How old is the “Field of Miracles”, who are its leaders and where is the famous museum located. The daughter and granddaughter of Leonid Yakubovich play with the same toys! Yakubovich personal life

“The beautiful thing about them is that they are like everyone else, but no one is like them,” Honore de Balzac said about extraordinary people. This definition corresponds absolutely to Leonid Yakubovich. He seems to fit right in, with understandable humor, well, just one of us, which is why we love him. Yes, but not so. Because on the other side of the screen, Leonid Arkadyevich is completely different, and his life there is completely different. What life is life! What this screen showman managed and still manages to do in one life ordinary person won't fit. Judge for yourself.

First-class student in swimming and shooting. Professional turner and electrician. Has a higher engineering education. KVN participant with ten years of experience. Auctioneer (conducted more than 400 different auctions). Showman. Scriptwriter and presenter of the first beauty contest “Moscow Beauty”. A pilot who has mastered the controls different types airplanes and helicopters (member of the Russian team, participant of the World Aerospace Olympic Games). Billiard player (was vice-president of the Russian Federation of Billiard Sports). Racing driver (took part in auto racing in Africa). Skier. Rider. I went sailing. Jumps with a parachute. Water skiing. Traveler. Culinary. Preferentialist. Collector (reference books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, ancient books). Numismatist (paper money different countries). Film actor (played in two dozen films, including: “Once Upon a Time Twenty Years Later”, “Moscow Holidays”, “Timur and His Team”, “Russian Amazons”, “They Don’t Kill Clowns”). Theater artist (performances “Let's Have Some Fun”, “Be Healthy, Monsieur!”). TV presenter (programs “Analysis of the Week”, “Wheel of History”, “Last 24 Hours”, “Field of Miracles”). Writer: author of more than 300 stories and monologues for the stage; scripts for shows and television programs (“Gravity of the Earth”, “Parade of Parodists”, “Wider Circle”, “We need victory like air”, “Come on, guys!”, “Come on, girls!”); plays (“The Haunted Hotel”, “Peek-a-boo, Man!”, “Tutti”); film script “Grandfather of My Dreams”; stories, books “Little by little”; poems and fables.

— The game called “Field of Miracles” is not very intellectual. Well, it distracts people a little from their hardships, but my job is to create good mood, nothing more. New Year's episode of the program with the Zapashny brothers (2009). Photo: Ruslan Roshchupkin

In addition, Leonid Arkadyevich seriously studies the philosophy, psychology and religions of the peoples of the world. And for almost 20 years he has been traveling to hot spots: Chechnya, Dagestan, Kosovo... He says that he cannot live without it, because everything there is real and sincere - people, relationships, concepts of courage and honor. He is a reserve officer of the Military Transport Aviation (Military Transport Aviation). At the same time, Yakubovich finds time not only for family members, but also for friends, of whom he has in abundance. Moreover, he communicates not formally and superficially, but fully, truly, not forgetting to go around with gifts on holidays and even send congratulatory text messages in verse.

— Leonid Arkadyevich, in one of your poems you write: “Why did I come into this world? According to all earthly laws, I am, in general, just a passenger from a common carriage...” But here you are definitely being disingenuous. yours rich life Enough for ten people. Most, as you call it, “passengers” don’t even dare to dream about this...

- In fact, I am a lazy person and often just die from idleness. Honestly. By the way, at such moments - outside of work - I am unbearable to those around me. So I force myself to overcome my laziness. But she, the bastard, is trying. So we fight with her with varying success.

- And yet how do you manage to get so much done?

“Sometimes I myself watch in amazement at the movement of my own body in space. That is, of course, I have some rough plan for the day, but it can change in one second, and I have no idea where I might be in five minutes. On the other hand, I am an extremely obligatory person, I have never been late for anything, which, by the way, annoys many, but at the same time, I repeat, I am not able to predict anything. Suddenly I may find myself in the Moscow region, or even in another city, for example, in Ufa or Voronezh. I cannot explain why this happens. Relatives are no longer surprised, they are used to it. Since childhood, I have, as they say, 14 electric trains in my ass, so it blows me in different directions.

— Maybe your parents instilled such mobility in you?

“They didn’t pawn anything.” We just lived. In a huge Moscow communal apartment. Our family of eight people (mother, father, me, my family cousin And mom's parents) was located in a 40-meter room (once the office of the owner of the house who emigrated during the revolution), dividing it into three parts. There are 12 neighbors around. A wonderful school of life: quarrels, fights, queues for the toilet, but also mutual support, joint viewing of the only KVN TV for everyone, birthdays for everyone.

Only now have I begun to realize that I happy man, because I had two grandmothers and a grandfather, which is what my children lack so much. My father’s mother, Polina Savelyevna, lived separately, also in communal apartment, we went to see her on Sundays. Charming, absolutely divine dandelion, for whom I was the light in the window. She was a phenomenally good cook and I adored her. Another grandmother, Anna Lvovna, was noisy, with a grumpy character, and with her screaming caused insane irritation. Until one day I found out that during the war she took preschool children from Stalingrad. They were loaded onto small ships, and they sailed at night and landed on the shore during the day. And the grandmother, in order to protect the kids from bombing, came up with a game - they say, a dragon might attack them now, so they need to hide the boat under the branches, and the children together camouflaged their craft. And my grandfather was a bright, naive man, with open eyes blue eyes, who sacredly believed in everything that was said on the radio and written in the newspapers. Their arguments with my father were something incredible.

Dad, who went through the war, understood perfectly well what was going on around him. He worked first as an engineer, then as head of the Asbotsemmash design bureau. He had several life postulates. For example: the boss is not entitled to awards. All awards, certificates, titles are for subordinates. The boss should receive reprimands. Or another one that he simply imprinted in my heart for the rest of my life and what I teach my children: you don’t have to be the first, you have to be the best.

My father said practically nothing about the war; only a couple of photographs were preserved of him in military uniform and Budyonny presents him with the order. I only know that I took part in many battles, returned as a lieutenant colonel, and lost many friends at the front. Several times I saw him cry while watching a movie about the war - “Father of a Soldier,” for example. And one day tears flowed from his eyes when he saw how one of the famous athletes were awarded the Order of Lenin. At this point my father was completely overwhelmed, he couldn’t calm down. “You can’t do that,” he was indignant. - Well, they should come up with some kind of order of sports glory. You can’t imagine what you had to do at the front to receive the Order of Lenin!” The mother threw up her hands in horror: “Arkady, shut up!”

My mother was an obstetrician-gynecologist by profession, and by the way, a very good one. She worked as a doctor for 42 years and spent her whole life saying that she worked in organs. Imagine, they let her through everywhere standing at attention. In everything that concerned her personally, my mother was completely helpless, but for others she could move mountains, and her energy was incredible. She told me: “Never follow your butt.” A theatergoer, in love with music, painting, literature, she literally forcibly taught me to read, took me to the conservatory, to exhibitions, to theaters...

My parents met in a rather strange way. One day, my father, along with other front-line soldiers, received a package from the rear. This was the custom: women sent warm clothes, food, and some cute trinkets to unknown fighters. The package that Captain Yakubovich received contained a letter from a Muscovite girl and a pair of knitted mittens... for one hand. Touched, he wrote a response. And soon he was sent to Moscow to receive an order, and there he decided to meet a strange young lady. They met and got married. My mother once confessed to me: “Forgive me, but all my love went to your father. I loved him to such an extent that I didn’t have me left for you. In a sense, you even bothered us a little.”

- How were you raised?

“My father was always busy at work, but for my mother, I repeat, he was the light in the window. I brought it to my dad once school diary to check, but he didn’t even look. “I don’t need him,” he said. - How to study is your business. And contact me if you have any problems.” We had a friendly relationship, without any coddling. I wasn't spoiled.

— How did you fill your boyish leisure time?

— I studied in different circles, as was customary then. We lived on Zemlyanoy Val, not far from the Kursk station - it was also a neighborhood where there was hooliganism. Is it true, dangerous reefs I somehow happily passed. Although there were times when we could have easily gotten into some serious trouble, fate decided against it. What is typical: in our very punkish company, I don’t remember a single person who wasn’t doing at least something. Everyone went to some section: boxing, wrestling, basketball...

me in early childhood my parents tried to teach me music. My mother invited a teacher from the conservatory, an old professor came to us and began to give me lessons - the neighbor had a piano. After five lessons, she told her mother: “Rimma Semyonovna, I will no longer study with your son.” And she explained: “I’m losing my hearing.” This is where my training ended. As they later explained to me, this happens: I hear music perfectly, and I quite accurately notice the falseness of others, but I cannot reproduce anything. Probably because I don’t like my own voice - I don’t like the timbre or the sound, so I’ve never watched any programs with my participation, or films. Never.

In general, freed from music classes, I attended a bunch of clubs: radio electronics, chess, theater, I went to the speed skating section, swimming, and went to the Dynamo shooting range in Mytishchi. He shot very well. I studied well, but I was a mess.

- What was this expressed in?

“Once my father was called all the way to the town hall. The guys and I sat down on the roof of the school to eat a watermelon, and when they cut it, I dropped half of it, which landed on the head of the director. And in the eighth grade I was expelled completely - for three months of absenteeism. After which he went to evening school, and for this he got a job.

I went to the famous Tupolev aircraft factory - mailbox No. 116. That was one of the brightest periods in my life. He first worked as a turner, then in an electrical shop, in a team of electricians working on lifting mechanisms - elevators, cranes. A real work environment, amazing people, where I was truly the son of a regiment. They dragged me along with them to all the companies, but they looked after me - they forbade me to smoke, drink, and if I swore, I received a slap on the head. I don’t remember a single day in my life when I went to work with such pleasure. The plant literally became my home. But in the end I was pushed into college - it was time to get a higher education. I entered the Institute of Electronic Engineering. And along the way, he joined the Student Theater of Variety Miniatures and KVN.

- Then we met soloist of VIA“Townswomen” by Galina Antonova, who became your wife and mother of your son?

- A little later. Two years later, I transferred from MIEM to the Institute of Civil Engineering. For two reasons. Firstly, the rector warned my father that after graduating from university, with my “fifth point” - nationality - there would be no chance of employment. But the main thing is that at the Kuibyshev MISI there was an excellent KVN team, which I aspired to get into. It was during that period, on a tour flight of the IISS team to the garrisons of military transport aviation, that we met Galya, a student of the same university, only studying at a different faculty. It was a fun time. They frolicked around the country together, got married and gave birth to Artem.

— Most men who become fathers in their youth are not very aware of the meaning of fatherhood. How was it for you?

- Exactly the same. When Varya was born a quarter of a century later, I experienced completely different sensations - as if I had given birth to my own granddaughter. And internally I was completely prepared for this. And how could it be otherwise if my daughter was born when I was in my sixties? But with our son, everything turned out abnormally.

- In what sense?

- Directly. Unfortunately, my wife did not listen to my mother, who, being a gynecologist, naturally recommended how to behave during pregnancy. As a result, at the end we got all the pathology that could be. To begin with, our water broke at night. I couldn’t get through to the ambulance and, I don’t know why, I rushed to the police station located opposite our house: “Guys, help me out!” At three in the morning I was given a duty car, and we solemnly drove into the maternity hospital in a police car with flashing lights. On the second day after giving birth, Galya pointed at my nose through the window and wrote in a note that he was sniffling - at first there was a suspicion of an acute respiratory infection, and then it turned out that it was bilateral pneumonia. And my wife still has extreme blood loss - about three and a half liters minus, and the doctors are sounding the alarm. There was no milk at all.

Finally, after wild ordeals, my mother and I pulled my wife and son out of the other world. On Saturday morning they told me: “Well, now thank God, you can pick it up on Monday.” I replied: “No way, I’ll take you away now!” They explain that transport will only be available on the day of discharge. I went to a nearby establishment - the fire department, and they gave me a fire truck, in which we came home. That is why he became Artyom with us - translated from ancient Greek this name means “unharmed”, “impeccable health”.

Due to the fact that during treatment, his son was injected with penicillin in such wild doses that they knocked out all the flora, at the age of two he was again rushed to the hospital, and not simply, but through terrible connections at the Central Clinical Hospital - Gennasha Khazanov asked someone. We established the flora for ten days, after which we were sent for rehabilitation to the Tsekovsky sanatorium near Moscow. Happy that I had an empty apartment at my disposal, I began joyfully calling someone, inviting them to visit, when suddenly my people came back - they were not accepted, because my son turned out to be... lousy. How?! There they asked the wife: “Where is he actually from?” She said: “From the children's Central Clinical Hospital.” They nodded with understanding: “Ah, then it’s clear, everyone there has lice...” Is it normal? I was stunned. And then we smeared our heads with kerosene. In general, it was a funny story.

— Did you live tolerably well financially?

— After college, having received a diploma as an engineer with a specialty in ventilation and air conditioning, I went to the Likhachev Plant, where I worked for six years, and then for three years I associated myself with the commissioning department. With deductions, I earned 93 rubles a month. Galya didn’t work, so at night I worked as a driver. Every day at 23:30 I drove up to the Valdai pub, picked up two waiters - a husband and wife - and took them to Malakhovka, and then returned home. For which I received another 100 rubles a month. So we didn't go hungry. Our house was always full of guests, everyone came with their food and drinks, and everything was wonderful.

— At that time, did you already start writing your humorous miniatures?

- Yes, of course, but I didn’t consider it something serious - so, I scribbled some nonsense. Just some strange hobby, it is unclear for what reason that interests others.

- But pop singers performed with them. Vladimir Vinokur generally became famous with your “Sergeant Major’s Monologue.”

— For Volodechka, my co-author, Markusha Spivak, of blessed memory, and I wrote endlessly, just kilometers of texts, in addition, we wrote numerous scripts for mass performances on various occasions. The most amazing thing was that they started paying us for it. We were terribly surprised when suddenly the agency called and said that we should get copyrights. For some reason, Mark was always paid more. For some mysterious reason, I signed for 41 rubles, and he signed for 42 rubles 42 kopecks. How they calculated it, who knows. The three of us were friends: Mark, Gennasha Khazanov and I, we were inseparable for many years.

I remember very well our first big program with Mark, ordered by the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR for the 1980 Olympic Games. We were given a fee of 500 rubles for it. But we could not get this money in any way, because it was transferred to savings books, which we did not have. And to open it, you had to have, in my opinion, ten rubles, which we also didn’t have. And for my birthday I was given a savings book with a ten-ruble deposit, for which the money was immediately transferred to us. Markusha and I persuaded our wives to celebrate this event. And they even sang in their ears that our friend, an amazing cook, had set a table for us in a restaurant at Vnukovo Airport. We took a taxi, arrived in Vnukovo, put them on a plane flying to Tbilisi, everyone had lunch there together, and then flew back. This made an indelible impression on our young ladies.

— In the comedy play “Bless you, Monsieur!”, where you play one of the main roles, we're talking about about the fatal power of money over people. Tell me, what does money matter to you?

— Previously it was secondary, but now it is fundamental. That is, somewhere in the depths of me, distantly, there sounds something that I sucked in with my mother’s milk: not everything is bought, and not everything is sold. But these are already infinitely distant echoes, like an echo. Because life has changed radically. Now, on the contrary, almost everything is bought and sold.

Scene from the play “Bless you, Monsieur!” Leonid Yakubovich with Olga Volkova and Galina Danilova

I used to be terribly proud of knowing a girl whose dad was an academician, an artist, or being friends with a boy, the son of a general. Oh, how I was jealous! And then somehow it happened that they began to envy me because I had two butcher acquaintances - my father introduced me to them. I called on special phone, and they said: “You will come on Wednesday.” I came and they gave me the meat that had been set aside. And one of my friends knew the director of the store - well, that’s actually something!

And now no one cares who you are or who you work for. Nobody cares about anyone. There is only one interest: how much are you worth? Here is the main component that determines your place in society. You can resist as much as you like, but this is a fact. Conclusion? I have a responsibility to do everything possible to ensure that my children have a better life than I did. But if earlier it was enough to provide morally, now material support is needed first of all. At least at first. Because everything costs immeasurable amounts of money - and that means there must be a lot of it. And the question of where to make money endlessly hovers over me, as indeed over everyone. For me, a lot of money is wealth compatible with my idea of ​​a wealthy and healthy life my relatives. But I personally don’t need anything. A typewriter is enough for me so that I can compose.

— Do you type your works on a typewriter?!

— No, of course, on the computer. And everyone close to me knows: if I sat down for him, it’s better not to come near me. By the way, I hate the computer more than anything in life, all the reserve of my hatred falls on it. Because he, the bastard, endlessly rules me, he, you see, knows better than me where to place commas, how to write words correctly. At the same time, if I don’t click something, it suddenly throws out an entire paragraph. What a nightmare! The computer interferes with me terribly, and I interfere with it. And this war is eternal for us.

— Nevertheless, it was on the computer that you, in collaboration with Arkady Inin, wrote your first film script for the film “Grandfather of My Dreams,” which was awarded audience awards at several festivals, and you even won a prize for the leading male role.

- Yes, and it really warms my pride. Now we are excitedly waiting for the rental. Still, in the picture there is no shooting, shooting, massacre, and there is no eroticism or sex either. It's just a family comedy, a good movie. To be honest, we filmed it because we missed good things. And we would be happy if people came out with a smile after watching it.

This film script arose from my story. I originally composed it for myself. When I was in the sixth grade, I made a list of 15 names, then it increased to 40, then to 100, and - after college - it grew to 750. These were the names of my relatives, friends, acquaintances, their friends, and opposite each one was written who needs what. I really wanted to have a lot of money: first 100 rubles, then 500, a thousand, then 10 thousand, and finally I indicated a crazy amount - a million rubles, which after a while I adjusted to a million dollars. In my dreams, I gathered everyone in a huge hall and said: “Did you want an apartment? You have a warrant. Did you want a car? Take the keys...” So I would have given everything away. And somehow I thought about myself: what if wealth fell on me? What if I turned out to be the owner of, say, a million dollars or ten? I wonder if I would change or not and how much would I keep for myself? This is where the story originated.

When it came to the film script, I extremely hated Arkasha Inin, who explained to me how to write it. At his command, I began to rewrite what I had written, and believe me, this is a monstrous process. I brought him something that I really liked, and he immediately declared that it was literary nonsense, verbiage, and crossed out entire pages. And he marked them with a marker. I almost strangled him. Finally, when we had written everything, the director appeared, Sasha Strizhenov, who not only began to erase with a marker, but literally threw out entire pages. That's why I hated him even more. In fact, he was right: the half of a page I wrote in a movie can be expressed with one look, a gesture, a turn of the head... Then the distributors got involved in our work and explained that the audience of moviegoers was getting terribly younger and our story needed to be somehow rejuvenated. We had to change the characters. What a horror!

And then it came to filming. They decided to find grandfather somewhere in a remote village, so that the type would be completely from the people. Then it turned out that not only did we have money to search for Grandfather, but we also didn’t have money for filming. But we were unexpectedly lucky: not only did we win the competition for best scenario in the Ministry of Culture, and they also found a sponsor. And then Strizhenov said: “Listen, if you could play Grandfather yourself. Let’s make you a little older and everything will be fine.” I was stunned. But he dragged me to Mosfilm, where wonderful make-up artists created the image of my Grandfather in a week and a half. And at the end they said sympathetically: “You can’t even imagine what you’re dooming yourself to.” I really didn't understand what I was getting myself into. I had to come to the studio three hours before the start of filming to do plastic makeup.

“Strizhenov said: “You should have played Grandfather yourself.” Let’s make you a little older and everything will be fine.” I was stunned. I had to show up at the studio three hours before the start of filming to do this makeup. With Alexander Strizhenov on the set of the film “Grandfather of My Dreams”

But at least I managed to turn something in my favor. Maybe I look like an idiot, but actually I’m not a stupid person and realized that I would have to learn kilometers of text, so I immediately made Grandfather deaf and mute. That is, he pulled out all his teeth, he became lisping, and what he says is incomprehensible to anyone. So another 30 pages of text went to hell: Grandfather just nodded and mumbled, but I, unlike everyone else, didn’t have to memorize the role. And I didn’t say a single word in the film! Jokes about this hovered endlessly in the studio. Strizhenov kept shouting: “Arkadich, closer to the text!” - and everyone died of laughter.

— Thanks to “Field of Miracles,” you became a people's favorite. Probably because for almost a quarter of a century, in a sense, I’ll quote your degree specialty, you have been “conditioning the air”: giving people droplets of positive energy, goodwill, and optimism. Say kind words to everyone.

- Stop it, nothing special is happening. This is simply the effect of a public profession. If I flashed on the screen every Friday for 25 years, naturally I became recognizable, but nothing more. And what you’re talking about is an indicator of how much we’ve all gotten ourselves into. Lost the habit of ordinary human relationships,

we are surprised when a man gets up, if a woman comes in, we stopped going on a date with flowers, we don’t say “thank you” and “please”, instead of “hello” we say “hello”. And the way I communicate with people and say to everyone “God willing...” is absolutely normal. Just like the fact that I address children as “you” and by their first and patronymic names. Since childhood, my daughter and I have been on “you” terms, and she, five or six years old, introduced herself and said: “Hello, my name is Varvara Leonidovna!” Cute, slightly ironic communication style. And the fact that you elevate this to the rank of an act makes me sad, because there is no act here, just upbringing drilled into me from childhood. Agree that the game called “Field of Miracles” is not very intellectual, it carries practically no semantic load. Well, it distracts people a little from their hardships, but my job is to create a good mood, nothing more. What's so special about this?

“Since childhood, my daughter and I have been on first name terms, and she, five or six years old, introduced herself and said: “Hello, my name is Varvara Leonidovna!” With my daughter at the Central Moscow Hippodrome (2010). Photo: Sergey Ivanov

— The union of your parents, who “drilled” such an upbringing into you, rested on love. How are you in the family?

- I am a walking explosive package, gunpowder, I can explode, roar for any reason. And no one pays attention to my screams anymore, because they know: this will pass. In a second. And then I have to be reminded for a long time why I was yelling. Just like in my parents’ house, we don’t have baby talk. I always had a friendly relationship with my son - the same as my father and mother had with me. Surprisingly, Artem has grown absolutely calm person. Definitely not like me—probably like my mom. And he is also a workaholic. He’s just really stubborn - if you give him a task, it’s impossible to stop him. He has two higher education: Like me, he graduated from the Kuibyshev MISI, and then from the Academy of Foreign Trade. He works on Channel One in the group of editors of the information and political block; in my opinion, he heads some division for special projects. And Varvara Leonidovna is finishing school. From an early age she has been a serious, strict and thoughtful girl, which has never stopped us from fooling around together.

“I always had a friendly relationship with my son. Surprisingly, Artem turned out to be an absolutely calm person. Definitely not like me—probably like my mom. Photo: Natalia Trekolic

I'm no teacher. And he didn’t really know how to raise his son, but with a girl educational process didn't go at all. My daughter is hovering over great love, and Varya takes advantage of this. Like her granddaughter, Sonechka, who is almost the same age as her daughter - she is only two years younger than her aunt. It’s a pity, I rarely see her, mostly at family celebrations. In general, they are all twisting ropes out of me, and nothing can be done about it.

- I'm no teacher. And I didn’t really know how to raise my son, but I simply can’t do this with my daughter, because my great love hovers over her, and Varya takes advantage of it. Photo: Sergey Ivanov

- Wife too?

— Marina and I have what is called a parallel existence: everyone is busy with their own business, and one does not interfere with the other. Previously, my wife worked in an advertising agency at the VID television company. We met on a ship, on a cruise in the Mediterranean during the filming of one of the programs. They huddled there together, that's it

and bothered me. Over time, Marina stopped working. She runs the house, and this, by the way, is a great profession. In general, I believe that a woman’s mission, unless, of course, she has a wild attraction to some kind of business, is home. I can’t imagine any other task for my wife. For what? If he wants to work, so be it, but I don’t see the point in it. And my job is to provide her life in such a way that she does what she likes. Marina likes to manage things, plus she is crazy passionate about all kinds of vegetation - she pokes around in the garden tirelessly, takes care of living creatures - we have two cats and a dog, and Varvara Leonidovna and I are also on board.

— A woman’s mission, unless, of course, she has a wild attraction to some business, is home. I can’t imagine any other task for my wife. For what? And I must provide her life in such a way that she does what she likes. With his wife Marina (2010). Photo: Sergey Ivanov

— So your hobby is extreme sports?

— Where did you find extreme sports, explain to me? There is no extreme in my life. If you are talking about aviation, these are idle ideas. There is nothing more relaxing than flying. The sky is another dimension, another world. There is no one around - no oncoming traffic, no cross traffic, no traffic police. A more serene existence than in the sky cannot be found. And closer to God...

— The sky is another dimension, another world. There is no one around - no oncoming traffic, no cross traffic, no traffic police. A more serene existence than in the sky cannot be found. And closer to God. Myachkovo Airport (1990s). Photo: Sergey Ivanov

I fell in love with aviation when I was in my fifties. Thanks to Yura Nikolaev. We were driving to his dacha, and on the way, he seemed to take me to the airfield for a minute, where he put me on the plane with him. And he sat at the helm. And the instructor was also with us. I was stunned. I just couldn’t realize that Yura, my friend, was flying the plane himself - taxiing to the runway, taking off, flying, landing. I was completely shocked and immediately wanted to try it myself. They told me: “Come on!”

Without realizing anything, all sweaty with horror, under the guidance of an instructor, I somehow took off. Of course, nothing worked, I got wildly angry and decided never to conduct such experiments in my life again. After which he entered the Kaluga Aviation School, and then into the training detachment in Bykovo. As a result, he received a third-class commercial aviation pilot license with the right to fly a Yak-40 aircraft as a co-pilot. And he began to fly. And I took Marina on my first solo flight.

I cannot express in words how happy I feel looking at the earth from an airplane! The perception from above changes, all negativity disappears, problems and anxieties seem small and insignificant. I really want people to stop scaring us with the terrible incidents that happen to airplanes. If every day they reported on everyone who crashed their car, you wouldn’t have time to follow the information at all - on everything to the globe That's millions of accidents a day. Not to mention sea and rail.

— You are literally melting in front of an audience of millions. How much weight have you lost and how, if it’s not a secret?

- By 26 kg. There are no secrets, everything is simple. Last March I weighed 102 kg. One day I looked at myself in the mirror and saw something obscene, some kind of bloated balloon. And I already had heart problems, my blood pressure was jumping, I was suffocating. I was scared. And then I was lucky, I found a miracle doctor who deals with the health of men over 45 years old. She

She examined me and gave me several recommendations. I trusted and dragged after her like a sheep on a string. In general, I am a follower in life: give me a task, I will complete it with pleasure. And so I started going to a fitness club, working out on exercise machines, and in August I picked up a tennis racket for the first time in my life. And now every day I spend 45 minutes in gym and I play tennis on the court for one and a half to two hours. I only skip it if absolutely necessary. I also stopped using the elevator - I walk up to my ninth floor. But he practically did not limit himself in food, which is why the doctor curses terribly. But in fact, I don’t eat much - I’m so tired that I don’t feel like it. But he began to look quite decent. There's no shame in undressing on the beach, and even with my slender wife and I can show off to my daughter without damaging my pride.

— You once wrote: “And without faith in my soul, without hope, I keep thinking only about this: it’s good that it won’t be the same. The bad thing is that there won’t be a “later”…” Having reached such a respected age, have you understood something about life, formulated for yourself what this thing is?

- Life is a pleasure that God gave us, and nothing more. We came here with the task of prolonging the race. And everything else is absolute happiness from the fact that you are alive. Two arms, two legs, the head works, what else! And if you think for a second that you and I might not have existed at all, or that something might have happened on the way here, then you can only admire the fact that we are alive, sitting here with you and talking. But this moment might not have happened, just physically. So it is best to live joyfully and to the fullest.

- Life is a pleasure that God gave us, and nothing more. In general, we came here with the task of prolonging the family line. And everything else is absolute happiness from the fact that you are alive. With my daughter at the opening of the MIFF 2015. Photo: Sergey Ivanov

As for the age that I am constantly reminded of, I have no idea how old I am. I don't know at all. For me, 70 years is a very old man, a pensioner. But what does this have to do with me, who has a 17-year-old daughter, works, is busy with something from morning to evening, happily doing my favorite thing - literature? What kind of anniversary are you kidding me?! I see no point in looking at the calendar and recalculating the years. I am as old as I feel. But I feel like I’m still in the Komsomol.

Family: wife - Marina Vido, housewife; daughter - Varvara (17 years old); son from his marriage to Galina Antonova - Artem (42 years old), works in the information editorial office on Channel One; granddaughter - Sophia (15 years old)

Education: graduated from MISS. Kuibysheva, Kaluga Aviation School (third class commercial aviation pilot)

Career: TV presenter, artist, showman, writer, producer. People's Artist Russian Federation, three-time winner of the TEFI award

The classic said: “All happy families are happy alike, but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” But, apparently, in the context of our time, this judgment has ceased to be relevant - after all, there are so many completely different, but at the same time happy families, and happiness in each of them is based on some completely individual concepts and categories. In this regard, they are no exception star families- let’s say, if Garik Martirosyan’s wife maintains comfort in a family that is absolutely patriarchal in its structure, then Leonid and Marina Yakubovich consider it quite acceptable to live in different houses and at the same time are happy and loving friend friend as a couple.

Leonid Yakubovich met his wife on VID

As a matter of fact, Marina is Leonid’s second wife. They met at work - it was real office romance. A young journalist and an experienced showman became close on one of the business trips, where a flare-up broke out between them. real passion. It must be said that by that time Yakubovich had already divorced his first wife; his young lover could not have come into his life at a more opportune time, bringing into it inspiration for new creative achievements.

When the lovers returned from a business trip to Moscow, their relationship did not end at all, but became stronger. But the couple was in no hurry to start living together - each of them greatly valued their self-sufficiency and personal space. Despite the fact that Marina is much younger than Leonid, at the time of their fateful acquaintance she was also a fully grown and accomplished person - she was 34 years old.

Yakubovich's wife is raising a child outside the city

Marina Yakubovich became pregnant unplanned, and never tried to hide it. But the daughter Varvara, who was born soon, did not at all become a reason for her parents to change their usual lifestyle to a less comfortable one, to force them to turn the situation in an undesirable direction.

Despite the fact that Leonid Yakubovich passionately and sincerely loves his daughter - who is now 12 years old - and his wife Marina, they live in different houses. More precisely, Marina and Varya permanently reside in country house, close to the elite school attended by the daughter of the famous Russian showman, writer, actor and presenter, and he himself chose an apartment in Karetny as his permanent residence.

Marina Yakubovich sees her husband not so often - about once every 1-2 weeks, but, according to her, this state of affairs has a lot of advantages - she always remains a mystery for Leonid, passion and romance never fades between them.

Leonid Yakubovich's wife still works on television, but now she considers raising her daughter her main task, and her husband fully supports her in this decision.

Marina Yakubovich is an excellent example of an unconventional approach to building a happy and united family.

Name: Leonid Yakubovich

Age: 70 years old

Place of birth: Moscow

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 73 kg

Activity: actor, television producer, television presenter

Marital status: married

Leonid Yakubovich - biography

The year 2015 turned out to be rich in anniversaries for “Field of Miracles”. “Our Arkadyich,” as fans of his host Leonid Yakubovich lovingly call him, is 70 years old. Well, the program itself is celebrating its 25th anniversary.

"Field of Miracles" is a game, but winning is not the most important thing in it. Participants come to the program to convey greetings to their relatives and present to the presenter original gifts, sing, dance, say “commercial break” to the camera. In other words, have fun and show yourself in all your glory. Well, viewers love the show because it gives a good mood.

Leonid Yakubovich - studies

Yakubovich was always lucky in unusual professions, however, his entire school biography was unusual. His first “job” was called “live bait”. Leonid, then still a schoolboy, sat on a stump in shorts and a padded jacket, with his legs smeared with various mosquito repellents, and watched the insects biting him. And he didn’t just observe, but took scientific notes: the effect of mosquito repellents was studied. It was in Siberia, where a high school student arrived on an expedition during school holidays.

The expedition lasted longer than planned, and Leonid was very late for the start of school. When he arrived, he learned that he had been expelled from school. So, yesterday’s ninth grade student became an assistant turner at an aircraft factory. He nevertheless continued his studies, in the evening, and after graduation he submitted documents to the Moscow Mechanical Engineering Institute.

Admission was accompanied by dramatic circumstances: Leonid, who even then felt a theatrical streak in himself, really wanted to study at the theater. But then my father intervened: a man must have a serious specialty! He said how he cut it. The young man had to obey.

However, Yakubovich never gave up his passion for creativity: at the institute he played in the student miniature theater and in the KVN team, and after graduation, while working at a factory, he wrote humorous stories. It worked out so well that aspiring comedians began reading the stories from the stage, and one even won a prestigious competition. They learned about the talented author on television, and Leonid, to his delight, was invited to write scripts for television programs.

Leonid Yakubovich - television

With the beginning of perestroika, Yakubovich acquired another “non-standard” specialty - he became an auctioneer, and quite a famous one at that. Leonid Arkadyevich received his first experience as a showman in 1988. When the first beauty contest was planned in Moscow and no one knew what or how to do, Yakubovich’s ingenuity and creative approach came in handy. He not only wrote the script for the competition, but also became its co-host.

Leonid Arkadyevich was famous person on television back in the 1980s, but the whole country recognized him only after he began hosting “Field of Miracles.” Unprecedented popularity fell upon him. For fans of the program, Yakubovich is practically a cult personality. Songs and poems are dedicated to him, his portraits are painted, embroidered, mosaiced and even engraved on a grain of rice. Children and... cattle are named after him - on one of the programs, a viewer admitted that she named the bull after him Arkadyich.

But Yakubovich does not consider himself the center of the universe called “Field of Miracles”. “The main characters are the players,” he says. “The attention of the cameramen, the audience, and the presenter is focused on them.” Before the program starts, Leonid Arkadyevich gets acquainted with the next participants and always asks them the same question: “What can’t you be asked?” It is very important for him to show each player with the best side and not put you in an awkward position.

But the greatest pleasure comes from those who walk away with winnings. Over the 25 years of the program’s existence, its winners received dozens of cars, hundreds of trips and tons household appliances. One of the intrigues of the show is that players can choose: to take the dropped prize or take the money that the presenter rather intrusively offers.

They don’t know what kind of prize they got; the black box could contain car keys or a soft toy. This is where the passions unfold! Leonid Arkadyevich calls more and more large sums, the audience chants: “Prize!”, the player feverishly decides whether to take a risk or take the money...

Capital show - field of miracles: history

The history of the program goes back to 1990, when journalist Vlad Listyev and master domestic television Anatoly Lysenko, while on a trip abroad, saw the American show “Wheel of Fortune” on TV. I liked the programs with guessing letters and winning prizes.

A few months later, a new program with the provocative title “Field of Miracles” appeared on Russian television screens. Now everyone is used to it and takes it for granted - but then it caused a lot of controversy. From the fairy tale "Pinocchio" everyone knows where the field of miracles is located - in the Land of Fools. What if the audience thinks this joke is rude or thinks that they are going to be fooled? But the audience reacted favorably to the irony.

Although the idea was borrowed, the program turned out to be completely different from its foreign prototype. Could it even occur to the participants of “Wheel of Fortune” to bring a bottle of moonshine and a jar of pickles to the studio to have a drink and a snack with the host? Or take your accordion with you and sing a song of your own dedicated to the program?

What the players of the “Field of Miracles” have done over the years in the hope of becoming famous throughout the country, what gifts they have given, demonstrating their skills and talents! The program, in which the goal was to guess words and win prizes, turned into a real folk show. Considerable credit for the transformation of “Field of Miracles” belongs to Leonid Yakubovich, who has been hosting the program for 24 years, having taken over the baton from Vlad Listyev.

By the way, after the first filming, Yakubovich was sure that he would not be left on the program. Out of excitement, he screamed very loudly into the microphone and rushed from participants to spectators, from spectators to the drum, while trying to laugh and smile continuously. By the end of the program he was drenched in sweat and felt like a lemon. Yakubovich had no doubt that he could not cope with the role and his candidacy would not be approved.

But the directors had a different opinion: this presenter is what we need! Exhausted Leonid Arkadyevich, having heard the offer to become the permanent presenter of “Field of Miracles,” did not immediately agree - he asked for a few days to think about it. After thinking and consulting with family and friends, he decided: he had to try. And she still doesn’t regret it.

Over the 25 years of the program’s existence, the host of the capital show announced a commercial break 3.8 thousand times, endured 5.3 thousand kisses and 6.8 thousand changes of clothes.

The phrase “I will give this to the museum” was said at least 50 thousand times.

Items received as a gift have different fates. For example, icons are transferred to churches. Sometimes Yakubovich returns gifts after filming: for example, the presenter returned Hero Soviet Union a bullet-pierced cigarette case that saved his life. Battle rewards are usually returned as well.

An interesting story about the appearance of a black box on the show. “This happened at the first releases,” Yakubovich said at the opening of the “Fields of Miracles” museum, “there was no money at all then, and this trunk became the famous black box - some nice person gave it to us. Actually, this is a case from a button accordion.”

Everything that happens in the studio and is then shown on Channel One is pure improvisation. The game has general rules, but there is no detailed script. In fact, Yakubovich, together with the participants and spectators, puts on a new performance every time, and no one knows in advance what will happen on the program. And this spontaneity and unpredictability is one of the secrets of her success.

Filming of one program lasts three hours, and TV viewers see only 50 minutes; everything else is cut out during editing. Sometimes both the presenter and the players are offended: what they think is the most fun and interesting thing has been cut out. That’s why viewers are so eager to film the program at Ostankino; the queue has to be filled several months in advance. And those who have once visited the “Field of Miracles”, as a rule, try to get there again.

Leonid Yakubovich - personal life

Yakubovich's first marriage with Galina Antonova was not entirely successful. In 1991, they divorced, while maintaining friendly relations. With his second wife Marina Vido, his personal life was more successful. In 1998, their daughter Varya was born.

In Moscow. My father worked as an engineer, and my mother as a doctor.

In the sixth grade, Leonid made his debut in school amateur performances as a clown.

In the eighth grade, he went to work for three months on an expedition to Siberia and was expelled from school for truancy. He received his secondary education at an evening school for working youth, while working at an aircraft factory as an electrician.

After graduating from school, Leonid Yakubovich entered the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering, but after some time he transferred to the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute (MISI). While studying, he played on the KVN team.

In 1971, Yakubovich graduated from MISI (now the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering), and in 2000 from the Kaluga Aviation School. 3rd class pilot.

He worked as a senior engineer at the Automobile Plant named after. Likhachev, in 1977-1980 - in the commissioning department of ZIL.

Since 1979 he has been engaged literary activity— wrote texts and scripts for the programs “Come on, guys!” and “Come on, girls!”

He wrote the scripts “Gravity of the Earth”, “Parade of Parodists”, “Wider Circle”, “We need victory like air”, “From Olympus to Luzhniki”, “Fulcrum”, “Forecast for tomorrow”, “ Golden autumn", "The Most Important Thing", "Stitches-Paths", etc. Yakubovich is the author of the plays "The Haunted Hotel", "Tutti", "Ku-ku, Man!" Many domestic comedians have performed his works, including Evgeniy Petrosyan and Vladimir Vinokur.

Since 1980 - member of the Union Committee of Moscow Playwrights.

From 1989 to 1991 he worked as an auctioneer.

Since 1991, he has been a permanent presenter of the TV quiz show “Field of Miracles” on the VID television company.

From 1995 to 1996 he was the presenter entertainment program"Analysis of the week." From 1996 to 2000 he led game program"Wheel of History".

In the 1995 elections, Yakubovich ran as a candidate for deputy State Duma RF.

In June 1996, during the youth election campaign “Vote or lose!” for the re-election of the President of the Russian Federation, Yakubovich and TV presenter Yuri Nikolaev made a “Concert and educational flight “Yeltsin is our President!”

Director of special projects at the VID television company.

Leonid Yakubovich starred in more than twenty films: “Let's no tricks!..” (1992), “Groom from Miami” (1994), “Moscow Holidays” (1995), “Carnival Night-2” (1996), “Not Shall we send a messenger?" (1998), “Brother 2” (2000), “Russian Amazons” (2002), “Kill a Carp” (2005), the TV series “They Don’t Kill Clowns” (2005), “You Can’t Forbid Living Beautifully” (2008), “And fathers and children" (2012), etc.

In 2015, the family comedy “Grandfather of My Dreams” directed by Alexander Strizhenov was released, where Leonid Yakubovich acted as a screenwriter, producer and leading actor.

Leonid Yakubovich is an academician of the Academy of Russian Television. Member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of Russia.

Member of the public council of the Russian Jewish Congress.

It is difficult to imagine the popular program “Field of Miracles” without Leonid Yakubovich, a man who devoted his entire life to television and journalism. However, the public is no less interested in his personal life than his work. Their family relationships he doesn't hide it, but he doesn't advertise it too much. Yakubovich Leonid Arkadyevich was married three times; almost nothing is known about his first marriage, but there is some information about the other two. Let's now plunge a little into the past and talk about his ascent to Olympus of glory.

"Field of Miracles"

However, the program “Field of Miracles”, released in 1991, brought him real popularity and people’s love. Then he took over as presenter. Charm and charisma helped him in this work; he often improvised without scriptwriters and editors. Yakubovich's mustache has already become a brand and business card program, his contract with Channel One even included a subclause: “Do not shave your mustache.” Leonid Arkadyevich did not give up his work in cinema and showed his comedic talent everywhere, he even starred in “Jumble”. He loved cinema, but did not always agree to play what the directors offered him if it was not to his liking.

At the age of 50, Leonid Arkadyevich began to become interested in sports aircraft, and Yuri Nikolaev brought him to the flying club. Later, Yakubovich was accepted into the Russian national team, where he became a participant in the World Aerospace olympic games. The famous presenter was also involved in skiing, shooting, preference, cooking, auto racing and collecting reference books and coins. In addition, Leonid Arkadyevich for a long time was partial to billiards and was vice-president of the Russian Billiard Sports Federation.

Some facts from life

In 2001, Yakubovich, driving along the highway in his car, hit and killed a man. He turned out to be 30-year-old Sergei Nikitenko, who came to work from Kyrgyzstan. Yakubovich’s wife and granddaughter were in the cabin. The accident was caused by a pedestrian.

In 2004, Leonid Arkadyevich was invited to join the party " United Russia", and in February 2012 he was included in the list of confidants of the then Russian presidential candidate V.V. Putin.

Work lately

In 2014, Yakubovich became a screenwriter and producer of the television comedy “Grandfather of My Dreams.” The film was awarded two awards, one of which went to Yakubovich himself - it was an award for best actor.

In 2016, Yakubovich became the host of the talk shock “Star on a Star” on the Zvezda TV channel, where each episode they invited some famous personalities and had fascinating intimate conversations with them. And now we can approach the most pleasant and at the same time sensitive topic of the personal life of the hero of our story.

Personal life and biography: Yakubovich’s wives

Witty, charming and cheerful, he could not stay away from the attention of women. Some of them left deep wounds and even turned them away from the female sex, while others, on the contrary, returned interest in lovely ladies. But first things first.

The first wife of Leonid Yakubovich was Galina Antonova. He met her at the Electronic Construction Institute. They happened to study there together, only at different faculties. By the way, Gennady Khazanov also studied with Yakubovich in construction. Lenya and Gennady were bosom friends.

Galya was a calm and intelligent girl who performed in the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Gorozhane”. Leonid was already playing in KVN. One day, at a concert in Issyk-Kul, he noticed a very pretty soloist and decided to get to know her better.


Leonid and Galya got married in their fifth year. The girl was wearing a wedding suit and a sasson haircut. First there was a painting, then the National restaurant, at the end everyone went to see Leni’s friend, and the party continued until the morning. Interestingly, Khazanov was a witness at their wedding.

Leonid Yakubovich's wife (her biography contains information about this fact) did not want to take his last name, since the diploma had already been issued. Then they had a son, Artem, to whom his mother Galina decided to give her surname, since it was easier to get through in Moscow with a Russian surname.

One of Yakubovich’s close friends, Kostya Schreiber, said that Leonid was already allegedly married before Antonova. Even in his second year at the institute, he fell head over heels in love with a girl from a vocational school, and when they broke up, Yakubovich was depressed for a long time and even felt disgusted with women. But almost nothing is known about this.


Galina conquered him with her voice and inner spiritual beauty. They lived like ordinary family, everything happened: lack of money, and quarrels. After the wedding, the newlyweds moved to the parents of the future star, since Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich lived with them at that time. His wife (her biography is little known) did not work after the birth of her son, then they moved to live in the Ivanovo region, until Yakubovich was invited to host the “Field of Miracles” program, and then they had to return to Moscow again.

Son Artem grew up, graduated from college and at first was a financier, then went into business, and today he works on Channel One.

The most difficult period in Gali's life was the separation from Leonid in the early nineties. He hid the other one, and she - at that time still Yakubovich's wife - knew everything and was silent, but then, after vague explanations, he himself filed for divorce. Leonid Arkadyevich left the apartment former family. Son Artem was very worried and lived for some time either with his mother or with his father, until he met his future wife. After the divorce, Galya’s communication with her husband practically disappeared; if they communicated, it was exclusively about their son. Then Galya worked as a tour guide at VDNKh in construction company, but then changed jobs and thanks to this I got out of depression.


Yakubovich’s next wife, Marina Vido, worked in the advertising department of the VID studio, and there they had a so-called office romance. This was facilitated by one of the joint business trips on the ship along Mediterranean Sea, where uncontrollable passion flared up between them. young girl breathed into him new life, as often happens among lovers. Upon returning from a business trip to Moscow, they maintained their relationship, but were in no hurry to tie themselves into marriage, since each valued self-sufficiency and personal space.

Yakubovich Leonid Arkadevich: wife, daughter

Marina was much younger than Yakubovich, she was 34, he was 52 years old. However, the age difference of 18 years did not prevent them from being happy. Soon Marina became pregnant unplanned. However, their daughter, born in 1998, who was named Varvara (she is now 18 years old), did not change their already established way of life - they lived separately, as they considered this option the most acceptable and comfortable. In Moscow, in an apartment on Karetny, Yakubovich himself lived. His wife and daughter lived in a country house. They didn’t see each other very often (1-2 times a week), but, according to Marina, this had its advantages: they didn’t bother each other.

It is noteworthy that two years after the birth of his daughter, Yakubovich became a grandfather: his son had a girl, Sofia. Today the granddaughter of Leonid Arkadyevich is already 16 years old.

My wife doesn’t work today, as she devotes all her time to the household. The Yakubovichs have a rather unconventional approach to family, and many viewers often ask the question: “How old is Yakubovich’s wife now?” Time is inexorable, and today she turned 53 years old, Leonid Arkadyevich turned 71 years old. Marina remains a mystery to her husband, thanks to which romance and passion still live in their relationship.