Julia Roberts baby. Julia Roberts husband

Julia Roberts is one of the world's stars of the first magnitude. She started acting back in the mid-80s, but real fame came to her after starring in the beautiful movie about love “Pretty Woman.” Many years have passed since then, but the popular film actress continues to actively act in film.

The actress had large number beloved men. True happiness came to her at the beginning of the new millennium. She became a beloved wife and mother of three children.

Height, weight, age. How old is Julia Roberts

The popular film actress is incredibly popular all over the world. She has a large number of fans who know for sure what the artist’s height, weight, age is, and how old Julia Roberts is. In 2018, the woman celebrates her 50th birthday, but fans believe that there was an error in the date of birth, since Julia looks at most 40 years old.

Julia Roberts, whose photos in her youth and now are of interest to numerous fans of the world-famous film industry star, weighs 52 kg, which is ideal for a height of 175 cm.

Biography and personal life of Julia Roberts

The biography and personal life of Julia Roberts are interesting and surprise many movie lovers.

The girl was born in 1967. At birth she was named Julia Fiona Roberts. Father - Walter Grady Roberts sold water mattresses. In his free time from selling, the man played on stage and wrote works. Mother Betty Lou Bredemas served as church secretary and also played on the theater stage. Julia had two sisters and a brother.

IN school years the girl loved to dream about beautiful things. She said that in the future she would begin to treat animals. IN adolescence Julia thought she was terribly ugly. Our heroine didn’t even think about becoming an actress. From the age of 13, Roberts worked in a number of establishments as a waitress.

Impressed by her brother’s role in a movie, the girl began acting on the theater stage. She then goes to New York, where she begins taking acting classes.

Filmography: films starring Julia Roberts

Since the mid-80s, Julia begins to act in films, but not so successfully yet. Only after playing in "Pretty Woman" does our heroine become famous actress. She has fans all over the world. Since then, Roberts' filmography has been regularly updated. She played in “The Player”, “Top of Conversation”, “Runaway Bride” and many others. The popular film actress has been awarded many awards. The woman has several Oscar statuettes, she has been awarded a Grammy Award and many others.

The actress was in relationships with Kiefer Sutherland, Liam Neeson, Matthew Perry and many others. In the early 90s, Julia became the wife of the popular American country singer Lyle Lovett. But the couple did not live long and decided to separate.

At the beginning of the new millennium, Roberts married Daniel Modera, who is one of the successful Hollywood cameramen. The marriage produced three children for the couple.

Family and children of Julia Roberts

The Pretty Woman and Runaway Bride star's family was creative. Mother and father in free time played on the stage of the local theater. When the baby was 5 years old, her parents’ marriage broke up. The girl began to live with her mother, older sister and her mother’s new husband, who hated Julia. This is what contributed to the fact that the future movie star grew up as a complex child.

Roberts often saw her father, who was raising his son, who wanted to live with him. The man passed away in the late 70s of the last century.

Julia experienced another tragedy. In the 90s she died of a drug overdose younger sister, which caused a lot of unpleasant moments for my parents and sister.

The actress made several attempts to start a family. Only at the beginning of the new millennium did she succeed. She became a wife and mother of three children. Currently, Julia Roberts' family and children spend almost all their time in Hollywood. But on weekends, the actress often goes to her ranch.

Julia Roberts' son - Finneas Walter Moder

At the age of 37, our heroine became a mother. In mid-2004, she gave birth to twins, the eldest of whom was her son. The boy received a double name, the second of which was given to him in honor of his father's father.

Julia Roberts' son, Finneas Walter Moder, is studying at school. The boy amazes with his creative potential. In the future, he dreams of following in the footsteps of his parents and becoming a world cinema star.

Julia Roberts' son - Henry Daniel Moder

In mid-2007, the world cinema star became the mother of a baby who was named after his dad. After giving birth, Julia raised the baby herself, deciding that this would be more beneficial for him.

Julia Roberts' son, Henry Daniel Moder, also received a middle name. It has Hindu roots. The supreme deity, Krishna, was called in a similar way in childhood.

Currently the boy is striking musical abilities. He attends a music school and learns to play the piano.

Julia Roberts' daughter - Hazel Patricia Moder

The actress’s daughter became her second child. She was born a few minutes later than her brother. Doctors scared the new mother that the girl might be sick, but the fears were not confirmed.

Julia Roberts' daughter Hazel Patricia Moder incredibly friendly with her twin brother. She tries to help her mother raise her younger brother. The girl attends acting classes. In the future, she dreams of following in the footsteps of her beloved mother.

Julia Roberts' ex-husband - Lyle Lovett

In the early 90s of the last century, the star of “Pretty Woman” and “Runaway Bride” began dating Lyle Lovett. He sang songs in country style, compositions performed by Lyle were incredibly popular not only in the United States of America, but also outside the country.

Soon after their first meeting, the lovers got married. Julia Roberts' ex-husband, Lyle Lovett, literally a few weeks after the wedding, began demanding that the actress become a housewife. He accused her of numerous infidelities. This led to the couple's separation after a two-year period.

Julia Roberts' husband - Daniel Moder

In the late 90s of the last century, the actress starred in “The Mexican.” During this time, she fell in love with Daniel Moder. He worked as a cameraman and shot this film. Soon the man realized that he could not live without Julia. He explained things to his wife and left the family, paying large compensation.

Currently, Julia Roberts' husband, Daniel Moder, is a Hollywood star. The man has been repeatedly awarded for his work.

Rumors about spouses divorcing sometimes appear in the press. But they continue to live in happy marriage and raise three children.

Hot photos of Julia Roberts before and after plastic surgery

Hot photos of Julia Roberst before and after plastic surgery flooded the Internet. Upon approval of funds mass media the woman repeatedly resorted to the help of a plastic surgeon to correct her appearance.

The naked artist has been filmed several times. IN recent years she refuses to play in sex scenes, saying that the period of explicit filming has passed. Julia repeatedly posts pictures in a swimsuit on her Instagram page. Roberts often wears one-piece swimsuits that do not hide the breathtaking curves of her body.

Instagram and Wikipedia Julia Roberts

Instagram and Wikipedia of Julia Roberts are sources of information for fans, thanks to which anyone can find out information about the actress.

Wikipedia allows you to find out about the actress’s parents, her brother and sisters. Reported here creative activity stars of Pretty Woman. On the page you can learn about Julia's personal life. In addition, fans can find out in which films the woman played and when.

Julia Roberts is one of the most prominent Hollywood actresses, born on October 28, 1967 in Atlanta (USA).


Julia's parents were madly in love with the theater. Actually, they met on the theater stage during a rehearsal for an amateur performance in the army theater. A whirlwind romance began, and since then the lovers have not parted. They soon got married, and in total three children were born in the family, the youngest of whom was Julia.

Parents did not abandon the theater even after the birth of their children. Although increased costs required finding more stable earnings. My mother worked as a secretary at a local church, and my father worked as a salesman. In his free time, he also occupied himself with writing.

As a child

A few years later, they organized a small theater studio, which teenagers enjoyed attending. It is noteworthy that among their students were the children of Martin Luther King. And it was he who paid the bill for medical care at Julia’s birth - the parents then had a very difficult financial situation.

Due to constant problems or for another reason, the girl’s parents divorced when she was only four years old. But just a year later, a child appeared in the family new husband mother, also directly related to the theater - critic Michael Moses. This marriage lasted almost ten years, but they can hardly be called prosperous.

During the divorce, the mother complained that Michael constantly engaged in assault, and it was not only her, but also the children. Julia herself does not like to talk about family secrets, but her brother confirmed in an interview that her stepfather liked to drink and did not always behave appropriately.

It’s hard to believe, but at school Julia not only did not consider herself a beauty, but was also very complex. Tall, huge mouth, skinny elongated limbs really made the girl an ugly duckling. But by the time she graduated from school, she had already turned into a beautiful swan.

The way to the stage

Julia started working at the age of 13 to help her mother somehow make ends meet. The girl managed to get a job as a waitress at a local pizzeria, and with the money she earned, she began to buy new outfits. Then it was real happiness for her - after all, before she had to bear a lot for her older sister.

When she entered college, she was surprised to notice that boys who had previously had no interest in her began to pay attention to her. And there she first appeared on stage to participate in a student production. The girl liked the audience's attention, and her roles worked out well for her. Therefore, after graduation, she decided to try herself in this field.

With only a couple of hundred dollars in her pocket, and in her soul the confidence that her dream would come true, Julia went to New York. There she easily passed the casting at a modeling agency, and she was often hired for shows, which allowed her not only to lead a tolerable life, but also to attend paid acting courses.

The bright provincial girl was quickly noticed, and in 1987 she first appeared on screen in the film “Fire Brigade.” The girl looked great on camera and managed to make even a very small role noticeable. Invitations began to arrive regularly, and within a couple of years she managed to star in several more films.

Fame and glory

In 1990, she was lucky enough to get into the cast of the film “Steel Magnolias” - a touching story about difficult life six women. The brilliant directorial work of Herbert Ross received several prestigious awards, and Julia herself gained fame and her first Oscar (for a supporting role).

But after another year she becomes a real star. In 1991, the film “Pretty Woman” was released - almost fabulous and very beautiful story about the love of a millionaire and a street prostitute. Perhaps Julia managed to play her love for her handsome partner on the set so believably because she was actually very passionate about him.

But he was having an affair with another actress, and all of Julia’s attempts to attract his attention outside the set ended in failure.

However, after the premiere of the film, the name of Julia Roberts was recognized not only in the United States. The film received several Oscars at once, and the actress herself received a second prestigious award for her leading role. She immediately finds herself on the covers of the most prestigious glossy magazines, and at the same time on the list of the 50 most beautiful people peace.

From that moment on, she was invited to play only leading roles, which she coped brilliantly with. The dramatic film “Dying Young,” about fate, consolidated its success young guy, sick with cancer, for whom Julia became the first real feeling. And then another melodrama “Notting Hill” brought the girl another Oscar.

Currently, Julia Roberts remains one of the most sought after and highly paid Hollywood actresses. Her fees reach $25 million per film. In total, the actress’s filmography includes more than 30 main roles, each of which is very bright and memorable. Julia is one of the few actresses in whose career there were no failed films.

Personal life

Becoming famous early beauty Roberts began to take full advantage of her fame and male attention. In the early 90s, she had a whole series of passionate affairs with famous actors, who were followed with pleasure by the paparazzi.

Until in 1993, Lyle Lovett took his beloved down the aisle, hoping that she would settle down. But that was not the case; the marriage did not last even two years. Apparently, Roberts was not yet ready for a long-term relationship.

With Lyle Lovett

Her story with another chosen one, the famous cameraman Daniel Moder, turned out completely differently. Their relationship developed gradually and imperceptibly grew from friendship into a strong family.

With Daniel Moder

Julia Fiona Roberts is a world-famous actress and talented producer. She disarms everyone with her white-toothed smile, but as a child she was a real ugly duckling, whom all her classmates pecked at.

Roberts was considered ugly, and now all men in the world dream of meeting her. The girl grew up in an incomplete and very poor large family, however, was able to become famous, rich and happy.

The path to fame passed through work in eateries and pizzerias, cafes and a shoe store. Julia proved to everyone that if you really want to, you can become successful and famous.

Height, weight, age. How old is Julia Roberts

Fans all over the world want to know what the popular actress’s height, weight, and age are. How old Julia Roberts is can be easily understood simply by knowing the year of her birth.

Julia Fiona Roberts was born in 1967, making her forty-nine years old. According to her zodiac sign, Julia is a Scorpio, who is characterized as a fighter for justice. These people are emotional, energetic, passionate, irritable, but easy-going.

By eastern horoscope Julia Roberts is a kind and caring, bright and peaceful, slightly insecure and creative Goat.

Height famous actress similar to the parameters of a fashion model and reaches one meter seventy-five centimeters. Her weight had long since stopped at fifty-two kilograms.

Biography of Julia Roberts (Actress)

The biography of Julia Roberts is interesting and amazing. Julia was a dreamy and shy child, whom everyone considered out of this world. The little girl wanted to become a veterinarian and told everyone that she could talk to animals.

During her school years, the girl was quiet, shy and reserved, and also had a terrible complex about her appearance. She studied at a music school and played the clarinet. Julia was fond of theater and performed in school amateur performances.

The girl began working as soon as she was thirteen years old. She worked in a pizzeria and various cafes. The girl applied for higher education educational institution Georgia, but became a student of acting courses.

Filmography: films starring Julia Roberts

She made her film debut in 1987, thanks to her brother, who invited her to play a role in an episode of the movie “Red as Blood.” Then her filmography was replenished with a huge number of roles in such works as “Satisfaction”, “Mystical Pizza”, “Steel Magnolias”, “Pretty Woman”, “Captain Hook”, “Eat, Pray, Love”, “Larry Crown”, “August” : Osage County, Wedding best friend", "Horrible Ladies".

From 1998 to 2017, she became the producer of seven full-length films, which were liked by viewers all over the world. She was repeatedly nominated for various awards.

Julia Roberts loves to go barefoot and is Hindu. She is left-handed, but especially for the film “Eric Brockovich” she was able to write with her right hand.

Personal life of Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts' personal life is filled with unexpected and whirlwind romances. Few people paid attention to little Julia; she was constantly teased and offended.

However, like an ugly duckling, the girl blossomed and turned into a beauty. Her track record of novels includes a huge number Hollywood celebrities.

IN different years Julia's filming partners became her lovers. Roberts had affairs with Matthew Perry and Liam Neeson.

While filming the movie Steel Magnolia, the woman began dating handsome Dylan McDermott. Fans celebrated and prepared for the wedding, however, the couple broke up without explanation.

Rumor has it that the reason for the separation was the relationship with Richard Gere, who was in love with her, in the movie “Pretty Woman.”

Later, the fatal beauty began to be noticed in the company of Kiefer Sutherland, with whom Julia was planning to marry. A date was even set for this celebration, however, the paparazzi caught the Canadian actor cheating, so the couple separated.

Roberts dated actor Benjamin Brett for several years, but broke up with him because he wanted a housewife wife, not a career woman.

Nancy Roberts - Julia Roberts' sister - is a tragic page in her life. Nancy Motes is Julia's half-sister, who claimed that the beauty constantly makes fun of her and does not allow her to live in peace.

It is known that thirty-seven-year-old Nancy died of a drug overdose, committing suicide. She left just a terrible note, blaming Julia for her death.

Roberts did not comment on this matter; she canceled all filming and even cried bitterly at her sister’s funeral.

Julia Roberts family

Julia Roberts's family was creative, poor and single-parent, and also large, since, besides her, there were two more children.

Roberts' parents separated when the girl turned five. At the same time, Julia and her sister Lisa lived with their mother, and her brother moved to his father.

His father, Walter Roberts, was an actor and a good writer, he also sold air mattresses and was the owner of a private school for child actors. The man loved his girls and called them on the phone every evening. Walter died of cancer in 1977.

Mother: Betty Lou Bredemas– was an actress and secretary in a church parish. After the marriage ended, she quickly married Michael Motes, who abused the girls and especially hated Julia.

Brother: Eric Roberts is a famous Hollywood actor who has appeared on screens in more than 400 films and TV series.

Sister – Lisa Roberts- became an actress and producer, she played in such films as “Law and Order”, “Runaway Bride”, “Eat Pray Love”, “Valentine’s Day”.

Julia Roberts family, children, husband photos appear quite often on the Internet. On them Julia - happy mom, sister, daughter and just gorgeous woman.

Julia Roberts' children

Julia Roberts' children indicate that she is a mother of many children. The famous actress has three children who appeared in her life quite late, when Julia made a career and found that same prince on a white horse with whom she wanted to give birth to a baby.

Currently, the woman is raising children, successfully combining this with a career as a producer and actress in Hollywood cinema. She constantly posts online photos of the happy trio in fashionable clothes and cool hairstyles.

Julia Roberts and her children live in a luxurious penthouse on Manhattan Avenue. IN lately there were rumors that the forty-six-year-old woman was pregnant again, but so far this data has not been confirmed.

Julia Roberts' son - Finneas Walter Moder

Julia Roberts' son, Finneas Walter Moder, was born as part of twins in 2004, when his star mother turned thirty-seven. The baby's father was Julia's second husband, Daniel Moder. Walter was born much ahead of schedule, but this fact did not give any complications to its development.

Interestingly, in 2009, with the light hand of his mother, the boy received a new name and began to be called Ganesh, in honor of Indian god wisdom. The first name Finn was given to the baby by his dad, however, it looked like a nickname on the Internet and turned into Finneas. The boy received his middle name, Walter, in honor of his grandfather.

Finneas Walter is a student at school, he is a musical and artistic boy who already constantly appears in school productions.

Julia Roberts' son - Henry Daniel Moder

Julia Roberts' son, Henry Daniel Moder, weighing 3800 grams, was born in his mother's second marriage in 2007. His father was cinematographer Daniel Moder, after whom the baby was named.

After filming the movie Eat, Pray, Love, Julia Roberts chose a spiritual Hindu name for her child. The boy's name began to be Krishna Balpram, just like supreme god Krishna in infancy.

Henry Daniel is a musical and athletic guy, he studies in a theater studio and studies at a prestigious school in Manhattan.

Julia Roberts' daughter - Hazel Patricia Moder

Julia Roberts' daughter, Hazel Patricia Moder, is the twin sister of Finneas Walter Roberts. She was born a month ahead of schedule in 2004. The girl is the daughter of cameraman Daniel Moder, who adores and pampers her.

Yours unusual name It was no coincidence that Hazel received it because she was born after an IVF procedure. Her mother was told that the pregnancy would be difficult and the children might die. Hazel – old name, which means “nut” and is aimed at making the baby resistant to difficulties.

The girl also received a middle name - Lakshmi, which she bore Indian goddess well-being and prosperity.

Julia Roberts' ex-husband - Lyle Lovett

Julia Roberts' ex-husband, Lyle Lovett, is a world-famous country singer. The marriage took place after three weeks of courtship in 1993.

Naturally, the young people practically did not recognize each other and did not get used to their characters, so constant quarrels and showdowns began in the family. Lyle accused Julia of spending too much time at work and even that he became an absurd replacement for Kiefer Sutherland.

One way or another, the marriage broke up after just two years of marriage.

Julia Roberts' husband - Daniel Moder

Julia Roberts' husband, Daniel Moder, was a cinematographer, so they met on the set of the film The Mexican, and the man was married. In 2002, he divorced and proposed to Julia; the funny thing is that Roberts literally bought her husband from ex-wife, having paid good compensation.

Two years after the wedding, Julia gave her husband twins, and three years later another son.

In recent years, there have been rumors on the Internet that the couple is on the verge of breaking up, but, one way or another, Moder and Roberts are still together.

Naked Julia Roberts

Naked Julia Roberts is the dream of almost all of her male fans who have gotten to know her over the course of her filming in films. There are a huge number of photographs of this kind on the Internet. From innocent photos in a swimsuit on the beach with her husband and children to more candid ones.

In general, it’s quite difficult to find explicit photos and videos of Julia on the Internet. The hottest pictures and videos were taken from the filming of the movie "Pretty Woman", taken from the same place bed scenes.

Julia says that her religion is Judaism, so she does not often agree to film in the nude, saying that this is her personal life and documentary filmmaking.

Instagram and Wikipedia Julia Roberts

Instagram and Wikipedia of Julia Roberts are available in full, because the woman often posts her personal photos on social networks. On the Wikipedia page you can find reliable information regarding personal and family life, parents and children, awards and filmography, childhood and teenage years.

Julia Roberts' Instagram has a huge number of photos from film sets, and also, from family archive. The page is completely official, so Julia herself is responsible for the data posted on it.

Hollywood star Julia Roberts is known to everyone without exception, she has played a lot bright roles, which are memorable and pleasant to watch on TV screens. No other actress has such a sincere performance; her films are sincere and emotional, touching on a lot of things. social issues and allow each person to look inside themselves and find answers to all problems. Her filmography includes dozens of wonderful works, and today even Julia Roberts’ children do not stop her from doing what she loves. The actress’s personal life is very open; fans often watch the woman with her family and children.

Biography of Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts was born in Georgia, her parents were actors, but she spent her childhood in a small town where the girl lived with her sister and mother. The family had three children and childhood could be called tragic due to material insufficiency; the parents quickly divorced; at that time Julia was 4 years old. Mom stayed with her little daughters in Smyrna. A few years later, Julia Roberts' dad dies of cancer; this tragedy was very difficult for the children.

Mom married a second time and from this marriage another sister, Nancy, was born. The stepfather was rude, there was a lot of assault in the family, constant scandals, so the marriage lasted only 6 years, no one wants to remember this period. Julia's mother died at the age of 80, also from cancer, and sister Nancy received a severe drug overdose. Roberts was very upset by the tragic death of her mother, it was the most close person, friend, she constantly felt tremendous support from her.

Julia Roberts's children photo

For Julia Roberts, family always came first; this is how she approached building her own family nest; she protected her children and husband from prying eyes. Julia Roberts' husband, Daniel Moder, was married at the time they met, just like Julia herself. The love arose so strong that they could not resist this magical feeling and began an affair and got married in 2002.

Now Julia Roberts has wonderful children growing up, the meaning of life has appeared, and the woman is all glowing from the inside. In all the photographs she shines with happiness, giving fans a radiant smile, a look loving person also impossible not to notice. Her husband worked with her on several projects, however collaboration causes a certain tension.

In 2004, twins Hazel and Finneas were born, but 3 years later another joyful event occurred in the family - their son Henry was born. Julia Roberts, her children and her husband do not lead an open lifestyle, so very little information is available to the public.

Photos of Julia Roberts' children can only be seen at shows and when going out into the social world, as they try to hide their hidden life. She does not consent to requests to take an autograph from children, since her professional activity she and her husband stay away from their family.