Ranks in the Navy. Naval ranks and shoulder straps

In order to know exactly how, according to the regulations, you are supposed to address a military personnel, you need to understand the ranks. Ranks in the Russian Army and shoulder straps provide clarity in relationships and allow you to understand the chain of command. IN Russian Federation There is both a horizontal structure - military and naval ranks, and a vertical hierarchy - from the rank and file to the highest officers.

Rank and file

Private is the lowest military rank in the Russian Army. Moreover, the soldiers received this title in 1946, before that they were addressed exclusively as fighters or Red Army soldiers.

If the service is carried out in a guards military unit or on a guards ship, then when addressing a private, it is worth adding the same word "guard". If you want to contact a military personnel who is in the reserve and has a higher legal diploma, or medical education, then you should contact - "Private Justice", or "private medical service". Accordingly, it is worth adding the appropriate words to someone who is in reserve or retired.

In a ship, the rank of private corresponds to sailor.

Only senior soldiers who perform the best military service receive the rank Corporal. Such soldiers can act as commanders during the latter's absence.

All additional words that were applicable for a private remain relevant for a corporal. Only in Military navy, corresponds to this title Senior sailor.

The one who commands a squad or combat vehicle receives the rank Junior Sergeant. In some cases, this rank is assigned to the most disciplined corporals upon transfer to the reserve, if such a staff unit was not provided for during service. In the ship's composition it is "sergeant major of the second article"

From November 1940 to Soviet army a rank appeared for junior command staff - sergeant. It is awarded to cadets who have successfully completed the sergeant training program and graduated with honors.
A private can also receive the rank - junior sergeant who has proven himself worthy to be appropriated another rank, or upon transfer to the reserve.

In the Navy, a sergeant of the ground forces corresponds to the rank foreman.

Next comes the Senior Sergeant, and in the Navy - chief petty officer.

After this rank, there is some overlap between land and sea forces. Because after senior sergeant, in the ranks of the Russian army appears Sergeant Major. This title came into use in 1935. It is deserved only by the best military personnel who have served excellently in sergeant positions for six months, or upon transfer to the reserve, the rank of sergeant major is awarded to senior sergeants certified with excellent results. On the ship it is - chief petty officer.

Next come warrant officers And midshipmen. This special category military personnel, close to junior officers. Complete the rank and file, senior warrant officer and midshipman.

Junior officers

A number of junior officer ranks in the Russian Army begin with the rank junior lieutenant. This title is awarded to final year students and graduates of higher military educational institutions. However, in the event of a shortage of officers, a graduate of a civilian university can also receive the rank of junior lieutenant.

Lieutenant Only a junior lieutenant can become a junior lieutenant who has served a certain amount of time and received a positive educational certificate. Next – senior lieutenant.

And he closes the group of junior officers - Captain. This title sounds the same for both ground and naval forces.

By the way, the new field uniform from Yudashkin obliged our military personnel to duplicate the insignia on the chest. There is an opinion that the “runaways” from the leadership do not see the ranks on our officers’ shoulders and this is done for their convenience.

Senior officers

Senior officers begin with rank Major. In the navy, this rank corresponds to Captain 3rd rank. The following Navy ranks will only increase the rank of captain, that is, the rank of land Lieutenant Colonel will correspond Captain 2nd rank, and the rank ColonelCaptain 1st rank.

Senior officers

And the highest officer corps completes the hierarchy of military ranks in the Russian army.

Major General or Rear Admiral(in the navy) - such a proud title is worn by military personnel who command a division - up to 10 thousand people.

Above the Major General is Lieutenant General. (A lieutenant general is superior to a major general because a lieutenant general has two stars on his shoulder straps and a major general has one).

Initially, in the Soviet army, it was more likely not a rank, but a position, because the Lieutenant General was an assistant to the general and took on part of his functions, in contrast to Colonel General, who can personally fill senior positions, as in General Staff, and in the Ministry of Defense. In addition, in the Russian armed forces, a Colonel General may be the deputy commander of a military district.

And finally, the most important serviceman who has the highest military rank in the Russian army is Army General. All previous links must obey him.

ABOUT military ranks in video format:

Well, new guy, have you figured it out now?)

Admiral(vf) - higher
V maritime service rank corresponding to the rank of general in the army
troops. Commands the fleet. Admiral ranks 4: admiral general,
admiral, vice admiral and rear admiral.

Commodore(vf) - in England and Holland, naval officer, squadron commander

Captain - ship commander. It may even hold the position of lieutenant (more on this in the next paragraph)

Lieutenant -
naval officer, is the captain's mate. However, Lieutenant
is the commander of a rank 4 ship with 14-16 guns. For such
ships captain is not appointed. On a rank 3 ship with 50 guns
the lieutenant is the senior mate of the captain (since according to the regulations there
no lieutenant captain). Speaking modern language the lieutenant is
watch officer, watch commander, i.e. part of the crew carrying
ship service in a given period of time.

Ship's secretary -
There is only one secretary on any ship. We can say that this officer
is the captain's assistant for personnel records, staff work,
accounting, monitoring the work of all supply services, correspondence. He must
control the receipt of all supplies on the ship, keep a logbook,
familiarize the crew with the Charter, written orders and instructions
senior naval commanders, keep court records, draw up
contracts for the supply of supplies, control the distribution of food and other
property for personnel, take into account booty taken from the enemy,
record the consumption of gunpowder and cannonballs during the battle, make requests to the port
to replenish supplies, copy the belongings of the dead and
pass them on to relatives. He has no right to leave the ship
(except for the performance of duties requiring his presence on
shore) until it is parked for a long time and will not

Priest (chaplain) -
the priest was equated rather with officers in his position, but also
It was impossible to definitely classify him as an officer. Rather, he just stood there
apart. The navy had one chief priest in charge of
activities of ship chaplains. Each ship had
the priest who officiated all religious activities. Moreover he
was obliged to visit the wounded and sick and ease their mental
suffering. The priest was responsible for the priestly supplies and kept records of them and
use (camping church, throne with vestments, Gospels,
crosses, etc.)

Doctor -
There was one doctor on all ships. Depending on the ship's rank
he had different quantities assistants The doctor was in charge of accounting,
supplying medicines, medical instruments, keeping records of patients,
was responsible for the treatment of patients, the quality and quantity of food given to them.
During the battle he was forbidden to go on deck, but had to
be in the interior where the collection point for the wounded has been determined. If
it was established that the sick or wounded person died from the negligence of the doctor, then
the latter was considered a murderer and subject to execution.

- one of the senior officers. According to the regulations, only the navigator was higher than him.
All ships had one skipper. The skipper was responsible for accounting, availability,
storage, use, repair, replenishment, replacement of skipper
property. He kept a journal of this property. To the skipper's property
included the entire removable spar (masts, yards), all rigging (ropes,
ropes, blocks), anchors, lanterns, washing and cleaning equipment, candles,
carpentry equipment and tools, boat sails, all metal
caulker's products, equipment, materials and tools, lubricants
materials, fastening materials (nails, staples, bolts). Skipper accepts
to the ship all this property and monitors the completeness of receipt and quality.
He is also responsible for the distribution of all property and supplies to locations
storage, securing property from rocking. When placing the ship on
anchor and removal from the anchor monitors the movement or reception of the anchor
rope, operation of locking devices. He is also responsible for the organization
cleaning the ship, putting things in order. The skipper supervises the work
sailors, punishes the careless, trains the incompetent. Sub-skipper replaces
skipper in his absence.

- was responsible for the navigator’s property, its receipt, storage,
use, expenditure. Flags were considered navigator's property.
signal flags, pennants, ship and boat jacks, compasses,
hourglass, logs, lots, lamps. The navigator kept a logbook
navigator's equipment, monitored the replenishment and serviceability of his
property. He was also responsible for sea charts, sailing directions, and the serviceability of the helmsman.
ship control. He checked the compass and hourglass. During
during the voyage he had to check the maps with the real coastline,
islands, rocks, reefs and map all their changes.
The navigator is obliged to inform the officers and captain about the dangers of the ship's course
(shoals, reefs, rocks) and insist on changing it, and even if the captain
or another officer will not listen to him, and the ship will be lost, then the navigator
will be executed or sent to hard labor. When anchoring, the navigator
is obliged to ensure that there is no shallow water in this place and that the ship’s hull is not
would have broken through with its anchor. The navigator helps the navigator, and in his
absence is entirely the responsibility of the navigator's service.

- specialist of the junior command staff of the ship's crew (in the Navy -
senior officers); immediate supervisor of the deck crew. IN
The boatswain's responsibilities include maintaining the hull in good condition,
rigging and deck equipment of the vessel, management of general ship work
and training of ordinary members of the deck crew (sailors) in maritime affairs,
monitoring order and cleanliness on the ship. On large warships
there is one chief boatswain and several boatswains.

Midshipman -
direct assistant to officers. The main responsibility is to monitor
complete and accurate execution by all crew members of the officers' orders.
Other responsibilities include organizing stacking and placement in
premises of the ship's property and keep a log of this property.

- These are naval gunners. One might say - gun commanders. By
the number of cannons and gunners can be said that for every three guns there were two
gunner. Consequently, the gunners were engaged in loading, aiming and
firing a shot, and rolling the guns into place, cooling, cleaning
after the shot was assigned to the soldiers. Sailors have no relationship with guns

- commands the sailors located in this cockpit. He must follow
for the presence of its sailors on the ship, for the health of its sailors,
the cleanliness and serviceability of their clothing, the provision of food to the sailors and the
returning leftover food and utensils to the kitchen so that the products
weapons, things, and gear were not taken from the ship. Quartermaster also
is the commander of the boat, monitors its serviceability, equipment,
manages it on the water and commands the sailors assigned to the crew

- is obliged to monitor all wooden parts of the hull and spar and
repair them; exercise quality control over the materials received on board the ship
wooden spar parts (masts, yards); together with a caulker
eliminate leaks in the housing. I am also obliged to monitor whether there are receipts anywhere
water into the housing. Keep a log of receipts and consumption of wood
parts, materials. Must know the dimensions and design of all
wooden parts so that they can correctly order on shore
production of parts for this ship.

Caulker -
obliged to keep an eye on it. so that there are no leaks in the hull, so that hatches and
the gun ports were tightly closed. When leaks appear along with
ship's carpenter to remove them.

Sailing master
- on a ship of any rank there is one sailing master. Under his leadership
one or two sailing students. Responsible for ensuring that the sails are in good condition and
fix them.

Soldiers (Marines)- were involved in servicing guns to help the gunners; boarding and landing teams were made up of them.

Sailors -
junior rank. Engaged to work on a ship, such as: work with
sails, pumping water from the hold, keeping the ship clean. On
on the robber ships they formed the boarding crew.

The well-being and confidence of every state is based on its army. It is the military, which is an indestructible symbol of strength and power, that is respected by all citizens without exception. In addition to the infantry, paratroopers, tank crews and signalmen representing the ground forces, there is also this military power protects the peace of citizens of its country from the water borders. In accordance with the regulations, each military man is assigned a rank. This also applies to sailors. True, they have a slightly different gradation.

Naval ranks are divided into:

a) qualification and professional;

b) naval;

c) honorary.

The first category includes the ranks of sailors who sail on civilian ships. These naval ranks were first used in the 18th century. These include: boatswain, skipper and navigator. A person could receive one of them only after passing a special certification approved by the Russian Admiralty. Early 20th century this system underwent a total reform, as a result of which naval ranks were replenished with another category - navigation ranks, which began to include captain and navigator. The merit of each of them was measured in four categories. Reforms have affected the flotilla more than once. Today, the naval ranks of the civil fleet include the following categories:


a) long-distance/short-distance captains;

b) long/short navigation navigators;

c) ship mechanics of three categories;

d) ship electromechanics of three categories;

e) ship radio specialists of the first and second category, as well as ship radio telegraphists and operators.

Assigned to people who joined or were called up to serve in the navy. However, the initial rank depends on qualifications, special military training, as well as skills. A young man called to conscript service onto the ship, receives the rank of sailor. It corresponds to the rank of private in the ground forces.

A senior sailor is commensurate with the rank of corporal. The commanders of the ground squads are similar to the foreman of the first and second articles. The ranks of chief petty officer and chief petty officer in the fleet correspond to such ranks on land as deputy platoon commander and combat unit foreman. An ensign of the ground forces is not inferior to a midshipman on a ship. For this reason, the senior warrant officer should not be the first to give the military salute to the senior midshipman, since their ranks are equal. The gradation of lieutenants (from junior to senior) is similar. Then the differences begin. Thus, a lieutenant commander in the navy corresponds to a captain in the ground forces. The admiral of the fleet is the same general. The highest naval rank is admiral general - it is similar to field marshal general.

Naval ranks and shoulder straps are inseparable, however, like ranks, military epaulettes in the navy differ from those of the ground forces: along with the stars, stripes are sewn onto them - drags.

Ship ranks are the same as in ground forces assigned according to the extent to which the serviceman has the ability and desire to take charge of the area entrusted to him. All ranks Navy differ significantly from similar land ones. This is due to a number of events that occurred in the history of Russia.

The main changes have occurred:

All modern naval ranks can be divided into 4 general categories: conscripts, junior officers, senior officers, senior officer ranks.

Marine shoulder straps were introduced in 1802. At this time there appeared shoulder straps on the shoulders of sailors of the Baltic and Black Sea fleets.

In 1917 shoulder straps were abolished when Soviet power abandoned the old imperial system. They were replaced by sleeve patches. The sailors faced a long struggle for the right to wear shoulder straps on their shoulders, but in 1943 shoulder straps Navy uniforms of personnel of these types of troops began to be decorated again.

Now shoulder straps all military personnel of the navy have black color. The difference in ship ranks is in the location and number of distinctive signs on them.


In Soviet times, service in the navy was 3 years, so many conscripts tried to avoid such long service. They hid from conscription just to avoid joining the navy. Currently in Navy are called up to serve for 1 year, the same as in the ground forces.

However, due to the fact that in 2017 a decree was issued regarding conscript service in the ranks Navy, conscripts will no longer go through it on ships and submarines. This is due to the fact that Navy switches to a contract basis.

In order to train personnel, more time is needed than allotted for conscription service. Conscripts will serve exclusively in the Coast Guard or Marine brigade.

Naval ranks and shoulder straps in Navy are assigned according to a certain service life. All conscripts who serve in these troops receive the rank sailor, which corresponds to the rank of private in other types of troops. During the service, if sailor proves himself, he may be awarded the next rank in his sailor’s career, senior sailor, which is identical to the corporal in land species troops.

Sailors can be:

  • radio technicians;
  • mechanics;
  • helmsmen.

The senior sailor is already allowed to command the group or temporarily replace the squad leader. Shoulder straps The sailors, like the privates, are clean. There is only a designation in the form of the letter “F” on the shoulder strap. The senior sailor has one stripe in the form of a corner on his shoulder strap.

Next in the ranks Navy there are senior ranks, which are identical to sergeant ranks in other troops. Their duties also correspond to the sergeant and petty officer ranks in the ground forces.

The distribution of responsibility begins with the senior officer of article 2. Next comes petty officer 1st article, these sailors are entrusted with command of the squad, and chief petty officer may take responsibility for commanding a platoon. Chief Petty Officer on the ship he is responsible for the company.

Shoulder straps The senior officers of the navy differ in the number of stripes on them. The foreman of the second article has 2 triangular stripes on his shoulder straps. Petty Officer 1st article has three stripes on his shoulder straps, and chief petty officer wears one but wide stripe. On the shoulder straps of the ship's chief petty officer there is a wide stripe and another narrow one next to it.

Next level in career ladder goes " midshipman" This title is given only to those sailors who have graduated from a special school. In ground and aviation troops it corresponds to the title " ensign" They are mainly responsible for organizational issues. Title " senior midshipman", has more powers and allows you to command lower ranks of military personnel.

Shoulder straps Navy Russian sailors with this rank differ in the number of stars. The midshipman should have two stars on his shoulders, and the senior midshipman should have three small stars on his shoulder straps.
Maximum rank for conscripts in the ranks Navy, subject to urgent service, this foreman 2 articles. This limitation is due to the fact that to receive this promotion you need to serve 1 year.

Junior officers

The very first rank in this officer corps is junior lieutenant. It is assigned to the commander of a section on a ship or a platoon; it is also available in other branches of the military. Accordingly, the rank of lieutenant can be awarded upon expiration of the period of service at the previous rank. The assigned responsibility is higher than in the previous rank.

Senior Lieutenant has a responsibility higher than that of a lieutenant, which allows him to be the first mate of a ship. The next step in a sailor's career is obtaining the rank of captain-lieutenant, which is the final step in this officer corps. In other troops it is similar to the rank of army captain. A sailor with this rank can have a hundred subordinates at his disposal.

On the shoulder straps of lieutenants, in addition to the stars, there is a narrow stripe that runs along the entire shoulder strap. The number of stars depends on the rank. The smallest number is one star for a junior lieutenant, and then with each rank their number increases. The captain-lieutenant has four stars on his shoulder straps.

Senior officers

Senior officers also include the rank of captain.

The captain's shoulder straps have two longitudinal stripes. What does it mean to belong to the rank of captain? But the difference in ranks can be determined by the number of stars. The most large number, three stars, located on the shoulder straps of captain 1st rank.

Senior officers

In the navy, all ranks included in this composition correspond to the highest ranks of the ground forces. These ranks include admiral ranks.

Naval ranks and those attached to them shoulder straps senior officials Navy The Russian Federation has certain differences. There are no additional elements on them except stars. But on such shoulder straps there are stars of the largest size. One star is located on the shoulder straps of the rear admiral, two stars are on the vice admiral, three on the admiral and four on the admiral of the fleet.

In what other units are naval ranks awarded?

In the Navy, there are coastal units in which corresponding ranks are assigned. These include:

Marine Corps designed for combat coastline and in the water. Their task is to protect maritime objects Navy. In the Marine Corps, only sailor and senior sailor have naval ranks, and then ranks are assigned, as in the ground forces.

Coastal security belongs to relatively new divisions Navy Russia, which relates to the border service FSB Russia. The Coast Guard's mission is to ensure safety maritime boundaries and the safety of the adjacent water area. In this unit, ranks are assigned in the same way as in the navy. After graduating from the Coast Guard Institute, graduates are awarded the title midshipman . Shoulder straps All sailors have appropriate insignia. In this case, there are two midshipman stars on the shoulder straps of the graduates.

Naval aviation is designed to repel enemy attacks and provide air cover during combat operations. These units are based on aircraft carriers and other warships, as well as at airfields near the coastline. The ships are based on carrier-based fighters, training aircraft and helicopters. Naval aviation ranks and shoulder straps assigned the same way as naval ranks among infantrymen Navy. First comes sailor, then senior sailor, and then as in other ground forces.

How are titles awarded in Navy Russia

All titles are awarded according to established deadlines. But in case of demonstrated diligence or zeal for service, they may be awarded another promotion ahead of schedule. Marine military ranks and the insignia assigned to them and shoulder straps are assigned within the following periods:

Navy Russia consists of many units and each of them performs its own combat missions, but courage and bravery have always been distinctive feature all sailors from sailor to admiral.

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An order of 1921 approved a cap for sailors of the Navy of the Navy of the Russian Federation, abbreviated as the Russian Navy, the name of the Russian Navy. It is the successor to the USSR Navy and the Russian Empire Navy. License plate code... View all products belonging to the Navy Department of the Soviet (Russian) Fleet. Since then, the cap has remained virtually unchanged. Initially, the name of the ship or naval crew where the sailor served was stamped on the cap's ribbon. IN Soviet era(1949) for the sake of maintaining secrecy, the names of the ships were replaced with the names of the fleets (an exception was made only for the cruiser Aurora and the names naval schools). Then only the inscription “Navy” was left altogether. Currently, the tradition of indicating the name of the ship on the ribbon is returning.

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Uniform skirt m. 7122 Color: blue, green, black. Material: rip-stop. SIZES OF SKIRTS AND WOMEN'S TROUSERS SIZE Height Waist Hip circumference 40 152.158 60.2 84 164.170 57.8 176 55.4 42 152.158 64.4 88 164.170 62 176 59.6 44 152.158 68, 6 92 164.170 66.2 176 63, 8 46 152.158 72.8 96 164.170 70.4 176 68 48 152.158 77 100 164.170 74.6 176 72.2 50 152.158 81.2 104 164.170 78.8 176 76.4 52 152.158 85.4 108 164.170 83 176 80, 6 54 152.158 89.6 112 164.170 87.2 176 84.8 56 152.158 93.8 116 164.170 91.4 176 89 58 152.158 98 120 164.170 95.6 176 93, 2 60 152.158 102.2 124 164.170 99.8 176 97.4 62 152.158 106.4 128 164.170 104 176 101.6

The staff suit consists of trousers and a jacket with long sleeves made of wool blend fabric.

The Navy office uniform is designed for long-term everyday wear in the office. Rip-stop fabric is ideal for long-term use, Navy office uniforms are designed to last winter period. The office uniform suit includes a jacket and trousers, all elements are equipped with rubber seals. The jacket itself and side pockets are fastened with a zipper; Velcro is sewn on the sleeves of the jacket and the flaps of the chest pockets for quick attachment of chevrons and special insignia. The style of the office uniform allows you to quickly put on and take off this suit, it does not restrict movement, is comfortable and practical to use. Color black Main features: office suit for the Navy and civil servants of the Defense Ministry Velcro on the jacket rip-stop fabric CHARACTERISTICS SUIT CHARACTERISTICS Material: rip-stop Composition: 70/30 Density: 220 gr. Jacket/pants pockets: yes/yes Seasonality: winter option Additionally: Navy statutory office uniform You can additionally purchase.

(in order from sailor to high command) mostly go back to those that appeared during the USSR period.

A little history - naval ranks and tables of ranks

As is known, in last year During the reign of Peter I, the table of ranks was introduced. It was a table where the positions of civil and military service were divided into fourteen ranks. However, naval ranks were not included in every row of the table.

The XIV rank among naval ranks was given to a midshipman, corresponding to a collegiate registrar, ensign, cornet and artillery bayonet cadet. At the beginning of the reign of Paul I, the rank of midshipman began to refer to the XII rank. Also included in this rank was the rank of non-commissioned lieutenant, which existed until 1732.

A naval lieutenant was classified as rank X until 1884, after which a midshipman was promoted to this rank. The rank of lieutenant, in turn, began to refer to rank IX.

People who managed to rise to rank VIII in the navy of the Russian Empire acquired the right to personal nobility. These positions included captains of the first three ranks and a senior lieutenant, who appeared in the navy shortly before the First World War. Rank V included the rank of captain-commander, which was finally abolished in 1827. Among the famous bearers of this title was the pioneer Vitus Bering.

Achieving rank IV in the service opened the door to hereditary nobles for a person. In the navy, people who reached the fourth and higher ranks commanded naval formations: rear admiral, vice admiral, admiral and admiral general.

This also included the rank of Schoutbenacht, who did not take root on Russian soil, and was replaced by a rear admiral. It is noteworthy that this naval rank was used as a pseudonym by the first Russian emperor himself - “Schautbenakht Peter Mikhailov.” The third rank was the General-Kriegskommissar of the Fleet, whose responsibilities included financial support of the naval forces. The title was abolished in 1817. Six people received the highest rank of admiral general in the history of the Russian Empire. Three of them were representatives of the imperial family.

Although the table of ranks ceased to exist after the creation of the USSR, many ranks reappeared in the navy of the Soviet Union and later the Russian Federation.

Main categories of naval ranks

Based on their composition, military personnel can be divided into the following groups:

  • Conscript and contract personnel.
  • Junior officers.
  • Senior officers.
  • Senior officers.

Russian citizens undergoing military service in the navy receive the rank of sailor. It roughly corresponds to a private in the ground forces. Sailors appeared in the fleet of the Soviet Union in 1946. Before this, the lowest military rank in the navy was called “red naval officer.”

Next comes the rank of “senior sailor,” which corresponds to the “corporal” of ground forces. The senior sailor commands the group or serves as an assistant to the chief petty officer. The rank of senior sailor can be obtained by employees who comply well with discipline and their duties.

The following four ranks correspond to the sergeant ranks of the ground forces:

  • Foreman of the first article.
  • Foreman of the second article.
  • Chief Petty Officer.
  • Chief ship's foreman.

Following the foremen are the “midshipman” and “senior midshipman.” These naval ranks correspond to the ranks of warrant officer and chief warrant officer.

The modern division of naval ranks dates back to the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, issued in 1943. He approved the division of officers into junior, senior and senior. The decree included titles for each group, which have survived to the present day.

Junior officers of our country's fleet are called: junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant and lieutenant commander. A junior lieutenant can lead a combat post. More senior representatives of this category of officers can be assistant commanders of a ship of the fourth rank or even command such a ship.

Senior officers include captains of the first, second and third ranks. They can also be called captri, kavtorang and caperang. These representatives of the officer corps can command military vessels of the appropriate rank.

In modern Russian fleet rank warship determined based on the complexity of management, strength of personnel and combat power. The first rank includes cruisers, nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers. The second rank includes large landing ships, destroyers, large missile ships.

The third rank includes small missile and anti-submarine ships, medium landing ships, and minesweepers. The fourth rank includes small landing craft and torpedo boats.

Higher officer ranks Our country's fleets were first established in 1940 by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council. This is the system we are familiar with:

In the ground forces, these ranks correspond (in ascending order) to major general, lieutenant general, colonel general and army general. A rear admiral can lead a squadron or serve as an assistant to a flotilla commander. A vice admiral may command a flotilla or operational squadron and also serves as deputy fleet commander. At the head of a separate fleet is an admiral. In modern Russia there is one fleet admiral, who is the commander-in-chief of the naval forces of our country.

The rank of "fleet admiral" was introduced in the Soviet Union in 1940. It corresponded to “general of the army.” None of the naval commanders of the country of the Soviets received it at that moment. In fact, the highest rank was admiral.

In 1944, two naval commanders received it. The first was Nikolai Kuznetsov, who at that time held the post of People's Commissar of the Fleet. He was a member of the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, and Nikolai Kuznetsov’s actions in commanding the country’s fleet were successful. In 1945, the title of “Admiral of the Fleet” was given to Ivan Isakov, who led the main naval headquarters during the war before his injury.

In 1955, an additional decree was issued that adjusted the highest naval ranks of the country of the Soviets. To the rank of “Admiral of the Fleet” was added “Soviet Union”. Holders of this rank had the right to wear the “Marshal’s Star”, an insignia introduced in 1940.

This highest naval rank was abolished in 1993 because the country referred to in its name no longer existed. Highest rank naval officers became “fleet admiral” again.

The rank introduced in 1955 was personal. In the history of the Soviet state, only three people received the title “Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union.” Immediately after the introduction of the new military rank, N.G. received it. Kuznetsov and I.S. Isakov. A year later, Kuznetsov fell into disgrace and lost highest rank. It was returned to the naval commander posthumously during the years of Perestroika. In 1967, Sergei Gorshkov, who went through the war with the rank of rear admiral and led the construction and rearmament of the fleet in the post-war years, was awarded the highest naval rank.

The rank of Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union corresponded in the 1960-1990s to the rank of Marshal of the USSR. In turn, the “admiral of the fleet”, who was of lower rank, corresponded to the general of the army and the marshal of the military branch.

The Commander-in-Chief of our country's naval forces may bear the rank of admiral or admiral of the fleet. Thus, the first naval officer to hold this position in post-Soviet Russia, Felix Gromov, became commander-in-chief in 1992, being an admiral. He received the rank of fleet admiral four years later, shortly before retirement.

The next commanders-in-chief (Vladimir Kuroyedov and Vladimir Masorin) took this post as admirals, and after that received more high rank. Vladimir Vysotsky and Vladimir Chirkov were commanders-in-chief, remaining with the rank of admiral. Also, the current Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Korolev retains the rank of admiral, received in 2013.

The chiefs of the General Staff of the Fleet, who were the first deputies of the commander-in-chief, as a rule, bore the rank of vice admiral or admiral. Andrei Volozhinsky, who began serving in this post in 2016, retains the rank of vice admiral.

The Navy of modern Russia became the successor to the fleet. Most senior naval officers began their service in the Soviet Navy. For this reason, the ranks in the fleet in modern Russia (in order from sailor to admiral) have not undergone fundamental changes compared to the Soviet period.