Can I go to the gym every day? Is it possible to train daily?

Good day, my dear readers! “I’m a beginner, how many times a week should I go to the gym?” - that’s the question (via form feedback) received a project email from one of our readers. I thought this topic should be quite relevant to most people who are active (and not so much) in the gym, and especially for beginners. Therefore, it was decided to give a detailed answer in the form of an article, which, in fact, is in front of you. From this note we will learn how to properly approach the training process, consider some time parameters for training and how to determine them for yourself.

In general, make yourself comfortable, it will be interesting.

How many times a week should you go to the gym: theory

In one of our previous notes, in particular in this one, we already talked about at what time and what physical activity It is best to practice during the day. Today we will continue to work in this direction and decide on the answer to an equally important question - how many times a week should you go to the gym?

As you know, the Internet is a fairly popular source (especially among young people) to find answers to a variety of “misunderstandings”. However, the quality of information and its novelty sometimes leaves much to be desired. This is approximately the situation with our topic - someone once wrote that it is optimal to walk 3 once a week to the gym/fitness room, and so it went for a walk throughout the network. Wherever you go, it’s like a cow has licked its tongue - the same numbers and paraphrased calculations - shame on you, comrades! :).

So, I could also write something similar, like, you need to walk 3 once and that's it. However, I am disgusted by such a poorly substantiated approach, and therefore today we will fully understand this numerical issue.

How many times a week should you go to the gym: dry statistics

Well, I would like to start with Her Majesty’s statistics, which tell us the following (see image).

Yes, most people (about 80% ) visit the hall 3 once a week, and I will say even more, these days are Monday/Wednesday/Friday and time from 18-00 before 21-00 . Exactly at specified deadlines there is the largest influx of people wanting to get their body in order, and it is at this time that the apple has nowhere to fall. Such an emergency can be explained in a banal and simple way: a) habit b) this is the most convenient way to combine it with work/study.

In fact, if a person is determined to achieve serious results, he should take a slightly different approach to considering questions in the style of “how often?” and “when is best?” How exactly, we will now look at.

All processes to which a person exposes his body during training can be divided into 4 type:

  • work with the cardiovascular system;
  • development of muscle strength;
  • endurance work;
  • development of flexibility.

Main types of training

Let's go for a walk general outline, for each type.

No. 1. Cardio activity

Refers to the development of the functionality of organs such as the lungs, veins and arteries, which are responsible for processing and transporting oxygen to the muscles. As permanent job in this direction, your heart becomes more efficient - able to pump larger volumes of blood with fewer contractions. This implies a decrease in heart rate (heart rate, heart rate). A low heart rate means that your flame motor is working easily and efficiently, a high heart rate means the opposite.

Exercises that use oxygen (aerobic) are those that improve the condition of cardio-vascular system, and this must be kept in mind when creating your training plan.

№2. Development of muscle strength and endurance

If you stop using your muscles, they shrink. (term “shrinkage”). Muscle strength is necessary for a person to perform movements from Everyday life: lifting children, dragging bags, horizontal standing. Endurance allows you to perform certain actions more long time without showing signs of fatigue. Both of these qualities are necessary to maintain mobility and functionality, especially in old age.

It is also worth saying that muscle uses more calories than “inactive” tissue, which is good news for those trying. Resistance training improves muscle strength and endurance.

No. 3. Flexibility

Flexibility is important in training, but it is often overlooked. But this is the degree of mobility (range of motion) joints. Without it, a person will be unable to easily perform simple tasks. Flexibility helps reduce the likelihood of injury and the risk of lower back pain. Therefore, such types of activities as stretching (cooling down) and yoga must be present in your routine.

From all of the above, the volume of training and specific numbers are derived. (how long, how much per week).

How to build the perfect workout

To answer the question yourself (and this is exactly what I urge you to do, and not to listen to any “leftist” advice from someone unknown) "with how many times a week should you go to the gym", you need to know some basic principles that will allow you to get maximum benefit (and safety) from your training.

First of all, they relate to: frequency, duration (intensity) and “difficulty” of classes.

It is also necessary to remember what the workout (or exercises) should include.

Let's look at each point in more detail, and in the end we will try to determine the answer to the main question of today's article.

Training stages

Warming up (warm up) and “cooling down” (cool down) muscles

This type of activity can be performed along with your main exercise, only at a less intense level. For example, if according to your plan 45 - a minute cardio session (running) on ​​the treadmill, then you can walk on it at a moderate pace.

It must be remembered that warming up:

  • increases blood flow to muscles;
  • reduces the chances of muscle and joint injuries;
  • must occur within 5-10 minutes at low intensity.

It must be remembered that cooling:

  • prevents blood from pooling in the extremities (for example, in the legs);
  • must occur within 5 minutes with a gradual decrease in intensity level.


You should stretch your muscles after your warm-up and cool-down. Stretching is very important because... it reduces the risk of injury and eliminates the feeling of muscle stiffness (making them more "resilient" to exercise) and also develops flexibility.


A common mistake is to stretch muscles “cold”. You must warm them up first and then stretch them. Stretching cold muscles can damage them.

To finally decide what, how and where to warm up/stretch, I recommend reading the note:.

How many times a week should you go to the gym and how often should you exercise?

It is recommended to be physically active every day, performing light aerobic activity three to five times a week (eg brisk walking, cycling, swimming). People leading a sedentary lifestyle need to “get into” the training process gradually and start with aerobic exercises 2 once a week and exercises with iron (or fitness) in the amount 2 once a week.

It is most effective to follow the following weekly scheme: Monday – gym training; Tuesday – aerobic; Wednesday – rest; Thursday – gym training; Friday – aerobic; Saturday/Sunday – rest.

How many times a week should you go to the gym: how long to train

Scientists have calculated the minimum time interval that the average person should devote to physical activity (exercise) and it is 20 minutes (excluding warm-up and cool-down). The maximum interval is 60 minutes. If you are a young beginner, then before going to the gym, you need to increase your time under load with 10 -minutes until 20-25 . It’s best to start with simple home exercises: and abs.

Maximum training difficulty: determine the intensity level

Someone in the gym rolls cotton wool or kicks, as a result of which their training time increases exponentially, while someone works hard and does heavy, voluminous work in record time. Therefore the intensity is important factor, which affects the time and quantity intervals of classes.

In order for beginners to qualitatively improve their physical and functional performance, it is necessary to start with low-intensity physical activity. Then gradually increase the duration of the workout (total time under load), and only then increase the degree of its intensity.

To determine your current exercise intensity level (i.e. how hard you “get in the job”) you can use the following methods.

№1. Subjective method(test-observation)

Based on your own feelings, try to determine how hard you worked. If after training you:

  • cannot speak without much effort;
  • have difficulty moving your limbs when you return home;
  • feel the urge to vomit;
  • you feel like you’re “eating a wild boar.”

This all means that the training was intense and voluminous, and you “invested” in it to the fullest.

No. 2. Voltage scale

You can also rate your training on a scale from 0 before 20 . Your value should be between 12 (pretty hard) before 16 (hard) .

No. 3. Heart rate

You can calculate the intensity of your workout yourself. To do this you need to know your maximum heart rate. (how fast your heart can beat). Maximum heart rate = 220–X (age). We'll let you 20 years then 200 beats per minute (BPM) - the maximum frequency of contractions.

There are ranges of heart rate zones within which certain tasks (weight loss, muscle gain, etc.) solved better (see image).

From all of the above, we can draw the following conclusion. To achieve good functional results and noticeable bodily transformations, it is necessary to work towards increasing frequency, time (duration under load) training and its intensity.


As an example: if you work out in the gym for 30 minutes at a comfortable intensity level (50%-60% from the Ministry of Emergency Situations) 1-2 once a week, you will not improve your physical fitness. You need to move in the direction of numbers: 40-60 minutes, 3-4 once a week and intensity 70-85% from your maximum heart rate.

What global conclusion can be drawn from all this chatter?

It's very simple - you have to figure out for yourself how often and for how long you need to train. This process is quite flexible, and especially since you have everything in your hands necessary tools. For example, you could work out at a lower intensity six days a week or 3-4 times, but at a higher level. Now you are free to change your training picture and adjust its “time parameters” to suit your goals and objectives.

As you can see, in order to correctly answer the question - how many times a week should you go to the gym, you need to analyze all the above parameters in a complex and derive something of your own, tied to the nature of your life, work, training activities and body recovery processes.

You can take the simplest route and say that you need to train like everyone else - about an hour, 3 once a week, but then your final results will be standard. And all because they do not contain your efforts to study and derive numbers for your loved one.

Now let's look at the physiological side of the training issue.

How many times a week should you go to the gym: physiology

In addition to technical information, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of training and the processes that take place in it. In particular, we will now talk about supercompensation, overtraining and recovery.

As you know, muscles grow not during training, but after it. And in order for this process to proceed as favorably as possible, the body needs to be given a reasonable period for recovery. According to scientific data, such a weighted average period is 24 -hour. During this time, the body builds new structures (enzymes, mitochondria, muscle fibers) and replenishes energy reserves.

Also, recovery is directly related to the phenomenon of supercompensation. This is the post-training period, after which you have become “faster, higher, stronger”, i.e. the muscle exceeded the initial level.

This phenomenon looks like this:

It turns out that each subsequent visit to the gym should coincide with the peak of supercompensation - when the muscles have rested, become stronger, but have not lost their functional tone.

If you train often (For example, 4 or more times), then the body will not have time to recover. Protein synthesis will decrease, catabolic processes will begin to predominate, and ultimately all this will lead to. Too rarely is also bad, because... all phases of supercompensation will be wasted, and no significant increase in muscle mass will occur.

Conclusion: you need to look for a middle ground and train different muscle groups in different days, i.e. separate them (for example: Tuesday – chest, biceps; Thursday – back, triceps, etc.).

It is also necessary to keep in mind that there is a separate category of citizens who visit gyms/fitness rooms - these are people who are overweight and suffer from metabolic disorders. Standard clichés regarding training frequency often do not apply to them. Therefore, if you belong to this group, then daily physical activity is almost a duty for you. Scientific data says that to lose weight, a person needs about 300 minutes of cardiovascular exercise per week, which corresponds to 1 class time at gym five days a week.

So, I think I managed to completely confuse you :).

In conclusion, so that you can finally decide on your training, I will give you a classic training cycle that is suitable for most average active people.

Of course, you don’t have to worry about all of the above, but then you shouldn’t have asked the question - how many times a week should you go to the gym? , just keep walking 3 once a week. However, I recommend that you still rack your brains and come up with quantitative training indicators, taking into account listening to your body and the characteristics of your life.


Arnold Schwarzenegger did not care about stereotypes and set them himself. In particular, he recommended training every day in the amount 2 once (in the morning and in the evening). I think he knew what he was talking about.

That's all, let's sum it up and say goodbye.


In this article, we dealt with the quantitative indicators of training, namely, we found out: who, what and how much. I’m sure now you can easily figure out how much time you need to devote to building the body of your dreams. The main thing is to remember that you shouldn’t adjust the walkers, but you shouldn’t be relaxed about training either, look for your golden mean. Good luck, friends, may the masses be with you!

PS. Leave your mark on history by commenting below this post!

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points towards karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

The desire to gain a beautiful and sculpted body encourages a person to engage in strength training, but progress in exercise is noticeable for everyone in different ways. For some, it is enough to visit the gym twice or thrice a week to achieve excellent results. Others calmly go to the gym every day, look and feel great, even taking into account the fact that most sources write that the muscles need to be given time to recover. And if you want to achieve your goals short time, the question of the relevance of daily training comes to the fore.

The human body needs to rest. Otherwise, a state of overtraining will occur, when even the most ideally selected training program will not bring results. The minimum recovery period is one day. Twenty-four hours after training, the body becomes completely ready for the next session.

This condition does not affect everyone, but only affects the following groups of people:

  • beginners, that is, those who have recently started training;
  • aged athletes who are already fifty years old or older;
  • amateurs who do not plan to achieve any serious sports goals.

The days between two workouts are necessary for the body to regenerate, produce enzymes, produce new muscle fibers, and gain sufficient energy.

The maximum allowable time that a person can devote to training on exercise machines without rest is three days. This mode without interruption is only suitable:

  • actively pumping up the muscles of the arms, legs, and back;
  • professional athletes working with heavy weights.

These recommendations should not be taken as absolute truth. Each person’s body is individual, so the specific period for recovery is determined along with experienced trainers and mentors, but if we're talking about advice on self-study should not be neglected.

Increasing muscle volume and definition is a goal that can only be achieved with a regular and continuous training cycle. Long breaks minimize effort, so rest breaks should be determined for your specific case. This does not mean that you can simply choose a certain time yourself, since there are rules that cannot be ignored.

The larger the muscle group, the longer it takes to recover, since it requires much more work and load. Therefore, training that combines small and large muscle groups is incorrect. For example, you cannot train your legs, biceps and shoulders at the same time. This is due to the size of the former.

The legs account for about fifty percent of the total muscle mass of the entire body. And if you combine training lower limbs with other groups, this will not bring effectiveness, since it will not be possible to work out either small or large muscles, since the load provided will not be enough to pump in both directions. Such a large muscle group as the legs should be given a separate training day. In addition, it should be taken into account that they will need much more rest than the arm muscles.

Small muscle groups, which include the shoulder girdle, biceps, triceps and others, recover faster, so they can be trained more often. The shoulders, for example, are involved in pumping the pectoral muscles, which in no way contradicts the principle of proper recovery after training.

People who have just started working out may rest less than their more experienced gym mates. This is due to the training program itself. Experienced bodybuilders take heavy weights, perform complicated variations of exercises, which is why the load on the muscles is much greater.

Beginners don't use their muscles as hard because they simply can't handle the pace. The absence of maximum loads allows them to devote much less time to rest, but only until they become experienced bodybuilders. Those who have recently come to the gym after pumping large muscles can recover from 1.5 to 2 days, and experienced ones - from 48 to 72 hours.

Takes much longer. Experienced athletes train intensively and intensively. They work at a pace that comes with experience, which greatly increases the load on the body. To enhance the effectiveness of training, bodybuilders work out at a time certain part torso, loading each to the maximum.

This split principle allows you to allocate a specific period for individual muscles and load them to the maximum. In addition, this provides an opportunity to have quality rest during the whole week. Thus, it turns out that training for each group is repeated once a week, when they are fully restored.

This is another one important point, which must be taken into account. The optimal duration of training should vary between 40-50 minutes. The exact time depends on the number of meshes being executed. Large muscle groups usually do 4-6 approaches, and small ones - 1-3 approaches.

Important points to remember

Arnie, one of the most outstanding bodybuilders in the world, never missed an opportunity to train, and devoted absolutely every free minute to training. Of course, to achieve this high level, he went through quite a long journey, which allowed him to train up to several times a day. It is certainly possible to follow in the footsteps of the famous bodybuilder, but do not forget that Arnie did not immediately become strong.

As a newbie, he went to the gym no more than two or three times a week. Once his body got used to the stress, he increased the number of training days. Any other experienced athlete can do the same, but only when the muscles do not ache or ache. In addition, one should take into account the fact that victories in competitions, fame and money became an excellent incentive for him to maintain his shape.

In the world of professional bodybuilding, the competition is quite fierce and every athlete strives to become better. This is what became main reason that Arnie had to completely revise his training plan, increasing the intensity and frequency of training. Some bodybuilders take steroids with proteins, which allow them to speed up recovery processes and also quickly adapt to increasing loads.

The key to the success of successful bodybuilders is that they are completely able to concentrate on the training process and not be distracted. They can push themselves to the point of exhaustion even when lifting light weights because they have a clear idea of ​​the result they want to achieve.

Another important point that absolutely all beginners should take into account is that without rest days they train inconsistently, but only three or four weeks before the competition.

Training plan

About to become the owner of a beautiful relief body, you need to have a clear training plan and follow this program.

Pumping a specific muscle group every seven days

It might look like this:

  • Monday - chest;
  • Tuesday - back;
  • Wednesday - rest;
  • Thursday - legs;
  • Friday - shoulders.

They rest on Saturday and Sunday. Thus, it turns out that only one large muscle is worked during the week, and then it is restored over the next week. The main thing is that specific muscles are loaded on each day.

The load on the muscle should be maximum. Otherwise, the training day will be wasted, and this will slow down the development of pumping. You can't strain yourself too much. It is necessary to maintain a good balance in order to be fully restored and full of energy before the next lesson.

Torso pumping

Carried out three times a week - Monday, Wednesday, Friday. The entire torso is loaded. The remaining days are devoted to rest. This training scheme creates a good load, but no stress. With a three-time training scheme for the entire torso, you should do from 3 to 4 sets for each muscle group within one session. In other words, the total number of approaches is 9-12.

Two-day training plan per week

On Monday and Thursday the upper torso is pumped, and on Tuesday and Friday the lower part of the torso is pumped. Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday are days off.

It turns out that each muscle group has a separate training day. This intermediate option between the first and second training scheme, which avoids both excessive and low loads.

The number of approaches for each category of exercise varies from 5 to 6. The pace is chosen moderate, which allows you to maintain frequency and volume without any extremes. Total number sets within a week are 10-12.

Bodybuilders most often resort to a training regimen in which they work a large muscle once a week, but this approach is not the most effective. This is especially true for those who are not used to working with heavy weights.

If many people think that this attitude to this training plan does not reflect reality, you can compare this scheme with the one that involves training twice a week, then total classes per year are 54 versus 102, respectively. The conclusions suggest themselves.

In other words, it turns out:

  • training once a week is the least effective;
  • classes three times a week are most suitable for beginner bodybuilders;
  • training with a load on a muscle group twice a week allows you to improve strength indicators, get rid of excess fat deposits, gaining muscle mass.

Therefore, based on the above information, we can conclude that daily training for a specific muscle group will not produce results. Muscles are pumped best when they have time to recover.

Anyone who has decided to improve their lifestyle with physical activity is faced with the question: how often should you exercise in a fitness club? How to optimally calculate your norm? The selection of the load depends on what type of activity you want to focus on: strength training or cardio training.

Are you aiming to create beautiful muscle definition and gain muscle mass? Then your choice is power training, and the minimum time required to achieve the effect is two hours a week. Needless to say, with a small temporary load you shouldn’t expect quick changes, but who said that the number more important than quality? By visiting the fitness center rarely, but accurately, after a few months you will notice an improvement in how physical fitness, metabolism, and general well-being.

How many times a week should you do anaerobic exercise? Even if you are an ardent fan of strength training, do not rush to disappear into the gym 24 hours a day. Maximum recommended weekly norm – 5-6 hours. In this situation, it is healthier and smarter not to go to the fitness center every day and load your muscles for an hour, but to attend training 3-4 times a week and thoroughly study necessary groups muscles.

It is very important not to lose sight of the fact that stressed muscles need at least 24 hours to recover, and therefore daily pumping, for example, biceps, is not effective either in terms of saving time or in terms of saving energy.

An option practiced by many is to devote these 3 training days to three areas of the body:

  1. shoulders, forearms and arms;
  2. abs, back;
  3. buttocks, legs.

the situation is somewhat different. If you are not pursuing the goal of losing weight, but are exercising to maintain body tone and cardiovascular system, then the required minimum is one hour a week. As with strength training, cardio focuses on the intensity of the workout. The ideal solution is to alternate between interval training and training that keeps your heart rate constant.

Is it possible to do fitness every day?

Do you intend to lose fat and tighten problem areas? Are you ready to work out at the fitness club at least every day, but are not sure whether it is safe for your health? Here is the answer: you can do fitness every day, provided you are not medical contraindications. However there is no point in spending two hours on a treadmill every day or in aerobics classes: the body needs to be accustomed to the load gradually, and with such a “impudent” approach you risk becoming exhausted and fed up with fitness.

How often to exercise for the fastest results?

Most a quick and clear result will be given to you by a system of 30-minute classes 5-6 days a week. It is advisable to change the type of load from time to time, try something new, because the body gets used to the load and the usefulness of the training gradually decreases. Whether to give yourself a day off or not, decide by listening to yourself. Examples of aerobic activity to consider:

  • Swimming;
  • A ride on the bicycle;
  • Aerobics
    *Step aerobics;
    *Aqua aerobics;
    *Dance aerobics;
    *Jazz aerobics;
    *Pump aerobics.

To achieve the best effect, pay attention to each type of load, focusing on the dominant one.

Whether you give yourself more cardio or strength training depends on your main goal. And yes, remember: Concentrating exclusively on the aerobic sphere is fraught with the fact that not only the hated fat will be burned, but also the necessary and useful muscles! And on the contrary, the pursuit of muscle volume can result in clogged and sore muscles that need full stretching and movement.

So, the main principle of the effectiveness of sports is, of course, not in visiting the fitness club every day, but in visiting it regularly. Regularity depends on what mood you are in. Nothing compares to the feeling of ease and those pleasant emotions that accompany a person who has found his niche in the vast world of fitness.

Hey, my dear friends, glad to see everyone! Today on the agenda is very interesting topic called - is it possible to swing every day. It emerged from your requests to the project’s email and requests to give the most detailed answer to this controversial question. Well, let's not stand aside from the questions of the workers and cover this action in full.

So, I ask everyone to take their seats, key to the start, we are starting.

Is it possible to pump every day: an unequivocal answer

I’ll start by voicing the contents of a letter that recently arrived through the project’s feedback form.

Here's what it said: “ I have a lot of free time and I'm thinking about going to the gym more often instead 3, 4-5 once a week. I do 10 minutes of cardio, 40 minutes I train with iron, compiled good diet, I get a full night's sleep. The question arose: is it possible to pump every day? Can you explain in more detail how you do this, preferably through an article?”

The question seemed extremely interesting to me, first of all, because very often on the Internet you can find stories that the training program is designed for 5-6 days of classes per week. Why is there no point in shirking, you need to work every day, athletes from the golden era of bodybuilding even trained 2 times a day and achieved such super results.

Also, beginners are encouraged by the words that pumping iron every day will lead to a faster arrival of volumes and the desired proportions, in other words, by working out every day, you can pump up much faster, reducing the time to reach the final goal - the body of your dreams.

Indeed, there are such examples, and not just isolated ones, and from very authoritative authors, take the same iron Arnie, who practically never left the hall. How is it that some people can train? 5-6 once a week, without thinking about any overtraining and become the 7th owner of the Mr. Olympia title, and even others 2-3 many times? Is it really possible to pump every day and is there any benefit from it? We will try to answer all these questions further in the text.

So, let's figure it out.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

The key point in answering this question is recovery - a quantitative-qualitative factor in the body’s ability to “patch up” all the holes and replenish all spent energy resources, i.e. carry out compensation and super compensation.

This depends on many factors, but let’s highlight the main ones:

  • training severity (weights, intensity, duration, etc.);
  • athlete's fitness level (experience, level of perception of physical activity);

I consider these points to be basic and mainly affecting recovery abilities. All further calculations will be assessed through the prism of these factors.

Is it possible to pump every day: minimum recovery time

  • newcomers whose experience is no more 2-3 months;
  • elderly people who are 50 and higher;
  • people whose type of activity in the gym can be called light, most of the inhabitants attend fitness classes and the gym.

A day is the required minimum delay for the next day of training. During this period the body is able to build new structures (enzymes, mitochondria, muscle fibers) and recharge your body with energy for the next activity.

Is it possible to pump every day: maximum recovery time

The figure of three days is often taken as a basis. Anything beyond this figure will not lead to an improvement in body composition and an increase in muscle volume-power characteristics. Suitable for this interval:

  • people who know what hardcore and heavy weights are;
  • people who intensively and extensively train large muscle groups (legs, back).

Above are the most general figures as a guide, they should not be taken as the ultimate truth, but we will talk about this later.

Is it possible to swing every day? How often should you train each muscle group?

You can often hear the following phrases from the lips of all and sundry: pectoral muscles need to train no more often 1 once a week, or the press needs to be hammered every day. Is this really so? Let’s find out now. To see continuous success in building muscle mass, you need to accurately deduce (specifically for yourself) required recovery time. And for this it is necessary to rely on the following basic principles.

No. 1. Large muscle groups – more rest, small ones – less

The larger the muscular unit, the more volume and difficulty it needs to be trained, and the more rest it needs to be given. Remember the following reminder and always refer to it when calculating the required rest time.

Often, many guys combine training of two muscle groups, one of which is large. Most often it goes to the legs - they are combined with groups such as shoulders or arms. This approach is not good. Legs make up 50% the entire muscle mass of the human body, so training it together with something else is impractical. In fact, there will be a flaw in both. It is better to devote a full day to your feet and treat only them. Accordingly, for relaxation 50% muscles (legs) need more time than rest 25% arm muscles.

Small muscle groups (biceps, triceps, shoulders) They recover much faster than large ones. Therefore, they can be trained a little more often. However, it is important to remember that small muscle groups are used when working on large ones. For example, when you train your chest, you use your triceps and shoulders as secondary muscle groups. The same is the case with the biceps, which are used when working on the back.

№2. Ice cream for the kids, flowers for his woman. Beginners - less rest

You say, what kind of discrimination based on “seniority”? (well, I made up the word) principle? There is no discrimination, just trainees (up to 1 years) are not able to work as hard and intensively as the more advanced ones gathered around the hall. They are not able to inflict the amount of damage to muscles that experienced athletes can inflict.

Beginners are able to recover from training much faster, and for them, for example, when training large muscle groups, the rest rule applies 36-48 hours, while for more experienced brothers the timing is - 48-72 hours.

No. 3. Intermediate and advanced athletes – more rest

This category of the gym population is capable of lifting weights hardcore and heavy. In connection with this, the damage to their muscles caused by weights and intensity is much greater than their less “young” brothers in hardware. Most often, they already have “meat” and training is built on the split principle - dividing into muscle groups and working only one muscle unit at a time. Thus, it turns out that each separate group and only it is processed on a certain day. This allows the muscle being trained to rest for a full week until the next time. For example, if you trained your chest on Monday 15 then the next one is her finest hour - 22 date, Monday next week.

No. 4. Number of sets and duration of training

I think you are aware that the optimal “clean” time under load is a period of 40-45 minutes. If not, then this article will help you. The duration of classes is affected by the number of approaches and repetitions. Here you need to adhere to the rule - more sets (from 4 before 6 ) for larger muscle groups and fewer approaches (from 1 before 3 ) to smaller ones. The duration of one repetition is 6 seconds, if there are only them in the set 8 , then it turns out 48 seconds x 4-6 total 192-288 Work on one large muscle group, for example, quadriceps, lasts seconds. If you walk along the 3-4 Thus, the time of “pure” training will average 900 seconds or 15 minutes, add here get-togethers, conversations about life with colleagues in the hall, and a tidy figure will emerge.

Next interest Ask sounds like this...

Is it possible to lift every day: train the abs

Many people believe that it is necessary to hammer the press a lot and often. In fact, it’s not true that toning your abdominal muscles requires no more effort than training any other muscle group. In particular, 2 -x times a week is quite enough. Therefore, if you have previously pumped up your abs at every convenient and inconvenient opportunity, ok, my children, :) and reduce the number of workouts for it to 2 once a week. Another extreme in the matter of acquiring 6 abs is the number of repetitions, you can often hear the numbers in 50 , 70 , or even 100 once. In fact, everything is much more modest; the optimal number of repetitions is 20-25 .

So, as I stated at the beginning, the topic is very interesting, but also controversial, so let's move on to dessert.

The secrets of elite bodybuilders, or why they could lift every day?

Arnold Schwarzenegger, the most famous bodybuilder on the planet, literally lived in the gym Gold's Gym Venus together with his brethren. They devoted every minute to improving their body and creating more impressive volumes and shapes, and therefore pumped every day, or even twice.

However, one must understand that this was not always the case, and they began just like all mortals with 2-3 once a week. Over time, their body became accustomed to the stress and the number of days per week had to be raised. In addition, when the first victories, titles and money dawned, it was necessary to move away from classical schemes swings and visits to the gym strictly on schedule.

Also, more eminent rivals were not going to let anyone into this Olympus just like that, and then, in order to reach their level, they resorted to greater intensity, longer time under load and more training per week. To speed up the recovery process, athletes resorted to pharmacology and various non-steroidal and steroidal drugs, which made it possible to patch up holes in afterburner mode. Another feature of this extreme frequency was concentration on technique and targeted delivery of the load to the muscle. They could easily “get away” with a small weight, and all this is due to their well-developed muscles, as well as the ability to visualize the final result.

Many people think that they have trained 6-7 once a week constantly, however, as a rule, switching to such a frequency of training was a last resort, and was used several weeks before going on stage. Among other things, every professional-level athlete knew what training regimen and frequency could drive him into.

Now let's look at specific training schemes that have a right to exist in the process of working on your body. Let's start with...

Is it possible to lift every day: training schemes

No. 1.

  • once a week
  • Monday: chest;
  • Tuesday: back;
  • Wednesday: rest;
  • Thursday: legs;
  • Friday: shoulders/biceps/triceps;
  • Saturday: rest;

Sunday: rest. 1 As you can see, each muscle group is worked only 6 once a week from

-th days of rest between subsequent training of the same unit. When working according to this scheme, you must make sure that you are “working” a specific muscle well (in volume). If the load goes on and on, the muscle will recover long before the next time it is supposed to be trained. And all the remaining days of rest she will stand “idle”, thereby the state of supercompensation will disappear, and there will be no progress in the development of this muscle group. On the other hand, excessive overload is also not needed; it is necessary to find a balance so that the muscle approaches the next workout in its best shape - sufficiently restored and ready to take on a new portion of the load. 1 8 before 12 Muscle group training 6-10 approaches to them, since the frequency of such training is low. It turns out that the weekly volume for each muscle group


No. 2. Training each muscle group 3 times a week

  • Here is a storyboard for the days of such training:
  • Monday: whole body;
  • Tuesday: rest;
  • Wednesday: whole body;
  • Thursday: rest;
  • Friday: shoulders/biceps/triceps;
  • Saturday: rest;

Friday: whole body; 3 As you can see, every muscle group is worked out 1-2 between sessions. Working according to this scheme, you need to create a little stress for each muscle unit during 3 - x weekly workouts so that the body can recover quickly enough and be in full combat readiness for the next session of activity.

-th days of rest between subsequent training of the same unit. When working according to this scheme, you must make sure that you are “working” a specific muscle well (in volume). If the load goes on and on, the muscle will recover long before the next time it is supposed to be trained. And all the remaining days of rest she will stand “idle”, thereby the state of supercompensation will disappear, and there will be no progress in the development of this muscle group. On the other hand, excessive overload is also not needed; it is necessary to find a balance so that the muscle approaches the next workout in its best shape - sufficiently restored and ready to take on a new portion of the load. 3 once a week means use from 3 before 4 sets for each muscle during each 3 - x weekly training sessions. Since the frequency of such training is high, it is necessary to reduce its volume. The total weekly total volume is: 9-12 sets.

No. 3. Training each muscle group 2 times a week

No. 2. Training each muscle group 3 times a week

  • Monday: top part bodies;
  • Tuesday: lower body;
  • Tuesday: back;
  • Thursday: upper body;
  • Friday: lower body;
  • Friday: shoulders/biceps/triceps;
  • Saturday: rest;

As you can see, each muscle group is worked 2 times a week with a number of rest days 2-3 between sessions. We can say that this is the golden mean, incorporating the best of the two previous options. Of course, you can load too little or too much, but it’s still more difficult to do here.

-th days of rest between subsequent training of the same unit. When working according to this scheme, you must make sure that you are “working” a specific muscle well (in volume). If the load goes on and on, the muscle will recover long before the next time it is supposed to be trained. And all the remaining days of rest she will stand “idle”, thereby the state of supercompensation will disappear, and there will be no progress in the development of this muscle group. On the other hand, excessive overload is also not needed; it is necessary to find a balance so that the muscle approaches the next workout in its best shape - sufficiently restored and ready to take on a new portion of the load. 2 times a week means using about 5-6 sets for each muscle during each 2 - x weekly training sessions. Since the frequency of such training is moderate, its volume must also be kept moderate. The total weekly total volume is: 10-12 sets.


Number 12 is given as an example as a kind of ideal weekly training volume and understanding of the mathematics of training schemes. Its meaning is that during the workout you need to complete (conditionally corresponding to the scheme) training volume. 12 conditional approaches mainly apply to large muscle groups; for small ones this figure 6 .

Is it possible to pump every day: the most effective scheme

Frequency Split Training 1 once a week for a muscle group are very popular among ordinary people who visit gyms. However, they are the least effective for most people. Of course, they work, but a full week of rest and exercise for quality muscle development is too much. If you look at the numbers, it turns out 52 training per group per year, with frequency 2 once a week for each muscle group it turns out 104 training per year. What do you think is better? In my opinion the answer is obvious.

Total according to the schemes we have:

  • training each muscle group 1 once a week - least effective method of all those presented;
  • training each muscle group 3 once a week - the most successful scheme for beginners (regardless of purpose). Split into all muscle groups is what you need;
  • training each muscle group 2 once a week is the best option for most people (except for beginners) who want to gain mass, increase strength and lose weight.

Actually, this was the last thing I would like to talk about, let’s summarize all this nonsense information.


Is it possible to pump every day? In theory, yes, in practice, for most people this will not give any accelerated rates of muscle growth and overtaking competitors on the turn. Muscle growth is a process, a long process, and rushing it because, you see, you don’t have time to get your body ready for the beach season is not an argument. Therefore, we are not looking for shortcuts, but are looking for correct and sensible information on the pages of the ABC of Bodybuilding project.

Well, something like this, my dears, see you again!

PS. Friends, how often do you go to the gym, please share?

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in your social network status - plus 100 points towards karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Now the sport has become fashionable and popular among both boys and girls. More and more different fitness groups are appearing on the Internet, where a lot of information about the rules is published. proper nutrition, about different training systems, etc. And many representatives of the fair sex wonder is it possible? In this article I will try to answer this very popular question, but first you, dear readers, must answer my question: “What is the purpose of your daily training?”

If you are seriously wondering, is it possible do fitness every day, because you can’t live a day without him due to the great and mutual love for sports - that’s one conversation; if you forcibly torture yourself with daily workouts in the hope of losing those hated pounds, that’s a completely different conversation.

So in the first case, it is already a plus that you like to do fitness. This, firstly, has a positive effect on your health, and secondly, it makes you more beautiful and younger. But you need to be careful with everyday training. The thing is, it's not for everyone. fitness classes every day. This is what we will now try to figure out: who will be suitable and who will not.

The number of workouts per week depends on several factors:

  1. Intensity and type of training
  2. Goal of training
  3. Experience and preparedness of the training girl

These factors are directly related to the recovery processes in your muscles and the whole body as a whole. Let's take a closer look at each point and the frequency of training, based on their content.

Example No. 1

We take an average girl with no more than 3-4 months of experience in the gym, the goal is to lose weight and create a beautiful, toned body.

If you work out in the gym for a short time, and your workouts take place in light mode, without lifting incredible weights, etc., then it will take an average of 24 hours for your muscles to recover. During this period, the body will have time to build new structures and completely replenish the energy expended during such training. Therefore, the frequency of your strength training should be 3 times a week. On days separate from strength training, you can do any cardio activity: aerobics, dancing, light jogging, cycling, etc. This will not put too much strain on your muscles and will help speed up your metabolism and lose weight.

Example No. 2

If you are a girl who also works out in the gym, but your experience sports life more than 1 year. The goal is to maintain physical fitness and build muscle mass.

This means that, most likely, you are training with fairly heavy weights and your muscles need 24 to 48 hours to recover and grow. Now I'm talking about really heavy weights and training large muscle groups (legs, back). To restore small muscle groups such as shoulders, biceps, triceps, you need less time and rest, so you can train them more often.

So, is it possible work out every day in the gym a girl whose goal is to build muscle mass? In principle, it is possible. But...there is a very important point! As I said above, every muscle group needs rest. Hence the input: if your training today was aimed at large groups muscles (buttocks, legs, back), then tomorrow you CAN go to the gym, but you should work out small muscle groups (arms, shoulders, calves). It is also possible to do cardio training: interval running for 20-30 minutes, jumping rope, cycling, etc. But it is still recommended to give it 1-2 times a week complete rest your body

Example No. 3

If you are not a fan of the gym and lifting various types of weights, your goal is weight loss or just an incredible love for fitness, and you prefer group classes with a trainer, then the question is: is it possible every daydo fitness, I can answer. But with one condition: the training must be of a different nature.

For example, today you do yoga, tomorrow you do dance aerobics, the day after tomorrow you do Pilates, and the day after tomorrow you do interval training. Such a weekly schedule would be ideal for a girl who enjoys fitness and wants to look young and beautiful. If you have the opportunity to visit different classes classes, then this is great, feel free to go and try yourself in different areas of fitness! If you don’t have this opportunity, don’t be upset, you can also choose your favorite type of fitness and try to attend training every day. If you feel good and cheerful, do not feel any discomfort, lethargy or fatigue, then everything is in order - you are the kind of girl who can exercise every day and get from it not only benefits, but also pleasure!

Example No. 4

If you are not new to the world of fitness and are involved in high-intensity training (Tabata, CrossFit), functional training and interval strength training, then in this case practice every day not necessary. The thing is that such training greatly accelerates the metabolism and forces the body to work and burn fat even a whole day after you have trained. Training of this nature helps save time for those who do not have it. large quantities. Just 20-30 minutes a day of such training is enough to start the fat burning process for many hours to come. Therefore, training in this mode every day simply does not make sense (unless you are a fitness maniac). But on some days after such training, you can do something more relaxed, such as yoga, Pilates, and stretching.

I gave you a couple of examples of how and with what frequency you can do this or that type of fitness. But remember, dear girls, that your best adviser and assistant in this matter is your own body. Some people like it do sports every day, and for some, just 2-3 times a week is enough to achieve results no worse, and maybe even better, than with everyday tedious workouts. You need to listen to yourself and your body - this is the most important rule! Remember: the result of your training is directly proportional to your attitude towards it. You'll enjoy your fitness routine and reach your goal faster!)

I wish you good training!

Your coach, Yana Skripnik, was with you.