What does the expression “if the mountain does not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed go to the mountain” mean? If the mountain does not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain

If the mountain does not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed will go to the mountain

There are many explanations for the origin of this expression. It is believed, for example, that it is connected with one of the old jokes about the beloved folk hero of the East, Khoja Nasreddin.

Once Khoja, posing as a saint, boasted of the power of his faith and the ability to perform a miracle. “I only have to call a stone or a tree,” Khoja assured, “and they will come to me.” He was asked to call the oak tree growing nearby. Khoja called out to the stubborn tree three times, but it did not even move. The angry Khoja himself went to the oak tree. “Where are you going?” - those around asked, not without gloating. Khoja replied: “The saints are not proud. If the tree doesn’t come to me, I go to it.”

Others believe that the expression stems from the legend of an unfulfilled prophecy contained in the Qur'an - the Koran, the "holy" book of Muslims.

Mohammed (570-632 AD) is considered the founder of the religion of Islam, the messenger of the Almighty on earth. Believers even have a formula: “there is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet.” So, according to legend, Mohammed once set out to prove his power to the faithful. The Prophet ordered the mountain to approach him. The mountain remained unruly. Then Mohammed himself went to her with the words: “ Well, if the mountain doesn't want to go to Mohammed, Mohammed will go to the mountain».

The meaning of this comic expression: due to circumstances, you have to obey the one from whom you yourself expected obedience.

To the question, if Magomed does not go to the mountain, then the mountain is coming to Magomed - what does this sight mean and who said it? given by the author Yezhaya the best answer is IF THE MOUNTAIN DOES NOT GO TO MAHOMET, THEN MAHOMET WILL GO TO THE MOUNTAIN
There are many explanations for the origin of this expression. It is believed, for example, that it is connected with one of the old jokes about the beloved folk hero of the East, Khoja Nasreddin.
Once Khoja, posing as a saint, boasted of the power of his faith and the ability to perform a miracle. “I only have to call a stone or a tree,” Khoja assured, “and they will come to me.” He was asked to call the oak tree growing nearby. Khoja called out to the stubborn tree three times, but it did not even move. The angry Khoja himself went to the oak tree. "Where are you going?" - those around asked, not without gloating. Khoja replied: “The saints are not proud. If the tree does not come to me, I go to it.”
Others believe that this expression goes back to the legend of an unfulfilled prophecy contained in the Koran, the “holy” book of Muslims.
Mohammed (570-632 AD) is considered the founder of the religion of Islam, the messenger of the Almighty on earth. Believers even have a formula: “There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet.” So, according to legend, Mohammed once set out to prove his power to the faithful. The Prophet ordered the mountain to approach him. The mountain remained unruly. Then Mohammed himself went to her with the words: “Well, if the mountain does not want to go to Mohammed, Mohammed will go to the mountain.”
The meaning of this comic expression: due to circumstances, you have to obey the one from whom you yourself expected obedience.
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Answer from Eurovision[guru]
Vice versa. If the mountain does not come to Magamed, then Magamed goes to the mountain.

Answer from Common people[newbie]
if Magomed does not go to the mountain, then the mountain goes to Magomed - it sounds more interesting.

Answer from 8F NIS FMN[active]
Mohammed will not go uphill. Mohammed will go around the mountain

Answer from strip[active]
There is no such expression in the east, it was invented by Russian people, I do not recommend saying it in the Muslim community, they will react sharply to you! In general, this expression makes no sense!

Answer from 78223 [newbie]
I won’t say who said it, and I’ll immediately apologize for the spelling. I can only agree, and not without a grin, about the above saying, but they do not answer what it means. although the saying that if you don’t obey, you obey logically and seems to make sense. but only an anecdote, if it was so then why was it told as a saying or a saying. when they, in turn, are quite applied and significant meaning than in a joke. namely, what I, in my humble opinion, think about the meaning of the above words, is that “don’t be stubborn, don’t wait for the command and favor of higher powers, you just have to do it, it doesn’t work out and I’ll do it so it will work out” but simply doesn’t matter conditions or events, I will achieve the goal even if I have to go to it myself, but I will achieve it!! and the saying is about unbending character and strength of spirit, when everything is wrong and what is planned does not grow together. when everything is against you, but despite all this you and only you yourself go and take and it’s not about not submitting and submitting, you, as a person of strong will and character, subdue, that’s what this saying is about, and if not so then I I lived 30 years in vain

wing sl. Exist various explanations of this origin. It is believed, for example, that it goes back to one of the anecdotal stories associated with Khoja Nasreddin, a beloved hero of Middle Eastern folklore. Once, when he was posing as a saint, he was asked by what miracle he could prove this. Nasrudin replied that he told the palm tree to approach him and it would obey. When the miracle failed, Nasreddin went to the tree with the words: “Prophets and saints are devoid of arrogance. If the palm tree doesn’t come to me, I go to it.” This story is found in an Arabic collection supposedly dating back to 1631.

Another story is found in the notes of the famous traveler Marco Polo (1254-1324), the first edition of which is on Latin published without indicating the place or year; presumably: Venice or Rome, 1484. Marco Polo says that a certain Baghdad shoemaker undertook to prove to Caliph Al-Muetasim the advantages of the Christian faith and allegedly performed a miracle: the mountain moved in his direction at his call. One of the researchers believes that the European version of this eastern legend replaced the palm tree with a mountain due to the Christian tradition, which claims that faith moves mountains (First Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians, 13, 2). Finally, already in 1597, the English philosopher Francis Bacon (1561-1626) in his “Moral and Political Essays”, in the essay “On Courage,” says that Mohammed promised the people to move the mountain by force and, when he failed, said: "Well! since the mountain does not want to go to Mohammed, Mohammed will go to it.”

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If the mountain does not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain - a saying that means: If what you need cannot be delivered, then you need to go there yourself.

In 1597, the English philosopher (Francis Bacon, 1561-1626) in his “Moral and Political Essays”, in essay 12 “On Boldness” (English) says that Mohammed promised the people to move a mountain by force, and when he did not succeeded, he said: “Well! since the mountain does not want to go to Mohammed, Mohammed will go to it” (the work was first published in 1625). Francis Bacon told this story to illustrate that brave man

even defeat can turn into victory.

The phrase “If the mountain won't come to Muhammad then Muhammad must go to the mountain” was included in John Ray's 1670 collection of English proverbs book of English provers). Apparently this phrase is from the ancient times eastern legends and fairy tales. Thus, in essays about the adventures of Khoja Nasreddin (hero folklore peoples and the Arab East) there is a similar history. So, one day Khoja Nasreddin began to pretend to be a saint. Those around him asked him to prove it. Khoja Nasreddin said that he could command a palm tree to come to him, and it would obey. When the miracle did not happen, Khoja himself approached the tree and said: “True prophets and saints are devoid of arrogance. If the palm tree doesn’t come to me, then I go to it.”

Excerpt from Essay 12 "Of Boldness" by Francis Bacon

You can see that brave people often demonstrate the miracle of Mohammed. Mohammed promised that he would call the mountain to himself and read prayers to his followers from its top. People gathered; Mohammed called the mountain to him, then again and again; and when the mountain remained in place, he was not embarrassed one bit and said: “If the mountain does not go to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain.” These people, when they have promised great things and failed in the most disgraceful manner, will still (if they have excellent courage) find a way out of the situation, and will not worry about it.

"... you shall see a bold fellow many times do Mahomet"s miracle. Mahomet made the people believe that he would call an hill to him, and from the top of it offer up his prayers, for the observers of his law. The people assembled; Mahomet called the hill to come to him, again and again; and when the hill stood still, he was never a whit abashed, but said, If the hill will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet will go to the hill. So these men, when they have promised great matters, and failed most shamefully, yet (if they have the perfection of boldness) they will but slight it over, and make a turn, and no more ado."


"Adventures good soldier Shveyka" (1923, translation by P.G. Bogatyrev (1893 - 1971)), part 2, chapter 2: "... written orders themselves will not come to the head of the convoy. If the mountain does not go to Mohammed, then the commander of the convoy must go after them himself."