Solar: stars and their special children. What will happen to Iya Savvina's son? Son of Anna Netrebko

12.09.2011 15:39

Iya Savvina’s main pain was her 54-year-old son Sergei, who suffers from Down’s disease. What will be his fate? This question now worries everyone who loved and loves the amazing actress who left us. His future largely depends on how the struggle for Savvina’s inheritance unfolds and who will claim custody of her son.

Her son Sergei did not immediately learn about the death of his mother Iya Sergeevna Savvina - two days later. However, for him, a 54-year-old man who remained for the rest of his life a five-year-old child in terms of mental development, she was Iya’s mother. Now they say about such people: he is not like everyone else, but this does not make the diagnosis any softer - Down's disease.

At first I didn’t want to tell him about Iya’s death,” says Anatoly Vasiliev, the actress’s widower. - And then I realized that he would arrive to an empty house and an incomprehensible reaction would begin. All summer Serezha lived at the dacha, an elderly woman, a local resident named Masha, looked after him. We hired her when Iya found it difficult to cope with the housework. I asked Masha: “Tell him everything, please.” After all, it’s somehow easier to convey such news when you’re nearby. And he seemed to convince her. And then she called and said: “I can’t, tell me yourself.” I had to talk. Seryozha picked up the phone, I asked how life was. He replied that everything was fine, he liked it there. Well, then I gathered my courage: “A misfortune happened: Iya’s mother died on the 27th.” But he remembers numbers well, remembers the birthdays of all his loved ones. The answer is silence. "Seryozha, did you understand what I said?" And he just said: “Got it, I’ll light a candle.” I asked Masha: explain to him that mom is in heaven. And then he asked her: how is he? She says that Sergei behaves calmly. This is the reaction... Well, what can you do? It’s somehow a shame, because after all, my mother died... Especially when Iya was sick, and he jumped up so cheerful: “Hello, hello!” - “You see, mom is sick.” But he doesn’t seem to care... It’s difficult, it’s impossible to fully explain his behavior...

The fact that one should light a candle for one’s repose is quite natural for Sergei. He went with Father Vsevolod Shestakov every Sunday to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. But in March this year father died. Since then, Savvina’s son himself went to the temple of Blasius, which is not far from his Moscow house. I listened to sermons for three hours...

Now, a week and a half after his mother’s death, Sergei lives in a dacha near Kostroma. Iya Sergeevna bought this village house specifically away from the capital so that in the summer she could completely retire from business. The house is also suitable for living in winter. But with the onset of autumn bad weather, it’s difficult to get out of there even by car, and in cold weather it gets completely carried away so that you can’t get through. Therefore, in a month or two, the actress’s son will be brought to Moscow.

Sergei is really happy at the dacha,” continues Anatoly Isaakovich. - He’s used to Masha. She is a fighting aunt, she makes him move, he weeds and waters the cucumbers. He feels fine, but he has started to put on weight terribly. lately. We tried to fight it, but nothing helps, some hormonal changes, the stomach outweighs it. Well, Masha makes him run.

According to Vasiliev, Sergei, despite his illness, is accustomed to taking care of himself. He can heat food in the microwave, understands how to operate the remote control household appliances, loves watching the series about “Mukhtar”. Since childhood, he was taught to sleep during the day, and to wake up at nine o’clock in the evening - this was convenient for Savvina, because the actress returned from performances and filming late. Sergei stays awake until four in the morning and goes back to sleep. But of course it needs supervision, like a foolish child. Previously, during busy days at the theater, Iya Sergeevna was helped out by her friends - they stayed with Seryozha. But this was rare, because in recent years she rarely played on stage, and did not act in films at all. What to do now with Sergei - now this is the main question for Vasiliev.

According to Anatoly Isaakovich, Iya Sergeevna did not leave any orders regarding Sergei and resisted with all her might the thoughts of death. Their relationship lasted about 15 years.

At first they lived in the same house. But then contradictions arose more and more often. Once the actress’s nerves could not stand it, and she even hit common-law husband with a chair, driving him out of the apartment. In recent years, Anatoly Isaakovich, according to many, was more of a friend of Savvina than a husband.

Vasilyev did not visit Iya Sergeevna every day, but only periodically. He is not a spouse in the usual sense. He was a friend, an assistant,” says Oleg Golubev, a lawyer who until recently represented the interests of the actress. - Vasiliev, of course, is a decent person. But it cannot be said that they had a real marriage.

But nevertheless, Anatoly Vasiliev assures that literally recent months she and Savvina registered. But it is not yet clear whether he will be the guardian of her sick son.

We need to bring Seryozha to Moscow and then see what to do next,” says Anatoly Isaakovich. - But I have work from 11 am to 11 pm. That's what I'm talking about. I’m thinking about how to make everyone feel good now. The situation is not easy.

And this is understandable: 72-year-old Anatoly Isaakovich is the director of the Taganka Theater, he is a really busy man. After the death of both of Sergei’s parents, he is now the only one close to him.

But Vasiliev is not young. Therefore, many of those around him are inclined to believe that the situation needs to be resolved radically, so that Sergei does not have to break his usual way of life again. Given the current circumstances, there really are few options. You can hire a caregiver, but this is a temporary move. Or send the actress’s son to a boarding school, and then his guardian will become government agency.

Vasiliev does not want to hire a nurse for Sergei. He says that the family has already had a sad experience. Several years ago, Zaira Meshveliani looked after Seryozha.

...Iya Savvina divorced her first husband, Sergei’s father Vsevolod Shestakov, and left, leaving the sick child with her mother-in-law, who herself insisted on this. Started new family and Shestakov. However, a few years later, the mother-in-law became seriously ill. The actress was looking for an assistant in the house who would agree to care for an elderly woman who had suffered a stroke and her sick son. Zaira had nowhere to live. She agreed, and the payment for living in the apartment was her care for her two charges.

Having moved in, Zaira discovered strange things in the house.

Serezha woke up at 16 o’clock, staying awake all night,” says Zaira. - There was a chest of drawers in his room. In his drawers I found boxes of beans, peas, and buckwheat. It turned out that the sick child was forced to count peas and cereals so that he would be busy and not make noise. Such parenting methods shocked me. Despite his illness, Sergei is understanding and kind. It turned out that he loved to play the piano, but he rarely managed to get to the instrument, because playing music at night irritated his neighbors. Gradually I taught him to wake up at 10 am. Seryozha is used to irritated shouts. I don’t blame anyone: it’s very difficult with such a child. But I only addressed him kindly. It was scary to look at his fingers - with long overgrown nails, like a caveman's, his palms - in deep cracks. While teaching her grandson to self-service, the grandmother forced him to wash the dishes after himself. He rubbed the plate with soap for half an hour, exposing it to a strong stream too hot water. I relieved him of this duty.

According to Meshveliani, Iya Sergeevna visited her son often. She was surprised that Zaira managed to restore order, was amazed at how attached Seryozha became to her, and was even jealous.

Wow, I gave birth to him, raised him, but he never kissed me, but he adores you so much,” Savvina said.

Friendships even began between the women. Caring Zaira made a good impression on Vsevolod Mikhailovich. After the death of his second wife, he married her.

Savvina took Sergei. Vsevolod Mikhailovich registered his young wife in his apartment. However, after 13 years happy life there was a rift between them. Shestakov divorced Meshveliani and wrote her out of the apartment. So that she could not lay claim to the living space, he gave housing to Savvina and her son. After this, the court filed an application on behalf of the actress to evict Zaira. When Meshveliani learned that she was being evicted from her apartment on behalf of Savvina, she asked her to suspend the process. But the actress said that she would not get involved “in this dirt,” they say, her husband’s lawyer was just using her name.

“I married Shestakov as a blooming forty-year-old woman, and now he’s throwing me out onto the street,” Zaira begged her.

Savvina, according to Zaira, sighed and said: “Yes, you deserve this housing, but I can’t help you!”

Meshveliani was evicted from the apartment in May last year. But the trials are still ongoing - for the property that remains there. Zaira assures that the apartment contains expensive furniture that belongs to her.

With the death of Iya Savvina, the struggle for these square meters will flare up with renewed vigor.

However, not only for this apartment. Prestigious housing on Frunzenskaya Embankment is only part of the joint inheritance of the actress and her son. She owned a luxurious apartment in Bolshoy Vlasyevsky Lane, with expensive antique furniture from the 18th century, valuable paintings and antiques, which, as friends of the family say, the house, a dacha near Kostroma and an expensive Isuzu Trooper car are full of.

I convinced Iya Sergeevna to draw up a will in advance, but she didn’t think about death, so she didn’t write it,” says lawyer Oleg Golubev. - Now the apartment on Frunzenskaya Embankment should be registered in the name of her son and Savvina’s other heirs. Like all other housing. And Iya Sergeevna has several heirs, besides Sergei. And it’s not just her husband Anatoly Vasiliev. After all, Iya Sergeevna has sister and besides, the mother is alive! And during her lifetime she had a very bad relationship with her mother and sister, like a cat and a dog.

Why did they quarrel? - I couldn’t contain my surprise.

Iya Sergeevna was a complex person, she imitated her idol Faina Ranevskaya in everything, and she, you know, was also not distinguished by a meek disposition. So I’m sure there will be a fight there! But the most important thing is that Sergei’s interests do not suffer. If the guardian becomes not the state, but one of the relatives and friends, much will depend on their integrity. After all, the guardian will receive the right to dispose of Sergei’s inheritance. I'm afraid there will be hunters.

And this is true. Zaira Meshveliani has already announced her claims to “Only the Stars”.

We need to thoroughly understand how Vasiliev’s marriage to Savvina was concluded,” she says. - Iya Sergeevna hasn’t signed with him for 15 years, and then suddenly urgently... In addition, she was seriously ill, was she aware of her actions, did she sign it herself? I am ready to take custody of Seryozha. We could live together in an apartment on Frunzenskaya Embankment, I wouldn’t even pretend to own it... After all, Sergei loves me so much, and Iya has said this more than once, her friends know about it. Let him be asked with whom he would like to live. I'm sure he will choose Zaira!

In addition, she has grounds to file a new lawsuit regarding the illegality of her eviction.

However, Vasiliev himself doubts Zaira’s sincerity. He believes that the controversial housing should go last wife Shestakova, whom he married after his divorce from Zaira and lived for barely two years.

I looked into these court papers and my head started spinning. For some reason, Shestakov’s representative, Golubev, is registered there... My lawyer asked me what I would like. I said that we need a zero option: this is the apartment of Seva and his last wife. And then we'll figure it out.

But Shestakov gave it to Sergei and Iya Sergeevna.

For me, this story is not yet clear,” Vasiliev answered.

But it remains to be seen what claims the actress’s sister and mother will make...

It looks like Savvina’s first husband’s lawyer is right: there will be a fight. And it’s good if all the contenders for the actress’s inheritance are united common goal- caring for her son Sergei.

The actress herself apparently understood this. It’s not for nothing that in one of her interviews she said that she would like to die on the same day as Seryozha...

Olga Ulyanova, "Only Stars No. 35"

They are so different. Marina Neelova and Iya Savvina. Different types, different roles. But their destinies have something in common. Everyone has one in their life big secret related to their children. And also one person who at different times called himself the husband of both actresses.


Marina Neelova's main secret is her daughter. More precisely, the name of the girl's father. Once upon a time, all of bohemian Moscow looked with surprise and some delight at the passionate romance between the famous actress and the chess player Garry Kasparof, who was just gaining popularity. They met in 1984 while visiting the famous figure skater Tatyana Tarasova (whom the current generation knows exclusively from ice show Channel One) and her husband, world-famous pianist Vladimir Krainev. Kasparov is 21 years old. Neelova - 16 more. They were little interested in such a trifle as the age difference. Those around, of course, sighed, groaned, aahed, condemned, blessed, but, without even understanding, they accepted. At a minimum - to their companies. This is how Garry Kasparov became accepted into best houses capitals.

Only one person, as popular rumor goes, was strongly against this relationship. Mother young chess player, the imperious and unshakable Klara Shagenovna, whose weighty word was law for Harry. All two years of this novel, she only watched its development. But when it became known about " interesting position Neelova finally intervened. And it seems that after this intervention, Kasparov, obeying the will of his mother, resigned his beloved.

The capital's elite then behaved surprisingly unanimously. After such an act by Kasparov, everyone unanimously came to Neelova’s defense. And Valentin Gaft publicly announced that from now on the chess player is denied access to decent houses in the capital.

In 1987, Marina Neelova gave birth to a daughter, Nika. The question of her paternity was often raised in theatrical circles, but the actress herself always nipped it in the bud. Garry Kasparov also did not give any comments on this matter. Only once, when he was asked bluntly, straight to the point, about possible paternity, he answered vaguely: “Definitely this question (at least for me) is not resolved.” And go and understand what was meant...

Marina Neyolova herself, after several years of seclusion, unexpectedly married diplomat Kirill Gevorgyan, left the country and thus escaped from unnecessary gossip. After all, the child's parents are the ones who raised him. And Neelova’s daughter Nika grew up in full family, where everyone loved and adored her. Today Nika adequately represents her mother’s surname. Although she does not appear on stage, she also chose a creative profession. Nika is an artist whose original works are now talked about throughout Europe. And this is not an exaggeration. At the end of 2010, the girl became the winner of the prestigious European competition “New Sensations”; not long ago her personal exhibition was held in London; many of Nika’s works are in private collections around the world. And no one will say that Neyolova Sr. was involved in the success of Neelova Jr.


Iya Savvina’s only heir, son Sergei, was also awarded a personal exhibition at one time. And this was an incredible achievement for him. After all, the boy was born with a terrible diagnosis - Down syndrome, which in our country sounds like a death sentence.

She was offered to give up her son more than once or twice. First at the maternity hospital, then at the local clinic. Further - everywhere. The doctors, foaming at the mouth, argued that sending him to orphanage will be the most the right decision. Iya looked at the doctors with horror and understood: never in her life would she dare to take such a step. “Well,” they nevertheless convinced her, “after all, you famous actress, and children with such a diagnosis are usually born to all sorts of declassed individuals - alcoholics or drug addicts. What will your fans think? “Don’t even think that he will ever be able to even recognize you,” the medical luminaries continued to insist. “You’ll still have a hard time with it, because children with Down syndrome sometimes can’t even learn to sit.” “And remember that people with this diagnosis live up to sixteen years,” the same doctors frightened her.

And she, without listening to anyone or anything, threw all her strength into raising her son. Even about her own career, she, an actress with capital letters, I didn’t think at all then (which didn’t stop her, however, from continuing to shine on movie screens and theater stages). And she had to give up on family life - her first husband and child’s father was the famous geologist Vsevolod Shestakov. Days and nights she taught little Seryozha the simplest things. What takes other children months to master, he took years to master. But the results later surprised prominent doctors. And those of them who once assured her of the uselessness of such activities admitted their mistake. But what was more surprising was the dedication of the actress, who (with the help of her mother-in-law, a teacher by training, and the famous pediatrician Georgy Speransky) was able to achieve the impossible. Her son Sergei Shestakov not only mastered the alphabet and Russian speech, he even learned English. Orders began to appear - he worked from home as a translator. And already quite mature age Sergei became interested in painting. At the opening of his personal exhibition, the famous actress cried without hiding her tears. It was a real victory. Her son and herself! Today Sergei Shestakov is 56. Although he, in fact, remains a big child, he nevertheless amazes everyone with his numerous talents. Plays the piano and recites poetry. Well, he draws, of course. But he still can’t understand that his beloved mother will never look at him with pride and love: actress Iya Savvina passed away on August 27, 2011...


Marina Neelova and Iya Savvina are also connected by the fact that both had the same person as their husband at different times. This is the director, actor of the Taganka Theater Anatoly Vasiliev.

He was married to Marina Neyolova when the young actress was just beginning her journey into the profession. Actually, it is he who can be thanked for revealing her talent to the world by filming “Color” in his graduation film white snow", and then persuaded me to move from St. Petersburg to Moscow. As soon as Neelova changed her place of registration, her career took off sharply. At first, the actress joined the troupe of the Mossovet Theater - with an obligatory, but such flattering formulation: “The young Ranevskaya came to us.” Then she was invited to Sovremennik, where Marina herself could go (after working with Oleg Dahl in Staraya, old fairy tale") seemed like an unattainable goal...

It often happens like this: the higher in goes uphill career, the more difficult family relationships become. And if this is a family of two creative people, one of whom suddenly jumps ahead, then the diagnosis is clear: such a union is practically doomed.

It is not surprising that the more often Neelova appeared in films, the gloomier the situation at home became. Nevertheless, she lived with her first husband for eight years. The marriage with Vasiliev quietly came to a close, and the couple, without publicly clarifying the relationship, decided to divorce. Then they agreed: if they do not hide this alliance of theirs from the idle public, then at least not particularly advertise it. And so it turned out that for a long time no one knew that Neelova and Vasilyev were once connected by marital ties.

Anatoly Vasiliev met actress Iya Savvina when they were both already established adults - at the time of their acquaintance they were over forty. This happened in 1979. Then Oleg Efremov invited Savvina to relax on Solovki. And it was there that Anatoly Vasiliev gained strength for future creative achievements.

They came to Moscow already as a couple. They settled in the same apartment, and then, realizing that the noise and bustle of the capital irritated them both, they fled to the village of Dorofeevo, where they bought a house. There the movie star and theater prima spent everything free time- about five months a year. Together with her husband, she often sat for hours with a fishing rod in her hands and was immensely satisfied with such a life.

Yes, they also had disagreements. Still, both people are of a delicate spiritual structure; if you just throw them out of balance, not a trace remains of the idyll. Even those who were not familiar with her knew about Savvina’s explosive temper. Well, friends - as a joke, in which there is a lot of truth - called it a cross between a rattlesnake and a forest bell. Valentin Gaft even dedicated an epigram to her, very short and precise. Not in the eyebrow, but in the eyes, as they say:

Light blue eyes:
Each one is good, together they are evil.

So, of course, we quarreled. And they dispersed - each to his own corner. However, after a while they understood: they are two halves of one whole. And they reunited again.

Iya Savvina and Anatoly Vasiliev lived together for thirty long years. True, almost all this time - in a civil marriage. And only two weeks before her death, when the actress began to take stock of her life, she herself invited Vasiliev to get married. So she went to another world with a calm soul. After all, I knew for sure: her only son will not be left unattended...


What's amazing is this. For some reason, Neelova was once called “young Faina Ranevskaya.” So - Iya Savvina, externally and internally so different from Neelova, was also constantly compared to Faina Georgievna. Moreover, the actress herself actively supported the opinion that there was something in common between them.

Savvina, like Neelova, once served in the Mossovet Theater. She was lucky enough to find Faina Georgievna. And although Ranevskaya took care of Savvina in every possible way, a huge scandal once broke out between them, owners of not the easiest disposition. Once Ranevskaya barked at Savvina: “How dare you stand with your back to me when I’m on stage!” Another would have remained silent in response, but that was not the case. “If you don’t stop your lordly hooliganism, I will leave, tumble around here as you wish,” she answered proudly. “Then we both cried for four hours. She blamed herself, and I blamed myself,” Savvina would later tell about that story.


And life, and tears, and love...

When Iya Savvina’s son, who suffers from Down syndrome, was told that his mother was no more, he replied: “Then I’ll go and light a candle.”

Iya Savvina did not have an acting education. Since childhood, she dreamed of becoming a journalist, wrote articles for the school wall newspaper and, being a gold medalist, easily entered the journalism department of Moscow State University. With her knowledge of literature and especially poetry, young Iya amazed admissions committee. She liked the way the girl read Mayakovsky so much that she was asked to recite it again and again. Then there was the student theater of Moscow State University, which opened several actors and directors, before whose name today it is appropriate to put the adjective “great”. Iya Savvina is one of them.

She made her screen debut in Joseph Kheifitz’s film “The Lady with the Dog,” amazing both viewers and film critics. amazing combination angelic appearance, extraordinary acting talent and strong character.

The actress starred in more than 60 films, a good third of which are today considered classics of Russian cinema - “They’re calling, open the door!”, “Anna Karenina”, “The Story of Asya Klyachina, who loved but did not marry”, “Two Comrades Served” , “Plot for a short story”, “Romance of lovers”, “ Privacy", "Tears fell", "Garage".

While still a student, Iya Savvina married geology professor Vsevolod Shestakov. The birth of her son, which she expected as the greatest miracle, turned into a terrible shock - the boy had Down syndrome. Doctors suggested that the actress leave the child in the hospital, but she refused. And she was able not only to provide Seryozha with careful care, attention and care, but also to prolong his age, which is limited in children of the Sun (as people with Down syndrome are called).

After a divorce from her first husband, fate gave the actress personal happiness - first a stormy romance with theater director Pyotr Stein, then a quiet one, without riots or shocks, but happy family life with her second husband, Taganka Theater actor Anatoly Vasiliev.

Iya Sergeevna learned that she had melanoma - skin cancer - several years ago. She was operated on and seemed to be on the mend. Last March, the actress celebrated her 75th birthday, but in May she was struck by a stroke, and two months later she was in a car accident, receiving a serious chest injury. Since then, the actress's days were numbered.

With mother Vera Ivanovna, late 30s

Iya Savvina died late in the evening of August 27 in the arms of her husband, with whom, after two decades of marriage, she finally formalized the relationship - literally a few days before her death. She was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery next to the grave of the poetess Bella Akhmadulina, whose voice is spoken by Piglet from the famous cartoon about Winnie the Pooh, voiced by Savvina.


Iya Savvina had a long friendship with the actress and teacher of the Moscow Art Theater School Alla Pokrovskaya.

- Alla Borisovna, how did Iya Savvina, a graduate of the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University, become a brilliant actress?

This is probably largely the merit of Rolan Bykov - she went through an excellent acting school with him at the student theater of Moscow State University. The play in which Iya played main role, - “Such Love” based on the play by the Czech playwright Pavel Kohout, - then thundered throughout Moscow. There was a very strong cast, so, in addition to Savvina, Alla Demidova was also involved in the play. After a successful debut, Iya became famous among the theater community, and Joseph Kheifits chose her for the main role in “The Lady with a Dog,” where she turned out to be the partner of Alexei Batalov himself.

As for the lack of acting education, I will say this: acting cannot be taught - either a person has talent or not. She had it.

- But there are some special skills and abilities!

Not everyone who studies at theater institutes and masters these skills subsequently becomes actors. Iya, in addition to her acting talent, had excellent appearance. She was beautiful, gentle, with incredibly attractive eyes, incredible charm - you just had to be born like that! All these components formed her artistic talent.

But she was also a very good journalist, she had many wonderful articles about outstanding actors with whom she was familiar - Faina Ranevskaya, Lyubov Orlova, Mikhail Ulyanov, Sergei Yursky.

Iya wrote books, knew poetry very well, and we often invited her to the students of the Moscow Art Theater School to read poetry. You see, she was noticeably superior intermediate level both in acting talent and education. At the same time, she did not at all give the impression of a person not from this world. On the contrary, she was an excellent housewife, loved to live in the village, where she acquired a small house, knew how to work on the land - she planted something there, then harvested it, made some supplies. She succeeded in everything!

- They say she had a complex character...

-(Laughs). What kind of person can it be if one person combines so many talents? When you see mediocrities around you, with looking smart uttering all sorts of nonsense, you will inevitably begin to demonstrate a tough temperament.

Yes, she had some friction from time to time, but Iya was smart enough to make conflicts not look stupid.

At work she could be demanding and intolerant, but surrounded by friends and loved ones she became completely different - soft, kind, peaceful - and helped many. If she loved someone, she was ready to do everything in her power for that person.

- Who was Iya Sergeevna friends with?

Many people loved her, so their house was never empty - there were always people there. From our theater she became friends with Natasha Tenyakova and me, her close friend There was also Lyuba Strizhenova, who went to the monastery several years ago.

- Personally, what surprised and delighted you most about her?

Perhaps her fortitude and courage, which would have been difficult to expect from such a small and fragile woman. It would seem that giving birth to a child with Down syndrome is great sorrow. But she never stuck out her misfortune, did not demand any leniency towards herself just because her child was sick. I treated his condition as something completely natural (although due to some slips of the tongue, reservations, I understood that it was very difficult for her).

It was her cross, and she bore it bravely. And we see the result - Iya extended the life of her son: as a rule, people with Down syndrome live no more than 40 years, and Seryozha is already 54. There is even talk of including him in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest-living person among such people.


Dmitry Brusnikin, not only a good friend, but also a colleague of Iya Savvina, was the director of the last play in the actress’s life, in which she never had the chance to appear on stage.

- Dmitry Vladimirovich, viewers very often confuse actors with their roles and make mistakes...

Iya Savvina was the same on screen and stage as in life. And besides, she was so rich spiritually that she could find in herself any of the rehearsed images - she was enough for everything. Many were afraid of her absolute sincerity, honesty and integrity: they say, she is overly strict. Sometimes Iya got into trouble because of this.

But she never participated in any vulgar projects, did not do anything that she did not like, citing financial necessity. She relied only on her own taste, and not on the opinions of others.

It was not easy to earn her favor. Savvina openly told the fool that he was a fool. She was generally very sharp-tongued, in this sense she can be called a successor to Faina Ranevskaya, whose aphorisms and caustic statements are well known. By the way, Iya Sergeevna was friends with Ranevskaya, respected her very much, and Faina Georgievna answered her in kind.

- Actress Savvina was also a very courageous woman. Agree, a disabled child is a difficult test...

To be fair, it must be said that Seryozha did not live with his mother all his life, only for the last 10-12 years. This was connected with the notorious housing issue: as soon as Iya was able to afford an apartment of larger footage, she immediately took him away from her mother and sister, where he had lived before.

Although Iya Sergeevna did not go to church, she had special relationship with religion, with faith, the priests respected her very much. She took her son’s illness for granted. Despite everything, this was her child, her happiness, her joy, her sunshine. She treated him like any mother would treat her child. Seryozha draws beautifully, plays the piano, reads poetry wonderfully, knows well English language and even received higher education, which is very rare for people with this disease.

- In your opinion, whose merit is this?

Whoever worked with him: his mother, his father, Vsevolod Mikhailovich Shestakov, and his grandmother, Iya’s mother-in-law. They all devoted a lot of time to Seryozha, he was not deprived of attention. I think his life was even more eventful than that of many of his healthy peers.

- How long did you know Iya Savvina?

Since my student days.

I studied at the Moscow Art Theater School under Oleg Nikolaevich Efremov, together with the late Roman Kozak and Sasha Feklistov. At the end of the first course, our masters took us to Solovki. Iya Sergeevna and her husband, Anatoly Isaakovich Vasiliev, joined us, and that’s where we met them. Since then we have become frequent guests in their house.

- Were the owners hospitable people?

There were always a lot of guests in their house. If it had been uncomfortable and cold there, then he probably wouldn’t have been so attractive. Iya Sergeevna also cooked fantastically; one might say, she was a world champion in cooking - she would have taken first place at any cooking competition. She loved reading cookbooks, from ancient to modern, she had a million different recipes - told by someone, copied from somewhere. At the same time, she still improvised, she had her own style. As someone who had the opportunity to try her dishes, I can say: it was incredibly delicious! She was equally good at hodgepodge, jellied meat, aspic, khachapuri, and dolma.

- Iya Sergeevna seemed to me a woman indifferent to her appearance...

IN last year She felt very bad in life, she didn’t even have enough strength for this. But Iya was always very neat.

- Did they know at the theater that she was so seriously ill?

Of course, but it was not leaked to the press. Iya Sergeevna generally had a cool relationship with the media: she rarely gave interviews, did not like increased attention to her person, and never celebrated anniversaries. She was not a character in gossip columns either - she was not interested in that.

But she was very interested in her work. Almost until the last day of Iya’s life, we rehearsed Petrushevskaya’s play “He’s in Argentina,” in which Savvina was involved with Natalya Tenyakova. Iya Sergeevna, who had not played new roles in the theater for a very long time (she always took a very responsible approach to their choice), passionately wanted to rehearse. We all hoped for the best, and she believed that she would definitely go on stage and play the premiere. But, alas, due to her poor health, the rehearsals had to be interrupted...

- What will happen to her son Seryozha now?

Iya Sergeevna often said that she and Seryozha had to pass away on the same day, otherwise there would simply be no one to take care of him. But fate decreed otherwise. Fortunately, Savvina’s mother is still alive, God bless her, she has a sister and a husband who is the official guardian of her stepson. I hope everything will be fine for Seryozha.


Almost a year had to pass before Iya Savvina’s husband, actor Anatoly Vasiliev, agreed to talk about his wife. This courageous man went through with her all the circles of hell associated with the disease, and especially the last, most difficult week, when the actress suffered from unbearable pain. Despite everything, he believed that his wife would recover and would definitely go on stage. She fainted in his arms without saying a word to him goodbye. He called an ambulance, which - alas! - I couldn’t help.

- Anatoly Isaakovich, you know better than anyone else what kind of person Iya Sergeevna was...

First of all, she was very wise. I reacted to some life collisions sharply, but fairly. Some people probably didn’t like it, but she was irritated by other people’s stupidity, stupidity, stupidity, dishonesty, lack of professionalism - things that irritate us all. She was different, like all of us: cheerful when she sang and danced, concentrated when she read or wrote, angry - then she cursed and could even shout.

- Your late wife is spoken of as a wonderful connoisseur of poetry...

She knew a lot of poems by heart, but this only concerned her favorite poets - Yuri Levitansky, Bulat Okudzhava, Joseph Brodsky... And Ia loved Vladimir Vysotsky precisely as a poet, and not as an actor or bard, she adored reading his songs as poetry. So the point here is not a unique memory that grasps any information on the fly, including poetic information - she only remembered well those she loved.

- Nowadays, few people know poetry by heart...

Iya Sergeevna and I’s generation is different from the modern one: today’s youth do not need such knowledge, and we could not and did not want to live without it. There was a so-called samizdat: works banned in the country were reprinted as carbon copies on typewriters on tissue paper. We read such books in strict confidence and passed them on to each other. Now the poems are forgotten - time is different. But someday the pendulum, as has happened a million times in history, will swing in the opposite direction, and people will again begin to gather for poetry evenings.

Is it true that one of your wife’s friends was the poetess Bella Akhmadulina, next to whom she was buried?

It’s difficult for me to talk about this: only Iya herself could name the names of those whom she really considered close friends. But the circle of people entering our house was very wide. By the way, they did not intersect with Akhmadulina so often in life, although they had mutual acceptance - Iya had the kindest feelings for Bella Akhatovna, and she responded in kind. To treat each other well, they did not need close communication: it was enough to understand from a distance that there was a person who coincided with you in some way.

And there were people whom Iya simply bowed to. For example, ballet dancers Ekaterina Maksimova and Vladimir Vasiliev, whom she considered living geniuses and told them about it to their faces.

By education, Iya Sergeevna is a journalist, and this profession also did not let her go. Where can you read her essays and essays on great actors today?

Friends collected them in a collection and presented them to Iya Sergeevna for her 60th birthday.

This book contains everything she managed to write, with the exception of two or three articles. Unfortunately, there are very few of them. She had a very light pen, intelligence and depth - such a combination is rare among the modern journalistic fraternity. That’s why Iya and I even argued about this from time to time: they say, why don’t you write anything? After that, she sat down at her desk, but her patience did not last long. Apparently, her time as a journalist has passed. At Moscow State University, and immediately after graduating from the Faculty of Journalism, she was passionate about this work, typing articles on a typewriter - there were no computers at that time. But over time, the desire to write disappeared, disappeared until it came to naught.

- One of the heroines of Iya Savvina’s essays is Faina Ranevskaya. Did they have a special relationship?

It was a very touching friendship. I remember calls in the evenings: when Iya picked up the phone, Faina Georgievna asked in her low voice: “My girl, what are you doing?” We have a picture hanging on the wall with the inscription: back side, made by Ranevskaya’s hand: “Talented Savvina from the same Ranevskaya. 1974."

When my union with Iya was three years old, Faina Georgievna one day accidentally bumped into me on the phone: “Can I have Iechka?” “She,” I say, “is not here now.” “Are you,” she asked, “her friend?” And, hearing an affirmative answer, she exclaimed: “How I envy her!”

True, they rarely met, but once every few months Iya told me: “I want to visit the old woman” - that’s what she called Ranevskaya. We got into the car, I drove Iya to the house on Bronnaya, and I walked in the yard and waited for her to return. And although they had conversations for two and sometimes four hours, it was not a burden to me.


- They say that Iya Sergeevna had a special relationship with plants?

She simply adored them! All the window sills in our apartment were filled with flowers and flowers, which had to be entrusted to someone when we left for the summer outside the city. Despite the fact that lately it had been difficult for Iya to do this, she took them to friends and acquaintances. When we arrived in Moscow in the fall, the reverse process of returning the pots and placing them on the window sills began.

And she loved to dig in the ground as long as I knew her. She liked to grind the lumps so that the earth became like fluff, plant something, and then watch it all grow. And it was enough to poke a dry branch into the ground, and it immediately turned green and bloomed.

- Was the process itself important or the result in the form of a harvest?

One was inseparable from the other for her. She liked to throw cucumbers into her hem, and the next morning go again and discover that she missed something yesterday - she was always incredibly happy. She really loved making all sorts of preparations - salting, drying, pickling. She generally loved to cook, and she did it wonderfully. She collected cookbooks: from the classic of Russian cooking Elena Ivanovna Molokhovets (this is the mid-nineteenth century) to modern publications. All friends and acquaintances knew: if you want to give Iya Sergeevna a gift, buy a cookbook!

She could re-read these works endlessly, and then, scrupulously following the recipes, prepare the most complex dishes. Some had to be worked on for a week, and sometimes 10-15 days: soaking the meat in some solution for a week, then beating it for a week, and then marinating it for another week - it was simply impossible to wait for the dish. Molokhovets especially has a lot of such recipes; each dish takes at least three days to prepare, which is why I didn’t like her. But it was Iya's element. Moreover, it was very important for her not so much to try the dish herself, but to treat the guests and see how their faces blur into smiles of pleasure.

- Did Iya Sergeevna rehearse a new performance until the last days of her life?

Together with Natasha Tenyakova they were supposed to play in the play by Lyudmila Petrushevskaya. Unfortunately, it was a table reading - they, so to speak, were warming up before they even had time to go on stage. Iya often read excerpts to me - she played them out, feeling out how she would do the role later.

It could be very interesting. Unfortunately, other actresses are now rehearsing this play. This upsets me very much, but nothing can be done: the theatrical process is a cruel thing.

- Was Iya Sergeevna a courageous woman both in life and in her profession?

Yes! This is especially evident in her last days. She accepted the news that she had only a few days to live calmly and stoically.

- Do you dream about your late wife?

Unfortunately, no, and this is very strange and offensive. In reality, like a vision, she appears to me very often, but for some reason she doesn’t come to me in a dream.

Religion saves many people in such cases, but I, unfortunately, am an atheist. Friends have repeatedly tried to convert me and baptize me, but this does not happen at the request or command of someone. And due to my atheism, I understand that she is gone forever, and this is very scary. Forever! If I were a believer, I would hope to meet her somewhere in another world, but I understand that this will not happen. She lives only in my memory.

- How are you saving yourself?

Worries have piled up. First of all, household things - Seryozhka, and work, and food needs to be bought, and clothes, and shoes - the old ones are worn out. All of this is somehow pushed aside heartache to the background.

- How are things with Seryozha?

Thank God, everything is fine with him - he has everything he needs: a synthesizer, a lot of paints, a lot of cardboard. And he does all this wonderfully - plays the synthesizer, draws, learns English. Everything is simpler for him, he lives in his own world, which is apparently better than ours. In general, Seryozha is always smiling, it’s not for nothing that people like him are called children of the Sun. It very rarely happens that he doesn’t like something, but he is always in a great mood.

- How did they tell him that his mother was gone?

Last August, the three of us were in our house near Kostroma, where we spent five months a year. When Iya fell ill, there was an urgent need to go to Moscow to show her at the clinic on Kashirka - our doctor friend suspected complications. Since we thought we were leaving for two or three days, Seryozha stayed there with a very nice village woman, Masha, who always helped us. But in Moscow it became clear that we would not return back - the disease progressed at a rapid pace.

When Iya passed away, I called Masha and asked her to tell Sergei that his mother was no longer there. But a day later she called me back and admitted that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t do it. I had to ask Seryozha to answer the phone and tell him everything. He replied: “Yes? Then I’ll go and light a candle.”

Iya’s son loves going to church, so today he was in church, lighting candles for his mother, father and everyone he remembers. He was taught this by his father, who went to temples with him, and now this ritual gives him great pleasure.

Here I am talking to you (by phone. -Auto.), and right in front of me there is a portrait of Iya Sergeevna, a lamp is burning below. It happens that Seryozha, running past, suddenly stops, crosses himself, looking at his mother’s portrait, and after a pause runs on on his business. Therefore, I cannot understand how he feels in his heart about the fact that she is no longer there. Seryozha was left an orphan, that’s what’s scary. Today I am the only one of his relatives...

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For the first time in six years after the death of his famous wife, he broke his vow of silence. Before that, he refused journalists and did not allow anyone into his house - he fiercely guarded the secret that Iya Savvina hid all her life. Therefore, no one knew how now, after the death of her mother, her only son Sergei, who was born with Down syndrome, lives. Seryozha is already sixty! There are only three people in the world older than him with this diagnosis. How did his star mother prolong his life? Why did Iya Savvina herself get married ten days before her death? Anatoly Vasiliev himself spoke about this. Exclusive "Live"!

Sergei is the son of Savvina and her first husband, scientist and actor Vsevolod Shestakov. They broke up after Iya met Anatoly Vasiliev (Seryozha was already 22 years old at the time), kept good relationship and by mutual agreement they appointed Vasiliev as Seryozha’s guardian. It all started in the spring of 2011: Savvina celebrated her 75th birthday in March, Shestakov died in April, and immediately after that the actress suffered a severe stroke, which “triggered” the metastasis of the melanoma excised 4 years earlier...

Vasiliev and Savvina were not “scheduled”. “Once she - quite unexpectedly - said: “How long have we been - 32 years? And who are we to each other?" - recalls Anatoly. The next day he went to the registry office: "They understood everything instantly, they did not insist on the allotted time for “checking feelings.” A couple of days later the marriage was formalized at home. After another 10 days, Savvina passed away.

Seryozha grew up at a time when it was not customary for people with disabilities, including “sunny children” Downs, to be presented to society. But Iya was never shy about Serezha, she always took him out to guests and encouraged him to communicate. Savvina categorically rejected the offer of the maternity hospital doctors to leave the sick child, but shortly before his birth, she and Shestakov were planning to get rid of him, and Iya had already arrived to have an abortion: the defense of her diploma and “huge plans” lay ahead. The mother of the future People’s Artist of the USSR insisted on maintaining the pregnancy, said the couple’s neighbor. When the boy was born, Vera Ivanovna nursed him together with the nannies.

People's Artist of the RSFSR Valentina Talyzina sets out her version of events: for many years his other grandmother, Yanina Adolfovna, Shestakov's mother, sat with Seryozha. It was she who instilled in her grandson the skills that allow him to live - getting up early, doing exercises, washing, brushing his teeth, studying - and was with him until the end of his days. “It is impossible to combine raising such a child with creativity,” the actress assures. “I was involved in art. And much more...”

After the death of his wife, Vasiliev cut himself off from the world - he did not even allow close friends, of whom so many always gathered at Savvina’s table. Even her housekeeper and dacha neighbor Maria Malakhova complains that after 18 years of working for “Sergevna” she does not have access to the house and does not see Seryozha. She claims that the guardian stepfather treats the “boy” poorly and deprives him of walks and communication.

“Anatoly Vasiliev saved Seryozha,” argues Savvina’s close friend since 1962, actor Yuri Gorin. According to him, Shestakov’s son was pursued by Vsevolod’s second wife, Zaira. She laid claim to his $25 million apartment on Frunzenzenskaya Embankment, which was supposed to go to Seryozha, and wanted to take custody of herself: kidnapping attempts, assault, and even a pit bull dog were used. Therefore, Seryozha had to be hidden - in a 30 million apartment where Savvina herself lived. Gorin believes that Iya’s unexpected decision to formalize the marriage is connected with her concern for the fate of her son.

Actress Evelina Bledans spoke in the studio about Iya Savvina, her relationship with her son and men, and the situation in the family after her death (“I followed the example of Iya Savvina and dream that my “sunny boy” Syoma, like Seryozha, could read poetry, learn English and live long"), Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Vladimir Konkin (“The romance will end soon,” Iya told him, who did not know about her illness, hinting at working together in the film “Romance of Lovers”), journalist and TV presenter Alexander Myagchenkov and lawyer Savvina, who helped keep Sergei’s father’s property. And Anatoly Vasiliev revealed another family secret: “Savvina had twins from me - girls, but she had an abortion.” Both of them had a hard time with this decision, made out of fear that these children would also have Down syndrome.

Boris Korchevnikov talks about the evening he spent with Seryozha. What does he look like now, how does he live, what does this elderly child do? How did you receive the news of the death of your father and then - almost immediately - of your mother? Who will ultimately get the disputed apartment? A widower's story about last days Savvina, home video from their hospitable home, scenes from Iya’s latest performances... What, in her opinion, are women strong? And how did she refuse Oleg Efremov himself? About all this - on "Live".

On April 1, 2012, Evelina Bledans gave birth to her second son, Semyon. After giving birth, the actress admitted that she knew about the illness of her unborn baby, but despite this, she and her husband, director and producer Alexander Semin, wished for the baby to be born.

The doctors asked him to think about it, hinting at an abortion, but Alexander confidently declared that he didn’t want to hear about it.

“We will give birth anyway. Even if you now say that the child has begun to grow wings, nails, a beak and that he is generally a dragon, it means there will be a dragon. Leave us alone. We will give birth."

The birth process took place together with her husband, who tried his best to encourage Evelina. The child was born with an extra chromosome, as well as with two fingers on the left leg fused together. However, the parents in the delivery room were crying not from grief, but from happiness. And they already love him. And love, as you know, is not a test for the weak.

People today are intimidated by prejudices about down children. According to statistics, 85 percent are simply afraid of the additional difficulties of raising a child who is different from everyone else.

And only 15 percent of moms and dads, endowed with the gift of love, hope and faith, take the child, and perform their parental feat every day. Evelina and Alexander deserve great respect and admiration, because they not only accepted their son as God sent him to them, but also constantly prove to people that such children are also happiness.

Most mothers who were at a crossroads are grateful to Evelina and Alexander for an open conversation on a secretly taboo topic, so painful for parents of sunny children.

Daughter of Lolita Milyavskaya

Lolita Milyavskaya did not give up on her daughter Eva when doctors told the singer that her child was born defective. According to the artist, doctors first said that the girl had Down syndrome, but later changed the diagnosis to autism - an innate psychological isolation. Lolita does not miss the opportunity to praise her daughter in every interview. But at the same time, he does not hide the fact that the child has health problems. Until the age of four, Eva could not speak, and she also had poor eyesight.

In many interviews, Lolita said that her daughter was born at six months old; the singer was then 35 years old. The baby weighed less than one and a half kilograms, and she was nursed for a long time in a pressure chamber.

It’s not for nothing that they say that mother’s love works wonders. Now 16-year-old Eva goes to school and practically keeps up with her healthy peers. And her famous mother always supports other mothers raising children with genetic characteristics.

Daughter of Fyodor and Svetlana Bondarchuk

In 2001, Fyodor Bondarchuk’s wife gave birth to a girl. The baby was born ahead of schedule, and doctors fought for her life for a long time, after which the girl began to have developmental problems. Varya – “ sunny child", this is usually the name given to children born with Down syndrome. They live in their special world and smile much more often than their healthy peers. In the Bondarchuk family, the word “illness” is not uttered - the spouses simply call Varya special.

The illness of Varvara’s youngest daughter not only did not destroy, but, on the contrary, strengthened the union of Fedor and Svetlana. As a rule, in such a situation, the husband and wife very quickly stop communicating, but, fortunately, this did not happen to them.

Varya mostly lives abroad, where she can get the treatment she needs and a decent education. Svetlana notes that Russia, unfortunately, is not suitable for such “special” children as her daughter.

“Fantastic, funny and much loved child! She instantly wins over all people. It is simply impossible not to love her. She is very bright. Varya, unfortunately, spends a lot of time outside of Russia; It’s easier for her to study there and easier for her to undergo rehabilitation. Why did I talk about this at the time of the adoption of the “Dima Yakovlev Law”? Because I know about this problem firsthand. Fortunately, we have the opportunity to send her to study and treatment,” Bondarchuk said in an interview with the magazine.

The woman is incredibly grateful to her husband Fyodor for the support he provides to her and her daughter. According to Svetlana, the birth of Varvara only brought their couple together.

There is no place for despondency or sadness in Bondarchuk’s life; the woman approaches all problems philosophically: “Yes, we have a child with certain problems, but something terrible can happen to anyone at any moment... No one is immune. Living in suffering and despondency is wrong.”

Daughter of Irina Khakamada

Irina Khakamada, talented business coach, designer, former politician and the head of the interregional social solidarity fund “Our Choice,” which she created in 2006 for people with disabilities of all ages, having become inspired by this topic after the birth of her daughter Maria in 1997, who was diagnosed with Down syndrome.

Irina is not only a strong-willed woman whose fortitude would be the envy of many male leaders, but also an amazing mother. At the age of 42, she decided to have a child. Not only was the baby born special, but also terrible disease overtook her.

In 2004, just when Irina was running for president of the Russian Federation, no one could have thought that she was going through a terrible family tragedy. Doctors diagnosed Mashenka with leukemia. The girl underwent chemotherapy. Fortunately, she overcame this illness. A few years later, Irina decided to show her daughter to people and came with her to the premiere of the blockbuster “The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian.” This appearance in the world was not easy even for the strong-willed Khakamada. Everyone saw that her daughter suffers from Down syndrome - and they were imbued with deep respect for this courageous and strong woman.

In an interview, Irina says that Masha loves to dance. She has artistic thinking, but exact sciences are difficult for the girl. And everything that concerns the figurative vision of the world, drawing, dancing, singing, she succeeds.

Son of Konstantin Meladze

Producer Konstantin Meladze divorced his wife Yana in 2013 after 19 years of marriage, the couple had three children together - Alisa, Leah and Valery. Konstantin did not immediately find out that his son was suffering rare disease– autism. It’s not easy to get used to this diagnosis, because it’s impossible to fight it. For a long time this information was hidden from the press. However, the mother of the boy Valera said that her son suffers from autism in the first interview after her divorce from Meladze.

“Doctors diagnosed Valera with autism. Treatment of this disease in all countries of the world is very expensive, including Ukraine. No, this is not a sentence, this is an execution, after which you were left to live. This is a serious disease that has no cure yet. It is being adjusted. I'm talking about severe autism. Such children can be taught. I think that parents who are faced with a similar problem are familiar with the feeling of fear, helplessness in the face of grief, and shame. Our society does not accept or recognize “others”. But when the child has his first successes, hope and faith awaken - and then the new point counting down genuine victories and bright pride for your child. And parents don’t need to be ashamed or blame themselves. Don't think that you might have done something wrong. When you understand what responsible mission you are performing in your child’s life, you will realize the value or even pricelessness of your role. And most importantly: autistic disorder must be diagnosed in the first year of a child’s life! The fatal mistake of doctors and parents is to wait up to three years. Children who start with correct correction up to a year, show amazing results. And in the end, they are not much different from their peers.”

Valera - absolutely normal child externally. His parents realized he was sick when he was three years old. He looks great, but lives in his own world. He hardly communicates with people, he has no need for it. The child looks like an enchanted boy who looks exactly the same as us.

Son of Anna Netrebko

In 2008, the famous Russian opera diva Anna Netrebko gave birth to her first child, whom she named Thiago. When the boy was three years old, he was diagnosed with autism. This news was like a bolt from the blue for his famous mother.

“I used to explain his silence by the fact that in our house they speak four languages, and it is difficult for the baby to adapt to this. He spoke only when he needed something. We raised the alarm only after noticing that the son did not react when spoken to. Then everything became clear,” she said.

According to the celebrity, in all other respects the child seemed absolutely normal. “Thiago is very neat and self-sufficient,” says the singer. Despite everything, the star does not lose heart and believes that the boy will overcome this terrible disease!

“He is, of course, a computer genius. I don’t have a computer, and I don’t know how to use it. And he already knows how to count and recognize numbers up to 1000 at the age of three. He really loves the zoo, watching penguins swim underwater,” the star mother says proudly.

Now her seven-year-old son is studying at an integrated school in New York. This educational institution Visited not only by sick, but also by completely healthy children. Doctors reassured the opera diva - her child has only a mild form of autism, and if the boy is treated in a special way, deviations in his development will be practically invisible, which means that he will be able to study and communicate normally with other children.

“I'm not afraid to say that my son is autistic. “Alas, many mothers face this problem, and I want them to see from Thiago’s example that this disease is not a death sentence.”

Son of Sergei Belogolovtsev

The children of Sergei Belogolovtsev not only brought many happy moments to the artist and his wife, but also became a real test for both of them. When their eldest son Nikita was not yet a year old, Sergei Belogolovtsev’s wife Natalya Barannik became pregnant again.

Sergei's wife had a very difficult time with her second pregnancy, and her birth occurred prematurely - Sergei Belogolovtsev's two youngest children were born at seven months old.

But the problem was not only this, the fact is that one of the children was born very weak - doctors diagnosed him with four heart defects at once. The boys were named Sasha and Evgeny. When little Zhenya was nine months old and could be operated on, the parents hoped until the very end for a good outcome from the operation, which was successful, but difficulties began later.

The child’s heart was working very weakly, and Zhenya went into a coma and lay there for two whole months. During this period, he experienced clinical death, due to which the baby developed cerebral palsy.

The eldest of the twins, Sasha, developed normally, but the younger, Zhenya, was far behind - he learned to talk only at the age of six. The child was on the verge of death until he was eight years old, and all this time his parents did not leave him around the clock, replacing each other.

After several years of terrible torment, they began to have hope and joy - the treatment of their sick son began to bring results. Today, the children of Sergei Belogolovtsev, and especially Evgeniy, are a great pride for their parents. He successfully graduated from a school for gifted children and entered the Institute of Theater Arts, Advertising and Show Business. Nikita graduated from the Faculty of International Journalism at MGIMO, works as a presenter on the Rossiya 2 and TV Center TV channels, and is a sports producer and political commentator on the Dozhd TV channel. Alexander Belogolovtsev is a MGIMO student, presenter of the Karusel TV channel, executive producer of the MB-Group television company.

And last year Zhenya became a TV presenter, despite a serious illness. The proud father shared this news on his social network page on March 17, 2014: “Zhenya Belogolovtsev recorded pilot broadcasts as the presenter of a section in the “DIFFERENT NEWS” program on the wonderful RazTV channel.”

“A week ago, my parents told me that I could become a TV presenter,” says 25-year-old Belogolovtsev Jr. “We dream that I would work in my specialty, because after graduating from the theater institute, I am probably the first professional actor diagnosed with cerebral palsy.” I want guys like me to believe in themselves.”

Grandson of Boris Yeltsin

A child suffering from Down syndrome is growing up in the family of the first president Russian Federation- Boris Yeltsin. The boy was born in 1995 in the second marriage of his daughter Tatyana Yumasheva. The family hid the illness of the boy, who was named Gleb, for a long time. Even in family photographs it was impossible to see his face.

However, the day came when Tatyana broke the silence and told the whole truth on her microblog. The woman informed the press that Gleb was studying at a specialized school. Tutors come to his home. The boy loves swimming and chess.

“He remembers hundreds of classical musical works from memory - Bach, Mozart, Beethoven... The chess coach is amazed at how extraordinary he thinks. Glebushka also swims amazingly in all styles, writes Tatyana. - It is believed that Down syndrome is a disease. But, in my opinion, children with Down syndrome are simply different. They are concerned about what we easily pass by without noticing.”

Tatyana Yumasheva, general director of the Boris Yeltsin Foundation, financed the creation of some educational methods for children with diabetes. And he is proud of his son, who is said to resemble Harry Potter in many ways.

Son of actress Iya Savvina

Iya Savvina’s only heir, son Sergei, was once awarded a personal exhibition. And this was an incredible achievement for him. After all, the boy was born with the terrible diagnosis of Down syndrome, which in our country sounds like a death sentence.

Nevertheless, his unusual, talented paintings destroyed the stereotypes of perception of people suffering from Down syndrome. Despite his serious illness, Sergei received a good education at home: he studied English, plays the piano excellently, and knows poetry and painting well. And he picked up a brush and paints as an adult.

About the diagnosis long-awaited son I recognized Savvina back in the maternity hospital. She was offered to place the sick child in a special boarding school. But she categorically refused. Savvina accepted her boy, who was unlike others, as he was given to her from above. I studied with him, developed his abilities in every possible way, and hired teachers. What takes other children months to master, he took years to master. But the results later surprised prominent doctors. And those of them who once assured her of the uselessness of such activities admitted their mistake.

Iya managed to care for her son, act in films and theater, creating unforgettable images of selfless women.

Today Sergei Shestakov is 56. Although he, in fact, remains a big child, nevertheless, he amazes everyone with his numerous talents. Plays the piano and recites poetry. Well, he draws, of course. But he still can’t understand that his beloved mother will never look at him with pride and love: actress Iya Savvina passed away on August 27, 2011...

Sylvester Stallone's son

The statistics in the West are relentless: autism affects one in 88 children, Down syndrome affects every 700. Many star families faced developmental disorders using the example of their own children, but did not give up and, moreover, made a huge contribution to the research of these complex diseases.

Sergio, Sylvester Stallone's youngest son, was diagnosed with autism at the age of three. For the actor, this news was a real blow.

Little Sergio had difficulty adapting to the world around him: he could not establish contact even with his loved ones, not to mention the rest of those around him. The bitter irony is that as a child, Stallone himself was almost classified as autistic, but he turned out to be healthy. Sergio did not cause serious concern - and turned out to be ill.

In the first moments, he and Sasha were depressed, devastated and confused. But then the understanding returned that action is always better than inaction, and the parents - in the best traditions of Rocky - decided to fight.

“I understood that Sly would not be able to pay enough attention to this because of his work. And then I told him: provide me with the means, and I will take care of everything,” says Sasha Zak.

And so it happened: Stallone worked with such dedication as never before, and his wife devoted herself to fighting for her son. With Stallone's money, Sasha achieved the creation and opening of a research fund on autism.

However, very soon life made it clear that the seemingly ideal combination of talent, experience and desire to work does not always guarantee a successful result.

During the filming of the fourth "Rocky" the actor suffered a heart attack. Straight from film set he was taken to the hospital, where he spent several weeks.

Stallone's grueling, literally exhausting work and the no less difficult struggle waged by Sasha Zak separated the spouses. different worlds. The ten-year marriage, which had already experienced one breakup, had exhausted itself: Sylvester and Sasha talked about everything and signed divorce papers.

Sergio Stallone is now 35 years old. He is not a public person, does not maintain contact with journalists, does not visit social events, but lives calmly and quietly. His father helps him with medical care and visits him regularly. After Sylvester’s eldest son, Sage, died of a heart attack in 2012, the actor treats Sergio even more reverently.

“Yes, the son is always in his own world,” says Stallone, “and never leaves it. I have enough money, but for so many years now I have not been able to help him with anything. Nevertheless, the thought of abandoning my son never even occurred to me, even in my youth, when I was so busy with my career.”

Jenny McCarthy's son

In September 1999, Jenny married actor and director John Asher. In May 2002, she gave birth to her son, Evan. Everything seemed to be going great in her life. And suddenly, in August 2005, McCarthy and Usher divorced. The press gossiped about the mutual infidelities of the spouses, that Jenny preferred to share a bed with women.

It turned out that her little son suffers from autism. John did not have the patience or strength to raise a sick child. Doctors said it doesn't exist effective methods treatments for autism, but Jenny refused to believe them.

The cheerful, bright blonde never hid her son Evan's diagnosis. Jenny did not panic or despair, preferring to remain optimistic even in such a difficult time for her.

Having learned about her son’s diagnosis, the star, gathering all her will into a fist, began to fight her child’s terrible illness. McCarthy gave all her energy and time to Evan. And mother's love won! The boy's condition began to improve.

“Evan couldn't speak, wasn't able to make eye contact, was antisocial. And now he's making friends! It was amazing to see how certain types of therapy were successful for some children but failed completely for others.”

McCarthy works with Evan a lot, and as a result he attends his regular secondary school. In order to help other parents of children diagnosed with autism, she founded the charity Generation Rescue. In addition, the actress published the book Louder Than Words, in which she talked about how she managed to cure her son.

Dan Marino's son

American football player Dan Marino and his wife opened a center for children with autism spectrum disorders at a Miami hospital.

Their son Michael was diagnosed at age two. Like other parents, Dan and his wife took the boy to the doctor after noticing abnormalities and developmental delays. Michael is now 27 years old. Thanks to the successful implementation of intensive care in early age Currently, the young man lives an almost full life.

Toni Braxton's son

In October 2006, American singer Toni Braxton burst into tears at a concert at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas, talking from the stage about how she youngest son Diesel has autism, and also stated that if the diagnosis had been made earlier, the boy could have received much more help.

“Early diagnosis makes a life-changing difference... As a mother, I knew something was wrong with my baby even when he was about 9 months old. By the time he was a year and a half old, I said, “He's not developing like his big brother,” Tony recalls.

Currently, the artist actively funds research in the field of autism and is a representative of the organization Autism Speaks. And we can only be happy for 12-year-old Diesel: the boy was included in the general education system, and now he goes to school with ordinary children.

There are battles that can neither be won nor finished; you have to fight constantly, day after day. They exhaust everyone equally: and ordinary person, and a Hollywood star. But even in these global battles, small but very important victories occur.