“Dead Hand” of Russia: why the “Perimeter” system scared the West. The "Perimeter" system, nicknamed in the West "Dead Hand" Operation Dead Hand

The best way would be to resuscitate the Perimeter system.

There is currently an intense discussion of military reform in the media. In particular, many journalists demand the names of all potential opponents.

I hasten to reassure everyone, at present great war not guaranteed to happen. The blue dream of pacifists - “the 21st century without wars” has come true. Since 2000, not a single country in the world has been in a state of war for a single day, although not a single day has passed in which at one or more points globe there would be no fighting.


Now the war is called the “fight against terrorism”, “ peacekeeping activities", "enforcement of peace", etc. Therefore, I propose to change the terminology and talk not about war or defense of the fatherland, but about the reaction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to threats national security. The illusions of some liberals who believed that the source cold war there was communism and after its disappearance peace and general prosperity will come, turned out to be a delusion.

Moreover, if before 1991 the UN Security Council and International law conflicts were contained to a certain extent, but now their effect is negligible. As for the notorious world public opinion, then during the August 2008 conflict everything fell into place. The entire world community supported the aggressor, not his victim. Western TV channels showed the burning streets of Tskhinvali, passing it off as Georgian cities.

It's time to remember the covenant Alexandra III Peacemaker: “Russia has only two allies - its army and navy.” Does this mean that Russia, in a crisis, should get involved in a symmetrical arms race like the USSR? Until 1991, the USSR traded mainly at a loss, selling it cheaply to “friends,” or even simply giving it away as a gift.

It’s curious why our politicians and military don’t want to remember the French phenomenon of 1946–1991? France was devastated by World War II, then took part in two dozen large and small colonial wars in Laos, Vietnam, the 1956 Suez Canal War, and the Algerian War (1954–1962). Nevertheless, the French managed, independently of other countries, to create a full range of weapons from ATGMs to intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), almost not inferior to the superpowers. All French ships, including nuclear-powered ICBM submarines and aircraft carriers, were built in French shipyards and carry French weapons. And our Ministry of Defense now wants to buy French warships.

But the French people, in order to create the third largest military-industrial complex in the world, did not tighten their belts at all. The country has developed intensively market economy, the standard of living rose steadily.

The casket opens simply. Between 1950 and 1990, approximately 60% of the weapons produced by France were exported. Moreover, exports were carried out in all directions. Thus, in the wars of 1956, 1967 and 1973, the armies of Israel and all Arab countries were armed to the teeth with French weapons. Iran and Iraq also fought each other with French weapons. England is France's NATO ally, but in the Falklands War it was French-made aircraft and missiles that caused the greatest damage to the British fleet.

I fully admit that a refined intellectual will be indignant: “The French arms trade is immoral in all directions!” But, alas, if these weapons systems had not been sold by France, others would have been guaranteed to sell them.

A rhetorical question arises: can our nuclear submarines, sold to Iran, Venezuela, India, Chile, Argentina, etc., even hypothetically, cause damage to Russia at least in the distant future? Yes what nuclear boats? Let's take purely defensive weapons - anti-aircraft missiles. Why can’t the S-300 anti-aircraft system be sold to Venezuela, Iran, Syria and other countries?


Unfortunately, our politicians and media pay very little attention to the American shipboard missile defense system created during modernization anti-aircraft complex"Aegis". New rocket received the name “Standard-3” (SM-3) and after certain modifications (which ones are kept secret by the Pentagon), any of the 84 US Navy ships with the Aegis system can be equipped with it. It's about about 27 Ticonderoga-class cruisers and 57 Airlie Burke-class destroyers.

In 2006, the cruiser CG-67 Shiloh hit a missile warhead with an SM-3 missile at an altitude of 200 km, 250 km northwest of Kauan Island (Hawaii archipelago). It is interesting that, according to Western media reports, the warhead was targeted from the Japanese destroyer DDG-174 Kirishima (total displacement 9490 tons; equipped with the Aegis system).

The fact is that since 2005, Japan, with the help of the United States, has been equipping its fleet with SM-3 anti-missiles of the Aegis system.

The first Japanese ship equipped with the Aegis system with SM-3 was the destroyer DDG-177 Atado. He received anti-missiles at the very end of 2007.

On November 6, 2006, SM-3 missiles launched from the DDG-70 Lake Erie destroyer intercepted two ICBM warheads at an altitude of about 180 km.

And on March 21, 2008, an SM-3 missile from the same Lake Erie struck at an altitude of 247 km and shot down the American secret L-21 Radarsat satellite with a direct hit. The official designation of this secret spacecraft is USA-193.

So on Far East American and Japanese destroyers and cruisers can shoot down ballistic missiles of Russian submarines in the initial part of the trajectory, even if they are launched from their own territorial waters.

I note that American ships with the Aegis system regularly visit Chernoe, Baltic and Barents Sea. The naval missile defense system is dangerous for the Russian Federation not only during the war. The US military deliberately exaggerates its capabilities, deceiving incompetent people in the US and Europe, from presidents and ministers to shopkeepers.

Possibility of a retaliatory nuclear strike Soviet Union scared everyone, and since 1945 there has been no direct military conflict between the West and Russia. Now, for the first time in 60 years, politicians and ordinary people in NATO countries have created the illusion of their own impunity. Meanwhile, our media does not think of spoiling this euphoria by recalling American tests nuclear weapons at altitudes from 80 to 400 km in the summer of 1962 on Johnson Atoll. Then, after each explosion, radio communication throughout the entire water area was interrupted for several hours. Pacific Ocean.

In 2001, the Pentagon's Defense Threat Reduce Agency (DTRA) attempted to assess possible consequences tests for low-orbit satellites. The results were disappointing: one small nuclear charge (from 10 to 20 kilotons - like the bomb dropped on Hiroshima), detonated at an altitude of 125 to 300 km, “is enough to put out of action for several weeks or even months all satellites that do not have special protection against radiation." University of Maryland plasma physicist Denis Papadopoulos had a different opinion: “A 10-kiloton nuclear bomb detonated at a specially calculated altitude could lead to the loss of 90% of all low-orbit satellites for about a month.” It is estimated that the cost of replacing equipment disabled by the consequences of a high-altitude nuclear explosion will amount to more than $100 billion. This does not count the general economic losses from the loss of capabilities provided by space technology!

Why not ask American missile defense experts to explain how the Aegis and other missile defense systems will work after the explosion of two dozen hydrogen charges in low orbits? Well, then let Western taxpayers think for themselves what the Pentagon is spending money on in times of crisis.


Another weapon that has created instability in the world and generated a sense of impunity among military and politicians are American Tomahawk-type cruise missiles with a firing range of 2200–2500 km. Already, surface ships, submarines and aircraft of the United States and NATO countries can fire thousands of such missiles at the Russian Federation. "Tomahawks" can hit ICBM silos, mobile ICBM complexes, communications centers, and command posts. Western media claim that a surprise strike with non-nuclear cruise missiles could completely deprive Russia of its ability to strike nuclear attack.

In this regard, it is surprising that the issue of Tomahawk missiles is not included by our diplomats in the framework of the START negotiations.

By the way, it would be nice to remind our admirals and designers of the Novator design bureau that our analogs to the Tomahawks - various "Grenades" and others - are not suitable for holding a candle to American cruise missiles. And it’s not me who says this, but Aunt Geography.

The American Air Force and Navy will never allow our ships within 2,500 km of the shores of America. Therefore, the Russian response to the American Tomahawks can only be ship-based missiles “Meteorite” and “Bolid” or their more effective analogues with a firing range of 5-8 thousand km.


The best way to rid the West of illusions about the possibility of delivering an unpunished strike on Russia would be to revive the Perimeter system.

The system so frightened the West in the early 1990s that it was called the “Dead Hand.” Let me briefly remind you of this horror story.

In the 1970s, the United States began developing the doctrine of “Limited nuclear war" In accordance with it, key nodes of the Kazbek command system and communication lines of the Strategic Missile Forces will be destroyed by the first strike, and surviving communication lines will be suppressed by electronic interference. In this way, the US leadership hoped to avoid a retaliatory nuclear strike.

In response, the USSR decided, in addition to the existing RSVN communication channels, to create a special command missile, equipped with a powerful radio transmitting device, launched at a special period and giving commands to launch all intercontinental missiles on combat duty throughout the USSR. Moreover, this rocket was only main part big system.

To ensure the guaranteed fulfillment of its role, the system was initially designed as fully automatic and, in the event of a massive attack, is capable of making a decision on a retaliatory strike independently, without the participation (or with minimal participation) of a person. The system included numerous instruments for measuring radiation, seismic vibrations, and was connected to early warning radar stations, missile attack early warning satellites, etc. The existence of such a system in the West is called immoral, but it is, in fact, the only deterrent that provides real guarantees that a potential enemy will renounce the concept of a preventive crushing strike.


The principle of operation of the Perimeter system is as follows. IN peacetime the main components of the system are in standby mode, monitoring the situation and processing data received from measuring posts. In the event of a threat of a large-scale attack using nuclear weapons, confirmed by data from early warning systems about a missile attack, the Perimeter complex is automatically put on alert and begins to monitor the operational situation.

If the sensor components of the system confirm with sufficient reliability the fact of a massive nuclear strike, and the system itself does not certain time loses contact with the main command nodes of the Strategic Missile Forces, it initiates the launch of several command missiles, which, flying over their territory, broadcast, using powerful radio transmitters installed on board, a control signal and launch codes for all components of the nuclear triad - silo and mobile launch complexes, nuclear submarines missile cruisers and strategic aviation. Receiving equipment as command posts Strategic Missile Forces, and individual launchers, having received this signal, begins the process of immediately launching ballistic missiles in a fully automatic mode, providing a guaranteed retaliatory strike against the enemy even in the event of the death of all personnel.

The development of the special command missile system “Perimeter” was assigned by the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau by a joint resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the CPSU Central Committee No. 695-227 of August 30, 1974. It was initially planned to use the MR-UR100 (15A15) missile as the base missile; later they settled on the MR-UR100 UTTH (15A16) missile. The missile, modified in terms of its control system, received the index 15A11.

In December 1975, a preliminary design of the command rocket was completed. The rocket was equipped with a special warhead with the index 15B99, which included an original radio engineering system developed by OKB LPI (Leningrad Polytechnic Institute). To ensure the conditions for its functioning, the warhead had to have a constant orientation in space during flight. A special system for its calming, orientation and stabilization was developed using cold compressed gas (taking into account the experience of developing a propulsion system for the special Mayak warhead), which significantly reduced the cost and time of its creation and testing. The production of a special warhead 15B99 was organized at NPO Strela in Orenburg.

After ground testing of new technical solutions in 1979, flight testing of the command rocket began. At NIIP-5, sites 176 and 181, two experimental silo launchers were put into operation. In addition, a special command post was created at site 71, equipped with newly developed unique combat control equipment to provide remote control and launch of a command missile according to orders coming from the highest echelons of the Strategic Missile Forces control. At a special technical position in the assembly building, a shielded anechoic chamber was built, equipped with equipment for autonomous testing of the radio transmitter.

Flight tests of the 15A11 missile were carried out under the leadership of the State Commission, headed by the First Deputy Chief of the Main Staff of the Strategic Missile Forces, Lieutenant General Varfolomey Korobushin.

The first launch of the 15A11 command rocket with an equivalent transmitter was successful on December 26, 1979. The interaction of all systems involved in the launch was checked; the rocket launched the 15B99 warhead onto a standard trajectory with a top of about 4000 km and a range of 4500 km. A total of 10 missiles were manufactured for flight testing. However, from 1979 to 1986, only seven launches were carried out.

During testing of the system, real launches of ICBMs were carried out different types from combat facilities according to orders transmitted by the 15A11 command missile during the flight. To do this, additional antennas were mounted on the launchers of these missiles and receiving devices of the Perimeter system were installed. Later, all launchers and command posts of the Strategic Missile Forces underwent similar modifications. In total, during flight development tests (FDT), six launches were considered successful, and one was considered partially successful. Due to the successful progress of the tests and the fulfillment of the assigned tasks, the State Commission considered it possible to be satisfied with seven launches instead of the planned ten.


Simultaneously with the LCT of the rocket, ground tests of the functioning of the entire complex were carried out under the influence of the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion. The tests were carried out at the test site of the Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, in the laboratories of VNIIEF (Arzamas-16), as well as at the nuclear test site New Earth. The tests carried out confirmed the operability of the equipment at levels of exposure to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion exceeding those specified by the specifications of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

In addition, during the tests, by resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers, the task was set to expand the functions of the complex with the delivery of combat orders not only to launchers of ground-based intercontinental missiles, but also to nuclear missile submarines, long-range and naval missile-carrying aircraft at airfields and in the air, as well as control centers of the Strategic Missile Forces, Air Force and Navy. Flight testing of the command missile was completed in March 1982, and in January 1985 the Perimeter complex was put on combat duty.

Data on the Perimeter system is extremely classified. However, it can be assumed that the technical operation of the missiles is identical to the operation of the basic 15A16 missile. The launcher is silo-type, automated, highly protected, most likely OS type - a modernized OS-84 launcher.

There is no reliable information about the system, however, based on indirect evidence, it can be assumed that it is a complex expert system equipped with a variety of communication systems and sensors that monitor the combat situation. The system monitors the presence and intensity of conversations on air at military frequencies, the receipt of telemetry signals from Strategic Missile Forces posts, the level of radiation on the surface and in the surrounding area, the regular occurrence of point sources of powerful ionizing and electromagnetic radiation along key coordinates, coinciding with the sources of short-term seismic disturbances in earth's crust(which corresponds to the picture of multiple ground-based nuclear strikes), and the presence of living people at the command post. Based on the correlation of these factors, the system probably makes the final decision on the need for a retaliatory strike. After being put on combat duty, the complex worked and was periodically used during command post exercises.

In December 1990, a modernized system was put into service, called “Perimeter-RC”, which operated until June 1995, when, as part of the START-1 agreement, the complex was removed from combat duty.

It is quite possible that the Perimeter complex should be modernized so that it can quickly respond to an attack by non-nuclear Tomahawk cruise missiles.

I am sure that our scientists can come up with dozens of asymmetric responses to the military threat to the United States, and at an order of magnitude cheaper. Well, as for their immorality, if some British ladies consider anti-personnel mines to be immoral weapons, and Tomahawks - very respectable, then it’s not a bad idea to give them a good scare. And the more the ladies shout, the less desire our Western friends will have to get into trouble with Russia.

Nuclear explosion

The main deterrent to a nuclear war is the presence in Russia of the Perimeter system, which allows a retaliatory nuclear strike even if the command posts and communication lines of the Strategic Missile Forces are completely destroyed. In the USA she was nicknamed “Dead hand”.
The Soviet Union began developing a guaranteed retaliatory strike system at the height of the Cold War, when it became clear that continuously improving electronic warfare systems would in the near future “learn” to block the main channels of control of strategic nuclear forces. A backup communication method was needed to ensure that commands reached the launchers. The designers planned to use a command rocket equipped with a powerful radio transmitter for communication. Flying over its native expanses, such a missile would transmit commands to launch missiles not only to the command posts of the Strategic Missile Forces units, but also directly to the launchers.

Creation of the "Perimeter"

"Kazbek" and "Perimeter"

"Kazbek"— the main control system for strategic missiles. Known for the portable subscriber terminal “Cheget” or “nuclear suitcase”.
Perimeter system- a complex for automatic control of a massive retaliatory nuclear strike. It is an alternative command system for Russian nuclear forces.

In 1974, the development of the system was entrusted to the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau in Dnepropetrovsk, which created intercontinental ballistic missiles. A special head part with a transmitter was designed in Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, and it was manufactured by the Orenburg NPO Strela. To guide the missile to the target, a fully autonomous system with an automatic gyrocompass and a quantum optical gyrometer is used. The system is capable of calculating the direction of flight even in the event of nuclear impact on the launcher.
Testing began in 1979. Over the course of several years, the successful interaction of all components of the Perimeter system has been confirmed. In January 1985, Perimeter went on combat duty. Since then, the system has been modernized several times. Today, modern intercontinental ballistic missiles are used as command missiles. Unlike combat missiles, command missiles do not bring death and destruction to enemy territory in the form of a nuclear charge. They fly over their territory, and in their head parts there are transmitters that send a launch command to all available combat missiles: in silos, aircraft, submarines and mobile road complexes. All weapons equipped with a nuclear warhead receive the command and take off. The system is fully automated, the human factor in its operation is practically excluded.

The beginning of the end

The decision to launch command missiles is made by an autonomous control and command system - a complex software system based on artificial intelligence. An impartial electronic brain receives and analyzes a large amount of various information: about seismic and radiation activity, atmospheric pressure, the intensity of radio traffic at military frequencies, controls telemetry from observation posts of the Strategic Missile Forces and data from the missile attack warning system.
Having detected, for example, multiple point sources of anomalous radioactive and electromagnetic radiation and compared them with data on seismic vibrations in the same coordinates, the system comes to the conclusion of a massive nuclear strike. In this case, Perimeter can initiate a retaliatory strike even bypassing Kazbek.
“Perimeter” can also be activated “manually” - having received information from the missile attack warning system (MAWS) about missile launches from the territory of other states, the country’s leadership switches “Perimeter” to combat mode. If a shutdown command is not received after a specified time, the system will begin launching missiles. This solution makes it possible to eliminate the human factor and guarantee a retaliatory nuclear strike even if the command and personnel of the launch crews are completely destroyed.

Four conditions

One of the main developers of Perimeter, Vladimir Yarynich, admitted that he does not know effective way disable the system. The control and command system, its sensors and missiles are designed to operate in a nuclear apocalypse.
In peacetime, “Perimeter” is at rest, but does not stop analyzing incoming information for a minute. When switched to combat mode or receiving an alarm signal from early warning systems, strategic missile forces and other systems, monitoring of the sensor network is started to detect signs nuclear explosions.
Before the retaliatory strike algorithm is launched, Perimeter checks for the presence of four conditions. Firstly, whether there is a nuclear attack. Secondly, is there a connection with General Staff— if there is a connection, the system turns off. If the General Staff shows no signs of life, Perimeter requests Kazbek. If this system does not respond, the artificial intelligence transfers the right to make decisions to a person located in the command bunker. And only after that it begins to act - command rockets soar into the sky, bringing the world the news of the inevitable end of human civilization.
NATO called the creation of a system of guaranteed retaliatory nuclear strike, operating without a human command, immoral. Meanwhile, the United States also has a similar complex.

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Today, however, as always, the security of the state and its residents has the highest priority. Numerous military conflicts and instability around our country make us think about strengthening our security, including nuclear security. Since the Cold War, the USSR, and subsequently its successor, the Russian Federation, have been forced to ensure security by creating an effective system of defense against an unforeseen nuclear attack. But it's not just protection that's needed. The presence of combat-ready nuclear weapons makes it possible to deter the aggressive intentions of potential enemies.

Against the background of such prerequisites, the “Perimeter” system was developed, called the “dead hand” by the Western media, and “the hand from the coffin” in the eastern part of the planet. Let's try to figure it out what kind of weapon this is.

The history of the "Dead Hand"

The next round of the Cold War between the USSR and Western countries prompted domestic designers in 1975 to develop an autonomous system called “Perimeter”. Its predecessor, “Monolith,” had a number of disadvantages, the most significant of which was that the order to activate was given by a living person.

The peculiarity of the system is as follows: when an apocalyptic scenario occurs, when everyone dies and there is not a single person left who can give the order to launch a retaliatory strike, “Perimeter” will work automatically. At the same time, options for involuntary system startup are completely excluded by conducting a system analysis of all factors that influence the activation of the system.

“Perimeter” takes into account the internal political situation and the situation in the international arena, the presence or absence of radio communications between various units of the Strategic Missile Forces and other factors. It’s not for nothing that the world calls it a “doomsday machine” or a weapon that guarantees a nuclear retaliatory strike. Moreover, such a system exists only as part of a nuclear shield Russian Federation.

American military designers tried to create something similar to " dead hand", but their attempts were unsuccessful and they abandoned further work in this direction.

The Yuzhnoye Design Bureau, which specialized in creating ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles) with nuclear warheads, was tasked with developing an autonomous system. The MR-R100UTTH rocket was taken as the basis. Currently, modernized ICBMs are used as command devices, which do not carry a combat charge, but fly over their territory and transmit radio signals to all nuclear missiles equipped with appropriate receivers.

Connected to Perimeter submarine fleet, strategic aviation aircraft, surface naval forces, control centers of the Strategic Missile Forces. At the end of 1975, a preliminary design of the main rocket was developed.

Developers from the Leningrad Polytechnic Design Bureau. Kalinin created a unique radio-technical system, the functionality of which was ensured through continuous orientation on the ground and in the air.

The Orenburg NPO Strela designed and manufactured a warhead with a transmitter equipped with a calming system that stabilizes and orients the movement of the rocket through the use of compressed gas. This reduced the creation time and reduced the cost of producing the rocket.

The rocket's autonomous system, equipped with a quantum optical gyrometer and autogyrocompass, calculates right direction movement during an unforeseen nuclear impact in the area where the launcher is located. Since 1979, tests have been carried out on a complex of all components of the Perimeter.

As a result, the "Dead Hand" was put into combat post in 1985. During seven tests, the most complex algorithms were successfully tested collaboration of all systems, compliance by missiles with designated trajectories and flight ranges, confirmation of the accuracy of technical indicators.

Components of the "Perimeter"

The “perimeter” consists of many sensors that constantly monitor a number of factors:

  • monitoring and analysis of conversations on radio broadcasts on specialized radio waves;
  • telemetric indicators from the locations of Strategic Missile Forces facilities;
  • presence and indicators of radiation in areas of deployment;
  • electromagnetic and ionizing radiation in given coordinates;
  • confirmation of the presence of living people at the checkpoint;
  • analysis of the internal political situation and military-political situation in the world.

Basic elements of the “hand from the coffin”

1 Command postsEquipped with instrumentation and radio communications, missile bunkers
2 Command missiles15A11 silo-based missile with command system
3 ReceiversRadio devices that receive and transmit commands and start codes for all components of the system
4 Autonomous control and command systemAnalytical center for collecting and transmitting information influencing the decision to launch

It should be noted that most of the components and components of the system are classified today, so the available information should be treated with some skepticism.

Two scenarios for the operation of “Perimeter” are considered:

  1. If the theoretical prerequisites for a nuclear attack by the enemy arise as a result international conflict, the commander-in-chief, who is also the president of the country, switches the complex to combat standby mode. If after a specific period of time the order is not withdrawn, then the “dead hand” will independently give the command to launch the components - missiles with a lethal warhead.
  2. Independent activation of the components of the “Perimeter” as a result of a preliminary analysis of the data it collects. But, according to available information, the launch of the command rocket is still carried out manually.

One of the creators of Perimeter, V. Yarynich, noted in one of his interviews that the system independently determines whether a nuclear strike has been carried out on Russia. In the absence of communication with the General Staff, she delegates the authority to launch nuclear weapons to the nearest employee of the protected bunker.


Information about the actual location of the Perimeter is, of course, classified. According to unconfirmed information, the main checkpoint is located in the Urals, presumably near Kosvinsky Kamen. The bunker is built from duanite and pyroxenite, so radio-VLF communication is easily carried out in it, maintaining operability at high level radiation.

Initially, closed, classified horizontal platinum mines were used to build the bunker. The rocks from which fire-resistant building materials were made block scanning radio emissions and prevent leakage of information about the exact location of the command post. The bunker was equipped with additional power lines for uninterrupted operation. Infrastructure projects such as bridges and new roads were built.

Combat use

As noted earlier, Perimeter is still a highly classified facility, so there is very little reliable information about its location and possible uses. According to unofficial data, the complex stood on the lines of defense of our Motherland until the summer of 1995, and was recalled from its combat post in accordance with the terms of the SVR-1 agreement. According to other sources of information, the “Dead Hand” still serves in combat formation, it is only further modernized.

The system became known as “Perimeter - RC”, the 15A11 missile was replaced by the RT-2PM Topol intercontinental ballistic missile, which further expanded the possibilities of its use.

Commander of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces Karakaev S.V. said that Perimeter operates in standby mode, but collects incoming information and can be ready for use at any moment.

In 2017, the newest one took its combat post in the Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation. Tests confirmed that this “new product” military industry develops a speed at launch of up to 4000 m per minute and quickly goes into the stratosphere, is unattainable for the enemy missile defense system.

This rocket can remain at rest at the bottom of the sea or ocean for an unlimited time, and if it receives a command to launch, it is activated and takes off immediately. At the same time, it is not at all necessary from on board a submarine.

Basically, information about “Skif” is also classified, but according to some sources it includes about twenty warheads with a nuclear charge.

Skif-type missiles fly at speeds approaching hypersonic. They cannot be detected using modern means missile defense. Experts say that in the near future “Skif” will be included in the “Perimeter” system.

It is difficult to say when the “top secret” classification will be removed from the entire complex, perhaps when missiles of this type are no longer needed or useless.


Russia has the only weapon in the world that guarantees a retaliatory nuclear strike against the enemy, even in the terrible event that we no longer have anyone to decide on this strike. The unique system counterattacks automatically - and brutally.

Imagine the worst possible scenario. The world, teetering on the very brink of war, collapsed. The patience of the “Western democracies” was exhausted, and a pre-emptive nuclear strike was launched on the territory of the Soviet Union. Deadly missiles were launched from silo launchers, submarines and aircraft. The full power of many thousands of warheads fell on cities and military installations. And while the Soviet leadership, in shock and panic, was figuring out what had happened, whether it was a mistake, and how to correct the situation, there was nothing left to correct. Major cities, industrial and military centers, control and communications centers were destroyed in a single massive strike. The powerful nuclear arsenal of the USSR simply did not have time to be used: the command was not received, and in the absence of a leadership center, the dangerous rival is blind, mute and motionless.

But at the very moment when NATO generals raise their glasses of victory, something unimaginable happens. The enemy, who had been silent for what seemed like forever, seemed to come to life. Thousands of missiles rushed towards Western countries - and before the generals had time to finish off the bottle of champagne, many of them, having broken through with such efforts, built missile defense, wiped off the face of the earth major cities, military bases, command centers. Nobody won.

This is how the Perimeter system worked, receiving Western press the chilling title “Dead Hand”, the last argument of the Soviet (and now Russian) state. Despite the large number and variety of “Doomsday Machines” invented by science fiction writers, which guarantee retribution to any enemy and are capable of reaching and guaranteed to destroy him, only “Perimeter” apparently really exists.

However, “Perimeter” is a system kept in such strict secrecy that there are some doubts about its existence, and all information about its composition and functions should be taken with a great deal of doubt. So what do we know?

The Perimeter system launches an automatic massive nuclear strike. It guarantees the launch of submarine-, air- and silo-based ballistic missiles in the event that the enemy destroys ALL points capable of ordering a retaliatory attack. It is completely independent from other means of communication and command systems, even from the notorious “nuclear suitcase” of the Kazbek system.

The system was put on combat duty in 1985, and five years later it was modernized, received the name “Perimeter-RC” and served for another 5 years. Then, as part of the START-1 agreement, she was removed from duty - and her current condition is unknown. According to some sources, it may be “turned on” again after START-1 expires (this happened already in December 2009), and according to others, it has already been returned to its current state.

This is how the system is believed to work. “Perimeter” is on constant combat duty; it receives data from tracking systems, including early warning radars for missile attacks. Apparently, the system has its own independent command posts, which are in no way (outwardly) indistinguishable from many similar points of the Strategic Missile Forces. According to some reports, there are 4 such points, they are separated over a long distance and duplicate each other’s functions.

At these points, the most important - and most secret - component of the Perimeter, the autonomous control and command system, operates. It is believed that this is a complex software system created on the basis of artificial intelligence. Receiving data on communications on the air, the radiation field and other radiation at control points, information from early detection systems for launches, seismic activity, she is able to draw conclusions about the fact of a massive nuclear attack.

If “the situation is ripe,” the system itself is transferred to a state of full combat readiness. Now she needs one last factor: the absence of regular signals from the usual command posts of the Strategic Missile Forces. If signals have not been received for some time, “Perimeter” triggers the Apocalypse.

15A11 command missiles are released from the silos. Created on the basis of the MR UR-100 intercontinental missiles (launch weight 71 tons, flight range up to 11 thousand km, two stages, liquid-propellant jet engine), they carry a special warhead. In itself, it is harmless: it is a radio engineering system developed at the St. Petersburg Polytechnic. These missiles, rising high into the atmosphere and flying over the territory of the country, broadcast launch codes for all nuclear missile weapons.

They also act automatically. Imagine standing at the pier submarine: almost the entire crew on shore had already died, and only a few confused submariners on duty on board. Suddenly she comes to life. Without any outside intervention, having received a launch signal from strictly secret receiving devices, the nuclear arsenal begins to move. The same thing happens in immobilized silo installations and in strategic aviation. A retaliatory strike is inevitable: it is probably unnecessary to add that “Perimeter” is designed to be especially resistant to all damaging factors nuclear weapons. It is almost impossible to reliably disable it.

Russia has updated its "doomsday" system

On November 15, the Russian Aerospace Defense Forces (VKO) successfully launched the Meridian communications satellite into orbit, which will support normal operation Unified system satellite communications (ESSC) of the Armed Forces. This connection is a backup channel of the so-called “Doomsday” system. The Ministry of Defense explained to Izvestia what is remarkable about the current launch from the Plesetsk cosmodrome in the Astrakhan region.

- “Judgment Day” is for the public, but for specialists it is another name, classified. This is a network of communication nodes, transmitting stations and computer terminals that provide stable, noise-free and closed communication with anywhere in the world. They are the ones who give the signal combat use all strategic nuclear forces,” the source said.

According to him, the system remains Russia's best-kept secret, and a special department in the Ministry of Defense is responsible for its operation. The source refused to say on what principles the signal is sent to intercontinental ballistic missiles(ICBR), strategic bombers and submarines with nuclear missiles, which make up the nuclear triad.

"Doomsday" is part of the main task of the global system. In general, it provides closed communication throughout the Earth in a normal, non-emergency mode. Its creation began back in the 1970s. An officer of the Aerospace Defense Command shared with Izvestia that the ESSS consists of two subsystems - in geostationary and highly elliptical orbits. On the first, the satellite seems to hover over a certain area, combining its own speed and the speed of rotation of the Earth; on the second, it moves along a parabola with the highest point in the Northern Hemisphere.

We simply call the geostationary orbit stationary, and the highly elliptical orbit - mobile,” explained the interlocutor in the East Kazakhstan region.

According to his information, the stationary subsystem consists of about a dozen Raduga satellites. All of them hang over the territory of Russia, but without mobile add-ons they cannot fully fulfill the tasks of the ESSS. The fact is that at high latitudes it is more difficult to “hang” a geostationary satellite than at the equator, and above North Pole where the Earth's rotation axis passes, it is generally impossible to hold them. This is where mobile satellites are needed, those same “Meridians”.

The problem is that such a satellite does not hang, but moves, and its operating time is limited. To maintain continuous communication, the satellites must follow each other at intervals of six to seven hours, with their ecliptic plane rotated 90 degrees to each other, says an aerospace defense officer.

Before Meridians, the mobile subsystem consisted of satellites of the Molniya series. In 1998, funding for the ESSC was sharply reduced, and a smooth replacement of the old series with a new one did not work out. The Meridians themselves are not ideal either. Of the five previously launched satellites, two are now operational - one depressurized, the second did not enter orbit, and the third died at the end of last year along with the launch vehicle.

As an interlocutor in East Kazakhstan region said, the Molnii had a service life of three years, but they work longer.

With Meridians in orbit, communication has become much better. The satellite just launched will be the third, and when it becomes part of the ESSS, our mobile subsystem will work at full capacity,” he said.

The optimism of East Kazakhstan region is added by the fact that the launched Meridian entered its intended orbit on November 14 at 21:05, and at 5 am on November 15 carried out the first test data exchange. It will take no more than a week to correct the orbit and conduct all tests, the military hopes. izvestia.ru/news/539706

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