How to understand your meaning in life? What to do if life has lost all meaning.

The question “What to do if life has lost all meaning” has a clear and specific answer. Moreover, thinking about this question gives pleasure by penetrating into the very essence of life.

Paul Gauguin “Where do we come from? Who are we? Where are we going?”

Paul Gauguin completed the painting “Where Do We Come From? Who are we? Where are we going?”, took a box of poison and went to the mountains to die

However, the artist overdid it - he took too large a dose of poison, which provoked non-stop vomiting. Thanks to her, Gauguin was saved. The would-be suicide suffered all night, but remained alive. The next morning, he swayed to his hut and fell asleep, and when he woke up, he felt a forgotten thirst for life. Psychologists know of cases where an unsuccessful suicide attempt relieved depression.

The great man was lucky. But here's another story...

She's 21. Tomorrow is her graduation. She studies at a cool foreign college, majoring in English philology. And yesterday her boyfriend left her. He didn’t even throw it away, but sent it. He accused her of her beautiful body (and she is very beautiful) distracting her from her absolutely empty inner world.

It would seem, what's wrong with that? But for her it is a disaster. Why? Firstly, she always considered herself a complex, interesting person, and not a simple one. beautiful girl. Secondly, she fell in love with him. And thirdly, no one should abandon her. Only she should decide this!!!

How did this happen... At first, a year ago, she just slept with him because he was handsome. She was entertained by philosophical debates with him and amused by his sweet shyness. And in bed he was so caring, so attentive to her desires and so responsive that she eventually broke her own rule - not to fall in love. And I fell in love. And I revealed this to him yesterday. And he, in response, threw some kind of smart book, which I was reading at that moment and kicked out. And finally he said that as long as she didn’t talk about love, it was good with her. But when she uttered that vulgar, banal phrase, “I love you,” she turned from a goddess into a bourgeois. And he saw that there was nothing behind her bourgeois beauty. With these words, he slammed the door. And she was left alone. She and the door in front of her.

Of course she didn't press the call button. Naturally she left. And that same evening, wanting to knock out a wedge with a wedge, she got drunk, seduced her fellow student and gave him a blow job. But at the very last moment, she became so disgusted with herself that she vomited right on him. And she felt what she realized she wanted to feel when she seduced him - she felt how insignificant and pathetic she was. And she ran away, getting dressed as she went.

This morning she had a terrible hangover. She was literally turning inside out, in to a greater extent from the feeling that she had hit rock bottom that night. From the fact that she was not just abandoned, but accused of being a complete and utter emptiness.

It was even worse for her because downstairs, at the entrance, stood her joyful parents who came to celebrate her graduation. She felt so bad that she couldn’t find anything better than to run to the window, open it and step down.

The floor was high and her head split open when she fell. Her mother died immediately from a broken heart. When her daughter's brains splashed right on her face. The father, like a true man, held on for another year, and then he took her into the car, closed the door, turned on his wife’s favorite tune, lay down on the seat and fell asleep. They were all buried nearby.

The story is difficult and, most of all, incomprehensible. Why would a young, beautiful, promising person suddenly throw herself out the window? Did you sleep out of grief? Did the guy leave? Are you sick of yourself? Yes, all this happened, but why did her life lose all meaning for herself? But it is precisely the absence of meaning that makes death the only way out? Where did he go - meaning?

Has life lost all meaning? The problem is not in life. But in a lost sense.

The phrase “The meaning of life” and the question “What to do if life has lost all meaning?” - meaningless, without an accurate understanding of what MEANING is.

    There's no point in life

    There's no point in doing this

    I don't see the point in talking to you about this

    There's no point in even starting

    There's no point in continuing

    There's no point in going there...

    What are the similarities between these phrases?

Their similarity is that some things make no sense. What does it mean? It happened in your life that you said or thought something similar. It was exactly like that. But why did you say that?

What is life? And how can it lose its meaning?

Life cannot lose meaning :-). Life has no pockets from which meaning can fall out unnoticed. She has no holes in her hands through which meaning can leak. Life is not a person. She can't lose anything :-) Life is a general name for... What do we mean when we say life? My life. His life. Our life. What do we mean?

What does it mean to “live”? This means waking up in the morning and falling asleep in the evening. Go to work. Love. Give birth to children. Travel. Sleep. Get sick. Recover. Fight. Die. To be born. etc. etc. Right?

All these words are verbs. And verbs mean action. Life is action. And any action has a result. And any action requires strength. And the more complex the problem that the action solves, the more effort is needed. And if the result is not worth the effort that is required, this result has no meaning. It's pointless to work hard to get nothing, right?

Why do I go to work? To make money. What do I need money for? For life. For a family. On a hobby. And if I work a lot and earn little, does it make sense for me to work like that? Why do I go in for sports? To feel cheerful, vigorous, fit. What if I play sports, and as a result I have a lot of occupational diseases. Does it make sense for me to continue? Everything we don’t touch in our lives, we do for the sake of something. And this is ALL - both deeds and what we get from them, we call the capacious word LIFE.

Life is everything we do.

Life loses its meaning if the ratio of the invested forces and the result obtained is meaninglessly insignificant.

Life as a source of suffering.

Life, that is, what we do (our actions), can cause us a lot of suffering. And one of the main things in our lives is to overcome these sufferings.

I worked and worked for 10 years, then boom - a crisis. And the topic died. It's just like losing loved one- you can't live without him. for for many years togetherness. An abrupt break in these connections makes you suffer. It really physically hurts. Just “yesterday” every month your account was growing, but now it’s falling. You have plans, calculations - cars, house, etc. And here...

Don't believe when they tell you that you don't have to suffer. You can pretend you're not suffering. You can drive suffering deep inside your soul. But there is no life without suffering.

Overcoming suffering is just like any other. Some do it better, some do it worse. Therefore, one suffers for a month, and then pulls himself together and looks for new topic. And the other suffers for a year and then returns to his former self for another couple of years.

Overcoming Suffering requires strength. But in order to put effort into something, we must see why we will strain and invest effort.

The girl has a terrible hangover. She has a feeling of her own worthlessness. And below are joyful parents wishing for a holiday. She simply doesn’t have the strength to somehow pull herself together (and perhaps she doesn’t have such a habit). And most importantly, she is so immersed in herself and her experiences that she literally does not see the light at the end of the tunnel. In the literal sense, she sees no point in somehow trying to cope with her experiences. They are very strong.

She does not see this meaning, because at this particular moment it seems to her that her future is hopeless darkness and hell. What is the point in her going through suffering? For this future hell?! What is the point of her living?! None. And she puts an end to her life. Paul Gauguin drinks poison. Someone throws himself under a train. Because they don't see the light.

Why life loses meaning.

The man is 40. No children. No family. Works as a senior mechanic - six months on the road, six months at home. Of course, I have friends. There is an apartment. There is a car. But there is no meaning in life.

The question is - where does this meaninglessness in his life come from?

Why did his life lose all meaning? To answer this question, you need to understand what kind of suffering he overcomes? Or what does he do that does not bring adequate results?

After all, in the phrase “The meaning of life” the main thing is MEANING. But in place of “life” we can and should put something more concrete. Why? Because life is a generalization. We call life the many things and actions that we do and commit in life. Understanding the meaning of life is useless. It's about everything and nothing. You need to dig for specific life things.

He works as a senior mechanic. He makes good money. Does his job pay enough for him to feel that the hardships he must endure are worth it?

No, it doesn't. Yes, he makes good money, but he spends this money on himself. And based on his age, it’s time for him to have children. And invest in them. Then his work and 6 months in an iron box will make sense - working for money to provide for his children. It makes sense. And working for 6 months at sea for the sake of money to buy a car and fuck chicks is... somehow stupid. You can work on the shore and fuck chicks every day. Not six months a year. Hence his feeling of the meaninglessness of life - he hunches over for six months to spend money on whores. What nonsense!

He does not realize that the feeling of the meaninglessness of life arises from the meaningless six-month voluntary imprisonment. And he endures these imprisonments in order to then rest for six months. But in fact, this vacation is overshadowed by the premonition of a six-month hard labor approaching every day.

What to do if life has lost all meaning?

We already know that this is a meaningless question. We need a question that already contains an answer. Which?

“What of what I do, what I do, is meaningless, because it is not worth the hardships, hardships and suffering that I endure for this?”

The answer to this question removes the question “What to do if life has lost all meaning,” because you clearly understand where exactly this meaning was lost.

    I have a meaningless job. Why? Because for the sake of money, I don’t want to rot in captivity for six months. It's not worth it.

    I have a meaningless relationship - his pessimism and despondency do not cover the fact that I have great sex with him.

    I'm wasting my time at the institute. Why? Because I’m not going to work in this specialty, and they don’t pay money for just having a diploma.

Agree, such formulations are much more productive than some general “I don’t see the meaning in life...”.

Well next step- think and decide what to do about it. What to refuse. But this is much simpler.

PS And a little about the life of Paul Gauguin. His whole life is a manic escape from civilization.

Paul Gauguin was born in Paris, but until the age of seven he was raised on a Peruvian estate by his uncle and forever fell in love with exotic nature, measured life and simplicity. human relations. France, where he returned with his mother in 1855, never became his home. Therefore, the artist loved to travel to distant countries. And when he turned forty-seven (in 1895), he decided to move permanently to Polynesia, to Tahiti, where he had already been.

However, this time life on the island did not work out. Gauguin quarreled with the new colonial administration and therefore could not get a job. The accumulated money quickly ran out. All that remained was to paint pictures and send them to France in the hope of selling. But patrons were not particularly interested in Gauguin’s work, and the artist was mired in debt. Besides, he started serious problems with health: my legs were inflamed, my heart ached, I was tormented by eczema, and bouts of hemoptysis did not go away. Conjunctivitis and dizziness prevented me from working.

“I don’t even have a piece of bread,” Paul wrote to his friend Daniel Monfred in the fall of 1897, “to restore my strength. I support myself with water, sometimes with guava and mango fruits, which are now ripe, and also with freshwater shrimp.” Gauguin was stifled by depression, and he decided to commit suicide. But before his death, he wanted to paint one last picture, which would become a spiritual testament.

“I think,” the artist addressed Monfred, “that this canvas... will surpass all previous ones... I put into it... all my energy, all my passion.” By the end of December 1897, the work “Where did we come from? Who are we? Where are we going? was ready. And in early January 1898, Gauguin took a box of arsenic and went to the mountains. There he decided to die...

In 1898, fate took pity on Gauguin: the paintings slowly began to sell, he managed to get a job as a clerk in the Public Works Department, the conjunctivitis disappeared - the artist spent all his free time at the easel. Started new stage creativity: Gauguin created a cycle of paintings thematically close to “Where do we come from? Who are we? Where are we going?”, but in a different, sunny palette.

This example perfectly shows that if hardships seem endless, then there is no point in overcoming them. But Gauguin was lucky - he did not die and saw the light at the end of the tunnel. Which?

Death scarier than life, so there is no point in death :-)

PPS Picture “Where did we come from? Who are we? Where are we going? has one peculiarity: it is “read” not from left to right, but from right to left, like the Kabbalistic texts that Gauguin was interested in.

1 SLEEPING CHILD symbolizes the human soul before its earthly incarnation. According to art critic Marina Prokofieva, “Gauguin was a mystic, passionate about theosophy, and believed that human souls, before descending into the material world, reside in infantile bliss in heaven.”

2 DOG - a symbol of the troubles that await a person on earth.

3 THREE WOMEN symbolize the first stage of abiding human soul in the bodily shell until the desire for self-knowledge is discovered in it. “These women do not get bogged down in soul-searching, are not tormented by doubts, but mindlessly surrender to the happiness of material existence,” says Marina Prokofieva.

4 A MAN PICKING FRUIT FROM THE TREE OF GOOD AND EVIL is a symbol of the awakening in man of the desire to comprehend the secrets of the universe.

As a theosophist, Gauguin believed that the desire to discover the secrets of the world order was inherent in man from the very beginning. But in some it awakens, and in others it does not.

5 FIGURE WITH A HAND ON HEAD personifies the second stage of development of the human soul, when it comes to despair from the impossibility of finding answers to the “damned questions” of existence.

6 TWO FIGURES IN RED. “In Gauguin’s painting,” says Marina Prokofieva, “they personify the third stage of mental development, when a person acquires the ability to analyze. These are two wise men confiding their thoughts to each other.”

7 BIRD - a symbol of the spiritual path, taken by Gauguin from ancient Egyptian art.

8 THE WOMAN IN BLACK symbolizes the soul at the highest stage of development, when it comprehends the meaning of its earthly incarnation. It lies in the fact that the soul needs to be tempered in suffering. “The woman in black is mournful, but calm,” notes Prokofieva, “because it is open to her that the suffering to which people who have chosen the spiritual path are doomed in this world is followed by an afterlife reward - joyful peace.”

9 SOURCE - a symbol of eternity.

10 THE STATUE OF THE DIVINE represents the hope of the resurrection in heaven of the liberated soul.

11 THE FIGURE OF A TEENAGER symbolizes the embryonic level of development of the soul in those in whom the desire for self-comprehension has not yet revealed itself and who are familiar only with the life of the body.

12 GOAT, KITTEN AND PUPPY - these, according to Gauguin, are symbols of a carefree existence in which the kingdom of material nature resides, not knowing the torment of spiritual search.

13 NUDE is a symbol of sensual pleasure, which is pursued by those who live according to the laws of the material world.

14 THE OLD WOMAN symbolizes the doom of the body to death. “Her undeveloped soul,” says Marina Prokofieva, “will be doomed to an amorphous existence that does not know pain, but also does not know joy.”

15 A BIRD WITH A LIZARD IN THE CLAWS is, according to Gauguin, a symbol of the inevitability of the hour of death.

16 TITLE OF THE PICTURE IN FRENCH - D’ou venons nous? Que sommes nous? Ou allons nous? Today the painting is in the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts (Boston, USA).

About the painting by Paul Gauguin “Who are we? Where are we from? Where are we going?

If reality is good and positive, we don’t wonder what to do if life has lost all meaning. But happiness cannot be guaranteed and eternal: a person sometimes has to experience tragedies, losses, and failures. All this negativity leaves an imprint on his psycho-emotional state, and similar thoughts arise.

How to stop “burying” yourself and cope with the feeling of being doomed to failure? Professional psychologists ready to give everyone some advice.

First of all, it is advisable not to bring yourself to depressive state, and start therapy on time from dark thoughts. You need to take care of your mood from the moment when you first thought that the colors of life are no longer the same as before. A few simple ones psychological exercises will help you distract yourself and direct your mood in the right direction.

1. Living the last moment. Allow yourself a few minutes of silence and try to imagine that you only have one day left to live. Introduced? Now answer three main questions for yourself: what would I like to hear about my personality after death, what missed opportunities do I regret, and what reason for pride do I have in my life? These answers will help you better understand and feel yourself and the depths of your subconscious. Now think about how you would spend last 24 hours in this world? Make a list of things that are important to you, sort those that you can complete within the next 24 hours and start implementing them.

3. Take a time out. Just allow yourself to relax, be in silence alone with your own thoughts. Start personal diary, make it a habit to write down every day the good and bad of the day. By re-reading what you have written, you will be able to understand what really has value in your life, and what is just farce and tinsel.

4. Lend a helping hand. As he says folk wisdom, if it seems to you that difficulties in life are insurmountable, find a person with big problems than yours, and help him. It could be a disabled person, a child from an orphanage, old man etc. By supporting him, you can compare your life with his existence and give him the opportunity to feel a little needed and happy.

5. Experiment with a new role. Dedicate yourself to what you dreamed of for a long time, but for a number of reasons they couldn’t afford it. Maybe you will find a calling in growing zucchini in the garden, creativity, playing sports, dancing, working with children.

The meaning of life is lost... reading this phrase, you involuntarily shudder. What is she hiding behind herself? Perhaps this is the beginning of a note from a suicide? Or the thought of someone doomed to prolonged suffering? There is so much pain and torment in this statement: after all, if life is meaningless, then why is it there at all? Sadness, depression, melancholy. What to do with this feeling? If nothing has meaning, then what exactly is the meaning of life? Is it even possible to ever find him?

Why and when do we feel that the meaning of life is lost?
How dangerous is a state when it seems that the meaning of life is lost?
What to do if you have lost the meaning of life?
How to find the meaning of life and become a happy, cheerful person?

If you look around and take a close look at people, it is not difficult to notice that the phrase “the meaning of life is lost” is literally in the eyes of many of us. Sad old women and old men, whose whole meaning of life was concentrated in children, and they suddenly fled into their own, completely separate life. Offended middle-aged people, who do not have the opportunity to succeed as professionals, sit on their sofas and wait for this life to end and a new one to begin - with a clean slate. Teenagers hiding behind headphones, absorbed in hard rock or pulsating sounds, they live as if with only one desire for the outside world: “leave me alone!” Looking into the eyes of all such people, we can easily read in them this painful feeling of loss of the meaning of life, and therefore depression, melancholy, and faintness from life itself.

On the other hand, at the same time we can observe completely different people. Someone is cheerfully chattering on the phone, saying good news, another is busy with the children, the third is laughing heartily in the company. These people are obviously not depressed about the meaning of life. And, one of two things, either they simply do not think about their meaning in life, or they already have it.

Attention question! What is the meaning of the life of one individual? And is it true that each of us has a separate, different meaning in life? And in general, is it possible for someone to irrevocably lose the meaning of life and their life to be completely unnecessary?

I have lost the meaning of life, what should I do now?

The answer to this question seems to lie on the surface. Everything seems simple - you need to understand what the meaning of life is and find what is lost. But here we usually become victims of imposed stereotypes, other people's desires, and general attitudes. We reach for one, shy away from the second, and develop complexes about the third. And in the end, we often just walk around vicious circle their shortcomings and sufferings. And all that is needed for happiness is to find where it lies - this cherished meaning of life.

Find the lost meaning of life, bring it back!

Attention answer! If you take an individual person, cut off from society, the meaning of his life is really in question. A man lived, and then he died. Time passed, everyone forgot him, the story ended. All. Life makes sense only if we look at it from the angle of the general, and not the specific. And we understand exactly what our specific role is in this general matter.

If it seems to you that your separate life has some meaning, then this is an illusion and nothing more. It is even more mistaken to believe that you personally can lose this very meaning of life. By confining ourselves to ourselves or a narrow circle of our family and friends, we easily get the feeling that the meaning of life is lost: the children have grown up and moved away, I lost my job, I got sick, I don’t mean anything - that’s exactly how we think. But by including yourself in the community, understanding your role not in particulars, but in general, you can understand that the meaning of life cannot be lost. And every person who lives in this world has his own meaning in life, you just need to find yourself, occupy your niche, realize yourself for the whole.

It is especially important for sound engineers to understand this, because when asking the question “what is the meaning of life?” It seems to him that “life is meaningless” and “the meaning of life is lost forever.” And this is true for his individual, privacy. But if you correctly ask yourself the questions “what is the meaning of our life? What is the meaning and design of the universe?”, then the answers to these questions can lead to stunning results.

Read examples from people's lives of how such disclosures occur.
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Inga Mayakovskaya

Reading time: 8 minutes


We all have those moments when it seems that things can’t get any worse, that the emptiness inside is forever, and that the meaning of life is irretrievably lost. How to return it, this meaning? Everyone has their own answer, depending on their life experience and level of depression. One will seek the meaning of life through travel, trying to find himself in them or at least get out of a state of melancholy. Another will drown himself in entertainment, a third will go into religion, and a fourth will buy a cat. How can you regain the feeling of fullness of life again? What to look for a way out of the deadlock?

  • A radical change in external image. One of the most popular options among girls drowned in search of the meaning of life. All available and not so affordable means are used - strict diets, a complete wardrobe change, a new hairstyle/makeup, a series of procedures in a beauty salon with a course lasting “until it goes away” and even a surgical knife. Will it help? Of course, self-confidence will appear. And many changes in life begin with self-correction. Those very changes that become links in a happy chain leading to happiness and success. Just don't overdo it. Changing your appearance and searching for yourself in image experiments can become an obsession and a “drug” that, instead of calming down, will bring only problems.

  • IN healthy body- healthy spirit! And harmony of spirit and body is impossible in the absence of physical strength. AND reverse side eat - than stronger spirit(the spirit of the winner), the stronger the health. The right image life - like a “pill” for despondency, depression and states of “whatever it is, whatever it is.” Charging, swimming pool, morning jogging– as a pleasant tradition, life is a sport (let’s go where we’re most drawn), healthy eating etc. There are no cons! Nothing but advantages. In the process of acquiring the habit of a healthy lifestyle, even the need to search for “meaning” is lost - everything falls into place on its own.

  • Shopping. A typically feminine remedy for “everything.” Any stress is relieved by shopping. Of course, a shopping trip brings a lot of positive emotions. But the danger of this option is not only in useless purchases and irrepressible waste of money, but in the emergence bad habit– cure every melancholy with shopping. As in the case of eating cakes or in the case of changing the image, this method has more disadvantages than advantages. Learn to treat the blues and look for yourself in what has only positive consequences and creative prospects. Don't let your stress pills turn into bad habits and took over you completely. This is not a “treatment”, but a “respite”.

  • Analysis of the situation. Look around. What do you see around you ? Do you have a roof over your head? Don't you go naked? Enough for bread and cheese? And even for a trip to warm regions? And don’t you particularly complain about your health? So it's time to figure it out psychological problems. When you lock yourself in your shell, think about what is most hindering your life right now? What would you get rid of without thinking? Eliminate sources of irritation, get away from those things and people that make you want to “lie down and go to sleep forever,” radically shake up your life and don’t be afraid of anything. Most often, a state when life loses meaning “covers” in a situation of complete helplessness or loneliness. You have the power to change this. Just start small - understand yourself, stop watching the news that puts you in a state of suspended animation and prostration (sit on social networks, “die” within 4 walls, etc.), look for your inspiration.

  • Creation. Easiest to deal with a terrible beast“apathy” (as well as blues, depression and other derivatives) through creativity. Everything that scares you, confuses you, puts you in a state of trance, irritates you, etc., should be thrown out through creativity. Write. As best you can. Clumsily, with errors, in the form of diaries, blank verses or memoirs - this is a powerful antidepressant that allows you not only to lift your spirits and get rid of unnecessary thoughts, but also to understand the meaning. The meaning of everything. Just remember that the ending should ALWAYS be positive! And draw. Whatever you know how to eat - pencils, construction paints, vegetables from the refrigerator or coal from the stove. Draw your anxieties, fears, emoticons and the future, abstractions and simply your state. Paper and canvas will endure anything. And instead of emptiness in the soul, grace will come. Learn to “drain” the bad in creativity and concentrate the positive from it. Pros: maybe in 5-6 years you will wake up as a famous artist or writer. For all creative people, inspiration comes from melancholy and melancholy.

  • Adding new colors to life. What haven't you tried yet? Surely, you secretly dream of learning how to belly dance, jump from a tower into a pool, shoot (very discharges and shakes up the “psyche”), sculpt jewelry or embroider on sofa cushions? Look for yours! An activity that will not only distract and calm nervous system, but will also become a valuable experience, perspective, the beginning of meetings with interesting people. Get out of the swamp, it's time to act!

  • Help your neighbor. The call that “sets teeth on edge” is known to everyone. But in this case we are not talking about throwing a couple of coins to an aunt with someone else’s child on the subway. We're talking about real help. For many people real help to others becomes the true meaning of life. Always remember - someone is now much worse off than you. Look around. While you cherish the “meaninglessness” of your existence, someone is already helping lonely, abandoned, sick and people in difficult situations - in orphanages, hospitals, hospices, in the Ministry of Emergency Situations (and even animals in zoos and shelters). On a voluntary basis, at the behest of the heart. By doing good, a person cleanses himself of unnecessary “tails,” brightens his soul, and attracts joy. Start with a couple kind words for your offenders, from an unexpected visit to your aged mother, whom you have not visited for a long time, with humanitarian aid to those who need it.

  • Isn't it too quiet in your house? Isn't it time to liven up your apartment with the patter of little feet and the sonorous laughter of children? Children are the main meaning of this life. Our continuation, our mark on earth. The appearance of a baby (whether your own or an adopted one) changes your life instantly and forever. True, if a child is only a way to get out of a psychological impasse, then it is better to wait with this “method”. A child will only be a salvation if you are already ready for motherhood.

  • If the maternal instinct has not yet awakened, and the desire to take care of someone is simply unbearable, get a dog. You definitely won't be bored. You are guaranteed morning jogs ( healthy image life), diet (you can’t eat much when those eyes are looking at you and your long tongue is constantly trying to slide across your plate), new acquaintances (girl, what kind of breed is this? Can Rex and I take you for a walk too?), sincere selfless love and devotion to the tip of the tail.

And most importantly, look for motivation. Without motivation, life controls you. With motivation, you control your life.

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Many of us face unforeseen circumstances. We made the decision to create the life we ​​want. The one we expect.

We take all necessary measures to achieve our goals. But then, when we get to them, something strange happens. We feel that this is not what will make us happy...

At first glance, this situation seems terrible to you. You just realized that everything is in vain. You feel like you've wasted your time, money, and energy. That everything is meaningless. Everything is falling apart...

You feel bad. BUT, it's actually not as bad as you think. On the contrary, this dead end may be the most best moment in your destiny.

Now, when your plan doesn't work, you get to the point of using alternatives. What if you don't have them? This is cool! You have come to create it!

When the life we ​​wanted falls apart, we have the opportunity to create the life we ​​really want. So what do you really want? What do you want to want when you wake up every day? To feel good? This great opportunity for you! You can become happy!!!

Key Tips to Help You Create the Life of Your Dreams

1. There are no mistakes in your past. You may think that your life is falling apart because you made the wrong choices or that you wasted your time. Or that it's too late for change...

Yes, you cannot get your time back, but you should realize that it is not wasted. And you didn't make any mistakes. Everything that has happened has led you to the present. You are where you should be. It is your path that brought you here, so that you understand something and decide to move forward. Don't get stuck in negative thoughts, don't feel guilty. Instead, acknowledge that everything is going well and you haven't made any mistakes.

2. You have a choice of actions. Every decision you make has brought you to where you are and given you the life you have. If you don't like what you have now, change your mind.

Was your choice genuine? Did he bring you happiness? Was this something you truly believed?