What do people do in the subtropics? Presentation on the topic "subtropical zone"

Lesson objectives: become familiar with climatic conditions subtropical zones; get acquainted with the climatic conditions of the subtropical zone; learn about the features of the animal and plant world Cherno sea ​​coast Caucasus; learn about the characteristics of the flora and fauna of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus; about people's activities; about people's activities; learns to work with a herbarium, additional literature learns to work with a herbarium, additional literature

Some people get water from great depth with its long roots, the length of which reaches m.

Large representatives of the animal world also live in arid places. These are camels and antelopes. Antelopes are good runners and run great distances in search of water. And the camel stores fat in the tissues of its body, when consumed, water is released.

Subtropics in our country occupy a small area. The main subtropical region is located on the coast. On the one side - Caucasus Mountains, and on the other – the Black Sea. The main subtropical region is located on the coast. On one side are the Caucasus Mountains, and on the other, the Black Sea. The tropics are a thermal zone located on both sides of the equator. The tropics are a thermal zone located on both sides of the equator. What does the word “subtropics” mean? What does the word "subtropics" mean?

The climate in the subtropics is much warmer than in the temperate zone. Summer is very long and quite hot. Summer is very long and quite hot. Winter is short and not cold. During winter, the temperature remains above zero almost all the time. Winter is short and not cold. During winter, the temperature remains above zero almost all the time.

The flora of this zone is rich and diverse. On the slopes of mountains at an altitude of m broadleaf forests, where oak, hornbeam, ash, linden, maple, and chestnut grow.

Sturgeon Refers to valuable species fish Reaches a length of 2 m and a weight of kg. Fishing is currently prohibited. The mouth of sturgeons is located on the lower surface of the head and is devoid of teeth. It feeds on worms and larvae living on the bottom. Most of the sturgeon's life is spent at sea. To spawn, it enters the Don and Kuban rivers.

One of the most remarkable and striking phenomena in the Black Sea is its glow. This usually happens in August. It is caused by tiny organisms main role among which flagellated nocturnals play. They look like small fish eggs. You can spend hours watching, sitting on the seashore at night, how the wave rushing onto the shore flashes with bright sparks. Most of the inhabitants of the Black Sea can be seen in aquariums in the Arboretum and on Novaya Matsesta

Man by the sea Growing valuable crops: tea, lemon, tangerine, grapes, pomegranate, etc. Black Sea coast Caucasus as a resort area. Fishing, crab fishing, shrimp fishing. Breeding mussels (in special pools with clean water) Usage wild plants subtropics by humans (wood, medicinal raw materials, building material)

TEST “Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.” 1. The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus is located…. a) in the forest zone of the country b) in the subtropical zone of the country c) c steppe zone countries 2. The subtropics of Russia are a) a vast zone in the center of the country b) a vast zone in the east of the country c) a small zone on the Black Sea coast 3. On the slopes of mountains in the subtropics the following trees are often found: a) beech, chestnut b) larch, lingonberry c) alder, linden

4. On the Black Sea coast live: a) cicadas, praying mantises, locusts b) fillies, darkling beetles c) speed beetles, water striders 5. In the Black Sea live: a) crocodiles, anacondas, seals b) jellyfish, dolphins, flounder c )sharks, fur seals, turtles 6. In the subtropical zone: a) moderately hot summers and warm winter b) hot summer and moderate cold winter c) moderately warm summers and cold winters.

Subtropical climatic zonesgeographical zones Northern and Southern Hemispheres globe, extending between tropical and temperate zones. The area located in this zone is characterized by alternating temperate and tropical climate regimes. This is due to seasonal rhythms general circulation atmospheric air: V summer time subtropical zones are under the influence of the trade wind climate regime, in winter - under the influence of the cyclonic circulation of temperate air masses. The exception is the eastern outskirts, where summer monsoon precipitation is observed.

IN summer period average temperature air temperature is more than 20 °C, in winter - more than 4 °C. When polar air masses penetrate, there is a high probability of frosts and light frosts (down to -10 °C). Above land in the subtropical zone the level atmospheric precipitation and their regime varies significantly from coastal regions of the ocean to inland ones. This, combined with an increase in climate continentality in the same direction, determines significant landscape differences in the characteristics of natural zones.

On the territory of each continent in the subtropical zones, three main regions are clearly distinguished: the western oceanic, or Mediterranean, with high humidity in winter; continental with insufficient air humidity all year round; eastern coastal, or monsoon, with high air humidity in summer.

Natural areas of the subtropical zone

In the western oceanic region, the so-called semi-arid subtropics, there is a zone of hard-leaved shrubs and forests on brown soils. In the Northern Hemisphere, after the zone of hard-leaved forests and shrubs, zones of subtropical steppes on gray-brown soils follow to the southeast. To the east there are zones of subtropical semi-deserts and deserts of the continental region on gray-brown soils and gray soils. These are dry subtropics.

IN Southern Hemisphere In the continental regions of the subtropics there is a zone of subtropical steppes on gray-brown soils. In the eastern regions there are humid subtropics with evergreen broad-leaved forests, and in higher latitudes there are deciduous broad-leaved forests with an admixture of evergreen tree species plants on red soils, yellow soils and yellow-brown soils. In mountainous areas, the subtropical zone corresponds to the forest-meadow (in wet areas) and forest-steppe (in dry areas) levels of altitudinal zonation.

On the territory of the CIS countries there is a section along the upper border subtropical zone, because the nature here does not correspond to that typical for the subtropics. The subtropics occupy the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, the southern coast of Crimea, the Colchis, Kura-Araks and Lankaran lowlands, the Alazani Valley and the southern outskirts of the deserts of Central Asia.

Due to human economic activity in the subtropics, forests are often replaced by plantation and field landscapes. In the fauna there is a cohabitation of species of temperate and tropical zones. Ocean waters in the subtropics are characterized by relatively high temperature(15-16 °C) and high salinity of water. As a result of weak vertical mixing of ocean waters, the concentration of oxygen and plankton in them decreases. This is due to the small number of commercial fish.

Related materials:

The location of the zone lies the secret of its amazing climate and nature. The sun heats the sea during the summer (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Black Sea in summer ()

And then the sea releases warm air to the coast in winter. The high and young Caucasus Mountains (Fig. 3) are close, they are an insurmountable barrier to the cold north wind Therefore, the coast has moderately hot summers and warm winters. There is a lot of precipitation. The air here is humid.

Rice. 3. Caucasus Mountains ()

Flora This zone is rich and varied. On the slopes of the mountains there are broad-leaved forests untouched by man. They grow here beech And oak- majestic trees, known for their high quality wood (Fig. 4-5).

It also grows in these forests maple, linden, hornbeam, chestnut(Fig. 6-9).

Evergreens are planted in parks and city streets: Pitsunda pine, cypress, thuja, laurel(Fig. 10-13).

IN ancient Greek culture The laurel represented victory and peace and was dedicated to Apollo. That is why in Greece musicians, poets, dancers, whose patron was Apollo, were awarded laurel wreaths (Fig. 14), while athletes were crowned with olive or celery wreaths.

Rice. 14. Awarding a laurel wreath in Ancient Greece ()

IN Ancient Rome the laurel wreath becomes the highest sign of military and imperial glory (Fig. 15).

Rice. 15. Emperor Ancient Rome Claudius in a laurel wreath ()

Laurel leaves have long been used as an aromatic seasoning (Fig. 16).

Rice. 16. Dried bay leaf ()

You can also see the magnificent magnolias(bloom in February-March) and silver acacia(blooms in January-February) (Fig. 17, 18).

In the city of Sochi there is a famous arboretum (from the Greek δένδρον - tree) - a unique collection of subtropical flora and fauna, which is a monument of landscape art (Fig. 19).

Rice. 19. Sochi Arboretum ()

About 2000 species of plants from all over the world are collected here: radiata pine from North America, pinus pine from Italy (the fabulous Pinocchio was made from a log of such a tree), cork oak from the Mediterranean (bottle caps are made from its bark), etc. (Fig. 20-24)

The Sochi Arboretum has a rich collection of palm trees. Here, for example, elephant palm, it is more than 100 years old, its trunk looks like an elephant’s leg (Fig. 25). This species was brought from Chile.

The most tall trees in the Sochi Arboretum - cypress trees, their name comes from the island of Cyprus (Fig. 26).

Rice. 26. Cypress trees ()

The arboretum presents many types of flowers and flowering plants, so here all year round you can observe the colorful flowering of one species or another. Blooms in autumn and winter camellia, brought from Japan (Fig. 27).

Blooms from mid-winter Erica, this flowering shrub greatly decorates the winter park (Fig. 28).

Sochi Arboretum is a safe zone not only for rare species plants, but also for animals. There are many birds here: pelicans, peacocks, black swans etc. (Fig. 29-31).

The Black Sea coast has been famous since ancient times for its magnificent harvests of vegetables and fruits. Pumpkins are grown here bell pepper, peaches, grapes, tangerines and even tea (Fig. 32-37).

Rich and varied fauna subtropical zones. Hot humid climate suitable for insects: among the green foliage you can see praying mantis(feeds small insects), chirping can be heard in the evening cicadas(herbivorous), difficult to find on oleander oleander hawkmoth- fleeing from enemies, he disguises himself as the coloring of this plant (Fig. 38-40).

This zone is inhabited by Caucasian lizard , she is harmless, fast and dexterous (Fig. 41).

Rice. 41. Caucasian lizard ()

Bright and unusual bird hoopoe, it has a long, sharp beak, and its colorful crest sometimes opens up in the shape of a fan (Fig. 42). Its favorite food is ant larvae and caterpillars.

In the Caucasus Mountains live roe deer, noble and graceful animals, emphasizing the tranquility of these places with their calmness (Fig. 43).

But if necessary, roe deer can develop high speed and make jumps up to 8 m in length (Fig. 44).

Rice. 44. Roe deer jump ()

They live in the Black Sea bottlenose dolphins- sociable, intelligent and easy to train animals (Fig. 45).

Rice. 45. Bottlenose dolphin ()

Bottlenose dolphins communicate with each other using whistles at an ultrasonic frequency - the human ear can only distinguish some of these sounds.

One of the most ancient living creatures on Earth, they appeared even before dinosaurs (Fig. 46).

They only look flabby, but to the touch the jellyfish are elastic and hard. They have an umbrella-like structure with many tentacles. If you touch a jellyfish, you will get burned, just like when you touch nettles - this is how the jellyfish defends itself. But if a jellyfish is washed ashore by a wave, it dies because it consists almost entirely of water and cannot be on land.

Thousands of Russians annually relax and recuperate on the Black Sea coast. Most Popular resort towns- this is Anapa, Gelendzhik, Tuapse (Fig. 47-49)

and, of course, Sochi, which is the largest resort city in Russia and Europe, and is also unofficially called the summer, southern and resort “capital” of Russia (Fig. 50).

In the next lesson we will learn what consequences mankind’s thoughtless impact on nature has led to, what nature conservation is, why it is needed, what its rules are.


  1. Vakhrushev A.A., Danilov D.D. The world around us 3. - M.: Ballas.
  2. Dmitrieva N.Ya., Kazakov A.N. The world around us 3. - M.: Publishing House "Fedorov".
  3. Pleshakov A.A. The world around us 3. - M.: Enlightenment.
  1. Festival pedagogical ideas "Open lesson" ().
  2. Social network education workers Nsportal.ru ().


  • Choose the necessary continuation of the given statements.
  • Prepare small message about one of the inhabitants of the Black Sea. Draw an illustration.
  • * Using the knowledge gained in the lesson, create a crossword puzzle (20 questions) “By the Black Sea.”

All natural areas have long been developed by humans. It actively conducts economic activities, thereby changing the characteristics of natural areas. How do human economic activities differ in natural areas?

Polar deserts

These are the most unsuitable regions of Russia for farming. The soil here is permafrost and covered with ice. Therefore, neither animal husbandry nor crop production is possible here. There is only fishing here.

The coastal areas are home to Arctic foxes, whose fur is highly prized throughout the world. Arctic foxes are actively hunted, which could lead to the extinction of this species.

Rice. 1. The most unsuitable natural zone for farming is the Arctic desert

Tundra and forest-tundra

Natural conditions are not much better than in the polar deserts. Only indigenous people live in the tundra. They are engaged in hunting, fishing, and reindeer herding. What changes did the person make here?

The soil of these areas is rich in gas and oil. Therefore, their extraction is actively carried out here. This leads to significant environmental pollution.

Forest zone

This includes taiga, mixed and deciduous forests. The climate here is temperate, characterized cold winter and relatively warm summer. Thanks to the large number of forests, flora and fauna are widespread here. Favorable conditions allow you to thrive various types human economic activity. Built in these regions large number factories and factories. People here are engaged in livestock farming, farming, fishing, and the woodworking industry. This is one of the natural areas modified by humans to the greatest extent.

Rice. 2. The world is experiencing active deforestation

Forest-steppe and steppe

These natural economic zones differ warm climate and insufficient rainfall. The soil here is the most fertile, and the fauna is very diverse. Agriculture and livestock farming flourish most in these areas. Various varieties of vegetables and fruits and cereals are grown here. Coal is actively mined and iron ore. This leads to distortion of the relief and destruction of some species of animals and plants.

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Semi-deserts and deserts

The conditions here are not the most favorable for human economic activity. The climate is hot and dry. The soil is deserted and not fertile. The main type of economic activity in deserts is animal husbandry. The population here raises sheep, rams, and horses. The need to graze animals leads to the final disappearance of vegetation.

Rice. 3. Livestock farming in the desert

Subtropics and tropics

This region has undergone the most changes due to human activity. This is due to the fact that this is where civilizations arose and the use of these areas has been going on for a very long time.

Subtropical and tropical forests practically cut down, and the territories are occupied by agricultural plantings. Huge areas are occupied by fruit trees.

What have we learned?

Man is engaged economic activity in almost all natural areas of the world. This leads to their significant modification, which ultimately can lead to the extinction of some species of animals and plants.

Test on the topic

Evaluation of the report

Average rating: 4.4. Total ratings received: 346.

Description of the lesson about the surrounding world in 4th grade, developed using the techniques of “Technologies for the development of critical thinking through reading and writing.”

Completed : teacher primary classes GBOU Secondary School No. 3 Smyshlyaevka Peredriy Olga Gennadievna.

Lesson topic: By the warm sea. Subtropics. Natural zone of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

Place of the lesson in the lesson system on this topic:Lesson 13 out of 20 in the section “Around native spaces”

Lesson objectives:

  • introduce students to concepts tropics and subtropics , With geographical location zone, its features, flora and fauna, economic activities of people;
  • form an idea of ​​the natural zone of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus;
  • develop the ability to work with a geographical map;
  • develop speech, the ability to observe, reason, draw conclusions.

Planned results:

  • students will learn to find and show subtropics on a map of Russia;
  • characterize natural conditions and flora;
  • compare the subtropical zone with the desert zone;
  • understand the importance of the sea coast of the Caucasus for the health of people and the need to protect the nature of this zone.

TRKMChP techniques used in the lesson:true and false statements, working with text and filling out a table, mood thermometer

Lesson progress

I Organizational moment.

1. Challenge.

II Updating knowledge. Examination homework. Test

A1. What are weather conditions in the desert?

1) hot summer, little precipitation

2) hot summer, harsh winter

3) warm rainy summer

4) short hot summer

A2. Which thorny plant do camels readily eat?

1) juzgun 3) camel thorn

2) grate 4) cacti

A3. What animal is called the “ship of the desert”?

1) saiga 3) corsac

2) camel 4) scarab

A4. What are dunes?

1) animals 3) sand shafts

2) plants 4) dust storms

B1. What animal uses long strong legs Jumps up to 3 m high?

1) saiga 3) foot and mouth disease

2) corsac 4) jerboa

B2. What beetle was worshiped in Ancient Egypt like a deity

1) beauty beetle 3) darkling beetle

2) scarab 4) stag beetle

C1. How animals adapted to desert conditions

1) they have thick skin

2) during the day they bury themselves in the sand and feed at night

3) they can go without water for a long time

4) by eating plants, they receive the necessary moisture

C2. Which environmental problems exist in deserts?

1) salts accumulate in the soil due to excessive irrigation

2) there is more shifting sand due to improper grazing of animals

3) the soil is polluted due to mining

4) the number of saigas is declining due to poaching

III Self-determination for activity.

We have visited almost all natural areas, traveling through them from north to south. But perhaps there is another natural area that we should get to know?

Formulate the topic of the lesson. Set goals.

Each student has a sheet of paper with statements on their desk. We read them collectively, everyone puts a “+” sign if true, “-” if false, next to each statement.

1. Zone subtropical forests located on the Black Sea coast. (+)

2. The subtropical zone occupies large territory our country. (-)

3. The subtropical zone is located near Ural mountains. (-)

4. The subtropical zone is characterized by moderately hot summers and warm winters. (+)

5. The flora and fauna of the subtropics are very diverse. (+)

6. On the map, the subtropical zone is indicated yellow. (-)

7. Whales live on the Black Sea coast, sea ​​turtles, seals. (-)

8. Apricots, peaches, and figs are grown in the gardens of the Black Sea coast.(+)

IV Work on the topic of the lesson.

2. Understanding.


Let's turn to the map. Where is the subtropical forest zone located? (It is located on the coast. On one side are the Caucasus Mountains, and on the other – the Black Sea.)

How much area does this zone occupy? (It occupies a very small area.)

How sun rays heat up earth's surface near the tropics?

(The sun's rays fall almost vertically.)

In what thermal zone Is the subtropical zone located? (In the temperate zone, but close to the Tropic of the North)

The location of the zone lies the secret of its amazing climate and nature. The sun heats the sea during the summer, and then the sea releases warm air to the coast in winter. The Caucasus Mountains are close, right next to the coast.

What height are these mountains? (High mountains)

That's right, these are high young mountains, they are a barrier to the cold north wind, so the coast has moderately hot summers and warm winters. there is a lot of precipitation. The sea sends a large amount of moisture to the land, and it is also retained by the mountains.

What are the tropics? (The tropics are a thermal zone located on both sides of the equator.)

And translated from Latin, the prefix “sub” means “under.” So what are subtropics? (This is the area under the tropics)

More precisely, close tropical zone. The subtropical zone is located to the south of our country, and here, on the Black Sea coast, it is only a piece.

(the last line is filled in, the previous ones are filled in in previous lessons)Each row of the table corresponds in color to a specific natural area.





Animal world






Mixed forests

Broadleaf forests




To fill out the second column of the table, read paragraph 3 of the textbook on page 98.

Why is this climate typical for the subtropical zone?

Complete the third column by reading paragraphs 1 and 2 on page 100.

What plants can be found in the subtropics, but not in our zone?

Complete the fourth column of the table by reading paragraph 1 on page 101

What animals can be found in the subtropics?

Complete the last column by reading paragraphs 1 and 2 on page 99.

Physical education minute.

“Lazy Eights” - draw “eights” in the air in a horizontal plane three times with each hand, then with both hands.

“Cap for thought” - gently roll your ears from the top to the lobe three times.

“Blinking” - blinking for each inhalation and exhalation.

V Consolidation of the studied material.

VI Reflection.

3. Reflection.

Let's get back to the statements. Check if you have placed the signs correctly everywhere? Evaluate your work using mood thermometers.

I suggest you take a test that will help you determine whether you understood everything in the lesson.

TEST “Black Sea coast of the Caucasus”

1. The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus is located….

a) in the forest zone of the country
b) in the subtropical zone of the country
c) in the steppe zone of the country

2. Subtropics of Russia are

a) a vast area in the center of the country
b) a vast area in the east of the country
c) a small area on the Black Sea coast

3. The following trees are often found on mountain slopes in the subtropics:

a) beech, chestnut
b) larch, lingonberry
c) alder, linden

4. On the Black Sea coast live:

a) cicadas, mantises, locusts
b) fillies, darkling beetles
c) scarlet beetle, water striders

5. The Black Sea is inhabited by:

a) crocodiles, anacondas, seals
b) jellyfish, dolphins, flounder
c) sharks, fur seals, turtles

6. In the subtropical zone:

a) moderately hot summers and warm winters
b) hot summer and moderately cold winter
c) moderately warm summers and cold winters.

VII Summary.

What would you advise friends who are going on vacation to the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus? (Take care of nature, do not throw garbage on the coast, wear a hat, swim only with adults, etc.)

VIII Homework.

Technological map

Teacher Peredriy Olga Gennadievna

Date 12/10/2014

Class 4 V

Lesson topic U warm sea. Subtropics. Natural zone of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

Lesson type Lesson in learning new knowledge


  • Developmental: develop the ability to organize educational cooperation and educational activities with peers, develop the ability to work with a geographical map.
  • Educational: introduce students to concepts tropics and subtropics , with the geographical location of the zone, its features, flora and fauna, human economic activities, to form an idea of ​​the natural zone of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus;
  • Educational: develop communication skills and the ability to evaluate one’s own activities;
  • Planned educational results: students will learn to find and show subtropics on a map of Russia; characterize natural conditions and flora; give examples of relationships between living and inanimate nature; compare the subtropical zone with the desert zone; understand the importance of the sea coast of the Caucasus for the health of people and the need to protect the nature of this zone.

Methods: verbal, information-receptive (transformation of information), search, cognitive reflexive, TRKMChP techniques (working with text and filling out a table, true and false statements)

Forms: frontal, group, individual

Educational resources: multimedia lesson support, physical map Russia, map of natural areas

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activities

Formed UUD

I Organizational moment

Creates an emotional mood for work in the classroom.

Personal UUD: positive motivation is formed

II Checking homework

III Updating knowledge


True and false statements.

Each student has a sheet of paper with statements on their desk. We read them collectively, everyone puts a + or - sign opposite each statement.

Determine your level of knowledge on this topic

Formulate the topic of the lesson and set goals.

Regulatory UUD: skills are formed to draw up a lesson plan (defining the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson), planning actions to fulfill the objectives of the lesson. Accept and save the learning task.

IV Self-determination for activity

Work on the topic of the lesson


Filling out the table “Natural zones of Russia”. Textbook pp. 98 – 101. Work in pairs.

Fill out the table “Natural zones of Russia” using the textbook text

Cognitive UUD: ability to analyze, find supporting words.

Communicative UUD: the ability to listen to the interlocutor, the ability to listen to others, the ability to express one’s thoughts, construct statements, understanding the rules of working in pairs (distribution of responsibilities, drawing up a plan for joint actions, the ability to agree on joint actions)

VI Physical education minute

"Lazy Eights", "Thinking Cap", "Blink"

Do the exercises. activating brain activity, attention, clarity of perception and speech

Personal UUD: developing the right attitude towards your health.

VII Continued work on

topic of the lesson

Reinforce the learned material by completing tasks from the workbook.

Complete task No. 3, 4 from RT.

Cognitive UUD: search and selection of information, structuring, analysis and synthesis of information

VIII Reflection


Comparison of answers from the “True and False Statements” rubric given at the beginning of the lesson and at the moment.

Conducting a test to determine mastery of the topic

Work with “True and False Statements”, perform a test« Black Sea coast of the Caucasus"

Communicative UUD: understanding the rules of working in pairs (distribution of responsibilities, drawing up a plan for joint actions, the ability to agree on joint actions)

Summing up

Asks questions:

Where is the subtropical zone of Russia located?

What attracts people to the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus?

What environmental problems arise on the Black Sea coast?

What do you advise to friends who are going on vacation to the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus??

Summarize the lesson by answering questions

Regulatory UUD: Comparison of the set goals and the outcome of the lesson, self-assessment of the work performed.


Recording homework.