Julia Roberts: beloved beauty and runaway bride. Julia Roberts: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo Julia Roberts family children husband

Julia Fiona Roberts is a famous American actress who received an Oscar for Best Actress. Julia's fees are still among the highest in the world.

Personal life

In the 90s, the actress had many novels that were in plain sight. Fans happily discussed not only her career successes, but also her personal life. In 1993, she even got married to Lyle Lovett, an actor and country singer. But the marriage did not last. Julia Roberts I divorced my husband after a year and a half.

The actress met her current husband in 2001 on the set of the film “The Mexican.” It was cinematographer Daniel Moder. Due to the fact that at that time Julia Roberts had a reputation as a “fickle person,” Moder’s parents were against their relationship. Which later I had to come to terms with and accept the actress into the family.

Family and children

The couple had children 2 years after the wedding. Happy Julia Roberts gave birth to twins - son Finneas Walter and daughter Hazel Patricia. And three years later, a son, Henry Moder, was born into the family.

The fact that Julia Roberts' husband is not a star was not an obstacle for her. Quite the contrary. Daniel was different from all her exes. And Julia herself was always closer to a simple life.

With the advent of children, Julia found new meaning life, but it affected my career. Subsequent work included scoring cartoons.

With the birth of her third child in the family, Julia Roberts's personal life changed completely. Now she began to visit less social events, did not even attend several Oscar ceremonies in a row. Julia began to prefer homework, such as watching and cooking, to work. The actress had previously carefully chosen films, but now she began to choose even more carefully. Now for Julia Roberts, family and children come first.

Julia and Danny try to protect their children from journalists as much as possible. It's not often that you see spouses with children in New York or Los Angeles. The family spends almost all the time outside the city.

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2015 was a difficult year for many celebrity couples. The trials did not spare Julia’s family either. Relations with Danny became strained after tragic events in the family of an actress. First her half-sister died, and later her mother. After this, information appeared in the media about Julia Roberts’ divorce from her husband. But the actress herself and her husband Moder decided to refute the rumors by appearing as a family in in full force at a party. They looked very happy!

Julia Roberts is the undisputed star of the Hollywood firmament, known to every second inhabitant of our planet. The brilliant performance of many bright and memorable roles gives us so much: our laughter, our tears, our sincere emotions, empathy. Many films with her participation touch upon important psychological and social aspects and give us the opportunity to look inside ourselves, deal with our problems and make important life decisions.

The actress’s filmography includes dozens of wonderful works, which we can talk about endlessly, but today we would like to touch on the personal life of the brilliant actress and see her with her family.

Julia Roberts' childhood

The favorite of millions of viewers was born on October 28, 1967 in Atlanta (Georgia) in the family of amateur actors Betty and Walter Roberts, and spent her childhood in the small town of Smyrna in the same state with her mother and older sister. Julia was the youngest of 3 children in the family. The actress experienced a tragic childhood when she was only 4 years old; her parents divorced due to financial difficulties. Betty Lou remained in Smyrna with her two daughters, and Walter moved to Atlanta with sixteen-year-old Eric. When Julia was 10 years old, her father died of cancer, she took this first very hard life tragedy with your little childish heart. Subsequently, the mother married Michael Motes, with whom she gave birth to a daughter, Nancy. The arrival of their stepfather in their family brought rudeness and scandals, sometimes even leading to assault, and after six years the marriage broke up. Julia does not like to remember this period in her life. Now Julia’s mother is no longer alive, who died of lung cancer in 2015 at the age of 80. And a year before her mother died, she passed away from a drug overdose younger sister Nancy. Julia took her mother’s death very hard and was morally depressed. She says that not a day goes by that she doesn't think about herself. loved one in her life, and thanks her for the support and love that Julia constantly felt for herself.

Despite the fact that the family was experiencing difficulties, Betty was a very cheerful person, always ready to help. When Julia, who went to conquer New York, was tired of enduring hardships on the way to acting fame and was about to return home, her mother inspired her that everything would work out, she just needed to be patient a little more. Betty's support gave the world wonderful actress. Julia Roberts is a proud mother and uses her advice in raising her own children.

Family happiness of the servant Melpomene

Despite the enormous demand in the profession, the main thing for our heroine is her family; she is very sensitive to building a family nest, protecting it from other people’s views and judgments. Julia Roberts' husband is successful filmmaker Daniel Moder, whom she met while working on the film The Mexican in 2001. At that time, they were both not free: Daniel was married, and Julia was in a relationship with actor Benjamin Bratt, but they were powerless before the magic of love, a beautiful romance began between them, which they sealed with legal marriage in 2002. Their wedding took place on July 4th at Julia's ranch in New Mexico. Some time later, in an interview, she said that Daniel gives meaning to her life and makes her glow from the inside. Before meeting “her man,” she, according to Julia herself, was a selfish and spoiled child, but everything changed after Daniel appeared in her life. Quite a lot beautiful words they dedicated love to each other, and Julia’s radiant smile on their common family photos shines somehow especially when looking at a loved one. IN lately information is increasingly available about difficult times who are experiencing star couple, but fans do not lose hope that they will survive the family crisis with dignity and continue their life path hand in hand. And we will see a happy Julia Roberts with her family and children.

The couple worked together on three films, and Julia notes that she feels tension during collaboration, since in front of her stands a person on whom she would like to make the best impression, and whose opinion is so important to her.

Julia Roberts: children, photos

In June 2004, the couple announced that they were expecting the birth of their first child. On November 28, 2004, twins Hasel and Finneas Moder were born, and three years later good news about another addition to this star family: Their third child, Henry, was born on June 18, 2007.

Some stars lead a fairly open lifestyle, and information about their family and children is available to the public, down to their shoe size and the smallest details of growing up. But Julia Roberts is in a completely different category. Her children are growing up away from cameras, and despite world fame star mother, information about her family life not available to the general public. When Julia Roberts visits school events children, she always remains incognito: glasses, a cap and inconspicuous clothes. She expects fans to acknowledge her personal space when alone with her family, tactfully declining requests for autographs and politely explaining her request for privacy. She and her husband are making attempts to keep their family away from theirs. professional activity and maintain space for privacy.

Julia admits that she is tired of being on top, constantly worrying about maintaining balance. Now she is fifty, and she has many wonderful films and wonderful roles behind her, in which she embodied much of what she wanted to tell the world about. She can afford to be selective about new jobs and spend more time with her husband and children on their family ranch in New Mexico, indulging in normal family chores and doing things she loves. Julia Roberts adapts her filming to the family's routine; if something doesn't work out, she tries to arrange it so that they can be together. This happened on the set of the famous film “Eat, Pray, Love,” when Julia Roberts’ family (children and husband) were with her for 4 months in New York, Rome, India and Bali.

Recognition of a Hollywood star in the family circle

She would like to dedicate her work and achievements to her family, whose opinion is so important to her, but the children do not perceive her as a superstar and multiple Oscar winner, because for them she is just a Mom. They don't watch her famous films, and Julia tries to be understanding about this, given their young age. That's why she was so glad to participate in her new project - the film "Miracle" about little boy named Augustus with a congenital physical disability (he has no face). He goes to school, so he faces a difficult task for his age - to convince others that appearance is not the most important thing. After all, what is inside us is much more important.

The film is based on a book Roberts read to her children. Reading is important in their family and this tradition was started by Julia's father, Walter, who always read to her with her sister and brother before bed. There is something special in this mysterious process when children find themselves in a world of alluring magical dreams, voiced by the native voice of their parents. Julia is a little upset when the children ask her to be natural and not include acting, but she has to come to terms with the fact that the performance of a first-class actress has not yet received loud applause in the family circle of their cozy home, where they want to see her in one and only, but so important roles - Moms.

Julia Roberts' children have not yet shown any interest in the family business related to cinema - perhaps because they are still too young. They play music, and, as Julia says, they have their own violinist, cellist and trumpet player in the house. Although this is not yet a serious choice, since now the most important thing for children is their studies, so all their energies are focused on this.

Holidays and everyday life of the star family

How does our favorite actress spend her time? free time, and what about Julia Roberts having fun with her children? One of their favorite activities is shopping while preparing for school. Being rather indifferent to shopping for clothes, Julia has had a passion for acquiring clothes since childhood. school supplies, which she passed on to her children and they turned the event into real family fun. They enjoy spending time choosing various colorful little things for school: pencils, pencil cases, lunch boxes...

When it comes to parenting, Julia Roberts enjoys watching her children grow up, especially given the opportunities she has modern world. She admires the fact that young people today have the whole world at their fingertips, not like when Julia was young. If previously being a citizen of the world meant a backpack on your shoulders and a train ticket, now you don’t even have to leave the house. This is truly amazing, although at the same time it implies additional responsibility. Julia tries to instill in her children the need to participate in the fate of the world. She believes that they are old enough to realize everything that is happening in the world and not be indifferent to what is happening. It is important for her and her husband to be honest with their children. They want to help them realize that their voice is truly important in achieving what they believe in. Both parents adore children, although they have quite different ideas about education. While Daniel believes it's important to just be a friend to the kids, Julia worries that their Hollywood lifestyle means the kids need stricter boundaries. Despite the fact that star parents don't always find common language In the matter of education, they agree that the most important thing in a family is trust.

Julia Roberts is one of the world's biggest stars. She started acting back in the mid-80s, but real fame came to her after starring in the beautiful movie about love “Pretty Woman.” Many years have passed since then, but the popular film actress continues to actively act in film.

The actress had large number beloved men. True happiness came to her at the beginning of the new millennium. She became a beloved wife and mother of three children.

The popular film actress is incredibly popular all over the world. She has a large number of fans who know for sure what the artist’s height, weight, age is, and how old Julia Roberts is. In 2018, the woman celebrates her 50th birthday, but fans believe that there was an error in the date of birth, since Julia looks at most 40 years old.

Julia Roberts, whose photos in her youth and now are of interest to numerous fans of the world-famous film industry star, weighs 52 kg, which is ideal for a height of 175 cm.

Biography and personal life of Julia Roberts

The biography and personal life of Julia Roberts are interesting and surprise many movie lovers.

The girl was born in 1967. At birth she was named Julia Fiona Roberts. Father - Walter Grady Roberts sold water mattresses. In his free time from selling, the man played on stage and wrote works. Mother Betty Lou Bredemas served as church secretary and also played on the theater stage. Julia had two sisters and a brother.

IN school years the girl loved to dream about beautiful things. She said that in the future she would begin to treat animals. IN adolescence Julia thought she was terribly ugly. Our heroine didn’t even think about becoming an actress. From the age of 13, Roberts worked in a number of establishments as a waitress.

Impressed by her brother’s role in a movie, the girl began acting on the theater stage. She then goes to New York, where she begins taking acting classes.

Filmography: films starring Julia Roberts

Since the mid-80s, Julia begins to act in films, but not so successfully yet. Only after playing in "Pretty Woman" does our heroine become famous actress. She has fans all over the world. Since then, Roberts' filmography has been regularly updated. She played in "The Gambler", "Top of Conversation", "Runaway Bride" and many others. The popular film actress has been awarded many awards. The woman has several Oscar statuettes, she has been awarded a Grammy Award and many others.

The actress was in relationships with Kiefer Sutherland, Liam Neeson, Matthew Perry and many others. In the early 90s, Julia became the wife of the popular American country singer Lyle Lovett. But the couple did not live long and decided to separate.

At the beginning of the new millennium, Roberts married Daniel Modera, who is one of the successful Hollywood cameramen. The marriage produced three children for the couple.

Family and children of Julia Roberts

The Pretty Woman and Runaway Bride star's family was creative. Mother and father played on the stage of the local theater in their free time. When the baby was 5 years old, her parents’ marriage broke up. The girl began to live with her mother, older sister and her mother’s new husband, who hated Julia. This is what contributed to the fact that the future movie star grew up as a complex child.

Roberts often saw her father, who was raising his son, who wanted to live with him. The man passed away in the late 70s of the last century.

Julia experienced another tragedy. In the 90s, her younger sister died of a drug overdose, which caused many unpleasant moments for her parents and sister.

The actress made several attempts to start a family. Only at the beginning of the new millennium did she succeed. She became a wife and mother of three children. Currently, Julia Roberts' family and children spend almost all their time in Hollywood. But on weekends, the actress often goes to her ranch.

Julia Roberts' son - Finneas Walter Moder

At the age of 37, our heroine became a mother. In mid-2004, she gave birth to twins, the eldest of whom was her son. The boy received a double name, the second of which was given to him in honor of his father's father.

Julia Roberts' son, Finneas Walter Moder, is studying at school. The boy amazes with his creative potential. In the future, he dreams of following in the footsteps of his parents and becoming a world cinema star.

Julia Roberts' son - Henry Daniel Moder

In mid-2007, the world cinema star became the mother of a baby who was named after his father. After giving birth, Julia raised the baby herself, deciding that this would be more beneficial for him.

Julia Roberts' son, Henry Daniel Moder, also received a middle name. It has Hindu roots. The supreme deity, Krishna, was called in a similar way in childhood.

Currently the boy is striking musical abilities. He attends a music school and learns to play the piano.

Julia Roberts' daughter - Hazel Patricia Moder

The actress’s daughter became her second child. She was born a few minutes later than her brother. Doctors scared the new mother that the girl might be sick, but the fears were not confirmed.

Julia Roberts' daughter Hazel Patricia Moder is incredibly close with her twin brother. She tries to help her mother with raising her younger brother. The girl attends acting classes. In the future, she dreams of following in the footsteps of her beloved mother.

Julia Roberts' ex-husband - Lyle Lovett

In the early 90s of the last century, the star of “Pretty Woman” and “Runaway Bride” began dating Lyle Lovett. He sang songs in country style, compositions performed by Lyle were incredibly popular not only in the United States of America, but also outside the country.

Soon after their first meeting, the lovers got married. Ex-husband Julia Roberts - Lyle Lovett literally a few weeks after the wedding began to demand that the actress become a housewife. He accused her of numerous infidelities. This led to the couple's separation after a two-year period.

Julia Roberts' husband - Daniel Moder

In the late 90s of the last century, the actress starred in “The Mexican.” During this time, she fell in love with Daniel Moder. He worked as a cameraman and shot this film. Soon the man realized that he could not live without Julia. He explained to his wife and left the family, paying large compensation.

Currently, Julia Roberts' husband, Daniel Moder, is a Hollywood star. The man has been repeatedly awarded for his work.

Rumors about spouses divorcing sometimes appear in the press. But they continue to live in happy marriage and raise three children.

Hot photos of Julia Roberts before and after plastic surgery

Hot photos of Julia Roberst before and after plastic surgery flooded the Internet. Upon approval of funds mass media the woman repeatedly resorted to the help of a plastic surgeon to correct her appearance.

The naked artist was filmed several times. IN recent years she refuses to play bed scenes, saying that the period of candid filming has passed. Julia repeatedly posts pictures in a swimsuit on her Instagram page. Roberts often wears one-piece swimsuits that do not hide the breathtaking curves of her body.

Instagram and Wikipedia Julia Roberts

Instagram and Wikipedia of Julia Roberts are sources of information for fans, thanks to which anyone can find out information about the actress.

Wikipedia allows you to find out about the actress’s parents, her brother and sisters. Reported here creative activity stars of Pretty Woman. On the page you can learn about Julia's personal life. In addition, fans can find out which films the woman played in and when.

And 46-year-old cinematographer Daniel Moder, who have been married for 14 years, is on the verge of breaking up. According to insiders, the couple's relationship went wrong after the death of Julia's mother in early 2015, and today it became known that Julia's husband moved to a new house.

According to rumors, over the years of marriage, Julia and Daniel have accumulated too many claims against each other. According to insiders, Daniel is tired of Julia controlling his every move. A man no longer wants to answer to his wife for where he was, what he did and why. once again stayed late at work.

By the way, Julia purchased a separate mansion for her husband not far from her home in Malibu. It was planned that after the official divorce he would move there so as not to be separated from his children. Sources, in turn, claim that Moder has already been living in his new home for about a month.

Julia Roberts and Daniel Moder have been married for 14 years. Although the actress and cinematographer are not yet officially divorced, the former lovers do not live together. The marriage of Roberts and Moder produced two sons and a daughter - a son, Henry, and twins, Hasel and Finneas. Fans of the couple hope that the stars had a temporary rift and that they will soon be together again. Julia has repeatedly admitted in interviews that family comes first for her, and she is afraid of its disintegration, and also fears that she might miss work because of work. important events in the lives of their children.

Julia Roberts is a talented American actress, one of the highest paid actresses in the world, a wonderful wife and a great mother. She has three children of her own, but after a long stay in India, she also dreams of a fourth. The actress plans to adopt an Indian baby.

A little about Julia

Julia Fiona Roberts was born in October 1967. This was the state of Georgia, USA. From the age of 13, Roberts worked as a waitress in cafes, and at the same time studied at elementary school, then in high school and in college. In her youth she took part in beauty contests and amateur film productions. Roberts began her tryouts in show business by signing a contract with a modeling agency and attending acting courses. Then there were numerous screen tests. And Julia finally got a small 15-second role in the film “Fire Service”. Roberts then played in the films Satisfaction, Mystic Pizza, and Steel Magnolias. For the latter, Julia received a Golden Globe. And then there was a sensation! It was brought by the film "Pretty Woman". It was released in March 1990. And it became the second film of the year at the box office. Roberts was nominated for an Oscar. This is how Julia Roberts became a full-fledged star. Afterwards there were the films “Wedding best friend", "Notting Hill" "Runaway Bride", "Ocean's Eleven", "Mona Lisa Smile". And, of course, everyone liked the film “Eat, Pray, Love,” where Roberts played the main role.

Personal life of the actress

Paparazzi often wrote about his stormy personal life Roberts. She had affairs with Kiefer Sutherland, Matthew Perry, Liam Neeson, Daniel Day-Lewis, Benjamin Bratt. Julia Roberts's first marriage to actor Lyle Lovett lasted less than two years.

Star kids

Julia then married Daniel Moder, a cinematographer. In 2004, they had twins. Little Hazel Patricia and little Finneas Walter. The birth was premature, but without complications. In 2007, another one was also born son Roberts- Henry Daniel Moder.

Children and India

India had a very big influence on Roberts. After Julia spent a long time in India during the filming of the film Eat, Pray, Love, she began to think about adopting a baby from this country. And it was India, the actress assures, that awakened her to such a step. By the way, her babies Hazel Patricia and Finneas Walter received new names in India. Now their names are Lakshmi and Ganesh. Lakshmi is the goddess of prosperity. And the name Ganesh is the beautiful elephant-headed god of wisdom and prosperity.
The youngest in the family also received a new name. Now the baby's name is Krishn Balram. This is what God Krishna was called when he was a baby. Well, let's wish Julia Roberts to experience the joy of motherhood once again! It will be just wonderful if she adopts and thereby makes some Indian baby happy!