Games at the New Year's party in kindergarten. New Year's games and competitions for children

To ensure that your company doesn’t get bored during the New Year’s party, you need to think in advance about a fun program that includes interesting competitions. As a rule, such moments enliven any event, allow participants to feel at ease and get to know each other better.

It is desirable that more people participate in entertainment - then laughter and fun will contribute to a good mood in New Year's Eve, driving away boredom and drowsiness.

1. Snowball

The competition can be held while sitting at a table. This is a dating game that, in an unfamiliar company, allows you to remember the names of all party participants, and also have a lot of fun at the very beginning of the holiday.

The first participant says his name. The second participant says the name of the previous participant, as well as his own name. So the game continues, with each participant the list of names that must be pronounced becomes longer.

Then the game can be complicated by asking participants to add to their name some nickname based on fairy-tale characters, for example “Peter - Batman”, “Anna - Fiona” and so on.

It is quite difficult to determine the winners in this competition, but the process of pronouncing the names will become real fun.

2. Catch the “snake”

Two participants sit on chairs with their backs facing each other. Under the chairs there is a rope - a “snake”, the ends of which pass between the feet of each participant.

At the command of the main leader, the participants must lean forward sharply, trying to grab the rope faster than their opponent and pull it out from under the chair.

The most dexterous one wins - he then competes with the next participant, and so on, until the undisputed winner is determined.

3. Together we will defeat winter!

Everyone gets into pairs. Each pair is given a piece of ice (ice in identical molds must be prepared for the competition in advance). At a signal, the couple tries to quickly melt their ice in any way - you can blow on it, lick it, put it on the body, between your palms, or rub it. Participants are not allowed to use heating devices or hot utensils to melt their piece of ice. The couple whose piece of ice melts first wins.

4. New Year's songs

For this competition you don’t even have to leave the table. The whole company is divided into two teams. A draw determines which group starts first.

The essence of the competition is to remember all the songs about the New Year, Christmas tree, Christmas, winter, snow, blizzard, and sing a verse of each. The group that remembers the most songs wins.

You can change this competition a little as follows. Small pieces of paper are prepared in advance, words on the theme of the New Year and winter are written on them - “Snow Maiden”, “blizzard”, “Santa Claus”, “Snow”, “winter”, “December”.

Representatives from the teams take out one piece of paper from a colorful box, and try to quickly remember the song where there is given word, perform it. This competition can be designed as a small improvisation concert.

5. Wish fulfillment competition

This competition must be prepared in advance as follows. A note with some task on a New Year's theme is inserted into the balls, for example: “Show the Kremlin chimes”, “Show the dance of snowflakes”, “Draw a snow woman”, “Draw an icicle”, “Show a Christmas tree”, “Show a drunken Santa Claus” , “Sing a New Year’s song in a child’s voice” and so on. These tasks should be varied and fun, and you need to prepare a fairly large number of them.

You also need to pour small confetti into the balloons, inflate them and hang them somewhere higher.

For the competition, all those present are divided into two groups. A member of the first team must burst the balloon with his hand or a stick - it will be covered with confetti and a piece of paper with the task will fall out. Then he must complete the task assigned to him as best as possible to the friendly applause and laughter of those present.

If a participant does not want to complete this task, the team receives minus 1 point. Together with each participant, everyone present can complete the task, competing in the quality of the reproduced scene. The most active team wins.

6. New Year's ABC

This competition can be held right at the festive table. The host of the holiday announces that he wants to check whether everyone remembers the alphabet.

Each of the participants takes turns saying Happy New Year to all participants, starting a phrase with one letter of the alphabet, with “A”. For example, “A” - “Let’s wish Happy New Year to all the ladies present!”; “B” - “Be healthy and happy in the New Year!”

The culmination of this competition will be attempts to come up with phrases starting with the letters “b”, “f”, “b”, “j”. Clever and resourceful participants in the competition must somehow get out of the situation or laugh it off.

7. Snowball fight

For this competition, a sufficient number of “snowballs” are made from cotton wool in advance. All those present are divided into two teams and stand on opposite sides of the hall.

At the command of the leader, both teams begin to throw prepared snowballs at each other, noise, turmoil, and laughter arise. Then, at the leader’s command, the “war” stops. Each team must collect all the “snowballs” that fell on its side of the hall. The group that scores the most wins.

Then this competition can be continued with comic tasks - participants of both teams compete in carrying the “snowball” on the head, on the chest, on the back - in such a way that they do not hold it with their elbows or hands, and so that the “snowball” does not fall on the floor.

8. Santa Claus sneezed

This competition is not held to determine the winners, but to create general fun and laughter.

All those present are divided into three groups. At the beginning, the participants of each group are told that, upon a certain command - for example, by waving a “magic wand”, they must each shout out their own magic word. These words are for three teams - “achi”, “eyes”, “cartilage”.

The teams must shout these words synchronously, all together, and the one that shouts their word louder than the others will win. At special signals, the teams shout their words all together.

As a result, all this noise will look like a giant sneezing. The presenter can further excite and amuse the participants of this competition by responding to every “sneeze” with “Be healthy, Grandfather Frost!”

9. Rolling snowballs

This competition is held between male + female pairs.

Gentle music plays and the participants dance a slow dance. Then the music stops, the host gives the couples small balls, which he places between the bellies of the ladies and gentlemen.

At a special signal from the host of the competition, more energetic music begins to sound, and the partners try to use the movements of their bodies to roll the ball to the chin so as not to drop it or touch it with their hands.

10. Festive conveyor

From among those present, five participants are selected into two teams, they are given names: “open it,” “pour it,” “drink it,” “have a bite,” “close it.”

On the tables for two teams at the end of the hall there are bottles of sparkling water (for adult groups - with champagne or wine), a glass, and a sandwich.

At the starting signal from our presenter, the first participants run from the starting mark to the tables and open the bottle. The second participants must run to the tables and pour the drink into the glass to the brim. The third pair of participants runs to drink what is poured in glasses. The fourth participants in the competition “snack” a sandwich, the fifth ones run and close the bottle of drink.

The team that is more careful and completes this relay race will win.

As an option, teams may have not five participants, but, for example, three or seven. Sandwiches can be prepared in groups of three, and the relay race can be carried out until three laps have been completed, from opening the bottle to closing it.

11. Boxing ring

Two participants are called to the “stage” and will compete with each other. The presenter announces that now there will be bloody fights between two real men. Participants are given boxing gloves.

The presenter accompanies the putting on of gloves and the preparation process with phrases that “warm up” the audience: “Real men fight to the last!”, “The ring will show who is stronger!” Participants can be stripped to the waist, allowed to warm up, jump, and box in the air.

When the participants are warmed up and ready to “fight” each other, they are given... each candy in a wrapper (placed on the tables). At the starting signal “ring”, our “boxers” must try to quickly unwrap this candy with gloved hands, without dropping it from the table, and eat it.

The task with candies can be replaced with another task: with your hands in boxing gloves, unfasten the buttons on the lady who is previously wearing a dressing gown.

12. Queen of New Year's Eve

What fairytale evening would be complete without a queen? Here in New Year's Eve participants will have to choose their main prom queen. To do this, of course, it is necessary to dress the queens in appropriate clothes, for which each team is given 1-2 rolls of toilet paper.

The teams’ task is to create a “royal robe” for their main “queen” within a certain period of time, for example, while all the other participants are singing some New Year’s song.

The winner is the team whose “queen” outfit is better than the other “queens”.

13. Dancing with balloons

When it's time to dance at the New Year's party, participants can be offered a very funny competition. All dancers have a balloon tied to their left ankle.

The essence of the competition is to, while dancing, protect your balloon from the feet of other participants, and at the same time, try to “burst” their balloons.

Such “dances” turn into a cheerful romp that gives a good mood and general fun.

14. Fun questions - funny answers

This competition requires little preliminary preparation. It is necessary to cut cards of the same size from thick paper or cardboard, even number, in number - approximately two to three times more than the participants of the future party. On half of the cards you need to write a wide variety of questions, putting them in a separate deck. You need to write the answers on the second half of the cards - this will be the second deck.

Questions could be: “Do you know how to control yourself?”, “If I kiss you, what will you say to this?”,
“Do you like striptease?”, “Do you often get drunk?” and others. Answers may be as follows: “Only after payday,” “My youth is left behind,” “This is mine.” favorite activity", "Only at night" and others.

The first participant names the person who will be asked the question, takes a card from the deck of questions, and reads it.

The answerer takes a card from the answer deck and reads it. Then the second participant calls the name of the next answerer, takes a card with a question, reads it - and the festival of fun questions and answers continues further.

15. Snow lady of dreams

This competition can also be held with real snow - if it is slightly damp outside, or if large portions of snow are brought into the hall on trays for the competition. An option without snow is to sculpt a “dream lady” from cotton wool or padding polyester.

Divide all participants into teams. Each team is given “material” for modeling, and the start is announced. The team must “sculpt” a beautiful sculpture of a real beauty as best as possible, faster than their opponents. In the process of “sculpting” you can use your own things, products from the table.

The most beautiful and original “sculpture” wins.

If you liked our article and have any thoughts on this matter, share with us! It is very important for us to know your opinion!

1. “WALK UNDER THE STAFF” attraction.

The participants of the attraction stand in a column one after another. At some distance, Father Frost and Snow Maiden (any adult characters) hold the ends of the staff. Children take turns to cheerful music pass under the staff and return to their places.

The second time the staff is lowered, it becomes more difficult for the participants to pass.

3 times even lower - participants move on their haunches.

Task- walk under Santa Claus's staff without hitting him.

  1. « WHO IS FAST?» game.

General circle. Two participants standing next to each other are given 1 ball (toy). At the signal, the participants pass the balls to each other opposite directions. Those participants who have balls in their hands run away in different directions, trying to run around the circle as quickly as possible and return to their place.

  1. "BELL" attraction.

2 circles – outer and inner. All participants hold in their hands a closed ribbon on which there is a bell. At the beginning of the game, the ribbon with the bell is held by the leading participants. Upon signal, participants in fast pace move the ribbon with your hands, thus moving the bell in a circle. Whose bell runs the entire circle faster and returns to the leader, that team wins.

1 team – Santa Claus

2 teams - Snow Maidens.

  1. "GAME WITH THE SNOW MAIDEN" musical and active game 2 junior gr.

Conducted according to the “Sun and Rain” type by Rauchwerger

The Snow Maiden invites the children to play and says that as soon as you hear the bell ringing, run to me.

The song of snowflakes performed by the music director sounds, the children dance and spin.

The Snow Maiden rings the bell - the children run up to her.

The game repeats itself.

  1. "Blind Man's Bluff With the Snow Maiden" musical and outdoor game

Blindfold the Snow Maiden's eyes. The presenter and the children have bells.. Children to the music They easily run from place to place with the leader, and when they stop they ring the bells. The Snow Maiden runs towards the sound, the children run to another place.

  1. “WHOSE CIRCLE WILL MEET SOON SOON” musical activity game

Classic option. It is carried out with fairy-tale holiday characters, with large Christmas tree balls or bells.

  1. "SNOW PORRIDGE" relay

2 teams, opposite each 2 pots. Each player has a snowball. The task is to run to the pan, put a snowball, return, pass the baton.


2 teams stand opposite each other in a line. At the end of each team there is a bucket with snowballs, at the beginning - an empty one. At a signal, participants begin passing one snowball to each other from hand to hand, trying to fill the empty bucket with snowballs as quickly as possible.

  1. "ICE CREAM" relay

Held after Ded Mo's dance rose and Snow Maiden. The fairy-tale characters are hot, the presenter invites them to cool off by treating themselves to ice cream.

2 teams, 1 snowball in hand. Opposite each team is a fairy-tale character with a waffle cone (paper bag). At a signal, the participants one by one run to the waffle cone and drop their snowball - a scoop of ice cream - into it.

10. "Walk on the ice floes" relay

2 teams. Each team is given 2 cardboard ice floes. The task is to walk on the ice floes one by one, shifting them to a landmark without stepping on the floor, and run back.


all participants stand in a common circle, one of them has a large snowball (ball, wrap cling film). While performing the song, the participants pass the lump to each other.

Hello, hello our snowball

snowy white bun

rolled along the path,

and then stopped.

one, two, three

come out and dance!

at the end of the song, whoever has the lump in their hands comes out to the center and dances, the rest clap. 

New Year is a holiday that absolutely all children look forward to. Because miracles happen, your most cherished dreams come true, and every moment literally breathes magic. Before the main celebration of the year, teachers in kindergartens and schools prepare a New Year's scenario, with interesting entertainment, outdoor games, etc. This article will help you choose the most best competitions for children for the New Year 2018, so that all kids, without exception, have fun and interesting.

Before the celebration

The holiday for children will begin from the moment of arrival! Hang a white piece of Whatman paper near the entrance with the following written on top: Happy New Year 2018! and place colored pencils or markers nearby. Let each child who comes to the celebration draw on a piece of paper whatever he or she wants: a Christmas tree, a snowflake, Santa Claus, or write their own congratulations on the holiday. This creative task will help put the children in a festive and creative mood and improve their mood before the celebration.

Another simple task that you can give the kids before the main part of the evening is to ask them to be designers. Cut out a lot of paper different snowflakes and figurines and invite the children to hang them around the room the way they want. Knowing that they took part in will enhance the children's enjoyment of being there.

Let's make the Dog laugh

For the first one for children for the New Year 2018, ask one of the children (or one of your assistants, if any) to be the symbol of the year - a dog. The dog saw with her own eyes how evil gray wolf kidnapped the Snow Maiden. He would really like to tell the kids where the villain took the girl, but the Gray Wolf said that he would eat Petya if she betrayed him. Let the children cheer up the sad and frightened bird and help it stop being afraid of the Wolf! Then the dog will certainly tell you where the Snow Maiden was hidden.

Kids can make the symbol of the year laugh in any way: making faces, singing, dancing, telling jokes. You can divide the children into two teams to make it easier to choose a winner.

Do not forget that when conducting entertaining games with children, you must show all your acting abilities. Speak cheerfully, motivating the guys to action: “Guys, we need to save the Snow Maiden! Let's make the dog laugh so that he stops being afraid of the evil wolf!

So, now the children know where the Wolf hid the Snow Maiden. It's a small matter - you just need to find the girl and save her from the clutches of the kidnapper. The Snow Maiden, of course, is hidden very far away, behind forests, fields, mountains and seas, and in order to rescue her, you need to fly this huge distance, and our little rescuers will fly on brooms, which the kindly grandmother Yaga kindly lent them.

Divide the children into two teams, give each a broom, and indicate how far they need to “fly”. You can create a whole obstacle course to make flying on a broom more difficult, if the size of the room allows it. The group that completes the task faster wins.

Interesting entertainment

Elena Nikolaevna Salikhova, music director of kindergarten No. 89 “Golden Grains”, Sevastopol.
Contents of the work. Three mass New Year's games are offered to the attention of readers. These games are designed for New Year's parties held with children of the senior and preparatory groups. These games are best played with a large number children, at least twelve to fifteen people. Then they will have fun, and the children will receive that very portion positive emotions, which you are counting on. You can understand how these games “work” by reading my New Year’s scenarios posted on the “Pantry of Entertainment” website.
Purpose of the game material. First of all, these games may be of interest to music directors working with the age category of six to seven years, no younger. They will be appropriate for winter holidays and entertainment in kindergarten and primary school. They can also be used during winter celebrations in various open areas.
Target: Creating a cheerful, joyful mood among children present at the holiday.
Active participation each child in the festive action.
Free expression of children's positive emotions.
Children's creative use of their knowledge in a relaxed playful atmosphere.

Game "Tell me how you live?"
This game was developed by me directly for the New Year's Guests scenario. But it can be used at any children's party where fun and jokes are expected. No attributes are required to play this game. It is carried out by two adult characters participating in a children's party. It could be Winter and Father Frost, Snow Maiden and Father Frost, Snow Maiden and Winter, two Buffoons and so on. The words of the game must be pronounced clearly and clearly by each character in turn. The second character does everything the children are supposed to do and say. This will be a kind of hint for children. An option is possible when one character says all the words, and the other, together with the children, performs all the game actions. In addition to the purely gaming component, the value of this game is that it can be a prologue to a surprise gift presentation.

Progress of the game.
First character: Are we going to play with the guys today?
Second character: Certainly! How can we not play? I suggest playing the game “How are you living?”
First character: Then we start asking the guys questions, and let them answer them, not only with words, but also with gestures.
The game "Tell me how you live?" The holiday characters ask questions one by one.
How are you guys living? Children: Great! Extend your right hand forward with your thumb up.
How do you guys chew? Children: Hrum, crunch, crunch, crunch!
How are you guys playing pranks? Children: La - la - la! La - la - la! At the same time, they raise their arms bent at the elbows with their fingers spread and jump around themselves.

Show me how you threaten? Children: But - but - but! Shake your index finger up.
Show me how you go? Children: One, two! One, two! They walk in place.
How are you drinking water, kids? Children throw back their heads, bring two hands to their mouths and make a retracting movement with their lips.
How do you kids cry? Children rub their fists in their eyes and whine.
How do you jump for joy? Children jump on the spot.
How quietly are you standing? Children: Shh-h-h! Attach index finger to the lips.
And show me “Goodbye”! Children: Goodbye! They wave their hand. At this time, the characters pretend that they are about to leave. They wave goodbye to the children. One of the adults detains them at the holiday. If, on the contrary, the characters need to leave, then they have the opportunity to leave quietly.
Note. It’s okay if the children, in response to the character’s question, make another, appropriate gesture, or say their own line. This will express their spontaneity and creativity. There is no need to stop the game or reprimand the children because of this. This can ruin the festive mood not only to this child, but also to everyone present.

Game "Fun workout"
I composed this game for the annual district winter holiday. Each kindergarten exhibited its fairy-tale characters to participate in this holiday. They should have come with their original game. Before the performance, all the characters demonstrated to the professional commission what games were included in their performances. We didn't want our artists to have to blush for the fact that their games coincided with anyone else. Therefore, I decided to compose my own game. Since the game was supposed to be played with a very large number of children, I immediately excluded the paraphernalia.
The game is played by one or two characters invited to the party. In this case, these were two Buffoons. One character shouts out the words and the other says the words and performs the actions with the children. If the game is played by one character, then he must both speak words and perform actions according to the content of the game.
Progress of the game.
And now we kids
We invite you to the game.
To make it more interesting,
We will do everything together.
Let a fun warm-up make us friends.
We are doing a fun workout for you!
Children perform actions based on the content of the “Warm-up”.
Let's drown everything together.
Now let's clap!
Let's wave our wings. They wave with both hands.
Let's dance like bunnies. They jump on two legs.

Let's crow the cockerels.
Let's stand on one leg. Stand on one leg, arms to the sides.

We moo like cows.
Let's meow like cats.

And the little mice: pi - pi - pi!
They hid from the cat! Squat down.

We'll stretch our necks.
Who has it longer? They stand up and stretch their necks.

Everything is like geese: ha – ha – ha!
Are we having fun? Children: yes, yes, yes!
We don't stand, we run. Run in place.
We play pranks like monkeys. Spread your fingers and bend over
from side to side.

We want to scare everyone.
Let's roar like little tigers! They growl loudly: r - r - r - r - r!

We don't stand still
Together, we run merrily. Run in place.

We clap our hands! They clap.
We stomp very loudly! They stomp.

Together we will shout: hurray! They jump up and down and scream.
It's time to end the fun warm-up!

Note. This game can be played at any public holiday - celebration. For example, on Maslenitsa or Preschool Worker's Day. Can be done both outdoors and indoors.

Game "Magic Snowflakes"
I came up with this game to play at the New Year's party in the preparatory group. It has a narrower purpose. Designed for children preparatory group. It can be done with older children if they can read and form words independently. The game is played by Grandfather Frost.

To play, you will need double-sided paper snowflakes. Some of them have quite brightly written letters. The letters of one word must be written in the same color. But each word should have its own color scheme. Snowflakes are laid out in advance under the Christmas tree or on its branches with letters down before the start of the holiday.

Progress of the game.
Father Frost: Oh, what a lot of snow there is!
There are even snowflakes on your Christmas tree. Do you want to play with them?
Presenter: Of course we do, Grandfather Frost!
Father Frost: But first I'll do a little magic.
Santa Claus walks around the Christmas tree, waving his staff.
Father Frost:
Snowflakes are fluffs, messengers of Winter,
Become magical for our game.
It seems that it worked.
Let the music sound more fun
Start the game quickly!
Cheerful music sounds, children run up to the Christmas tree, take any Snowflake and run around the hall with it.

Father Frost:
It's time for the Snowflakes to go to sleep.
It's time for them to cover the ground. All children squat.
Father Frost:
The wind blew stronger
Scatter, hurry up. The children are running around the hall again.
Father Frost:
Spin around more fun
Near your Christmas tree. Children pick up snowflakes and spin around them.
Father Frost:
Now we'll find out who's quicker
He will be able to collect words faster.

Children quickly find a place to make up the words: SNOW and WINTER. They stand in front of the Christmas tree facing the guests and show their WORD.
Children whose snowflakes do not have letters on them gather in the “Sugrob”. They run up to each other, squat on one knee and move their hand with the snowflake to the side.

Father Frost: Thank you, dear grandchildren. Take these snowflakes as a gift.
The children run away and put the snowflake under their chair to take with them at the end of the holiday.
Note. This game can only be played if it is first practiced with children. The surprise is that the children do not know which Snowflake (with or without a letter) they will get. The words for compilation were not taken by chance. None of the letters in the words WINTER and SNOW are repeated. In addition, it is immediately clear, without prompting, which word should be composed. This is a very important point. If you want to take other words for children to compose, you need to pay attention to this.
I wish everyone who wants to use the games I have developed in their work, that they help create real fun and a joyful mood at your holiday

The article contains interesting scenes and a script for a New Year's fairy tale for a matinee for the senior group of a kindergarten, funny competitions and fun games, interesting scenes and poems, beautiful songs, dances and riddles.

The most long-awaited holiday of the outgoing year is approaching. In all the houses there are already dressed up forest beauties, and New Year's gifts “from Santa Claus” are hidden in the closets. Children are in anticipation of a magical holiday and are carefully preparing for the New Year's celebration, learning poems to receive sweets from Santa Claus.

Preparations for the New Year celebration are also in full swing at the kindergarten. Children, in order to please their parents at the New Year's party, learn rhymes, dances, and songs together with their teachers.

Scenario for a New Year's party in kindergarten in the form of a New Year's fairy tale for the older group

Smart “elder girls” readily take part in New Year’s performances. They enjoy reciting poems, participating in skits, competitions and fun games. For parents, watching their smart kids is a pleasure.

Scenario of the New Year's performance " In a magical forest on New Year's Eve» for the older group of kindergarten


  • Leading
  • Chanterelle
  • little hare
  • Little squirrel
  • Wise Owl
  • Snowman
  • Baba Yaga
  • Ginger cat
  • Old Boletus Man
  • Father Frost
  • Snow Maiden

The New Year's party begins with the sound of a New Year's song performed by the kids.
The Presenter comes to the center of the hall.

Hello, dear friends! I am very glad to see you all at our New Year's party! How beautiful and elegant you all are today, guys! And not only elegant, but also funny. This means you are ready for competitions, surprises, games, adventures and fabulous trips to the Magic Forest.
Today turned out to be a wonderful day: frost and sun! So let's have fun! Stand in a circle, let's start dancing in a circle and singing a song for our beautiful Christmas tree!

Children dance in a circle and sing the song “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter...”. After this, the kids take their seats.
Chanterelle, Little Hare and Little Squirrel run into the hall.

Chanterelle: Hello guys! Do you recognize me? I am Foxy!

little hare: Hello! And I am the Bunny!

Little squirrel: Hello, friends! I am Squirrel!

Chanterelle: So winter has come to us. Very soon the most wonderful holiday of the year will come - New Year!

little hare: Grandfather Frost and his granddaughter, Snegurochka, are in a hurry to visit us. And to everyone obedient and kind child they will bring gifts!

Little squirrel: And they go through dark forests...

Chanterelle: Through huge snowdrifts...

little hare: Through impassable swamps...

Chanterelle: Through the snowy fields...

Little squirrel: But they don’t care about a blizzard or a blizzard...

little hare: After all, he is in a hurry to come to you, dear guys! To wish you all a Happy New Year and give magical gifts!

Chanterelle (examines the Christmas tree): Oh, children! What a beauty your Christmas tree is! That's why Santa Claus will be happy! He likes beautiful and elegant New Year trees!

little hare: And I know a poem about a New Year tree! ( addresses the kids) Do you want me to tell you?

On furry prickly paws
The Christmas tree brings the smell to the house:
The smell of heated pine needles,
The smell of freshness and wind,
And the snowy forest,
And a faint smell of summer.

The Owl appears in the hall.

Owl: Yes! Yes! Is everything ready for the New Year's holiday? Is everyone ready to meet Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden?

Children: Yes!

Owl: Then everything is fine! Grandfather Frost is in a hurry to come to you! He's on his way and will be here soon! But trouble happened to him on the way!

Little Hare, Little Squirrel and Little Fox (in unison): Which?!

Owl: He was making his way through an impenetrable thicket, and his bag tore, and all the toys fell out. Only Grandfather Frost was in such a hurry to visit you for the holiday that he didn’t notice how he lost the toys... He had to go back. And he ordered me and the Snowman to come to you. And so I came to you first, and the Snowman was a little behind on the way...

The Snowman enters.

Chanterelle (surprised): And who are you?! I've never seen you...

Snowman: How?! You don't recognize me?! Guys, do you recognize me?

Children: Yes!

Snowman: Tell me, who am I?

Children: Snowman!

Snowman: Right! I am Snowman! I brought you a letter from Santa Claus. Now I will read it to you:
“On the way, my bag tore, and all the gifts fell into the snow. I have to find them! In the meantime, meet my granddaughter Snegurochka! Don't worry about me! I'll be there soon! Your Grandfather Frost."

Chanterelle: I wonder how long we will have to wait for Santa Claus.

little hare: Something has become boring here...

Little squirrel: Then let's play!

Chanterelle: No, we won't play! This is what I thought... Santa Claus is now collecting gifts, he wants to make us happy and give us gifts. What will we give him?

little hare: Let's give Santa Claus a sweet gift too!

Little squirrel: Let's! ( Takes a basket and puts candies and cookies in it).
So the gift for Santa Claus is ready. But where is he himself?! When will he come?!

At this time, a noise is heard outside the door.

Chanterelle: What's that noise?

Little squirrel: Maybe it's Santa Claus coming?

Baba Yaga, dressed in a Snow Maiden costume, and a Red cat, decorated with paper snowflakes, enter the hall.

little hare (scared): And who are you?

Baba Yaga: That's it! Don't you recognize me? I am the Snow Maiden, the beloved granddaughter of Santa Claus... And this is ( pointing to the red cat) my friend is Snowflake.

Chanterelle (suspicious): You don’t look very much like the Snow Maiden...

Baba Yaga (waves his arms and accidentally drops the Snow Maiden's mask and cap): How different is it?! Very similar! Take a closer look.

Little squirrel: If you look more closely, you look too much like... Guys, tell me, who is this? ( Pointing to Baba Yaga.)

Children: Baba Yaga!

Chanterelle (addressing Baba Yaga): You failed to deceive us, Baba Yaga!

little hare: How evil and cunning you are, Baba Yaga! She decided to ruin our holiday, right?

Baba Yaga: Your information is out of date! I have long been no longer cunning and evil, but a kind Baba Yaga! Now I don’t do any evil! I only do good deeds! I'm tired of doing evil. Nobody loves me for this! And everyone loves and praises you for your good deeds!

Ginger cat: It's all true! I am a red cat! I know everything about everyone! Honestly, most honestly! And in general, I always tell the truth! Believe me - Baba Yaga is kind!

Chanterelle (suspicious): Somehow I can’t believe that Baba Yaga has become kinder...

little hare: And I don't believe it!

Little squirrel (addressing Baba Yaga): We will never believe you!

Chanterelle: Why did you suddenly decide to become kinder? Everyone has known about you for a long time: you are cunning, mean and nasty!

Snowman: And everyone knows the Red Cat: a famous liar!

Baba Yaga: This is how you treat me! Well, I'll remember everything for you! I'll... I'll... I'll ruin your holiday!

Ginger cat (hisses, claws show): Shhh! Won't you be friends with us? Well, don't! Find out, we'll show you!

Chanterelle: Here you are as you really turned out!

little hare: And they said that they became kinder and honest!

Little squirrel: Get out of here, I'll say hello!

Chanterelle: Get out!

Little squirrel: Go away!

Snowman: Go, go! Oh you liars! They wanted to ruin our holiday!

Baba Yaga and the Red Cat leave. The presenter appears.

Leading: While Santa Claus is coming to us, let's play a game. It's called " I'll freeze it».

Kids stand in a circle and stretch their arms forward. Two drivers, at the leader’s signal, run inside the circle in different directions and try to slap the players' palms. If the players managed to hide their hands, then they continue to participate in the game. And those whom the drivers managed to touch are considered frozen and drop out of the game. The last player remaining wins.

Leading: Well done, guys!

Bunnies run into the hall.

Leading: Oh, the bunnies have come to visit us! Guys, welcome!

Children in bunny costumes perform a dance.

Leading: These are the funny little bunnies that came to our matinee! Guys, let's wish them a Happy New Year and give them gifts! What do hares like? Children, do you know what bunnies love most?

Children: Carrot!

Leading: That's right, carrots! Now I will give each bunny a sweet carrot! Come here, bunnies! ( Looks into the bag). Oh, but the bag is empty! There's not a single carrot in it! Someone must have stolen it... What should I do? We'll have to collect carrots again... Guys, help us collect carrots for the hares!

The host conducts the game « Collect carrots».

The kids stand in a circle. Carrots are laid out in a circle, the amount of which is equal to one less number players. While the music is playing, the children walk in a circle. As soon as the music stops, everyone must grab one carrot. The one who does not have time to take the carrot is eliminated from the game.

Owl enters the hall.

Owl (excitedly): Yes! Yes! Help! An accident has happened! The evil Baba Yaga decided to ruin our holiday! She wants to bewitch the Snow Maiden!

The Snow Maiden and the Old Boletus Man appear in the hall.

Old Boletus Man: I brought Snow Maiden to you. She was sitting in a snowdrift in a deep forest and didn’t know where to go. For some reason, the Snow Maiden doesn’t recognize anyone.

Leading: Sorry for our Snow Maiden! And who are you, grandpa? Mushroom?

Old Boletus Man: I am not a mushroom, I am a forester, the owner of the forest.

Leading: Thank you, kind old man, for not abandoning our Snow Maiden in the forest! But when will Grandfather Frost come? Only he can break the Snow Maiden's spell!

Old Boletus Man: While we are waiting for Grandfather Frost, I will amuse the guys. ( Addressing the guys). I will ask you riddles, and you try to solve them.

The old boletus man asks riddles about the forest and animals.

Old Boletus Man: What a great fellow you are, guys. All my riddles were solved!

Leading: Grandfather Old Boletus! There's probably a lot of snow in your forest right now? This blizzard brought millions of snowflakes to the forest! ( The presenter looks at the Snowflakes running into the hall). And here they are!

Snowflakes perform a dance.
After the dance, Santa Claus enters the hall.

Father Frost: Hello children, adults and animals! Here I come! Almost there! How many guests gathered for the holiday! And the kids, how smart they are! I wish you all a Happy New Year!.. Oh, and I’m tired! I would like to sit down and rest from the road. I've become old for long journeys. Tired...

Leading (pulls out a chair for Santa Claus): Here's a chair for you, Santa Claus. Sit down and relax! We have prepared a gift for you! ( Gives Santa Claus a bag of gifts).

Chanterelle: Grandfather Frost! We've had a misfortune!

little hare: Only you can help us out!

Father Frost: What kind of trouble happened to you?

Little squirrel (leads Snow Maiden to Santa Claus): Your granddaughter, Snow Maiden, has been bewitched by the evil Baba Yaga!

Father Frost: This matter can be fixed! Look! I will now touch the Snow Maiden with my magic staff, and she will come to life! ( Touches the Snow Maiden).

Snow Maiden: Thank you, Santa Claus, for saving me! Thank you guys and animals for not leaving me in trouble! I want to wish you all a Happy New Year! Oh, Grandfather Frost, our Christmas tree is still not lit!

Father Frost: Now we will all light it up together! Come on, kids, let's shout loudly: “One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!”

Children: One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!

The lights on the Christmas tree come on. There is applause.

Chanterelle: Oh yes, we have a Christmas tree! Gorgeous!

Little squirrel: And elegant!

little hare: Just look how many colorful balls and toys there are on her!

Leading: Guys, who knows poems about the New Year tree?

Children recite poems about the Christmas tree.

Child 1:
Dad decorates the Christmas tree
Mom helps dad.
I try not to interfere
I help help.

Child 2:
Dad chose a Christmas tree
The fluffiest one.
The fluffiest one
The most fragrant...
The Christmas tree smells like that -
Mom will gasp immediately!

Child 3:
Look through the crack of the door -
You will see our Christmas tree.
Our tree is tall
Reaches to the ceiling.
And there are toys hanging on it -
From the stand to the top of the head.

Child 4:
Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree,
He lit the lights on it.
And the needles shine on it,
And there’s snow on the branches!

Child 5:
Mom decorated the Christmas tree
Anya helped her mother;
I gave her toys:
Stars, balls, firecrackers.
And then the guests were invited
And they danced at the Christmas tree!

Child 6:
The Christmas tree is dressing up -
The holiday is approaching.
New Year's at the gates
The Christmas tree is waiting for the kids.

Father Frost: And now, guys, let's sing a song for our New Year tree. Children, get up in a round dance!

The guys sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest...”.
Baba Yaga and the Red Cat appear in the hall.

Baba Yaga (turning to the Red cat and pulling him along): Let's go, let's go! Let's ask you to forgive us and leave us at the holiday! ( Addresses Santa Claus): Santa Claus, forgive us! ( Addresses children): Guys, forgive us! We will no longer be harmful and deceive! Welcome us to the holiday!

Ginger cat: Forgive us! We won't do this again! Let us stay at the matinee! We will be kind and we will behave! We promise!

Baba Yaga and the Red Cat (in unison): Forgive us!

Father Frost (addressing children): Well, children? Shall we forgive Baba Yaga and the Red Cat?

Children: Yes!

Father Frost (addressing Baba Yaga and the Red Cat): Okay, stay! Celebrate the holiday with us! Rejoice from your heart! Just forget about evil deeds and pranks!

Baba Yaga: We promise not to do evil! We will play with you, sing songs and dance!

Father Frost: Indeed, it's time to play. Guys, let's hold a New Year's relay race.

Santa Claus carries out the relay race « Who's first?».

The players are divided into two teams. From the starting line, they need to take turns running to the finish line, holding a ball between their feet or balloon. The winners are the participants who managed to reach the finish line first. At the end of it, Santa Claus rewards the winners with delicious prizes.

Father Frost: Guys, do you know poems about winter? Storytellers, come forward!

Children recite poems about winter.

Child 1:
Mother! look from the window -
You know, yesterday it was not for nothing that a cat
Wash your nose:
There is no dirt, the whole yard is covered,
It has brightened, it has turned white -
Apparently there is frost.
Nikolay Nekrasov
The snowball is fluttering, spinning,
It's white outside.
And the puddles turned
In cold glass.

Child 2:
Our windows are brushed white
Santa Claus painted.
He dressed the pole with snow,
The garden was covered in snow.

Child 3:
There is snow everywhere, houses in the snow -
Winter brought him.
She hurried to us quickly,
She brought us bullfinches.

Father Frost: Well done, kids! Wonderful poems told! And now it's time for me to give gifts to all of you. Look how big my bag of gifts is! Come to me guys and get gifts!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden distribute gifts.

Father Frost: Well, guys, it's time for us to say goodbye! I need to go out and please other people with gifts. We will definitely meet you next year. See you later, friends! Goodbye! Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year! I wish you health and happiness in the New Year! Snowman: Happy New Year, dear friends! Let misfortunes pass you by!

Baba Yaga: Both I and I want to wish the children a Happy New Year! Happy New Year, guys! Be kind, honest and smart! Just like me and the Red Cat! Oh, no, not like us, but like Father Frost and the Snow Maiden!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden: Goodbye, friends! See you again!

Poems for the New Year's party in kindergarten for the older group

For children from the older group, it is not a problem to learn not one, but several rhymes. Therefore, it would be appropriate to introduce into the New Year’s scenario a plot about small gifts from Santa Claus to the children who told him an interesting, funny or the biggest poem.

What kind of guest came to us,
Did you bring the smell of pine needles?
And there are lights and garlands on it.
How elegant she is!
Comes to us with her
Winter holiday New Year!

Hello, forest Christmas tree,
Silvery, thick!
You grew up under the sun
And she came to us for the holiday!

You dressed up amazingly
So elegant, so beautiful!
All covered in toys, lanterns,
Gilding and lights!

You came to the joy of the children,
We will celebrate the New Year with you!
Let's start a song together,
Let's dance merrily!

We have been waiting for this day for a long time,
Haven't seen each other for a whole year.
Sing, ring with crafts
New Year's round dance!

The Christmas tree is lit with lights,
There are blue shadows underneath,
Spiny needles
They burn, sparkle with frost!

Multi-colored toys
She hung it up for us.
And everyone is looking at the Christmas tree,
And everyone has fun today!

Well decorated, well dressed
The Christmas tree is resinous, slender, fragrant!
We will dance in a circle,
We'll all sing the song
Choral, loud, dancing, ringing!

Snow, snow, snow, snow
Shedding branches.
On a birch, on a pine
Snow candies!
And on our Christmas tree
The snow is not real
But the same as in the forest -
White and crispy!
Santa Claus came to us,
Dancing with us!
How good it is for everyone on our Christmas tree!

Santa Claus, quite a joker,
Leads a star round dance!
Looks and everything is smart
A snow spark will remove it!
Santa Claus, Santa Claus!
It's good that you brought it
To kindergarten today
New Year's holiday!

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
prickly needle,
Where did you grow up?
- In the forest!
- What did you see?
- Fox!
- What's in the forest?
- Frosts, bare birches,
Wolves and bears -
That's all the neighbors...
- And here on New Year’s Eve
Everyone sings a song!

White trees
White houses,
Along the white paths
Winter has come to us.

I'm not afraid of frost
I'll just make friends with him.
I'll get dressed and go
Both on snow and ice.
The frost will come to me,
He touches his hands, touches his nose.
So, we must not yawn,
Run, jump and play.

On New Year's Eve, like in a fairy tale,
Full of miracles
The Christmas tree is hurrying to catch the train,
Leaving the dark forest.
Wherever you look -
All the snowdrifts and hills,
Well, is there a better time?
Winter beauties?

Songs for the New Year's party in kindergarten for the older group

The New Year's round dance is an invariable attribute of the festival. In addition, older children can sing excerpts of songs solo, which will be appropriate in small New Year’s skits.

Christmas tree
(Music: Popatenko T. Lyrics: Naydenova N.)

Beads glitter on the Christmas tree,
Firecrackers and star.
We love our Christmas tree -
Yes, yes, yes.

Snow Maiden in a white fur coat
He always comes to us.
We sing and dance with her -
Yes, yes, yes.

And Santa Claus is cheerful -
Gray beard -
Brings us gifts -
Yes, yes, yes!

Father Frost

Santa Claus, Santa Claus
I brought a Christmas tree for the children,
Santa Claus, Santa Claus
I brought a Christmas tree for the children,
And there are lanterns on it,
Golden balls.
And there are lanterns on it,
Golden balls.

Santa Claus, Santa Claus
I brought sweets for the kids.
Santa Claus, Santa Claus
I brought sweets for the kids.
Flavored waffles
And mints.
Flavored waffles
And mints.

New Year's round dance
(Music: Filippenko A. Words: Volgina T.)

Our Christmas tree is beautiful,
She really likes toys.
She really likes toys!

The lights on the branches are different -
Both green and red.
Both green and red!

The Christmas tree hung its branches,
She's having fun today too!
She's having fun today too!

Small and playful ditties- nursery rhymes performed by the children will be a wonderful New Year's gift for parents. Children will easily remember the words and motive of funny songs. A room with ditties can be decorated as a small New Year's scene or a surprise for Santa Claus.

Oh, my darlings
Bullfinches, titmouses!
I made you a feeder -
Help yourself, birds.

Oh, and Frost is pinching,
Old bully.
On Irishka's cheeks
Two poppies bloomed.

Oh, winter, winter, winter,
How many snowdrifts she made!
The people are not sad -
Celebrates the New Year!

From pure, new snowflakes
I'm making a Snow Maiden.
And I won’t leave him in the spring -
I'll put it in the freezer!

We are all our own toys
We decorated the Christmas tree.
She doesn't have any free time
Not a single needle!

There is noise and laughter in our hall,
The singing doesn't stop.
Our Christmas tree is the best!
There is no doubt about it.

Our Santa Claus with a beard,
With a lush mustache,
But, as a young guy,
Dancing with us.

Santa Claus, take the bag,
Untie the strings.
And get it for us quickly
Fashionable new things!

I make myself a mask
We must try -
I want Snow Maiden-Tane
Confess your love to her!

I danced and danced
And, dancing, she lost her way.
Santa Claus is so good
I fell in love with him!

Oh, thank you, Santa Claus,
For your gifts
We'll kiss you
You'll be hot!

Competitions for the New Year's party in kindergarten for the older group

New Year's competitions can be held not only by Santa Claus, but also by such characters as Baba Yaga and Lisa Patrikeevna. The latter will look colorful in humorous competitions, where you need to cheat appropriately in order to amuse kids and spectators.

New Year's game " Who's faster?»
Santa Claus takes a drum out of the bag and places it on a chair in front of the Christmas tree.

  • Two participants, drumstick in hand, stand in front of a chair back to back.
  • At the signal, they must run around the tree and hit the drum with a stick.
  • First, Santa Claus plays with the child. He makes the children laugh: in an effort to win, he tries to cheat (either he will run along with the drum, or he will run a few steps and immediately come back, etc.).

Relay " New Year's garland»

Children are divided into two teams.

  • The first members of both teams run forward at the signal, run around the chair and return to the team.
    They take the other team members by the hand and run together.
  • For the next round, another player is captured. And so on until the whole team gathers in a kind of “garland”.
  • The winner will be those participants who are the first to collect the “garland” and run to the start in full force.

New Year's competition in kindergarten " Magic bag»

Kids are divided into two teams (for example, “snowflakes” and “bunnies”).

  • Paper carrots and snowballs are scattered on the floor.
    Each team collects items into their bag or basket while listening to music. Snowballs collect snowflakes, and bunnies collect carrots.
  • The winner is the team that collects all their items into the bag without making mistakes and faster.

New Year's competition " Snowball»

For this competition you need to divide the kids into pairs.

  • One participant from each pair is given an empty bucket, which he must hold in his hands.
  • The second participant receives several snowballs made of paper.
  • Participants stand opposite each other at the same distance.
  • At the presenter’s signal, the participants who received snowballs begin to throw them into the bucket of their partner, whose task is to catch as many snowballs as possible.
  • The pair that catches the most snowballs in a certain time wins.

If there are a lot of people willing, then you can divide the guys into two teams. Then the team with the greatest total amount of snowballs caught by all pairs wins.

New Year's competition " Icy stream»

Two children raise their arms to form an arch.

  • The rest of the guys, breaking into pairs and holding hands, walk under the arch with the words:
    « The icy stream does not always let us through, the first time it is forgiven, the second time it is forbidden, and the third time it freezes us».
  • On last words“Arch” gives up.
  • The caught pair becomes an “Icy Brook”.

Contest " Bring the snowball in a spoon»

2 players participate.

  • The children are given a spoon with a cotton ball in it in their mouth.
  • At the signal, the children run in different directions around the Christmas tree.
  • The winner is the one who comes running first and does not drop the snowball from the spoon.

Contest " Who will put on felt boots and run around the Christmas tree faster?»

2 players participate.

  • At a signal, they put on felt boots and run around the tree.
  • The one who gets back the fastest wins.
  • The next pair continues the game.

New Year's competition: " Who can run around the Christmas tree the fastest?»

You can invite not only Santa Claus to this game; it will be much more fun when a colorful character plays in it - Baba Yaga or the cunning Fox.

  • A chair is placed in front of the Christmas tree.
  • Santa Claus and the child stand on either side of the chair, preparing to run in opposite directions.
  • At the command of the Presenter, to the music, two players quickly run around the Christmas tree.
  • After running around the tree once, they return from the other side and sit on a chair.

To make it more interesting, Santa Claus can improvise:

  • On the Leader’s command, do not run, but simply sit on a chair and wait for the child. When the child comes running, the chair is already occupied;
  • Start running around the Christmas tree, taking a chair with you (hold the chair with your hands in front so that the child can see this chair).
  • Run after the child, jokingly trying to overtake him.
    Pick up the child in your arms (taking him under your arm), and run with him.
  • Start running around the tree, taking a chair with you (hold the chair with your hands, it is located behind). When the child and Santa Claus run to the place where there should be a chair, they are surprised that there is no chair - they begin to look for it (the chair is not visible behind Santa Claus’s fur coat).
    The game is played 2-3 times.

Sketch for the New Year's party in kindergarten for the older group

Children from the older group are able to remember several poems, so the New Year's performance can be rich. Children will be happy to transform into robbers, snowmen, foxes and other characters.

New Year's skit about the snowman

Actors may be changed.

Who can light our Christmas tree?
Instead of Santa Claus?

little hare:
New Year around the world
Both adults and children are waiting
On this fabulous night!
How can we help?

Can we for sure
Make a Snowman!

Round dance “Making a Snowman”

Can we for sure
Make a Snowman!
There will be, there will be a Snowman
Neither small nor large.

One, two, three, four, five
We will all help!
There will be, there will be a Snowman
Neither small nor large.

We will take the snow in our palms
And let's roll a snowball.
There will be, there will be a Snowman
Neither small nor large.

The result is a Snowman, but without a headdress, nose and broom.

little hare:
I brought a carrot.
There will be a Snowman's nose!

Little squirrel: I brought a bucket.

Hedgehog: I made a broom.

What a Snowman!
Here, a star on the road ( attaches a star to the broom handle)

Hello my friends!
Thank you everyone for everything!
I'm all made of snow... ( considers himself)
White and beautiful.

He's almost like Santa Claus:
There is a hat, there is a nose,
There is also a staff with a star!
Only Grandfather with a beard...

VIDEO: New Year. A scene in the kindergarten!

Games for the New Year's party in kindergarten for the older group

Funny New Year's games will amuse children and spectators. Children very quickly “get involved” in the game and have fun with the New Year’s characters.

Game " Say hello with your eyes closed»

Two players are selected.

  • Children are blindfolded with scarves and moved in opposite directions.
  • At the leader’s signal, they must find each other and shake hands.

Game " Who is bigger?»

Balloons are scattered on the floor. The host or Santa Claus selects several players from among those willing.

Task: collect and hold as many balls as possible in your hands.
The one who manages to do this wins.

New Year's game " Find the candy»

This game will please all those with a sweet tooth.
Father Frost and Snow Maiden lay out sheets of paper throughout the room, on the back of which are drawn sweets or sad faces.
Task children - collect as many leaves as possible with a painted candy, which are then exchanged with Santa Claus for real candy.

Merry New Year's game " Snowman»

The snowman stands in the center of the hall: hands on his belt, feet shoulder-width apart. Children walk in a “chain” around the hall holding hands and sing:

Snowman, Snowman,
I'm used to snow and cold.
Are you bored in winter?
Play with me, my friend.

  • At the last phrase, the leading child approaches the Snowman from behind and sits on his knees. The rest of the children in the “chain” do the same.
  • A melody sounds, and the children, leaning on their hands, crawl under the snowman’s feet and, rising to their feet, stand at the end of the “chain”.
    As soon as the music ends, the Snowman lightly squeezes the child, who is crawling under his feet at that moment.
  • This child becomes a Snowman, they put a bucket on his head and a carrot nose. The game is played 2-3 times

VIDEO: A surprise moment at a New Year's party - a miracle device

Riddles for the New Year's party in kindergarten for the older group

Smart kids will be happy to solve riddles from Father Frost, Snow Maiden or other characters.

There's nothing more interesting
How wonderful is it on such a day,
Winter holiday season
Meet the kids!
Congratulations again!
I'll tell you riddles.
I'm interested to know
Who can guess them?

He is kind, he is also strict,
The gray beard is overgrown,
Red-nosed, red-cheeked
Our favorite... ( Father Frost ).

On trees, on bushes
Flowers are falling from the sky.
White, fluffy,
Just not the scented ones. ( Snowflakes )

Friendly with snowflakes
Daughter of the Blizzard. Who is she? ( Snow Maiden )

What a beauty!
Stands, sparkling brightly!
How magnificently decorated...
Tell me, who is she? ( Herringbone )

Swift-winged and light,
Fabulous winter
What kind of miracle moths are they?
Are they circling above you? ( Snowflakes )

White bedspread
It was lying on the ground.
Summer has come -
It's all gone. ( Snow )

White carrot
It grew all winter.
The sun has warmed up
And he ate the carrot. ( Icicle )

Old man at the gate
The heat was taken away.
Doesn't run on his own
And he doesn’t tell me to stand. ( Freezing )

We looked out the window -
I can’t believe my eyes!
Everything around is white and white
And sweeps... ( Blizzard )

What kind of stars are they through?
On a coat and on a scarf?
All through, cut-out,
Will you take it - water in your hand? ( Snowflakes )

We made a snowball
They made a hat on him,
The nose was attached, and in an instant
It turned out... ( Snowman )

We stood all summer
Winters were expected
The time has come -
We rushed down the mountain. ( Sled )

Dancing for the New Year's party in kindergarten for the older group

In addition to the New Year's round dance, older children can learn dances for themed scenes, such as snowflakes, robbers, fireflies, etc.


The presenter speaks quatrains, the last line of which is completed by the children with the words “Grandfather Frost.”

Leading: Gifted fluffy snow And he made a big drift, long-awaited and beloved by everyone...
Children: Grandfather Frost!
Leading: In a warm New Year's fur coat, Rubbing his red nose, He brings gifts to the children, Kind...
Children: Grandfather Frost!
Leading: The gifts include chocolate Mandarin and apricot - I tried my best for the kids Nice...
Children: Grandfather Frost!
Leading: Loves songs, round dances and makes people laugh to tears Near the New Year's tree Wonderful...
Children: Grandfather Frost!
Leading: After the daring dance, He will puff like a steam locomotive, Who, tell me together, are the children? This...
Children: Grandfather Frost!
Leading: With a nimble hare at dawn, he crosses the snowy path, Well, of course, your sporty, Fast...
Children: Grandfather Frost!
Leading: He walks with a staff through the forest among the pines and birches, humming a song quietly. Who?
Children: Grandfather Frost!
Leading: In the morning he braids his granddaughter a couple of snow-white braids, and then goes to the children's holiday...
Children: Grandfather Frost!
Leading: On the marvelous New Year's holiday, Walks without a bouquet of roses, Visits children and adults Only...
Children: Grandfather Frost!
Leading: Who brought a pine tree for your joy, guys? Answer quickly - This is...
Children: Grandfather Frost!


The presenter gives answers to the question “What does the Christmas tree like?”, and the children say “yes” as a sign of confirmation and “no” as a sign of disagreement.

What does the Christmas tree like?
- Sticky needles...
- Gingerbread cookies, sweets...
- Chairs, stools...
- Tinsel, garlands...
- Games, masquerades...
- Boredom from idleness...
- Kids, have fun...
- Lilies of the valley and roses...
- Grandfather Frost...
- Loud laughter and jokes...
- Boots and jackets...
- Cones and nuts...
- Chess pawns...
- Serpentine, lanterns...
- Lights and balls...
- Confetti, firecrackers...
- Broken toys...
- Cucumbers in the garden...
- Waffles, chocolates...
- Miracles for the New Year...
- A friendly round dance with a song...


2 players each receive an elegant bag and stand at the coffee table, on which in a box there are scraps of tinsel, unbreakable Christmas tree decorations, as well as small things not related to the New Year holiday. To the accompaniment of cheerful music, blindfolded participants put the contents of the box into bags. As soon as the music stops, the players are untied and look at the collected items. The one who has the most New Year's items wins. The game can be played 2 times with different players.


Children form 2 teams and stand in a column. Team captains receive a set of New Year's flags with images of fairy-tale characters, the third from the end is a flag with a Christmas tree. To the accompaniment of cheerful music, the captains pass back one flag to the others. The last player collects the flags given by the team. As soon as the captain discovers the Christmas tree, he shouts: “Christmas tree!”, raising his hand with this flag - the team is considered the winner.


The presenter speaks quatrains, and the children shout out the words of each final line in chorus.

She’s pretty in her outfit, The kids are always happy to see her, There are needles on her branches, She invites everyone to a round dance... (Yolka)
There is a laughing clown on the New Year's tree in a cap, silvery horns and with pictures... (Flags)
Beads, colored stars, Painted miracle masks, Squirrels, cockerels and pigs, Very sonorous... (Clapperboards)
The monkey will wink from the tree, the brown bear will smile; Bunny hanging from cotton wool, Lollipops and... (Chocolates)
An old boletus man, Next to him is a snowman, A red fluffy kitten And a big one on top... (Bump)
There is no more colorful outfit: Multi-colored garland, Gilded tinsel and shiny... (Balloons)
Bright foil lantern, Bell and boat, Engine and car, Snow White... (Snowflake)
The Christmas tree knows all the surprises and wishes everyone fun; For happy children Light up... (Lights)


(to the tune of the song “Good Beetle” from the fairy tale film “Cinderella”)

1. Stand up, children, stand in a circle, Stand in a circle, stand in a circle! Clap your palms, sparing your hands! Jump like bunnies - Jump and jump, jump and jump! Now stomp, not sparing your feet!
2.3 let’s join hands quickly, more cheerfully And raise our hands up, Let’s jump higher than everyone else! We'll put our hands down and stomp right foot Let's stamp our left foot and turn our heads!

The game is repeated 2 more times.


The host puts a prize under the tree. 2 child players stand on different sides at a certain distance from the tree. Cheerful music sounds. Participants in the game, jumping on one leg, try to get to the tree and take the prize. The most agile one wins.


Paper snowflakes are attached to horizontally suspended long tinsel. Blindfolded players remove snowflakes from tinsel to cheerful music. The one who has the most of them wins.


Children form 2 teams. Near each team, the leader places a box with unbreakable Christmas tree decorations. At a distance from the teams there is a small decorated artificial Christmas tree. The first players take one toy from the box, run to their team’s Christmas tree, hang the toy and return - and so on until the last player. The first team to decorate the Christmas tree wins.


(Santa Claus places a large elegant satin bag in the middle of the hall.)

Father Frost: Here is a bag - it’s elegant! Let's hold an auction! Whoever actively responds receives the gift!
(The satin bag contains 7 multi-colored paper bags shaped. The bags are placed one inside the other from large - 80 cm high to small - 50 cm high (like a nesting doll), and tied with bright bows. On each bag, one letter is large marked, making up the word " gifts." During the game, Santa Claus unties the bow and takes the bag out of the bag, holds an auction for each letter and gives a gift to the child who gave his answer last - gifts begin with the corresponding letters. At the beginning of the game, Santa Claus lowers a satin bag to the floor in front of the children. a paper bag with the letter “P” appears.)
Father Frost: The letter “Pe” asks everyone to name Winter songs now! If you want to sing, sing, After all, it’s time for fun! (Children name songs about winter.)
Father Frost: It's a good winter with snow. But the song is also good! I give you the gingerbread, eat it slowly! (Santa Claus unties the bag, takes out a gingerbread, hands it over, then takes out the next one from this bag - with the letter “O”; he places the previous bag on the other side of himself, thus, the winning bags will be placed next to each other and at the end of the game the children will read the letters with all bags into a single word “gifts”.)
Father Frost: The letter "O" notifies - Submitted festive lunch And he invites friends to the table! What’s not on the table! What will you treat your friends to? Name the treats! (Children list holiday treats.)
Father Frost: In the treat you are a scientist, The prize is a gilded nut! (Santa Claus unties the bag and takes out walnut in gilded foil, and then a bag with the letter “D”.)
Father Frost: The letter “D” remembers the trees. He asks you very much, children! I've dressed them up in silvery frost more than once! (Children say the names of the trees.)
Father Frost: You - exemplary student, I’ll give you a diary! (Santa Claus unties the bag, hands him the diary and takes out the bag with the letter “A”.)
Father Frost: The letter “A” is about an orange. He wants to ask the kids! Come on, tell Grandfather, what kind of person can he be? (Children describe external and taste qualities orange.)
Father Frost: How beautiful the tree is, its outfit beckons the eye! An orange for your health I am very happy to give! (Santa Claus hands over an orange and takes out a bag with the letter “R”.)
Father Frost: The letter “er” gives joy to everyone: Let everyone remember That it brings joy to the mood, without a doubt! (Children remember everything that makes them happy.)
Father Frost: Today it’s a joy for me to deliver a school prize to you - With this pen you can write something with an “A”! (Santa Claus hands over a pen and takes out a bag with the letter “K”.)
Father Frost: The letter “Ka” speaks of carnival and costumes; Asks you to call it Carnival appearance! (Children call carnival costumes.)
Father Frost: All the masks were good, Okay, you know the fairy tales! I remember this one (names the last answer) Get some candy! (Santa Claus hands over candy and takes out a bag with the letter “I”.)
Father Frost: The letter “I” wants to hear Games of winter snowy days! You know them guys, speak quickly! (Children list winter games.)
Father Frost: I must admit, I like these winter fun! I want to give a toy - There’s nothing else left! (Santa Claus unties the last bag and takes it out Christmas tree toy, hands it over, then turns the bag upside down and shakes it, showing that it is empty.)
Father Frost: My bag is empty and light - Our auction is over! I gave away my gifts. It's time to have a carnival!


The children answer the host’s questions in unison with the phrase “Because it’s New Year!”

Why is there fun all around, Laughter and jokes without worries?..
Why are cheerful guests expected to arrive?..
Why does everyone make a wish in advance?..
Why will the path of knowledge lead you to “A” grades?..
Why does the Christmas tree playfully wink at you with its lights?..
Why is everyone waiting here for the Snow Maiden and Grandfather today?..
Why do children dance in a circle in an elegant hall?..
Why does Santa Claus send good luck and peace to the guys?..


The presenter displays a cardboard silhouette Christmas tree, which instead of balls has round holes with pockets on back side. Players, in order of priority, throw a ping pong ball into the tree, trying to get it into one of the holes. At the moment of impact, the ball ends up in the pocket. The most dexterous ones remove a red bag with a surprise from the main New Year tree.

GAME "Naughty Girls"

All children are located around the hall, 4 people in a circle. Cheerful music is playing and the players are dancing. As soon as the music stops, the presenter announces: “Puffs!” (children puff) Then the cheerful music plays again, the players dance. At the end of the music, the presenter announces: “Tweeters!” (children squeak) Thus, the game continues further with various pranks: “Chants!” (children scream); “Squealers!” (children squeal); "The funny ones!" (children laugh) and again from the beginning. The order in which pranks are announced changes periodically.


Touchy Maryushka Doesn't like to stand on the sidelines, Everything shines from her outfit, Celebrates the New Year with us. (Christmas tree)
Friend Ivashka - White shirt, Glad for the cold frost, And in the warmth she sheds tears. (Snowman)
Two girlfriends raised their noses as best they could And along the little white paths They made their mark with their feet. (Skis)
Fast carriage Resting in the summer. When winter comes, She will be drawn to the journey. (Sled)
Round-faced white-faced people respect mittens. If you leave them, they won’t cry, even if they crumble to boot. (Snowballs)
Two twin brothers admire the mirror, hurry to walk along it, practice running. (Skates)


Children form 2 teams. There are small goals at a certain distance from each team. Near the teams, the presenter places a fancy box with ping-pong balls according to the number of participants. Accompanied by cheerful music, the first players take a ball from the box and roll it from their place, trying to get into the goal, after which they take a place at the end of the team. The second participants enter the game, etc. The team that ends up in the goal wins. greatest number balls.


Children form 2 teams. Team captains each receive a small fishing rod with a hook. At a certain distance from the teams lies a large blue hoop, representing a pond in which there are medium-sized toy fish with a loop at the mouth according to the number of participants in both teams. To the accompaniment of cheerful music, the captains follow to the hoop, hook a fish with a fishing rod and put them in the buckets of their teams, standing on both sides of the hoop. Then the captains return to the team and pass the fishing rod to the next participant. The team that finishes fishing first wins.


Children form 2 teams. All players are given bunny ears. At a certain distance from the teams, the leader places a fake head of cabbage. Cheerful music sounds, the first players, jumping like bunnies, get to the head of cabbage, remove one leaf and, also jumping, return back. Second players enter the game, etc. The fastest bunnies raise their cabbage leaves up, thereby announcing the team's victory.

GAME “Well done, HAMMER, MILK”

Children form a circle. The leader is in the middle of the circle. He alternately (out of order) calls the words “well done”, “hammer”, “milk”, after which the players perform the following movements: - “well done” - jump in place 1 time; - “hammer” - clap your hands once; - “milk” - they say “meow”. The presenter stretches out the first syllables of words to confuse the participants in the game (“mo-lo-o-dets”). The game changes from a slow pace to a fast pace. Those who are inattentive remain in their playing places, and those who perform the movements in accordance with the words without mistakes take a step forward. Thus, the winners are the participants in the game who reach the leader faster than others.


To the leader’s statements, children say “yes” as a sign of agreement and “no” as a sign of disagreement.

Uncle Fyodor is a smart boy, very kind and cultured.
Cinderella is hardworking and beautiful in a ballgown.
Each of you here knows - Good Uncle Karabas.
True friend Grandma Yaga will always be with you.
The dwarves love Snow White and quickly keep up with her.
Alice the fox will teach you better sense.
He rides on Emelya's stove and controls it boldly.
Dunno has friends, he cannot live without them.
The Glorious Grandfather Koschey will pour you more cabbage soup.
Vanya made the best flying ship overnight.
Pinocchio is very greedy, - He guards the five soldi at night.
Masha and Vitya are hooligans, - They set traps for Leshy.
Cheburashka is friends with Gena, sings a song, doesn’t bother.
Carlson loves cookies. Sweets and entertainment.
The evil girl Malvina walks with a long club.
Goblin is just the guy you need, kids are happy to be friends with him.
Pechkin is a nice postman, he will deliver the mail on time.
From Chukotka to Brazil Everyone loves the cat Basilio.
The hare gallops ahead, the wolf shouts: “Well, just wait!”
The best of friends is wild cat Matvey.
The turtle does not fly, the Lion Cub rides on itself.


Children form 2 teams, the captains of which receive a children's scooter. Small artificial Christmas trees are placed in front of the teams at a certain distance from each other. To the accompaniment of cheerful music, the captains drive around the Christmas trees and, in the same way, return to their team, passing the scooter to the next participant. The team that manages not to run over the Christmas trees wins.


Three players are given cat hats and given a stick to which a long rope is attached. A fake mouse is tied to the end of the rope. Accompanied by cheerful music, players wrap a rope around a stick, thereby bringing the mouse closer to them. The prize is awarded to the most agile cat who managed to “catch” the mouse faster than the rest.


Children form 2 teams. Near each team there is a large pot with inflatable sausages of medium size according to the number of participants. A pair of small hooks are attached to the ends of the sausages. Cheerful music sounds, the first participant takes a sausage out of the pan and passes it to the second participant, etc., until the last team member has it. Then the first participant passes the second sausage, which the penultimate participant attaches by hook to the sausage of the last participant. Thus, each participant connects the sausage handed to him to the sausage of the person standing next to him. The last participant finishes the bunch with a sausage. The fastest team raises their bundle of sausages, marking victory in the game.


Children sit in a circle and repeat the movements after the leader standing in the center of the circle, saying “Hrum-hrum!”

Leading: Let's clap together, crunch-crunch!
Children:(clap) Hrum-hum!
Leading: Let's clap together, crunch-crunch!
Children: (clap) Hrum-hum!
Leading: And if it’s more friendly, hum-hum!
Children:(clap) Hrum-hum!
Leading: Even more fun, crunch-crunch!
Children: (clap) Hrum-hum!
Leading: Now we get up, one after another, crunch-crunch!
Children:(children stand up one after another) Hrum-hum!
Leading: And let's take each other by the shoulders, crunch-crunch!
Children:(take each other by the shoulders) Hrum-hum!
Leading: We walk quietly in a circle, hum-hum!
Children:(they walk slowly in a circle) Hrum-hum!
Leading: We don’t get tired of playing with me, hum-hum!
Children:(continue to walk in a circle) Hrum-hum!
Leading: Let's walk squatted, crunch-crunch!
Children:(they squat after each other) Hrum-hum!
Leading: Let's walk quietly, squatting, hum-hum!
Children:(continue to squat) Hrum-hum!
Leading: Let's all get up on our feet together, crunch-crunch!
Children:(get to their feet) Crunch-crunch!
Leading: And we’ll turn everything towards the Christmas tree, crunch-crunch!
Children:(turn to face the center of the circle) Hrum-hum!
Leading: Let's stamp our feet, crunch-crunch!
Children:(stomp their feet) Crunch-crunch!
Leading: Let's stamp the other one, crunch-crunch!
Children:(stomp with the other foot) Crunch-crunch!
Leading: Let's jump on the spot, crunch-crunch!
Children:(bounce in place) Crunch-crunch!
Leading: And let's jump again, crunch-crunch!
Children:(they jump up again) Crunch-crunch!
Leading: Let's wave to each other, hrum-hrum!
Children: (waving to each other) Hrum-hum!
Leading: Let's wave the other hand, crunch-crunch!
Children:(waving the other hand) Crunch-crunch!
Leading: We will all wink at each other, hum-hum!
Children:(wink at each other) Hrum-hum!
Leading: Let's take each other's hands, crunch-crunch!
Children:(hold hands) Crunch-crunch!


The presenter reads 3 clues to the children, with the help of which they should guess the surprises lying in the elegant box.
The smartest ones receive sweet prizes.

Not a Christmas tree, but an elegant one; Not a musician, but loves to play; It’s not the baby, but “mom” who speaks. (Doll)
Not a watermelon, but a round one; Not a hare, but jumping; It's not a bicycle, it's rolling. (Ball)
Not a gnome, but in a cap; Not a car, but refueling; Not an artist, but a painter. (Felt pen)
Not a fox, but a red one; Not a waffle, but a crispy one; Not a mole, but sitting underground. (Carrot)
Not a cake, but a sweet one; Not a Negro, but a dark-skinned one; Not an orange, but with slices. (Chocolate)
Not a ladle, but scoops; Not a door, but with a handle; Not a cook, but a feeder. (Spoon)
Not a plate, but a round one; Not a heron, but standing on one leg; Not a wheel, but a spinning one. (Yula)
Not a feather, but light; Not a snowflake, but flying; It's not a bud, it's bursting. (Balloon)
Not a ruler, but a thin one; Not a mother, but a caring one; Not a crocodile, but a toothy one. (Comb)
Not cotton wool, but white; Not snow, but cold; Not sugar, but sweet. (Ice cream)


Players form 2 teams, at a certain distance from which stands a cone-shaped figurine of a tiger 80 cm high, made of cardboard and painted orange. A long string with a black marker attached to the end is tied to the tiger's neck. To the accompaniment of cheerful music, the participants of the game, in order of priority, run to the tiger and draw one stripe with a marker, then return to their team. The most agile team wins.


Rhythmic music plays and children dance in pairs. The presenter announces: “We are funny kittens,” - the couples separate and each portrays a dancing kitten. The game is repeated several times.


Children form 2 teams. At a certain distance from the teams there is a small artificial Christmas tree. Cheerful music sounds, the first participants with carrots on a plate run to the small Christmas tree and back, passing the plate to the second participants, etc. The team that manages to drop the carrot from the plate the least number of times wins.


To the leader’s phrases as a sign of agreement, the children respond: “Hello, hello, New Year!”

The Christmas tree is in festive attire, we are all happy about it today...
Santa Claus, seeing the children, takes out a bag of candies...
No one wants to sing songs, Their words are barely muttered...
The tree lowered its branches, It became very sad on the holiday...
Let's dance around the Christmas tree in this glorious hall of ours...
Let's shoot with a slingshot and knock out the balls...
Let's make a colored lantern for our Christmas tree as a gift...
Tell a poem Everyone is ready with the mood...
A snowman walks around in a Panama hat, but doesn’t play games for children...
There are happy faces everywhere, so let's have fun...


(to the melody of the polka “The bird danced the polka...” from the fairy tale film “The Adventures of Pinocchio”)

Leading: Let's decorate the Christmas tree with balls!
Children: It's New Year's holiday!
Leading: Congratulations to all our friends!
Children: It's New Year's holiday!
Leading: Let's hold hands together, walk around the Christmas tree and, of course, smile!
Children: It's New Year!
Leading: Friends came to us from a fairy tale!
Children: It's New Year's holiday!
Leading: The masks are twirling in a glorious dance!
Children: It's New Year's holiday!
Leading: We play by the Christmas tree, we sing songs together, we joke and don’t lose heart!
Children: It's New Year!
Leading: Santa Claus in a smart fur coat!
Children: It's New Year's holiday!
Leading: Let's have fun with Grandfather!
Children: It's New Year's holiday!
Leading: He will praise us for our poems and give us gifts, congratulate us on a wonderful holiday!
Children: It's New Year!


Players form 2 teams. The presenter gives galoshes to the captains large size, personifying hooves, and fake horns. To the accompaniment of cheerful music, the captains run around a bucket with the inscription “milk”, covered with white paper on top - “milk” (each team has its own bucket), return back and pass the horns and galoshes to the next players. The team of the fastest Buryonok wins.


On the back of two chairs hangs a winter jacket with the sleeves turned out, and on the seats lies a fur hat, a scarf and a pair of mittens. To cheerful music, 2 players turn out the sleeves of their jackets, then put them on, and then put on a hat, scarf and mittens. The prize goes to the one who takes a seat in his chair first and shouts “Happy New Year!”


Children form 2 teams. The presenter gives everyone tinsel. The melody of the song “Jingle bells” sounds. The first participants tie their tinsel in a knot onto the hand of the second participants, after which the second - to the third, etc., the latter run to the first and tie the tinsel to them. The winner is the team whose participants completed the task in a short period of time and raised their hands with tied tinsel.


The presenter says quatrains, to which the children answer “true” or “false.”

1. The waxwings flew to the birch tree in a motley flock. Everyone is glad to see them, Marvelous praising their outfit. (Right)
2.Bloomed among the frost on a pine tree big roses. They are collected into bouquets and given to the Snow Maiden. (Wrong)
3. Santa Claus melts in winter and gets bored under the Christmas tree - A puddle remains from him; On holidays it is not needed at all. (Wrong)
4. With the Snow Maiden The Snowman is used to coming to children. He loves to listen to poems and then eat candy. (Right)
5. In February, on New Year’s Eve, Good Grandfather comes, He has a big bag, all filled with noodles. (Wrong)
6. At the end of December, the calendar sheet was torn off. It is last and unnecessary - New Year is much better. (Right)
7. Toadstools don’t grow in winter, but they roll sleds. Children are happy with them - both girls and boys. (Right)
8. Miracle butterflies fly to us from hot countries in winter, They want to collect nectar in the warm snowy times. (Wrong)
9. In January, snowstorms blow, covering the spruce trees with snow. A bunny in his white fur coat boldly jumps through the forest. (Right)
10. On New Year's holiday, the glorious Cactus is the main one for the kids - It is green and prickly, Christmas trees are much cooler. (Wrong)


The presenters display a cardboard silhouette of a New Year’s tree, with four balls marked by letter: “E”, “L”, “K”, “A”. Then they ask riddles. During the guessing process, the upper part of the ball with the letter is removed and a ball with a picture of the answer to the given letter appears to everyone’s attention.

Presenter: He puffs like a steam locomotive, bringing a cart on himself. He can protect himself from neighbors and passers-by. (Children say variants of the riddles.)
Presenter: Your answer to the truth is similar - Undoubtedly, it is a hedgehog! Come here, my friend, I’ll give you the prize then!
Leading: Her outfit is bright, like a masquerade costume. How cunning a cheat is, She knows how to deceive cleverly. (Children give their answers.) Leading: Hello from the fox for your correct answer! You need to hurry, get a wonderful prize!
Presenter: He lives in a paper house with a proud and brave look, and when he leaves, he will immediately take on a sweet appearance. (Children offer their answers.)
Presenter: This is a good answer - I wished for candy! Come to me quickly, take your prize quickly!
Leading: It’s like the sun is shining, It’s always juicy, Round and like a ball, But it just didn’t take off at a gallop. (Children announce their guesses.)
Leading: Here is the answer to the riddle! I don’t mind giving you the prize! You guessed it orange - the whole room heard it!


Children form 2 teams and stand in lines. Doctor Aibolit wants to find out if anyone has a fever during the New Year holiday and puts a large cardboard thermometer under the armpits of the first participants of both teams. Cheerful music sounds. The second players take the thermometer from the first players and set it for themselves, then the third players take the thermometer from them, and so on until the last players. Now, in the same way, the thermometer moves from the last players to the first. The team whose first player returns the thermometer to Dr. Aibolit in a short period of time wins.


In front of the two players, the presenter places a prize wrapped in bright wrapping paper on a chair and says the following text:
At the New Year's hour, friends, you can't go without attention! Don’t miss the number “three”, - Take the prize, don’t yawn!
“The Christmas tree greeted guests. Five children came first, So as not to get bored on the holiday, They began to count everything on it: Two snowflakes, six firecrackers, Eight gnomes and parsleys, Seven gilded nuts Among the twisted tinsel; We counted ten cones, and then we got tired of counting. Three little girls came running..."
If the players missed the prize, the presenter takes it and says: “Where were your ears?”; if one of the players turns out to be more attentive, then the presenter concludes: “Those are attentive ears!”


(to the tune of the song “There is nothing better in the world...” from the film “The Bremen Town Musicians”)

1.Leading: There is nothing better in the world than this fun winter time! We celebrate the New Year all together and don’t get bored at our Christmas tree!
Children: And we don’t get bored at our Christmas tree! (During the loss, the children put their hands on each other’s shoulders and walk to the right in a circle; at the end of the loss, they stop and clap their hands to the beat of the music.)
2.Leading: How beautiful everything is in the spacious hall, We don’t know a more wonderful holiday! We celebrate the New Year all together and don’t get bored at our Christmas tree!
Children: And we don’t get bored at our Christmas tree! (During the loss, the children put their hands on each other’s shoulders and walk to the left in a circle; at the end of the loss, they stop and clap their hands to the beat of the music.)
3.Leading: Santa Claus will give us gifts, and Snow Maiden will play games! We celebrate the New Year all together and don’t get bored at our Christmas tree!
Children: And we don’t get bored at our Christmas tree! (During the loss, the children form pairs with those standing next to them and, holding each other by their raised right hands, spin to the right; at the end of the loss, they stop and clap their hands to the beat of the music.) 4. Leading: Let the white snowflakes swirl; Let them be strong friends with each other! We celebrate the New Year all together and don’t get bored at our Christmas tree!
Children: And we don’t get bored at our Christmas tree! (During the loss, the children form pairs with those standing next to them and, holding each other by their raised left hands, spin to the left; at the end of the loss, they stop and clap their hands to the beat of the music.)

GAME “NEW YEAR’S Shifters”

Santa Claus says phrases, and children must answer “yes” or “no” in unison, regardless of the rhyme.

You, friends, came here to have fun?..
Tell me a secret: Were you waiting for Grandfather?..
Will frosts and colds scare you?..
Are you sometimes ready to dance at the Christmas tree?..
A holiday is nonsense, Let's get bored better?..
Santa Claus brought sweets, will you eat them?..
Are you always ready to play with the Snow Maiden?..
Can we push everyone around without difficulty? Certainly...
Grandfather never melts - Do you believe this?..
Do you need to sing a verse at the Christmas tree in a round dance?..

Fun games with snowballs for older preschoolers in kindergarten.

Kryuchkova Svetlana Nikolaevna, music director of MDOU Kindergarten No. 127 " Northern fairy tale" Petrozavodsk

Description of material: The material is designed for children 5-7 years old and may be useful to music directors and educators. Games can be included in New Year's entertainment or any activity with children as a fragment.

Target: creating a happy mood in children
- bring joy to children
-develop the creative abilities of preschoolers
-develop communication abilities of preschoolers
Children play with snowballs with great pleasure. I present to your attention
A selection of games that I often include in New Year's entertainment.

Children stand in a circle. Children pass a snowball to each other to cheerful music. When the music ends, the child who still has the snowball in his hands goes into the middle of the circle, dances, and all the children clap.

Children are divided into two teams. The first person on the team puts the snowball in wooden spoon(holds the spoon with one hand, the free hand is behind the back) runs to a certain landmark (Christmas tree, chair, etc.), runs around it, returns to his team, passes the spoon with the snowball to the next participant.

A. 2 children participate in the game. Each child has a spoon with a snowball in his hands. The children each turn in their own direction to run. At the signal, the children run around the tree and return to their places without dropping the snowball from the spoon.

B. Children are divided into two teams. Each team has snowballs in a basket (physical education hoop). Each child takes one snowball, puts it in a spoon and runs in the opposite direction, puts the snowball in another basket (physical education hoop), returns to his team, passes the spoon to the next participant. Each team must move their snowballs from one place to another.

Children throw snowballs at each other to cheerful music.

2 children participate in the game. Each child has a basket (bucket) with snowballs. At a short distance from the children there are baskets (buckets, or gym hoops on the floor). Children must get into a basket (bucket, gym hoop) by throwing one snowball at a time.

There is a snowball on the stump (chair) in front of the tree. 2 children participate in the game. On command, each child runs in his own direction. Returning back, whoever comes running first must take the snowball in his hands.

To play you need 2 clubs, 2 sports goals.
2 children participate in the game. Each child has 6-8 snowballs. There are sports collars at a certain distance from children.

Each child takes one snowball and tries to hit the collar with the snowball with a stick.

There are snowballs on the floor. 2 children participate in the game. The children are blindfolded and given a basket. They must each collect snowballs in their own basket with their eyes closed.

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1. Wedding dress

The bride's dress can be rented or purchased. Girls usually don't like the first option. Of course, who wants to wear a dress from someone else’s shoulder on the most joyful day in their life? There are several purchasing options: the market, tailoring in China to order through Internet resources and wedding salons.

The market is not the best good choice. You won’t be able to try it on or really see how the outfit fits here. And no one is responsible for the quality.

A number of websites offer dress tailoring in China according to a style pre-selected from a catalog. In this case, the materials used are similar to the original ones, but the question of their quality also remains open. There is no way to try on the dress, which means there can be no confidence that it will fit perfectly. As a result, there is a risk of experiencing great disappointment after receiving the order. As an alternative, you can offer to have your dress sewn in local ateliers, but this is far from a cheap pleasure, and there is also the possibility that the finished dress will not look on you the way you saw in your dreams.

The optimal solution would be to choose wedding dress in the salon. Fortunately, there are a lot of them now, they have a rich assortment, and pricing policy very different. The most simple model will cost about 5,000 rubles, and for a beautiful dress, tailored fashion trends, you will have to pay 20,000 - 25,000 rubles.

2. Wedding accessories

The next consumable item is accessories: veil, gloves, stockings, garters, shoes, handbag. To purchase these things you will need at least 7,000 rubles. And don’t forget about the services of a wedding makeup artist and hairdresser, costs for which start from 4,000 rubles.

3. Groom's suit

With the groom everything is much simpler. His wedding attire rarely differs from the ceremonial version of the classic men's suit, whose price varies between 6,000 and 8,000 rubles. Suits in wedding salons and branded boutiques are more expensive - 12,000 - 17,000 rubles. On average, a groom can be well dressed for 10,000 rubles.

4. Wedding bouquet

The price of a bridal bouquet differs significantly from the cost of an ordinary bouquet. You can spend 2,500 rubles or even more on it.

5. Wedding rings

Rings symbolize the unity of two people and are one of the most important wedding attributes and expenses accordingly too. If you are not pragmatic enough to do without them, prepare at least 6,000 rubles. This money is enough for two small and simple rings. Do you want gems or engraving? Be prepared for the fact that there is practically no upper price limit in this matter.

6. Wedding procession

If you are planning to celebrate a wedding on a grand scale, then you cannot do without rented cars. On average, one hour of renting a car costs 1,500 rubles, but of course, the higher the class of the car, the higher its cost. For example, the price of limousine rental for newlyweds and close guests starts from 2,000 rubles.

7. Decorative elements

Many companies provide services that can add color to a wedding, such as launching snow-white doves. The price of each bird is from 500 rubles. But even if you don’t include them in the program, wedding rings made of balloons for 3,000 rubles or balloons for launching into the sky worth 2,000 rubles will become a holiday decoration.

8. Video and photography

Tariffs for professional video shooting per hour range from 3,000 – 5,000 rubles, photographer services will cost 2,000 – 7,000 rubles per hour.

9. Wedding banquet

Banquet costs depend on the level of the restaurant, the selected menu and the number of guests. On average, you need to proceed from the amount of 1,500-2,000 rubles per person, that is, if you have 30 guests, then the total cost will be 45,000 - 60,000 rubles. Please note that the price includes restaurant menu does not include wedding cake, fruit, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. If there are no restrictions on your wedding budget, you can choose an expensive restaurant, but be prepared to spend 3,000 - 5,000 rubles for each person. Additional expenses include renting restaurant equipment - prices start from 3,000 rubles, festive covers for tables and chairs - from 1,000 rubles and the opportunity to invite your toastmaster - from 2,000 rubles (the latter condition is typical only for some establishments).

10. Entertainment program for guests

The fee of a presenter invited to entertain guests at a wedding starts at 10,000 rubles, then everything depends on his popularity, talent and workload. You will have to pay at least 5,000 rubles for equipment for musical accompaniment and disc jockey services. The most spectacular ending to a wedding is fireworks, but considering its cost - 5 minutes 20,000 rubles - not everyone can afford it.

11. Gift for your loved ones

If, after preliminary calculations, the newlyweds still have a certain amount of money, then why not treat themselves to booking a luxury hotel room for their wedding night, which will become the starting point in their new life together? The price of pleasure is 6,000 – 7,000 rubles. Additional services in the form of champagne for the newlyweds and room decorations will cost about another 2,000 rubles. In summer, the cost of the service increases to 10,000 - 12,000 rubles plus a fee for decorations.

Final mathematics

After some simple calculations, it turns out that the minimum cost for a wedding is approximately 150,000 rubles, and to organize a beautiful, memorable celebration you will need 250,000 - 350,000 rubles.