Why am I unlucky and what should I do about it? I'm an unlucky person! Why am I so unlucky in life?

In life, total bad luck rarely happens just like that. If you are wondering, “Why am I always unlucky?” there could be several reasons:

1. You want something that you don’t really need, so you don’t have any conditions for it to come into your life. You want a millionaire husband, super handsome, kind and caring. Or at least one of the above. But at the same time, you don’t even go to those places where such people meet and you don’t do anything to even remotely resemble the woman who might interest them. Because in fact, you just like to dream about such men, but you know that they are not suitable for you and few of them are good husbands.

2. You don’t try at all to make it happen, or you have such shortcomings that what you want will never happen. For example, you want to be rich, but you have no special education, no business sense, or even the ingenuity of a scammer, besides, you are lazy, do not like to study, are constantly late and sleep until lunchtime.

3. You just love being a loser. Behind this condition, you can easily hide from responsibility for your life, fold your paws and listen to how they feel sorry for you.

In the article “Choice or Fate,” I spoke in detail, based on the research of mathematicians and physicists, about what in life depends on us and what does not depend in any way and what to do about it. Today we’ll talk about luck from a psychological point of view. Although first you still need to know one important point— mathematics is able to calculate the probability of luck with high accuracy. Exists " mathematical theory luck”, “game theory” and so on, which in many ways can open our eyes to our problems.

There is no such thing as luck. Why are some lucky and others not?- the question is rhetorical. There is a cause and effect for the actions we do. If we previously “messed things up” or, on the contrary, were inactive while waiting, now we are reaping the fruits of our mistakes. Although this is all understandable. People are usually not interested in such global cases. Quite different situations are often cited as examples. A beautiful girl, there was no end to admirers at school, and in her adult life she lives in a one-room apartment with her mother and works part-time in 2 shifts to survive. The ugly girl married a millionaire and lives in sunny Miami, basking in love and prosperity. What's wrong?! What’s not true is that we usually see only the external side of events. Miami millionaires don't choose unsuitable wives. In general, the wife of a very rich man is a special woman, for whom it is not enough to just be a 19-year-old blonde with a pretty face. These are his lovers. The wife plays a completely different role - she is a reliable person, usually dedicated to business, able to behave in accordance with her status and has the necessary contacts or is able to successfully make and maintain them. This applies at least to real rich people, and not to “meat kings”, “toilet barons” and other semi-criminals who made quick capital on leftist schemes. Therefore, their approach to choosing a wife is completely different, and one of them could well marry a not very beautiful, but reasonable and calm girl. Moreover, beauty with big money is a profitable business. The school beauty took a different path. Easy victories among her classmates created a habit for her that everything should come quickly and without much effort. But real life not a school, and here quick success rarely has good paths. Having turned the wrong way a couple of times and getting involved with the wrong people, she squandered her youth and “went into circulation.” Now I’m wiser, but not enough to understand what’s what and to have the strength to build my life from scratch.

Another example. The above-mentioned quick success has a double bottom. In order to be a wealthy person, you must either work hard and have an inclination, or “fit in” with the “harlot” and have a lot of arrogance and courage. Both paths lead to money. But their endings are different. Only a few from the second group go further; for the rest, everything ends either in “zilch” or in problems with the law. But others only see external signs, that’s why they say “fools are lucky.”

It's about luck. Now about the opposite, about total bad luck. Complete failure is almost always the result of habit and bad character. Well, or a complete misunderstanding of the laws of life, infantilism, absent-mindedness, and isolation from reality. A person with immature thinking, who does not know how to analyze and draw the right conclusions, constantly steps on the same rake, which leads to a continuous black streak. The friend of immaturity is a lack of responsibility for one’s behavior. Therefore, from time to time a person will blame circumstances and other people, but not himself. Which means getting into trouble again. Like one of my friends who dreams of getting married, but at the same time looking for a wife exclusively in Moscow nightclubs. Can you imagine what kind of contingent there is? This shapes his idea of ​​women as corrupt and narrow-minded. But he doesn’t want to look at others, because that’s the type he likes. He’s already 40—it seems he’s still looking for it. Already drinking out of grief, but persistent!

Gestalt therapist Jorge Bucay said: “If you find yourself in a dead end, don’t be an idiot, leave where you entered.” It's funny, but about 50 years before him, the writer and mystic Govrad Lovecraft - who got us hooked on the cult of Cthulhu - said almost the same thing in one of his works: “The exit from this terrible glass prison is only at the same place as the entrance to it.” Find where it all started. To stop the series of failures, you need to take the following steps:

1.Want to change your life

2. Understand that the reason is 90% in you and find it.

3. Grow up - which means accepting responsibility for your mistakes, trying to correct them, learning to analyze and stop looking back at others.

4. Decide what you really want in this life and make a plan for realizing your plans.

5. Don’t give up after the first failures, which will happen in any case.

6. Don't be afraid to make mistakes.

7. Don't be afraid to start over.

8. Do not refuse opportunities and offers of help.

Who hasn't heard of such a mysterious and mysterious phenomenon like luck, or real luck? Although, probably, more often you hear from friends: “I was unlucky”, “not with my luck”, etc.

Reasons for bad luck

What is “bad luck” and how to deal with it? The main reason Most failures are due to the lack of habit of achieving what you want. Only if you are ready to make every effort, and not give up at the first difficulty, can you count on luck smiling at you. However, for many it is much easier not to make any attempts, blaming their own laziness on the will of Providence.

Often those who are accustomed to excessive care, and in childhood everything was given to them easily and simply, also grow up to be losers. They simply haven't learned that serious effort is required to achieve a goal. If such people are not presented with what they want on a plate, they blame not themselves, but their own “bad luck.”

The main thing that all "losers" have in common is that they rely excessively on external factors, underestimating their own capabilities, while people who, according to the majority, are successful, see themselves and their own actions as the key to achieving their goals.

How to get rid of bad luck

We often hear complaints about being unlucky in life. Many people forget that behind what seems like luck from the outside, there is hard work aimed at achieving what you want. It’s not for nothing that people say that those who are lucky are lucky.

That is why, in order to get rid of your own bad luck, you must first of all want to become lucky and begin active activities aimed at this.

First of all, you need to believe in yourself. Of course, it is much easier to believe in the possibility of your own success if you are beautiful and athletic, full of strength and energy, than if you are frail and weak, so take care of yourself:

  • quit smoking;
  • go in for sports;
  • update your wardrobe;
  • develop intelligence.

These steps will help you gain self-confidence, because if you like yourself, then others will like you too.

At the next stage of getting rid of bad luck, you need to analyze as deeply as possible the reasons for your own failures and understand where the punishing hand of providence really overtook you, and where you failed due to your own negligence. Only by accepting the fact that you yourself are responsible for everything that happens in your life can you overcome your own bad luck and set yourself up for subsequent victories.

Learn to be grateful to fate for what you have: health, family, peace. There are millions of people in the world who consider you lucky and dream of being in your place. Just because you have food today; because you can move independently; because someone loves you: your mother, your loved one or your dog; because you have children; because your house didn't burn down, etc.

Real success is learning to appreciate what you have. Only then is it possible to catch “your” luck.

This article contains: prayer if you are unlucky in anything - information taken from all over the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

A person does not always pay only for his sins and mistakes.

Having incarnated into the human race, we take on the problems of the kind into which we were born. Ancestral sins that give rise to the failures that haunt the race are different, just as the punishment for them is different.

By connecting with the Primary Source of Everything, a person receives both the redemption of mistakes and the opportunity to build his life in a new way.

How this will happen and how successful his life will be,

It will depend only on himself and on how much he can listen to the word of the Lord, which will sound in his soul.

Good luck using this ancient technique!

Prayer of the Ninety-Nine Names of God

You: Beneficent, Merciful, Majestic,

Holy, Pacifying, Correct, Protecting Humans,

Mighty, Corrective, Primordial, Creator,

Creator, Giver of Form, Forgiving, Dominant,

Giver, Provider, Opener, Knower, Restrainer,

Expanding, Humiliating, Elevating, Honoring,

Destroyer, All-Hearing, All-Seeing, Judge,

Fair, Elusive, Aware, Merciful,

Great, Healing, Grateful, Supreme, Greatest,

Guardian, Strengthening, All-Counting, Honored,

Generous, Supportive, Responsive, Inclusive,

Wise, Loving, Glorious, Resurrecting, Witness,

True, Protecting from fire and water, Strong, Solid,

Patron, Praiseworthy, Counting, Beginning of Everything,

Restorer, Life-Giving, Killing, Ever-Living,

All-Nurturing, Converting, Noble, Unique,

The One, the Eternal, the Mighty, the Triumphant, the Accelerating,

Delaying, First, Last, Explicit, Hidden, Ruling,

Exalted, Righteous, Heart-Converter, Avenger,

Forgiving, Kind, Ruler of kingdoms, Lord of greatness and

generosity, impartial, all-finding, independent,

Enriching, Protecting, Bringing suffering,

Beneficial, Light, Leader, Incomparable,

Eternal, Heir, Guide along the right path, Patient

The prayer is translated from ancient Persian.

Who should you pray to if you're unlucky?

Who to pray to when you're unlucky? What to do when all the resources of patience have been exhausted and it seems that along with luck, everyone has turned their backs on you? The first thing is to calm down and remember those helpers to whom we can always resort. About the One who loves us and is always ready to lend a hand of help and salvation. Calm down, leave despair and irritation, and focus on praying to your protectors, who have helped you more than once and will help you again.

Prayers for fatal bad luck. When failures, minor and serious, pour in like a cornucopia, you will inevitably believe in any devilry, evil eye, damage, curse, and... perhaps you will try to correct your troubles with some rituals, magical techniques... This is absolutely not necessary! You can’t help a person who is in trouble, but you can get yourself into serious trouble. We must remember that to overcome any trouble, a Christian has two wings - fasting and prayer.

What does a person do during the sacrament of baptism? Spit on the devil. And he renounces him. So why would he help you? And all sorts of witchcraft manipulations are the devil’s request for help. So we don’t even think about it, that’s all.

Let us turn to the Savior and our prayer books in His presence - His Holy Saints, through whose prayers He will deliver us from all troubles that have somehow come into our lives. It is He who will give us peace, happiness, humility and, as a result, success in all endeavors. We have who to pray to if failures follow us at every step.

Firstly - Mother of God and her icon of All Who Sorrow brings joy, which is in every home (there should be!). Secondly - to your Guardian Angel, who is always next to you. Pray he needs it every day, in the morning, and everyone who prays every day with sincere faith and love is already protected from many failures.

Archangel Michael is the one to whom those who have suffered for many centuries turn their prayers for bad luck, sorrows and misfortunes.

Next - to the Saints, everyone probably has their own, prayers to which come from the heart and bring peace and confidence in their abilities. " Prayer for good luck“One can call any prayer to such a saint, offered with reverence and faith.

In any adversity, people pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The power of this saint and the trust of people in him are such that his help in difficult situations both atheists and heterodox come running, and no one’s prayer goes unanswered!

Saint George the Victorious is the one who defeats the enemy of the human race, the one who needs to pray to overcome adversity. After all luck gives we have victory not only over external failures, but also over the internal enemy.

Saint John the Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria, does not abandon with his mercies those who suffer failures in business, the Holy Martyr Tryphon helps with debilitating illnesses that do not leave for a long time.

And all the Saints who have shone in the Russian land are our reliable help and protection, under the cover of which we should not be afraid. We must abandon the fear of failure, fear that paralyzes the will, including the will to win.

Help from all failures, troubles and misfortunes - the Ninetieth Psalm. The Most Powerful Prayer. Sounds wonderful in Church Slavonic.

I've been having a lot of bad luck lately, it's like I've been jinxed... Maybe I should say a prayer?

You can read the prayers listed below. Take this seriously, prayers are very powerful. Read alone, so that no one disturbs you. Whatever you feel after reading it, whatever unusual thing happens, be sure to write it in a letter - it’s important.

I forgive everyone who has ever offended me

Thoughts, words or deeds.

Or those who left this world.

that have ever offended me.

Because I once offended them

By thought, word or deed,

In this life or my past incarnations,

Those living in this world or those who have left this world.

That you have ever offended yourself

By thought, word or deed,

In this life or my past incarnations.

Forgive me for my sins, actions and deeds

For my imperfection.

And forever and ever. AMEN.

Forgive me, Lord, for all my obvious and hidden sins,

Past and present, those that are forgotten but reflected

On my life past, present and future.

For redemption, for the strength You give to strengthen

Faith in You and your destiny.

Along the path of purification and transformation.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever

And forever and ever. AMEN.

But if today there are people in your life who wish you harm. Forgive them sincerely. Often we ourselves are to blame for meeting such people in our lives. Therefore, after forgiveness, go to church and light candles near the three icons to which you are drawn. But one of them must necessarily be the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Read the following prayer for each


Lord Source of Love and Peace

Grant peace and prosperity to all our enemies

Forgive them all their sins

And protect us from all their attacks.

Lord, teach us to be humble

And never return evil for evil.

Through Christ our Lord

Amen, Amen, Amen.

Remember, Lord, my enemies,

The names, Lord, you know yourself.

I love You, Lord, thank You, Lord.

– The enemy fears nothing more than humility, and therefore we must ask God for humility in prayers and accustom ourselves to humility through asking forgiveness, love for non-insults, non-judgment, silence, and attributing one’s good things to God. Under no circumstances should you resort to grandmothers and sorcerers as ungodly acts, even if they had icons and said prayers.

And the prayers stopped working, because grace left the church in accordance with the prophecies.

World is Small

What we think about will come true...what we send into the world will come back to us...

What to do if you are unlucky in life.

Who has not heard of such a mysterious and enigmatic phenomenon as luck, or real luck? Although, probably, more often you hear from friends: “I was unlucky”, “not with my luck”, etc.

What is “bad luck” and how to deal with it?

The main reason for most failures is the lack of habit of achieving what you want. Only if you are ready to make every effort, and not give up at the first difficulty, can you count on luck smiling at you. However, for many it is much easier not to make any attempts, blaming their own laziness on the will of Providence.

Often those who are accustomed to excessive care, and in childhood everything was given to them easily and simply, also grow up to be losers. They simply haven't learned that serious effort is required to achieve a goal. If such people are not presented with what they want on a plate, they blame not themselves, but their own “bad luck.”

The main thing that all “losers” have in common is that they rely excessively on external factors, underestimating their own capabilities, while people who, according to the majority, are successful, see themselves and their own actions as the key to achieving their goals.

How to get rid of bad luck:

We often hear complaints about being unlucky in life. Many people forget that behind what seems like luck from the outside, there is hard work aimed at achieving what you want. It’s not for nothing that people say that those who are lucky are lucky.

That is why, in order to get rid of your own bad luck, you must first of all want to become lucky and begin active activities aimed at this.

First of all, you need to believe in yourself. Of course, it is much easier to believe in the possibility of your own success if you are beautiful and athletic, full of strength and energy, than if you are frail and weak, so take care of yourself:

These steps will help you gain self-confidence, because if you like yourself, then others will like you too.

At the next stage To get rid of bad luck, you need to analyze as deeply as possible the reasons for your own failures and understand where the punishing hand of providence really overtook you, and where you failed due to your own negligence. Only by accepting the fact that you yourself are responsible for everything that happens in your life can you overcome your own bad luck and set yourself up for subsequent victories.

Psychological reasons bad luck and tips for eliminating them:

Lack of ability to communicate with people

Believe that after failure there will definitely come a successful streak in life. But don’t strive for luck, because it is fickle and unpredictable. Strive for control, endurance and self-control in any situation, and stubbornness on the path to your cherished goal will bring you both life experience and the necessary skills for a successful life.

Learn to be grateful to fate for what you have: health, family, peace.

There are millions of people in the world who consider you lucky and dream of being in your place. Just because you have food today; because you can move independently; because someone loves you: your mother, your loved one or your dog; because you have children; because your house didn't burn down, etc.

Real luck is learning to appreciate what you have. Only then is it possible to catch “your” luck.


If a woman is chronically unlucky in her personal life, magicians claim that she is given the “crown of celibacy.” Is it possible to get rid of this damage and how to find your happiness?

From time immemorial there has been the concept of “the crown of celibacy”, mystical coincidences of circumstances when, like on a carousel, from generation to generation, women repeat the same situations. Grandmother was unhappy, mother was unlucky, and it seems that simple female happiness will not shine for you either. But the “crown of celibacy” is not always someone’s negative interference in our lives. Often a woman dooms herself to loneliness. After all, it’s easier to be sick so that they will regret it, it’s easier to refer to evil spirits, just not to do anything myself. It is also true that women often hope: if you go to your grandmother, everything will be resolved by itself. But no. One trip to the witch will not change your life, it will help eliminate the sore, but all the “preventative work” will fall on you. It’s like going to the dentist: the doctor will put a filling, but you’ll have to brush your teeth every day!

1. Tip one: it's time to act.

Let’s still figure out what the “crown of celibacy” is. This is a state when a woman does not glow from within. She is invisible to others, including men. It’s as if she is neither in heaven nor on earth, neither sleeping nor awake, and the night is restless and the day is half-asleep. Nothing makes her happy, everything is the same, she doesn’t believe in herself, and, what’s more, she’s bored with herself, she doesn’t have any strength or energy. After all, any evil eye, damage and curse is an attempt to destroy your biofield.

But lovers do not see each other with their eyes, they feel each other precisely at the energy level, and if no signal comes from you, there will be no inner light, then no one will see you. And it doesn’t matter at all when and how you got into such a situation, it doesn’t matter who put this curse on you: whether it’s witchcraft or the work of your own hands, the main thing is to do something urgently. Invent an activity that brings you joy. Start working on your spiritual development.

If you need help, go to someone you trust. Believe in God, go to the temple, believe in witchcraft, go to your grandmother, believe in psychoanalysis, go to the psychoanalyst. They are all to help you understand yourself, look into yourself, and perhaps you will find a way out together. And then – your work on yourself. It is very difficult to seek and save yourself, but my motto is: “Cry and act!” You may suffer, it may be incredibly difficult for you, but pull yourself out of the swamp by your hair, like Munchausen! Until you start acting, until you kindle the inner fire within yourself, until you believe in yourself, nothing will change.

Another question is, how did you fall in love with yourself? If you fall in love with yourself, limp, boring, gray, then you are not interesting either to yourself or to people. Make yourself the way you imagine yourself in your dreams, strive for this model. A person must know what he is talented at, who he is and why he came into this world, and follow his own path. After all, we come into this world alone and leave alone, and marriage is not a priority. If you are self-sufficient, doing what you love, you are comfortable. then others will be comfortable with you, and no damage will break you. You will patch any hole in your energy field with your strong spirit and love for the world.

They often think: “I’ll go to my grandmother, she’ll take off the “crown of celibacy” from me, and everything will be fine.” Yes, she will take it off, you will probably get married, and your marriage will begin own story. And if you are irritated because you have not realized yourself as a person, you are “lazy and incurious,” as Pushkin said, then your husband will be the first to run away from you. So what, go to your grandmother again to cast a love spell?

In the old days, on Pokrov, women said a prayer-spell: “Mother Theotokos, cover the earth with snow, and cover me with a bridegroom.” Women have always and everywhere asked, begged for female happiness, passed on knowledge from mouth to mouth, but now all this has disappeared somewhere.

3. Tip three: find your talisman.

By the way, the Cossacks have a custom of sharing women’s happiness. It happens that a kind, hard-working woman is doing well, no one wishes her harm, but there is no love. Then she takes something from the food and goes to the one who is happy: she has a husband, and her children are healthy, and she herself is a laugher. The one whom love has so far shunned comes to happiness. and says: “Share, Katyusha, women’s happiness.” And Katyusha puts a small knitted slipper on her neck, saying: “Be happy,” and kisses her three times. And somehow everything in her personal life gets better for the one who asked.

Amulets, talismans, amulets help if you believe in their power. For some, these are folk, even pagan, amulets, for others, they are crosses consecrated in the temple. They can be any objects that we ourselves have coded for good luck.

For example, you have a lucky blouse: when you put it on, everything will certainly turn out well. Well, why not a talisman? The most important thing is to always be positive and believe in good things. Even if a hopeless patient says with conviction: “I will live!” - he really lives. How this works is unclear. But it works.

Magic has always been considered effective means to achieve a variety of goals. And in order to get success and wealth, to catch happiness and achieve results in work, you should turn to rituals for good luck. It is recommended to read them on the new moon, so that all the power of the month will contribute and can participate in the fulfillment of your desire.

Prepare millet porridge with honey.

On the new moon, just before dawn, go to the eastern window at home, light a candle, and circle the window frame with it.

Place a candle on the windowsill and start eating porridge, saying:

“Good luck and luck, come eat porridge, look at me, admire me, stay with me.”

Leave a little porridge on the plate and do not remove it from the windowsill until the candle burns out.

Then collect everything, take it outside and leave it on the ground.

After this ritual, your life will improve. The main thing is to believe.

This spell for good luck in everything will help stabilize your life and attract wealth and success. The ritual must be performed every Wednesday for one month. As a rule, after the first week changes will begin in better side, so be very responsible when performing the spell.

“Middle-Wednesday, let’s talk about the water. I am baptized in the name of Christ. The Guardian Angel protects me. Angel, have mercy, would you take all sorrows away from me, would you send all happiness and success to me. Sit on the right shoulder, guard and guard me alone. From evil people, from forest animals, from filthy tongues! From court, from reprisals, from gossip and witches’ poisons! Lord God, add to my age, life is easy do it! Amen!"

A powerful ritual to attract wealth and success in work or business must be done with faith in the result. To complete it, you will need to charm a pin or scarf, which will always be with you.

The ritual must be performed on a new moon.

“I’m conjuring you (looking at the subject of the conspiracy), so that magic helps me, brings me luck in all my endeavors. Pin-pin, would you help me, attract happiness and success! Amen!"

If strong conspiracies luck helps to attract success and wealth, then this ritual can be used as the first step into a happy life in the case when you are haunted by failures and bad luck, and the black streak has dragged on for a long time.

The ritual is performed on the new moon.

In the daytime, to perform the spell, you should go to the cemetery, where you need to place a piece of pie, a glass of milk and a few coins on the unmarked grave. After this, you need to bow three times and say the words of prayer:

“If you would remember the dead man, you would take away all the bad, dashing things from me forever and endlessly! It will be like this from now on and forever! Amen!"

You should read the words of the prayer three times, after which you need to leave the cemetery without looking back. The magic begins to work immediately after performing the ritual, and the first results will become noticeable after a few weeks. The ritual must be performed precisely during the growing month, so that the ritual is strong and effective.

As a rule, changes for the better will be noticeable within the first month.


“Three names in one: Father, Son and Holy Spirit! I call everyone, I welcome everyone, I guide everyone on my path! May you Angels, Archangels and all the Saints be my support, and speedy success. I’ll name three names in one, I’ll seal my body with luck! Three names in one: Father and Son and Holy Spirit! Amen."

“The month is bright, the sun is red, the sky is clear. My luck is wonderful. Gild my hand with the Archangel Angel and bring me good luck. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The church is supported by faith, the earth is supported by heaven. Teeth are held together by gums, winters converge with springs. And luck is with me like a close flame. Amen."

“I will become a servant of God, blessed, I will go for luck, crossing myself. I will be wrapped in a cloud, girdled by the dawn, heavenly stars I'll poke my nose at it. No one can clothe the cloud, no one can girdle the dawn, no one can celestial stars count. No one can take away my luck and fortune. The enemies' legs will be taken away, their arms will be paralyzed, their eyes will pop out. Amen."

“God's saints, add your prayers and concerns to me, God's servant. So that luck knows me and always takes care of me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

“Lord, my God, I am before you. The plowman plows, the blacksmith forges, luck lives in everyone’s hands. Father priest prays for all of us, for me and my sinful soul. May good luck be with me. Amen."

“Through Christ and with holy Christ and in Christ. Glory to you, Almighty Father and the Holy Spirit. Turn your luck from north to south, may my happy Spirit be with me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

“There are three written sheets in Paradise. First Leaf Mother Holy Mother of God. The second leaf is John the Baptist himself. The third leaf is Jesus Christ our Savior. God the Father is a petitioner for people. Lord, ask for me unprecedented luck, backed by a seal and confirmed by my signature. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will save you, I will pray, I will cross myself. Give me the wind, the air of luck to sip and not to know suffering. Amen."

“St. Father Nicholas, help me with your intercession before the Lord Jesus Christ. Let luck be friends with me, as our land be fruitful. Amen."

“There are thirteen eggs, twelve saints. Just as the saints destroyed evil, so my sorrows would have no place near me! Lord, attach before and behind - call universal luck to me! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

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In today's world, there is a common situation when a person is catastrophically unlucky in his personal life. This affects the psyche, creates health problems, and leaves an imprint on labor productivity. For normal life people need close person, because energy metabolism between a man and a woman is of enormous importance. Stagnation in this segment (it is one of the main ones for maintaining the vital functions of the body) provokes the above problems. You should not ignore or belittle the importance of your personal life. A person needs positive emotions, and only love can give them. From childhood, parents give these sensations to the child. As an adult, this becomes not enough. Psychologists recommend analyzing the causes of loneliness and eliminating them forever.

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    Reasons for lack of privacy and their elimination

    There are many reasons why a person is unlucky in his personal life. This depends on many factors, such as character traits and external circumstances.

    Psychologists say that you can improve your personal life without their help. A person needs to understand himself, understand his true desires and try to get rid of everything that interferes with achieving your goal.


    This reason is one of the most common. An adult is not to blame for his infantility, since it is the result of his upbringing. Since childhood, the child has not been taught to communicate with peers of the opposite sex. Parents believed that such friendships would affect academic performance or other achievements (sports, arts). The girls' parents carefully protected their daughter so that she would not enter into intimate relationship and did not give birth to an illegitimate child. The boy was restricted from communicating with girls due to the consequences of early burdensome relationships.

    In fact, the good intentions of parents to protect their child from early disappointments are correct. The approach to this problem is wrong. Instead of teaching their children to be selective towards members of the opposite sex and to protect themselves, children were intimidated and a hopeless future was painted for them. In the process of character formation, the child learned a simple truth: it is necessary to stay away from the opposite sex. An adult person does not have basic skills of communication and expression of feelings.

    A huge problem has arisen in my personal life, which is very difficult to solve. An adult constantly puts off future acquaintance with his soulmate. He just doesn't know how to behave correctly. If in youth it seemed that everything was still ahead, then in older age the bright blush on the cheeks of an adult looks ridiculous. People prefer to give preference to communication via the Internet, avoiding personal meetings with potential partners.

    When raising a child, parents must remember that they are the ones who shape the skills and ideas about the opposite sex. Obedient children, when they become adults, remain little girls and boys. They remember their parents’ prohibitions and the likely threat to their lives. It is necessary to communicate with your children on equal terms, excluding prohibitions. You cannot allow a child to always remember: everyone can do it, but I can’t do it (at least based on the example of parents).

    If a person understands the reason for his loneliness, the root of which is in his childhood (the proof is that he is reading this article), then the beginning of eradication has already been made. Adult reasonable person who communicates with people at work, watches TV, surfs the Internet, is able to pull himself together and go in search of his loved one. Don't think that in mature age your lack of experience will become clearly visible to others.

    You need to understand that many people, having several marriages or long-term relationships behind them, have never learned how to behave with members of the opposite sex. It is recommended to put aside the fear of appearing inexperienced in love affairs and boldly go on a date. It's safe to say that many people are in a similar position and are embarrassed to take the first step. IN modern world computer technology this problem is very relevant.

    • forget about children's prohibitions;
    • feel like an adult;
    • visit crowded places more often;
    • register on a dating site;
    • not be afraid to meet and talk with representatives of the opposite sex;
    • when meeting, behave with dignity, do not try to evoke pity;
    • do not demonstrate your inexperience;
    • do not try to imagine yourself as a seasoned person;
    • be natural, even if a little excited.


    There are a certain number of people who underestimate themselves. The reasons lie in the lack of love from parents, unsuccessful studies, lack of attention from the opposite sex and other factors. A person doesn’t love himself so much that he rarely tries to look in the mirror, doesn’t indulge in beautiful outfits, and doesn’t strive to achieve success in his work. He is sure that there is no happiness for him in life, since all the best should belong to other people. This condition is equivalent to depression, since it only gets worse over time.

    Many people can think of someone who feels this way about themselves. When asked to go somewhere or do something, he replies: “Who needs me”, “How much do I need”, “This is not for me”, etc. The person is so confident in his uselessness that he doesn’t even try nothing to change for the better. He is sure that it is impossible to love such people, because he is not able to soberly look at the world with an objective look. Everything he sees in other people seems better to him. He doesn't envy, he just sighs resignedly.

    It is necessary to realize a simple truth: it is impossible to wait for the love of other people if there is no love for yourself. This rule is laid down at the energy level. Love implies presence positive emotions that people exchange with each other. Everyone dreams of finding a partner who can improve their life. And if a person is constantly dissatisfied with himself, he contains negative energy. No one wants to plunge into constant depression.

    In order to instill confidence in your chosen one, additional strength will be required. You should answer yourself the question of who would agree to spend their precious powers to increase the self-esteem of a person you barely know. The conclusion suggests itself: in order to receive something, you need to give something. The most basic thing that should be offered in return for good relationship– a positive attitude and a cheerful mood. There are many examples of people who are not very attractive on the outside exuding incredible inner beauty.

    • visit a cosmetologist, makeup artist;
    • visit a hair stylist;
    • sign up for a gym;
    • be interested in art (theatres, cinema, exhibitions, museums, fashion shows);
    • increase your intellectual level;
    • study foreign languages;
    • go on a trip;
    • find yourself a hobby.

    Success in one of the above points will lead to increased self-esteem. If you combine several positions, there is simply not enough time to engage in self-criticism. Psychologists recommend that you definitely use this recommendation. They give a 100% guarantee of success. A committed and changed person cannot feel the same about himself because some work has been done.

    Fear of new relationships

    This is a fairly common reason why people don't want to start new relationships. Lack of experience family life, when the relationship broke down even before the wedding, or a difficult divorce can become a reason for fear of starting over. A person dwells on the fact that he is unlucky in his personal life. Fear of disappointment in love blocks the opportunity to consider the situation from the other side. It seems that all people are the same, and there is no guarantee that the next relationship will not be worse than the previous one.

    It is necessary to approach the problem philosophically. little child just starting to walk. After all, he cannot immediately begin to walk with a confident step, jump, run, turn in different sides. Even with the most careful supervision, the child manages to fall several times. Some people hurt their knees and foreheads until they learn to feel the ground well under their feet. No adult is even going to dramatize the situation, because they understand that this is a natural process of learning and experience.

    The next relationship should be started using the same principle. If fear is constantly present, you should analyze the situation. First of all, you need to get rid of old things and memories of the past. This page has already been turned. Further reflection will include an assessment of possible risks. Surely during previous relationships mistakes were made, it is worth analyzing them. You can even write a story about your previous life, describing all the events one by one. A look from the author's side will allow you to look at yourself as the hero of the story.

    The ending of the story should be done the way you want. Perhaps this scenario will repeat itself in life. New relationships should be treated as the next, but not the last, stage. No matter what age a person is, history offers many examples when age did not become an obstacle to the most passionate relationships. If love is mutual and lasts until the end of life, the maximum result has been achieved. If the relationship does not become harmonious, it’s okay, there will be another one.

    After all, after the previous breakup, the strength to live on was found, and there will be strength now. The bonus will be to relive the wonderful sensations again, and this is worth a lot. Life without love is boring and monotonous, but the state of falling in love prolongs youth and returns a person a little to childhood.

    Reluctance to enter into a new relationship

    The person is unlucky in his personal life. He has a house, a job, good friends, but no the only person, who will always be nearby. The situation is completely opposite when a person has neither a job, nor a home, nor good friends. It turns out that he has nothing and no one. This is a very difficult situation, but it has a reasonable solution. It is worth evaluating your current life. Perhaps, having everything necessary, a person does not need serious relationship. They imply obligations to a partner, restrictions on freedom and other specific aspects of living together.

    In order to solve this issue, you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself. People love to compare their lives and those of others and complain that someone else is luckier. It is recommended that you answer the questions honestly by dividing a piece of paper in half. On one half, write down what advantages your current life has and what disadvantages there are. Compare the number and significance of each item. Depending on the results, you will be able to understand for yourself how burdensome your current life is and whether it is worth changing.

    If there are fewer benefits, you need to write down the desired changes and think about how to correct this situation. If there are more benefits, the conclusion becomes obvious: the person does not want to change his status. Stereotypes tell him that he needs to have a couple, but he is not ready for it. Perhaps this will be a revelation for him. Sometimes people arrange their personal lives to appear happy in the eyes of others, while forgetting about themselves.


    In the practice of psychologists, there are cases when a person comes for help, but is not ready to accept it. He complains about the lack of personal life, about melancholy and loneliness and other related problems. Every recommendation from a specialist is not perceived by a person. He begins to prove that he won’t succeed, he’s already been there, this advice doesn't make sense, he's not ready for that yet. In other words, a person comes with a question to which he himself knows the answer. He is not ready for experiments, convincing himself that all enterprises are futile.

    Constant swarm negative thoughts in the head leads to loneliness. A person generates destructive energy and programs himself to lose. He obviously knows that nothing good will come from this acquaintance. Sometimes this conclusion is made by people who have no negative relationship experiences. It is worth emphasizing that a positive result will come only when a person is determined to succeed. To do this, you need to work on yourself and your thoughts.

    Get rid of negative statements, and under no circumstances voice the obviously negative results of changes in your life. Only confidence in success will help you get rid of failures and find your chosen one.

    Why are men unlucky in their personal lives?

    Many smart, beautiful, worthy representatives of the stronger sex complain about failures in personal relationships. Where does such self-doubt come from when there are no prerequisites for such conclusions?

    Reply to possible reasons experienced psychologists suggest disappointments in love.

    Failed previous relationships

    Men who have experienced disappointment in love (a girlfriend left them, a wife left for another, etc.) consider themselves losers. Guys tend to dramatize the situation because this fact lowers their self-esteem. It is not so important at what age the breakup occurred (although the older you are, the worse), it provokes multiple complexes. A man withdraws into himself, begins to avoid women and does not want to change anything in his life. It seems to him that all the best has already happened, new love it is impossible to find, and the pain may recur with renewed vigor.

    Representatives of the stronger sex should not be afraid of new relationships. A huge number of men remarry, which becomes even happier than the previous one. Children appear in new relationships, and old pain practically disappears without a trace. This is especially true for people who did not initiate the breakup. They should boldly go on a quest, because millions of women will be able to appreciate their loyalty and devotion. Men who have broken their marriage ties themselves should not be afraid.

    Every person has the right to make mistakes, and women are different. Perhaps the previous relationship was just preparation for a new one happy life. It is not always that two people created for each other meet the first time. Sometimes this is preceded by a long winding road.

    Women are only interested in material values

    This dubious argument has no basis. Sometimes such a conclusion is preceded by bad experience. The guy suffered material losses and spent a lot of time on an unworthy girl who could not appreciate his love. The situation could develop in two ways: either she constantly demanded gifts, or he himself tried to buy her attention in this way. The philosophy of men is that some representatives try to reduce all their failures to a material denominator.

    There may have been other reasons for the separation, but the guy attributed this to the fact that the girl did not have enough of his material investments. Mercantile people also occur in life, but their number is incomparably small compared to women who want to build a serious relationship.

    Men are advised not to try to give it to girls right away. expensive gifts. This behavior is regarded as a desire to seem like a wealthy person in whose life money plays the last role. Women believe that a guy has so much of it that he is ready to spend it every day. By falling under the tutelage of such a groom, the chosen one solves all her financial problems. When the number of gifts is limited, a woman perceives this as sudden greed towards her. Therefore, the guys are partly to blame for their disappointments.

    Of course, you need to spend money on your girlfriend. But you should do this in moderation, according to the occasion and according to your capabilities. This will prevent the possibility of resentment on the one hand and disappointment on the other. Lovers rarely pay attention to the material side, since love has a spiritual basis.

    Male failure

    There is a category of men who have never enjoyed particular interest among women. They did not have time to gain enough experience intimate life and feel insecure. Another category includes representatives of the stronger sex who have had many sexual partners. But one or more cases were unsuccessful. The man doubted his capabilities and began to avoid women. Often this situation arises due to age, when sexual function becomes weaker.

    Men experience such moments especially acutely, because they are unsure of their abilities after meeting new darling. They are afraid to enter into relationships in which they are likely to experience feelings of shame and humiliation. Some women are also capable of behaving inappropriately, allowing themselves sarcastic and caustic remarks.

    This circumstance should not become an obstacle to the search for love. Men are advised to find a partner who is age appropriate. An intelligent adult woman will never allow herself to say unpleasant words to her beloved man. She understands that natural physiological changes occur with age. Temporary problems will not affect the relationship of lovers in any way. Young guys shouldn't be afraid either beautiful girls. They crave love just as much as guys. A reasonable solution would be to carefully look at the behavior of your companion.

    If she allows herself vulgar language and behaves provocatively, it is better not to deal with her. A modest, smart and well-mannered girl will give additional strength and help increase a guy’s self-esteem.

    Why are women unlucky in love?

    Some women place excessive demands on a potential groom. If a man does not live up to expectations, the girl becomes disappointed and draws certain conclusions.

    Unsuccessful searches ideal man lead to an awareness of their bad luck. The girl suffers alone and blames her fate and the entire stronger sex for this.

    Waiting for a rich groom

    Many ladies who want to start a serious relationship see only a wealthy person in their chosen one successful man. This is a very common misconception when a woman hopes to solve all her material problems through marriage. In her mind, a guy should have a well-paid job, high status And limitless possibilities. We can agree that no one needs slackers. You should evaluate your partner’s potential objectively, taking into account your position.

    If a young girl is looking for a guy of the appropriate age, she must understand that he will not be so wealthy. He may not have an apartment or a car, his salary is not so high that he cannot deny himself anything. All material benefits come with age. If there is the potential and desire to earn money, a man will definitely become wealthy.

    An older woman should not expect to find herself in a fairy tale. When men divorce, they leave some or all of their savings to their wife and children. older people they are not so willing to hire. Many factors provoke the fact that representatives of the stronger sex may experience some material problems. This should be taken into account and based on real facts. If you want to start a family, both partners need to try to contribute to its financial support. Otherwise, the girl will end up waiting forever fairy prince.

    Imprint of a former relationship

    Disappointment in past relationships should not prevent you from building new ones. Women are very sensitive in this matter. Nature has decreed that the weaker sex is constantly waiting to be chosen. Girls give their youth to guys who don't want to get married. Older women are left alone because their husbands leave for the young and beautiful. There are many different reasons for giving up, and the next relationship becoming more frightening than alluring. No one is immune from the following mistake, but the attempt to lose loneliness is worth taking advantage of.

    Previous experience made the woman stronger and wiser. When approaching a new choice, it is worth drawing conclusions and not making past mistakes. To do this, it is recommended to minimize the risks of being deceived. If the girl was not invited to marry, there is no need to rush to create civil marriage and again live for years waiting for official registration. It is necessary to solve all problems at the initial stages of a relationship, when a man perceives a woman as a bride, and not just a free housekeeper and sex partner.

    If a woman has already been married, you can build the relationship in such a way that it is convenient for her. This applies to both the material and spiritual interests of both partners. If you approach your personal life wisely, there is a huge chance of creating a wonderful union between two loving hearts. There are many lonely, worthy men in the world who are waiting for the warmth and affection of a good, kind woman.

    Fear of intimacy

    Women who consider themselves unlucky in their personal lives and remain single for a long time are afraid of intimacy. This word implies intimate, physical and spiritual intimacy. A representative of the fairer sex is not ready to completely open her soul to a man. She is afraid of ridicule, betrayal, and is afraid of being misunderstood. Her constant ideal appearance of an elegant, combed, made-up lady does not imply taking off her mask and becoming a natural homely woman. Intimate moments frighten girls, as doubts arise about their experience and liberation.

    These are absolutely logical fears of all women with self-esteem. An intelligent lady is accustomed to being a model in all respects, but with a man you have to free yourself from this image. All of the above fears are exaggerated. These imaginary barriers become invisible if there are real feelings. You can tell a man about your family, ask for help (they like to feel like protectors), and learn about his life. It is worth doing this naturally, unobtrusively and in doses, without revealing your main secrets.

    A change of elegant clothes and a lack of makeup will cause loving man only affection, because they are more attracted natural beauty. Intimacy will definitely be pleasant. People in love are able to give each other pleasure without even focusing on this process. The only recommendation is: boldly go towards your happiness, since only a woman’s strong desire can make her loved and desired.


I'm constantly unlucky in life. Since childhood, I was not accepted by my peers at school, and I became withdrawn and angry. I wanted to be alone.

At the institute, communication didn’t work out either, there was constant ridicule, there were no friends, they never looked at me, they didn’t take me seriously. And now everything is the same. No work, family, love, friends, normal communication, girlfriend. And it’s already 26 years. I'm very worried.

Since childhood, in our house there were many envious people, gossipers, strange people, mostly elderly, who did not like our family, were jealous, discussed, did nasty things - poured salt on the threshold, needles, put candles on church holidays under the door.

Therefore, I suspect that I have damage or a curse. Because there has always been a lot of evil around, such people. There is always some kind of barrier between me and people. I'm always alone, something pushes people away from me. I'm always different to everyone. There is always ridicule and teasing, but a normal guy is not a freak. There are much worse ones, and even if they are married, everything is fine.

People don't notice, girls look at me like I'm empty space. I'm afraid if things continue like this, I'll be left completely alone.

All my peers are already married, have children, and work. All classmates, classmates. Everyone is doing well.

But for me, this is how the black streak has gone since childhood, and so it goes. At work, the team always doesn’t accept me, although I am calm, polite, and non-confrontational. They always find fault, everyone doesn’t like that I’m quiet.

I just sometimes think that they could have done either a curse or a curse on loneliness, so that I would go crazy or drink myself to death, suffer and die.

There was a time when I started drinking, then I quit. I’ll just say it as it is – I was calm since childhood, I started reading early, I was active. Everyone envied this, including people, mothers who walked with their children. Many families had discord - some were abandoned by their husbands, some had a drinking husband. And my father is a non-smoker and non-drinker. The mother is smart and educated. And it seems to me that I should have lived differently, normally, but due to the intervention of damage (the evil eye, I don’t know) everything went awry. Life is not going well, often haunted and haunted by fear and anxiety.

I lost a lot of weight. Throws from one extreme to another. At one time I was over 100 kilos fat, then suddenly, at some point, I lost weight, but again not just to normal, but to extreme thinness, even the ribs stick out.

He became very similar to his uncle cousin. Whose life didn’t work out, didn’t work, didn’t have a family, died at 36. He lived in vain.

This is what scares me, I’m afraid of becoming like him. I just sometimes feel like someone is experimenting on me with the help of magic (spells, damage, I don’t know).

At one time I had a strong craving for alcohol. And it started out of the blue, at the age of 14. I was drawn to alcohol (beer). Just out of the blue, I lived, grew, and then this happened. Obsessed with this. Then suddenly everything went away.

I don't believe in such coincidences. Something's wrong.

There was a neighbor. She really hated us, our family. She was abnormal and strange. Her son said that she cast a spell and called her a witch. There are many such strange elderly women in the entrance, especially one on the 1st floor. He climbs through our drawers, takes out our newspapers and magazines. I don't know why. Is he casting a spell on them?

There is no peace in the family, everyone has been replaced - my grandmother is losing her mind, she is suffering from insanity, she does not want to let me go into life. Tied to myself. He doesn’t want to work or get married. She wants him to sit with her forever. All my life I suppressed nothing but whining and lamentations. It doesn’t let me live my young life and I can’t explain anything to her. She doesn't hear me, she ignores me. She doesn't care. Considers me small.

Parents often quarrel, and the quarrel starts out of the blue. If someone forgot to close the window or, on the contrary, opened it too wide! Out of nothing!

Everyone in the family has anger and hatred towards each other. No love. And I feel within myself that I am drawn to find fault, to make trouble. Blame everyone.

Possible damage to a family or apartment.

Native people do not understand each other, they do not hear each other. It’s as if we’ve gone deaf or we’re all speaking in different languages. I can't explain it more precisely. Something like that.

For some reason, it seems to me now, after many unpleasant events in life, coming one after another almost continuously, that this is the result severe damage or curses. And if it exists, then it needs to be removed, otherwise I feel life will simply be broken.

And even now it’s not life, but some kind of hell. One misunderstanding, aggression from loved ones. They always shut their mouths. And I’m confused, I don’t know what to do or what to do.

I sometimes dream of my deceased uncle; once in a dream he said something like this to me: “I will not rest as long as you are alive.” (why is not clear).

Tell me what should I do? How can I determine if my life problems the result of purposeful damage, negativity? Denis, 12/06/88. Sagittarius.

Hello, Denis!

There has not been such a combination of qualities for a long time. You are a Sagittarius, and a December one at that. This means that most of the qualities inherent in this sign are present in you. With all the advantages and disadvantages.

Numerological data says that you have a strong desire for power, authority, a desire to be first in everything and not to obey anyone. These qualities in themselves are not positive or negative, the point is in their application.

Of course, first you need to get rid of other people's influences. It is best to go to church, take communion, confess, talk to the priest, ask to bless your house.

It is also necessary to periodically walk along the perimeter of the house from left to right with holy water and sprinkle all corners thoroughly. Then walk the same route with a lighted church candle, pray to Nicholas the Ugodnik.

Prayer to Nicholas the Ugodnik

Prayer to the Life-Giving Cross

You will feel a surge of emotions, you may get angry or cry, or even laugh. This is fine. That's how it should be. Then it will become easier.

The uncle and any deceased relatives who appear in dreams must order memorial services and remember them. Usually, they appear when there is no sign of them, and then their soul suffers.

As for everything else, you can only resist evil forces in a comprehensive manner. Both spirit and body should be strengthened. Try doing exercises, morning jogging (you can just take a walk in a park or square in the morning), go out into nature more often, try to get closer to it, observe, admire, and be imbued with its harmony and beauty. Gradually you will gain strength, peace of mind, health and happiness. Good luck to you!