, shepherd’s purse, nasturtium, perennial chaff, plantain, marsh bentgrass , millet, wheat, wheatgrass, chamomile, lettuce, lettuce, knotweed, knotweed, timothy, chicory, spring and autumn willow leaves, thin branches of young trees with buds and leaves. During the colder months, you can use your parrot's food to grow fresh herbs.

If you are not sure whether you can give your parrot this or that herb, do not give it.

List of grass that parrots should not eat: basil, St. John's wort, cilantro, onion, buttercup, parsley, tansy, wormwood, celery, yarrow, dill, horsetail, celandine, sorrel, hyssop.

8.Fruit tree branches– budgerigars love to chew on everything and this will be the best and most useful option for them.

“Gnaws” should be obtained away from roads and industrial areas. At home, soak the branches in water for 4 hours, wash them well and pour boiling water over them. Using any cleaning products is dangerous for the life of the bird. There should be no tree resin on the branches.

You can branches: apple, currant, rowan, alder, citrus, birch, linden, maple, willow, chestnut, cherry, alder, rowan, plum, viburnum, beech, hornbeam, hawthorn, sea buckthorn, red chokeberry and hazel.

You cannot give branches: lilac, elderberry, conifer, bird cherry, acacia, coffee tree and oak.

9. Treats– we should pamper our pets only with natural products.

What you can feed: red millet, chumiza, paiza, mogar and Senegalese millet. If you give in excess, the bird will refuse to eat the food and will only wait for treats. If it is a spikelet, then it is enough to give one small twig-ball per day.

It is strictly forbidden to: nuts, cones, seeds and grains (some of them are present in the main food, but in minimum quantity, since they are very nutritious and contain fats and have a greater effect on the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract). Also, do not buy all kinds of sticks (egg, honey, grain) - they contain a lot of sugar, dyes, dried vitamins, preservatives and grain of questionable quality.

What not to feed budgies

List of prohibited products: salt, sugar, bread, nuts and seeds, milk, dairy products, cheese, sausage, meat, fish, mushrooms, coffee, chocolate, chips, alcohol, fruits, vegetables and herbs prohibited for birds, canned food, boiled vegetables, food from human mouth.

The diet of small chicks before the first molt (3-4 months) differs only in what is added boiled egg and cottage cheese, and also, in much more sprouted grain.

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In this article we will tell you what you can feed your budgie besides food, and what you should pay attention to so that your pet is energetic and healthy.

Food for budgies can be basic or additional. The main ones include varieties of millet with various additives. You can buy millet or grow it yourself.

But just like people, parrots need variety in their diet. Therefore, in addition to millet, additional components must be included in the diet. Let's look at them in more detail.
Video what they eat budgies except food:

Sunflower seeds

Sunflower is a good food for budgies, because it has a balanced composition and good calorie content. The latter can lead to problems if the bird doesn't move much or you give too much food.


We continue the topic of what can be given to a budgie besides food, and let us remind you about oats. This is a healthy grain and can also be added to the diet. As a rule, oats are already included in ready-made mixtures.

Grated chicken eggs

Chicken eggs rich in animal protein and should be included in the diet budgies. To prepare, hard boil the eggs and grate them. That's it, you can serve it to your little friends.

But for this to be the best food for budgies, it needs to be enriched. To do this, grate raw peeled and washed carrots on a Turk. And next time, instead of carrots, grate red beets.
You can also grind dried nettle leaves. But about them in the next paragraph.


Choose sweet apples, cut a piece and secure it between the twigs of the cage. As a rule, parrots love to feast on such fruits.
Also, instead of an apple, you can sometimes add pears to your diet. They are sweet and the birds love them.

Dried nettle

It is useful to give greenery to budgies, but what to do in cold period of the year? Therefore, you should take care of vitamins for small pets in advance.
Collect green nettles in summer, wash and dry. Then in winter you can rub it with your hands and add it to additional food.

Fresh herbs

Volnastyki can be given dill, plantain, and other similar greens. Just need to wash it and make sure it is not treated with pesticides.

Tree branches

It's no secret that parrots, especially females, constantly like to chew on something. This way they are busy with something and sharpening their beaks. Therefore, you can pick branches of willow or fruit trees and regularly secure them in the cage.


Some parrot owners add bananas to their parrots' diet. But we advise you to be careful, because bananas are soft and can lead to blockage of the crop.

Millet in ears

In addition to regular, peeled millet, it can be purchased directly from the ears in some pet stores. As a rule, parrots eat it more willingly than cleaned.

Parrot sticks

In pet stores you can buy sticks made from millet or a mixture of seeds. According to sellers, the seeds are held together with honey or other beneficial substances. We wouldn't be so confident. Moreover, often females do not eat such sticks, but click for fun.

Pumpkin pulp

Some parrot owners give their charges pumpkin, which is rich in fiber and vitamins. Cut small pieces of such thickness that they can be easily secured between the cage bars.

Cucumbers and cabbage

Sometimes they are also added to the diet. But you must be sure that they are grown without chemicals. In addition, do not overdo it with cabbage, because it can lead to the formation of gases in the intestines of the bird.


For healthy bones and beautiful feathers, parrots need to get enough calcium. To do this, sometimes soft food can be sprinkled with chalk powder (sold in pet stores). Or attach a piece of chalk to the cage. In the latter option, it is possible to grind off the beak.

Instead of chalk, you can grind eggshells. But before that, wash it well in soap and water.

Don't give this to the parrots

In the literature about budgies, it is not recommended to give budgies mango, onions, and garlic. Also, throw away vegetables and fruits that have rotted or grown with nitrates.

We have described what to feed budgies besides food, and you just have to follow our advice. It is especially important to include additional food in the diet of those parrots that are breeding after molting. They especially require a complete set useful substances and microelements.

Finally, let us remind you that most supplementary food is soft and spoils quickly. Therefore, give it for a few hours, and take away the leftovers so that your little friend does not get poisoned. After this, wash the feeders thoroughly, and the next day give a new portion of additional food.
What can you feed parrots besides food video:

They also willingly eat oats, canary grass, sunflower seeds, and field grasses. I recommend buying ready-made mixtures right away, it’s simple and doesn’t require any special care. In addition to dry food, you need to give your pet two to three times a week a mixture of finely chopped eggs, grated carrots and dried chopped nettles.

When a couple is feeding chicks, the mixture should be given daily. Of course, the components of the mixture can be changed: for example, instead of an egg, give homemade cheese, and instead of carrots, give beets. True, after such dishes your ward will look like Dracula.

We'll tell you what to feed your budgie at home.

You can give budgies sprouted food. In the warm season, living vitamins are very useful: lettuce or dandelion leaves, dill, parsley. Just give it all environmentally friendly, untreated with chemicals. I recently killed my Goshka with cabbage treated with chemicals. As I indicated above, at any time of the year, let the bird chew on the branches of willow and fruit trees.

What does a parrot eat? From time to time, stick a piece of sweet apple between the twigs. I heard that it is recommended to give even a piece of banana, but it is soft and can clog the bird’s crop.

Before feeding your budgie, remember: Never give any bird salty food or salt. Kill the bird! A friend of mine had a parrot flying freely around the room and pecking at salt from a salt shaker. Everyone was happy. But not for long, the parrot died in agony.

What can you feed your budgie besides food?

There is another type of treat:millet in spikelets. In pet stores you can find large, overseas ones. But we sowed the millet in the field ourselves, dried the ears when they reached them and gave them to the birds all winter.

We continue the story about what you can feed your budgie. The next delicacy was suggested to me by the saleswoman at the veterinary pharmacy. Take a crust of bread or a loaf (rye is absolutely not allowed), thread a wire through the bread so that you can then attach it to the bars of the cage, dry it and the delicacy is ready. Look how much joy there will be, especially for the females. Just don't give it often.

Food for budgies and treats should be given in doses. When kept at home, birds move little and can become obese.

A few words about water. I have already mentioned that it needs to be changed every day so that it does not stagnate. From time to time, especially in winter, it doesn’t hurt to add 10-15 drops of lemon juice to the water. Lemon Juice Kills Harmful Bacteria, Plus Rich Source

In order for a pet parrot to feel good, maintain its bright iridescent plumage and delight its owners with carefree chirping, it needs proper care And healthy eating. Experienced breeders try to diversify the diet to bring it closer to natural food. What to feed a parrot at home?

Necessary nutritious grain mixtures, various treats for taming and rewarding, healthy supplements The food is chosen according to the needs of the pet. The most popular breeds among bird lovers are the budgerigar and the lovebird. Despite all the similarities in content, their needs differ. Therefore, acceptable diets should be considered separately.

What to feed your budgie

The basis of the diet is grain. For small birds, this is, first of all, all types of millet: red, white, yellow and black. Wheat and oats should be up to 30% daily norm. In addition, hemp and flax are needed. A healthy adult parrot should eat two teaspoons of grain per day. Females during the breeding period and young animals eat a little more.

Before putting the grain mixture into the feeder, you should check it for debris, insects and unpleasant odors. Weighed grain must be washed and dried before use. room temperature. Ready-made food makes caring for your parrot much easier. Trusted manufacturers offer environmentally friendly processed grains, properly formulated mixtures, hulled oats and wheat. When purchasing, you should carefully study the label where the composition of the mixture is written. Fortified and iodized foods, as well as feeds with additives for feather brightness, should be used with caution, only during the molting period or as a therapeutic diet.

Sprouting helps check the freshness of the food. A pinch of grain is soaked in water for 24 hours. Wrap in damp cotton fabric or gauze. The closed container with grains is left in a warm place. If sprouts appear after a day or two, then the grain is fresh. The bird can be safely fed with both proven grain and sprouts. They are better absorbed, rich in vitamins and amino acids, and have a good effect on digestion. Sprouted food can be offered in small quantities every day.

Another type of soft food is porridge (without milk, butter, salt and sugar) or simply steamed grains. You can use buckwheat, oatmeal, corn porridge And Brown rice. It is important to have a separate container for soft food and remove leftovers in a timely manner.

A parrot bought in a store and not from a breeder is probably not accustomed to such a delicacy. A new product should be introduced into the diet gradually, in small portions.

Juicy feed

What can you feed your parrot besides food? He must receive fresh food every day. Fruits, vegetables and herbs - important source vitamins, microelements and fiber.

What vegetables can you feed your parrot:

  • carrot;
  • zucchini;
  • melon;
  • pumpkin;
  • milk corn;
  • beans;
  • green pea.

What fruit parrots are fed with:

  • apple;
  • pear;
  • banana;
  • grape;
  • peach;
  • apricot;
  • seasonal berries.

In summer, fruits and berries are given in fresh, in winter - steamed dried fruits and well-warmed frozen preparations.

What herbs can be added to the diet:

  • dandelion;
  • salad;
  • spinach;
  • radish tops;
  • alfalfa;
  • scalded nettle;
  • clover;
  • young oats;
  • chicory;
  • seeds of weeds, such as quinoa, in spikelets;
  • house plants - tradescantia, chlorophytum, kalanchoe.

Juicy food is offered in small portions in separate containers. To make it more interesting for the parrot, you can string pieces of fruits and vegetables onto a skewer and hang them on the bars of the cage. It is also better to place sprigs of greenery higher up. This way the bird will not stain the treat. Juicy food should not be left in the cage for more than two to three hours, especially in summer, as chopped fruits and vegetables quickly deteriorate.

What are gastroliths

This is fine gravel, sand or crushed shell rock necessary to fill the crop. Since birds do not have teeth, the process of grinding food occurs in the muscular stomach. The pebbles, which the bird swallows, are quickly erased and come out along with the digested food. It is necessary to constantly fill the crop with new ones. Therefore, the parrot needs to pour mineral fertilizer into a separate feeder every day.

In addition to gastroliths, it may contain chalk, coal, bone meal and sulfur. Ready-made mixtures are sold in pet stores. You can make this mixture yourself from calcined sand, chalk and eggshells.

As a source of easily digestible calcium, sepia, that is, cuttlefish shell, is very useful. By pecking off crumbs of shell from a large piece, the parrot can wear down its rapidly growing beak.

To care for the beak, a special mineral stone or young tree branches are used. They are offered along with bark and buds. Birch, cherry, linden and apple shoots are useful. Conifers, bird cherry, acacia, lilac, oak can cause poisoning. It's best to avoid them.

Treats for encouragement

During the period of taming and training a parrot, small pieces of attractive food are needed. With their help, you can lure the bird into your arms or reward it for imitating speech and various tricks. How can you hand feed a parrot?

Juicy pieces of fruit are perfect as a treat. You can buy special egg biscuits or biscuits with seeds, grains, and dried fruits in the store. They have nothing in common with human baking. They are safe for digestion in small quantities. If the parrot has received a nutritious treat, the amount of food can be reduced slightly.

In order to diversify everyday life and entertain the parrot, food manufacturers offer treats on sticks that can be hung in the cage. It is important to understand that you cannot completely replace your daily diet with treats, even the healthiest ones. Don’t get carried away and overfeed the bird by hand. At home, it is difficult for a parrot to burn off extra calories.

Dangerous products

What should you not feed your budgie? First of all, human food should be avoided. Salty, sweet, sour, fatty and floury treats are completely excluded. Birds have a very sensitive stomach, so even an excess of fat-containing seeds (sunflower, flax, etc.) can lead to serious upset.

Soft food should not be hot or cold.

Hot and spicy vegetables and herbs should be avoided. These are onions, garlic, radishes, radishes, eggplant, celery, parsley, dill. Sour fruits can cause upset, and such as mango, persimmon, avocado - severe poisoning.

In nature, birds find a wide variety of food for themselves and eat small portions throughout the day. Therefore, it is so important to monitor what parrots are fed at home. Unbalanced food can cause serious illness. Feeders and drinking bowls should be cleaned daily of yesterday's remains and filled with grain mixture, pieces of succulent food, gravel and water. Fasting for more than five hours is dangerous for a parrot.

The tray in the cage is also cleaned regularly with an odorless detergent. Tropical birds are very sensitive to infections.

Not only is it important for a parrot's health proper diet, but also proper exercise. In the absence of movement and little activity, obesity and all the diseases associated with it are possible. It is necessary to keep the parrot in a fairly spacious cage with various equipment for acrobatic exercises.

A tame bird can be released from its cage to fly and communicate. In this case, you must follow safety rules: close windows, doors, turn off gas and heating devices, remove from the premises toxic substances, plants and other dangerous things. Parrots are very inquisitive and can taste completely inappropriate things.

What do parrots feed during molting? In the off-season, the parrot behaves restlessly and seems unhealthy, the plumage thins and becomes dull. This is due to feather changes and hormonal activity. During this period, you should support the body with vitamins and increase the amount of succulent food in the diet. Vitamin supplements should only be given on the recommendation of a veterinarian.

What do lovebirds feed?

Large body mass determines high energy consumption. The lovebird eats 4 teaspoons of food per day. The main features of the diet are the grain mixture and soft food rich in protein.

Owners should pay maximum attention to what they feed medium-sized parrots, because the quality and life expectancy of their pets depends on this. The grain mixture for lovebirds contains up to 50% wheat and oats, several types of sunflower seeds, and nuts. Fat-containing ingredients should not exceed 15%. In addition, food of animal origin is recommended in small quantities: cottage cheese, boiled egg, milk.

There are no special features in the use of succulent food, treats and gastroliths in keeping lovebirds. The same foods and supplements are suitable for them as for budgies.

Budgerigars are funny small birds with colorful feathers, brought to us from Australia. What do budgies eat? In his natural environment they live among green spaces, choosing various seeds, sweet fruits and berries for food.

Also, parrots will not deny themselves the pleasure of eating insects or young buds of bushes and trees.

The basis of the diet of budgies is various grains and seeds. If you decide to get yourself such a wonderful little bird, then take its feeding very seriously. A properly formulated diet will ensure good health and good health for your parrot. long years life, which means he will be able to delight you for a long time with his chirping and flying around the apartment.

What to feed a budgie at home

A parrot's diet should be varied and include all the vitamins and minerals the bird needs. Otherwise, various diseases and health problems may arise. What to feed your budgie? At home, the basis of the diet of parrots is grain mixtures. They can be found on the shelves of pet stores or veterinary pharmacies. This is very convenient, since such dry food is sold ready-to-eat, and bird owners do not need to prepare the mixture themselves. Also, one can note their low consumption - budgerigars are quite small birds, so one tablespoon of food per day is enough for them.

Many people who keep birds often wonder whether all commercial dry food is suitable for their wavy pets? If you have doubts when purchasing, carefully review the composition of the grain mixture, so you can determine whether there are any unwanted ingredients and whether it will harm the health of your feathered pet.

Grain mixtures

Ready-made food should only be purchased good quality. Be sure to pay attention when purchasing Is the packaging hermetically sealed?. Also, a big plus when choosing food will be detailed description composition on the pack. The grain mixture for budgies must include:

  • Millet (approximately sixty-five percent).
  • Oats (about twenty percent).
  • Sunflower seeds (fifteen percent will be enough).
  • Various seeds: hemp, flax and canary grass.

Among owners of birds and other pets, there is a widespread belief that the quality and usefulness of food primarily depends on the manufacturer. But this is not always the case; you can purchase an expensive grain mixture from a company that has been proven over the years, but find spoiled seeds, insects and even mold in it. This kind of food should never be given to parrots. Why might this situation happen? It’s just that the seller or supplier violated the product storage standards recommended by the manufacturer and the food managed to deteriorate before it fell into the hands of the consumer.

As mineral supplement or to compensate for the lack of calcium in the body of a budgerigar, breeders recommend adding it to grain mixtures powder made from egg shells. It only takes a little bit, about two to three spoons per kilogram of food.

What else can you feed your parrot besides dry food? What will a little bird eat with pleasure and benefit?

Sprouted seeds

There is nothing healthier for budgies than sprouted seeds. You can make this food yourself at home and please your little bird. It is important to remember that sprouted food can be kept in the refrigerator for no longer than two days, as it is unsuitable for long-term storage and quickly deteriorates.

How to germinate seeds for birds?

  1. Take grains that are good for parrots, such as oats, wheat or hemp.
  2. Rinse the grains well with clean water.
  3. Soak them in warm water, just like summer residents soak seeds for seedlings.
  4. Cover the container with the beans with a clean gauze cloth.
  5. Leave the seeds alone, periodically checking their readiness.

Keep in mind that despite the fact that many foods consist of grain seeds, bread and any other products from the bakery industry are contraindicated for budgies.

Vitamins and nutrition

Currently, veterinary stores offer a large number of various pet products. Among the extensive range of vitamin and mineral supplements, they take their well-deserved first place. mineral stones and mixtures. Budgerigars love them very much and this attitude is more than justified. Indeed, thanks to such additions to the main diet, birds receive a comprehensive lunch, rich in minerals and microelements.

It is especially popular among breeders and ordinary bird owners. inside of cuttlefish shell- sepia. Sepia is simply famous for its huge range of various mineral salts, as well as its concentrated content of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. With the help of sepia, birds are able to sharpen their beak, which protects it from curvature and various deformations that have a bad effect not only on appearance pet, but also on his health.

When choosing a sepia for your bird, inspect it carefully. This is a mineral stone white, let's say a yellowish coating. Usually odorless, but may smell slightly fishy. Before purchasing, make sure that there are no traces of mold on the sepia.

Mineral stones are rich in phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. These micronutrients are essential for maintaining healthy skeletal system parrots With a lack of calcium and phosphorus in the body, birds may develop a disease of the parathyroid gland, which will make the bones and beak fragile, slow down the growth of the parrot and can cause dystrophy.

So that the parrot can always peck sepia and mineral stones, they are attached directly to the bars of the cage using a special device. If your birds are wary or even frightened of unfamiliar and new things in their cage, before placing stone food in the parrot's house, leave it next to the cage within the pets' field of view for several days so that they get used to this item.

Also, before placing the mineral stone in the cage, inspect its mounting. Often they have sharp corners or parts that could seriously injure the parrot or scratch its beak. Breeders recommend choosing sepia with plastic fasteners, since, unlike metal ones, they rarely have sharp parts and their corners can be easily filed with a nail file or file, if necessary.

Mineral mixtures for birds are also available for sale in veterinary stores. They include:

It is important to understand the difference between organic and regular sand. Organic sand consists of finely ground corals, shells and shell rock. It is necessary for parrots, as it helps grind food in the crop.

Mineral mixtures should be poured into a separate feeder and replaced once a week with new ones.

There is no need to worry that your parrot will consume too much of the mineral mixture. A bird with a healthy digestive system and not suffering from any diseases will not eat mineral supplements constantly. One budgerigar requires approximately two teaspoons of this supplement.

Juicy food for parrots

Vegetables and fruits must be added to the diet of budgies. You should start accustoming them to them immediately after the bird leaves the nest. There are often parrots that refuse vegetables and fruits and eat only grain mixtures. Usually, such fastidiousness affects individuals bought in pet stores, since they don’t really bother with preparing a complete diet and feed the birds only dry food and vitamin supplements. Explain to your pet that he needs complete and balanced diet You can’t, so the trick is to get him interested in new products.

Place some finely grated fruit or vegetable in your budgie's bowl next to his favorite food. Pumpkin or carrots are great for starting complementary foods. Most likely, in the first days the pet will ignore all the innovations in its diet, but sooner or later curiosity will win and the bird will try new products. Vegetables or fruits should be peeled (if required) and washed very well, preferably by dousing them with boiling water.


Check out the list of required vegetables:

  1. Cucumbers and tomatoes. These vegetables must be fully ripe and fresh. Cucumbers are especially beneficial for parrots. They are rich a small amount vitamins, but contain iodine, which has a beneficial effect on digestive system birds and stimulates the appetite.
  2. Young ears of corn. They are given fresh, preferably right on the cob; parrots like to pick out the grains themselves. Contains a large amount of carbohydrates, fiber, protein and starch.
  3. Zucchini, turnip, squash and pumpkin. They are cut into small pieces or grated raw.
  4. bell pepper . Bell pepper rich in vitamins and microelements of group B. It is cut into small slices along with the seeds. Sometimes you can give hot bell pepper.
  5. All varieties of cabbage. Before giving cabbage to a parrot, it should be doused with boiling water. The cabbage is finely chopped or grated. Birds can only eat the tops of the leaves of Chinese cabbage.
  6. Beet. It is characterized by a high content of fiber, vitamins and various microelements. Parrots love it raw, grated or in small pieces.
  7. Carrot. Contains vitamin A, birds prefer to eat it raw. You can grate it and mix it with other vegetables or hard-boiled eggs.
  8. Chickpeas, beans, green peas, lentils, beans. Legumes can be given directly in pods or sprouted seeds; they must be ripe and fresh.


Fruits and berries will serve as an excellent addition to the diet of parrots. The fruits must be washed well and cleared of peel and debris.

The digestive system of parrots does not cope well with tannic acid and various essential oils, so never give your birds mangoes, avocados, persimmons or papaya.

As a treat, you can give your budgies small pieces of nuts, such as walnuts, cashews or hazelnuts, every couple of months. You can’t often feed birds this kind of food, as nuts are very fatty for them.


Various greens are very useful for budgies. It must be included in the diet of poultry. Not only cultivated greens growing in vegetable gardens and orchards are suitable for feeding wavy pets, but also wild plants, such as young buds from trees and bushes, dandelions and plantain.

Before giving these herbs to your parrot, first rinse all the leaves well and scald with boiling water.

Fresh greens can only be found in warm seasons. But what to feed a parrot in winter if it needs grass. At home, on the windowsill you can quite easily plant millet, oats or wheat in an ordinary flower pot or tub. In addition, these plants do not require special care; you just need to water them periodically.